All I see is people who love to manipulate the markets and get the shinies they want, and when something new changes how well others can get it without doing the same methods, they fear the sky falling in on them. It’s very noble to worry about a market that you have manipulated for almost 5 years. Not all of the players play the TP game, and everything has been inflated for years from the ones who have. “If there’s a new way, I’ll be the first in line. It better work this time.” -Dave Mustaine
The Goonies pirate ship complete with One-Eyed Willie was pretty rad the first time I found that JP.
This skin looks so basic. The main reason that people want it is due to it being rare, and they think that makes it cool. Eternal Rest is so much better looking in terms of creativity, and detail. I just don’t understand the want for a cruddy looking skin like this.
I’m guessing the unlikely allies will be some gods, and a dragon. We’ll probably make deals with both or one in order to imprison the dragon we cannot control. We’re going to need the help of gods and dragons in order to handle the power of both, without killing another dragon. I’m just guessing here.
Can we please get some people who want to have fun in WvW to make changes to it instead of these dorks breaking the game more? It’s like you don’t even want fun to be a part of WvW, and it looks to me like they want to discourage anyone trying to get into it more. Quit sucking the fun out of this game before you force everyone except the few elitists who refuse to quit, from leaving also.
“You’re out of your element Donny!”
Seriously? And when their colored chevron moves; we the sheeple who shall remain tagless, stay on top of said icon as best as we can during the actions that require excited shouting on the headsets. “PUSH, PUSH, PUSH, PUSH, WATER, WATER, GO, GO, GO, GO, IN, IN, IN, IN, and I’ll brb after I grab another beer.”
Oh they shall remember the names of those who commanded them so well, and remember the spies who told them where not to go at the times of our greatest victories.
We shall request that great monuments be erected in their name as any other sheeple tribe would do in order to idol warship the right way. Really? lol
Every good hero should have some epic theme music. This has always been mine. O Fortuna in the 4th movement.
If you want a clothing skin that looks like a familiar sexual oriented appeal, then use a human or norn. Expecting anything to fit your wants list on a made up hairless mutant is just beyond reason. You want real looking duds, wear them on real looking beings.
Well, the game finally let me in, so hopefully it won’t crash now.
(edited by Megastorm.6219)
I cannot get any further than the character select screen after downloading the new patch. Every time I try to load in, it crashes and tells me to check my internet connection.
Partner with a local brewery, and make some ales that are named after characters. Memberships could go out for beer of the month club. Sell Steins, mugs, growlers, and name one of the brews “Move Moot.” WTB
Hit me up in game if you have any questions about [Ren] I would be happy to explain what type of guild we have to offer.
I have been maining a Guardian since launch, despite all of the…changes we’ll call them I still love the class, and love creating new builds for them.
I think staff 5 is lackluster for the most part, and I would like to see it changed to provide a water field, of which guardians have none. I would also go ahead and say that the cooldown could use a change also, perhaps 25-30 sec. I wouldn’t call the skill useless at all, but I do feel it’s long overdue to be looked at in the aspects of providing something more than it does currently.
…looking at you masteries and elite specs…
I’ve been thinking about this topic a lot lately also. I already have 2 full ascended sets of celestial, and berserker gear; including trinkets/weapon swaps. I would like to think I’m prepared for raids and the new GvG content already, but I still can’t seem to get away from the thought of a full Zealot’s set also. I’m waiting to see if I want to convert my cele set, or finish crafting a Zealot’s set once we get a new way to buy the recipes instead of from the expensive TP ones.
Build ideas sound fun so far for self sustain guard in raids/gvg
Lord Megastorm 36 \m/,
One of the worst looking I have seen and I’m glad I saved the screen shot years ago now.
Honestly this beginning part is easy if you simply stand at the top of the waterfall, and center yourself on the waterfall, and just jump out into it. No traits needed, just a simple centered jump into the slide and you’ll be fine. Hope it helps.
Thank you for yours. Compassion is good for the soul.
Hello community. I have been playing GW1 since it’s launch when I got home from my first tour in the Army, and I still play GW2 since it’s launch. I recently got a kitten who was going to be killed if not adopted, and named him Chauncy in homage of the GW2 character.
I’m a disabled vet, have an 11 year old dog, and 15 year old ball python pet that I’ve had all these years. I recently got a kitten to give my dog “who is trained to love cats,” as a new friend.
Sometimes in life, you get a chance to be nice and be true to your gamer roots.
Easy..Norn due to bigger and easier to see character armor/weapons.
There seems to be a divide in the "Time=Fun* thoughts on this map so far.
I agree that the timer should be upped so we can have more build diversity/strategy/fun.
I see what the zerker meta (my time is precious so zerk) people are saying also with keeping the timer as is to rush everything.
nah..more time fighting is more fun, just give us bigger rewards.
Honestly, I don’t see the archers to be a thing we couldn’t vote out in favor of something else like…a gate ram mechanic.
This is just my 2 copper on them so far.
So far: Tripple medi guard works wonders as an escort class for the door breakers, many ways to do this job though. Shoutbow war works great also as a duo.
Your take on guard in Stronghold so far?
So far from what I’ve seen and figured out:
All spend points on door breakers first means you will have to escort/heal, what have you for them. Sending 1 to 2 people for this obviously healer/enemy player CC role is a must right away, more likely followed shortly after by the other escort so they can team up as needed and take on would be attackers.
We all want supply so there should be a treb launching. focus taking out their gate fast, rushing lord primary.
If you have to keep someone at home to protect lord/kill door breaker swaths, make it something that can handle that job even if it means taking on 1 or 2 players also at home.
Rush lord is key, protecting your door breakers is also key, and should be done by classes that can easily do the job.
Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew =more dodges/heals/might
Just a suggestion also: try an endurance sigil on your staff.
Spirit weapons act more like Engineer turrets.
Shield 5 to either remove all conditions from all nearby party members, or provide a water field to blast so the guardians can actually have one available.
Upcoming bow skills to work similar to how I want shield 5 to work.
Our reflection skill to work like the Revenant’s.
The bass sounds weird, but looks awesome. Perhaps it reminds me of this:
If I hear someone playing this I might listen to it in towns.
Is the game worth getting these days? Yes.
Should you consider getting the full game package on sale so you can link it to GW2? Yes.
Should you focus on heros first? Yes
The game is great fun, and to be honest with ya, I think if you look at it like a GW lore inspired Diablo 4 you might enjoy yourself more. I spent years in the game and loved it above all other MMO choices throughout the years. Solo farming is fun at times also, like the IDS.
Is EoTM the fastest karma train these days with full buffs/food/banners/infusion? Just wondering if there’s something else out there that’s faster.
It’s common practice to “accept tips” for these type of services.
I will go along with giving credit where it’s due for him, but I think it will take a larger group of players to realize that a guardian is more than what is shown in a meta build, or a “look at me” video on youtube. Guardians have an equal right to the top choice for pvp as much as the others do. I would like to see a montage of his play throughout the tourney to showcase some of the things he was forced to do, that he wouldn’t have done if not focused.
I like what the others have said so far, and I’m a long time player also. I’ve played GW1 since year 1, until recently swapping my main game of choice to GW2 when I started that on it’s launch. I think it might be said that the energy bar or 2 dodges in a yellow bow meter acting like a two skill use energy consumption if you will. I am not the only one here that might suggest you level your toon to 80 first, then get in some good groups that are farming something you need like, gold and make some new farming friends that might be in your time zone. Take note of some of the cheap costing gear as you check out the TP to speed things along. When you can afford to put it on an exotic or better weapon set, get the Superior Sigil of Energy, so you have an extra dodge on weapon swaps. This is not required but it sure does help a lot.
What if the marketing team came out with 4 new winged back item skins, and tried to sell a pitch to KFC, or another bird slinging joint? Think of the money to be made from selling 4 different buckets of wings, or plates of them at Hooters. *kidding This would get the purchaser some gem account codes printed on each sale that made both companies happy.
I remember when I had to buy a magazine in order to get a code for the Grey Giant mini in Guild Wars 1. If a company wants to boost sales, a partnership can be made to get two companies to benefit.
Just a suggestion
Anything new on guardian intrigues me after this long, and a Bowguard might just be fun with it’s ranged mechanics to play with.
I think it was the same last year.
I was so excited to see this armor set finally in game…until I logged on my (Female) warrior to get the dragon headed shoulder skin for. You almost got some more gem money from me Anet, but you failed on this one sadly.
As you can clearly see in the picture, I had high hopes for that one piece of armor skin. I’m not amused.
Dante-What armor is that anyways? i have the helmet, but the gloves and shoulders? what are they? -Primeval
(edited by Megastorm.6219)
Not that I’ve read yet, but it would be nice. “Bowguard”
The only reason I link this for you is because myself, and a few other guardian players were talking about this a couple of weeks ago, and some interesting ideas came up.
Hopefully you’ll find it useful to you.
I’m hyped now, that’s the best heads up yet.
I have to agree with the above posts to keep the free re-trait feature, but change what was recently changed in the NPE; back to what it was. This is not just a wa-wa themed rant on the forums, which is fairly standard these days, and honestly I would love to see to see this changed ASAP.
This system makes me “not want to play well with others”.
Looks like the shout bunker I posted the other day.
Yea the 0/1/6/6/1 setup is nothing new by any stretch, but the shout bunker setup as a whole seems to be holding it’s own against current meta in PvP. I just thought it would be something to share with my fellow guards.
Black Box has a valid tip. Try to save your BB for this situation on a mesmer as you will likely damage yourself from shatter if you use it too soon. Target hunt first.
It would be nice if we could use ascended materials to upgrade our own HoM to where we get things like these. The place is in shambles and in need of tending to. Ascended mats are the perfect idea to do such things to rebuild it to it’s former glory for our family’s namesake.
Around 6:25 I see the build really shine as a guardian. Well played for your role sir.
I think I would add more skins from my GW1 account, and a funds transfer from GW1 to 2 from the chest agent. Home nodes should transfer there also if they’re unlocked on the account.
I have a lot of suggestions, but I will wait to see what the community thinks.
Also to note: If a mesmer is charging you, it’s best to have that dodge ready, because it’s about to get shattered on you. The real target isn’t going to rush you like that.