people so easily forget WoW’s garbage launch. GW2 is running way better comparativly
I did not play WoW… but your argument is absolutely irrelevant. They promised us “When it’s ready” …it is obviously not and I see that every day it is just worse and worse, because they don’t do daily restarts, so everything is stuck and dead.
Title says everything.
Please, do daily restarts or something. I travel through the world and find almost no dynamic events and if I find some, they are usually stuck. It was said, that in Orr will be only dynamic events. I just made circle around a whole cursed shore and found 1!!!! (and some stuck events)
I really do not know what I can do in this game… sPvP is not for me; for WvW I have to wait half an hour and then I get disconnect for no reason…
This game should not been released until 2013, it is obviously still in beta phase.
What I think is real disappointment is not a quantity, but difficulty. During The Shatterer, you just have to stand under his belly and spam autoattack. During Tequatl everyone ingnore spawns which destroy turrents, because they are too much powerful and fight dragon and big fat spawns instead. I did not try Claw of Jormag, but I guess it will be easy too. The only hard boss is fire elemental which is weird, because it is just for lvl 15.
You cannot use waypoint either!
Happened to me either, but it seems that no mending leg-piece exists –
It is very sad because it really would be a beautiful set
Mistfire Wolf - missing on a character where was bought
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mortifer.2946
I recently bought digital deluxe upgrade via Black Lion Trading Post and everything is fine, except that I did not get unlock of Mistfire Wolf elite skill on my main character Alisar Dius. Other existing characters and newly created characters have this skill.
I know, you have much more important work to do, but could you please unlock this skill for my character Alisar Dius ?
Libor Micko