Showing Posts For Many.8419:

New "Destiney's Edge" are kind of annoying

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


Do we really need this kind of thread everyday?

I don’t know why people care so much about NPCs lol
I could have a random NPC tag along with me all day and I wouldn’t mind a little bit.

If you dont care, why do you read those threads and even post here?
Who are you to tell other ppl what should they care about?

New "Destiney's Edge" are kind of annoying

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


So, can you please not shove them down our throats?

Why is this always the complaint? Who gives a flying kitten what NPC’s are or are not with you? Nobody’s forcing you to care about them. Just do the quests and move along.

Since this is their story, their “lore”, they want us to care.

Poll: Would you buy more skins if...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


The people who vote yes are probably wardrobe swappers. Changing outfits every other day, but are too lazy to earn the charges.

Wow you’re jumping to conclusion quickly. This is just insulting.

I’m a wardrobe swapper and altoholic. I’m geeting my charges both from game and gem store and I totally support current system. It’s fair.

I'm awful at Berserker.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Many.8419


Support here is different. With number 6 being heal for everybody we dont need a fluffy dwarf casting shiny heals.

This game has different combat and I dont think you will be able to enjoy it if you’re looking back on classic trinity clone mmos

No Dungeons No Cash

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


People skip some parts of dungeons because they learned how to do it and because trash loot is terrible in this game. After 3 years of mastering those dungeons the only challenge there is left is time spent for completing the path.

Well, for biased ppl there is only cornerstacking.

Poll: Would you buy more skins if...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


They would have to create skins every week for all 3 tiers.

I think that may be a slight exaggeration?

There are probably quite a lot of people (who are new and/or don’t PVP) who like an existing skin, or skins, but have hesitated to buy them because of the transmutation charges.

Knowing if you buy something, you will then also have to pay to use it (or re-use it) is definitely somewhat off-putting, without a question of a doubt.

When I first started playing, I was shocked that a single transmutation charge cost about £0.35 and I mentioned it to a female friend who loves the transmog feature in WoW and she agreed that it seemed expensive.

As I say, I think at max level, it’s a pretty reasonable price, as you don’t have to keep switching gear all the time.

However, during levelling, when you’re changing gear every few levels, it’s obviously completely cost prohibitive for most people.

So, most people probably just don’t bother at all, or only for the occasional item.

Maybe that is OK, IDK?

However, as the game is specifically aimed at people who are visually oriented, I would have thought that it is possibly not a good idea to prevent new players from transmuting, at will, until max level?

As being stuck in gear they don’t like the look of, while levelling, may make them more inclined to return to games where that is not the case.

yes I agree some ppl would buy skin if the charges were removed
but it’s a burst sale, once they buy it they dont want it anymore.
this is why charges seems to me better bussiness idea

and btw arent outfits made for ppl who dont want to pay charges? you already have that option for leveling, you buy outfits and wear them all you want on every level

the payoff is 0 customization

No Dungeons No Cash

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


mr lexus

stacking is almost gone after fgs nerf

and skipping can be a part of the challenge if you treat it as a jumping puzzle with mobs, there’s no reason to kill hundreds of trash mobs and some areas are even created to be skipped – long corridors with stunning or knocking down mobs? this is supposed to be skipped

I can’t help but feel that most people refer to AC when they talk like that. Where the skips are cakewalks, get in arah and I feel exactly as you do on the skips. It’s an interesting challenge to know when to use different skills to avoid gtting in combat or even dying.

arah p2 skip after alphard… after stability change it is a really pain in the kitten and I like it

Poll: Would you buy more skins if...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


You get them from map completion, pvp and kittening LOGIN REWARDS. How can sth be more obtainable when you;re already getting it only for logging in?

Rox's Armour

in Living World

Posted by: Many.8419


Kasbarbie is a broke noble but she’s wearing a cool dress.

My guess why they didnt make roxs armor is if they did and it looked cool and not clipping, ppl would demand them to work on clipping on other charr armors because that would prove its possible to do.

Poll: Would you buy more skins if...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


But skins are one time purchase with wardrobe. Charges is constant income. This is why I dont believe current system changes. They would have to create skins every week for all 3 tiers. While you could see a burst in sales at the beginning I believe the end value of sales would lower after removing charges.

constant income > burst

No Dungeons No Cash

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


mr lexus

stacking is almost gone after fgs nerf

and skipping can be a part of the challenge if you treat it as a jumping puzzle with mobs, there’s no reason to kill hundreds of trash mobs and some areas are even created to be skipped – long corridors with stunning or knocking down mobs? this is supposed to be skipped

Poll: Would you buy more skins if...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


This game has much different model than GW1 and it was clear up front once you run the game.

GW1 had only 1 expansion and it was only because it was released instead of 4th campaign.

And GW2 gear is to be earned. What endgame gear you have to buy from gemstore?

Oh and plz give me this quote proving your claims they said we will never get an expansion. Pretty plz, I’m trying to treat you seriously.

Dungeons gotta change in one aspect...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Many.8419


I don’t understand, countless of threads and countless of posts in the general section attacking blah speed runs yet people complain of not being able to find people like them in lfg. Sometimes i feel the forum bandwagons too much and then in the game does the opposite and looks for speed runs instead slow runs

Pugs are lazy and mostly expect to be carried. This is why you see those posts.
When lazy pug joins zerker group and other ppl expect him to do sth, he feels opressed.

Poll: Would you buy more skins if...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


The problem with the poll is that “No” includes all the people who would never buy skins, either way.

You really need more answers.

For example:

1. I am someone who buys skins, but would buy more of them if they were made unlimited use.

2. I am someone who buys skins and making them unlimited use would NOT increase the number I buy.

3. I am someone who doesn’t currently buy skins, but I would start buying them if they were made unlimited use.

4. I am someone who doesn’t currently buy skins and making them unlimited use would NOT make me start buying them.

Something like that.

Yeah i feel this would help out. Its a bit late for that though unfortunately as this thread has gotten a lot of views already and im not sure how much longer it will last. Thanks for helping anyways


I have all gemstore armor skins. So if they are not releasing many new ones and remove charges they will see no money from me. I believe I’m not alone in such situation and what’s more I strongly believe this is why we won’t see a goodbye for transmutation charges.

Again, I love the current system is very fair for players and I hope the OP stops his weird agenda.

It may be fair for players whose chars are all at max level, but for a newer player, it is very cost prohibitive while levelling.

I also don’t see why you think the OP’s agenda is weird?

Seems perfectly reasonable, to me.

Like I’ve never leveled a character or I’m not leveling some now.
For leveling characters you got the incredible outfit invention which I hate.
And what’s more – cosmetics are not limiting your gameplay, especially while leveling. That being said we are supposed to pay for cometics but we don’t have to because it is all obtainable with gold or as reward in whole game, even for simple logging in every day so yeah… I dont see an issue here.

This is agenda for “give us more for free”.

Still incorrect, as i would still be paying for the skins themselves. Cosmetics are also considered by most here, the endgame of gw2.

Its not something that hasn’t been done already, or that cannot be obtained in multiple ways.

Also fyi, i don’t HAVE to spend real cash. I hope you remember that everything in the gem store is available in game for gold to gem conversion, so a lot of people aren’t even paying which has been proven in this thread as well. That’s not generating profit, where as i would be.[/quote]

data for your assumptions about sales plz

oh you dont have it… sorry for trying to take this thread seriously

Poll: Would you buy more skins if...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


I have all gemstore armor skins. So if they are not releasing many new ones and remove charges they will see no money from me. I believe I’m not alone in such situation and what’s more I strongly believe this is why we won’t see a goodbye for transmutation charges.

Again, I love the current system is very fair for players and I hope the OP stops his weird agenda.

It may be fair for players whose chars are all at max level, but for a newer player, it is very cost prohibitive while levelling.

I also don’t see why you think the OP’s agenda is weird?

Seems perfectly reasonable, to me.

Like I’ve never leveled a character or I’m not leveling some now.
For leveling characters you got the incredible outfit invention which I hate.
And what’s more – cosmetics are not limiting your gameplay, especially while leveling. That being said we are supposed to pay for cometics but we don’t have to because it is all obtainable with gold or as reward in whole game, even for simple logging in every day so yeah… I dont see an issue here.

This is agenda for “give us more for free”.

Gold to gem conversion is a joke. It favors the 1% it takes way too much gold to be useful to the ordinary player.

However, Gems to gold is another thing entirely. A new player can greatly increase their efficency by buying gold. This is P2W.

But you know, Free stuff actually sounds kinda good. Especially since they are branching off into expansion packs. Which they claimed was never going to happen. (early on) Gw1 did quite well on that model.

What you say is opinions only. This game is not pay2win, and for me gold to gem is not a joke. Just because you dont have as much time as me to farm gold to afford cosmetics it doesnt mean you should be priviliged with free stuff.

This is bussiness. They want our money. At least once I have nothing to complain. The whole transmutation system is fair both for players and company.

Plz give me the quote they said they are NEVER going to release expansion.

No Dungeons No Cash

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


I am at a total loss as to why the “dungeoneers” representing in here find it necessary to insult other aspects of the game

tell this to open world pew pew heroes calling dungeoneers cornerstacking exploiters

So sinking to their level solves the issue? OK.

No but there is no issue with open world pew pew content.
You’re getting your precious pew pew stuff, we dont our cornerstacking utopia. This is the issue. We dont care about your silly gliders or stupid world bosses melted with autoattack. We want to sit with our organised teams in instances so we dont have to deal with random ppl. This is why we want dungeons.

No Dungeons No Cash

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


I am at a total loss as to why the “dungeoneers” representing in here find it necessary to insult other aspects of the game

tell this to open world pew pew heroes calling dungeoneers cornerstacking exploiters

Poll: Would you buy more skins if...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


I have all gemstore armor skins. So if they are not releasing many new ones and remove charges they will see no money from me. I believe I’m not alone in such situation and what’s more I strongly believe this is why we won’t see a goodbye for transmutation charges.

Again, I love the current system is very fair for players and I hope the OP stops his weird agenda.

It may be fair for players whose chars are all at max level, but for a newer player, it is very cost prohibitive while levelling.

I also don’t see why you think the OP’s agenda is weird?

Seems perfectly reasonable, to me.

Like I’ve never leveled a character or I’m not leveling some now.
For leveling characters you got the incredible outfit invention which I hate.
And what’s more – cosmetics are not limiting your gameplay, especially while leveling. That being said we are supposed to pay for cometics but we don’t have to because it is all obtainable with gold or as reward in whole game, even for simple logging in every day so yeah… I dont see an issue here.

This is agenda for “give us more for free”.

Poll: Unlimited Transmutation Stone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


It would be a great item for players but terrible move from anet if it is easily obtained from gem store. I think trans charges are one of most common purchases these days. If it comes to the game I believe it’s going to be hidden behind incredible rng wall inside BLC, like perma banks, merchants, tp and hair stylist.

A large part of this problem comes from not being able to know that data.

Because of this, we must assume a hypothetical stance, that if we want this item, that it would bring Anet some benefit, whether it be direct profit, or increased play time from players(aka more involvement, more happiness, and more chances for players to purchase other gemstore items)

There’s also the issue of gems earned through gold conversion and cash bought gem with real $.

I think this is the real reason we can’t have a lot of things, because anet gives everything else away practically.

Most other models are pay only, and everyone gets the same treatment. The only alternatives are that some purchase only items are made BOE or BOU which means players can sell them for in game gold

Actually I think that changes in transmutation made year ago was for better sells and if people are buying charges as often as me it was probably succesful move.

I don’t have to assume anything. It is your agenda against transmutation charges showing up again on this forums. I like the current system and I’m going to support it every time.

Poll: Would you buy more skins if...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


I have all gemstore armor skins. So if they are not releasing many new ones and remove charges they will see no money from me. I believe I’m not alone in such situation and what’s more I strongly believe this is why we won’t see a goodbye for transmutation charges.

Again, I love the current system is very fair for players and I hope the OP stops his weird agenda.

Poll: Would you buy more skins if...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


Transmutation charges are raining in the game, there’s no need to buy them unless you change your look every day. Like me.

I like trans charges for skins. When you buy a skin in gem store you get 1 free usage of it. If you want more you only need to use charges while a year ago you needed to buy this skin again.

Current system is perfect. Players can earn charges in game or buy them from gem store. This is one of very few examples of fair play between arena net and players. I like tu support them when they do sth good with buying trans charges.

This system should stay. There is not enough armor skins on tp to keep revenue while with trans charges anet can be rewarded by happy customers more often.

This poll is another try of the same user forcing his point of view on customers trying to deny anet’s right to get paid for additional service.

Poll: Unlimited Transmutation Stone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


It would be a great item for players but terrible move from anet if it is easily obtained from gem store. I think trans charges are one of most common purchases these days. If it comes to the game I believe it’s going to be hidden behind incredible rng wall inside BLC, like perma banks, merchants, tp and hair stylist.

No Dungeons No Cash

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


He’s a customer so he can demand everything he wants from this company. It’s their choice if they want his money and listen to him or not.

And… are you most devs? Because I dont know why you are talking about other ppl. Speak for yourself only.

No Dungeons No Cash

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


I am someone who has spent over $1000 in the gem shop and have been a strong supporter of gw2 since head start, however if there are no new dungeons released in this expansion i will not be supporting this company any further. I will not buy the expansion or purchase anything from the gem store again.
I’m also pretty sure this is my first post i’ve made and i know of a lot of other people with the same mindset of myself who don’t bother to post in these forums.

GLHF pressing 11111 with your boring living story zombie key mashers

I like people trying to blackmail developers.

This is how capitalism works. We have money they want from us so let them do content we want. If content is lackluster why should we pay? I agree with op. You call it blackmail but it’s just how capitalism works.

What to do with laurels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


I spend laurels for T6 bags and profit with pure gold


in PvP

Posted by: Many.8419


If they would want it they would use current lfg, like they do for dungeons or open world.

flamekissed armor is a double cost item?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


The charges for skins is very fair to me and I say hooray for current system.
You pay for skin and you can use it once for free. Want to use it more times? Well, here you go, use your charges.

Imagine that with old system year ago if you wanted to use 1 skin more than once you needed to buy that skin for full cost and transmute it with stones with your armor.


in PvP

Posted by: Many.8419


In this case ppl group for pvp with friends or go in solo so they don’t need lfg.
I would not use lfg to search for a team with ppl I don’t know.

I'm awful at Berserker.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Many.8419


You support comes from skills like reflects, condi cleanses, buffs and dodging properly.
I’m not going to discuss necromancer here so let’s use warrior example.
Warrior can be used as dps/support with medium dps and might stacking with phalanx build. If you don’t have good ele restacking might during boss fight you can help with phalanx warrior keeping might up. or you can go standard warrior dps build with banners which is also team support partly.

You don’t need healing like in trinity games when you can dodge boss attack.
There is no dedicated healer in this game because mostly everybody should care for himself in terms of healing. And well timed aegis from guardian is million times better than some silly healing in this game.

Engineer is a good range dps with granades but most encounters in dungeons should be played in melee because of buff range.

For me it’s mostly a learn to play issue and plz dont take it as insult from me.
I don’t know how you play but with organised group you should learn your class and build, rotations and boss fights to do it 100% well.

Meta builds are tools, it’s players who should learn how to play.
I was a terrible scrub and after finding great ppl I’m now much better. If you have organised group of friends the only advise from me is – train, train, train

(edited by Many.8419)


in PvP

Posted by: Many.8419


Isnt it redundant since matchmaking works mostly like lfg now?

Heavy, Medium, Light Armor - why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


because this game is not dps vs tank; some classes are better with dps, some are better with sustain and some are better with utility/control; think outside trinity

Capes: state of work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


This picture is even more cliche than cape threads. Haha funny… not

Heavy, Medium, Light Armor - why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


I guess reworking whole armoring system right now could be difficult however I’m not a developer for this game so what I’m guessing isnt really important.

What is important why should they put resources for such a minor “issue” when system works and the only reason for you is cosmetics?

This game is lacking more serious features almost 3 years after the release which still are not going to be adressed (looking at you build templates). I wish for this game to be amazing but working on cosmetics only is not going to help. And armoring is of course a coding thing, not designing only and I want coders I pay for this game to deal with problems not cosmetics.

FIGHT ME! [With Logic and Reason.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


Is HoT a planned expansion or fast paced rework of LS3 after china fiasco?

No Dungeons No Cash

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


GLHF pressing 11111 with your boring living story zombie key mashers

- said the dungeon runner.
Sorry, couldn’t resist, the irony was stunning.

Anyway, don’t get your hopes up in new dungeon, I’m hoping “challanging” content will be challanging.

Do something harder than ac.

None of them are harder than AC.

Sounds like someone is getting carried.

Lets be honest.
There isn’t a dungeon in this game that is challenging.

Either your zerk rushing or your doing something completely different for the lol’s.
One is going to be faster than the other.
But no dungeon in this game is especially difficult
Arah can be just as easy (or easier depending on your group) as AC

after almost 3 years there is nothing more to master, this is why new dungeons would be new challenges; in 3 year period you would master any game

try searching for the amount of complaints after AC revamp
or try going arah with pugs, with competent organised ppl you can do them fast but its becaus you learned them, now take a new player and put him in arah

dungeons arent easy, they are being mastered for a long time by many ppl; and if not professionals doing hard work with math pugs would never know that content can be played in zerks

(edited by Many.8419)

PvP Why is that allowed?

in PvP

Posted by: Many.8419


This is amazing. I have to try 5 turret engies with my guild xD
The amount of salt going on chat must be the biggest reward.

i liked the dragon

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


Don’t forget that demo content was “nerfed” for preview purposes and testing, it’s not how actual scaling is going to work when expac goes live.

Capes: state of work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


Actually I hope one day they’ll start reacting to serious requests as fast as they react to gem store ideas.

Ranger runes are done.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Many.8419


Or was it a bug? Saw no info in patch notes. Minipets were cheap gimmick I agree but imo this runes should work with any summoned creature.

Capes: state of work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


Nothing is off the table.

No Dungeons No Cash

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


Actually I agree with OP. As a dedicated dungeoneer I feel disappointed that no dungeons were mentioned in HoT. I don’t understand why anet is so stubborn to push away from the game the only professional community next to serious pvpers.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


1. yes
2. no
3. both
4. nothing substantial about specs has been released yet

Heavy, Medium, Light Armor - why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


This and they colour differently

What is the name of this armor?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Many.8419


Dont forget amazing black wings backpack, the one and only best skin in all mmos.

New "Destiney's Edge" are kind of annoying

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


Self advertisement here – maybe we should discuss in one topic?

I don't like DE 2.0

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


After playing stress test yesterday I have to admit Canach is a possible number one of my favourite characters in this game. I like his transformation espacially it is told in the game and we’ve met him both on the bad and the good side. I like his voice, his attitude and his redemption. Especially after HoT teaser at the end of PoNR seems like he’s going to be one of Sylvari fighting against “race war”.

[Suggestion] Add option to switch off graphical fluff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


Not sure how others mini’s

That’s why we should be able to hide other ppl minis, you dont mind, I get distracted by them.

How did beta attendees get chosen?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


When info about newsletter was published I did exactly what was said there: subscribed the newsletter. This was the only requirement and the rest was obviously a rng. Why are ppl feeling entitled for the beta? Which isnt even a beta? It was obvious not everyone is going to be chosen. Is pegi 12 too low?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


For me it’s quite logic how to play the stress test tomorrow. And this is my first beta test ever. Maybe NPE needs a little adjusting?

[Suggestion] Add option to switch off graphical fluff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Many.8419


That would be awesome. When I play with player models to minimum I dont want to see their flashy weapons or backpieces. However theres no option to turn them off.

And to turn off the minipets.
And npc/player random voices from skills, buffs and conditions.