Showing Posts For Luquatic.3825:

Can't deposit "PvP Lightning Catcher"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


Could a dev confirm that they know about this bug and that they’re looking into it?

A Thief on Desolation

Can't deposit "PvP Lightning Catcher"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I changed my set to a more orange look with the hellfire items we got, so I bought a PvP Sun Catcher. However I can’t deposit either Sun Catcher or Lightning Catcher? I do already have a Wind Catcher in my bank.


A Thief on Desolation

Southsun Survival: Increase Your Chances

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


People like you just ruin this mini game and the fact that ArenaNet supports this type of “survivling” makes it even more worse. Hiding in a corner should not be rewarded and should not let you win the game.

I can’t blame you for wanting to win the game but still..

A Thief on Desolation

Remove "Call of Karka" skill

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


How about instead of the stupid mist walker form they have dead players possess a karka? Would certainly be a lot more entertaining than collecting motes.

How about no.

I think the best solution is to teleport the dead people to a different (small) room where they can fight each other, either with the Southsun bow or just regular PvP.

A Thief on Desolation

Remove "Call of Karka" skill

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


Seriously just remove it!

The orbs are way to easy to get and this karka is way to OP.

Please ANet be a little creative and replace it with a different trap, for example:
“place a trap that will show the enemy foot steps for 30sec” (credits Celebratty.1632)
or “place a trap that will cripple the target for 10 secs”.

I’m sure you’re capable of finding a nice replacement.

A Thief on Desolation

Love survival, but...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


T.T Really people? Who cares if you are being hunted by ghosts? It doesn’t matter. The worst players are the ones who camp thinking they will win if they survive longer then anyone else. That is not how it works. The game is designed so that points can be scored alive and when your dead. You are useless if your only good at surviving. Learn the ghost half as well and your points will sky rocket. I win more games as the ghost then being alive. This is not Hunger Games!

This is the exact reason why I hate the mist form. Death should be a punishment for failing at surviving because after all, it’s called Southsun survival.

A Thief on Desolation

Love survival, but...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


Get on with it. You kill someone and that someone can get his/her revenge. Also none can put a karka on your head just he/she died. Mists need 10 blue orbs before it. Every time you scavenge goods, mists get blue orbs. If you dont wanna be karka’d, do not scavenge.

Thing is that this creates something called: “hey let’s not kill anyone, wait in a corner and still win the game”. Because if you kill three people at the start of the game they will keep on following you and constantly spawn karkas, when someone who has not killed anyone and hides in a corner has a higher chance to win the game by doing nothing.

ArenaNet really has to change the Karka thing or let someone who has 4-5 kills and died halfway in the game win if the number 1 who survived the longest has no kills at all.

A Thief on Desolation

Just... Horrible.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I really enjoy this minigame but it does need a few adjustments. Like mentioned before, they should encourage players to kill survivors in order to end up high in the ranking. After playing a few games I’ve noticed that hiding in a corner will more likely win the game for me rather than killing people who can then spawn Karkas. That’s when we come to my second point, the Karkas. The fact that dead people can spawn a Karka goes way overboard and it really ruins the minigame. Instead make them spawn a maybe better trap but not those kittening Karkas..

A Thief on Desolation

Love survival, but...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I also would like to share the same opinion. Letting people spawning Karkas after they have been killed goes way overboard and ruins the minigame. I like the idea that people who are defeated can setup traps but this karka goes to far…

A Thief on Desolation

New thing in Great Collapse

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I’m just making assumptions here, but if we did return to Cantha I suspect it would be a really big deal, way too big to fit under the even largest of tents, or even in an existing city at all.

This sounds very interesting

A Thief on Desolation

New thing in Great Collapse

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


Suspicious Activity you are able to ask Valenze and the others about the person you’re going to investigate, and she says:

“He was born and raised in the Canthan areas of Divinity’s Reach. He worked in the gladitorial arena until he was injured. "

So tell me – where was/is this “Canthan areas of Divinity’s Reach?” The gladiatorial area could only be the training grounds looking spots next to the Plaza of Balthazar (no other place fits a “gladiatorial area” description), which is right on the edge of The Great Collapse!

In your face Anthony!

A Thief on Desolation

Ghastly Longbow Bugged Glow [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


10 months in the game and still no fix for this bug. That is just wrong ArenaNet…

A Thief on Desolation

Weapon you'd like to see for your profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


what the hell is up with everyone and Japanese weaponry? Go play Age of Wushu.

You do know that the best expansion from Guild Wars has an eastern theme? (Japanese, Chinese, Korean)

A Thief on Desolation

Weapon you'd like to see for your profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


Shuriken or 2h Katana for Thief would be awesome

A Thief on Desolation

Skill cooldown problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


bump bump bump bump

A Thief on Desolation

Skill cooldown problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


Hi there,

I have found a little bug with Shadow Refuge cooldown on my thief.
When I have the skills:
1. Shadow Refugee
2. Shadow Step
3. any Signet

When my Shadow Refugee is on cooldown, let’s say 35 seconds and I switch my third skill to any other signet, the signet will take the same cooldown as my shadow refuge, which is at that moment 35 seconds. So then they’re both on 35 seconds cd but I didn’t use my signet, I only changed it to a different one.

A Thief on Desolation

No title for completing all Jumping Puzzles?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I was actually surprised that we didn’t get a title for completing all the jumping puzzles. I would very much like to see a title for this too.

A Thief on Desolation

Inspecting Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I can understand for a little bit that people don’t want build inspection because it might let people pre-judge. However I’ve encountered multiple times that I wanted to inspect a certain player because of his cool looking armor/weapons and I wanted to know what they are called.

Besides GW2 will have the LFG feature soon so you won’t have to worry about people inspecting you in front of the dungeon entrance.

A Thief on Desolation

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I really would like to see open world dueling and inspecting other players in PvE. We can already inspect people in PvP when we’re spectating them, why not let us inspect peoples armor in PvE?

A Thief on Desolation

Fall of Abaddon clarification

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


Hi there,

After watching the livesteam with Colin he confirmed the fact that the Fall of Abaddon will not be a re-make from the GW1 Nightfall boss fight but it will be about how Abaddon got sealed away and thus we will witness the Exodus of the six gods.

I quote from the livesteam:
“Will there be any new fractals or dungeons inspired by the events that took place by Guild Wars 1? Uhh your voting on one of them right now, but you could say that the Fall of Abaddon was PRE Guild Wars 1.”

Getting excited yet? I am!
Did you ever notice that we’re currently in the year 1326 AE, AE stands for After Exodus. Think about that for a moment. If we vote for Evon, we will actually see how the Exodus took place, but then in-game.

Here’s a small GW1 wiki quote talking about the Fall of Abaddon:
“In 1 BE, he spread magic to the races of Tyria, and thus indirectly responsible for the wars that came afterward. King Doric pleaded to the gods and they rendered magic into the five Bloodstones, diluting their gift. Abaddon was incensed and went to war with the others, and he was eventually struck down at the Mouth of Torment, in a blow that turned the Crystal Sea into a desert. There, Abaddon was sealed within the Realm of Torment and the city of Morah was established to watch over the spot where he fell. Shortly after his defeat, the gods left the world in an act that came to be known as the Exodus.”

Ofcourse I could be very wrong about this theory but I hope not!

A Thief on Desolation

(edited by Luquatic.3825)

day/night cycle based on your timezone

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


How can someone be dependant on a short cycle? I can understand the fact that casuals who don’t have much time want to experience both cycles. However the cycles are only for visual effects at the moment, if I’m not mistaken.

So what your saying is that casuals who don’t have time to play at night can sometimes see their ghastly weapons shine but other than that, there is no actual reason for those short cycles?

A Thief on Desolation

(edited by Luquatic.3825)

day/night cycle based on your timezone

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


One reason is, people who are in the same in map are not from the same real world time zone. For example, a couple of guildies are from the opposite side of the world from me, about 11 hours. So when it’s noon for me it’s 11pm for them. If we are both in a map together, is the map supposed to be day or night?

I’m no game designer so I don’t know how this would work but isn’t it possible to let the game show day time for you and night time for those guildies?

Otherwise it should pick the “central” time. For example, I play on EU so take the CET time and for US the pacific time? Idunno what timezone they have, but you get the point.

A Thief on Desolation

day/night cycle based on your timezone

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


Like the title already says, I would like to see a day/night cycle in Guild Wars 2 based on the timezone you’re in. So that it’s not night time in-game when it’s 13.00 in rl. Hopefully I’m not the only one who would like to see this feature in Guild Wars 2.

When I logged on today it was night time in Lions Arch and when I went to Bloodtide Coast (area south from LA) it was day time again. It just gives that weird feeling and it’s also kinda lame. I know it’s a minor thing but it means alot to me..

I know most people won’t care about this and I also know about the in-game day/night cycle which was like 2 rl hours if I’m correct. Further than that I don’t see a reason why this couldn’t be implemented.

If there is an actual (good) reason why this isn’t implemented I would gladly hear it.

A Thief on Desolation

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


Can we at least get a, “We’re still looking into this.”?

It shouldn’t be that big of a deal. Because last time this happened it was fixed within 2 days. It now takes them several weeks before this stupid and annoying bug is fixed and we don’t even get a respond on the forums about it.

For kitten sake ArenaNet..

A Thief on Desolation

OoW set still bugged after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I’m hoping that a dev could answere this topic to give some feedback about it?

A Thief on Desolation

OoW set still bugged after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I was hoping to see it fixed with this new patch but the red dye problem is still there on my whispers set.

ArenaNet you are aware of this problem and it’s about time you do something about it!

I really love the fact that we’re getting new content every two weeks but I also expect you to take responsibilities as a company and keep the customers happy by fixing things that aren’t supposed to happen!

A Thief on Desolation

Is this getting fixed or what?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


Still waiting ArenaNet..

A Thief on Desolation

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


Last time they fixed it within the next day, this takes to kittening long ANET!

A Thief on Desolation

Is this getting fixed or what?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


Yeah I noticed my broken armor after watching my picture again haha. It’s repaired now ofcourse.

A Thief on Desolation

Is this getting fixed or what?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


ArenaNet still hasn’t fixed the Whispers bug problem and that really annoys me!
My set is now ruined becuse of this weird red looking bug and last time this happened it was fixed within 2 days.

It has been a little over a week now and the bug is still there, however the devs ARE aware of it because they started asking questions in different topics. Wether this was normal or not, well ofcourse it’s not normal!


A Thief on Desolation

Fishing , Hunting , gardening?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I never really got into fishing while playing WoW, however with the beauty from GW2 I would love to fish in some eye-stunning areas!

A Thief on Desolation

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


Please bring back Cantha!

A Thief on Desolation

Whispers leggings ruined

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


A Thief on Desolation

Whispers leggings ruined

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


Could any dev confirm this is a bug or if it’s intended? I don’t wanna waste any unnecessary money/tokens.

A Thief on Desolation

The current state of the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Luquatic.3825



Have my like sir, totally agreed!

A Thief on Desolation

Whispers leggings ruined

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I don’t know if this was on purpose or not but the new Whispers leggings have ruined my overall look and it was the only legging that looked as dark as the rest of my set.

I find that other leggings are not as dark as the Whisperer one and now they ruined my look…

Will this stay or will it be fixed?


A Thief on Desolation

Is it reasonable to make more DE's?

in Living World

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I prefer new, more, bigger and epic dungeons with reasonable rewards instead of more DE’s. I’m a GW1 player who has played GW2 since release and DE’s haven’t kept me busy at all and I don’t see how this could be end game concept.

A Thief on Desolation

Precursor: another way to...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I like this idea but what about a 1% drop chance maybe from fractals 50 or 40+ chest for precursor since there is no real reason to go that high in fractals? The only reason people go 20+ in fractals atm is for fractal weapons. I think this might be a nice idea too or maybe get an essence like mentioned above from the chest.

Ideas are welcome

A Thief on Desolation

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


We’re still waiting for a Guild Hall and a new Hall of Monuments ArenaNet…

A Thief on Desolation

Anti stealth tool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


The only way a thief can run away is trough Shadow Refuge which requires to stay in the circle (which is very clearly visible for everyone) for like 3 seconds. If you can’t finish off the thief by then you either suck at PvP or you’re just very unlucky but I doubht that. So please stop kittening about the stealth

A Thief on Desolation

Jungle dragon "confirmed"

in Lore

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I believe Primordus is currently somewhere around the Depths of Tyria and not on the surface. There is a reason Destroyers come from underground instead of a specific geographical location, like with other Dragons, for example Jormag’s minions come from the far Shiverpeaks, Zhaitan’s from Orr, Kralkatorrik’s from that huge area called Dragonbrand. Destroyers pop anywhere, while the minions of DSD haven’t been seen yet.

Also, Colin noted every known dragon except for Primordus because, in my opinion at least, he will be the LAST Dragon we fight. He seems like either the most powerful or at least some kind of leader, he awakened first, and his MO is slightly different to the others, he is not corrupting, he is destroying, and has no followers. Not to mention that one of his “lieutenants” required the entire Dwarf race to be sacrificed in order to defeat… The lieutenants of the others pale in comparisson.

I believe Jungle Dragon = Mordremoth, also keep in mind that in the Maguuma jungle we have a second Grove somewhere that will likely play an important role with the Jungle dragon.

I can’t agree more.

A Thief on Desolation

SPvP skins for PvE use

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I quote from the patch notes:

All weapon and armor skins now have the option to be converted to PvP skins. When activating a skin you will be given the choice to either apply the skin to a PvE item or convert the skin to a PvP-only item. Either action will consume the skin. This change applies to all unused weapon and armor skins in the game, regardless of when the skin was first released.

And all the PvP gear are also in PvE but they’ve been given a different name.

A Thief on Desolation

Warning/refund system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I’ve been screwd over because I bought a second Red Ring of Death and I wans’t able to equip it. After sending a ticket to ArenaNet they said that they don’t have the power to give me a refund or anything else.

So the reason for this suggestion is because I want to prevent this from happening to YOU.

Therefor I suggest a system that will warn you before you buy something from the Ascended merchant, saying something like: Are you really sure you want to buy [itemname]? Once purchased there is no return. Or make a refund system like WoW has, that if you buy an Ascended item you can refund it for the 10 coins spend within a limited time and if you haven’t equiped it yet.

This would be really nice because it might give people a second thought or when they accidentally pressed the wrong item they can still cancel the purchase.
Because I wasted my 10 daily coins and I have to farm them again for another ring.

A Thief on Desolation

Monthly Must be Changed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I like the idea of having a seperate dungeon monthly

A Thief on Desolation

Ascended Ring

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Luquatic.3825



I’m hoping that a dev can help me with this.

I bought my second Red Ring of Death like a minute ago but I can’t equip another one.. Can I somehow get some sort of refund for this because I’m not gonna farm fractal 10 for another 10 days.. In WoW there was a refund system so that you could get your points back if you accidentally made the wrong purchase.

And yes I know it says unique but my friend was able to wear 2 Crystalline Bands before yesterdays patch. I have already made a ticket in Ask a Question but I wanted to post it on the forums aswell.


A Thief on Desolation

Gw2 Armory?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I also want an armory, not to show off my character but to look at others and their gear. I encouter alot of players who are wearing something I find interesting and if there would be an armory I could look them up and see what that item was.

A Thief on Desolation

6th playable race, what's your top 3 pick?

in Lore

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I have a new list:

1. Mursaat
Even though I don’t see this happening because they were your enemy in Prophecies and because they only use Spectral Agonony. However I would really like to play as a Mursaat anyway.

2. Margonite
I don’t see this happening either because they are Abaddon’s servants but just look at their design!

3. Largos
This because I love playing thief and atm I’m running a human thief. This race would really fit for a thief! However if this race will be playable, I really hope they will make the wings actually useful.

A Thief on Desolation

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


Please stop whining about thieves, they are supposed to be good in a 1v1 situation. Thieves are pretty much useless when it comes to AoE and fighting mulitple enemies.

I’d rather see elementalist being nerfed then a thief..

A Thief on Desolation

6th playable race, what's your top 3 pick?

in Lore

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


My list would be:

1. Largos
This because I love playing thief and atm I am running a human thief. This race would really fit for me as a thief! However if this race will be playable I really hope they will do something that we can use the wings.

2. Stone Dwarf
Normally I never play a dwarf but because if their lore in Guild Wars I really want to know what happend with their lives after the ritual. How their life in the mountains is etc etc.

3. Kodan
I really like the way how they look but not really how they think. I also think they haven’t been introduced very well in Guild Wars 2. They’re suddenly all over in the Shiverpeaks and that it’s supposed to be normal that they’ve suddenly bommed the Shiverpeaks.

A Thief on Desolation

GW2 vs Traditional MMO, why leveling is bad.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


It’s funny because Guild Wars had this perfect system where your level didn’t matter AT ALL. This along with storyline missions is what I miss the most from the old game. I would like to see this comming back instead of having a world full of events.

However, ArenaNet choose to take a different path and I really wonder how the leveling will work in future expansions. What if you have recieved your level 80 ‘legendary’ weapon and a new expansion comes out? Will your legendary be useless, all the farming you did was just a waste of time?

I wouln’t mind if the max level would stay 80 but leveling while exploring is a big part of GW2. Exploring in a future expansion would be pretty much useless if the max level wouln’t increase.

A Thief on Desolation