Showing Posts For Mordecai.6318:

who is famous theif player

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


I seen caed duel in a tourny a couple weeks ago, he is way overhyped I was not impressed at all.

I’d agree he’s over hyped, but hes actually really good and plays thief with the highest skill cap possible.

The tourney he was in had a majority of players using Shadow Arts III as an alternative to Shadow Rejuv. He also lost to a notably good medi guard which is the direct counter to ALMOST all melee thieves, especially those without Shadow Arts.

To play devils advocate, you lost first round in both tourneys and lost to a warrior which isn’t an overly difficult fight given the weapon sets you use. Granted, I was not present at this tourney to see whether or not you ran your normal setup. If not, I’m not really surprised by the outcome.

I ran a build I made on the fly, and lost to a m/s lb warrior. Not a big deal I lost fair and square. But, when I watched caeds fight he literally didn’t do anything to the guardian with either one of his builds he played.

You and I both know that a medi guard is a REALLY tough fight even with Shadow Arts. I wouldn’t expect caed to be able to do anything against Aldix with a 10/30/0/0/30 ogre rune setup. Everything is going to be blocked, dodged, blinded or mitigated whereas Caed is like 200% vulnerable to even sceptor AA damage. That fight is the epitome of an uphill battle.

The same cannot be said about a fighting a warrior for this specific instance.

who is famous theif player

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


I seen caed duel in a tourny a couple weeks ago, he is way overhyped I was not impressed at all.

I’d agree he’s over hyped, but hes actually really good and plays thief with the highest skill cap possible.

The tourney he was in had a majority of players using Shadow Arts III as an alternative to Shadow Rejuv. He also lost to a notably good medi guard which is the direct counter to ALMOST all melee thieves, especially those without Shadow Arts.

To play devils advocate, you lost first round in both tourneys and lost to a warrior which isn’t an overly difficult fight given the weapon sets you use. Granted, I was not present at this tourney to see whether or not you ran your normal setup. If not, I’m not really surprised by the outcome.

i need a solo P/D build?

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


P/D perplex with the new trickery grandmaster trait is stupidly OP. I tried it out, it’s easy mode game

That doesn’t even make sense. You don’t gain any extra confuse stacks because you are ignoring the interrupt aspect of perplex. Sacrificing the 6 part of the rune set while simultaneously sacrificing an instant interrupt only to generate the same amount of confuse stacks is really foolish.

[GF] Good Fights Recruiting for WvW/GvG!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


Attention all jabronies,

Good Fights is recruiting highly dedicated players for WvW and GvG’s. What does highly dedicated mean? Listen up plebs.
——-If you aren’t willing to quit school, divorce your wife, orphan your children, tell your boss to eat a bag of kittens, sell your house for a dual SLI 24" gaming laptop and play gw2 on a park bench with a hacked 5g wireless connection without food or shelter in the blistering winter 24/7, stop right here and go join some no skill button mashing knitting club – [GF] is not for you.

The amount of skill we in [GF] have is unmatchable. All you will see is a huge cloud of lag from an enemy zerg and our guild emerging unscathed to pull their spine through their rectum for embarrassing themselves with such a display of SKILL. If that doesn’t fit you, then continue letting one of those drinking birds peck away at your keyboard while you huff nitrus and inevitably fail in all facets of the game.

We want MAINS for the classes listed below. If they arent your MAIN , either make it your MAIN before you apply or get out of my face.

——-High Desire:

——-Medium Desire

——-Low Desire

Typically our recruitment process will take at least several weeks (in some cases months), the following is required of all prospects:

-Must be at least 18 years of age
-Level 80 and fully exotic/ascended
-Run an approved GF build OR prove yours is as good or better with the comp we provide.
-Be on or transfer to the Maguuma server
-Raid with us for at least 3-4 times a week during your evaluation
Teamspeak with a mic is a requirement. (Seriously, if you are a mute or a dude trying to roleplay a kitten online then please refrain from applying. However, if you are a mouth breather you are more than welcome.)



Thank you,


Solo S/D Thief Roaming/Duels 2

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


What curse did you put on all those people in groups to just completely ignore your existence? Teach.

P/D Advice for PvE and WvW (Build advice)

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


Do you have any tips on top picks for traits using x/x/30/20/20?

Tbh, that is as bunker as it gets and you’re much stronger just running 10/0/30/0/30/. That setup is excessively defensive IMO.

Let's discuss stealth.

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


no no no no no no no

S/D Thief Bolt Incinerator Aether in Action!

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


go home man you are drunk . . .


S/D Thief Bolt Incinerator Aether in Action!

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


Whoa, I can’t criticize? Posting things on the forums , is open to criticism. I never said he was bad, I respect he doesn’t use easy mode d/p, I can say what I want whenever I want. Triggerless’s play style eh? Not even close, sure we use the same build, he main hands p/d and is 10x better with it than I am, we also don’t even use the same gear. You seem just a little kitten. Calm down

Text has no tone, so assuming I’m mad makes you ignorant. Triggerless gave you the setup that you run currently and before that nobody knew who you were. With that said, I’m not trying to undermine your abilities as people seem to think.

I’m not faulting you for criticizing. This is a public forum where people can express their opinions, but my complaint is that you more often than not, use this forum as a way of boosting your ego. There was a thread not too long ago where 2 other people challenged each other to 1v1’s and you, without surprise, jumped in and were like, OH ME ME I WANT IN. It’s that attitude that is a bit irritating. The whole “duel me bro” thing is played out and stale, especially in a game where you get nothing from it.

First off, I like to duel people so I try to set up duels with good thieves. Second, I knew of the build before trig told me, get your facts right. Third, I only raged at you the first time I saw you, you ran from me while you had full stacks and perplex, then we dueled and settled it. I truly don’t care what spec you run, if you like to be condi, then go for it. I’m not “boosting my ego” when I’m asking to duel someone. I comment on thieves videos because I’d like criticism in mine too, anything to improve my play.

The fight was going nowhere and I went ooc to change a trait from a fight I had setup with someone else. I ran immediately back to fight you, but you had already made up your mind to rage at me. Regardless, thats irrelevant and a moot point to the original point I was trying to make.

Regardless of what your intentions supposedly are, you come across as VERY condescending and very kitteny. You literally complained from 9CST to 2CST about how you were screwed out of your duel in snuffles tourney. Whether you were or weren’t, I don’t care, but I’m certainly not the only one saying these things. I’m just saying what impressions myself and many others have of you.

EDIT: Sorry for hijacking your thread Colox. While at the same time, thank me for the views.

S/D Thief Bolt Incinerator Aether in Action!

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


Mordecai.6318 … foreal? he has the right to grade other thieves as he is a kitten good kitten theif himself. In a way, your post seem to display aggressiveness simply from being kitten that he didn’t like the video you specifically posted. Hey if one person critiques your video don’t take it to heart. Criticism makes you better.

I don’t personally care what he thinks of my video, but I did thank him for not trolling it because in the past he furiously raged at me for running P/D condi.

But, I’m glad you ignored the rest of the points of my post.

S/D Thief Bolt Incinerator Aether in Action!

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


Whoa, I can’t criticize? Posting things on the forums , is open to criticism. I never said he was bad, I respect he doesn’t use easy mode d/p, I can say what I want whenever I want. Triggerless’s play style eh? Not even close, sure we use the same build, he main hands p/d and is 10x better with it than I am, we also don’t even use the same gear. You seem just a little kitten. Calm down

Text has no tone, so assuming I’m mad makes you ignorant. Triggerless gave you the setup that you run currently and before that nobody knew who you were. With that said, I’m not trying to undermine your abilities as people seem to think.

I’m not faulting you for criticizing. This is a public forum where people can express their opinions, but my complaint is that you more often than not, use this forum as a way of boosting your ego. There was a thread not too long ago where 2 other people challenged each other to 1v1’s and you, without surprise, jumped in and were like, OH ME ME I WANT IN. It’s that attitude that is a bit irritating. The whole “duel me bro” thing is played out and stale, especially in a game where you get nothing from it.

S/D Thief Bolt Incinerator Aether in Action!

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


Not going to say its bad, I just see a lot of evade spamming… And I hate watching evade spam. We can duel sometime when you guys go against SoS, then I can judge.

Why are you ALWAYS like this? You have an insanely passive-aggressive stance on virtually every thread you post in. It’s like you check back to this forum regularly just waiting for a chance to criticize while simultaneously trying to not look like an kitten for the off chance the community might rave over your next video.

Why does anyone or why would anyone care what you enjoy watching? Why does it even matter what you enjoy watching? Sure, there are worse things you could say, but you did the same with my video. You criticized it based on what you like/don’t like watching because its not your personal play style. I’m not even sure what your play style is since it came entirely from triggerless. It’s like you have this huge identity crisis in a game where it rewards you nothing for actually having one.

To top it all off, your solution to seeing if someone is bad is to 1v1 them. It’s your go-to remark every time someone threatens you or you threaten yourself for whatever reason. And you know kitten well that this game is NOT balanced around 1v1 and there are many other facets of this game that are more indicative to skill than a 1v1. Team fights, specifically 5v5’s being just one of them.

Just chill out, please.

EDIT: Colox has been a good thief for quite a while like many others.

[Video] P/D Condi Thief Outnumbered Fighting

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


I actually enjoyed this, very good cinematic editing. You are knowledgeable of Thief, and can time pretty well. There were things i myself would have done differently, but that’s just me. Good pivot turn and using your environment to your advantage on your brink of low hp running behind the wall making the guardian fall.

~On another note: I’m pretty sure I saw a Nike symbol on that Warriors Boots.

It’s funny you mentioned the cinematic thing. I had some ‘try hard’ editing and music originally and just gave up on it. :/ Thanks for the kind words. I actually chased that warrior out of the water, but I cut the clip early. That mobility is obnoxious.

@Amon. Most of the fights I have recorded dont last that long with the exception of that clip and maybe two others. I wish I wouldn’t have fumbled at the end of the first clip and tried to keep the streak going. Oh well though.

Haha, I know what you mean. Doing really good in a fight, and making a major mistake and dying because of it.

and then the inevitable group of people that jump on my corpse afterwards…

[Video] P/D Condi Thief Outnumbered Fighting

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


I actually enjoyed this, very good cinematic editing. You are knowledgeable of Thief, and can time pretty well. There were things i myself would have done differently, but that’s just me. Good pivot turn and using your environment to your advantage on your brink of low hp running behind the wall making the guardian fall.

~On another note: I’m pretty sure I saw a Nike symbol on that Warriors Boots.

It’s funny you mentioned the cinematic thing. I had some ‘try hard’ editing and music originally and just gave up on it. :/ Thanks for the kind words. I actually chased that warrior out of the water, but I cut the clip early. That mobility is obnoxious.

@Amon. Most of the fights I have recorded dont last that long with the exception of that clip and maybe two others. I wish I wouldn’t have fumbled at the end of the first clip and tried to keep the streak going. Oh well though.

[Video] P/D Condi Thief Outnumbered Fighting

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


Yes, P/D is very strong. But ur enemies aren’t playing very good imo. No AA spam while u go in stealth, no use of any kind of cc, as you can see in the end, when the Mesmer even tries to rezz the downed Guardian instead of using no 5 on greatsword.

Yea, its unfortunate that the only people that provide you with the outnumbered fights are typically the one who aren’t top notch players. I have tons of duels recorded against great players, but watching those duels is pretty mind numbing and I wouldn’t expect anyone to want to watch them.

[Video] P/D Condi Thief Outnumbered Fighting

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318



There’s been a plethora of these popping up for whatever reason so I figured I’d share mine here. I have way too many clips clogging my hard drive and I’m trying to get rid of them. So I’m selectively making ‘episodes’ of the fights that I do feel showcase skill regardless of running an infamously ‘cheesy’ spec.

With that said, if you don’t feel like watching a full condi thief fight outnumbered then this is not the video for you.

If you somehow enjoy this, thanks.

P/D Perplexity Thief... Oh the fun....

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


Why did you make such a long-winded post on something the entire community has known about for months? Even if plexity is nerfed and there is some sort of change to dire, P/D is still going to be a dominant thief set. Welcome to 8 months ago.

Harley Quinn - P/D 10/30/30, Power Build

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


I’m kind of upset everyone feels this is innovative or new.

You’re just mad that no one saw your P/D build on IntotheMists that’s been sitting there for a long time :P

Apparently you did?

Harley Quinn - P/D 10/30/30, Power Build

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


I’m kind of upset everyone feels this is innovative or new.

Comprehensive Thief feedback (long)

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


Infiltrators return could be reverted I think if they reduced the return distance to 600 and limited tbe availability of it to around 7-10 seconds.

what in the actual kitten?


no because?

Have you ever played a thief?

Comprehensive Thief feedback (long)

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


Infiltrators return could be reverted I think if they reduced the return distance to 600 and limited tbe availability of it to around 7-10 seconds.

what in the actual kitten?


The use of the word 'cheese'

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


I don’t think anyone would care about your current build if you didn’t use perplexity.

Problem solved!!!!!!
So let all voluntary refrain ourselves to not use perplexity for the sake of being called cheese and to have a fair fight.

Perplexity isn’t fun to fight against, isn’t fun to play, and doesn’t help you improve as a player. So…why bother?

Why bother? Because its effective. I learned P/D long before perplexity runes even came out, but swapped because it was silly to focus all of my efforts on one condition that is easily cleansed. The confuse is there to buffer my bleeds. Some people just like to melt themselves by never looking at the effects bar. Not my fault.

Cheesy D/P

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


PD is more cheese because in WvW roaming it’s countered only by DP thieves.
And since you’re so good that you can kill them anyway, it must mean that PD is the most OP build ever.

Zerk guardians? Hammer warriors? PU mesmers? Condi Engineers? Regeneration Rangers? Have fun killing them with DP.

So if PD is only countered by DP wouldnt that make DP more ‘cheese?’ I dont understand the logic of you people.

However, I am the most fantabulous thing to happen to this game so I beat them regularly.

Also, D/P thieves kill all of those things just fine. The first two are melee ranged opponents. lawl blinds. gg.

Cheesy D/P

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


Sounds like someone is seriously kitten that I don’t recognize his master skills.

At this point you have to be trolling. I posted a video on the off chance you might be able to grasp how P/D can counter D/P.

I played P/D back when Wild Bill made the build popular and what drove me away from it is utter boredom. But whatever, I can farm P/D noobs all day.

Yet mashing #2 through BP is the epitome of thrilling? Please.

And I don’t even need to stealth that much. I play S/D enough in sPvP so your point is moot.

Never said you did. Only said you main the easiest weapon set in the game across all classes. What point is moot by pointing out S/D is finesse? Congrats, you play it in spvp. Careface?

And lol for you pointing to stealth. A dangerous D/P build won’t have the ability to perma-stealth and if played correctly, doesn’t need to.

Yea, shame on me for pointing to stealth on the weaponset that was nerfed for its ability to grant ‘perma-stealth.’ The only reason a D/P thief is threatening is because of the on demand backstabs. Am I supposed to be scared of headshot, heartseeker spam, and an auto attack chain with poison?


Cheesy D/P

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


That clip was a terrible D/P Thief who used his Black Powder exclusively for stealth when the true strength lies in being able to melee people.

And P/D, as said, is the most skill-less and forgiving build you can play.

How can something be OP and still require skill? Easy, being OP is about having excessive potential and yet harassing this potential still requires good situational awareness and skillful play.

P/D is essentially mastered if you can reliably hit people with Claok and Dagger. Voila, you’ve mastered the build. Now roll with Dire gear and never die to anything while spaming the same move over and over again.

D/P on the other hand takes a little more finesse, partially because Initiative management is a factor, all skills are useful and you can actually fail (as displayed elegantly in your clip).

I’m sorry I offended your favorite little chesse build. But chaining Sneak Attack endlessly against every enemy you encounter doesn’t make you awesome.

Perhaps you missed the part of the video where I created distance. Oh wait, that was the entire video. What good would it be to drop black powder on me for melee purposes when 90% of the time I’m not even in melee range except for the backstab/opener? Please tell me how hitting 5>2>2>21>1>1>1>dodge>5>>2>2 maybe 3? maybe 4? >1>1>1>1 takes any more finesse?

Mastered by landing CnD? Laughable. Being able to land #3 accurately in P/D is as crucial to successful game play as CnD is to a D/D thief.

You have to have kitten for brains to not understand how in control D/P is of any 1v1 encounter. I am forced to take the backstab on P/D which forces me to always be on the defensive and to respond secondary. That is automatically a disadvantage in a 1v1. Backstabbing is the complete opposite on finesse, quite literally the opposite.

S/D is the finesse build of thieves. End of story.

I’m sorry you fail to recognize the obvious strengths of anything but the easiest set in the game.

Cheesy D/P

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


P/D counters D/P if you play it right. Perma daze D/P thief? What? Why would anyone ever spend any time trying to do something thats not possible?

P/D counters jack kitten, least of all D/P. All D/P needs to do is spam those Blinds and P/D can’t Cloak and Dagger.

100% false. I’m not even sure if you play this game. There are tons of windows to cloak and dagger.
I have a plethora of video clips where I beat D/P thieves. Either in organized duels or the candid experiences in WvW. This happens to be a random one and the first one I saw since things are organized by date on my PC. The only reason I even lost the amount of health I did is because I took the time to stand in place, type emotes, and jump around like an idiot.

Where were my infinite things to CnD off of? kitten, this guy was even using Smoke Screen for when he didn’t have enough initiative for the BP+HS combo.

Any time I run into a P/D they either lose or run away because they realize they can’t win. It’s the same when fighting D/D Thieves but at least they can occasionally still instant-gib you through Black Powder.

That can be said about pretty much any thief vs thief fight. If neither wants to lose, they wont. However, pretty much everyone fights until the end. And the D/D thief burst comes from the CnD+BS combo. It’s not a common occurrence to insta-gib with a backstab alone. Therefore, they would have to do that from the steal+cnd combo or from just outside the blind circle.

I agree that D/P is generally the easiest Thief WvW weapon set.

Fixed for you.

But unlike P/D cheese it actually requires skill to play well and active Initiative management which no other set requires. D/P is the only weapon-set in which ALL weapon skills are useful and require careful and times use. You can’t spam all the skills or you’ll run out of Initiative real fast.

So which is it? Is P/D cheese or does it counter absolutely nothing? In two posts in this thread you call P/D skilless and ‘cheese.’ How could such an easy weapon set not counter jack kitten? What a contradiction. Every last one of P/D, S/P, and S/D weapon abilities are useful. Is D/P the most synergized weapon set of them all? Sure. However, the only set that doesnt really have that many uses is P/P and #3 on D/D. You cant spam anything on any weapon sets without blowing initiative. D/P just happens to do it faster because basically nobody runs 15 in trickery outside of spvp.

I agree that the near constant Blinds are probably OP but at least it takes skill to play, resource-management and is less bursty than D/D.

I honestly don’t even know where to start. OP and takes skill to play? How the hell is that even possible? Again, I’m not even sure you play this game.

And oddly enough, despite its power only about 30% of Thieves I encounter in WvW run D/P. Many still use D/D and P/D, both of which have an easier play-style.

D/P has free reign to engage on its own terms at any given time. The skill behind trying to land cloak and daggers against skilled opponents outweighs the on demand stealth of D/P so heavily its not even funny. Its beyond inconsistent against someone who knows what they are doing. That’s even excluding random aegis procs and the like that could screw you over.

You have the most skewed perspective of thieves that I’ve ever seen.

(edited by Mordecai.6318)

Cheesy D/P

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


P/D counters D/P if you play it right. Perma daze D/P thief? What? Why would anyone ever spend any time trying to do something thats not possible?

It is simply not possible for P/D to counter D/P, unless the D/P is REALLY bad or unless there are 1000 objects around to CnD (and even then it would still become a stalemate between decent players).

I have never once lost to any D/P from any notable guilds across T1 and T2. Its 100% possible and I have waaaaay to many recordings to sort through of me doing so. D/P is as predictable as it gets, especially if you’ve familiarized yourself with the set.

Acting like it cant counter because of a stalemate is pretty dumb. Considering in any thief fight that could be the case because our ability to run away, regardless of build.

Most Difficult/ Impressive Thief Builds!

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


TL;DR – Cheese means it takes little to no skill to play, like warrior. Thief takes a significant amount of skill to make itself viable in any format, and therefore only has one truly “cheese” build.

This is correct. P/D is not cheese. Over-dramatizing and acting like simply auto attacking is enough to take down anyone with the combination of 3 is just foolish. Anyone who dies to a player doing that is horrid, which only further proves how the build isn’t cheesy. P/D is a very strong set, but half of why people are successful with is because of their lack of skill. The general skill level of players in WvW is horrendously bad.

The use of the word 'cheese'

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


what kinda cheese chedda XD

The utilities and trait line will hopefully incorporate mozarella, pepperjack, and pecorino.

The use of the word 'cheese'

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


I am going to make a formal request to ANET to change my Quip into a Kraft Easy Cheese canister that way I can spray cheese all over my opponents.

The skills will obviously have to be renamed.

Face Splash (Auto Attack)
Cheese your foe with a splash to the face.

Damage: 134 (.4)?
Cheesing: 4 s (170 damage)
Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile (20% chance)
Range: 900

Flavor Burst (From Stealth)
Cheese attack with rapid squirts from your canister and make your foe drip with flavor.

Damage (5x): 405 (1.2)?
Cheesing: 4 s (850 damage)
Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile
Range: 900

Stomach Ache (Body Shot)
Make your foe vulnerable to stomach pains with an overdose of cheese.

Damage: 61 (0.5)?
5 Stomach Pain: 3 s
Vomiting: 3 s
Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile
Range: 900

Cheese Injection (Shadow Strike)
Stab your foe with a razor-sharp canister, then fill the wound with cheese,

Damage: 101 (0.3)?
Cheese Damage: 336 (1.25)?
Vomiting: 5 s (320 damage)

Utilities and a trait line will have to come later. Example: Blinding Powder would be renamed to ‘Cheese Dust.’ This ability would allow you to vanish in a Cheeto’s dust explosion.

Gem Store Exclusive ‘Cheese Finisher’: A tiny man from a bakery slowly grinds up cheese with a cheese grater over the enemies corpse.

Oh, and for those of you who are lactose intolerant, you’d better start begging ANET for some resist gear.

(edited by Mordecai.6318)

The use of the word 'cheese'

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


Cheese is a diary product you dumb kittens.

Best post NA.

The use of the word 'cheese'

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


‘Cheese’ is a term used most commonly by scrubs

Shut up.

and with those two statements, you have shown yourself incapable of thoughtful, reasonable argument or conversation regarding this subject. I didn’t even need to bother reading the rest.

Being selective and removing my reasoning as to why I think its a ‘scrub’ comment proves to me your incapable of finding any logical counter argument as to why it isn’t.

The use of the word 'cheese'

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


Let me preface this by saying this is more than likely going to be a rant, because I am beyond tired of reading/listening to people toss the word ‘cheese’ around every time they lose.

‘Cheese’ is a term used most commonly by scrubs who either A.) feel or act above using specific weapons/runesets/builds, etc. B.) don’t play to win

I have been called out on using ‘cheese’ setups on virtually every thief set/build imaginable. It literally does not matter I play. I will inevitably receive a group invite from some raging sourpuss, then listen to them call me cheese.

I ran a 10/0/0/30/30 S/D build that hit like a wet noodle in a lot of cases and still was called ‘Cheese.’

Currently my main cheese is the ever-so-popular P/D plexity thief. I’m sorry, but this is not cheese and never will be. Anyone who uses the P/D set as their ‘latest’ weapon set is either really new to thief or has been living in a box for the past 7-8 months. P/D has been one of/if not the thief’s strongest weapon set for most of this games existence. Even before the Shadow Strike buff, perplexity runes, etc. I’ve used P/D longer than I have D/P and that was even during the D/P ‘perma-stealth’ phase.

I’m sorry that when I play WvW I don’t want to play with an infinite amount of handicaps. Why? Because 90% of the time I am having to deal with the biggest handicap of fighting 1vX. Knowing that is more than likely going to happen I have built my toon to survive and outlast my opponents. It compliments my playstyle and my abilities. If I am interrupting and shutting down your critical survival tools, then kitten right I am going to use a runeset that compliments my ability to out think my opponent and one that punishes them for allowing me to do so.

Builds that I’ve used that have been called ‘Cheese:’
10/30/30/0/0 D/P or D/D or P/D
0/20/30/20/0 D/P
10/0/0/30/30 S/D
10/30/0/0/30 S/D or S/P or D/P
10/0/30/0/30 P/D with/without plexity
10/0/30/0/30 S/P-P/D Hybrid
0/25/30/0/15 S/P-P/D Hybrid

There are more, but the point is that I’ve tried basically everything there is to try on a thief. I have 6 armor sets and a plethora of weapons to go with. There is nothing that I can use that isn’t automatically going to be labeled as ‘cheese.’

I play to win and I’m sorry if you don’t. This is my gaming experience, I paid for the game just as you did, I’ve put the hours into my class to beat the odds, and I will absolutely not be catering to everyone else because they are too inept to figure out how to counter/adjust their play style.

Shut up.

Constant Nerfing of Mesmers

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


mesmers have received nerfs? lol….

[WvW] Thief BS High Armor Squishy Targets

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


After reading this thread I think its safe to say that most of you have no idea how to fight a thief and have no idea how difficult it can be to play one. Thief is my main, but I have absolutely ZERO issues fighting other thieves on any of my other classes. And when I say other classes I mean, ALL of them. I have an 80 of everything in the game. Fighting thieves is not hard, regardless of my main.

Cheesy D/P

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


P/D counters D/P if you play it right. Perma daze D/P thief? What? Why would anyone ever spend any time trying to do something thats not possible?

Thieves in WvW

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


Regardless of what anyone says, thieves are just fine in zergs. In fact, they are incredibly useful and my guild runs 2 for every guild raid we do in WvW. Why? Because we quickly eliminate free casting ele’s, necros, etc.

While I will agree they are better in small man/roaming situations, you do NOT need some apothecary regen trash to be successful in larger scale fights. You just need good positioning, awareness, and patience.

Help fixing lagg!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


I am having the same issues. Honestly, this all started for me after the GW2 servers were DDoS’d.

Every day from 7CST-10:30CST I have immense lag and when I ping plot it I have 100% packet loss. I tried to trace it directly to the IP of the server I’m currently on, but its blocked. I’m just happy to know I’m not the only one.

I doubt we’ll get a fix though. :/

Starting to see why people avoid PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


It always blows my mind how people can never figure out how the simple logic behind holding 2/3 points. The majority of my teams cap our home/mid then everyone scatters leaving 0-1 bodies in mid who get overwhelmed by 3-4 while they have 1 bunkering home. I always wonder why I am never on the team that makes sense. :/

What is this Build? (WvW)

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


Hey, Thats my guildie!
I am not 100% sure on his build but I run something very similar.
It should be something along the lines of :

It isn’t a very common build to see, but I think its going to get more popular in wvw cause they are nerfing all the other builds and this one is really strong. Also, he is indeed very good, plays it better than most. :P

It’s pretty much a lost cause to run full defensive traits and a rune set/sigils that focus only on one condition, especially one that is so easily cleansed.

Your friend was running mug more than likely so thats already a little different than the build posted.

Also, I dont mean to be rude, but his gameplay was pretty weak and predictable. There are also much stronger p/d thief setups that what he was using. Setups that would have made that duel (and every other) much easier despite mediocre game play.

yeah. hes right. i only saw Bleed almost the entire match if not the entire match. no chanceof winning against great players like that. atleast when TG is down.

Did we just agree on something? O.o

What is this Build? (WvW)

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


Hey, Thats my guildie!
I am not 100% sure on his build but I run something very similar.
It should be something along the lines of :

It isn’t a very common build to see, but I think its going to get more popular in wvw cause they are nerfing all the other builds and this one is really strong. Also, he is indeed very good, plays it better than most. :P

It’s pretty much a lost cause to run full defensive traits and a rune set/sigils that focus only on one condition, especially one that is so easily cleansed.

Your friend was running mug more than likely so thats already a little different than the build posted.

Also, I dont mean to be rude, but his gameplay was pretty weak and predictable. There are also much stronger p/d thief setups than what he was using. Setups that would have made that duel (and every other) much easier despite mediocre game play.

(edited by Mordecai.6318)

Glad to see Yishis is adapting

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


Funny to see people finding something negative to say… Yishis is a great player and great for the thief community. Very few thieves consistently post videos as informative and constructive as his.

Very few thieves have rigs that they can record at decent settings on, otherwise I’m positive there would be at least one more thief doing this.

people still have rigs that cant record? news to me.

[Build] WvW MANMODE thief

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


How is this “MANMODE” when you have 30 in Shadow Arts and you are using Shadow Rejuvenation….?

…beat me to it.

Thief desperately needs build diversity.

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


people in here actually think P/D is a weak set? rofl….

P/D WvW Apoth vs Dire vs Settler vs etc.

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


If you plan on going the full bunker route, consider using Anti-toxin runes:

(1): +28 Condition Damage
(2): -4% condition duration applied to you.
(3): +55 Condition Damage
(4): -8% condition duration applied to you.
(5): +100 Condition Damage
(6): -12% condition duration applied to you. Gain 5 stacks of might for 10 seconds on incoming poison or torment (20s cooldown)

You’ll get to a point with toughness that you’d be better served by investing elsewhere. Having -24% condition duration is nice, and the 5 stacks of might would be up most of the time, with how much poison gets thrown around.

I have this runeset purchased, but haven’t given it a try yet. I really need to.

P/D WvW Apoth vs Dire vs Settler vs etc.

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


I run full dire armor, 1 dire/1givers weapon, with dire+rabid trinkets and backpiece. 3k armor 21000 hp with guard stacks/bloodlust. 2k condi damage (with BL. 1900 without) and 76% duration.

I will never run anything else on p/d.

EDIT: missing 1 of my dire/rabid trinkets in the screenshot. 3k armor with p/d out and 3100 with SB. HP was 20,800.

guessing you will not say your runes/traits? ;p

You can figure out the traits from the screenshot.

P/D WvW Apoth vs Dire vs Settler vs etc.

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


i give more than just your one sided view. you think dire is better i think carrion is better. who is right? well i supposed that depends on goals and playstyle/experience. my thief has 4400 hours logged. screen shot is available. 3 legendies (incin,quip,dreamer and firebringer) while finishing my 4th. full ascended now for a while and lots n lots of everything else extras etc etc.

You dont give more than a 1 sided view and you have a very skewed perspective. Every thread where I’ve ever said anything about dire you have came in with your counter argument of carrion. Which is fine, but don’t pretend like you advocated any different. And if I recall, carrion wasn’t even in the armor sets that the OP was curious about trying. So take your argument to a thread that wants a carrion comparison.

Also, what does legendaries have to do with anything? I have the same 3 legendaries in less than half the playtime. Irrelevant.

still dont see how you need the extra “toughness” when its so defensive. its literally the most defensive build a thief can have. high HP high toughness high healing high blinds etc etc. so yeah. prolly a good idea to bring a toughness set of armor to really boost the build where its weak right? hrm….. well its ok if u need the toughness. some players do.

Here, since I apparently haven’t been as direct as possible. Why the extra toughness? If you cant answer that for yourself then you must be a god at this game. You must never take any damage, you must never get “trained” or “focused”, you must never miss a cloak and dagger or shadow strike, and you must time all of your dodges so perfectly that you avoid all CC. Perfect gameplay all the time.

Your build doesnt have high toughness. 1200 toughness/2300 armor is nothing. High blinds only occur if you’re traited for it, which was/is still a preference thing even after the initiative buff.

@ OP. again its however much exp you have and how your playstyle is. if u have bad reaction time/ low exp yes dire is better. if u wanna actually be able to kill guardians and defensive players you will need a bit more dmg. if you [plan on going in zerg and fighting on the front line….none will help you. i suggest go SPVP and try out some amulets. see how it goes. youll get the hang out it!

…And you call me spiteful, yet you’re being completely condescending, all while misinterpreting facts. My reaction time is great and so is my experience. I can kill ANYTHING. Let me repeat, ANYTHING, guardians included, using dire. Why? Because I know how to set up bursts, because I land critical interrupts, etc. Stop making the argument that dire thieves just have absolutely zero damage. They have a kitten ton.

And please do not bring a condi thief into spvp. That might be the most laughable statement you’ve made Mr. 4k hours.

P/D WvW Apoth vs Dire vs Settler vs etc.

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


p/d is a very defensive set.

Blind on Stealth
Heal in stealth
remove condi in stealth
Shadow strike gap creator
CND stealth+heal+blind+condi removal
dancing dagger keeps opponents slowed and away
immob keeps opponets pinned down
High hp
High toughness
high Healing

with all this…… thats pretty much standard…. id suggest using…

CARRION armor. it gives you atleast double dmg and going from 450 to over 1k on sneak attack really adds up. even normal auto attacks. you know how many sneak attacks you use and shadow shots>

if you are a new player yeah get that dire….. itll help a newer player stay alive much better.

mobility is low however i just use p/d p/d and on both daggers i use 50% engery on switch so every 8 secs i get one more evade…..that is basically the same as “energy on dodge trait” so now u dont have to spec into acrobats.

i run mug + slieght of hand for more healing and more dmg so power is better here.

basically run a dmg armor. its like telling a guardian to go shamans when hes using GS and S/F .. . . just not what he needs.

again all depends on your experience.

I’m glad you made your appearance here again just to judge someone elses skill set by the armor attributes they choose. I’ve got 1.5k hours on thief. That’s far from new and I use the dire prefix. I’ve also won a notable amount of duels against notable players from amazing guilds in T1.

It does not depend on your experience. Carrion was the only prefix available when I started running P/D 5 months ago. I ran the weapon set just fine being brand new to the set and its play style. The difference is I have never been hit for more than 5800 on a backstab using dire, ever. Whereas, 8k was frequent with carrion. If you want to talk about things “adding up” then you should probably think about the damage you’re taking, considering its significantly higher. Condition thieves are mostly attrition based.

The best offense is a good defense. Welcome to biggest, yet true cliche ever.


p/d is a very defensive set.

Correct. So why use offensive armor?

1600 power/2600 attack is laughable for anything trying to do actual damage.

(edited by Mordecai.6318)

P/D WvW Apoth vs Dire vs Settler vs etc.

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


I’m investing in the dire – sounds all very good. And I thought I was already immortal in apoth. Just made my ascended weapons for dire. I’ll get back to this later.

The one thing that sets major rage to me is that the ascended gear stats are so stupid – why on earth did they stick that tiny offstat of precision onto the dire stat gear?? Also no pure carrion gear stat..

That precision is from dire+rabid stats. Dire alone is Toughness/Vit/Condi Dmg.

P/D WvW Apoth vs Dire vs Settler vs etc.

in Thief

Posted by: Mordecai.6318


Most of the condi thieves I’ve encountered don’t run perplexity so they really dont have much other than the bleeds themselves and some mild torment stacks.

Poison and weakness are fairly easy to add into the mix, as well as blind and cripple.

The blind instantly falls off and crippling is typically something I dont waste my initiative on unless i need to chase since I’m ranged. Poison does buffer it some (I’m using 10 in DA), but it still doesnt have as long as a duration as my bleeds do.