Showing Posts For Many.8419:

Coming back after a while

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


both are cool in every part of the game

New outfit trend!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


Still waiting for polearm datamined 2 years ago.

New outfit trend!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


outfits – no mix n match
armors – mix n match

outfits are now beeing released often and they stopped releasing armor sets in gem store

is there anything else you dont understand so I can write it again for you?

New Down-scaling Since Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


One of dungeoneers is reporting that scaling is back to normal today.
Waiting for confirmation from other competent ppl.

Change of powercap in AC

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Many.8419


UPDATE: changes are reversed again: went with my ele in ac: got directly power cap at 720, + all other main stats are where they were before. Seems this wasn’t unwanted by the devs after all

if this is true I am engaging my fireworks

New Down-scaling Since Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


The problem with too much scaling is – why should I level my toon or gear it?

That’s a different issue. But – you level because most scaling only works one way (and, frankly, simply because you want to, and you can). And you gear because it helps with all sorts of high-end stuff. Which is more, frankly, than was mostly the case in GW – and it didn’t stop that being a darn good game.

high end stuff? you mean which zergfarm is a high end stuff? silverwastes or orr?

My point is when you go low lvl areas you dont need to be op, but you should feel stronger when you’re max lvl in those areas.

Warrior specialisation ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


because hidden pistol is charr racial ability so it’s easy to assume rytlock got to learn pistols during his standard charr training

New Down-scaling Since Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


The problem with too much scaling is – why should I level my toon or gear it?

New Weapons only while in specialisation?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


From HoT official page about specializations:

Evolve your gameplay. With profession specializations, you’ll unlock access to a weapon previously unavailable to your profession as well as new traits, skills, and unique mechanics – all of which will transform your profession into something new.

This is clear for me that new skills and weapons are tied to specializations.

THANKYOU Guild Wars once again.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


If the next one is a boy name him Rytlock

Warrior specialisation ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


Sword pistol is so boring…. I want warrior with staff.

New outfit trend!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


Dont speak about ppl unless you have a data.
I want to mix n match armors, dont care how other ppl look because i have standard models enabled. Outfits are limiting MY choice in customizing a character.

So mr panites speak for yourself only if you want to be treated seriously.

New Down-scaling Since Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


Your post would be valid if not bajilion of posts in profession forums about bugs.

New outfit trend!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


So once they are released and I am satisfied I’ll shut up.
I don’t see anything interesting for me in gem store right now and I’m complaining. I’m not holding my breath for anything clouded in future especially nothing substantial for me wasnt announced. Even balthazar armor is going to be an outfit which means my wallet stands closed tight.

New Down-scaling Since Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


I wish for a red post finally. If it’s a bug tell us. If it’s intented I want and answer why the hell it’s not mentioned in patch notes.

Why this company cant communicate with customers, making interviews and marketing conferences only?

New outfit trend!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


The point is, you probably don’t spend your money in this game and you still play as much as you want, without any monthly fees. How are they going to bring in that income?

The last thing I’m going to do is sending you my bank account checks proving how much I spent on GW2.

It’s easy to complain without offering solutions. It’s just a game, and spending your time observing the tiniest details on your character is pointless. This is not a high-end premium quality real life outfit that you bought. It’s a bunch of pixels.

Already offered a solution – give me armor skins in gem store and I’m going to buy them. What’s more there was several threads about outfits already and I’m not alone with this demand.

I don’t care about people.

PS: and ironically, this isn’t a “red post” that you are commenting on.)

Just because I’m spending my work time answering you doesnt mean I care about you or find your opinions valuable. It’s just that there is no other funny discussions going on.

it is probably much easier to make a whole outfit than to make separate pieces.

This is why I call them lazy. With no customization value outfits should be 300 gems each not 700 which is almost a price of an armor set.

New Down-scaling Since Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


challenge xD

I didnt check the drop or exp gained. Is it seriously acting like this in lower lvl areas? If yes, it points towards bug.

New outfit trend!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


If I am disappointed with the meal I have a way to complain to the staff about it.
This is what I’m doing right now – complaining about how I feel about lazy texture packs called outfits. They have no value to me and I want to be heard. Once they put new armor skins in gem store and I will be satisfied with them I will shut up.

I don’t care about your opinion because you are noone. You have no power to change their minds or especially mine. I only care about red posts here because they are the only ones that matter.

New outfit trend!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


I want to pay them but only for good product. Like armor skins. I got every one of them from gem store and only 2 for gold to gem conversion. This is my problem with outfits, they don’t care about quality, why should I pay them?

Verbal Abuse

in PvP

Posted by: Many.8419


Verbal abuse is one thing, being oversensitive is another. Some ppl can’t stand they are proven wrong and tease others only to report them.

Why are thieves loved in dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Many.8419


They hide the people who are bad at runs and dual pistol unload through fire fields for MAXIMUM DAMAGE.

Basically 2 things. p/p. Sb. pp for unload. SB for smoke screen and only relevant utility will be SR.


I hope we’re getting UZI skins one day so my unload can be even more incredible!

So... where are the dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


and you know: just because most of current dungeons/paths are easy and bit boring (most 80- ones, jade maw), doesnt mean they couldnt make new ones with more complex mechanics, more challenging.

They literally did that, Aetherpath exists and no one touches it with a ten foot pole.

because rewards are abyssmal

So... where are the dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


Every time they say challenging content we’re getting zerg farm or zerg boss. Amazing.

Serious dungeoneers dont want dungeons to become main focus of the game. We want to be part of the game as much as others. Don’t like dungeons? don’t play them like many of us avoid world boss faceroll events.

Changes to World Completion acheivement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


Next time on GW2 forums:

“Remove WvW because I don’t play it”

coming soon

New outfit trend!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


I hate outfits and they will see no money from me for a long time because of those lazy texture packs.

Unfortunately until scrubs stop paying for bad product we will see more of this cheap and lazy outfits.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


Every time they say challenging we get tequatl or wurm or ta aetherpath. Keep your expectations low. Like core of the earth low.

what about endgame?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


Anet hates dungeons. For me it seems they are ashamed of them.

Gw2 is aimed for casuals playing without purpose. Even at HoT release conference at pax south they said that “journey is the reward” which means they look at their game as an adventure so yo ushould feel rewarded since lvl 1. I dont agree with this attitude because of this we have not much end game content and whats more it doesnt seem to improve.

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Many.8419


If they did nerf the scaling then im all good for it, one of the reasons it bothered me going to low lvl areas , was the Chest trains would come and one shot all in less then 1 second , to the point my low lvl character coudnt even tag one single mob for the event. Its fair that they nerfed it. And 2nd , Maybe use GS instead of bow. Has bow is pretty much a 100% useless wepon aside from Spvp and World bosses.

With the zerg of 50-80 ppl you will see no difference. But they broke the game for solo players doing maps or events.

Oh and saying that LB is useless totaly destroys your creditibility. If you had any.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


This game caters for casuals which are more willing to swing their credit cards for gold and items. Farms are needed in some extent to create inflation so casuals need to use real money to progress. This is why gw2 lacks hard content because those ppl instead of learning the content, they avoid it. Those who master hard content can make their cash flow so no need to use real money, so they are not the target customer for anet.

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Many.8419


they nerfed scaling yesterday, no info if its a bug or intended change

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Many.8419


they nerfed scaling yesterday, no info if its a bug or intended change

Kicking should stay anonymous

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


It’s funny how the oldest solutions to group content is still the best choice to avoid any kind of conflict and scam.

“Don’t play with pugs” Abraham Lincoln


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Many.8419


I giggle every time I remind myself this patch was delayed due to more “tests”.

new day is coming soon in USA. Maybe we’ll see a hotfix.

Performance issues in WvW after Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Many.8419


I can’t even imagine what crap awaits us in HoT.

It’s already datamined we will see Faren’s Flyer


Saint Patty's Day?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


china got their new year of the lantern so we should get an event for st pattricks day, should we?

Performance issues in WvW after Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Many.8419


Why didnt Gale come here to thank you for this thread? She did it for another one where ppl enjoy update. It’s unfair.

So... where are the dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


I am not against speedrunning. And clearly PHIW scrubs dont care how long takes the path but they hardly ever do arah as well.

So... where are the dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


I wouldnt call existing dungeons easy.
They are boring and smooth for many of us because we did them hundreds if not thousands of times. Once we see new dungeons they will be challenging but half year later they will be farmed with daily manner as old ones. This is totally natural.

well i wouldnt say arah p4 or fotm 50 are farmed daily (at least not by majority)

and since ferocity patch, anything below cof can be easily done even by newbies that dont know the path, cause mobs are weak

That’s because they are long. Especially arah p4, with so awesome Grenth event.

can you put a end to this server

in PvP

Posted by: Many.8419


Why do you care what ppl do with personal Arenas they paid for?

DirectX 11/12 request [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


wtb 64bit game.

imagine the amount of bugs and crashes for the first 7 years after release of 64bit client

Performance optimisation in the patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


I played when patch kicked in. No issues. After patch – performance issues.
I don’t see how should I do anything when clearly this is the patch breaking my performance.

I’m wating for a hotfix. This game is already terribly optimised.

Undocumented changes, March 16, 2015

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Many.8419


If that’s true I have to say only one thing.

Chep and lazy. This is what we get after almost 3 years. Cheap and lazy.

Kicking should stay anonymous

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


There should be a party leader system with party moderation privilages for the leader.


So... where are the dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


I wouldnt call existing dungeons easy.
They are boring and smooth for many of us because we did them hundreds if not thousands of times. Once we see new dungeons they will be challenging but half year later they will be farmed with daily manner as old ones. This is totally natural.

Performance optimisation in the patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


I’m seeing only complaints about performance lose issues and I’m experiencing some right now. Camera works weird (I turned off any new camera features because I find them redundant) so I’m playing oldschool gw2 settings and still getting performance problems. I’m surprised you have opposite experience.

What's the best and worst profession atm?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


Best all-round professions that can do something really well in all game modes:

Professions that are uneven and/or have design issues:

That said, every profession is viable for everything in the game and has something unique and powerful about them, largely a matter of finding one you find fun (which can be difficult with the way Anet has leveling set up for people just starting the game).

I have no opinion on this, but I would like to compliment you on the perfect choice of words in your explanation. This is a school book text example of how to be constructive in replying to other peoples questions. I wish more people would do this instead of assuming, jumping to conclusions and judging negatively

Kudo’s to you !

dont be ridiculous, this is united state of internets

Undocumented changes, March 16, 2015

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Many.8419


It’s more like scaling change/bug. It affects open world as well.

What's the best and worst profession atm?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


It’s not that some classes need nerf. It’s that other classes need buff. Like necros, mesmers or rangers.

Free LS vs heart of thorns

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


If HoT wont end up as LS3 + feature pack boxed behind paywall I’m all for expansions.
LS2 is not worth a single penny and LS1 doesnt exist so we cant count it as content.

I miss unlocking items through content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


When content is locked behind boring grindfest there’s no much difference to putting it in gem store instead. The rng locked content is even worse, because with arena net fashion its either worthless i rng is too good for you or its unobtainable at all because rolls are nerfed to oblivion.

The only guaranteed reward in this game is gold or broken finger because of terribly designed bags without option to open them when stacked.