All those stacks of silk I npc’d …
I haven’t been playing my Mesmer for long but my main problem is:
1. Slowby (Though I’m slowly getting used to the running speed. Traveller Runes aren’t bad, but I don’t like the 15% Buff and Conditimer. For that money I want a rune that I think is totally worth it.)
I don’t really have a second one atm, but the main reason my gf doesn’t like Mesmers is
2. Too much pink (Illusions, skills, etc.)
not everyone hates skyhammer, btw
I don’t know what depraved minds you’ve been talking to, but everyone I know hates skyhammer and wants to see it removed from soloqueue.
Well I’ll openly admit that I like Skyhammer, but you don’t know me and I don’t play soloqueue So I guess that explains it all ^^ (+ I don’t play much PvP).
OT: Anet has mostly improved things in WvW over time. But just as with PvE and PvP there’s always more to be improved. So I’m not saying I like everything in WvW but they do care.
Obiously class balance should be looked at better (probably seperate it from PvE, just as PvP) but it is also probably the hardest task. I guess it’s hard to find the right development balance between all gamemodes.
I find WvW quite rewarding, depending on what you are doing. Ofc PvE offers greater options to gain money, but isn’t that the main reason for PvE? WvW has a stronger focus on fighting and winning rathe than high rewards. But maybe that’s just my playstyle.
Though I do like some of the suggestions, in the end I don’t think better rewards + more DEs are needed.
I’ve never had a problem with the rewards. Mainly as DEs already include more mobs (more drops and gold). Also ~1,50 + Karma and XP isn’t bad for most of the events. I think more DEs with a greater variety would be enough.
Oh and + what Zaxares suggests above.
MS was losing T3 QL, was MS not blobbing there and stacking its full force on the stairs with ridiculus amount of acs? …
It was 3 or 4 ACs that got ripped down pretty fast (warrior ftw), then another few were built which also didn’t last very long. So not really ridiculous. And yeah we brought together what we could back then, but it wasn’t enough. Tbh I was surprised to log onto EB on a Sunday afternoon without a queue. I had my 3-4 hours of fun.
About all else, I guess you’re right. In the end though it’s the same discussion, different thread.
I actually enjoy the minigame. But it’s true no talent for music is needed to get it right, which I don’t care about though.
What does annoy me is waiting too long between the songs and the “masterpiece”.
Anyway it should be left the way it is. A relaxing game with low competition
I remember last year trying to get the highest score for an achievement (I don’t know if it was for the meta or a daily). That took the fun out of it.
Luckily enough for me, this happend to me on last year’s Halloween event (I think it was that event). Before I had gathered all achievements, as I like to have seen/ done all, but since then I’ve been able to play more casually. No need to try to get all done, as it simply isn’t possible anymore. It annoyed me for a while.
As much as I feel for you Treeline, it did say a fortnight may it have been enough time or not. Though it truly could have been communicated better (via timer) the excuse that the Bossweek lasted longer than a week doesn’t really count imo.
Know that everyone who can hear the commander knows that you cant and is talking about what a dumbkitten you are. It is completely obvious who is not hearing the commander. There is a tremendous amount of information being sent in voice comms that you are missing, and it does show. If you are out of voice communication, you are the reason pugs have such a bad name.
You should differentiate between those who actually know what they’re doing and stick to the zerg and those who either don’t know what they’re doing and/or just care for their own kills and run off behind people.
Even if Player X is on TS it doesn’t make him a better player nor does it mean he won’t try to solo kill a Dolyak, run after the single enemy, stay in the circle etc.
Often enough there are people who constantly bad-mouth about other players in TS as they think they know more than others do. Always annoys me tbh.
PS: I do believe TS is better than no TS, but it is no necessity. I just don’t see any reason to bad-mouth at others.
(edited by Mike.5091)
Our neighbours are Mormons from Austrailia. Always 2 “young men” for 6 months, then the next come. What do they sofar all have in common? They like to listen to loud music and TV
And there are good reasons to miss out on technology. I know it doesn’t always do me well and if I look around and see all those faces dug into their smartphones I can think of plenty reasons why technology could be prohibited.
Even now I’m spending time on a forum when I could actually be reading something of value to my or somebody elses life.
Anyway enjoy the next 2 years, it will most likely be an experience you won’t forget.
Some Commanders are annoying to listen to, but then I usually just join another Map/Commander or do something else.
Sometimes my TS and GW2 lag if I have both on at the same time on my PC. I could turn GW2 off, but I don’t want to get TS-addicted. There are times I have fetched my Laptop for TS while I play on my PC, but that isn’t always worth the hassle.
Sometimes I rather listen to music.
Summed up I’m on TS 90% of the time I follow a Commander but I can play effectively without if I concentrate. There ofc are these moments TS would have been a life saver. You only have to check you’re inventar a sec, not see the enemy from behind (which was announced in TS) and zack … dead.
Trying to say you can’t do anything if people can’t be bothered. All you can do is advertise (in a friendly way) and don’t have too high entry-barriers. If somebody doesn’t want to join on TS reasonable arguements won’t work.
Even though I am able to find many positives with Gw2, this is not the game I thought it would be. Call it a misconception on my part, as well as many others. But this isn’t the game that I was hyped on.With that said, I expected one thing in GW2 and got another(in my own little opinion). With Wildstar, I expect gear treadmill, and BiS available to raiders only. I am going into it expecting that. So its OK. I didn’t go into GW2 expecting this.
That is why I am able to play a treadmill game like Wildstar, because I expect it to be there. I expected GW2 to be something different.
You do realise that sounds more like an excuse, trying to find a reason you don’t enjoy the game? I believe you that you don’t enjoy GW2 but I bet you’ll rant about the treadmill in any other game, too.
GW2 was overhyped, but Wildstar probably is too (the videos I watched didn’t appeal to me). That’s how they lure people. Expect to be dissapointed again.
PS: Ascended isn’t a treadmill compared to many other games.
Just wait when you get to orr and try to get a skillpoint guarded by a champ…will be fun..
MMO => friends/ guild/ randoms => kill Champ, gather skillpoint.
I got it on my Mesmer with alot of invisibility though, I’ll admit wasn’t easy.
and @ OP:
Yes leveling can be boring if you focus on one way to level. As others have said too, I like to do the Daily Achievements on my lower levels and switch back to my Main. Usually in the process I stumble over DEs and do them, too.
Many other ways have been mentioned also.
and you should be proud too, yu deutch zergs learn us how mass blobing, running is a relic in our WvW-DNA-Memory due to our ways of playing in our firsts encounter vs180+ DE people when you’re 15- Ranik defender.
(btw 6 ppl, it’s a zerg -> roamer for ever)
I’m not sure I really understand what you’re trying to say in the middle part.
I got stomped two, three times in a row from a 10 man group from FR … and so what. That’s the way it works, be it 1vs10 or 15vs150. Choose different location or change map. Quite easy.
And I guess there are less threads as the typical topics are: “you blob”, “you run & hide”, “you play unfair”, “looking for GvG”. Quite boring to read
(edited by Mike.5091)
I’ve leveled four Chars to 80 meanwhile and I’ve seen nearly every part of the game.
I used to be con Champ-Farms as they generate too much gold for little investment. This weekend I ended up following the champ zerg on my lowbie to level a bit though, so I guess I’m pro Champ-Zergs meanwhile.
I did level faster in WvW (EB) though …
What I always found more annoying than the Champ-Zerg are those who delibrately (try to) ruin the train. Ashame that people feel the need to do that.
IMO doing the same champ(s) over and over again should lead to a decrease of drops over time. At the same time drops of normal mobs shouldn’t have DR.
I just hope the new skills don’t cost 25 skill points each. These ones look like alternate “standard heals” when compared to the Antitoxin Spray, which was extremely niche and used only in the Tower of Nightmares. Having to spend 25 skill points on what should be an alternative standard healing skill would be excessive.
I agree with that. But having 600+ Skillpoints on my main char I didn’t really mind much. Retrospective I wouldn’t buy the Spray and I didn’t on my other chars. Sofar some new healskills don’t seem worthwhile to spend SP on.
I’d rather have them focus more on balance than new skills. Changing things constantly is starting to become annoying.
I hope that Arenanet is reading this thread. It speaks volumes about what the the players want from the game, and it isn’t what is being forced upon us.
They probably are but they just switch on the ignore button.
I had np with the jewelry. Even if they take a while to collect there are multiple ways.
I’d like all ascended items to be acc bound, then I’d probably start collecting various sets.
Probably none. Can’t be bothered the effort + probably couldn’t decide neither for which char nor which build.
I still have enough Chars to level to 80 and equip with exotic first (though with the 3k or 4k WvW marks I prob have enough).
I duno, though I don’t mind Ascended too much it does somehow irritate me. Confusing …
Edit: Totally forgot about the costs too. I don’t even have 400 Gold on my bank, though it is quite full of resources + guildbank.
If I ever end up roaming on only one char in WvW I might give it a go. I’d rather have all my chars equally well equiped though.
(edited by Mike.5091)
lol @ theundersigned
1. I find micro-transactions a legitimate way to finance their game and I’ve never had the feeling they are focusing on the CS more than on the game content itself. And if they are as stubborn as you say, it will likely stay this way. I’ve played f2p and p2p games and this model is by far my favourite.
2. In general you seem to like “traditional” MMOs more. If Anet would change all your suggestions the Game wouldn’t really have any USP anymore. There are things that I don’t like about GW2 but the things you mentioned happen to be parts of the game I actually like or at least don’t mind.
Mounts most likely wouldn’t do any harm. But my gf always says she would like to have mounts rather than waypoints, too. But just as Mini-Pets, I don’t see the point having one unless I could fly and see Tyria from above. After having seen all from above I’d be back to waypoints though as I do prefere them over running (riding) 5 Minutes to place X. Giving the people the option is viable though.
If mounts were to be implemented they shouldn’t be faster than my running pace and should be used as a goldsink through feeding for example.
Discussing the holy trinity is rather pointless as that is one of the major parts of the game, no matter if you like it or don’t. Still IMO why people even think about discussing the topic holy trinity isn’t because they want to play a certain role but because there aren’t enough viable/ comparable builds per class.
If you want to be effective there’s usually one or two main builds to choose from, which you can slightly adjust. If you want to play the build you like you may actually have a hard time.
No matter how quests are implemented most often they’ll be boring if they take too long to accomplish. Mainly also due to lack of variety. I like not having to search for the NPCs though and the various ways of finishing most quests. I never really read the NPC clickthroughs anyway. So for my “playstyle” it’s much nicer.
3. That’s an often discussed point and I agree with you that some parts of the game need a stronger focuse and a slight more developing time. Nowadays everything has to be fast .. games, movies, cars. Seems to be a modern way of life which actually isn’t enjoyable. Just leads to burn-outs.
The average player who plays in the evening couldn’t during the first 3-4 weeks due to queues, lags and crashes. The queues vanished as soon as the AP-strivers were done with their work.
So IM(subjectiv)O, the achievements
- obviously haven’t led more people into WvW longterm
- don’t teach people to play as a server (maybe as a team though)
- just lead you to do things you wouldn’t do otherwise (at least not as focused)
I don’t think the achievements are totally out of place but I’d lower the number to finish an achievement and lower the rewarded AP for each achievement.
Why? So people who only want to gather APs can do so and leave again without getting too many AP for the little work invested. I don’t believe somebody needs to kill 225 Dollyaks, 500 Guards, spend 300 for repairs to find out if he/she enjoys WvW or to learn how WvW works.
Those who just want to WvW have harder Achievements anyway and probably won’t care as much.
I must admit I got 13/15 achievements at the weekend of Round 5 (I was ill). But before that WvW wasn’t really playable for me.
I wanted to get all achievements done in the past, not due to the points though.
Luckily I missed out on some Living Story Events … freed me from the vicious circle a while back ^^
I guess an AP limit to the PvE Daily would be okay to live with, though it has helped me get to the next Achievement reward once before logging off.
To be real fair to all: If a limit to the max possible APs through a daily were introduced, the points gained through the extras should also be taken away (if possible). Just like they did with the salvage achievement.
Believe it or not, WoW actually did release new armor sets every week for quite awhile, though I don’t remember the exact date that they started and the date they finished adding armor.
I played it for almost 4 years and never saw anything even approaching that. The most I ever saw was 2x a year. And you couldn’t even dye it.
I’m speaking about the very beginning of WoW. They released new armor every week for a couple of months and then suddenly stopped. It was like a 3 or 4 months after the initial release that this occurred. Yeah, Blizzard really dropped the ball on the new armor sets. I was disappointed because I expected so much after what they tried to accomplish.
So obviously it didn’t work out as plannend or was only intended for a couple of months. That’s actually a good arguement against subscription fees ….
In the first MMO I played for about five years. I probably spent 1.500-2.000,-€ on this sub-free game. (It was one of those games where you couldn’t really get around not buying CS items). Quite a waste of money in the end ^^
After that I played AION. I got bored after a while and stopped … but still had to pay 6 months more.
I decided not to p2p and not to play a f2p game with a CS you can hardly avoid.
Meanwhile i’ve gladly spent ~60€ on GW2 for character slots and gathering tools. That’s around 4,50€ a month. I’ve had 800 gems for months now (experience reward) and nothing has really interested me. So I can’t imagine me spending more money in the future (unless a new race or class is introduced).
I don’t agree. I don’t find GW2 too complex for new players. You’re meant to learn while you play or as most people who have played MMOs will know: If you want to learn a bit about you’re class beforehand, then visit the forum. Before I buy a game I read about it, watch videos etc.
You’re right though that the balance between the classes isn’t good; the balance-patches are quite annoying as they often enough “destroy” builds.
A friend of mine bought GW2, leveled to around 10ish and never came back. His reason was that he prefers a different game (which he had been playing before). He probably doesn’t even know about any of the problems you have listed.
I find the “PVE-events” annoying, too. I still don’t see any reason to take them out of WvW though. It actually makes the Living-Story more … living.
Also it’s not as if only one server were affected, so there’s nothing unfair about the events.
When roaming in WvW you shouldn’t only concentrate on your direct opponent but also keep an eye out for bigger groups. If you get killed while doing PvE, it’s your own fault.
Well I don’t know if there are more Warriors and Guardians around than used to be, but probably more than other classes & the Warriors that are around nowerdays are more noticeable due to all the (annoying) blocks, buffs, runaway-speed, etc….
I wouldn’t go so far though and say “Loads of people are dumb and/or lazy, so they reroll a Warrior/Guard.”
I also don’t believe that the new Wxp system will lead to more Warriors and Guardians just because they may be easier to play. I for example have tried out a friends Warrior a couple of times, but I don’t like the feel. Actually I’ve enjoyed every class but the Warrior.
I’d say it’s typical perception. Just as you never see yellow cars. But once you’re friend bought himself a yellow car, you suddenly see yellow cars everywhere. I guess it’s similar with Ws and Gs.
I’ve always been told JP are a part of WvW-battlegrounds and no rules exist.
A GvG area in a JP doesn’t really change anything.
The rules should be made between the 2 or 3 opponents for the fight.
And what is the reason behind Rule1 anyway?
I like the Idea, too.
I don’t know why the reward of the achievement chest depends on the servers ranking. People who manage the same achievement should get the same reward.
(If it were to me I’d remove all season-achievements or give them 1 point per achievement, as they haven’t done any good at all, afaik. It took 3-4 weeks for WvW to be playable for me again.)
The winning servers though should actually get a higher reward than the “losers”. It may not be fair, but it’s the way it works.
I’d say something like: 5 gold 50 WxP levels and a little luck for the first vs. 1 gold, 5 Wxp levels and a little less luck for the last. I think that would be an appropriate reward without a major impact on anything, but still can help the single person who participated to progress.
Outside the box thinking: What if players doesnt get rewarded for capturing things, but rewarded for the points your world gets on the tick.
On first thought a nice idea, on second thought bad for the weaker servers. They’d just be losing more in comparrison to “better” servers.
I think it will hardly be possible to introduce a good reward-system for scouters/deffers without changing (lowering) the general reward system in WvW, as imo scouting rewards should be close to zerging rewards.
There have been quite a few suggestions about how to split zergs etc., such as shared wxp, xp, … Ofc with all the worldpoint/skills avaiable they can’t really reduce the wxp income too soon.
I’m afraid I don’t have any good Ideas myself :/
I also played conditions for 8 months or so and got a little bored of it, too. Just to give some input, this is my build atm:
I’m not claiming it’s the optimum or my final build but atm it’s a nice change and I’ve been getting along with it well. I didn’t dare (yet) to go full Bersi, I don’t know if I will neither. Mainly because I can’t claim to be the best player. I’ve won enough 1vs1 with the build to stay positive though (not against hit-n-run warriors).
The staff is obviously not the best choice, but I like to use it and it can come in handy. Especially as it’s quite easy to flip some traits and use wells + staff in lazy Zerg times. I do have a Warhorn and Fokus on me though, too. So still have try around a bit.
To sum it up, you’re on a good path I guess. Always best to try out what you like to play though and what you’re capable of playing. You can always buy all weapons cheap in WvW + swap you’re traits with little investment before you decide for the rest.
Kinda funny up until now, I never realised that people actually do this. I’ve leveled two chars from 70 to 80 via crafting though myself, as leveling does get a little repetitive after a couple of chars.
I don’t craft alot, but you do get XP from Crafting even when you’re 80, right? Then the only issue is that it has become more expensive, not that it isn’t possible to to craft 0-80.
So you can still level the way you like, it’s just (alot) more expensive. I think shortcuts should have a disadvantage (and be it gold aka time is money). Apart from that IMO it is also good that lower tier mats have risen in price now/ become more relevant.
I can understand it’s annoying, but games change and develop by time.
Looking forward to the day my staff turns into a town toy
But tbh I hardly play PvP, so I don’t mind much. It would annoy me in PvE/WvW though, as it is a nice weaponskill due to the short cd. It’s not so great imo as some people state, as it is fairly situational.
And the question of OP has more-a-less been answered here:
For me Endgame is when I’m level 80, fully equiped and still have something to achieve or to do, that ist fun. So to my understanding it is a 10.
For me btw. that’s 70% WvW (with no aim but fun) and 30% PvE (fun and gold). Since season 1 I hardly play WvW and PvE bores me after a while. So I end up not playing more often.
Apart from WvW having other problems atm I think a cap that would actually work well would be complex. Or at least it wouldn’t work as intended …
I don’t think it’s a good solution to prevent even more people from joining a map. Imagine it’s primetime for your server and you can’t join a map/ any map, because one server doesn’t have anybody on the map(s). It’s meant to be endgame-content which shouldn’t have too many restrictions. It’s bad enough as it is atm.
I’d prefere a reasonable buff for the outmanned. Such as more points for kills or takeover of towers. I don’t think a buff of stats would do the job.
Got my graphics on low, people all look the same to me :evil laugh
Haven’t seen one of these threads in a while xD
On this one occasion I ran past an enemy in Obsidian Sanctum, as he obviously didn’t want to fight. A bit further on he attacked me with three others as they jumped onto me from above. Guess he was scouting or so. Lesson learned.
Though I think “camping” in a JP is quite poor, it’s still valid to do so. So just don’t trust nobody and do the puzzle with 2-3 others.
I don’t care about WvW. I certainly don’t want to leave my server so I can move to one that might win. I think the tournament’s pointless, and a long line of bad ideas from Anet that are poorly thought out, and poorly implement.
Why open a thread and complain about something you don’t care about? Oo
Actually I’m not sure sometimes if I’ve been doing content to ‘see/do all content’ or to ‘gain as many achievement points as possible’. It’s probably a mixture of both though.
[quote Skan.5031]The game is pretty much all about achievements.[/quote] I have been going through the list to see what achievements I can still do. But I’ve only been doing ones that I feel like doing or worth while doing, such as the jumping puzzles. And then it’s the achievement in focus not the points, so I don’t agree with the quote. You can buy everything you need without AP except skins that aren’t really so nice and the other rewards aren’t that great neither. Without them I wouldn’t be at any disadvantage.
I don’t run after LS-content/achievements if I don’t feel like doing it, so I’ve quite a few parts out such as World 2,3 Box, recent LS-Dungeonpath, …
Leveling Alts helps to fill the mobslayer achievements and weapon-achievements at least. Also it makes buying the cultural outfits more worthwhile if you can wear them, doing the personal story etc. There are probably more alt-friendly achievements I can’t think of atm.
I’ve been running quite a similar build in sPvP too (different runes and traits) which doesn’t automatically mean it’s good. But it does work quite well for me though too.
Your theory is that people who love Champ Zergs hate Raids. That’s comparing two things that don’t necessarily have anything to do with each other, if you know what I mean. As it’s pretty much generalized your question can’t be answered as such.
Imo though the majority of player’s don’t like Champ Zergs just as the majority doesn’t like Raids.
I for example don’t really do the Champ Zerg, it bores me after 30 Minutes. Tried it out 3,4 times in Frostforge. Though the money gained wasn’t bad and the quantity of drops including the loot out of Gold Boxes/Bags etc. was nice, I still felt like I was waisting my time after a while due to having no fun. I’ll still be doing it now and then if I happen to stumble apon a Zerg and ofc the Temples and World-Bosses (On a side note I think the rewards from killing a Champ should be reduced to once an hour or so – imagine the complaints )
I’d like an occasional Raid on a high level now and then, even for some meaningless reward. Just for the challenge. But not too often, as said above the preconditions are usually more exhausting than the actual raid. A guild race or so would be the kind of raid I’d like. After years of MMOs killing mobs isn’t so spectacular anymore.
To sum it up, I don’t really care much for either Champ Zergs nor Raids if they were implemented. I also don’t care much for dungeons neither, though that may change soon. I think most people think the same as I do. But like your OP it’s a subjective statement.
[…]Random = bad.[…]
Sums up what I was going to say. What use is a skill if you can’t rely on certain features. That’s the main reason I don’t use the staff (Chaos skills).
I think the amount of Karma is okay. I’ll admit I still have 2,5m as I’ve never spent much and I do WvW and Temples quite often, so I get a nice amount.
Legendary Weapons were meant to be a long-term goal, and as such bottlenecks were/are needed. And Karma was able to be gather much too fast in the past to be a bottleneck.
Apart from that Karma now is account bound, which makes up for alot IMO.
First of all, eve tried a mouse with 12+ buttons? I use the Razer Naga .. and I would never want to miss it. My left hand is only used for w,a,s,d, space bar and F1-F4 (though I could swap these, too). And I can reach all other skills with the thumb of my right hand. It can save an extra second and prevents hitting wrong keys etc.
Apart from that WvW/PvP is a matter of practice, as it naturally is faster than PvE.
Your real problem seems to be you seek everything in one char/class, which isn’t really going to happen. Also PvP and WvW aren’t comparable.
I for example run Necro with 0/30/20/20/0 and wells and am mostly one of the last standing and get a nice amount of bags. I don’t even need skill for it, just "7,8,9,2,3,4,5,Plague … move back and forth .. get out of the mass before plague ends and use ‘consume conditions’.
On the downside though, with that build and low mobility I die pretty fast on my own.
I’m slowly getting bored of zerging and want to “smallscale” and I think my money is spent wiser on a Mesmer or Ingi (I’m bad at thief).
And on another note, the chars become more fun when your 80, equipped exotic. You’ll die less (fast).
1. Make your own guild for slots. Pretty easy to level. And if you cba just buy 2k guild experience for 16 Laurels.
2. Those things are luxury goods imo. They may be a nice-to-have but you don’t get any real advantage.
3. Seems quite legitimate to me and the prices don’t seem to be that high. Then again I only play hot-join PvP. Also this wouldn’t be dirty cash, as you have to pay to play. So there are no “hidden costs” here.
The exsistance of “complaining threads”, as you reffered to, don’t mean that there is an actual problem. Some people complain about a low amount of drops while others complain about having to buy more inventorybagspaces and others only want gold drops.
Sofar all the cash-shop items a have came from free keys for chests, dailies, … Tkittenags bigger than 8-slots I obtained through game events (20, 12, 10 or so). And if I do happen to have full bags and no time to run to a salesman, I just send my gf my items and she sends them back.
Also atm I’m leveling my own guild for extra space.
I will admit that I bought 3 extra char-slots from rl money. But that wasn’t for the slots or that I felt pressured, but because I want(ed) to level all classes and didn’t have much gold back then.
+ there is something called free will.
I’ve had that quite often. I’m pretty sure the regen didn’t even start after the skills CDs had reset, but I’m not 100% sure about that.
Using heal triggers the regen though … but that obviously doesn’t work if it is on CD still.
That means it can be quite annoying when you travel between different fights, your heal is on CD and you get no regen even though you’re out of fight. Or you use the heal to enter the fight with high HP but with no heal left.
As it occurs quite randomly I haven’t noticed a pattern yet and the situation described happens 1 out of 10 times …
(edited by Mike.5091)
I’m amazed people don’t use fastcast – you’ll be a better player when you learn to use it. Honestly and for true. Makes the size of the projected marks irrelevant.
Anyway, 8s of poison from traversal is pointless in ways that lend new meaning to the phrase.
I use fastcast since the beginning. I’ve played on a friends computer once without fastcast .. quite annoying.
The only thing is, sometimes the mousearrow isn’t where I thought it was and my skill goes elsewhere.
To the patch? .. Cba to say anything.
WxP and it’s skills are still pretty useless. I see them more as a nice to have if at all. I’m level 20 or so on my main and haven’t even cared to spend the points yet (I play WvW between 1-3 hours an evening on a none daily base)
So I value the chests as a nice opportunity to get a little more cash, siege and badges while I’m doing what I’d be doing anyway. I’m not seriously hoping for a pro exotic or precursor.
Soulbound WxP now even has the nice effect, that you’re able to get more chest that with account bound WxP.
Lately a colleage offered me a piece of chocolate. So I took it and complained he should have offered me the whole bar. Kind of rude his behavior … I hope he gets fired and they employ somebody who listens to all my reasonable desires and suggestions how I can become rich.
(edited by Mike.5091)
I don’t understand all the calls for balance and such a phrase as “game breaking”. People read something they don’t like and give it a name.
Afaik nearly all skills of every class can be countered some way or another. If every class is meant to have the same chances regardless of which build it’s running, why have different classes and builds in the first place?
I don’t think it is possible to ensure variablitiy and equality for 1vs1 and teamfights at the same time. It’s up to the player to adjust to the situation of a fight. But people want to win every fight. So they get impatient and blame it all to OP skills.
And yes Necros can be good but deffinately not OP.
This is the first time in 9 months I’ve seen anything pertaining to Necromancer and the term OP share the same sentence. […]
This …
The skilldiscription may have a nice sound to it, but within context it loses it’s power. And you have to see it in context. If you go through a list of skills and just change the ones that sort of sound pro, you’ll just ruin everything.
According to all the patchnotes lately, Necros are totally balanced … (against other necros).
Finally somebody mentioned my mains class .. da Necro.
Funny thing is past couple of weeks I’ve been thinking about buying solo/small scale equip for my necro. As I like to stick to my main, but the condi-zerg-wells build is slowly getting boring and it’s no real challenge.
What’s been bothering me is that every other class is much better in solo and small scale. Even though I have seen some nice videos of solo-necros I guess it is more sensesible to level another char and gear it for WvW.
Currently I’m going to level my Mesmer with my gf who is leveling an Ele and we are hoping to double-roam once 80 (which will take a couple of months).
If I go by which classes annoy me the most in WvW, I’d also suggest Thief, Ele, Mesmer. And as OP, you’re already leveling a thief, just stick to it. You can always level another char.
I play between 60 and 80 hours a week purely in WvW at the moment and Im still yet to be killed by an AC or even killed partly by damage from AC. I must be OP, nerf me please.
Well you probably either avoid keeps and towers due to solo, small scale or player farming group or you are one of those who run with the zerg, but run away when it starts to get messy.
Then again I probably need 2 months to get that play time.
But tbh I mostly run with a guild group of ~20 and I /we probably die more often from better organized or bigger and better guild groups, or 3x bigger.
It actually isn’t that hard to get through a couple of AC’s with doging and buffs. But if there is also an enemy Zerg standing in the middle of the pooring arrows, with reflection walls etc. … it’s death.
Random idea I just came up with is ( I guess this is how Anet works sometimes), how about friendly fire enabled with siege weapons, ofc with reduced dmg on the friendly players. So a few people could still defend a tower/keep against a zerg, but the ACs + a Zerg wouldn’t be as powerful.