How do you prove they are afk?
You cant punish ppl for afk in open world, its not pvp, its not competitive, its not serious. You have no way to verify the reason of afk, or if they’re even afk. They can just stand around casualy, chatting with guildies. You cant prevent them from standing in open world. Change reward distribution the way that only contributors are rewarded. dont punish ppl for playing the game the way they want. Jesus…
the wings arent dyable not only because its a back item but also its a fast and easy way to make money. look at glints gaze headgear. it should be dyable, its armor part. but no, because they can release the same item multiple times with different colours. this is bussiness my friend!
you can contact support and return your wings and get your gems back…usually they do that if you don’t like your purches. No need to cry us a river.
Those topics are important. Designers should know complaints of disappointed customers so we can get better quality content next time. Better quality for us, more cash for them.
Have you been ingame lately? I think Anet has never ever before sold anything with such numbers. Wings wherever you look. So they must pretty much have a feeling what the majority of ppl like. Sorry for you that it doesen’t fit your flavor. But don’t demand things that the majority apparently pretty much like a lot.
So what, because I can see 10 ppl in a row with wings I am supposed to shut up because “majority” likes them? I can say whatever I want, I am a customer, a disappointed customer, and I want to be heard. If you’re satisfied, that’s cool. I dont care.
I don’t want to relog every time I’m going toilet.
+1 4th time today
but yeah anet probably doesnt care
wow what an original topic
Is there any PROOF from you they are afk? Because there’s no rule in the game to prevent a player to stand anywhere in the open world.
Speedrunners have guilds and own parties. Pug world isnt a speedrun world.
I run dungeons with my Necro.
Sure, you aren’t going to get invites to speed runs, but that’s probably for the best. Who wants to hang out with people who belittle you for your character choice anyway?
You cant call pug group speedrun in any terms. And serious runners take necros to parties if not duing record runs. It’s not a top notch class but it’s viable. Plz dont make assumptions about ppl you dont know. It makes you look childish.
you can contact support and return your wings and get your gems back…usually they do that if you don’t like your purches. No need to cry us a river.
Those topics are important. Designers should know complaints of disappointed customers so we can get better quality content next time. Better quality for us, more cash for them.
In terms of broken I would vote for ranger but in the same time it’s probably above average in popularity
Scarlet could manipulate thorn vines at her will, as well as teleporting very quickly, she even touched the Eternal Alchemy. That last fact alone is enough to consider her a legend, a very evil and mad legend!
The last time I touched eternal alchemy I woke up 2 days later not in my house.
sorry couldnt resist
Start giving numbers or stop assuming anything. You have no idea how many ppl play dungeons or pvp or open world or wvw. I don’t know either. But I don’t assume your content is less important than my content. All of you against dungeons are using an argument ‘shut up, you’re too little to demand’ which is a hilarious attitude.
I’m voicing my need for new dungeons. I can see I am not alone. This is not a new feature, we already have dungeons. Why can’t we have some more? Dungeoneers don’t want to make this game a dungeon crawler but after almost 3 years some fixes to dungeons and a couple of new ones isnt too much to ask I think.
Unless a red post shows up with DETAILED DATA about dungeon participation and reasoning why we don’t matter to them. With such info proven by numbers I can discuss. Everything else is just pure assumption from dungeon haters spreading misinformation and bad mouthing dungeoneers.
P.S. Call Robert Hrouda. He can show you how to handle dungeons and community with respect.
I actually assume that if a company stops supporting something they have a good reason for doing so. If they continue to support something they have a good reason for doing so.
I’m not making up numbers, I’m watching the companies behavior and drawing conclusions. And also using what I know from other MMOs to guide those conclusions.
Sure it’s a guess, but it’s an educated one. Whether you agree or not, that’s the conclusion I’ve come to.
At least we have a consensus that you have no evidence to back up your statements and it’s only your personal experience being called “conclusions”.
Well, my previous post stands. Dungeoneers are voicing their requests for revamp and/or new dungeons. There are many dungeon experts that can provide hints how to do it. Since no one painted red gave us a simple answer “you are too little, we dont care to put money for dungeons” for a long time, many dungeoneers still believe it is possible we will finally get some content important to this part of the community.
Start giving numbers or stop assuming anything. You have no idea how many ppl play dungeons or pvp or open world or wvw. I don’t know either. But I don’t assume your content is less important than my content. All of you against dungeons are using an argument ‘shut up, you’re too little to demand’ which is a hilarious attitude.
I’m voicing my need for new dungeons. I can see I am not alone. This is not a new feature, we already have dungeons. Why can’t we have some more? Dungeoneers don’t want to make this game a dungeon crawler but after almost 3 years some fixes to dungeons and a couple of new ones isnt too much to ask I think.
Unless a red post shows up with DETAILED DATA about dungeon participation and reasoning why we don’t matter to them. With such info proven by numbers I can discuss. Everything else is just pure assumption from dungeon haters spreading misinformation and bad mouthing dungeoneers.
P.S. Call Robert Hrouda. He can show you how to handle dungeons and community with respect.
I’ll laugh so hard if they put in new dungeons that are impossible to complete as a full zerker group and actually require you to move around and bring different builds and skill sets to even stand a chance.
…then I’ll rejoice and probably play more dungeons than ever.
I don’t think you understand the difference between a build and a gear. Since when using zerker gear stops you from running full support or full control spec?
Really now. Don’t I?
Gear, skills and traits need to go together, if you will, in order to create a “good” build (definition of good varies wildly, though). A zerker warrior who has only zerker gear but puts most traits in toughness and healing power lines isn’t actually running what’s widely considered a “true” zerker build. Likewise, if I trait for healing and boons as a guardian, but use assassin’s gear, I’m not an ideal support guardian, either.
“Build” is not just your traits, it’s the combination of gear, traits, skills and weapons. These things need to complement each other in order for anything to actually work well. You can ignore your gear and only ever change your traits, but it won’t enable you to fill your new role as effectively as someone who matched their gear to their traits.Which is why I’d love to have new dungeons where you can’t just swap out a trait or two in full zerker gear and still breeze through. There should be need* for actual build diversity, not just trait diversity. If it’s just the same old “bring zerker for max effect”, they can keep those.
*As in “build diversity is needed to get through relatively easy”, not “must bring one of each class to get through at all”. Since many classes can fill many roles, it would not require the good old trinity, but it would make neglected builds more viable. Pretty much the opposite of the current meta.
What a misinformation xD
Check phalanx warrior, or many meta mesmer builds. Trait line chosen for the build has NOTHING to do with the stats but depends on what particular traits contribute to the build.
So yes, you realy don’t get it but you’re spreading misinformation and bias on the forums. Can’t take your posts serious.
I’d just like to join in on this intense discussion between dungeon people and open world people and say that… I support the idea of Anet doing neither of these as opposed to chicken farming. I really think there needs to be a new non combat tournament called chicken farming before we get new dungeons or open world events. We could each feed our chickens, level them up, and have pageant shows displaying our chickens. It could be glorious.
Don’t forget “share” button with every screenshot and achievemenet. OMG I can’t wait!
Guess more beers for me, because I’m not going to invest in these ridiculously lazy outfits.
With Grenth away and therefore unexisting resurrection, necros can be considere bottom tier even in roleplaying. Oh my…. #takei_impression
Support can be everything that’s not dps. Even some parts of control abilities can be considered supportive. Therefore I can see revenant as possible candidate to good support class with his condition control and protection from Jalis. However we need more info.
The amount of bias from dungeon haters is beyond ridiculous.
‘toxic’ can be told about every part of this game, because haters like to be oversensitive and make singular examples a general rule. This is like racism works you know.
And to those saying dungeons are a tiny part – I find my dungeon group faster than pvp match. So unless you have numbers providing proof to your semantics plz stop jumping to conclusions.
Dungeoneers want to have fan within our community. If you like open world, more power to ya. We don’t want to play with each other anyway. The reason between dungeon haters and dungeoneers is we don’t mind you having your open world fun but you are negating our right to have fun with our community. This is example of hypocricy and toxic behaviour.
If they want the game to be popular on twitch they should fix matchmaking and make seperate pvp modes so people can specialise and choose what to watch.
Random Hearthstone streamer has more views than GW2 official stream. So the game is not popular or it’s better to play than to watch, therefore streaming GW2 by some individual is only a benefit to him, not exactly to the game.
Forgal – yes! Isnt his voice a colonel from metal gear solid?
Sieran… meh
Tybalt – omg, god no! I know he’s like a public favourite but c’mon, he’s an insecure Coward mostly whining about going to be serious agent one day.
I like hearts. I want them to stay. This is my chill out portion of the day to go exploring, map completion, and especially hearts.
Remember we have an expac coming. This means any substantial and meaningful content is probably being on hold until expac goes live.
The OP has a point.
I was doing a heart quest at the portal to Rhand at Diessa. The heart was dead most of the time and you need to wait for event to spawn AND get lucky to kill enough mobs fast enough before other players. The quest has no alternative.
Though it isnt announced as feature pack we’re getting camera and stability changes together with some not showed features soon. It shouldve been last tueasday but it was delayed due to some more testing.
Why would they not? The camera and stability changes were specifically supposed to hit the Western client on Tuesday, new gem store skins are commonplace in updates, and from what I’ve heard, the 3-to-kick change was supposed to have been implemented in a patch some months back, but apparently didn’t actually work.
I guess there’s no guarantee about WvW, since the Chinese WvW scene could be even worse than what we have now, but considering how long / how many people have been asking for this, it doesn’t seem unreasonable that it’s planned for all versions.
Yes, the point of making false patch notes is to make them look legit. So pointing out they look legit doesn’t proof they aren’t false.
Keep your expectations low.
Hope for the best, expect the worst.
This should be GW2 motto for 2k14
Hopefully they address some of it. ArenaNet tend to focus on open-world, large group content with people you don’t know. It’s shopping mall content. you go to a place where there are a lot of people an look at what they are wearing and there isn’t really any meaningful social activity there.
Organized, small party group content has gone on the back burner for sure and it’s a shame because the dungeons and fractals in this game are a lot of fun. I would liken this content to having a small dinner party. People talk, there is a structure to it and a purpose. It’s a lot of fun for smaller guilds as well. It’s something that you can all do together that isn’t running around with 50 other people being rude and childish in map chat.
This response is based entirely on Your experience. I have completely the opposite experience, and I am in a small guild of folks I know in rl. Frankly, I find open world far more fun. Dungeons feel like a job. That is my opinion. As such, I play in open world. I find childishness there, in Dungeons, PvP, and WvW. This is the internet after all. You have a preference and your opinion is skewed toward that preference. Quite natural. But it is just your opinion. Anet have the metrics. The direction they’re going would indicate that dungeons simply are not a priority and that open world is where the bulk of players are.
Thanks to the metrics we got an awesome patch in september with NPE. Yeah… awesome…
Listen, you sound like a nice guy. Noone wants to take away your precious open world content. However all dungeon haters in thies thread act like 2-3 new dungeons AFTER ALMOST 3 YEARS would take away half of your game. No, we dont want this. And since you enjoy openw world and we like instanced content, we dont want to play with each other anyway. We want something new. We are neglected long enough.
And about metrics and dungeon participation ratio. Again, I find my dungeon party faster than pvp party. From my experience dungeons should be higher on the priority. But it’s not the case. We dont want to and dont need to be treated like main target audience (and we aren’t now for sure). We want some new dungeons. You say “you dont have to play new open world” yes we dont have to. And you dont have to play dungeons. But you’re getting your new open world, we’re getting nothing. This is the point.
All the rumours and misinformation is anet’s fault. Don’t blame players making assumptions when devs say many words, but not very substantial.
Have you seen the final product of what Guild Halls and what they can offer to your fellow team8s ? (that was the point of the cdi!@)
Or how the organized content works ?Or actually have you seen the EXTRA WvWvW map that they releasing ? Based on the demand of the community that wanted something EXTRA than WvWvW + Eotm ?
Or they CDI Progresion (Vertical-Horizontal) that they let the community decide if they want more Tier grind ?
Or the WvWwVW Troll siege CDI and how to counter the problem ?
Bah …nvm this thread is not for this silly argument …
If they really cared about community opinions and not metrics, we would get NPE cdi before the terrible september patch.
And traits.
CDI seems like a clever marketing of already in-developement features.
I don’t want any dungeon to be made instead of whatever you find funny in this game.
We are being disregarded for a long time now and nothing says it’s going to change.
I am a customer to arena net and noone to you. So Im voicing my concerns on official forums.
The difference between you and me is I want new dungeons and I don’t want to take sth from you. You want me not have those new dungeons… why exactly? because you dont like them? I dont really get this logic.
There will be no GvG GW1 style, why do you think there will be?
“Gather supply to hire soldiers. Battle for control of heroes. Man the trebuchet to defend your stronghold, and storm the enemy gates to defeat the guild lord! Use our new guild team feature to team up and battle to the top of the leaderboards. Stronghold offers an entirely new way to play competitive PvP in Guild Wars 2!”
I thought this is what they were talking about.
This will be more like MOBA games with guild ladder, nothing more, not even close to gvg in gw1.
I find dungeon party faster than pvp match. Wonder why.
Dungeon community is making their own tournaments, streams, ladders etc. If I rememeber correctly the first speedrun dungeon tournament got some attention from anet. So plz stop spreading disinformation or saying that us (dungeoneers) are not important. We are customers with wallets, just like you mr krall.
The point is, nothing being said in the topic is to you. You are noone. We (dungeoneers) want anet to hear we want new dungeons and new challenges. If everyone was like you, devaluating other ppl matters only because you dont participate or like their point of view, we wouldnt have Guild Halls, world boss revamps, new maps or expansion at all, only gemstore content.
So yes, this is why this forum exists, for me to voice my needs and opinions. Until you’re a red post, you’re noone to other players.
Than why developing pvp? The pvp community is quite small.
With this argument – why should theu develop an mmo? It’s a niche genre. CoD fps style games have much bigger communities.
So plz mr krall make valid arguments to the topic and don’t devaluate other posters.
There will be no GvG GW1 style, why do you think there will be?
If you want to do raids “professionally”, may I suggest finding another game to play? Because you won’t find that in GW2.
It’s funny how people keep asking for GW2 to be changed into a different game. Nobody is “limiting your choice” to leave GW2 and go look elsewhere for a game that suits your needs better. Because what you find “encouraging” is something many people call tedious and boring, or a grind. I was not looking for these things when I bought GW2. If you were, you probably did not read the description.
Might be that there are new dungeons (would be cool), but we’ll just have to wait and see.
People making arguments like “if you dont like it, you can leave” can’t be taken seriously.
People looking for new dungeons are complaining not because we want revolutionize the game but we want our part of the game to be developed. This is a thing that was there from the beginning and now devs decided not to create more of this type of content. This is why me and other ppl from dungeon community are disappointed. Just because you dont like dungeons doesnt mean we should have our fun limited.
Open world is getting loads of new stuff, pvp is getting new mode, wvw new border, even roleplayers are getting fps camera. Dungeoneers are most likely getting nothing.
So yes, this is a game for me because I found there what I was looking for and it is being pushed back in development. I the the right to complain because I paid for the account and expect to be satisfied if they want me to buy expac.
But again, I cant you seriously because of the argument mentioned above. Have fun pew pewing world bosses at max range.
In a typical boxed expansion, the majority of the repeatable content is in the form of dungeons/raids. Generally for a $40 expansion you will get 8-10 dungeons with 8-10 additional hard modes, and 2-3 raids. These dungeons are generally what keep people playing the content as they search for new gear and master the encounters…
Is there an equivalent in HoT? What will keep us playing after we finish the story 2-3 weeks in?
I just haven’t seen any info on this, i’m sure it is somewhere, but I can’t find it.
Because for GW2, the majority of the “repeatable content” is not within the dungeons or raids. It is, in fact, in the game’s world zones where the major bosses and Dynamic Events reside. It is those open world zones that group play with the rest of the community is encouraged and embraced, instead of being segregated out via small groups of predetermined class archetypes through which a dungeon is ran.
11111111 >>> loot chest >>> “next boss wp plz!!!!1111” >>> repeat
it’s hardly encouraging; 80-100 ppl that dont know each other is not making communities; guilds, parties, cooperative gameplay those are things that make communities
oh and btw those “community” events can be more toxic that dungeons; try not to wp when died on tequatl, the amount of profanity from other “community” members can be painful
people will be people and you can’t change it, what is bad it’s arena net limiting choice to play with moving away from more dungeon-like content that created strong and professional community; is there any professional world boss zerg community?
I am all for new dungeon mechanics, some random some predictable and I agree with you totally such things like you describe can be an improvement to the feeling of the gameplay. I think we have a little different approach to it but in general we agree with each other.
I’d like to see both strong points and weak points for bosses. Because I don’t feel how subject alpha is different to kohler. They are just big models with aoe deathly attacks you need to avoid. With varying the mechanics, weak and strong points of bosses we can make them feel unique. Now only Lupicus feels like a challenge.
And you know… I still can’t understand how Earth Elementals can bleed
This looks more like his personal feelings to the guy than professional list of CDI “achievements”. HoT must have been in production long before some of those discussions started and while it looks massive I don’t feel like it changed the direction of the game, only took away mods work to group players opinions in one place.
I can see you like the guy, dunno why but it’s not my problem. I just don’t feel like those long threads made anything important. We have no idea which of the implementions were made because of cdi and which were planned long ago and only by chance got in line with players’ ideas.
You can’t even imagine the amount of popcorn I have prepared in case those notes are false. oh joy oh joy
the cdis worked with mostly his contribution and for those who think that everything discussed are in your probably wrong. as for communication looks like we wont be getting more chris was a bigest part of it
excuse me but what was brought to the game directly from cdis? I remember coloured comm tags only. Was there anything substantial added from this? For me cdis always felt like wasted forum space and player time, you know, like trait threads.
Stacking should be dead after fgs nerf. PuGs don’t know why they stacked in the first place so no wonder they don’t know they should stop now.
I am really trying to see your post seriously but when you say that dungeons are “111111” in corner the last decent pixel of my soul dies. Plz if you want to be taken seriously don’t spread misinformation.
Now, to the point. We all want dungeons to be better. And by “we” I mean serious dungeoneers enjoying cooperative hard content. While your ideas can be considered good or bad I’ll say in more general manner.
Dungeons aren’t as easy as you describe them. They are old therefore people know how to do them efficiently. We’ve learned them for almost 3 years, there’s no challenge in matching same puzzle pieces 500th time in a row. This is why you (we?) can consider them easy. But they aren’t. Take a week old player to AC, he will be blown to pieces having no idea what killed him. A little exageration but you know what I mean.
I would love to see some improvements to dungeons and especially NEW DUNGEONS. Your ideas look quite similar to what we have now in fractals – the instabilities, the additional effects making paths harder. This is an idea to consider if we want the same in normal dungeons. Personally, I don’t mind.
Now about your examples. I hate unremovable effects. This annoys more than challenges and cripples game machanics like boon striping or condi cleansing. Reflects, buffs, condis, etc are there to be used. I hated when they made Malrona’s projectiles unblockable. It’s annoying because it makes some skills useless. Why not to make them reflect for less damage or reflect only 50% of them? Your mesmer or guardian won’t fell useless with theirs feedback and WoW but you still need to dodge to avoid dps.
I made an idea once that some bosses should be e.g. condi immune or condi fragile. E.g. Legendary Husk at CoE P2 should be very fragile to burning but immune to poison and heavy armored against normal damage. Flame legion charrs in CoF should be almost immune to burning but fragile to chill. Those are only examples from my head but I think those little changes when you know you should use special tactics, skills or fight in certain terms can make those bosses more interesting than just punishing players with random conditions.
They really should release specializations and more revenant info to stop such misinformation spreading around. Right now we know we can expect something, but don’t really know what.
You have to understand one thing. Just because some internet teen celebs got interested in this game it doesnt mean they like it. Look at other youtuber, angryjoe e.g. Gaming is their bussiness. They get paid for what they do. Which means the only reason they’re interested in the game now is because GW2 is going to get an expansion and it’s popular enough to make profit out of it. This goes for every ‘serious’ streamers/youtubers. And by serious I mean those getting paid for their job, because being a clown in front of a camera is hardly serious.
If there is one thing we should have learned over the past decade, it’s that Anet does not like to be ‘typical.’
They’re not special snowflake either. With their wannabe different attitude the final product is lacking and soulless.
Scarlet had no powers? What about her magnificent supersalad inteligence? She was tyria’s batman and joker in one body. I adore her until this day, those little screenshots of me and her <3
Are you talking about open world pinatas or dungeons?
I don’t care. Don’t care if PVP interest in this game dies out 100%. Pretty sure it’s not PVP players that’s keeping the gem store up and running thus keeping the lights on.
Words of wisdom. Quoted for truth.
Why advertisement threads aren’t locked?
Can I advertise my stream here too?
Since they avoided word dungeons in every interview and replaced it with challenging group content the possibility for new dungeons is slightly below precursor drop rate.
And remember the last time we’ve heard challenging group content we got Tequatl and Wurm. And Pavilion. Yay. Zerg fest 24/7.
Keep your expectations low.