Hrm, some good points there. I do hope Anet seriously improves the kalla utilities to be more useful, but i am cautiously optimistic.
Hrm, i mainly liked the idea of the bow to have a ranged attack ability when need forced it on you. Areas with lots of melee hate, as well large openworld blobs where you simply cant see anything in the melee field due to twilight users. But otherwise i tend to be quite good with mace axe as long the melee field is viewable.
When playing power rev in the past, I used the hammer a lot in open world groups and when ranged, before closing in and swapping to the melee set. Having no ranged set as condi currently have made me better at melee i think, but i still miss not having the option. But that will soon be adressed with pof.
Hrm, some good points there. I am currently fully ascended vipers myself, and opted for 4x nightmare and 2x trappers. I have malice+geomancy on my mace/axe set now. But would geomancy still be useful on the shortbow if you mainly intend to use it when you have to be at ranged, or do you think you will still end up with enough mobs around you to make it still count?
Yeah, looking at the sheer level of doom and gloom in the Revenant forum, news about hopefully positive changes for the Renegade is badly needed.
Ah, thats what i figured. Ive already swapped to the QT setup.
just wait and see, theyve said they have changes comming, the stress just is the older build still.
On metabattle I am seeing x6 Berserker runes listed, whereas QT have 4x Nightmare and 2x trapper listed. How do the two options stack up versus each other? And thats with using full Viper gear.
Id be curious to hear how it stacks up versus the mallyx elite, which is normally used with the trait that inflicts burning.
Pretty interesting take on the revenant, id play that. You have 4 skills in the AA chain, theres only 3 normally.
Though having offhand open would allow for axe, which already have a shadowstep. With the elite as well, revs would stick -very- well to enemies, especially since they focus on energy regen.
the bow has two bleeding moves and two burning moves. and the razorclaws rage spirit inflicts large amounts of bleeding too.
So, Sigil of Agony and Sigil of Smoldering for the bow I think? Improving both bleeding and burning with 20% duration.
Reve primary has torment and burn, with the new niche bleed from kalla. You pretty much answered your own question tbh.
Guess i wasnt clear about it, I meant sigils for use with the new shortbow on swap.
Yep, all viper insignias are account bound, you need hot if you want to use them.
I see some misinformation here.
Core revenant becomes available with either heart of thorns or path of fire. But to unlock Herald and use Viper stats you need to have HoT. Likewise to unlock Renegade and pof specific stats such as Grieving, you need to own PoF.
Grieving is Power and Condition damage major with precision and ferocity as minors.
Viper is Power and Condition damage major, with precision and expertise as minors.
Imho, its the expertise that makes Viper so good, as expertise increases the duration of your conditions. so it will remain superior to grieving.
Hope that clears up things.
(edited by LucianDK.8615)
you can get by with carrion gear from trading post as a placeholder. Mace and axe is your main weps, with staff on switch. Eventually youd want to craft weapons and armor with viper stats. You can grind viper accessories from the ls3 maps.
For more details, check out:
Regarding utility spells, a revenants utilies are locked to the legends you use. A significant change from every other class.
Ive been wondering what sigils a renegade should use, since it adds bleed to our repetoire.
Sigil of Agony looks like a given for the bleed focused shortbow and Kalla, but what else?
Sigil of Smoldering and Sigil of Geomancy looks like staples for the Mace and Axe still.
I think ascended gear is more than enough to have, given the sheer effort needed to obtain it
I am wondering if they will cost the same 250 hero points to unlock like the HoT elite specs? I know the HoT elites initially costed 400, but was downgraded to 250 later on. But this makes me extremely reluctant to buy herald for my new revenant if renegade is going to be in the 400+ range.
Shame they still arent ingame.
new spec should be buyable immediately. I am rolling a new revenant and intending not to unlock herald as I loathe the spec and going full out Renegade asap.
Shield isnt terribly good for a tank, due to shield 5 rooting you in place. A tank will need frequent movement.
But herald have fine access to protection through Facet of Chaos, and Facet of Light is a good uh oh heal. Plus with the herald traitline you can spec double stability on dodge.
I would LOVE GS for revenant.
Pistol I would say no too b/c you already have hammer as your ranged weapon set.
We have hammer as a POWER weapon. Its fairly bad for a condi build.
Pistols serves as condi weps for thieves and engineers.
AB is easy to farm and offers far more variety than DS, and isnt a complete maze like VB or TB.
No thanks on the Pistols or Rifles. I already hate the fact that they’re in the game now.
Personally, I’d love to see the GS added.
Cuz of Twilight, right?
Revs badly needs a ranged condi option. We have ranged and melee power, and melee condi.
I went to play with Mallyx revenant and the mace in pve, because sword mainhand have so many issues. Precision strike being so hilariously unreliable and weak in groups, and your abovementioned problem with UA.
Try Mallyx and the mace, feel so much better to play. Unyielding Assault feels powerful to use.
Methinks you overlooked Riffles and pistols.
Reputely the hot stats will be available on ls3 achievement rewards. So that should cover this problem.
Not true. Faster access to utility skills and refreshing energy.
The lenghty 10s limit makes it brutal to regularilly depend on utilities from your second legend. Like swapping to glint to heal, yet the teleport and snarebreak is stuck with shiro.
Plus a faster legend swap would make cleansing channel a lot more useful as well.
hate being told to run staff for cc. I could live without weapon swap. And reduce the cd on legendswap to compensate.
What is the AC you are mentioning?
playable content is more important, legendaries is just fluff for the tiny 1%, they have to think of the masses.
Tried using sword offhand for a bit in pve, but axe mobility just trumps it hard.
Not like sword offhand is terribly good. Everyone using axe.
But yes, I see lots of edgelord revenants begging for greatsword so they can use twilight.
Absolutely not, gw2 doesnt need dps meter toxicity.
Will be seriously depressing if they dont manage to get ad infinitum out in the april update.
Hrm, so gift of infinity will require another fractal journal for collection 4? Good to know, better get started on collecting another one.
Seems you arent aware of the fixed timer:
Bookmark it, then you will always know when the next DS is available.
I prefer playing games in windowed mode so I can watch my other apps, and preferably a borderless maximised window so you dont accidentally drag the window or resize it.
Guild Wars 2 really wants to go full screen when you click the maximise button. But I just learned that for windows 7+ users, you can go into maximised windowed mode with winkey+up.
Which is exactly how I want it to be, and how I play WoW. But the big problem is now that the game becomes quite unfocused, and the text very blurry.
You people have completely overlooked something. Stat infusions. An alternative for those not wanting to do fractals and taking stat improvement in the base agony resist slots.
You can get +4 stat infusions from laurels. Or +5 from laurels and badges of honor, with minor wvw stats on them. However these doesnt have omni stats, and are bound by defensive and offensive limitations. Like my current setup have 10 defensive slots and 9 offensive slots.
You can also craft 5/5 infusions, 5 stat with 5 agony resist. Including an omni variant so you could potentially stuff every slot with offensive stats, instead of having to devote just about half to defensive. But those are insanely costly in mats.
Its closer than you think.
8 days ago.
I want to reiterate that everything we work on either ships in April or starts beta-testing on Live servers in April. We’re locking down dev work for the April release soon — next up is localization, QA, integration and regression testing — but we’ll extend the deadline for WvW skill balance.
So Id expect to see news soon.
no class changes until june? April is the quarterly balance update month.
Think the bubble glider was pretty much the only thing people noticed.
I am -anxiously- hoping to see improvements to the Revenant and its underpowered Ventari, Jalis and Mallyx legends, to make the baseline class more useful. While herald well could use to be toned down, boonfarting spec is not fun to play.
Surely anet have had enough feedback by now, since base Revenant legends saw zero improvements in the Feb update?
And the torment condition really needs a second look, really suffers on overly static bosses. Which is a shame as mallyx is fun to play, full torment specced. Unyielding Anguish is pleasing to use. Though a ranged condi wep would be really a godsend..
Edit: and of course Ad infinitum! Is it comming at last? I truly hope that Gift of the Fractals and Gift of Infinity is not obscenely obnoxious to make.
(edited by LucianDK.8615)
Personally id love to see some of the ritualist skins returning from gw1 for the revenant. Preciously little stuff that feels fitting to the class. Mistward + Crystal Arbiter.
Also, any plans to reintroduce old black lion sets?
The hot metazergs are so large its often truly difficult to see anything in melee range. The namespam blobs obscuring so much. And then spell effects on top, argh!
Currently torment is not terribly good on overly static bosses. But then I had the thought: What if you get a trait that causes your torment stack to always deal full damage IF the target is afflicted by burning?
Alternatively I had thought of fear as the trigger, as that would make the buff neutral for pvp, since if afflicted by fear, players would run and trigger the full damage anyhow. Plus that the revvy himself cant apply fear and relying on the group for it.
Not really kitteneful suggestion for a ranged weapon, you dont want to be in the face of foes.
Axe 4 kinda covers the mobility aspect, but if you are dead set on a leap. Look at Unyielding Anguish on Mallyx. It could really use a range increase to be more useful.
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Posted by: LucianDK.8615
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You get -plenty- of spirit shards in the world. They have been moved to mob and chest drops.
The obsession with raids is a very bad idea, and it takes away from the casual content, which is what keeps gw2 alive. Dont try to compete with wow and being something you aint. Stop with the raid kittenz.