Showing Posts For Mike.5091:

Spring Update: Did We Get Our Game Back?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mike.5091


I haven’t played for a few months, but I am thinking about restarting.

I’m just gonna browse the forum a bit and play here and there to see if I get back into the game or not. I won’t be lazy and rely on other peoples oppions, as it doesn’t matter in the end, if People enjoy something I find boring.

Stupid comments on a forum will never reflect a whole (in-game) community . It is usually a minority who feels the need to behave in a certain way. If you join with your friends, that shouldn’t be such a big problem anyway. And tbh Eirdyne, I think you shouldn’t play, judging by the way you’ve phrased your text and questions.

Nr 16: I acquired ascended equip and weapons just by playing, so that’s never really been a problem in GW2.

Relogging - location bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mike.5091


I just ported from LA to Cursed Shore, ran around there for a couple of minutes, killed mobs, did stuff and then relogged to find a different map (~5 sec) and was standing in LA again.

The past week or two this has happend more often, especially after DCs. I end up on a different map or on the other side of the map. Is this a known feature?

Kicked, got some sense knocked into me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


I don’t mind people going into pug Fractals with their own build, if no requirements were made. What I do mind though is people who go without the appropiate amount of AR. Dying from agony is so easy to prevent … mistakes happen, just prepare yourself and don’t waste other peoples time. You never know your Group members are up to.

One person without an appropiate build/equip is okay, two starts to be annoying min, three, such as two condi engis with and a wierd ranger without AR, …

I don’t want to know how many of the self-appointed pro players here are actually bad without realising. Sofar approx. 80 % of the casual runs have been between really good and acceptable though.

Edit: I’d like to add, I don’t believe in kicking people, especially not on the last Fractal. I do ask people to get AR for the next time though. But in the end, why should I leave a party if somebody else doesn’t feel the need to adapt to the capacities of a pug.

(edited by Mike.5091)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


Best you can do, is to check out the wardrobe in your Bank in game.

New Down-scaling Since Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


So because something was wrong for over a certain amount of time, it shouldn’t be “fixed”?

With priorities I meant, it probably didn’t have a high priority compared to other topics. I’m under the impression, they have tried to fix quite a few long time problems with the last patch(es). I’d rather welcome these than question the timing.

I had liked the idea of challenging low level/downscaled areas, when reading about GW2 before it went live.

Changes to World Completion acheivement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


I haven’t been doing JPs since the Daily/Monthly changes, but back then, I hardly met enemies in the WvW JPs. Just chose the right time of the day.

Apart from that, WvW Map Completion was needed on the way to a Legendary. The Sanctum JPs aren’t needed for anything. You can’t really compare both situations.

I’ve thought the same as as Khisanth, that the WvW map completion was removed because the new map may be harder to complete. Also I haven’t heard/read of an existing JP for the new borderland.

What's the best and worst profession atm?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


Worst and best depends on what aspect you’re looking at.

I play my best on my Necro, because it has been my main since the beginning and I know what I’m doing. I play worst on my Thief (I’d think), which I rarely play because I don’t like the “feel”.

If I had equal experience with all classes, I’d probably go with Ele as the best class, as I find Eles to be good/one of the best in all modes of the game. Necros and Mesmers have their situational ups and downs, which could make them worse.

I still play my Necro in Dungeons and Fractals, with mostly positive experiences.

So you suck at Dragon Ball? Watch this.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


I just find the arena and it’s playstyle to be extremely annoying. That is why idc if I win or lose and don’t feel the need to get better at that part of the game. I just try to get a few points and not die often.

Its a totally useless discussion if the OP is carrying his team or not, as he does do well. He probably put more thought into the game mode than most other people. The video may help those who want to get better but I think many like me just don’t care, and that’s why the game wont get much better or competitive.

Why Anet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


I got a Ranger to level 80 after the April patch. I did not do EotM, tomes or crafting for levels. I did open world PvE. I managed to unlock a total of (I believe) 4 traits playing how I wanted. One of those happened to be a useful trait. I’ve gone out of my way to cobble together something like a useful build, but it hasn’t been fun. Especially knowing that I’ll have to do the exact same things again if I want to roll another alt, which I don’t. Not anymore.

I’ve actively discouraged my friends from getting the game. I haven’t spent money on gems since April. It’s not extreme, it’s honesty. I’m not even getting my dailies done anymore, and I have plenty of characters with all their traits. But for me, the fun part was making, leveling, outfitting and building new characters. This has had a severely negative impact on my experience of the game.

You must be skipping huge sections of the game then. I just leveled a mesmer and I was constantly getting traits unlocked without even trying. Kill a world boss? Trait unlocked. Open a hidden chest? Trait unlocked. Help a small group kill a champ? Trait unlocked. Capture a tower in EotM? Trait unlocked.

I’m not saying the system is perfect. Several, such as those tied to map completion, killing the grub in wvw, the personal story requirements, etc, are a bit outrageous and need to be reworked.

With the help of some friends or guildmates though, quite a few of the traits can easily be unlocked within a few days. And those you don’t or can’t unlock, you can save up to buy later.

Some people (as for my gf) like to discover and experience the world spontaneously and don’t like to see the same place twice. Hunting for traits eliminates the feeling of freedom and discovering new areas.

If I woudn’t be leveling with my gf, I’d be hunting the useful traits while leveling, too. But that still isn’t what I’d call fun and so I must admit that the Trait System ruins the experience for some people.

Why do I have to decide between paying Gold and Skill Points or checking my Heropanel or Wiki, to see where I have to port to, to get a certain skill that I may have missed out on, because Task XY wasn’t there, when I was? 4 of 9 of my chars have map completion and the rest will follow, but I like to do it in my own pace and when I need a break from WvW.

Powerleveling to 80 without knowing/thinking about this is silly though, even if it is annoying.

Two characters of the same class.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


Two eles. One I downgraded to be my bankchar. Because of that and because I wanted to check out the NPE, I made my second ele.

How to create profit from WvW ?

in WvW

Posted by: Mike.5091


Some of those suggestions should rather be a free (qol) update than a gem-item, especially updates to the functionality of the com tag or the UI bar. People have been asking for them for a long time, imagine they’d come as gem-items …

+5 supply obviously does make a difference when I run around with my guild or a small group. 5 man with 20 supply each can already build four guild catas instead of two. You lose alot of time running back to a camp which might be turned before you arrive.

The GvG ticket wouldn’t help WvW, eventhough the idea isn’t bad.

I’m sorry I can’t think of any gem-item that would make me want to play more WvW and which I’d buy to support WvW directly. New maps would be an incentive to play more again. The feeling, big changes may happen to WvW, would make me feel sure, that I’ll still be here in a couple of months time. If I feel I’ll be here for a while, I have done and will buy gems from time to time.

Angry players (WvW)

in WvW

Posted by: Mike.5091


I thought you can’t see player’s names in WvW? How can they whisper you?

Right-click and whisper or so. I’ve never felt the need to whisper an “enemy” even if I’ve been annoyed. I rather log out then.

But I’ve actually had some funny chats with people who whispered me. It’s pretty easy to wind them up a little without being offending Best to just not bother.

Feedback: Stowing Pets Permanently

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


I admit, I don’t play my Ranger much, but got MapCompletion and have done some Wvw n PvP with him. Imo pets are what make Rangers unique, Many traits are tied to pets, too.

I would support the permanent perma-stow (for jp etc) but without an extra buff. Using the right pet at the right time and controlling them properly (using skills, pulling them out of aoes) is all you need. Also dmg, speed, skills etc of the pets vary so much, what would be an appropriate buff?

DPS build for WvW zerg fights

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mike.5091


My position in game is the same as vanas (T1, guild group, Zerg from time to time).

The set and weapons should all be beserker. The jewels can be a mix n match. I usually aim for 50 % crit rate with food and then add for a bit of def, which shouldn’t be underestimated in WvW.

The runes should match your main playstyle or you use various sets. As I made myself an ascended set and I often run around alone or in groups from 3 to 10 I use traveller runes. If you regularly run in coordinated groups, other runes may/will fit better, such as Scholar, Hoelbrak or Strength. Personally, on new classes I’ve always bought berserker weapons and outfit with cheap set of runes to get used to and see what I feel I lack and which skills and traits I prefere to use.

I usually run 4-4-0-0-6 with WoS, WoC and Spectral Armor against bigger groups. But if we play against blobs and I cba to do much, I go easy mode with: 0-2-4-4-4 ( It is best to have a guardian or two in your group if you haven’t traited Stability.

This is getting rather annoying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


Personally I’ve never used the lfg-tool to check if somebody is looking for a party to join. I don’t know what other people do, but you’ll probably find it easier to find a group advertising its IP to join.

switch build on the run?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


Let us hope, they don’t introduce some kind of (time gated) gem item for this as they tried with the reskill, because I rather like the idea of switchingtrait specs per click.

I’d rather have a time restriction than zone restriction in WvW though eg 30s out of fight. When I’m running with my 5-10 guildmates and stumble across a group of 20, I’d like to be able to switch quickly.

Whatever we get will be better than now though.

EoTM vs WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mike.5091


Well it’s not WvWvW because it’s colour vs colour. As a server changes colour from time to time, people won’t identify themselves with anything there. It’s built as an overflow solution to keep you as an individual occupied. You can leave at any moment, without regret. Meanwhile everybody concentrates on farming, be it karma or other players. Altogether that does sound more like the description of an open world pve map to me.

Except for the objectives from towers to people. The towers can’t be upgraded but can be sieged to death.

I’d say it is built as a mix to attract all sorts of players. That’s how gw2 is generally constructed. It has it’s ups n downs and lead to returning, pointless discussions.

Through a few ig chats it is noticable that 80% (?) of the players are pve-oriented.

New trend in EOTM?

in WvW

Posted by: Mike.5091


I’ve ran with two or three commanders who said that they had smb on colour xy “spying”. But don’t forget the small towers u can set(forgot the name), that reveal the enemy on the map. Often these are ignored by the enemy. As mentioned swords, flags (not) skipped etc. all give good hints, tooo. Finally I’ve also seen commanders repeatedly run the same route into the arms of the waiting enemy, without stacking etc.

Personally I wouldn’t be proud to be a 30+ guild group farming upleveled, but it is a pvp map, so there’s nothing wrong with it.

Most people complain to be on the losing side, aka usually not being the colour of the no. 1 server, but are happy to join in and get their “revenge” once on the other side.

Stupidest thing you've done ingame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


I posted this in reply to another thread, but thought it belonged here too : -

When I first started playing the game as a Sylvari over 2 years ago, I really wanted to get to this mystical place “Lion’s Arch” that I’d heard about. I spent ages fighting my way north over a few days, levelling up, until I finally got there. Then realised all I had to do was go to the mists with a click of the mouse and run through the Asura gate. It was comical.. A real “duh” moment. I’m kinda glad I felt the adventure of trying to find it though.

LoL I did the something similar. A friend a asked me to buy the game at launch. I never played during beta or any other MMo for that matter. So I started out as a Norn and my friend said to meet in map chat to meet her in Lions Arch. I ran all the way from Hoelbrak thru Wayfarer, Snowden, Lornar’s, and into LA. It took a couple of day’s to find my way there on an uplevel. Goodtimes

Similar to me (Sylvari) and my gf (Norn) on the first day. Took me plenty of time, deaths n silver while finally arriving naked.

I can also remember the time all traits were resetted and I played for hours wondering why I was having such a hard time.

Stupidest thing you've done ingame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


Spent >200g two times to equip chars as soon as I got 80, while being sure they’d be my new main. Dropped them both to end back with my original.

With that experience I equiped my next three chars with WvW gear from tokens. I’d like to deleat two if not all three to change names n looks but can’t get the Runes n Sigils back (to a reasonable price).

Who's loving the new Staff AA?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mike.5091


See how easy it is to please us necros. As much as I do enjoy it, it still doesn’t feel right to be using it somehow though. But as I always have the staff on me, I cant complain.

Dear EoTM Commanders - Any Advice?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


It’s too much for me to answer each question, so I’ll just share my general opinion/limited experince:

The best you can do to learn, is to just switch the tag on. 95 % of the players will be happy and follow you without complaining as long as they are happy. I generally try to avoid doing the stuff other commanders annoy me with.

I command seldom ankitten ot the best (I’ve definitely seen worse though), but when I do, my first aim is to avoid fights against lager zergs for a while, which usually will lead to a growing own zerg. People also seem to be more forgiving for getting wiped two, three times, if they gathered enough points beforehand. When I feel “in the flow” I will check on the amount of uplevels and take on fights though. But after losing once or twice avoid hopless fights, as half the zerg will just flee by the sight of an enemy.

Alot depends on what colour you are though, or rather which colour are the highest ranked server/s is/are (at least in EU). So what works on one day/week, may not work the next time.

I prefer to run on my Necro, as it’s my main and I have the most experience on it and I’m not tempted to rush ahead with annoying dash and port skills. It’s best to stay as compact as possible. I try to get a Guard or two into the group for Stability etc. as a dead commander is quite bad in Eotm, but an invincible Commander who loses half his Zerg jumping into the enemy is just as bad.

If we die, I say sorry but also try to give some advice incase I noticed anything particular that went wrong on our side.

One of the best commanders I ran with a few times a while back, had reoccuring commands macro’d, so he just had to press the relevant button to give quick instructions. It worked quite well, but for some reason I’m too lazy to do that.

Two last things: Imo a bit of wvw experince (not necessarily as a commander) is advantageous and don’t take EoTM too serious.

Exotic and Ascended armour textures

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


So you complain about lack of sparkle and shine but then you die your whole armour as black as can be? The devs may not be the only ones lacking creativity.

I may only like 30 % (wild guess) of the armours in game and think there should be more but you could already do more with the tools you have.

Apart from that weapons with effects exist, bright shiney colours/dies do, too and as far as I understand the patch, glowing armour is on its way.

New content doesn't seem Solo friendly.

in Living World

Posted by: Mike.5091


I went to play there with my gf n we got mashed and left I don’t like Dry Top and the new area doesn’t seem nice to me neither, mainly because of the playstyle (eventstacking, farming, chests) though.

But I’ll try it out again soon, as most people seem to enjoy it.

Also it is a Multiplayer game, so naturally multiplayer parts of the game should and do exist. It’s usually not too hard to find a group in mapchat.

hotjoin is terrible

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.5091


Oh, I didn’t know the only reason I do pvp is to allow you to have more fun. Would it be better for me to stand there, so you can kill me faster? I just stayed on a losing team, and the winning team basically zerged me the nanosecond I tried to do anything. What fun is it to get annihilated by 3 people? Where’s the skill? Where’s my motivation to stay?

Nobody actually said that you should stay. People are hoping for better balanced teams/matchups and trying to prevent the situation you described from the start. If you don’t stay in a pointless matchup, it’s okay. If you constantly leave or manipulate the system to join the winning team, it isn’t.

A matchup can actually cope well with a few people leaving here and there. But if (felt) 80 % of the players seek to only join the winning team, it leads to less even but empty and pointless matches. Without opponents, no winning team can exist.

I like the occasional Hotjoin when I’m bored of WvW and PvE, want to have a few fights, win and lose, but hadn’t played it in months until yesterday. After >5 matches I lost in a row due to people constantly leaving after one death etc. I was annoyed as bored and left to do something else. Up until this thread I didn’t even know people use the auto-balance system to join the winning team. As others have stated teams could stay full and similar for hours. Yesterday I ended up being alone or with another player most of the time.

I don’t believe joining the winning team is an intelligent strategy, because on the long run, it’s harmful to the game-mode and it is not competitive at all, which Hotjoin is, even if it gave no rewards.

As long as people only care to think about their own motivation and rewards, which they will, it is up to ArenaNet to supply a System that can’t be abused, but is fun for all (PvP and rewards orientated) participants.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


  • When my gf isn’t at home I play GW2 all day and tell her I didn’t.
  • I once made a character with a silly name and was so embarrassed about it, I leveled it to 80 in offline mode. As I was offline I represented my own bank guild.
  • My leveled bankguilds name has a typo in it, I invented a story so I can pretend I misspelled it on purpose.
  • I occasionally like to use ‘Point Blank Shot’ on my Ranger on bosses or in groups of mobs to hit them out of aoes and to take my revenge and annoy other players. It annoys me when other Rangers (or Hammer Warriors) do this and I ask them not to.
  • I tell people I’m poor, eventhough I’m not … just incase …
  • I read and write on the forum while I’m @ work.

(edited by Mike.5091)

Map Completion isn't worth it...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


I don’t think higher or more rewards should be given, just because a certain task may be boring or not challenging for some people. Apart from that I’m always happy to get a free Lion Chest Key and other free items.

Even if it doesn’t require much skill or time to achieve map completion, but can be “fun” and profitable to take your time and do events etc. simultaneously. I’ve earned and spent 100g in the past two weeks just by casually completing a couple of maps every few days.

Any part of the game is not profitable though once compared to farming which is why I don’t believe farming should be the norm.

I keep dying in the beggining.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


Check your gear bud. Lol had the same issue before.

Let’s pray he isn’t stuck at lvl 5 still.

dislike this completely.. am I alone?

in Living World

Posted by: Mike.5091


I like the Story and how it’s told.

Some of the achievements are annoying after a few tries though, so I’m probably not gonna do them (for now).

[Suggestion] Should lying dead be more punishing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


I love it when half the Zerg in Eotm jumps onto a boss, get’s one hitted and shouts for help and ress.

They should be punished Imagine the screaming if they’d get ported back after 30s.

And it surely is annoying once you ress them after the boss and they get annoyed because they missed out on rewards.

But that may be slightly off topic. So back onto topic, I think two things already suggested would be enough:

1. rallied > dead
2. dead don’t scale

At least that way I could actively choose who to help up effectively.

But same story has been suggested ages ago. The small but useful stuff tend to need ages if not forever to be implemented.

Why arn't people angrier?

in WvW

Posted by: Mike.5091


If I log into WvW these days I get the feeling the great majority of players has left to either join a different server or quit the game.

Most often though people join a different server, realize it doesn’t change much n quit.

So yeah, I think not enough people are left to complain.

The struggle for Legendaries... or is it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


One of the main things, that keep me in game, is playing the class I like to play when I feel like it. So meanwhile I have a level 80 of each class.

I’ve played MMOs in which it took you ages just to get a decent equip just for one char, which kept me from seriously playing other chars.

I value being able to equip all my classes well more than an extremly expensive weapon stuck. The Accountbound and Statchange attributes are nice. But for now I’m slowly leveling my professions to 500. Costs enough time and money already.

Apart from that often the Legis don’t fit to the outfits due to the colorful rainbows, and clipping ….

[Suggestion] My thoughts about WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mike.5091


Are you on a server with many or few WvW? You do seem a little frustrated or want to punish certain players.

WvW would interest me less with you’re changes as it would be much slower. Also it would be more complicated. Not that I couldn’t adjust or play then, but it wouldn’t be the kind of game I want to play when I get home from work or study.

Magic find and learning to play better

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


Not a too bad idea. Just that probably >50% of the Combos aren’t intentional.

So I duno how it could be implemented in fights then again I’m not creative.

Name Change Contract Overpriced

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mike.5091


Why don’t you think the Name-Change-Contract isn’t worth 2x the makeover kit?

Because I actually think it is. If you’re not happy with the looks of your character you can easily buy new armor that may cover up the parts you dislike. So there a quite a few options.

If you’re not happy with the Name there is only the delete or live with it option, which with a Level 80 char and maybe crafts on 400+ isn’t really an option. So the Name-Change-Contract is worth alot (time and money) in a Situation like that.

So the chinese gem store is literally pay2win

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mike.5091


Remember not to click on pay2win Topics

Also I don’t really care about the chinese Version. It is totally normal that products are adjusted to the local market, even Cola doesn’t taste exactly the same in in eastern countries eg.

Glory boosters in achievement chests

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


I was like that the other day when I opened my Achievement Chest, too.

Then again it is all for free and I hardly use the stuff, so it doesn’t really matter.

After advice on pc build

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mike.5091


I just got myself a new Computer last week with the same specs (4670 no k though, dont want to overclock) + SSD and I’m totally happy. Even in WvW in mid to biggish fights I have 40 FPS on high and in open world 80-120 or so.

My old PC was a QuadCore,3GB RAM, HD kitten … so I’m pretty happy with the Progress.

How many lvl 80 characters do you have?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


6, all male

Sylvari: Nekro, Ranger, Warrior
Norn: Mesmer
Charr: Thief
Asura: Guardian

Future goal is to finish my Human Engi and Sylvari Ele. But I’m in no rush.

Frustrated with events crashes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mike.5091


@ Yargesh

It’s took me my forth try to manage without a crash or bug. My system isn’t the best (Quadcore Q8200, Radeon 4850, 3GB Ram, getting a new PC though in a few days) so your Hardware should is good. Sometimes FormatC and reinstall is good though (once a year).

Also my Internet sometimes drops for 10-20 seconds lately due to problems with my supplier. And then with the server sided problems it’s been frustrating and I understand you problem ^^

I’d like to be able to join back into a longlasting event also, say if I log back on in a certain frametime (2-5 min). Imo it’s a legitimate request which also can be discussed on a forum.

I’ve actually been rewarded for Tequatl before after I dc’d and didn’t log back on, for the first two phases. So I guess it can work that way.

Anyway I’d suggest to reinstall your software and see if it helps. Can’t do any harm anyway.

(edited by Moderator)

client crash in new event becoming a joke

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mike.5091


Got onto the spaceship 2 times now. First time no hologramm then dc/crash. Second time Scarlet at 50%, laggs, dc/crash.


My worst experience in GW2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


Best to just leave OS if you stumble across a group like that and check it out another day.

People have complained about PvP especially in that JP fairly often. One reason siege weapons can’t be placed there anymore. I’ve got into some annoying fights and some fun fights there myself.

So I’m not sure at which point fun PvP turns into griefing but as said, the best solution is to move on and don’t let them annoy you.

Selfless/Thoughtless Potion Bugs and Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


Yeah, I came to the forum to find an official notice, but nada … guess I won’t spend 10g then.

But if they do change it in the future, I’ll be annoyed that I missed it lol.

Odd crashing issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mike.5091


I’ve been crashing these past days alot, too. Much more than it used to occur. It happens mainly during world events but also when I’m just running around.

Quite annoying.

So much Ranger Hate.... Just sad....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


There are good and bad rangers out there. Just like there are good and bad players of each class.

A ranger who fails to lure a mob with its pet just stands out more than other players on the plattform though. Especially because people expect rangers to do just that after all the trashtalk about rangers.

I’ve seen mindless Warriors hitting 0 on the first mob for 1,5 minutes, too. That doesn’t prove that Warrior-players are braindead though.

Tbh when discussions like that start I just turn my chat off. You’ll always stumble across people who like to blame others or to be annoying for the sake of it.

Spotted a rare creature today in game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


First time seeing one of these in the wild… I think someone spooked it cause it disappeared mysteriously.

Off Topic: Wierd as may be, I like your set combination.

On Topic: The GM (?) probably wanted to deleate and accidently logged in. And lol @ chat.

Request: Discussion w/devs about Underwater

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


Right on OP.

I’ve never understood why Anet limited underwater content so much. Too many locked skills and no reasonable Aquabreathers annoy me the most. But I guess that at least saves me from buying another rune. And Anet tends to just lock things or take things out of game if the effort to adjust things is too high (which is understandable I guess … ABC-list etc.)

I’d enjoy underwater WvW occasionally, too. (Various maps that change once a week randomly and one of them could be unterwater.)

Can Guild Wars 2 be considered Pay-to-Win?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


Well I checked definitions for victory (win) and “pay-to-win”. P2W definitions seem to be subjectiv. Three definitions I found for victory, are: Victory

1. refers especially to the final defeat of an enemy or opponent
2. is a success attained in a contest or struggle or over an opponent, obstacle, or problem
3. the act of triumphing or state of having triumphed

Summed up I’d say buying gems in GW2 to reach an own set goal can be called p2w.

But if you start comparing a Gempurchaser with players who didn’t buy gems but still reached their own goals then GW2 isn’t a P2W game (also because the other player isn’t finally defeated).

So it’s the goal and the context that defines if GW2 is p2w or not. And obviously some people will will say yes, others say no.

After trying to be objective my personal experince and belief is, as I already said some posts above, that GW2 isn’t p2w. I also think people who buy gems to reach a goal faster aren’t necessarily winners.

Can Guild Wars 2 be considered Pay-to-Win?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.5091


I believe people who call GW2 a P2W game have actually never played a P2W game.

In a “free” MMO I played for a much too long time, you could hardly earn money ingame, unless you:

1. Payed to visit certain areas with better droprates and more xp
2. Had upgraded equip (expensive to make)
3. Visited certain dungeons/ areas for which you needed upgraded equip

It would cost you a minimum of 600,-€ to upgrad a Set of four pieces from +3 to +10.

The shop in GW2 definately doesn’t offer anything like that. The game doesn’t have scuh a system neither. Ofc there’s a shift towards more CS-items lately and I do think some could cost less but there is no way I feel I need to spend real money because I couldn’t achieve my goal any other way.

This game needs a surrender function.

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.5091


Instant new game mode: Red Resign

The wiki makes it sound like Anet got rid of hero battles in order to stop red resigning.. is that so? (if yes: that’s hilarious and sad at the same time!)

I see a pattern in their actions