I was watching a movie earlier today and a scene happened….as he was reading I thought….hey…..it’s like he’s describing D/D Ele’s:
Speed: Unknown
Size: Unknown
The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. Never engage this class! Your only chance?
Hide, and pray it does not find you…
So uh….ya….ANet you can go ahead and update the description whenever. Some credit for the find would be nice.
Thanks! ^^
1. Burn Stacks/Damage (Yes, this gets the #1 spot.)
The current burst meta is a condition……..it’s literally contradicting itself just me saying it. Currently certain classes like Engi, Ele, and Gaurdian, when played well, can burst you down with burn stacks faster than zerker can with damage.
2. D/D Ele
I actually am surprised this is still an issue. The ammount of gap close, burst, and get out they have is insane. Every time I see one, or play mine, I feel like our portraits should have the jagged purple border warning people to run the **** away.
3. Rampage
It’s just…….it’s rampage…..what more can I say? It’s about the equivalent of my joke post earlier that Thief’s need an 8 second invulnerability signet. It’s pretty much this….
4. Mesmer
They are caster thieves that potentially have the highest burst in the game, the most escapes (Under d/d ele), and whats that?….they can do it all from stealth?…..well then….>.>
These are what REALLY need balancing. Below is one of my own personal opinion…
Necro’s downed state:
I literally feel like Necro’s are twice as scary when downed vs when up…like….to the point where I will down them, just to make them less mobile….and run away…because if I stay they can down me from full health before I can stomp them proved they land their fear…….really?
I literally have burst a necro down on my D/D Ele, had full health remaining, and been downed before I can stomp them, then killed……..
I feel like you are focusing too much on getting into stealth.
To be honest, the kingpin of why I, (and I’m sure many others) play d/p is your #3 ability.
I run Shadow tree, letting me stealth on steal which is usually how I initiate…..does it waste the 1 second interrupt….yes….but it gets me behind them, insta stealths me, and gives me Fury/speed/Might….it’s basically a free backstab to open.
Running the crit tree makes it 100% chance that that opening strike is going to crit, meaning you’ve started the fight in the blink of an eye hitting for 9-10k on squish builds like yourself, and 4-6 on tankier builds. Even the tankier builds this is instantly ripping down 30% of their health. And the squishy builds like yourself are basically losing 75-90% of their health instantly.
Now, against a tankier build they might stand and fight:
1. Make sure you let your 3 auto attacks run their course to get your poison on them. This will help kill their heal and d/p auto hits pretty darn hard.
2. If they stand and fight, throw down #5 and follow it up instantly with a 3, this will usually block their 1st 2 attacks, if they are say, a hammer war, it will block their first 3. 3. Follow 5 and 3 with a 2, this will stealth you, and set you up for another stealth attack.
4. At this point I’ve typically downed anyone who stands and fights minus the tankiest of guards…which you shouldn’t be fighting anyway. It’s not your classes job to handle them.
The squishies will bolt….and even some of the less experienced tanks >.>
1. Youve likely just chunked their health to the point where they have 20-30% left. They are going to bolt. If they don’t….a quick auto attack rotation should down them.
2. When they bolt, use your #3 to stick to them. If they control you and bolt, use Infiltrators signet.
3. Run your auto rotation and you should down them fairly quickly.
After either of these scenarios, throw down shadow’s refuge for an easy finisher.
Final utility is Shadowstep for those who were curious…another gap closer, although I use it almost exclusively for escaping since d/p with infiltrators signet has all the gap closing you could need. If you really feel like things are going badly, attempt to shadowstep away, stealth up with shadows and reset.
This is running full ascended zerkers in WvW, and Full zerkers in SPvP
The key to d/p is to be huge burst and most importantly to GIVE NO QUARTER. The build revolves around giving them no chance to breathe, no room between you and them, and sticking to them until either they’re dead, or you are. It’s an all or nothing build.
That being said, many people don’t like this play style. If you like being tankier and outlasting your opponent, maybe d/p condi is better for you.
Hope this helped.
P.S: Know your classes role. Your role is to get behind their front line with steal and kill their squshies/range like Rangers, Mesmers, Ele’s, Necro’s (Sorta lol)and other thieves. I still go after Warrior’s and Engi’s and down them all day but I’ve been playing for a while. If you are going after guards, unless you’ve been watching them and they are squish guards (Do those exist?) You are going outside of your classes role. Guards are built to counter us. They can usually withstand your burst and hammer out protections long enough to turn on you. Remember what I said, this build is all or nothing, if you cant kill them, they will kill you FAST! I’ll usually avoid guards unless there’s no one else to fight, but to be completely honest it usually ends with me shadow stepping away and stealthing off. Play to your strengths and know your weakness. Most important tip I can give you.
(edited by Luclinraider.2317)
No one wants an invincible thief unloading on them….but invincible warriors are ok?
Warrior are WAY more damage, maybe not on the burst…but over the 8 seconds….heck ya. Along with their knock downs….easily.
At least you see the warrior coming lol
You’re depending too much on your eyes. Gota feel the flow of the universe :P
No one wants an invincible thief unloading on them….but invincible warriors are ok?
Warrior are WAY more damage, maybe not on the burst…but over the 8 seconds….heck ya. Along with their knock downs….easily.
What? Tons of classes have this invulni button….but not thieves.
On the contrary plenty of classes have stealth AND blinks….AND have an invuln button :P
See, you guys are seeings skills you already have as trade material for this signet.
Prove it’s a missing, but needed, piece of the thief :P
Figured out how to fix thief!
New elite should be replaced with a signet:
Passive: Revealed no longer effects you
Active: Immunity for 8 seconds
Not sure why some classes get a press 1 button I can’t be hurt skill, but time to even the playing field imo :P
This is just an idea/opinion.
Shadow arts are supposed to be about perfecting your skills in stealth right? So why does our gm in the tree have nothing to do with helping us get into stealth?
We are given a heal that may as well not heal at all because 180 health a second isn’t saving anyone when Mes and Ele’s are AOE’n for 3k just by existing. We are given a poison share……woooo >.>. And we are given whenever we stealth blind surrounding enemies…this skill every now and then helps out but still….not worth of GM.
IMO one of these GM need to be changed to put thief’s back on top as stealthies. Right now there is NO REASON to play a thief. D/D Ele’s do our damage, if not more, and have greater survival, and Mesmers make our stealth look like a fat kid hiding behind a skinny tree. I think one of the GM in this tree should be you no long are effected by “Revealed”. It would at least give us something that we do better than another class.
And before anyone gets into CnD spam…..that skill costs 6 Initiative…..so sure….you can use it up to 3 times in a row no problem…..if you are killing someone by using nothing but CnD then you are fighting an AFK…..I’m actually pretty sure you cant even kill an AFK with just CnD :P.
I just think it’s dumb that someone who has focused their training on stealth and hiding has the same restrictions as every other fighter on the battlefield who havent focused their training in the shadows.
It’s also pointless to be a theif…as mentioned before. Mesmers stealth better than us, d/d ele’s burst and survive better than us…….c’mon Anet, give us something…..
I don’t think it needs much of a change at all. I just think the evade timer needs to be changed from 1/4 second to 1/2 second….that’s it. I also think its hit mechanics needs to be fixed. Ive done it on AFK targets…meaning they arent even moving. And it still applies only 2 stacks of bleed, or even 1 sometimes……all 3 need to land more often than not unless the target it literally in the middle of dodging
I agree. Whats the technical evade timer on dodging? Is it 3/4 Second….1 Second?
Are there any plans to increase the evade time on this move? Or is it bugged and doesn’t give any evade currently?
I am smacked out of the air 100% of the time while using this move….as in it doesn’t evade….ever.
I realize pretty much NO ONE uses this move…but isn’t that reason enough to take a look at it? All I read about in Thief is P/D for Cond, and then 90% of thief’s just going D/D burst…..with staff move set pretty much just complimenting the horde now….
Shouldn’t your moves that no one’s looking at get a rework to make them viable?
Or at least fixed if they are bugged? >.>
Number one is a good point I didn’t think about.
Was there an active season at the major patch though? Because my que’s were really quick then. Like…faster than LoL que’s on average.
Anyone else noticing this? At the big patch my PvP que’s were like…20 seconds. (Minus not being able to que at first)
Now a month later I’m waiting 3-5 minutes…….
Are less people PvP’n due to the inbalance and Mesmer/Ramp/Burn issues?
If the games PvP scene dies due to 1 class doing everything better than every other class….maybe then they will fix it? lol
I know how you feel. I also feel like Necro’s are the highest damage class once downed. I feel like even if I down them, they will just down me back and rip me apart on the ground.
I actually dont feel this…this has happened quite a few times in the last 2 weeks…even if I bring up stealth to try and drop them…their life steal stays on me even while stealthed and just drops me….
Hi Charles,
First off, thanks for the chance to voice our opinions.
I will be talking about thief from a sPvP and WvW standpoint.
As I’ve said in other posts, I think the thief skills are mostly fine….with the exception of elites. I think the biggest problem is the new Trait build.
Elite Skills:
This has been a long standing problem with thief. We literally might as well have one elite, BV. And even then it is quite underwhelming, it being a venom. I feel that venom’s were balanced around “Shared Venom’s”. Now, this is a good idea, but I feel that they were made to be just decent while “Shared Venom’s” is being used…meaning if it’s not…they are severely underpowered. This results in our only real elite skill being built to be just meh. The “One with Shadows” was a great elite skill…I miss it." (Im pretty sure I got the name wrong…I cant remember it, but you guys know what I am talking about)
Dagger storm is pretty meh, usually resulting is the thief getting pounced on and massacred as he spins. It just doesnt do the damage to make leaving yourself out there worth it.
Thieves guild………possibly the worst elite skill in the game. I love the idea of this skill and wish I could use it. But it basically summons two thief’s that look nothing like you so they dont even work as a distraction. And then just to make it even more laughable, they hit for about 90 damage on average……..oh…and did I mention it’s about a 3 minutes cd……ya lol.
New Traits: I feel the new traits are made to kinda kitten us. Most of our trademark skills such as remove a condition periodically while in stealth and 20% cdr reduction on stealth skills have been placed into the same line….leaving us with lines that are worthless, and in the end only having half of our needed traits. Then some trait line, such as Acrobatics, are just unusable….nothing in there is worth running over the other lines.
I also feel that the new trait lines leave thief dealing some of the lowest damage in the game minus coming into an already weakened opponent and hammering 2 with an already buffed threshold.
Do I have a specific answer as to how to fix the thief? Not for the trait lines…it takes way too much testing and balance for a player to give recommendations other than maybe move them around a little so ALL of our good ones arent lined up.
I do however think the thief’s elites need to be redone….thief literally doesnt have any elite worth running….if I could use my elite slot for a 4th utility skill I would in a heartbeat.
In the end, the thief is currently not the best at mobility, stealth, condi, burst, survival, or control….meaning there is no point to play a thief. It’s the jack of no trades, it’s just taking up a slot that could be a better class.
(edited by Luclinraider.2317)
If any of the thief elites need to be redone it’s “Thieves Guild”….
Holy moly…talk about a useless skill. 3 min cd to summon 2 thieves that not only look nothing like you so they dont pull attention off you, even for just half a second to confuse your opponent….but they usually hit for less than 100…..they are like the minions in LoL at the 45 minute mark :P
WvW will not be as detailed. As many of you know there is plenty of time spent in WvW that isn’t constant combat. Also the Zerg makes it hard to see pros/cons in the class I’m playing. There are also just too many variables and alternating scenarios’ that pan out that I can’t control to judge as a class issue.
There is one class that stood out though…..and I hate to say it because it’s all I am seeing on the fourms…..Mesmers.
A group of 4 of us all ran our Mesmers for over 4 hours in one sitting. None of us ever died, and we were able to kill groups of people twice our size. Our ability to stealth each other results in a literal perma stealth. Heck…2 Mesmer can perma stealth with each other….4 makes it so we don’t even need to coordinate. If any of us ever went down, we would just stealth up, rezz, and get back to the fight. This is of course when we weren’t coordinating stealth group shatters to drop groups of 10 in a split seconds or blind entire groups out while we tear then down. Was it fun? Hell ya it was fun! But fair….not really.
All in all, I think Anet know there are certain classes such as Warrior, Guardian, and Mesmer that are just too strong right now. And I’m sure they will do something about it come expansion time.
In general though….I think the game itself just has too much burst. There is no reason to try and build tanky or support your group with heals because it takes 4 heals/defensive skills in order to equate to one offensive skill. (Minus condi removal….on certain classes cough guardian). I fell like the game has become like vanilla WoW raids. “You dare show up as anything but massive burst, well gtfo, you’re useless then” Burst trumps all in the current state of things, and I don’t think that’s how it’s supposed to be.
Side note: I did an experiment in all 100 of these games. I tried to predict which team would win based on whichever team has more Mesmer’s/Guardians. If I was playing either of these classes I was indeed included in the count. I was right 90% of the time. That’s 90 games out of the 100, the team with more Guardians and Mesmer’s won. I even went up against a team….I presume premade, that was 3 Mesmer’s and 2 guardians. The game ended with us having about 60 points…..we literally couldn’t leave spawn. This has resulted in the 40 or so games I have played past these 100 ALL being played on my Mesmers….because I want to win darn it!
Note: I didn’t keep count, but I’d say about 35-38 of these last 40 games have been win’s on my Mesmer.
Lastly, having got to play with the Rev just today. I actually really like the Centaur path of its skills, being a supporty/healer type character. But I cant help but feel it will just be another useless attempt in the shadow of burst. After all, if I’m healing for 1700 every 2 seconds, and my ally is being burst for 15k every 2 seconds…I dont think I’m prolonging his life by even a seconds…in fact…what I’m doing is weighing my team down because I didnt bring massive damage to the party. Once again….not how I feel the game was meant to be.
I hope this helps some of the Dev’s see maybe some areas that are a little Under Powered and a little Overpowered in the current game.
I’m still playing and having fun, so thanks for my current main MMO. Just trying to help it stay that way.
I’m sure there will be many people who disagree with my findings so I am completely open to hearing your opinions. Lets keep it as a discussion though please, not a flame :P.
Final Note: I am aware that my skill in each of these classes is a factor. But considering I play my Guard and Hunter more than any of them, and my Mesmer least of all, and Mesmer still came out on top not only in win’s, but also in just plain ease of play. I don’t think that factor skewed the results too much.
As far as combat for Condi thief goes:
Stay away from mesmers, they can stealth more than you and burst you down before you have time to reload that pistol of yours.
Stay away from Ele’s because hell…they are just immune to you.
Stay away from warriors because they are immune to you for 8 seconds….more than long enough to kill you so just stealth away and go find someone else.
Stay away from Guards because you’re only buffing them…silly thief.
Stay away from other thief’s because that’s a fight of who strikes first…unless they have shadow step….then they are going to shadow step your Bass Venom and come back and make you eat that gun of yours. And really….who doesn’t run shadow step ;p.
So uh……hunters…..go for it. You can own hunters if you get the jump on them….unless that kitten PET eats your entire rotation because of his erratic hyper speed pathing around his master. But really, hunters aren’t a problem for you, fire away.
If the opposing team has no hunters….then sneak around and try and ninja points, it’s all you’re good for. And so you’ve fallen into a single role, much like hunter’s have.
In closing for sPvP, the rules for these 100 games were that they ALL had to be pugged. None of these were with a premade team as that would obviously alter the results.
Well….my original character was my hunter…and my fourth character was my thief.
Due to my Hunter already being Power/Perc…my thief was made Condi…but eventually got the gear to be Power/Perc as well.
We will start with hunter……they were bad before….they are still pretty bad now. Won 9/20
Hunter’s lack the utility to survive or hold a point in most cases. Although they are some of the best support dps in the game. What I mean is, if my buddy is fighting someone, I will literally sit there and auto attack until I see him use both of his rolls, then unload rapid fire. Rapid Fire will hurt….it will hurt SOOOOO badly. But without the utility to survive the other classes initial burst, the above scenario is really the only time you get to see it happen in all it’s glory. I found myself running in to try and take a point only to get instantly blown up by mesmers, warrior, guardians, and even thief’s. If I tried to hold a point….it wouldn’t go much better. I would get stealthed up on and blown up unless my signet was up. This left me, as a hunter, having basically one role….run back and forth between 2 controlled points and support your friends from the high ground with rapid fire. If they had us triple capped….then sit at base and don’t feed them points until my allies had secured one back.
Note: I do not have the gear OR the experience at playing condi hunter to test it properly…so I didn’t. With the current state of Condi they could very well be monsters. But honestly, I played against plenty of them and they were never any real threat. I mostly watched them playing support DPS the same as I did before I went and stealth blew them up.
Oh boy…..what happened to thief….Won 7/20
Our trait lines seem like they were made to screw us. All the best skills are compiled together in the same lines. Such as….removes a condition from you periodically while in stealth, vanish into stealth if your health hits a certain threshold, or 20% cdr on all stealth skills. And then in the next line you have, If you stealth an ally they heal for 300, applying a poison deals 200 damage, and stealing stealth’s. Now stealing stealth’s is actually pretty nice, but you get my point. Why the heck do I have to sacrifice my 20% cdr in order to get condition removal. Their solution is in another tree, every trick you use removes one condition…….1 CONDITION! Well then, I guess I better load my utility up with 3 tricks because there’s definitely going to be more than 1 condition on me……but wait…now I don’t even have any stealth because all I have is tricks…..oh man…
And when we are not dealing with all of our good traits being lined up together, we are dealing with ENTIRE trait lines being utterly useless. Acrobatics…I’m looking at you. Now don’t get me wrong, Don’t Stop, and Hard to Catch are good traits….but the rest of the line is horrid, and those 2 traits still aren’t INSANE like some of the other classes traits.
Now it’s not all bad, some of the skills are pretty useful, such as every time you stealth you blind all enemies around you. But I can’t help but feel the traits are what are holding thief back post patch. Well….that and revealed. Never understood why reveal was in the game. They even tried to make us love it by giving us a trait that was “While revealed you get 150 power”……well woopdie doo, that 150 power will go to great use while I hammer my blinding power trying to escape the Mesmer and Warrior who are turning my face into a Picasso. Reveal even causes some of your trait to do nothing. You just came out of stealth and hit 25% health. Well, that trait should have pulled you back into stealth…but you’re revealed…so your trait does nothing……mmm…..great.
As far as D/D goes, not much has changed. You have tons of burst. If your target survives your bust then gtfo because your running on empty for another 20 seconds. You cant really hold points, although if someone wanders up alone you can indeed blow them sky high.
Condi/Survival is a little worse for wear post patch. What I mean is…condi is being looked at as OP in the current meta. Meaning condi nerfs are coming…..but condi isn’t OP, it’s just Burn….which Thieves don’t even have. So when the condi nerf comes….condi thieves will be ever more bogged down.
Arcane…….won 16/20
There really isn’t much to say. Their damage has always been through the roof, but unlike the above 3….you actually have to set it up. They beat out engi’s because I feel this patch increased their survival with things like being immune to conditions while over 90% health.
Note: This effectively makes them immune to certain character. While running my thief as condi I ran into a Ele running this spec who literally did /sleep with me shooting and spamming poisons on her with all of them coming up as “Immune”. Being full condi at the time I lacked the damage to drop her under 90%….making her literally God Mode….I eventually did /sleep with her and we sat there for a bout a minute before she attacked and I Shadow’s Refuge-ed away.
Nade-Nado BOOM!
Really not much to report….won 12/20
I’m honestly not a big fan of the Engi class. I made one for my team because they can bunker hard. This patch I feel buffed them, then leveled them back out. Leaving them better…but not as buffed as many of the other classes.
Condi was buffed…which means necro’s got buffed…right? Won 12/20
Well ya, to an extent. The problem is, they still don’t deal the condi damage that the burners do. They still have some great survival though. And honestly, I still run a bajillion pets, making me all but immune to range because I wear my pets like a suit lol.
All in all, I think necro’s got some help this patch. But their level of help was nowhere near the others so….ya
Well…I finished the above post patch and here’s what I’ve found.
Note: These are based on what I experienced….they aren’t law…although I feel 140 matches and 20 hours of WvW is sufficient for a general basis.
Also Note worth I currently play all classes at 80 except for Warrior. So my perspective on Warriors is strictly as a spectator.
Tier S – Mesmer
Tier AAA – Guardian & Warrior
Tier AA – Elementalist
Tier A – Engi & Necro
Tier B – Thief & Hunter
Now, again, this is in general. There are surely Thief’s and Hunter’s out there who can bring down anyone they come across. This is an observation based on the current class not on what the pro’s can do with them.
I didn’t play my Mesmer……like…..ever. I loved the whole Mesmer class and the idea behind it. But just couldn’t get into the play style. Post patch has changed this. Not that I’ve suddenly become a huge fan of the play style, but more that playing a Mesmer almost assures me a win. Out of the 20 games played as a Mesmer my team was Victorious 19 of them, with the loss being due to 2 DC’s, and with me receiving top player marks in almost every one. Does this mean I am a great Mesmer? Hell no…..I hardly ever played the class….their new tech is just, simply put, insane.
Mesmer is currently #1 in Burst, Escape, Invis (Goes with escape), and Control. So…basically all your prime aspects in PvP. I can roam from point to point seamlessly with a near perma invis that gives me haste. Once I am there I can generally kill whoever’s guarding, even 1v2, without much effort by keeping them blinded. And once I lock down a point, I can defend it from 2-3 players no problem. With the ability to stealth myself and all my clones on the point and keep them that way for quite a while….all I would do is wait….for groups of 2…3….sometimes even 4 to come and try to take it back before shattering from invis and dropping them all into downed. (No I couldn’t finish the job because 4 downed people will still kill me) But it takes them out of the fight, giving my team an easy 3 cap.
Guardian/Warrior (Observation):
My guardian was almost just as successful as my Mesmer, winning 18 of his 20 games. Although there were no DC’s involved. Guardians are currently the strongest form of Condition damage, while being virtually immune to it. I would burn people out while using Purity and Resolve to basically make it impossible to condition me back. I also had the HP and toughness to survive any attempt to burst me down before they succumb to my conditions. The only exception to this was the above…..a well played Mesmer could indeed burst me down within seconds.
Note: Once…and only once. I was burst down by a D/D thief running a Pure damage and no Survival build. A build that is pretty much useless since he cant effectively take or hold points. But it did indeed do the job of bursting me.
My observation and info from friends who play warriors is almost the same except instead of using conditions, they use burst. They have the ability to burst down almost any other class before being burst down themselves (Minus Mesmer’s). They also have the control to take and hold points. On top of that, they have the ability to negate conditions, much like guardians, becoming immune to them for 8 seconds. Due to this, I would probably rate Warrior higher than Guardian, but since I didn’t actually play one myself, I feel they can be together.
(edited by Luclinraider.2317)
Except I have……5 times now.
I did the initial patch…everything went fine. But every time I try to que for BG’s….this is what I get.
Anyone else getting this bug….basically making it so I cannot sPvP.
Except I have……5 times now.
I did the initial patch…everything went fine. But every time I try to que for BG’s….this is what I get.
Anyone else getting this bug….basically making it so I cannot sPvP.
I dunno man,
One of my main PvP chars is a P/D Thief, and I actually feel like we do more damage now. They made the lethal arts tree add so much poison damage that my poison is actually like a second bleed now…..with a little bit of torment thrown in for fun.
I will agree that some of our trait lines are kinda bleh….and I will also agree, we do have a decent dead timer, meaning once we blow our rotation….we dont have much left but sb spam.
But for the last 2 weeks ive consistantly been top player on spvp, and still am a brutal roamer in WvW.
The biggest difference I see is that I actually think we are EVEN STRONGER 1v1…..and we are now a little weaker 1v2+
My suggestion….run the move speed signet. At the start of this build I was also having some trouble surviving. That 25% move speed somehow fixed it. Just being able to get that extra 1/3 distance while stealthed was the diff between being caught out of stealth in leap distance, and being home free for my rotation to come back up :P.
Hi guys,
I came back to GW2 about 6 months ago, been playing it pretty much as my main game, enjoying it a lot.
Learned all the in’s and out’s, got with a great guild, got all my ascended gear….still working on the precursor’s -.-…..
Anyway, I am extremely active in PvE, World Bosses, and WvW. This last week I decided to give sPVP a try and am liking it a lot. One thing that this form of PvP has made me notice though is:
1. Why all the nerf Mesmer posts fill this board…..not here to talk about that.
2. What do I do about pets…..?
It might just be me, but something that keeps happening is when I unload burst, or if I am on my ranger and just doing sustained dps…..pets keep eating my hits without even meaning too thanks to their crazy erratic in your face movements.
This happens every now and then fighting a ranger…might even happen to people fighting me…..
When I REALLY realize it though is when I am fighting Necro’s……the ones with like 5 pets…..they will charge me and literally form a wall just blocking all of my ranged attacks. If I try to roll through them their programming seems to be to always reform that wall. This kinda makes sense right…if their job is to protect their caster/master. But it literally seems to mean I HAVE to be rolling melee to hit these necro’s lol.
Maybe I am missing something….is there a way to assure that my burst is landing on the necro and not pushing half of my dps into pets?
Thanks for tips.
I see the forums and map chat flooded with this…along with Nerf Guards and Mesmers.
I am not going to get into the later. I’m pretty sure Anet realizes they screwed up with Mesmers with how many posts there are about it.
But lets get one thing straight….it’s not CONDITIONS that are broken…..it’s A CONDITION…..Burn.
Conditions were bogged down for 3 years of the game with their cap. Finally Bleed, Poison, Torm, and Confusion (Was always good) are in a good spot that, from what I can see, is pretty balanced…(Although when super stacked on World Bosses it can be a little insane).
Note: Only one of my five characters is Condition build. So it’s not as if I am trying to stop them from nerfing my character. It’s more of a 4/5 conditions are finally viable and make for a fun new game to play now that they are. I would hate to see it all ruined again and go back full circle because that 1/5 is currently broken.
I am hoping we can all agree on this. Maybe I just haven’t seen it though. Has anyone been getting massacred by Poison, Bleed, or Torment (LOL! Ya right), the way burn is now melting people?
Hey guys,
I found most of the new traits an easy decision to make for my classes….except my thief.
P/D Condi. 2 of the tress I’ve decided are a must. But I cant decide the 3rd one between 2.
1st tree (Relevant to build): Gives me 3 more max initiative, Applies 4 stacks of Vuln and Torment, amounting to about 2500 damage if they dont move, 5k if they do. Steal applies 8 seconds of confusion amounting to 800 damage over 8 seconds, but 2,800 damage on skill use. (Major damage if they come out of basilisk venom spamming skills…which they usually do :p)
2nd tree (Relevant to built): Makes me move 50% faster while in stealth, 30 sec cd, if I take any hard CD, it removes it and auto fills my end bar, 10 sec cd, any immobolize on me is instead turned into a cripple, Cripples and Frost effects have 50% effectiveness on me. Build includes Shadowstep….major mobility.
So basically, is it worth saccing the 3 extra initiative (Decent), the 4 torment giving 2.5-5k damage (Kinda meh), and the 5 stacks of confusion for 800 damage over 8 seconds but 2.8k damage on skill use for 8 seconds (REALLY GOOD!)-
In exchange for being nearly uncatchable…….
I’m just posting to see when everyone thinks the nerfs will be coming for whatever class you think is OP.
I wont be naming any classes, and I have a max level of all but one class so honestly it doesn’t change much for me. If you really want my opinion, I have already posted on other threads.
But what do you think needs to be nerfed, specifically, to bring whatever class you think is out of control atm back down to earth.
Constructive specifics only please. We have enough threads filled with “This class is OP fix is NOW!”
I don’t know. All I see here is D/P thief. I smoke D/P thieves all the time. As long as you’re rocking some Toughness and Vit. I think Condi thieves are WAY scarier lol. Sure you can mass cleanse them, but then they just run away >.>
I’m usually not one to talk about nerfs. And my main is a mesmer……but still, I have to agree we could use a little tone down lol.
I’m actually not playing my Mesmer at the moment due to the new prof’s. I can literally stealth/haste ,myself and my group for 50 seconds out of every minute. 3 friends and I ran around WvW for 6 hours without a single wipe because if anyone goes down I can just perma stealth us for the rezz, or if I go down, my mesmer friend can do the same.
I have even seen people going even further. I’ve seen groups of 7-10 condi mesmers just running around, an unkillable group lol.
I cant stress that enough, condi is finally in a good place for my thief and my ranger, it’s viable, fun to play, and balanced.
It’s really just that Mesmers THE CLASS are too strong right now.
If they leave it…..then I guess my mesmer is my new main PvP char, so thats cool. But honestly, I cant see then leaving it how it is now….it really is, whichever team has the most mesmers, wins…..