Showing Posts For Machiavel.6042:

There is "Luck", and then there is "RNG Luck"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Am I the only one you ever thought about RNG like I did for IV/EV training ?

Guess I played some games too much…

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Guild Wars 2 23rd best modern game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


I saw Dragon Age, and Skyrim on the list. HIGHLY overrated games IMHO. Subjective indeed.

Quality Ratings and lists are always subjective. There are games out there that are basically the same thing with just different wrapping. The only real difference is the story. Back then some games were great even without story. Pong anyone?

That reminds me. Tetris… another highly overrated game. I hate Tetris.

Just start modding Skyrim…

It blows everything OUT the window, big time.

Funny how some games were awesome when you started modding them, in fact.

Try doing this in GW2…oh wait…you can’t.

Guess I finally found a main reason why I can’t stand this game after all ! TIL.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

New Gem Store Item -Unsoulbinder- Please read

in Suggestions

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Guess why it won’t happen ?


People spend too much on stones already, they won’t stop them.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

New race every 4 months

in Suggestions

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Here’s what they’re doing, and what they’ll be doing for the next 4 months, OP.

- Temporary Content
-More temporary content
-…did I say ? …temporary content !


-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Expansion into Cantha

in Suggestions

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Expansion to Cantha…

I can bet all my gold they’ll keep working on Living Story.

Temporary. Content.

Brings more cash (with temporary items, can’t forget them, can we ?)

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Do we get a free hair style change?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


To be honest you should be able to change hair style (including facial hair) in game. Go to the barber and change your hair. Thats why it is hair. That should have been so since the beginning. It’s just one more of those thinks we would have seen if there focus was on expansion, but because there focus is on the cash-shop it works with items from the gem-store. And even giving a onetime free change option would not do it.. It’s hair! You go to a barber for that.

Of-course it can cost in game money.. a few silver. That would make sense.

If only they could just comprehend what “Role Playing Game” means, we’d be lucky…but…

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Why isn't the lore in the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


They can’t even get the “RPG” part right, and you want them to get lore inside the game…

You’re a funny guy, aren’t ya ?

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Role-Playing and Interactivity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


omg there are so many important things that need to be updated and you are complaining you cant sit on chairs

Well, when you advertize this game as a MMORPG



Yeah, most basic thing. They missed it.

It just should be called “another MMOG”.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Wait, OP, you just learned about Pavlov, and behaviorism ? Human behavior ?

Yeah, MMO’s are often are great way of reaching the natural addiction of “effort/reward” in the human psychology.

“Why should I do this if I don’t get nothing in the end ?”

See, playing games in general is much like gambling. You start doing it for fun, but it isn’t. It all happens fast; you start, and you get a reward. “Hey, that felt nice. Meh, it’s not that bad, I could still do it for a few minutes…” and you get another reward. “Hey ! Cool ! That’s nice.” and the cycle repeats itself.

But, like gambling and drugs…

You start giving a few more minutes every time. And rewards are there everytime. It just takes a little more effort, a little more dedication. But you want it. You want that reward. Why not, after all ? I mean, you worked for it, you should get something, right ?

Yeah, some guy somewhere is laughing looking at grinders and farmers, and the people that keep playing day after day after day. It’s an addiction, in the end.

It’s just hilarious when you take a few steps back and look at it.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

-Took down pointless prime post-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Yeah, sure…. 80 to 120 hours a week…

Anyway, the real problem is not the devs, stuck behind a computer, trying to figure what the heck is going wrong with their game. Hey, in fact we can pretty much all agree that the designs are awesome, the scenery is often breath-taking, music is nice, and artworks of this game were mind-blowing (at first at least).

The problem is: the bosses. The guys behind the project, giving orders. They’re akitten**** bunch of lazy a** workers, seriously.

“Oh, hey you, dev A. Make us content for that specific week with your team.”
“But, sir, what should we do ? Can we test it ?”
“No time, just do it. We’ll patch it along the way”


“Hmmm…sir ? The players are asking for us in correcting a few bugs that are still there from lauch day.”
“…how’s the new gem stuff going ?”

See ? They don’t care. They just want the little green paper that’s stuck in your pocket.

We should buy cupcakes for the devs and meet them personally to thank them. Wish I could meet them at least to say thank you >.>

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Other culture's armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


I like wearing japanese cloths..

Just because your not there race does not mean you can’t be part of there CULTURE.

Hence: Cultural and not Racial.

Except there’s a DIFFERENCE here.

You’re supposed to CHOOSE a RACE at the START of the game. GUESS WHY ?

Yeah, sure, be accepted into their culture, but you won’t get the stuff a native will get.

Or, if we follow this logic, might as well give everything to everyone, and every skills to everyone too, and every weapons, and etc…

Yeah, brilliant idea, let’s make this game even less attracting with even less choice.


You might like wearing japanese clothes, but you might still look like a fool in it. I’m sure I can go to war and shoot people. Should I ?

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Bring mobs from the dead instead of minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Hey, I do too. In fact, if you look at my posts, I strongly believe that the Roleplaying elements of this game are out of the window, and Lore has a big place in it.

Still, if there’s enough voices crying for visual effects such as necromancy skills, well…

We all know how it’s going to turn out in the end.

(Or you can say “Charr” and I’ll give you that XD)

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Spear mainhand + shield offhand

in Warrior

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Monster Hunter coming right next…

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Bring mobs from the dead instead of minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


We do not actually raise undead creatures. What I mean by that is we don’t reincarnate anything, we do not make “zombies”, we are not Necros in the classic sense that we actually take individual creatures and raise them back from death. What we do instead is take components of dead creatures, and mold them together.

This is actually really important lore-wise. Necromancers are not only not allowed to fully reincarnate creatures (only able to use dead matter to make minions), but Zhaitan does that very thing; he creates true undead. It is what separates Necromancer’s darker themes from being entirely evil. We’re already generally shunned by the general populace, but imagine if we started using the same magic as Zhaitan.

Yeah and Norns should be a lot taller than what they are right now…

You seriously think they care about lore ? Heh, you’re a funny one, aren’t ya ? : )

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Devs lack ideas to deal with Condition Meta?

in Guardian

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


I laughed at “they care at their game”. Ahhhh…


That is all I’m going to say.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

New elite "Ascended" skill

in Suggestions

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


One of the worst idea ever given on the forums, altogether. Ever.

So…you’ll get it ? GRINDERS.

You’re just promoting a playstyle with this idea (grind for powerful skill that 90% (and I’m reasonable here) of the playerbase will never achieve). How’s that for your “play it how you want it” ?

Oh, I get it…

Let’s just farm and grind, like any other f****** boring MMO’s, awesome.

You know, they should start doing this in real life too ! Exams, with stuff NO ONE saw in class…but if you’re smart enough to open a book once in a while, well guess what…

Free points.

Wouldn’t that be AWESOME !?!? >.>

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

A few words to the dev team

in Suggestions

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


There are many other ways to profit other than this Infinite Continue Coin. Allow me to give you a few ideas. First, you can introduce a gem store item, lets call it ‘wardrobe’ for now. It can cost an incredible amount of gems, or real money only. What does it do? It will act the same way as a container of the achievement reward skins. People can take a skin that they have collected/unlocked/purchased from this ‘wardrobe’ at any time (out of combat of course) to refresh the look of their outfits and weapons. I am sure people will be more than happy to buy this ‘wardrobe’, because we love skins that you designed! Will this ‘wardrobe’ affect gameplay fairness? Nope, not at all. Will this ‘wardrobe’ boost the sales of your transmutation stone? Yes. Or you can even take out the transmutation stones, and just make us pay gems whenever we want to apply the skins. Let’s face it, the current situation is that everyone has 4 to 6 greatswords pocket in their bag with different skins that they love. Some they simply don’t want to give up, and there is no more room for the new skins. With this ‘wardrobe’ item, I am sure it will also boost the sales of gem store skins. (The gem store skin pricing may have to change since instead of 1 set, it will become infinite set.)

Speak for yourself. I don’t have a bazillion skins of greatswords. But still, wardrobe idea already started with the Zenith skins, so I guess it’s a possibility…

If you don’t like the ‘wardrobe’ idea, then why not allow us to purchase more bank tabs? They can cost increasingly more expensive as the number of bank tabs a character own. People need it need it, and will spend the time to farm gold or swipe their credit card to purchase gems. Or even make it a ‘renting’ business for example, a weekly gem charges necessary to maintain their extra bank tabs. People willing to pay gems get to enjoy more than normal amount of bank tabs. Simple.


So…more farming (which we almost ALL hate), or paying cash…

And, here’s the best part: paying cash TO KEEP THEM. Oh god, I love you man… : D

With the game just celebrated its one year anniversary, players are all overloaded with badges/relics/tokens. They are equivalent to exotics gears that players salvage to profit or use in the mystic forge. Another great idea to profit from gem store or keep players playing this game is to introduce ‘durability’ or ‘age’ to our gears. There can be a new item in the gem store, lets call it ‘repair stone’ for now. A ‘repair stone’ can recover an item back to its full 100% ‘durability’ or renew its ‘age’, or it can guarantee 100% chance to full repair at the NPC. Without this ‘repair stone’, players repair their gear is up to a RNG that either the gear gets full repair or loses some ‘durability’. Essentially, people will either spend the gem to purchase this ‘repair stone’, or they will have to spend the time to farm tokens again for a new piece of gear. And the outlook of an aged item or with no durability needs to be easily distinguished. You get the idea.

Repairs are a nice idea. We all know that, if you get killed, there is a repair cost, but repairing your armor to keep it in shape…not so bad.

But to assume everyone is loaded with badges/relics/tokens/candy/cash/whatever-floats-your-boat is being a little presumptuous, isn’kitten I played since launch, never got a char to 80, never even done a dungeon, and you think that people went and farmed dungeons ?

…we’re still talking about the vast, casual, player-base, right ? Huh…who could have known…

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Want 60 Arah tokens and a free level?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


How does a game development company fix a social issue?

Festivals and RNG


False accomplishment and gambling.

Works well.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Low personal character development

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Cough SWToR Cough Cough

Yeah… I didn’t mention that type of game. Was bad, is bad, always will be bad?
Never played it though, I usually research games before I buy, as I did. Didn’t it go f2p or something? Yet another reason for me not to bother. Even GW2, researched. But now I feel like I’m hanging, it’s becoming different than what it was originally pitched as. I’m not the “don’t know what I want” type of player.

Of course not speaking of hype. Hype is another thing, especially concerning early GW2 development talk by non-anet people. Like, the second coming is here and all subscription based games are dooomed forever to the pits of hell. Perfect world peace and little grey aliens have come to save us forever! hehehe

Well, turns out when devs don’t listen to the playerbase, and opt for cash instead and quick content…

But, at least story was nice, voice acting was…weird (but at least better than what is supposed to be dialogues in GW2), and you had companions to add some beef to it.

Now if Bioware weren’t such a bunch of wh…kittens (yeah…“kittens” >.>), we could have Mass Effect, in Star Wars…which was the point in the first place you might had, and I’ll give it to you XD

Like I said before, this game doesn’t deserve the “RPG” after the “MMO”.

MMOG sounds perfect to me.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Weapon Sheathe, Holster, Scabbard, etc.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


You’re asking this in a game where clipping issues, hovering shields and weapons flying next to the body are common things to see ? Madness !

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Character Henchmen

in Suggestions

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


No, no lazy options here.

Do henchmen RIGHT the first time. Story, dialogues, something ! Not just a mindless drone following you. That sucks.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Low personal character development

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


So, in other words, another NPC has quit the game? But taking a middle ground here regarding the lack of depth, that’s pretty common with mmo’s early on in their run. I’m more concerned about the future of this game, the direction they seem to have changed to.

Some mmo’s were excellent early on though, then took a hard turn downward (e.g. SWG, EQ1 etc.). Then others that started out mediocre yet over time polished and improved to the point that they have/had 1000x more subscribers/players than they did at launch (I won’t mention such games here).

But for GW2, that’s something you must determine for yourself and your future with the game, what I think about staying or going is of no matter. I mean I may be critical in my posts on forums, have my own opinions of things, but I only post in hopes of improvements to the game I play. Today I play, can’t speak for tomorrow since it’s not tomorrow yet, yet I can determine for myself when it’s time to stay or go since I’ve been playing mmo’s over 15yrs and some of those for 6+ years on a sub. But to stay or go will have nothing to do with someone else’s opinion.

Happy trails.

Cough SWToR Cough Cough

Well, OP, glad to see you finally found out about the craptacular lack of personal story and role-playing elements of this game ! Better late than never I guess, but hey look at this on the bright side !

We get a revamped boss soon…AREN’T YA HAPPY ?!?

Yeah… >.>

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Is GW2 meant to appeal to only casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Here is the thing; something often overlooked by pretty much everyone. So pay attention, you may learn something.

Guild Wars 2 was NEVER targeted at the so called “hardcore” MMO community.

Sorry but that is the cold, hard truth. Just look at the -lack of- marketing in the game’s early days of development. A trend that continued until almost release. Look at how everything they hyped up was counter to what the hardcore community wanted. No raids. No trinity. Most rewards being on a token system rather than drops. Heck, more than half of Guild Wars 2’s design document are the type of things that most hardcore players call “carebear.”

It wasn’t until certain (cough Total Biscuit cough) members of the youtube gaming media got to play the game at Gamescom that the so called “hype-train” went into over drive, and it was hype that was almost exclusively consumer created. Just like the concept of Guild Wars 2 being some revolutionary, genre redefining, “next great MMO” was entirely created by those same youtubers. Before that the official stance for Guild Wars 2 was “we’re not even trying to compete with WoW” and pretty much everyone who had been following the game to that point just expected the hardcore crowd to instantly hate the game. We were prepared for the bashing, the rage, and to even at some point be declared “not a real MMO” just like with the original game.

Then the hype started and all the hardcore players who knew nothing about the game and even less about the direction it was trying to take (including Biscuit and his shambling hoard of zombie-like followers) pounced on the game and all pre-ordered based on their own misinterpretation of what the game was and what it was trying to be. And now here we are; a bounce of players who by rights shouldn’t even be here complaining that the game isn’t doing enough to cater to them. Frankly I’m getting tired of this same song and dance, and even more tired of Arena Net betraying their own philosophies and promises to cater to your lot. So if you don’t like the game or the direction it is going then just leave. We’ll all be a lot happier, and it would have been better for us both had you never picked up the game in the first place.

I think you’re missing the part where Anet tried reaaaaaaaaaaally hard to sell the game on the PvP scene…

Who know, “E-Sport” thingy ?

Yeah…didn’t deliver quite well.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

If you enjoy GW2 leave positive feedback plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


The art director deserves a promotion, because I always loved the artworks of this game, and the vibe it gives.

Music is nice too, always love to hang around the grove and sit down for a while.

The rest ? Blergh.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


You see what I mean though, some thieves are QQing, even though only ONE class is getting the counter.

“Everything needs atleast one counter” – Charak

Does any other class mechanic have a counter that outright disables the mechanic like Revealed does to Stealth?

Right. I didn’t think so. Therein lies the difference between soft-counters (like AoE’s vs pets) and hard-counters by the way. The latter should be avoided if at all possible if balance is the goal.

The revealed is similar to the hunter flare in WoW. A rogue never has perma stealth, he can only have one re-stealth every 2-3mins (pending preperation). If a hunter knows that a rogue is nearby, he can choose to flare up.

Mechanic (a): a Rogue can stealth and initiate fights to whoever he chooses
Mechanic (b): a Hunter can ‘counter’ play and gain the initation.
Mechanic ©: a Rogue can outsmart the hunter and make them pre-flare, and initiate after

Here is GW2 it can have a similar effect:

Mechanic (a): Thief wants to initiate fight, so he stealths
Mechanic (b): The ranger can pre-dodge if he knows a thief is nearby
Mechanic ©: Thief wants to re-stealth, so he has to be mindful about the rangers ‘revealed’ CD, either by juking an early CD or stealthing before the pet can ‘sic em’
Mechanic (d): The ranger either gets the lock and continues fighting, or loses target, repeating back to mechanic (a).

This is counter-play, a smart thief needs to be aware if he’s fighting a ranger and watch the pets ‘sic em’ CD. The ranger needs to know the thiefs stealth CD and know when the best time to counter.

If the thief stealths forever, then there’s no enjoyment for the hunter because he lacks the counter option available. Similar to how a sniper in an FPS racks up kills but no one knows where the sniper is, so the enjoyment for the snipees are down because they have no counter to the sniper fire.

You have to understand that stealth can’t be left ‘as is’ every mechanics needs a counter hard or soft, but it can’t just ‘be’ because that would make the thieves focus primarily on stealth mechanics.

Yes but what he is saying is it shouldn’t be like “hit button, thief instantly gets revealed.”

And actually a better comparison to WoW would be when hunter pets would continue chasing rogues after they stealth, then bring them out of it by attacking, that becomes a soft counter.

Not to mention Flare is a completely different way to reveal since it’s just revealing in a small aoe as opposed to a targeted reveal.

If it requires the pet to hit the thief to reveal then the counterplay can be :

Ranger hits Sick ’Em. Pet now is glued to the thief regardless of stealth or visibility. Thief stealths and pet continues chasing and will reveal him if pet lands a hit. Thief dodges an attack/teleports away, or drops caltrops to kite pet and reopen on ranger.

Alternatively Ranger managed to cripple/immobilize thief before/during stealth and pet lands a hit and reveals.

Good counterplay both ways.

If the pet could actually HIT something, that’d be nice…

Specially when it’s moving, better start building a church and pray.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

How to explain to devs that...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Meh. Why try to fix problems when you could just add more and more and more and more to the game to try and keep the Content Locusts satisfied?

Add more and more and more and more bugged stuff…

That a few people will exploit and get rich beyond their dreams…

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Anet makes mechanics without counterplay.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Stealth is touchy. If they make a stealth counter they run the risk of invalidating thief as a class, and thieves have it almost as bad as Rangers in terms of balance across the game modes. It’d be like if they made it so rangers shared health pools with their pets in SPvP. If they try to buff them out of stealth to compensate, they run the risk of losing the class’ uniqueness. (Also stealth traps are for stealthed zergs, not duels)

As for Retal. It was supposed to be used reactively but now it’s more an attrition effect. Maybe if they made it stack intensity instead of duration and rebalanced the damage scaling, it’d be closer to its vision.

Oh and boon strips and steals are on Necros, Mesmers and Thieves, Cannon’s tier 1 upgrade, and Sigil of Nullication.

As far as I know, thief doesn’t lose 40% of his DPS because of his class mechanic…

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

New Profession: The Re-envisioned Ritualist

in Suggestions

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


First of all, forget everything that could be, directly or indirectly, to anything that sounds “asian”. Anet stance right now on the subject is pretty firm; bet they won’t change for a single class.

Second, ANOTHER scholar class ? Yay…

Third, you do understand that everything that you mentioned for the ritualist is already covered by other classes, right ?

Let’s be honest, why should they bring it back ? Why the ritualist ? Why not bring the paragon back ? Or the assassin ?

“Yeah, but they’re already here !”

Same for ritualist…

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Age range?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Would anybody mind pointing me to a MMO with that has stellar voice acting, let alone on the level of the Last of Us(which is not a MMO)? Skyrim, a large and open world single player RPG, had bits of good dialogue and voice acting but the bad bits tended to really stick out. I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee. I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee. I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee. I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

Now, I will agree that sometimes the dialogue, the writing itself not the voice acting, can sometimes feel uninteresting or lighter in tone. But, I feel that if someone takes a step back and looks at the overall story of this game as a whole, they would find to still be fairly grim while managing to keep itself in the Teen rating. Personally, I would like to see the living story and immediate content remind us that even though we managed to take down one dragon, we are still a long ways off from being safe.

As for the books, I haven’t read the latest one yet. But two of the three authors (two people worked on Ghosts of Ascalon), Jeff Grubb and J. Robert King, wrote some of my favorite books from the Magic: the Gathering series as well as Scott McGough (would be neat if he had a Guild Wars book in the works himself). I’d put them, as well as the MtG books, in the young adult category but are still worth the read no matter the age.

Have you ever played The Old Republic ? The Imperial Agent storyline is seriously awesome, you can SEE the work behind it. The voice acting for him is marvelous, you get behind the character with ease.

And let’s take other RPGs. Mass Effect, ring a bell ? Mordin at the end of ME3 ? Bromance with Garrus ? We get to know them, and love them !
The Witcher ? The amazing story, with multiple ends, and a lot of interconnections.
Hey, let’s even take the MegaTen serie ! Those were cool RPGs, and normally you’re enjoying the story if you have the masochistic pleasure of playing it in hard mode X)
Not to forget Fallout, Final Fantasy, Pokemon (which can be pretty dark if you think about some details), Dark Souls, etc…

“Yeah, but they’re not MMO’s” might you say. And it would be the truth.

But ! What I want to say is: a game can and should have at least some nice (I’m not saying “masterpiece”) dialogues, and some character back-story if you want to have a decent RPG. You can’t just throw NPCs like that in it, and kill them after a few quests because you don’t want to see them after the “important” part they’re supposed to have.

Even George R.R. Martin lets us know them before killing them…

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Age range?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Oh, oh, wait ? We’re talking about voice acting too ? Oh boy !

It…sucks ! There, finally said it. Terrible, shameful, whatever. I have yet to see a so-called RPG with such a lack of emotions in the voice acting, not to forget that dialogues are sickening horrible. A twelve year old could have written better things ! Please…how are you supposed to qualify yourself as an RPG when you have this, makes me laugh (sadly, but still).

See ? That’s why this game is for younger audience; there is no real work to do. No interesting stories to follow (the books are great though, from what I’ve heard). It’s like watching the life of the Kardashian Family on TV; you’re just turning your brain off for a while and press a few buttons.

Edit for spelling error, sorry

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Age range?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


I sure hope you mean Team Rocket from the anime, and not the manga : P

Anyway, GW2 is a weird game trying to appeal to a (too ?) large crowd of people, from the casual player to the hardcore-seasoned-went-through-every-MMO-before-veteran, from teenagers (maybe kids, but I hardly see what’s interesting for them in it) to middle-aged adults. Now don’t look at me to see what’s a “middle-aged” adult XD

If you want a friendly advice: don’t look for logic in this game, there is none.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

How many dailies have you missed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Almost all of them…

Hate it, don’t bother doing it. Find it stupid.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

My "dream version" of Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Take out the “RPG” part.

There’s no roleplaying in GW2. No backstory to your character (the pathetic excuse of personal story we have ? Pshaw !), no real important decisions. In fact, you are LIVING a story (ironic, isn’t it ?), and you are merely there to watch it. Sure, you have a minor role in it…sure beats every other RPG where we are the hero…or at least a Main character.

To deserve the “RPG” title, it requires a lot more, and Anet sure isn’t giving us proof of any kind of effort in for that matter. What do we get ? Festivals, murder attemps (which are funny, by the way, I love Scarlet), a few bosses, some new weapons (I don’t really care for ascended, good for those interested I guess), and etc.

Now here’s a hint: if you want your game to be a real RPG, let us have a real impact on the story. Should we kill that very important NPC ? Or let him live ? Should we try and fight that dragon ? Or save that village from complete destruction, allowing our nemesis to flee ? And no matter what, there is CONSEQUENCES to it. Like, NPC’s will react differently to you in the next story.

Oh and some roleplaying elements, like /emote, actions (sitting on a bench, sleeping, drinking) you know…basic stuff for the kind of game you want to be…

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Samurai Profession

in Suggestions

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Considering the fact that they were nobles, and that not a lot of people could afford an armor in feudal japan, yeah that sure make sense…

Oh, and swinging a katana like a european longsword ? Might as well not put it in the game then…(if there’s a katana, it should have it’s style. Not the crap we have for animations right now)

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Samurai Profession

in Suggestions

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Would be kind of weird, considering the fact that a samurai armor isn’t really heavy compared to the medieval knight-like plate armor. You can move pretty well, and to be frankly honest I’m sure we could almost put them in the medium category if they were in the game.

And, Anet, if you do consider this (I bet everything I have you won’t, but…) please do your homework for once. You don’t fight with a katana like you fight with a sword. Go watch some Kendo !

Thinking about it, a Norn in samurai armor, with a No-Dachi or a Naginata could be interesting.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Why was Karma income nerfed by ~90%?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


It’s easy OP, the answer is…

Grinding. You know, the thing they lied about ? Well they want you to throw your life doing this in the hope of something great at the end…which never comes. Ah well.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Rangers Guild. Join today!

in Ranger

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Guess I can try it too. I’m in Shiverpeaks, NA server though…

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Farming makes you Stronger

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Op, you missed something important here…

It is NOT an RPG (think I did a mistake here, sorry). You don’t roleplay in Guild Wars 2. Sure, you have choice A,B or C, but in the end, you are doing the same thing as John Smith next to you, and the end of it all will be the same. You know what could be nice ?

A real story.

Like, say, the Imperial Agent in SWTOR, or Dragon Age, or every other rpg which had a story…

Anyway, I find it reassuring to see I’m not the only one who deleted every character he had, kinda felt stupid for a while after doing it but…do I regret it ? No, because I think exactly like you. The game is just a race for the shiny stuff and sitting on your butt in Lion’s Arch all day long when you’re not doing the same dungeon for the million time over.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

To confirm:queen's gauntlet is pointless now.

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Here’s a tip, stop farming.

Tip for what? Why would anyone not farm?

Here’s a tip, start farming.

It goes against the spirit of the game. Playing the game is more important and should be more profitable and Anet agrees

They agree so much that they waited that long to patch this, and now we have a bunch of players who have enough gold to buy legendaries…

Ironic, isn’t it ?

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Warrior Two-Handed Axe Ideas:

in Warrior

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


One of the skills could also be a “channel” ability like hundred blades, but instead of rooting you, you’re advincing slowly, cleaving your way forward ?

(Kinda like the spinning chain attacks used in the The Lost Bladesman, with the Guan Dao)

I seriously think a warrior with a greataxe should use the advantage of the two blades and the lenght of his weapon (no dirty jokes here) to wreack havoc, no ? Anyway, food for thoughts I guess

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Are eles truly interesting?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


I agree with most of these sentiments. I’m just glad I mained an ele, because I feel like it’s the hardest class to play due to it excelling at nothing, therefore you have to be good at everything. That’s why I mained it though, because it looked hard to play.

Every other class is WAY easier to play, largely because their skills aren’t half as effective. It’s also nice that every other class doesn’t get caught in a situation where they have to lock themselves out of using skills that aren’t on cooldown in order to remain efficient in combat.

Ele’s do have an excellent damage build for PvE in berserker lightning hammer. Staff is excellent in WvW as well. In PvP nothing stands out as meta worthy to me. However, having two good builds to play off of is better than none.

Engi would like a word with you…

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Do Legendary User Impress You?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


And from the legendaries’ users, well…

I have yet to see one who’s not here to just show it off, specially in low-levels areas. Seriously, stop it. We all know you’re lacking somewhere else. It’s obvious.

So if I use my legendary in a low level area I’m showing off and compensating for something? You think I should switch to a different weapon? Lol, I’ve never seen anyone so irrationally upset over something to trivial.

Did I say you have to change weapons ? Please tell me where, my dear friend

Now, we both know you already have seen someone even more bothered by something EVEN more childish, am I right ? Don’t lie.

Anyway, I do get the idea that finally having a legendary weapon is no small feat (well, compared to the other choices you have, mostly), but let’s be honest for a moment: there is nothing “legendary” about it. It would be “legendary” if only you could have it, or a NPC (you know what I’m talking about, right ?). So you could say that, yes, I am bothered by the fact that “they” (Anet) are selling the idea of an “almighty” (read: flashy) weapon as a goal in a game where they always said STORY is an important factor. Call it trivial if you want.

I couldn’t care less about you and the so-called legendary weapon you seem to possess, good for you in fact ! It’s just that the idea of a legendary weapon is bothering me, and those that seems to rub it in other’s face are….well…

I don’t like it, sorry.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Do Legendary User Impress You?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


EDIT: After some thought I think the general consensus is making the item account bound on creation, allowing it to be shared among several characters but not sellable in TP.

Simple question really, do seeing a person with a legendary make you go like; “Ohhh!”, are you indifferent, or another reaction?

Is there any reputation on getting one?

Would you go for it for the reputation or for the looks?

If it became harder/easier would you appreciate it more/less?

If you do appreciate something from legendaries or its users, what is it?

Normally, they are bothering me. Not because of the “over-the-top effects”, but because most of the time, they are ugly as hell and I can’t understand how in the world would someone even WANT to fight with it.

Reputation ? Except the one of “low/no-life gamer, who either paid for it or farmed for weeks” ? It’s like the commander book (and the title with it); everyone can get it.

Neither, actually. I like to roleplay a character when I play a game, and I’m pretty sure fighting with a shortbow that looks like a unicorn on crack isn’t really…immersive.

Harder ? Like…actually doing something epic for it ? A real quest, with a reward (Not rng-bullkitten) at the end ? Sure, why not ?

Easier ? Then what’s the point of it ? And why are we even calling it a “Legendary” in the first place if “XXxxxEl3ten0obxxxXX” gets his hands on it like so many people before him ?

I do appreciate the fact that, somewhere at ArenaNet, there’s a guy with his tablet and his computer who’s allowed to design amazing things, specially these weapons we’ll never get to see. I love it when devs have a certain freedom of choice, and I sure am cheering for these guys and the hard work they do. Imagine this, they have to show these ideas to their boss(es) and accept that some of it might not even see the game’s engine.

And from the legendaries’ users, well…

I have yet to see one who’s not here to just show it off, specially in low-levels areas. Seriously, stop it. We all know you’re lacking somewhere else. It’s obvious.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

hood + mask

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


It’s not. It’s just a bug when you fuse the thief starter hood with a mask.

It doesn’t stay that way.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe

Weapons before Professions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Machiavel.6042


Like if thieves didn’t had weapons enough…

Yay for more stealth and cowardly backstabbing…

Though battleaxes could be nice, since warriors and guardians tend to be a bit…well, not very scary.

-I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it- Edgar Allan Poe