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What if Ascended Gears was reversed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


So what if Arena finally admit the mistake of Ascended Gears and decides to reverse their decision and remove the gears entirely? Would people be happy or would people be upset at this point?

I personally would be happy if they got rid of them, even though I have all ascended stuff already. Just compensate by giving us gold for each ascended piece.

I have a follow up question. How many people would reward Anet with a cash shop purchase if they did remove it?

How about $50? I’d do it.

After they fix their game I’ll consider making gem purchases again. Until then not a chance. I really would rather not play then give them any more money for the game as it is now. This is a secondary game at best for me. It could have easily been my primary game back like it was at release before the Lost Shores release. Now however they’d have to A fix all the screw ups and give adequate compensation for their mistakes. Basically reimburse for materials spent in leveling up trades to 500 and the materials that went in to making the Ascended items. It was a lot of time and effort put in to harvesting all those materials that would have been much more fun spending doing pvp and not gathering.

After their back to where they were they’d have to do something totally ground breaking to set them apart from just being another WoW clone. Their not going to get people back who have moved on. And no matter what they do the vast majority of people view the company as full of liars that say one thing and produce the exact opposite. So good luck but now 1.5 – 2 years by the time they could fix it after release they’d need to figure out something so ground breaking that people would put down other games to give this one another try. Again good luck.

How much compensation?

in Fractured

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


So they said they are hoping we’ll consider this to be better rewards with it being gold in there? How much are we talking? I can make 6-10 gold per hour doing Champ trains. Am I going to be able to make that doing fractals? If not then their still not worth running, time to find a group, risk of wiping and having to start over, etc…

What if Ascended Gears was reversed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


It never should have existed according to their sales pitches. However it would be best if it were gone. However I do think they would have to compensate for the items that were used in their creation for those who built them. Or some number for those that farmed them. If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have spent tons of gold to level to 500 crafting or grinding out them.

At this point in time they’ve already made the mistake and lost what appears to be a majority of their player base. What’s left are people that like them, or don’t care. If they mess with taking it out they risk loosing another large portion of their player base and it’s not like people are going to bother to run back if they did. People are gone they’re gone.

It’ll be interesting to see how many get ticked and leave over the Fractal level. I’m guessing not as many but who knows. But wouldn’t be surprised if they did they’re really good at deleting criticism threads on their forums. They’d probably just delete the complaint threads when that happens too.

(edited by McSlappy.1372)

Fractal levels above 30 to be reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


I’m struggling to think of an instance in an MMO where player progress has been reset on purpose outside of bugs or the result of an exploit. Personally, I always thought it one of the big No No’s of online gaming.

It’s user/customer perception that is just as important as the facts and on this aspect the level reset seems a very bad move.

A probably better solution would be to add a one off title track that gives people who were reset something to show for their efforts.

WoW does. In PvP you get a new set of season gear that the honor or weakest gear is better then the high end gear of the previous season. Everyone who participates knows this and accepts it. If you have a bad season you catch up in the next and try harder. If someone new comes in to the game they catch up in two seasons. Generally leveling up and learning in the current one and then trying hard in the next. But your always on a even playing field with the best players in the game at the start of each season. It’s really awesome.

I don’t do the PvE scenerios or whatever their calling them but they do the same for those as well. They have leaderboards for the small group and solo competative PvE instances which is basically what fractals are in this game. Those leader boards aren’t deleted I don’t recall but there is a new one made for the current season. So you can’t go super high and then nobody ever beat you etc.

No resting Laurels. It’s good it keeps new players coming in to the game because they think they actually have a shot at getting their name up there. With Fractals right now someone coming in and looking at it would be like 80+? I have no chance in hell of getting up there and not even bother trying. But that’s only to people who actually care. Personally I couldn’t care less about how high people get. They can only brag to people that care about what their high score is. Which is generally a very small group.

When the Ascended gear and Fractals came out the damage was done. ANet showed through action that they were focusing on grind and vertical progression. Since then they have done nothing to prove otherwise. So that already had tons of people leave. Guild after guild now looks like a barren waste land. But that’s done and gone. Going back to what GW2 was supposed to be is not going to bring those masses back. Their off in other games doing other things.

So what will these changes in Fractals actually do? A lot of good actually. Yes it will kitten off a small number of elites (which blizzard is successful because they learned to NOT cater to this community long ago.) and are making Fractal levels to be perceived as more obtainable by people that would not even have bothered before. Their making it less grindy by having it be account wide. This could cause issues if you have say gotten up to 50 on a geared character but then try on you new level 80. But hey we’ll see. By inscreasing the reward payouts they are making it so people may try this instead of Champ farming. Now they’re going to have to really make the rewards better. Alot better. 1g not gonna cut it better. I could see 1g with a 25% chance of an ascended or fractal drop maybe and yes maybe being worth it vs champ training for money and crafting your ascended gear.

Overall I think this change is good and in the right direction over all for the GW2 community, if there is a decent amount of one left.

Ideas to make Fractal reset more fair

in Suggestions

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Personally, I’d say copy the current fractal level to some value on their character sheet. Call it Legendary Fractal and paste their number there. Doesn’t count or do anything anymore. Gratz you got to fractal whatever. Can’t link it nor show up anyplace but hey you get to keep your number. Then set everyone back to 1 and everyone starts over from scratch. The ones that claim their so awesome because of how high they were. I’m sure they’ll be able to rise again. And well if not then it’s probably because they were exploiting and not because they actually had any skills. If they do have the skill they’ll have no problem getting back up there. If they say it’s not worth their time to do it again. Well that’s fine I’m sure they’ll find something else to do in this game or another.

2000 hours, 0 precursors, why keep playing??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Because a real Legendary like the ones in other games are more then just a rectangle with a sky texture on them and a smear effect. The legendaries that have been out for over a year now are fairly meh looking graphically. I can get their stats with Ascended gear. Even with different builds stats don’t change that much so I can have a couple Ascended swords with the stat combo’s a I was way faster, and cheaper then a Legendary. This all amounts to the Legendaries being a major waste of time.

Now this is a Legendary!
It has particles and special glows in the weapon. Much bettery looking then a polygon with a texture on it. It whispers to you while you use it. And has a full character particle effect that changes based on the custom buff you get. This is just the first example I thought of. The Lendaries from this game are rather lame vs the time investment or as most people get them the gem store investment.

(edited by McSlappy.1372)

How are we supposed to compete?

in Fractured

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


So you want me to lose my progress on content I enjoyed because you were too scrub or too timid to play? Tough luck buddy.

Apparently the ones who have progressed above 30 are the ones being told Tough luck buddy…….just sayin.

Fractal levels above 30 to be reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Alright heading out for the day but it comes down to this. You can either accept the change and continue to play. Or not accept the change and go to something else. When fractals and Ascended gear came out entire guilds died in mass because people didn’t like the direction the game was going. Now that we’re at the destination the game pretty much sucks as expected. So far I see this is the first step in trying to go back to some of the roots of what the game was supposed to be. Anything achievable by anyone playing how you want. Will probably take them twice as long to fix the game and who knows if they’ll still have any players by then but we’ll see.

But right now for each you you the choice is simple. Continue or not.

Fractal levels above 30 to be reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


I’m also against such a “reward” considering it’s unfair to newer players who were not around to run Fractals during the period when the Revive Orb trick was present.

What about “the newer people” who were not around various LS events and can’t get the past items ( e.g. Zephyrite helm ) now that they are gone? Should we reset the past LS content so the “status quo” is restored? What about “the newer people” who didn’t start playing the game since its premiere and couldn’t get all the past achievement points so the could have the rewards chests unlocked right now, like the others who did play the game from the very beginning? Should we reset all the achievement points so the “status quo” is restored?
Your logic is staggering.

That’s an easy question for the logical. Yes. Those who purchase the game now should have access to that same progression and items as the other people who purchased the game. If not then the cost of the game should be proportionally less if not more of a discount.

Fractal levels above 30 to be reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


I’ll just say this: no way am I re-leveling 4 characters to 48 again.

True statement right there!!!! /giggle

Fractal levels above 30 to be reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


and so what!? now everyone have to get everything in game!?, cant some stuff be “exclusive” for players that are more “hardcore” or that are more skilled?

That would be a throw back to what the game was advertised as. Horizontal progression where everything was available by playing how you want to play. The only thing that was supposed to be better about you was your skill, not your gear. Too bad most of the people that were looking for that type of game left after Lost Shores. But yeah it’d be nice to move back in that direction rather then the play on rails and pay to buy your “exclusive” like most did rather then earn it.

If they reset everyone to lvl 30, anyone that didn’t get to level 48 on at least 1 character by today should be reset to level 1. Because why just kitten off half of your community when you can kitten off all of them?

Also, it would give the people that are essentially laughing at us because they didn’t get 30+ and we did a taste of their own medicine.

Oh right, but it’s not the casuals you like to punish, it’s just the hard core players.

It’s as if you don’t even want people to play your game seriously.

Also, inb4 more pointless gear checks as opposed to skill checks.

I’d be fine with a full reset down to 1. I’m at 1 and yes I’m laughing! I may start actually playing fractals if they have decent rewards now.

Yes they have pretty much, not through their statements, but talk is cheap, through their actions shown they don’t want people to play their game.

Fractal levels above 30 to be reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


This is FANTASTIC!!!!!!! I’ve done like 3 fractals so far so I’ve lost nothing. Don’t really care hell set everyone to 1! I just think it’s kinda funny you guy’s get to grind out more. However I wonder how many of the people complaining about these changes are also the ones complaining about Champ trains? Because now with it dropping Gold you may see more people doing them if the rewards are more inline with the Champ trains? So more people to run fractals with you guy’s should be happy. Last night I made 8 gold in one hour doing the Champ trains. You should be happy that now your time vs reward may actually get fixed for a change.

Champion bags are ruining open world PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Why do players think that just because they don’t like an aspect of a game that many others players do like, that anet should ban that activity?

Because they have some fantasy in their head of their perfect MMO. But what they don’t realize is Champs work because of the way they are setup. If they are changed to something like longer timers people will just stop doing them. They won’t go do what these players are looking for they’ll do whatever is the most efficient way of making money so that they can go do what they want. Only reason I play this game is because right now WvW season one is sorta fun. Trying to get an Ascended weapon done so when waiting in que I Champ train. If there was no champ train I wouldn’t be out doing the world garbage in this game I’d be just sitting in one of the cities playing another game on my other monitor waiting for que.

Then when the que pops it depends if I’m doing something interesting in my other game then I just tap forward or something every now and then to stay in the WvW world. When I’m done with whatever I’m doing in the other game I may mess around with WvW for whatever time I have left in the evening.

But the game trying to force people in to doing what they want will not work. They’ll just play other games. Like what happened when LS was released. People didn’t like the idea of being forced to grand out boring PvE Fractals for their PvP gear and left of other games. Did it before and after Season one is over will probably do it again.

Champion bags are ruining open world PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


The game just needs to equalize rewards as much as possible, favoring, if anything, harder content.

Mobs spawned by a DE shouldn’t drop any loot at all and DEs themselves should grant some kind of bonus reward (some amount of ore on a Dredge related one, for example) based on their length, trigger rate, proximity from other DEs, …
For world spawned champions, they probably should, as proposed, have a % rate to be an elite instead of a champion. T6 minerals/wood should probably be gotten as a t5 mining proc instead of having their own nodes, which allows alt farming.

It can be a hard work, for sure, but after some time and metric based changes, it should be possible to make almost every open world content equally rewarding.

Dungeon rewards should probably need a revision too, balancing the rewards around the completion time for an average group and the level of difficulty above regular open world content. The effectiveness of speedruns should also be factored.

your plans seem to be to make everything equally not rewarding.
Why should i do an event that has me kill 100 monsters if im getting no drops? good plan to make people avoid events even more

Yes this exactly. This is why I now have no interest in every going after any type of Legendary. Way too much farming and effort for practically nothing. An outdated graphic select-able stats. Cool but not worth the time and effort.

Waiting for the Season One reward. Still hoping but probably going to be as unrewarding as most everything else in this game.

News about GW2 from NCSoft earnings call

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


If anybody thinks GW2 is anywhere near being shut down, you haven’t been in the mmo world very long. You gotta fail to an extent that your very name becomes a term of failure. Say it with me, “Warhammer online”

PS: If EQN even comes through on half of what has been shown/promised, it would be a superior game in every way to GW2. Why? Because strip away all its dynamic movement system and destructible world, and you still have a simply improved version of GW2.

Then again, “superior game” is kinda like “most beautiful person”, isn’kitten Eye of the beholder.

EQN has shown nothing that would provide evidence of it being a superior game. Combat trailers have shown incredibly boring, stationary combat with the same weak, barely customizable skill system as Guild Wars 2. The art style is weak. On top of this, SOE’s current additions to the market have all been mediocre, rushed products with abhorrent cash shop practices.

All EQN has now are buzz words – the same buzz words that Arenanet threw out, mind you – and I was (and am) FAR more confident in Arenanet’s abilities to fix the issues with this game and deliver on at least some of that hype than I am of SOE’s abilities to do the same.

Yeah they are the same Buzzwords however looking at GW2 they have proven that Anet can’t deliver on what it babbles about. SoE for better or in some cases worse tends to deliver what it claims. Sometimes those claims make people shudder but it does do what it says it’s going to do.

Why do people stop playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


10 pages and I wonder if Anet is reading these and getting the message?

Doubt it. They seem to be in la la land thinking that they created the best game ever. They don’t realize that they talked about the best game ever but actually created the total 180 degree opposite of what they stated they wanted.

Surprises from DATA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


I agree they should keep the current ones the same. I’d prefer new updated graphics rather then the dated looking original ones from over a year ago. However as to status symbol the only thing legendary about them is A how much you threw down the Mystic Toilet to the RNG gods or B how much RL money was wasted on something I can get the same stats from Ascended gear. Tons of $$$ for a graphic lol.

Why do people stop playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Well I gave it an honest shot after leaving after the Ascended release last year. I’ve decided to leave again after WvW Season One is over. Given the purpose of the thread I’ll state way.

In a nut shell this game is nothing but unrewarding grind. In the last 4 weeks I’ve leveled up a war from 1 to 80. Got it nearly completely decked out in crafted Exotic gear and am probably a week or two away from farming out my ascended GS. But the amount of grind to make it is honestly not worth the time. I’ve been doing PvE waiting for hours to get in to WvW and it’s been like grinding teeth. Orr is solid mobs which I’ve basically gotten around but just tanking and regen to the point of I out regen 5+ Orr mobs. Then just run around as if their not there because theirs TONS of them and they don’t drop loot even if you bother to kill them. I’ve been watching and gotten two exotic drops as loot.

So basically you grind out tons of stuff and get hardly any money for it. Then I look at how much gold you can buy for gems. First thought was OMG it is totally pay to win. I could drop $20 and have my ascended sword done tonight. Or 1-2 weeks worth of hellish grinding. So we’ll see what drops from the WvW chest at the end for the meta achievement but if it’s not something totally awesome after all the work over the last two months this will be an uninstall and recommend to pretty much everyone I know and all forums to steer very clear of this garbage.

Ascended Gear Stats=up 5% (condition damage)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Yes 5%. I have 5% more health, and 5% mitigation, and 5% more power. So they’re doing less damage to my bigger health pool. All while I’m beating them down doing more damage to them. It’s effectively a lot more then just 5%.

I run with a group of PvE guy’s in another game and and we make it admonitory that you have certain ships and configurations. There’s only a 3-5% stat difference. People whine all the time that we don’t let them in because they’re not maxed out on those last 3-5%. They claim it makes no difference! Then they whine more when they complete the first two parts of their complex and we come in and contest them and take the win in the last two parts because we just stomp them. 3-5% is effectively a lot bigger then you realize when all the stats stack up. This gives our group more $ per hour and them less $ per hour.

You keep thinking that 5% isn’t a significant difference. I like winning.

(edited by McSlappy.1372)

Nerfed Champ Bags/Boxes ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


lol where do you get this idea that the best gear is obtained in PvP? You can’t get ascended gear in PvP.

Amulet you need laurels
Rings you need laurels
Accessories you need laurels+Ectos

Ascended weapon mats would take you years to get just through wvwvw and you can’t even get the ascended mats required in wvwvw.

I’m not having a go at you, I wish we could get ascended armor/weapons in wvwvw, I made a big thread about it a couple of weeks ago, but we can’t

You’ll be pleased to hear this then. I already have my ascended necklace for a warrior I started leveling up at the start of Season One. You get the laurels from the daily and monthly achievements which you can easily complete in WvW. The laurel cost is reduced if you buy it with badges of honor which you get in WvW. So the trinket slots are acutally fairly fast. Only reason I don’t have two already is because I bought 3 ascended weapons recipes also so far.

As far as the ascended weapons, you get the ascended materials out of the chests that drop when you kill the Lords in the keeps, towers, etc. The rest of the materials are all around you. The WvW zones have all the various types of wood and metals to make all the parts in abundance.

Why do people stop playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


The truth is they do not stop playing they take time off and that is by design of the game. If a person say they are quitting but are not giving up there code etc.. things that let you back into the game then they are not truly quitting.

Can you give up your code and get a refund? If so how?

Nerfed Champ Bags/Boxes ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Plot twist: What if Anet nerfed champ boxes so that wvwvw players get even less gold so that they are forced to pve to get ascended gear =O

It would then again be worth less then worthless and my time would be better spent doing other things or playing other games again. Only reason I even considered trying the game again is because you could get ascended in PvP. If that hadn’t happed I’d still not be playing this game and not really missing it much. But the best PvP gear can now be obtained in PvP so we’ll see how I like it at the end of the WvW season one. Giving it another shot till then.

Why do people stop playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


You got the base gear AND then you have to grind for the conquest time gated point gear in WoW !

Lets not talk about the older post : <<about 10-11 Mil people not only have the time but the cash for it…… Anyways 13%+ stat increase? In wow 2200 gear is only 5% stat increase and it is a very very significant difference.>>
Where atm, here they only have released 4 gear pieces after a year , rather than 4 full sets of stats gear :P

But that is the point. Each season’s gear is easily obtainable. If you are new to the game you can easily catch right up where people are currently. Very easy entry. With GW2 if you come in to the game six months from now it’s going to take you a very long time to get caught up to people with their ascended gear. In WoW your caught up to everyone nearly immediately. In here your pretty much going to be behind for 6-18 months.

Why do people stop playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Most people play this game because they believe its a great WoW clone. After while they find GW2 is nothing to do with WoW, then they left sooner or later.

Think you have it exactly backwards. Lots of people tried the game because they wanted something different from WoW. Which it was before Lost Shores. Then when it became a bad WoW clone with many aspects that Blizzard realized were bad idea’s long ago and didn’t incorporate the good stuff they then left.

Also about population. Yeah don’t think so. They don’t even give an accurate picture of their product I doubt they’re giving accurate results of their player base. With 3.5ish mil boxes sold cool. With max ever concurrent users great. How man login and play regularly? Countless people that have huge guilds that are now empty. Not representing other guilds or anything just devoid of people logged in. So huge % of those boxes sold just aren’t playing.

Why do people stop playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


GW2 players can leave and come back any time and do so constantly without being “left behind” on the gear treadmill.

This is a 100% false statement. If you left when ascended gear came out and recently came back there is nothing to catch you up to Ascended gear that has been ground out by other players. You get to start in and try to catch up which is good luck. Other games like WoW if I start playing now I can start getting the base tier of this seasons gear in an hour or two. WoW has what you just said. Not GW2.

Why do people stop playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


I hear a lot of complaining that people quit playing GW2, and from the personal experience of my previous 80-man guild, that’s true. After two months since the release I was the only one playing, and after almost a year I’m only one playing.

So my question to you is, why do you think people stop playing Guild Wars 2?

Because it’s not the game that was advertised for years and pitched by the company. It fact it’s about as opposite to what was promised as possible. No vertical progression? Oops we broke that 2.5 months after release suckers. No grind in our game! Ohh just look at our Legendarys they’re totally based on a very low chance of flushing what you grind down our Mystic Toilet. Ohh don’t worry our game isn’t pay to win. However if you spend several hundred $ you can buy enough in game gold that you can purchase your Legendary items right off our Trading Post. We don’t call this pay to win however because we promised we wouldn’t have that.

Nerfed Champ Bags/Boxes ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Yeah .. maybe its time to start a “nerf Dungeon rewards” Thread, since i don’t like Dungeons, so its time to nerf them also.

I agree 100%. I don’t do dungeons so I think that they should have less rewards esp since it’s been proven that speed runs can be done super fast with little to no skill. Infact the boss should be invul until the trash has all been cleared.

Anet does not believe farming is a valid way to play the game. This is an objective fact. There is 7 years of GW1 nerfs and 1 year of GW2 nerfs that follows this trend. If you are a farmer then Anet does not want you playing the game, end of story.

I’m just wondering have you actually played Guild Wars 2? Anything more then wandering around in circles going OMG this isn’t WoW look how wonderful it is without actually doing anything? This is the most grind infested game ever released. Have you looked at the Ascended gear from grinding the same Fractal instances over and over and over again, to grinding dungeons endlessly for the gear, to looking at the Legendary? Everything in this game is a grind. Candy corn requirements in the thousands?……………………

For people who didn't get precursor mf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


At that point you could have just purchased the whole Legendary for half of that. Gratz!

Nerfed Champ Bags/Boxes ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Okay so then lets look at this. It now sucks to do champs right? Sooooooo why do them? ANet has just reduced content in their game. Personally don’t really care I didn’t do more then a handful of them because I like PvP more. However I’m sure there’s a bunch of PvE people that really liked it. So now they have the question. Do something else. This leads to is the do something else in GW2 or another game.

Is precursor crafting going to happen or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Wouldn’t it be interesting and I’d be all in favor if any Ascended weapon was the precursor for it’s legendary type. So any of the Ascended swords could be used as the precursor etc. That would meet all the qualifications of the above statement. new materials and progress along the way………

Ascended Weapons (+armor). Pro vs. Con

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


I agree with all of it. Not just parts of the OP’s post. No. All of it. And I have leveled up all three weaponcrafts and made several ascended weapons. I’m sick of it. It dumbs down my builds and is in no way “fun”. And don’t tell me I now “only” do 5% more damage. It’s much, much more.

I cannot believe this. After posting the above, a user named Sinoran.9140 messages me the following in game:

Actually he would be the idiot but that’s okay. See in WoW there is only a 5% difference between non 2200 and 2200 rated weapons. It makes a HUGE difference. Apparently that player hasn’t done much competitive PvP in MMOs. Let them think what they want. We can’t all be at the top of the game.

Edit: Ask a eSports player if 5% is a big difference or not. The answer is a pretty unanimous Yes.

(edited by McSlappy.1372)

2 vs 1 Server planned matchup. Is this legal?

in WvW

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Having commanded on reset night for about 12 hours on EB we had the same idea regarding FS and Gandara haha. Every time we dare to venture close to a FS tower Gandara would hit wild creek. IF we went anza or Mendons Fs would hit Golanta and then move to Klovan Or jerrifers. At one point we had 30 FS at Klovan attacking our tower and 40 Gandara attacking another . It was madness

And then we moved there and they hit us there!!!!


Ascended Weapons (+armor). Pro vs. Con

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


To the OP. I normally am very critical tward AN however in this regard I think this is something that they have done actually quite well now a year after release. I left when they announced Ascended items because while I do 90% PvP it was kitten that I’d have to spend my time grinding PvE fractals to get the best gear in game for PvP.

Now however you can get ascended trinkets and such from PvP laural vendors that you can get in WvW. Also the materials that you use to make the Ascended weapons are all farmable while farming other players in WvW. So the current Ascended gear with the exception of I think the back piece can all be acquired through PvE and PvP.

It is far closer now to the play how you want as it was the last year. Yes the items cost a lot but considering how much I’ve been farming lately you have to make a lot of exotics to skill up to make the gear, and if you salvage what you make then you’ll get the Dark Matter while your leveling. While it’s not the fastest thing I have leveled up in the last two weeks and plan to be 500 in weapon smithing within the next two weeks. Hopefully will have at least one ascended weapon by end of the year.

The Legendary are very dated looking now. The graphics definitely in my opinion are not worth the time vs the graphic of the Ascended. The being able to swap stats how often do your really do that? But for a fraction of the cost you can have a few different ascended weapons for different builds or best yet multiples on multiple characters for still less then a Legendary.

Honestly this is the best thing AN has done in the past year. With the amount of time the Legendaries take vs the meh graphic and swapping options I couldn’t really care less if they ever come out with a scavenger or crafting of precursor. Price vs Utility Ascended are a way better option.

[Merged]1year post launch. How Anet feel on Trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


GW2 Trinity is: DPS/Control/Support.

Other MMOs is: DPS/Control(called tank)/Support(healer).

Boom there its is!!!

Nerfed Champ Bags/Boxes ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Personally, I finished my Twilight and have enough for a 2nd, I am ranting on behalf of all those I see daily that will be severely impacted by this.

It’s official, you guys are the kings of leeching fun from a game.

Ohh don’t worry. I just recently came back after almost a year being away. I have figured out that the best way to enjoy this game and I do mean this sincerely is to use the same RNG generator ANet uses for your gem purchases. So far before they introduced Ascended they were budgeted for $20 a month from me. Since coming back I’ve tied the purchases to RNG of drops. Still haven’t had to get the credit card out once yet! It’s awesome!

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


What’s fun? Being able to do something and get something for it that’s neat. Looking at the costs of the items for Halloween and the Adventure box. I don’t even bother to start because I know I wont be able to finish it in time. So every living story announcement to me is pretty much these are the zones to not go in to avoid lag. If there were reasonable requirements for stuff it might be neat to looking at their past events it’s not worth the time nor effort.

Now I’m making a stab at the WvW Season 1 achievements. Because I’m all about PvP in MMOs. However I’m guessing it’s probably just going to be a box of stuff that meets up with the Mystic Salvage kit anyways. If it’s Ascended it gets kept, if it’s Legendary it’s sold, everything…….there’s the recycle.

Lion's Arch- Over used

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


It’s the new Plane of Knowledge

GW2 PvP/WvW...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


sPvP in WoW would basically be their arenas In WoW you can take the rewards you earn in them and use them in the other parts of the game. Giving you incentive to actually want to do Arena. Basically you can play how you want to play……….

Calling engineer players. I need you help.

in Engineer

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


I have a Asura Engineer as my main. There is nothing more annoying then My friend and I who is an Asura thief ganking someone and then doing the Asura laugh animation next to their corpses.

Please don't make us craft ascended armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Why would a PvP’er care about ascended armors ? They wont be in PvP formats since the gear is stat capped. If you mean WvW, that is not classed as PvP by Anet therfor does not apply.

Pretty sure he meant WvW and WvW vendors. Even I could figure that out.

Yeah it was pretty simple to figure out. I liked though how WvW isn’t PvP?……… It’s maybe not Structured PvP. But exactly what type of game mechanic would you call it? It’s Player Vs other Players. Granted there are PvE parts to it as well but it’s definitely PvP.

Ive quit this game because ascended weapons require crafting,

That’s cool I quit last November because Ascended items were only random drops from a repeating Dungeon sequence. I’m not going to do that so I can’t get the best gear for the way I play games. How about I just not bother playing the crappy game then. Now they’ve put in a method to have BiS gear without grinding Fractals so I’ll try it out.

(edited by McSlappy.1372)

Remove Ascended from WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


So, what you mean to say is that you’ve got nothing. Ok.

No there’s been strong Chewbacca Defense over tones with him all day long. I’m just going to chauk it up to he has no idea what he’s talking about and go with that because arguing sense with him hasn’t seemed to work.

There is no difference!!!!!! But it’s so small…… Errrrrr what? I liked his last one of but the numbers are small……. Going from 100 to 110 is a small number but it’s still 10% which is pretty huge against another player.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


P=(1.15+(Other buffs))u/D where D is the duration of the fight. Anyways if you really want to see how equations like this are done by people that really know their stuff you could see how WoW does it from the website They do tons of theory craft and min maxing in WoW but I’m guessing the same type of models could be derived for this game if this game could hold their interest long enough.

Remove Ascended from WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


I realise now how short-sighted people in this forum are, the problem is not having 1 or 2 items, the problem is in 1 year time when every one is walking around in full ascended, it will make it incredibly difficult for levellers or new players to compete and enter World vs World, this will create an elitist mentality and unwillingness to cooperate/help new players progressing in WvW because they will be dead weight (even harder to carry then they are now). Now this would be okay if ascended gear was open to every one but it’s only open to A) People who do Fractals People with hundreds of gold. Both of those types of people are usually not PvP’ers or new players.

I don’t mind grinds and PvE vertical progression but Anet needs to keep it out of WvWvW so that new players can easily access it and not feel at a disadvantage when starting out PvP, they will already have a huge skill disadvantage I don’t believe they should be at a gear disadvantage as well.

This will also benefit alts and players who enjoy playing more than 1 character/1 build.

Ding ding ding we have a winner. This is what Blizzard realized long ago and which many of the newer lest experience game studio’s just don’t get yet. They all cry OMG the gear progression!!!!!!! Well yes in this game the Ascended gear progression taking months do do in 4 years just won’t be worth it to a new player. They’ll look at the game and go pffffft.

In WoW and some other more refined games you have a catch up. Each PvP season last for about 4-8 months. Then there is a new tier. That new tier has 3 levels in it. The Honor or easy level gets you caught up really fast and easy. Then the meat of the tier is the Conquest or mid level gear. Takes about a week per piece to get with everything being acquired in about 10 weeks. Then there is the cream of the crop rated gear that you actually have to have rating against other player to get. But if you start late getting in to the Honor gear is really easy. So anyone can pick up the game and get current really fast. Then come the next season they’ll be equal with everyone else and able to participate. That is good game design.

So while I’m giving WoW a break during WvW Season One if I decide that this game is still the worst time sink grind fest I’ve ever seen it’ll be really fast to catch back up when I go back.

(edited by McSlappy.1372)

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


How much do you really gain from a 15% power increase when your damage up-time is the determining factor of a fight?

It’s not 15% I promise you that.

This seems pretty basic to me. u=Uptime you get 1.15u

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Hmmm, hunter scatter-trap, I can see you’ve actually pvp’d in WoW. And, yes, cast bars would be a huge improvement to skilled play in GW2.

The easy skill>gear really doesn’t mean anything to an experienced gamer. Gear matters in a vertically progressing game and your first thought is always to acquire the gear necessary for the gear check.

Yeah I do a lot of PvP in WoW. Some rated but mostly unrated do to time constraints of RL these days. You know those kittens in 5.4 took away Lip-shot(Silencing shot) and gave us an interrupt but global silence is gone. But anyways that is a discussion for a different forum all together.

But agree with most of what you said. I can take my non 2200 rated this season character and go up against a Glad in current season gear. Can I beat him sure. Is it gonna be hard you bet. Would it be a lot easier if I had 2200 gear this season too? Most definitely. The gear makes a difference. The question is how much and if it is enough to over come the other players relative skill.

On a side note that’s something I really wish this game had. I tend to do rated BGs and only do Arena when necessary for point caps. But this game has nothing really like the BG system. I’ve seen some people equate sPvP to BGs but just doesn’t have the same feel.

Please don't make us craft ascended armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


I know the damage is already done with the ascended crafting materials and raising the crafting level cap, but I feel like ascended armor should be a reward from a questline.

PvPers see things very differently, let me rephrase your words to demonstrate. The fixed text should be in bold.

“I know the damage is already done with the ascended Fractal Instances and forcing the PvPers to grind, but I feel like ascended armor should be a reward from PvP Vendors.”

Remove Ascended from WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Ascended gear in WvW is irrelevant. You will not notice the difference, especially when you consider the other bigger variables, such as orb buff, party buffs and blob size

If it’s irrelevant then what’s wrong with making it really irrelevant and disallowing it in WvW?

because the effort to code all that is not worth it? Let alone all the people who invested badges/laurels for ascended gear. We want to shaft those people?

But the effort of designing, coding, modelling, animating and testing to introduce a feature that “makes absolutely no difference” was?

Ascended gear is a armor with an infusion slot for a mechanic introduced as an endless dungeon grind to provide long term goals for players after they completed their exotic set.

It makes “no difference” to the outcome of a WvW match.

It makes larger differences on smaller scales, but never poses an advantage that can’t be overcome by smart play, due to the way combat mechanics work.

I’m kitten sure that any fight I lose to a player I would have lost whether or not he has ascended. There’s just so much more influencing fights than numbers on the gear, and that is obviously by design.

It affects my enjoyment of WvW. No matter how many times someone says “it doesn’t matter” or “it doesn’t affect anything.” It matters to me, it affects me. I enjoy the game less because it’s there. It stops me from doing things I find fun.

It does matter to be honest. If it didn’t there would be no reason to have larger numbers at all. But a single piece will matter very little. But once you have all the off set items and weapons it is significant if a skilled player goes up against another the gear is going to make a difference. Won’t necessarily win the fight but will give them needed breathing room they may win it. However in WvW you having one an item will probably not make a huge difference to did the group get that door down or not.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Skill > Gear

I agree with the above. But in terms of active mitigation no not really. There are different mechanics yes but all classes in WoW have CC and defensive moves that allow you to remove incoming damage. Mage frezes, Hunter disorientates and traps & deterance, War stuns etc. The whole ohh I can dodge so this game is about player skill vs that game no lol that doesn’t work at all sorry keep trying. Oh hey that arcane mage is casting his huge nuke maybe I should feign death to dodge it. Basically the same thing.

Now that I think about it, wow thx for pointing this out. I’m actually now thinking there is more skill and strategy involved in the WoW PvP because you can see what they are casting and think about it. Okay he’s doing X but I know he can do Y which do blow my interrupt CC on.

But yes I do agree that skill is > gear. However while it happens most of the time in WoW. Just coming back to the game I really suck at GW2 pvp atm. I can and will beat better geared players left and right. However I don’t play and strive to beat players worse then me. I plan on challenging equal or better skilled players. When going up against another skilled player where your both playing your abilities against each other to near perfection then class balance, gear, and a bit of luck are the deciding factors.

Grinding please please please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


GettIng Dusk is purely a cosmetic thing. I don’t see why that’s different to what they promised.

Because up until recently didn’t it have better stats? That is not what they promised. Now that Ascended items can be crafted I don’t have a problem with it. I also didn’t have a problem playing WoW and giving Blizzard my money instead of AN the last year either till AN fixed stuff. Which I guess it good because it seems like with Season One starting this week I didn’t really miss much of anything. I was buying $20 a month in the gem store up until they brought out the Ascended nonsense. But now that it is fixed I am glad I wasn’t wasting my time with their game the last year. I’ll see how things are after Season One. If it seems to be worth continuing to play I’ll do so however I think I’ll get a full years worth of play time out of the game before I drop any more cash on it.

(edited by McSlappy.1372)

Remove Ascended from WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Ascended being in WvW is fine as long as it can be obtained by doing WvW. When you had to grind PvE for the PvP gear that is when it was a problem. I’d be fine with them removing Ascended weapons from WvW as long as they also remove Legendaries. However you can get the non gear slots from PvP activities now and with Ascended crafting you can get weapons that give you equal stats to the people running Legendaries without having to win the RNG Lottery.