Showing Posts For McSlappy.1372:

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


yeah this irked me as well, none of the solutions to problems of old systems should be packaged with the expansion/require expansion to play. The expansion should be the development of new systems, and extension of old systems.

it is possible though they arent going to lock precursor collections to the expansion, just that thats when they will actually deliver the fix.

It is pretty bad regardless that it looks like it took them 2 years to come up with what amounts to a scavenger hunt. wasnt that the first idea that came out? Isnt requiring people to do X Y Z fairly old hat, and easily programmed? eh well whatevs

See that’s what I’m kind of split on. For me that would be a minimum for me to really even waste time trying the game other then login click my free chest and logout in case they ever do fix the game. However I have no interest in a 3 year old legendary. Personally the graphics are kind of lame compared to legendaries of other games. So it’s all about access to function. It would have to be for a new legendary that I’m sure would be in the new expansion. However I refuse to give ANet more money until they first deliver on what was originally sold. So will see should be interesting. I’m guessing if their track record holds they’ll fail in their implementation. It would be consistent.

Oops RBG que pop be back later.

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Have most of those people who play WoW even thought about or heard about Guild Wars 2? Maybe not..

Most people have actually. The funny thing is it’s just with many other games in the long list of the next big WoW killer. Which is always funny because we always talk about the WoW killer IN WOW lol. Loads of people I know in WoW tried GW2. And I can’t name a single one that still does or has any interest. Even when we were talking about the expansion. None really interested. Are you still going to waste hours and days and not really get any reward for it? Yup. Neh pass. Didn’t want to pay for that then why would we want to give them more money for the same thing. They’d have to come up with something interesting for the current game to get people back that they didn’t have to buy an expansion for before they can get people re interested in the game. Many people look at this game as a bait and switch at the least. Blatant false advertising as the standard.

They talked about putting the scavenger hunt in right after the games release long before an expansion and now they’re going to only allow people with the expansion to do it. Yeah that was false advertising. Ohh we’re working on alternative ways of you getting things like we originally promised but didn’t deliver on. They are coming just keep playing our game. Oops now you have to pay more for them……. Glad the only thing entertaining for me from ANet is their forums lol. Those are free!

Personally will never pay a dime for this game until they’ve removed the grind, have a guaranteed fast way of getting a precursor for a new Legendary and have gotten that in the game before considering paying for an expansion. Of course that won’t happen so I’m happy to say Anet won’t be getting money for me or really anyone I know. They’re mostly all happy playing the WoD expansion right now and GW2 is pretty much a bad WoW challenger memory that happened 2-3 years ago.

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Simulation games are not grindy. No one has yet made a simulation mmo.

World of Tanks…..and all the other variety. If you want a totally persistant world EVE etc.

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


The MMO community is more fractured now, with less people playing each game. I don’t believe there’ll ever be another WoW, because WoW only got where it did by coming out when it did.

In the end, there’s only you saying this would work, with no real evidence to support it, except Anet did it years ago.

I strongly believe it wouldn’t work now, but even if I thought it would, I still couldn’t ask a company to risk losing everything on such a small amount of evidence.

Yes and no. There were EQ1 and other MMOs out at the time. But what WoW did was really create and vitalize the genre. Blizzard banked on their wildly popular IP of strategy games to make a great MMO. But They didn’t hit their peak till Lich King. Why because they kept improving the game. They removed things that were not fun and introduced things that were fun. This is something that ANet has proven they are not capable of nearly with almost every release of a content patch.

Granted that last statement is personal opinion of course. But looking at launch population and current it would seem that is the opinion of the vast majority of people that have played the game at one point or another and are no longer playing. Blizzard is getting record numbers back again why? Because they’ve listened to they’re paying players and produce a game worth paying for access too. Really looking forward to seeing the sales figures for the GW2 expansion.

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Face facts; they’re not dumb. Anet is not dumb, and therefore at least most of this stuff was very deliberate, and their PR speech is just a smokescreen or an attempt to make some very cynical design decisions palatable to the playerbase.

Frankly, we should be taking anything Anet says these days with a grain of salt.

And this is why Blizzard gets my money each month and Anet hasn’t in years. I watched their expansion release on youtube and and there was zero excitement about it. Everything they said was hey they talked awesome before and we got garbage so what garbage will be coming in the expansion. I probably will never know because until they actually remove the grind they claim isn’t there and make the game I’ve already paid for fun enough to play over other games they will not get any money from me.

So if this new expansion is required for the Legendary precursor then it falls in line with the rest of their lies that they promised. So until Anet actually does something I don’t believe a word they say because the two do not match. I don’t know of anyone in my EVE or WoW groups that will be purchasing or has any interest in the new expansion. It’ll be interesting to see the sales figures in the earnings reports.

Bring Back Holy Trinity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Yes – I agree- let’s change the entire game for everybody because you don’t like it.

Sounds like a great plan!

Actually the OPs assessment of the game is accurate. Granted this whole games mechanics are based on no trinity and changing it would probably alienate what is left of it’s community. However Zerking and dodging is about as challenging as the content gets in the game.

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


With no grind, they mean no mandatory grind. There is no gear threadmill.
You don’t have to grind in order to keep up. All the grind in this game is just for cosmetics. Sure there is ascended, but that’s only like 5% better than exotic so you don’t really need it.

So is there grind for just cosmetics or cosmetics and stats?
5% is 5%, it’s there, it exists, you can’t deny it. You can choose to ignore it, convince yourself it’s not needed, attempt to convince others it’s not needed, but the fact of the matter remains, it’s a 5% increase in stats.

Yes, a useless 5% is a useless 5%. And I never denied it’s existance, I merely pointed out the fact you don’t need it. I know it is not needed as all content can easily be completed without it (except fractals, but that’s because of agony resistance, not the stats itself).

You can try convincing yourself that this 5% increase is a big deal, but I know it is not.

Yes but you like many others don’t realize how the math works. I have 5% more heath your trying to get through. I have 5% more mitigation on top of that 5% more health and I’m hitting you 5% harder base plus 5% more crit etc. 5% in gaming stats is HUGE. 5% more healing anything it all compounds. In EVE people will let their characters train for months just to get another 3% on one particular skill. Because it is worth it.

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Their “no-grind philosophy” has been extremely grindy.

This is the most grindy game I have ever played. I mean seriously WoW is a mear fraction of the grind and with their new expansion that is hardly any grind. When I’m away at work I can even have the garrison follower out getting me loot and stuff.

Laughing at those that say mandatory grind. You have two type the optimal people who want to have best in slot and then you have everyone else who is sub optimal. Yes the sub optimal is non mandatory grind because they choose to not be the best they can be. For those that want the best the grind is ridiculous and extremely unrewarding.. I can look back at WoW legendaries and remember the efforts that were put in to get them by the guilds and players. With this game it’s grinding out RNG or pay to win purchases with RL money. Funny for a free to play game. Ohh well we’ll see if they ever bother to fix it. Will have to fix it for free though before wasting money on an expansion to fix what should have been there when payed for in the first place.

I just wish to leave this here..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


They already said they realize there is a problem and they are working on it.

Welcome to GW2 the game where what is promoted is not what you actually get.

It have been fantastic one and half year ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Why would they sell you an expansion for $40 with all new content when they can just copy and paste 90% of the game and sell it to you for $60 as a whole new game called ‘Wildstar’?

Ohhh lol that’s a good one. I didn’t even look at Wildstar no matter how good of a game it was because I saw NCsoft on it and associated it with the horrible failure of GW2.

Precursor prices after HoT announcement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


I’m very interested in knowing whether or not it will be repeatable, as prescursors are the only things missing from me instantly crafting two legendaries. I noted that he specifically said Masteries would allow us to craft “precursors”, as in plural. I’m not sure if he said that as in one person could craft multiple precursors, or that we collectively can craft multiple precursors at a rate of one per account.

Honestly if a getting close to 3 year old weapon the precursion can’t be obtained in 12-24 hours of game play it’s still not worth the time to come back to the game let alone pay for an expansion if there is a cost for it.

Edit: Looking over one of the video’s has new Legendaries as something. So it’ll be interesting to see how easy those new ones are. They can keep the old ones exactly as they are and put the new ones on the scavenger hunt as long as the new ones are better then the old ones. But still. The time vs reward needs to be precursor within a few hours of play or not worth bothering with the game when other better games are currently releasing new content.

(edited by McSlappy.1372)

Expansion confrimed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


WoW has been stuck in the spiral of hating forums since 10 years and GW2 will probably end up the same.

At 6+ Million per day income let them hate!

How satisfied are you with GW2 progress?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


How can you ask someone how they like something that doesn’t exist. There has been no progress made with this game. Really it’s gotten worse over the 2.5 years and was a better game at release then it is today.

The reward system is still terrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Yes OP this is the most unrewarding of any MMO I have played. I figured it only takes me a minute to login each day and click the daily this month. But still that’s 28 minutes and will not be logging in again till they bring out a new set of Legendaries with reasonable requirements or do something to actually make the game fun. However the forums are always entertaining to read and post in. But the game unfortunately is not as entertaining as the forums.

Has anyone seen this article?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


GW2 simply doesn’t make much of an exception of itself, while very few hold a candle to that intriguing social experiment I suspect EVE Online of being.

Hardly many games compare to EVE for what it does. Granted very few only a couple million like it with 20-50k players logged in 24/7. I’m actually hunting Russians in Aridia right now if you’d like to join. But it is the best of any type of market simulation games with actual studies being done of the games markets. GW2 isn’t a smear on the wall in that regard. If I want to play how I like and whack dragons play WoW. It’s the standard. It is fun, rewarding, and I can get the best loot in game playing the way I want. I get get the best PvP weapons in game by PvPing and same for PvE respectively.

Has anyone seen this article?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


The thing is though while I think the author is right actually. The game is the most unrewarding of any MMO I’ve ever played and that’s quite a few, you can’t just fix something and get players back. Most people that tried the game and left don’t believe AN any more then an attorney. They made up a lot of propaganda about the game and then changed everything that made the game unique in to a bad WoW implementation.

Even if you were to fix the game and make it perfect. Then you’d have to give players some over the top incentive to get them to even bother with trying the game again. Mostly getting over the notion that any time played in game is a waste because AN will just undo anything positive. But your also looking at now a 2.5 year old game.

So you have to overcome:
1. The games major flaws
2. The experience ingrained opinions resulting from those flaws.
3. Compete with new games coming out with nothing new to show for it.

Good Luck.

Ascended weapon vs Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Now that’s how you do a legendary. Awesome graphic, AoE effect, and it speaks!

(edited by McSlappy.1372)

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


But anyways yes look at Warlords of Draenor. They have had more returns and subscriptions then GW2 has had sales. Let alone current customers. Should probably get a clue yourself before calling others comment “stupid.”

WoD sold 3 million copies and jumped again to 10m subs .
PPl from Asia dont have to buy/pay the x-pack .
So it seems 3m million ppl are from the West (Eu+Russian+Eu)
GW2 didnt launched in Asia at 2012
How may coppies it sold again ?


Honestly thinking about it I don’t know what the sales figures for GW2 were in Asia other then they were less then expected. I don’t know that an actual number has been published has it? Also the WoD sales figure that has been released was for the first 24 hours. Doesn’t include pre order and orders since.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


One thing you’re forgetting here: Guild Wars 2 is the first game to ever attempt the Living Story style content. Season 1 was a huge, risky experiment, but you know what? ANet feels it paid off. That’s why we’re in Season 2, with Season 3 (likely) approaching.

Wrong several games release smaller content patches within their games in between releases. WoW does it every 3-4 months after a release of an expansion. Then takes a year off but still. This makes permanent changes to zones, tweaks abilities, adds raids or dungeon content. ANet calls theirs living story but when you really objectively look at it its the same thing other expansion do without having to put a name to it.

Saying “so many games in the past have proven the expansion model is super efficient and brings more hype and interest in the game” is stupid because expansions are all anybody else has tried. Your statement insinuates that other methods have been shown ineffective, but that is definitely not the case because other methods haven’t been attempted yet.

Before you call others statements stupid maybe you should reconsider y our own. You are reading in “insinuates” which is a personal interpretation by you. You should probably get clarification before making assumptions because we all know what those make. As far as other methods being tried. The MMO industry has been around for a lot longer than several people on this forum have been able to walk. Many methods have been tried over the years in many different games. Of course their going to go with the most efficient and effective methods. “Hey Gary how are we going to handle this?” “Dunno George lets do it the worst or at least 2nd best way of doing it!” Actually on 2nd thought that may be a Anet conversation.

But anyways yes look at Warlords of Draenor. They have had more returns and subscriptions then GW2 has had sales. Let alone current customers. Should probably get a clue yourself before calling others comment “stupid.”

RNG as a concept: Discuss

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Personally my gaming purchases to ANet are RNG. They haven’t had a drop from me since Halloween ‘12. We’ll see if they get anything more but I’m not hedging any bets.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


ROFL with Lineage and WildStar which has been regarded and mostly a failure is beating out GW2………………………….

Given, that the WildStar-number must contain release-sales in the second quarter, I would say the numbers are bad for WildStar.

What seems more interesting to me is the rather heavy decline in GW2-sales itself up to 3rd quarter 2014 (in your second link).

I would have posted to compare the SoE ones but given that they are 30 bucks for the pack I don’t think it should be posted publicly.

Needless to say other MMOs are doing just fine.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


ROFL with Lineage and WildStar which has been regarded and mostly a failure is beating out GW2………………………….

well lineage is the 2nd most profitable mmorpg of all time.

Yeah sorry that was worded poorly. Lineage and WildStar beating out GW2. WildStar regarded mostly as a failure is what it should have been.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


I already find myself logging in, checking the BLTP, and then sort of shuffling my inventory until I log off. If the market hasn’t moved, my guild isn’t hosting an event, or there’s nothing going on in WvW, I’ve got nothing to do.

Another year of that? I’m going to be leaving. I suspect it will be like last year, where they release some piddly crap and a hyped up balance and ‘feature’ patch that I come back to check out. Will next year’s ‘feature pack’ have enough to make me check it out again after this year’s Massive Shrug? That’s the question. The path of least resistance is what’s holding me here for now.

My forum posting has gone up like 500% in the last two weeks because I’m so kitten bored in-game.

Exactly the problem. People are used to a hype-release cycle for casuals and gear grinds for hardcore. GW2 is deliberately a different type of game. We’ve gotten quite a bit – not an expansion’s worth, but close – but since we haven’t had the expansion hype people aren’t feeling as excited about it.

No, that’s not because of their lack of PR or hypemachine, it’s because that is recycled. Silverwastes isn’t new, it is WvW ideas with AI mobs sprinkled around. As a player that actually played the whole game instead of sticking to a niche, I’m not excited about that because it isn’t exciting, not because Neoseeker didn’t write an article about it. A couple of new enemy models, 2 hours worth of talking heads, and a constantly reworked daily system isn’t ‘close to’ an expansion.

You’re right, GW2 IS a different type of game – one that releases content more slowly than some F2P competitors, despite the same focus on microtransactions. I’m bored because I’m bored, not because they didn’t add grind. They are very good at adding grind (ascended, mawdrey, legendaries), but if I finally do grind out that legendary, it will be the same legendary I saw some dude wearing in 2013. And that will be BORING.

Ok, we will assume that GW2 isn’t even good enough to comepte vs other F2P titles. Now ask yourself, why in the world would Anet bother do anything if they get more profit than almost every single western MMO title? the game has a really healthy population compared to most other MMOs. They are gaining millions of dollars every year. And the industry has almost no compitition. All the games that have been released during the last years, have been flops more or less. Final Fantasy is a good title but again it is focused on gear/stat progression and therefore would have quite the different crowd.

It is not only GW2 being not so statisfying. The MMO market in genereal is empty more or less and companies are struggling to keep their titles alive.

you dont know what ur saying.

Yeah he made a paragraph of some whacked out comments. What I heard was a lot of other successful MMOs are doing as well but there’s not really any citations or reference with that. Hell yesterday I was shocked when I had a friend say he was playing Lord of the Rings again. I was like wow didn’t know that game still existed. Yeah he says got a few expansions out even. I know Landmark is doing fairly well as a beta. There’s of course the elephant wow. League and other games out there. Not to mention all the SoE games that are still profitable and played. I’m going to guess that little AN that seems to p off more players each patch has less then most other games. Only reason it’s not seen is because mega servers make it look like a lot more people then it really is.

When you get educated enough to the point of checking what GW2 brings to Ncsoft every quarter and comapre it to what other MMOs make, please comment then.

Until then, you are just a nive player, happy to whine, whithout understanding the basics of how the MMO industry works.

I’m still waiting for some references. You just made more unreferenced statements with nothing to back them up keep trying. But lets look at what GW2 brings to NCsoft shall we?

“As for sales per game, Lineage is still at the top with 32.2%. Following that is WildStar (15.9%), Guild Wars 2 (12.6%), Blade and Soul (10.8%), Aion (10.4%), and Lineage II (7.7%).”

ROFL with Lineage and WildStar which has been regarded and mostly a failure is beating out GW2………………………….

Here is a later report with more losses albeit it small.

That is what GW2 brings to NCsoft.

(edited by McSlappy.1372)

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Only reason it’s not seen is because mega servers make it look like a lot more people then it really is.

And Wow coppied that system too :P
Ashran (the equivillent of WvW , but only a straight line push) its not based on server vs server but it has the Megaserver mechanic like Eotm where it pulls players from allover servers .

The Russians server , where for straight 8 years played on their own league , now they are merged with theEu servers :P

(My hate for the ppl form MMO Champion and PvE hardcores players , is shown vividly ? :P)

No lol. WoW had dynamic servers long long before ANet made their Megaservers. They were putting them through beta before Pandaria came out. Also WvW is simply instancing. Blizz and most other games had that what 10ish years ago? Not as big but still concept is the same.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


well….what will you guys do if the expansion doesnt come in 2015? i am sure that arenanet realized by now that they NEED an expansion in order for the game to progress in a grand scale. not only that, but the constant pressure being put on them by players, credible websites, popular sites, etc.

Don’t worry it won’t. I’d love for one too. I wouldn’t buy it but it would be interesting to see sales figures on an earning report to actually see how many people still bother with the game.

What are you doing ?
You dont time to waste !
You have to lvl up the ‘’npc folloowers’’ from your Garrison to be in highest item lvl , in order to get the best PvE gear , without even particiapating yourself in those REAL Mythic Raids !

Hahaha that’s actually what I was doing while reading this thread. Got all the followers out doing stuff and my group is waiting in BG que atm.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


I already find myself logging in, checking the BLTP, and then sort of shuffling my inventory until I log off. If the market hasn’t moved, my guild isn’t hosting an event, or there’s nothing going on in WvW, I’ve got nothing to do.

Another year of that? I’m going to be leaving. I suspect it will be like last year, where they release some piddly crap and a hyped up balance and ‘feature’ patch that I come back to check out. Will next year’s ‘feature pack’ have enough to make me check it out again after this year’s Massive Shrug? That’s the question. The path of least resistance is what’s holding me here for now.

My forum posting has gone up like 500% in the last two weeks because I’m so kitten bored in-game.

Exactly the problem. People are used to a hype-release cycle for casuals and gear grinds for hardcore. GW2 is deliberately a different type of game. We’ve gotten quite a bit – not an expansion’s worth, but close – but since we haven’t had the expansion hype people aren’t feeling as excited about it.

No, that’s not because of their lack of PR or hypemachine, it’s because that is recycled. Silverwastes isn’t new, it is WvW ideas with AI mobs sprinkled around. As a player that actually played the whole game instead of sticking to a niche, I’m not excited about that because it isn’t exciting, not because Neoseeker didn’t write an article about it. A couple of new enemy models, 2 hours worth of talking heads, and a constantly reworked daily system isn’t ‘close to’ an expansion.

You’re right, GW2 IS a different type of game – one that releases content more slowly than some F2P competitors, despite the same focus on microtransactions. I’m bored because I’m bored, not because they didn’t add grind. They are very good at adding grind (ascended, mawdrey, legendaries), but if I finally do grind out that legendary, it will be the same legendary I saw some dude wearing in 2013. And that will be BORING.

Ok, we will assume that GW2 isn’t even good enough to comepte vs other F2P titles. Now ask yourself, why in the world would Anet bother do anything if they get more profit than almost every single western MMO title? the game has a really healthy population compared to most other MMOs. They are gaining millions of dollars every year. And the industry has almost no compitition. All the games that have been released during the last years, have been flops more or less. Final Fantasy is a good title but again it is focused on gear/stat progression and therefore would have quite the different crowd.

It is not only GW2 being not so statisfying. The MMO market in genereal is empty more or less and companies are struggling to keep their titles alive.

you dont know what ur saying.

Yeah he made a paragraph of some whacked out comments. What I heard was a lot of other successful MMOs are doing as well but there’s not really any citations or reference with that. Hell yesterday I was shocked when I had a friend say he was playing Lord of the Rings again. I was like wow didn’t know that game still existed. Yeah he says got a few expansions out even. I know Landmark is doing fairly well as a beta. There’s of course the elephant wow. League and other games out there. Not to mention all the SoE games that are still profitable and played. I’m going to guess that little AN that seems to p off more players each patch has less then most other games. Only reason it’s not seen is because mega servers make it look like a lot more people then it really is.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


well….what will you guys do if the expansion doesnt come in 2015? i am sure that arenanet realized by now that they NEED an expansion in order for the game to progress in a grand scale. not only that, but the constant pressure being put on them by players, credible websites, popular sites, etc.

Don’t worry it won’t. I’d love for one too. I wouldn’t buy it but it would be interesting to see sales figures on an earning report to actually see how many people still bother with the game.

Precursors under 74 Gold on TP!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Of course he does. But he’d rather make anyone who has issues with the current precursor system look like they’re lazy and entitled… for what purpose? I’m really not sure.

I won’t even bother coming back to the game until I’m guaranteed to able to get a Legendary. And it wouldn’t be 2.5 year old one either. They’d have to come out with all new weapons and practically give you a precursor. Then the game may be worth trying again. But still probably not tbh.

A character storyline quest to obtain the precursor would be a good way to do it. Not too hard or long but the choices you make along the way determine your precursor achieved. But yeah effort put in to a 2.5 year old weapon at this point is a waste. Better to play other more rewarding games.

(edited by McSlappy.1372)

Server Merges in China

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


You know honestly the most amazing thing in all of this, GW2 had the most successful launch in gaming history and this will be the legacy they’re going to be left with if they don’t a miracle out of that studio in the next few months. Who would have thought we’d be here in August 2012, it would be laughable if it wasn’t so sad.

“The most successful launch in gaming history” which somehow doesn’t take in to account that WoW outsold in 24 hours of the EXPANSION launch GW2’s entire game launch. Nevermind that there are a multitude of non MMOs that sell a lot more then GW2 will ever hope to sell. But somehow this “most successful launch” keeps being brought up but when you look at the numbers they don’t ever match the title.

Server Merges in China

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


I just don’t think the game is grindy enough for it to really take off in China. Especially when it comes to power progression. I could be wrong, but it seems like that’s the type of game that works out well there.

Ohh it’s grindy enough. The problem is the Chinese like to be rewarded for their grind. The game is definitely not rewarding enough for the grind it has.

Server Merges in China

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Every single game ever released have a diminishing user base from the moment it is released.

False statement. WoW actually had it’s peak in their 2nd expansion. They are currently experiencing another peak almost as large with their current expansion. I’m sure other games have released and then picked up in popularity as time went on. Look at EQ for example it ramped up in popularity until WoW came out and has still maintained a small following to this day. Good games release and then expand for a few years. They don’t release and then immediately start a decline. Another example League of Legends. Don’t think because GW2 released and then plummeted that is the norm for the industry because it is not at all how successful games work.

What excites you about the future of GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Precursor crafting has become so irrelevant that I nor anyone sane even cares. I am probably officially not following precursor crafting anymore. The people who talk about it continually rely on unproven arguments and try to stretch something that does not matter. The only thing they better worry about are the counter arguments that can occur if they try to cross the line and twist developer comments that are outdated. The final product will probably be more work than the current method minus some RNG.

Yeah 2 year old weapons. Even if they came out with the stuff now it’d be 3 years old before it’d be completed to do the same old content……. They’d have to come out with a totally new set of Legendaries that have the same or better stats, totally new looks, and a guaranteed way of acquiring them to even give it a chance of being worth it to try the game again. But I really don’t have to worry about it because they can do whatever they want and it doesn’t affect my gaming. Their irrelevant until they do something to make themselves relevant again…..good luck.

"Play How I Want" Is Gone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


That other game is also imitating other games too, so I hear, and has been for a while.

Ohh absolutely they do. Every expansion you can find items borrowed from other games. Some improved on some fairly xerox copied. Like the Garrison follower missions. Fairly closely taken from Star Wars. Send them on missions to get things then they arrive back with goodies. Then they expanded on it. They see things trending out there in other games that are fun and incorporate it. From GW2 I think they grabbed the multiple can harvest the same resources. Hey that’s a good aspect that I can now play over there. Anet seems to be doing the same but they seem to be copying all the things people don’t like and complain about.

What excites you about the future of GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


They refuse to talk about anything regarding the future of the game so whatever.

You can’t blame them. They can’t talk about something that it does not have.

"Play How I Want" Is Gone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


People aren’t asking to get rewards from chatting or a precursor upon login.

No actually that’s what it would take at a minimum for a few I’ve actually talked to about the game. You would have to be guaranteed the possibility of having the best gear in game. Granted you’d have to put a lot of work in to finish it but still you’d be guaranteed the if you put in that work you’d get it. Right now that’s not a sure thing so why would I waste my time on a rare chance of something? And honestly even if they did do that it’s a 2 year old game and a 2 year old weapon. By the time that’s done another .5-1 year later now a 3 year old game and weapon in a game that has a fraction of it’s player base……. Nah i’d have to be more then even a free precursor to get people back.

Don’t even know if it would really even be possible. People now have a bad stigma about the game so you’d have to come out with some changes and a way to market them to get people that tune out everytime they hear guild wars now to actually pay attention. I don’t think that’s possible after the huge disappointment this game was to the small portion of the gaming player base as a whole they had.

In contrast, in my Garrison after it hits level three, which I can actively do, a NPC spawns that starts the legendary for this expansions quest. I put forth the effort I’m guaranteed to get the item unlike GW2 where your guaranteed a minute chance at it.

"Play How I Want" Is Gone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


+1 to the OP.
Now here’s hoping ANet is good enough to sack up, and finally say “we were wrong” and bring back the game we (or at least I and older players) PAYED FOR.

Not going to happen. Even if they did who cares? No really. Many of us read the forums as a point of interest. But the game is literally not worth time playing it let alone paying for it. I gladly give Blizz and CCP my money each month and spend lots of time in their games because it’s fun and rewarding. With GW2 it’s more rewarding to not waste my time in game. Although the forums are entertaining to read while in fleet or riding on flight paths.

+1 to the OP.
Now here’s hoping ANet is good enough to sack up, and finally say “we were wrong” and bring back the game we (or at least I and older players) PAYED FOR.

. . . I don’t want that game back.

No, seriously, I do not want that game back. It was terrible in all kinds of places and broken in others.

That however is the game that was different unique and fun. Now that the game is is trying to imitate other games it’s failing hard. Over 10mil paying monthly subscribers. Over 3mil expansion sales in the first 24 hours after launch and that’s not counting preorders………. Their expansion numbers blow GW2s release numbers that they like to brag about all the time out of the water. Sorry but their doing it right. Players vote with their credit cards and the votes are in. After lost shore with 100+ people in guild on each night went down to under 10. You may have not liked that game the vast majority did. Enjoy being a special flower in an empty game that will go the way of Vanguard.

Upcoming Daily/Monthly changes 12/10/14

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


“With the Wintersday festival coming on December 16, we’re releasing a new version of the daily achievement system. "

Well either they lied as their normal bait and switch policies, or they botched the release. Logged and and apparently the daily login achievement isn’t active or working.

Someone in game just said “new Dailies, even if you did last nights are active…daily login-in, is not for those that were logged in after 4pm yesterday or before todays reset.”

What kind of programming incompetence is that. Basically Anet said login rewards on the 16th. Apparently that’s not working. Anet lies about their promotions yet again.

Is GuildWars 2 worth coming back to?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Generally I’d say no. Of all the games I’ve played this is the most unrewarding vs time spent. Personally I consider cleaning my fish tank to be more rewarding then playing this game as it is. I just laughed while typing that but thinking about it, it really is true. Anyways a friend in WoW was making fun of they have to try and bribe people to login. So I figured while the game isn’t rewarding vs time spent I’ll see if this now 2.5 year old game is worth even hitting the login button for. See if maybe the 28th day gives a choice of precursor or something. That “might” be worth playing the game for but then I’d still have to waste time to get all the other components for a 2.5 year old content………. ehh probably not. But at least then I’ll know that not even pressing the login button once per day is worth the time. We’ll see if AN holds true to their dismal form or if they’ll actually produce something worth it.

Time to refocus and clarify GW2's goals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


I still dont understand your thinking …
You need 1,5 months to complete the Conquest set , then you have 1,5 months to enjoy them before the newer set gring starts .
But you want less grind here .

Okay let me try to explain it this way. You can quickly get your honor gear or Exotics. Easy no limitations gets you to a base level. Then to get to work on your next set. Yes you are correct every few months you work on a new set. This is done because every few months everyone get caught up to the current content. To do the current content you need a certain base level of gear. So to prevent people from getting left behind this is done.

The difference why it feels like less grind is because I can sit down to night of gaming and get a piece of gear for my efforts. No it’s not the entire set but it’s an item. In GW2 you login and do a whole night of WvW and walk away with well not much. Next night I can get another piece towards my set. WvW I get well not a lot just a little closer to a piece and repeat. Yes you get more but your getting rewarded much more for the time you spend. It is by definition a much more rewarding game. Where as spend a evening getting a couple Exotic drops if you can even get them that often anymore I don’t know to turn around and get nothing from a Mystic Forge of nothingness. Not very rewarding.

In the other game you are getting gear from the new current content. In GW2 your grinding the same old stuff over and over and over and get reward very little spaced fairly far apart. Now this may not be an issue for some. But that’s why the game doesn’t have a chance of being a big MMO. And I do call BS on their “Fastest Selling ever MMO” when the other company sells 3.3 million expansions in the first 24 hours of release not including pre-sales.

Anyways it’s time for me to get back to enjoying Warlords. I think the points have been adequately made. Will check back in a few months to see if this game is still around and if they’ve made any progress at turning it around.

Time to refocus and clarify GW2's goals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


GW2 PvP gear = normilized 365 days /year
WoW PvP gear = 5-10% every 3 months

WoW Open world PvP = pvp starting gear > pwn easily the PvE gear
Mythic (top raiding gear) = almost equal stats with Conquest Gear(top pvp gear) = both huge investment/time like Ascentant)
GW2 WvW gear = true = 5-10%

You worked in the industry yourself at the past :p
Details are crucial :P

Its ok that you want more from GW2 , as i do :P
(I WANT HEALERS !!!!!!!!)

Ascendent gear takes unless it’s been way easier, which it hasn’t sounded like from the forums, way way longer then Conquest. I can get a new piece of conquest gear each week except for legs, torso, or helmet without rating. With skill and higher rating the cap goes up and I can get a main piece each week. Getting one ascended sword took the entire duration of WvW season one. Conquest way way less of a grind and way more satisfying.

I don’t want more from GW2 I would at a minimum require it. Haven’t really played since WvW season 1 and really don’t care too. They’d have to go back to the core of what the game was before they ruined it. And lets face it……..that’s never going to happen.

I’m sitting here thinking about this now. What would it take to possibly get players back from other games. For me, even if they came out with the scavenger hunt promised years ago that wouldn’t be enough. Because AN’s method you’d have to spend six months looking for a random drop off some random rare spawns just to get the precursor for a weapon that as of today is 2 years old. PASS. They’d need to come out with a whole new legendary line. Newer graphics, same flexible stats but straight forward to get. A challenge but not based on RNG. Would have to look at it and kittenay if I spent this amount of time and effort I could be guaranteed to get this. Then would have to make a decision if it’s worth it or not.

But still it’s coming back to a 2 year old game with worse mechanics then the day it released, and that hasn’t really progressed or been innovated on since…… I dunno it’d be a tough sell even if we were in the middle of a inter expansion lul. For the next year it’s going to be near impossible to pull players back and then when they may get a window we’re looking at 3 years? If AN stock were involved this is definitely a sell all now and get what you can salvage.

Time to refocus and clarify GW2's goals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Okay getting back on track though honest question. Blizzard communicates what they having coming up over a year down the road. Honestly with this following link obviously their doing it right.

Should AN rethink their policy of hush hush?

Time to refocus and clarify GW2's goals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Funny that you love the the introduction of the new gear :P
But why do you hate the grind on GW2 ? :P
You are ok , every 3 month with the introduction of new grind rather that 1 that is reniew every 2-3 years ?

Yes actually. That is how WoW was designed. Each season you get a new gear level. New look and stat bump. The reason for it is it’s used to equalize out the population. You can come in at any time and get base gear fairly quickly to “catch up” to where the current content is. Each season has a race to get the ranked gear but even that is limited to a certain number of points each week. So if you keep up with it every that is partaking in the higher grade gear will stay about the same and not have gear gaps. And we’re talking 5% differences here. Less then the GW2 5-10% for ascended and legendary. Just that small number makes a huge difference. Someone will smite you fairly easily if you have honor gear vs conquest gear.

But the thing is with that I can sit down for an evening of arena or rated BGs and get to that weeks conquest cap which for most items is one piece of gear. You can sit down and accomplish something in one sitting. I can log in and progress my legendary. To put it like AN likes to I can play the game the way I want to play. I can get the best gear in game through PvPing or through raiding. I have do X and Y or S and T and you get Z.

In GW2 you get you have to do A B C …… X Y Z for months with little reward in the middle for a RNG rare chance you’ll get Z. Or you can just spend RL cash to buy it……… That doesn’t give value and meaning to in game items. Okay I wasted a ton of time to get this I could have just purchased it. In a word Lame.

That shows how a design team makes a truely great evolving game that Millions of players do enjoy to the point of paying to play. People have memories of their experiences and achievements in their guilds. In this game my experience has been Titan Alliance undefeated in WvW. Then Ascended gear coming out and the game going from having fun doing stuff not worrying about grind, to being the longest and most unrewarding grind I have ever seen in a game. The time is literally better spent not playing because it would take up so much time/effort/or money to get the best items that they really aren’t worth it.

I tired the WvW season 1. Did the meta achievement thinking okay maybe AN would actually do something rewarding for all this. Nope. That was an error on my part thinking that the game would be rewarding. When it started it truly had the possibility of having all the best parts of MMOs without the negatives. It on launch day was that game. Then they turned it in to the worst of their competitors without any of the positives.

Someday maybe AN will wake up and make their game fun again. But I’m guessing that even now we are past the point that if they did anyone would care. Why go back and play that game when we have other new ones and the good ole staple game to spend out time with?

Time to refocus and clarify GW2's goals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Didnt they say that they will release 2 raids in the next mothns and 2 others after 6 months ?
Are you personaly ok with that , rather that taking torch and forks so they must justify the 1 billion per year they get ?

Who Blizzard? Sure I’d be okay if that is their release schedule. There’s a ton of stuff to do right now. I’m through about 2 zones of the new expansion and have tons of stuff remaining to do. Will probably start doing the raids when they come out with them. Also when they release a raid it’s generally part of a .1 release. Which means new gear, new PvP season, possibly new 5 man instances, all sorts of stuff. Not just another raid zone or something like that. Each .1 release is probably about the same amount of content as a 6 month stretch of Living Story. And it’s content that you can still go back and do if you missed it or just liked to take a stroll down memory lane with a few buddies. Not temporary content that is gone after a certain time frame.

Time to refocus and clarify GW2's goals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Dude, it’s not unrealistic to create an expansion full of new areas, races, lore etc. It is done by a dozen of MMOs every 2 years… Why comes this argument all the time? Maybe Anet HAS certain approach to develop games – that may be possible – which takes a lot more time/recourses, but it’s certainly not the industry standard.

Just ignore them. They have drank so much of the coolaid they’re beyond hope. Millions of people playing? A couple million boxes sold. With so many of the 2.4 initial sales guilds gutted and completely barren there’s no where near that many playing. Such a small %age. If I had to put a finger in to the air and guess I’d put it at 100k players on the high side. You can’t have more people playing then boxes sold and you are going to have the majority % sold completely inactive in any game. WoW has maybe sold 50-100mil boxes over the course of it’s life. I think the max number of subs at any given time was 10+ mil. Before WoD it was 7ish and has been reported to spike up but who knows how much.

So there’s no possible way that millions are playing GW2. It’s not a notion based in rational reality.

Time to refocus and clarify GW2's goals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


In the end, not everybody will be satisfied even after a major update comes out. You can’t please everybody, you know.

Of course. That’s why any decent MMO company should inform their players about future direction for their game. So they may decide whether they should stick around or not, instead of finding this on the patch day few years in the future.

Unfortunately Anet seems to prefer stringing people along for as long as possible. This is why they avoid any definite announcements. This may be also why they delay with introducing any definite content – as long as the future of the game stays undefined and nebulous, they can pretend that everyone will like it. Even if they do know it’s simply not true.

Pretty much all the details of Warlords has been talked about for a year. To the point of Blizzard publishing and keeping updated line by line notes. Everything was known about the expansion before it came out. Creates huge excitement for the game. Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm(which is awesome to play btw), Project Overwatch. all of these are talked about and tweaked for months before release will near full transparency before release. Which method of communicating with players seems to be better?

The problem with AN vs Blizz vs even CCP is that Blizz is capable of delivering on it’s hype. CCP is capable of delivering on it’s threats. AN talks more grand talk and talks and talks. They probably realized that they can’t deliver their hype so just stop hyping.

Time to refocus and clarify GW2's goals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Part of the current population might like having their own farm to grow things. And part won’t.

This is what I talk about all the time. Everyone thinks that they have some idea of what the current population wants. What we have here is a whole bunch of micropopulations with some crossover.

I do believe, however, that anything Anet implements will kitten off someone.

LOL WoW had that two years ago. Some were like Wtf. Basically those that liked it used it those that didn’t didn’t no big deal. Now two years later Blizz introduced Garrisons which is turning out to be near unanimously considered to be fairly awesome. So far this has been the largest single expansion of content ever released in that game. Having looked at a few of the Living Story content. Personal observations way more content then all the trickle GW2 content. And there are the content release patches coming out every couple months that are by themselves generally bigger then the LS patches.

So if GW2 wants to survive they better come out with something that can compete with that. Because for at least the next year or so till the next inter expansion lul happens pulling people off real content for freebie content is gonna be difficult. I think it was GameBreaker that had an article about NCsoft financial calls with GW2 in decline.

25% of previous year? OUCH. Well that’s what the big company direction is. Server and staff consolidation.

Time to refocus and clarify GW2's goals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Please, tell is something about Tengu

Tengu is a Tier 3 cruiser that has 5 configurable systems for offense, defense, propulsion, power, and electronics. Each of the configurable slots has 4 modules available for it allowing many different customized configurations.

Ohh I’m sorry got side tracked with a successful niche game for a sec.

Time to refocus and clarify GW2's goals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


She’s pretty spot on with one little exception. She’s right they are the best of the best in those positions. I don’t care if anyone believes or not but having worked at a game development company a loooooooooooooong time ago, Pre EQ days they are the best of the best that are willing to take the crappy salaries, super long grueling hours, etc. It was fun for a while but yeah it is no longer business it really does become your job. When you go home the last thing you want to do is play games even if their not the ones or even the type your working on. So a lot of the better people do take the better non gaming jobs. And then complain about game design blah blah =P

Time to refocus and clarify GW2's goals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


But see you ware wrong. If you don’t have Ascended gear you don’t have the best gear in game. What you think is or is not needed is subjective. What has the best stats is not subjective. Ascended gear is the best in game. It is massive grind taking several months to get. So your “NO effort….You can’t get less grind than that.” is the coolaid the devs have been feeding you. Wake up and look at reality and not swallow the hype.

Also if you run up against an opponent that is 10% better then you on all their stats. You have 10% more health and armor to get through of theirs while they’re beating you down 10% faster. It’s WAY MORE then just 5-10% better you don’t need it. Math helps just a hint.

At the NO…Effort I was talking about PvP , Your stats are the same in pvp , a Green level 10 item has the same stats as a level 80 Ascended item.

Last time I was in WvW there was not gear equalization. Okay well in that case I stand corrected if they added gear equalization at some point in the last two years.

Time to refocus and clarify GW2's goals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McSlappy.1372


Btw what is a pay to win legendary ?
Thanks god we dont have pay to win boost to istantly lvl up 1 character up to 90 for 50 dollars :P

A pay to win Legendary is what is in GW2. It is a legendary that you can do everything in game and due to extremely low RNG you will most likely still never get the necessary pieces to make it. The other way is to grind a huge amount of gold to buy it in game or purchase it for a couple hundred from company in this game gem store as your only means to get it.

Boosting a character is an additional service not needed or required to play the game or get the best gear in game. You get one free boost included with the expansion so that you can immediately join your friends in current content without having to play separate for days to catch up to where your buddies are. It reduces grind something GW2 used to be about. Interesting how the wheel turns. If you want more then one character boosted to 90 then you have to pay additional for it to prevent everyone from just boosting everything. It’s about balance which is beyond the scope of explaining in this post.