Showing Posts For LucianDK.8615:

Aetherblade Field Researcher

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


You can only turn in a fractal journal if you are on the respective step for ad infinitum

the revenant like crystal arbiter set is back

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Been waiting for this one to return, after I missed it the first time around. It really gives a Revenantish vibe, and Ive really been wanting an alternative for Mistward.

central Tyria mastery points (non-HOT)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Since i commented 2 months ago, things have changed royally. Now I am sitting on 11 excess Central Tyria mastery points, with all central lines filled. It certainly looks like a daunting prospect at first to find them, but they WILL come. Dont fret, just play the game and you will get more than enough.

Staff - Woe is me

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Personally i enjoy sword has a really visceral feel to it just melting people with impossible odds up feels so brutal ,sword 3 is really cool also and sword 2 hits like a truck. Staff auto looks cool but the only staff ability i find “fun” is staff 5 . Mace is underrated imo really cool looking abilities and the attacks feel like they have a ton of weight behind them pitty condi stuff is way more effort to get than power gear.

Mace is pretty good looking, but unfortunately mallyx as condi is trash for pve, and you are badly held back by not having a ranged condi wep.

Staff - Woe is me

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Staff is a far bit more entertaining to use, yes. Classic sword is so boring. But I figure they didnt want to take steam away from the daredevil, hence why they have repeatedly nerfed the staff.

Mistward armor

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


You still have to do the collectathons as well. Getting a rev to 80 is just the starting requirement.

lvl 70 how do i get to new Hot content

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Too early, you must lvl to 80 first.

where can i find some builds to try out

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


A revenant chooses 2 active legends. In this case it would be legendary assasin stance and legendary dwarf stance.

I threw up a quick build for you.

where can i find some builds to try out

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Shiro/Jalis is your best setup to use then. Keep Shiro as your main, destroy enemies with impossible odds and escape snares with riposting shadows. Flip to jalis and use vengeful hammers when you need aoe or condi cleansing. The road and the taunt is junk, and his elite is only good in groups, its really vengeful hammers that is carrying jalis

I advise sword/axe as your mainset, with hammer on switch for going ranged. Milk axe 4 for everything, a gap closer is insanely useful.

where can i find some builds to try out

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Revenants doesnt have a lot of builds, he is very much limited by the legends.

You need the elite spec legend Glint, leaving you with just one choice. Which nearly always tends to be Shiro. Out of all the baseline legends, all of his skills is useful, unlike Jalis or Mallyx.

So the herald build listed on metabattle is pretty much the most efficient build for Revs. Usually switching out shiro with jalis if you have a chronomancer in group. Mind you, I am talking from a pve perpective. Mallyx is more useful in pvp, but still paired with Glint.

For PvE, Mallyx condi builds is not considered viable due to being underpowered and you really can feel you are lacking a ranged condi wep.

Ironically, Mallyx works better in a power build, but thats only using Embrace the Darkness as a bufftoggle. +10% all stats and ignoring the rest of the skillset.

Ventari is not considered useful at all, undertuned and underpowered. Druids or tempests does healing much better.

[Suggestion] Revenant Rework Document

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Regarding hammer 2. The cd feels too long at 4 secs. Id like to see it lowered to 3secs. But i am quite fine with increasing the energy cost as a tradeoff.

Dominator skins... Dayuuummm...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Weapon design is growing more and more insane. Awful designs, and no real animation of note.

Please return Underworld and FoW to GW2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


The godly exodus was long before GW1

Looking for weapons with blade trail effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Since it doesnt seem to be clear. Is there any other non-legendary weapons with bladetrails, alike what fractal weapons have? I am not looking for merely animated or glowing weapons, but ones that leaves a trail in its wake as you swing them.

Looking for weapons with blade trail effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


It was really if there was alternatives to Fractal sword with bladetrails.

Raid armor box [HoT] stat exclusion !

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Dont fret, it may cost a bit of extra gold. But you can convert ascended armor in the mystic forge.

lightning bolt above power reverant

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Think you may be confused about something. Revenants doesnt use lightning attacks.

No ascended duplicates allowed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


What are you on about? I dual wield two ascended swords with no issue.

Staff, axe, mace and shield...functionality

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


staff 5 could definitely use an adjustment to be easier to use. But I speculate the issue is that you always rush a specific distance when using it.

yes, I dont know why we still have a selfroot on shield 5, they gave the reason that the heal was ‘strong’ for why we had the root. Then what do they go and do? nerfing the heal and still retaining the root.

Looking for weapons with blade trail effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Weapons that is not legendary, which have blade trail effects like the fractal weapons or Volcanus

Ive tried to search for it, but not having much luck.

How useful is Cruel Repercusions in pve?

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Yes, but -WHY- take Cruel Repercusions if nothing really triggers it in pve? Thats my whole question.

I find Cleansing Channel to be a lot more useful, given our weakness to conditions.

If its a PVE Build (which is often optimized for damage and not much else), I assume its taken for use in the few cases where it can be triggered. The other traits in that tier, while having some use, aren’t going to contribute as big of a damage boost to you as that particular one when it does come into play. Meanwhile, Malicious Reprisal has to compete with Vicious Laceration.

Mind elaborating on what few cases that can trigger Cruel Repercussions? Its the lack of such that makes me question its pve value.

How useful is Cruel Repercusions in pve?

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Yes, but -WHY- take Cruel Repercusions if nothing really triggers it in pve? Thats my whole question.

I find Cleansing Channel to be a lot more useful, given our weakness to conditions.

How useful is Cruel Repercusions in pve?

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


I see pretty much every rev build for pve taking it, but it seems dubiously useful to me. Only a faint rarity of mobs blocks, like Smokescales. And what good is the damage buff if the mob still keeps blocking?

Cruel Repercusions seems intended to be paired with Malicious Reprisal, which allows you to strike through blocks. But i see no builds using that one, opting for Laceration instead.

Heart of Thorns Campaign Build

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Dodge. Defensive stats doesnt give enough to allow you to tank them. And mushrooms, kite them with a hammer, they are deadly. Or outright avoid them if too many.

The big charging dinos I can kill comfortably with a hammer, but they are all but impossible to kill in melee if alone.

Revenant bug list

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Bothers me that vengeful hammers isnt on the list.

Verdant Brink - Over powered Enemies

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


I hate to break it to you, but HoT is very much group oriented. The wast majority of hot hero points requires goruping to get it down. And the hot mainly relies on large, map wide meta events.

Herald: Glint Legend Help

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


I think you have a disconnect on how revenants works. You really want to get your energy down to zero, or close to it. Instead of sitting constantly in one stance.

For the simple reason, each time you swap legends, your energy is reset to 50.

In particular useful for Facet of nature, since running out of energy will give you a minor cd of a few seconds on it as it resets. Compared to consuming it, which will put it on full cooldown. Its the only way to get rid of active upkeep skills without putting them on full cooldown.

mistward plate

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


not a guaranteed drop afaik.

[HoT Spoilers] Hypothesis on season 3

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


From the blabber I heard, ls3 would involve the egg hatching, and us having to deal with the result.

Protection and Rite of the Great Dwarf?

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


I am thinking in terms of party protection, not just for myself.

Protection and Rite of the Great Dwarf?

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Do they stack? Or is it better to stagger them?

Ive been chaining Rite and consuming facet of nature to mitigate the rather heavy damage from Mossman in fractals with quite good results.

Bladed Armor Box = Soulbound when open?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Unlock the skin and xmute it onto your warrior.

Blinking heal skill buttons after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Since the major jan 26 patch, Ive frequently noticed that the revenant’s heal skill button will begin to blink constantly if hit too frequently in succession, if theres also lot going on the screen. Only stopping to blink after another successful cast of the skill.

At first I thought it was an issue about Facet of light only, since it got a cast time added, and you now try to frantically hammer it to make it go off in time, since it has to first activate the facet, then being consumed. But Ive noticed the blinking happening with the Jalis and Mallyx heals as well. But also in busy moments of skillhammering.

Vengeful hammers disappearing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


This issue is fairly old now, but I would really like to know if its acknowledged by Anet as it ruins the skill

Fact: Vengeful hammers will get destroyed by just about anything, from uneven terrain to small bumps on the road.. Leaving you with one, or even no hammers at all sometimes. All while the skill often keeps channeling with nothing but empty air swirling around you.. Can be rather hard to judge at times if you are just wasting the channel or not.

I love the skill, gives much needed aoe punch to the revenant. But seriously, hammers disappearing is making it unsuable in way too many areas and places. While other classes can drop down their aoes with impunity, while revenants are so terribly hampered by this buggy skill.

-PLEASE- remove terrain collision from the skill!

Aetherized Nightmare Weapons drop rate?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


One I spoke with, said the droprate is pretty low. He had 2 drops over 3 months.

New Builds at the Start of Meta Events...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


3 hours delays sounds like a good compromise to alllow people to finish what they are doing, before they are forced to update.

Request Soul River glider as a gem store item

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


it was available for a short while at a 2000 gem discount. That made it buyable for me, as I needed an appearance reroll item, plus the immortal weapon.

Soul river glider really goes well with the luminescent armor.

Revenant invoke to use them?

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


You need to invest hero points in your abilities, so you get more legends. Starting, you only have Jalis. Press H, look under training, put points in legendary assassin.

Make revs F1 25% aoe, keep 50% for the rev?

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


I think you mean our F2 ability Facet of Nature.

Its a rather team oriented ability, mainly meant to feed chronomancers. Feels of fairly little use to the revenant himself.

[Suggestion] Revenant Rework Document

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Or druid, not every ranger wants to be a healbot.

[Suggestion] Revenant Rework Document

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


We need a ranged condi weapon for sure. And I think you misunderstood what elite specs are about, they were supposed to offer an alternative playstyle, not something grossly outperforming the other specs as is the case with Glint. And why Glint needs to be nerfed and base rev bought up to par. Base rev leans far too much on Glint to be useful at all.

Base Rev never had much if any lifetime without Glint, as its clear Glint was designed to prop up base Rev. Which is seriously unfortunate.

We're going to the Crystal Desert next

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Humm, I came to wonder. What if the Crystal Desert is opened as part of LS3? Think Dry Top and Silverwastes. And leading us into Elona properly as the next full and large continent.

Mistward Weapons Skins ETA?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Im afraid they will end up as a black lion set to drive key sales, due to all the revs twitching for em

Also, they are called Mistbreaker. I know the hammer is.

(edited by LucianDK.8615)

[Guide] DPS Revenant for PVE

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Hrm, not really seeing the need to have toughness, if you are not the tank.

Could Mallyx do better with as a hybrid?

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


For PvE

Tried to strike up a build, with stuff ive access to.

Ive paid note to that Mallyx is struggling to have his condi damage stand alone. So why not lean a bit more on power to complement it for a two pronged assault? Viper and sinister lends themselves readilly to that, together with berserker runes. I looked at Destruction as second traitline to gain the improving traits from there, as well choosing a sword as offhand for the laceration bonus. Though im unsure if it benefits condi. Same as well for Swift Termination.

Regarding Venom enhancement, dont be blindsided by that it only procs a single stack of poison. The mace AA have a strong poison attack on third strike, which benefits a ton from VE.

We're going to the Crystal Desert next

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Maybe we will ascend properly, since the place of ascension is there. And i wouldnt be suprised to see Turai Ossa return yet again. And a desert place might bring a revised dervish.

Though in hindsight the scythe wielding reaper pretty much stole the dervish’s role. ITs almost dead on if you get the light bladed armor, and you can pretend to be a dervish. Heck, you even take an avatar form.

(edited by LucianDK.8615)

Please Anet give us Condi range weapon

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


The best bet for ranged condi is probably the next elite spec. But I wouldnt bank on ranged greatsword, mesmers already stole that.

STILL no sword fix?

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Strongly looking at Condimallyx for this very reason. Mace is far more visually pleasing than sword.

So it's time

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Boonbot playstyle can go diaf as far im concerned. It needs to be toned down and merely offer an alternative playstyle, and not something that massively blows every other legend out of the water.

So booooooring and skill less to maintain and pop the ocassional facet, but the benefits of permaboons is just too good.

Interesting changes for Mallyx today

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Embrace the Darkness: This skill will now deliver an attack instead of piercing all defenses. The skill remains unblockable and will ignore blindness, but it will no longer pierce evasion.

Diabolic Inferno: This skill will now deliver an attack instead of piercing all defenses. The skill remains unblockable and will ignore blindness, but it will no longer pierce evasion.

Ive heard some blabber that it makes both effects benefit from +duration. How much could that help a condimallyx dpswise?