Showing Posts For Megastorm.6219:


in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Keep an eye on your conditions applied to you, and watch your HP drop rates. Don’t pop every skill to get rid of every red condi you see on you. Watch the targets for the one who side steps a lot more than the other clones. Find your target and try to press on them in close.

some questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


hit me up if you just need general questions answered or a simple guild tag to get you going through the leveling process.

Shout bunker

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


I’ve been testing a few different styled builds as of late to see what holds up to the current meta we face as guardians. Spirits are wonky, but very fun at times. Shouts seem to be effective with:
0/1/6/6/1 GS/M/F

It’s got a lot of stability, condi cleanse, and heals surprisingly.

There could be a number of changes made to this, but as it stands it works well as a bunker alternative. I just wanted to throw this out there for the masses that might be bored with other options at their disposal currently, and wanting something else to try.

Edit: As always I’m open to suggestions/changes, and criticism, guard up. Tested in ranked, and unranked with good success.

(edited by Megastorm.6219)

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


PvP mainly. Also the occasional skin/item grind-to-get that looks like an item I would like for my account. I have left the main guild I was in about half a year ago, and have been happy to solo guild rep on my own since then. I chill out in LA on occasion and mingle with the local yokels from time to time, which gives me a feel of the community. PvP lobby is a bit..out of control until you start blocking some of the repeat offenders, then it’s a lot nicer in the lobby.

That type of stuff keeps me logging in for about an hour or a few each day. Pretty stale as of late..I must agree there, and I’m waiting on Rytlock to come back as a Ritualist from the UW lol…oh sky, you have such sweet sweet pie.

Create a Weapon.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


1h Crossbow:
Used by Guardians/Warriors/Rangers/Engineers
spread multiple conditions on up to 5 targets, another that shoots aoe water field heals at short range.
Legendary could look like the repeater crossbow from Van Helsing.

Guardian Shield, again..Please change it

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


I still think shield skill 5 should draw conditions from all nearby players, and grant Aegis to the whole party..and change the field to water so a heal rotation would be viable also.
Just my 2c

[Suggestion] How to fix Torch

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Inner flame burning us would be perfect, but it would be nice if there was some effect where if we’re set on fire, we drop a water field for 5 sec. Guards need more access to water fields due to our small lean towards healing, however weak it may be.

This would make hammer more fun with it’s fast blaster, also the shield could use a water field instead of light as it stands for skill 5.
2 cents given.

Communal Defenses Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


/signed for 5 second cool down! Make new viable builds possible.

W.I.P. PVP-Celestial Spirit Bunker

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Thanks for the input, and I do agree with the hammer being an awesome choice. The only reason I took it out initially was due to stability issues when trying to pop my spirits while engaged on points. The 6/4/0/0/4 setup is nice, and I am liking the way it plays out with the points, and small group fights.

If anyone has a different idea for spirit pvp setups, I would like to check them out also. It’s fun having the guard’s lil’ pets to play with.

W.I.P. PVP-Celestial Spirit Bunker

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Still working on these beers after a bad day, but here is a better setup with the same idea that I would like some good guardian pvplayers to try out at the least.

W.I.P. PVP-Celestial Spirit Bunker

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


You bring up valid points Harbinger. I am exhausted, and drinking right now. I havn’t had a chance to double check myself yet so thank you. Still tweaking things and testing. Don’t take my lack of sleep as a sign of stupidity please, as I do actually know what I’m going after haha. No offense taken, nor given.

W.I.P. PVP-Celestial Spirit Bunker

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


The evolution continues, and it seems to actually be worth doing still for whatever reason. It’s getting to be an actual build that’s fun and reliable for the most part in small group fights, or 1vs2 fights.

Feel free to try it out, and give some feedback, good or bad. Realize..that I’m not trying to crack a code here, or break anyone’s precious meta. Just something different and usable. Still mainly for capping points.

So Shield...

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Shield skill 4 change: add aegis to group for 10 sec.
Shield skill 5 change: draw all conditions from up to 5 people and WATER FIELD.
Also: more usability by shorter cooldowns….because wow.

2 cents given.

W.I.P. PVP-Celestial Spirit Bunker

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


I’ve made some adjustments as I’ve been testing. So far this seems a little more of a step in the right direction. It gives me condi cleanse, stability, and more damage at ranged which seems to help out more than I thought it might.

W.I.P. PVP-Celestial Spirit Bunker

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Some of the major flaws I see so far after some ranked and unranked testing: Stability or you never get your spirits off when you want, and lack of trait options to make that possible while keeping the trait points for spirits…(which is in 3 trees), and is the burning if traited for it even worth it?

Looking for advice or thoughts on these things mostly so far. Weapon choices seem to be very flexible for the most part.

W.I.P. PVP-Celestial Spirit Bunker

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


There’s some good points made here, a couple of them such as AH helping, and what the build lacks. I noticed a lot of my issues so far have been stability so I put stand your ground on the bar with shield for the added Aegis, and hammer. So far I’m having the most effective results with this and Staff/scepter/focus. I am still playing around with things to get it to work the way I like, such as rune choices, and trying to get GS to work with it instead of staff.
If nothing else, it’s a fun project for now.

W.I.P. PVP-Celestial Spirit Bunker

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


I thought about the option to use staff, I think I’m just too fond of GS gameplay to really see it as a viable alternative in pvp. I’ll give it a shot though as I still have plenty of tweaks to work out on this build.

Winterday Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


On the 6th day of Wintersday my RNG gave to me, the 6 watching over me.
Five Gold Doubloons
Four Norn spirits
Three easy dailies
Two greatswords glowing
And a precursor for my legendary!

W.I.P. PVP-Celestial Spirit Bunker

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Yea I want it to work, and more likely than not it’s just a pipe dream of a build concept. I am trying to work with it though as I feel it could be effective and fun. Something different to break up the norm.

W.I.P. PVP-Celestial Spirit Bunker

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Here’s the build I’m working on so far. I’ve only tested one round of spvp on it, but I think it’s something to work from at the very least. So tired of the clones, pets, and condi meta I have to deal with, so I’m trying something new out. Feel free to add to this, or crush my dreams. So far so good though.

[Build] semi bunker hybrid guard pvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Instead of staff to gain might, try the GS out and use it as more than a CC and leap tool. Try to think of it as an extra evade tool to get out of fields faster while blinding the group around you on points. Also I might add that I don’t use geo sigils, I run double battle, and double energy so I have constant evades available.

[Build] semi bunker hybrid guard pvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


This build is almost identical to what I run in pvp honestly, except for staff I run GS. Works well, and it plays the way I like.

Discussion: Superior Sigil of Mischief

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


I thought about this one as well due to the extra source of blinds, if for no other reason that it might be good.

What excites you about the future of GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Legendary Back piece capes with choice of guild emblems/colors.

Can somebody help me on naming my mesmer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


I think I win..not sure what game this is..but I think I won it lol.

Can somebody help me on naming my mesmer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Herd of Her 15/char

How many Guardians do you have?

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


1 to rule them all.


What people want? Please Read.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Seriously?..nobody else who flames each and almost every post out there will even post a few suggestions on this one? The gripes posts here got a +1…wtf show some heart, maybe they’ll read a few of ours.

If you love guitar hero, go play it...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


(Way off topic of the OP but) …Might I suggest playing Rocksmith with a real guitar? Far superior to some dumb bells in a game. 2cents gifted2U.

What people want? Please Read.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Bloodstone bricks used in the rebuilding of LA, Guild Hall/Castle building.

GVG!-Oh…my magic carpet to attach to my shoulders when stored.. come back from the Underworld as an unlocked..Ritualist, and have it be a new playable profession.

Underworld/Fissure of Woe GvG and/or Fractals..
In game mods who spread news, give out small goodies, wear upcoming outfits/weapon skins to show the players before implementing them in the game, and get ideas strait from the people.

Precursor scavenger hunt/recipes.

New Dungeon paths

Shield and Focus to swap names..

Hall of Monuments to get some much needed love, and more links to our GW1 accounts. Possibly even make it a home instance.

(edited by Megastorm.6219)

[Suggestion] Change "Retreat" Shout

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


“Hold Fast” instead of “Retreat” 2 cents given.

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Here’s a few I have been wanting to post for a while. Hopefully they link correctly.


Experience Scrolls - Suggestions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


+1 vote for both

Inflation pushes progression beyond reach

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


People will nitpick you to death as is standard practice on this forum, but I agree with the OP, and feel the same way these days.

What do you do with celestial gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


I have ascended celestial armor on my guard at times in WvW, and also in some open world events. I use ascended zerker trinkets, and weapons to balance it out. Works for me, say what ya will, I still have 2 zerker sets on my toon at all times to swap out for other things. Traveler runes on the celestial setup also helps.

what else is good title besides gwamm?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Greatsaw+Master Carver

Celestial vs PVT

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Describe GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


1, 1, 1, loot, open, disappointment, stare at my toons that look expensive, toy with builds/traits, get criticized for it by kittenholes, rinse, repeat, lament, and embrace.

Celestial vs PVT

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


For whatever it might be worth, I have been using ascended celestial armor+weapons with full ascended zerker trinks when running around in WvW solo/small group roaming setup. I find it to work out just fine with travelers as far as speed, and survivability goes. Energy and stamina sigils on one swap out works well if you have heals on dodge as I do, and like to tag and spam blinds also. The DPS is honestly good, not optimal, and allows for some fair fights that usually end with you being the victor against multiple attackers. Not saying what I run, or how I play is the winning ticket, but I don’t suck at guardian play, and I’m still enjoying myself in game.

Echoes of the Past Trailer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Dwarves and dragons are on the menu, and I’m eating it up so far. These give me some hope since I know we’ll be seeing new turf to strut upon as well, like some Dwarven Ruins.

Share your non-standard builds:

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Full ascended celestial for WvW solo/small group roaming. Keeps your survivability up, dps up, and provides good utility. Also trying out the new cleansing sigils in place of battle for both swaps. It’s just a good time build that works well, try it out.

Suggestion: A Suggestion Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Suggestion for vote: I hate walls of text, so short and sweet it is.

Guild capes/halls/GvG with up to zerg level type numbered fights to fit large guild raids at once, and if not too much trouble, can the guild use bloodstone bricks to work on upgrades for the castle..that requires bricks to build.

Changes in the Sept 2014 Feature Pack

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


If spirit weapons were immune to attacks for their duration, and there were two new buttons I could press to make them spread out, follow, or attack target, then I might get excited.
I do look forward to any improvements to guardian of course, and I’m in no way feeling kitten before I see the actual updates.

New - No idea what this is...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Guild Wars 2 is a vast sub-culture fan base of; technology, fantasy, large scale warring faction fights, duels to the death, fully worthwhile down time filling, open world exploration with constant additions to story and maps, rich graphics type of game on a level you won’t find without a subscription fee elsewhere.

What do you hope ANet changes on Guardian?

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


A new grandmaster trait that makes shield skills recharge 25% faster, and gives Aegis every 5 seconds while wielding a shield. Also swap sword skill 2 and Mace 2, and have them reworked a bit. If I can swing a GS around real fast, why can’t I spam a mace to their face? Especially if the mace cured a condition on all party members every 4th hit or something.

zerk to condi - my overall conclusion

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


I would agree with this for the most part. Anyone can say “switch that trait, change this rune or sigil and it’s better”, but I think for the most part it’s trickiculty factor 5 lately for getting the right balance on guards. I have also had the most success with hybrid builds lately, and they have been holding their own and fun to play.

I’ve been running these setups if anyone is interested.
PVE: Might focused with swappable utility

PVP: Bunker Burner hybrid

Probably not perfect but they’re fun and effective.

Strength Rune dps build

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


the runes give you +7% and another 20% under Aegis, and did you happen to notice any chance of getting might at all to boost damage output?

Strength Rune dps build

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


it refreshes virtue of courage, and virtue of justice gives you another 3 might

and you can also swap out traits for superior area, and use shouts so you can have retreat and save yourself just for the added blocks and mights. Things to tinker around with.

Strength Rune dps build

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Well, shelter or renewed focus both block while getting you a heal which gives you more might stacking, after they finish you get to attack of course, so why not have added attack bonus for it?

Strength Rune dps build

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


Hello peeps, i’ve been tinkering around with different setups to work with these expensive runes of strength I have on my guard. I like pve and pvp, occasionally i’ll do some wvw but not often, I wanted to make a build that lets me use some of the best things a guard can offer and put them to work by giving me a large bang for my bucks spent on those runes.

Let me know what you think since it’s primarily used for pve and fractals. Of course some weapons and utility skills and a couple traits could be swapped out to suit your specific needs, but the core of the setup is fun and effective.

I’m having no issues maintaining might stacks or safely getting more by dodging more often. It’s fun \m/,

(edited by Megastorm.6219)