Of course. Why isn’t it out yet?
I don’t care about living story and I never will.
Things I want:
New elder dragon story
precursor building – biggest priority
adding zones into empty spaces around the Sea of Sorrows
make SAB permanent
Make Tequatl fightable for unorganised groups again.
Full underwater zone.
Split HM Tequatl into guild mission or special event which appears on everyone’s displays with the option to insta join
Also, Cantha
Should of been the highest priority, a lot of your veteran players are waiting on it to progress in this game
Is any guild organising Tequatl tonight or tomorrow night on EU server?
Old games like Lineage II have much better looking armor sets and weapons. I don’t understand why is it so hard to design new ones…
Actually I had to buy almost all T6 mats. I had only gatherable mats from nodes.
If you meant 400 to 500. 1 to 400 may be true.
It definitely looks genuine… I am pretty excited that I will finally be able to craft my legendary GS.
LOL…. so you basically have to be Grandmaster Crafter….
…which costs even more than just buying the Precursor off the TP….
“Shooping” debate aside, this possibility is very likely.
Not at all. I spent like 50g on weaponsmith from 400 to 500. Weaponsmith from 1 to 400 is cheap.
10€, no regrets
I will spend money only if they release quality content, e.g. Expansion.
Otherwise, this game is boring as hell. Everyone is just hunting champs now. I want to do events in zones but well… i can do it only in solo. Even cursed shore is empty.
As my fall semester started and I started to have meaningful problems again, I practically stopped caring about missing out the content. Though, I still don’t like living story and would rather pay for normal expansion.
They are trolling you. There are no cross-zone event chains, no Poogaluu and no Bubble Gum Mask
just go 3 paths of TA, buy heavy helmet and dye it to pink
The day they will finish living story achievement hunt will be happy day for all of us.
I am not trolling, 90 percent of EU GW2 community are just bad at playing this game
(edited by Mortifer.2946)
Teq is awesome and could be harder but… players are noobz.
Started partially ignoring it on September 1th and fully yesterday. It really is a good feeling
I don’t care about Overflotl anymore even though I only miss one achievment for the title Just make it doable for us, who have lives and no time waiting in overflows.
Thank you
I have number of trebuchet, flame ram, catapult and alpha golem blueprints. Although they say they are consumable and not bound to account or character, I cannot sell them or put them into guild bank.
(edited by Mortifer.2946)
I don´t see why we cannot dye weapons.. just dumb excuses…
Overflow Masochist achievement and title = stay in overflow for 1000 hours while AFK.
I was able to do it with Dulfy’s guide 2 days ago. When I did 2-1 I missed some baubles, it really helped me to number them as I got him (like he does in the video).
Dulfy is a woman I think
Isn’t Faolain dead?
1, and I play 1200h
And what about to write note in both your mother tongue and english? both parties would be happy
Why did you buy continue coin in the first place? I think you are just some nervous guy who fail at SAB and decided it’s stupid and you don’t want it to be in the game, so you won’t miss any of those “precious achievz pointz” learn to ignore what you don’t like
Then it’s just like some of the achievements from Aetherblade Retreat. They just sometimes decided not to show up even though you were eligible to get them. I hope I will get it on the second try, otherwise massive QQing will come to this topic from my side
I just wanted to try again this achievement for W2Z1 but when I see that Z3 doesn’t work either I rather not to.
I can confirm that this achievement is not bugged; just checked it myself.
Hmm, as you can see, I am not the only one. It seems that this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jxMb2jbAplA is outdated. Maybe there was some added treasure chest or bauble somewhere in the zone. Is it possible?
Edit: Maybe problem is that I cannot get Associate of Secrets in the same run with Associate of Baubles.
(edited by Mortifer.2946)
I did it solo before. And okay, I will try it tomorrow I guess. If it won’t work, well, i can live with that. It doesn’t even feel like an achievement IMO.
Same problem with W2Z1
My bag can have 500 baubles. I did have more than 250 but less than 500. Could that be problem? Thanks for response!
Just want developers to notice this, so I wrote to this subforum too. Associate of Baubles world 2 is bugged. I did it exactly by Dulfy’s guide. I am 100% sure I got all baubles and chests. Please, check if is it working or not. This is not funny at all
I just spent an hour carefully doing this achievement and in the end didn’t get it. I am sure I was eligible to get it as I followed Dulfy’s guide.
What now? I don’t feel like doing this ever again You cannot give this achiev retroactively when you fix this, right?
So I watched developer livestream. They downed him only to 50% even though they were doing quite fine…. what do you think? I think arenanet overdone this.
You just don’t understand one thing. Majority of GW2 players are dumb or little kids who do not speak any world language. You cannot rely on them I experienced it during this fight like 10 times! The only time I succeeded was when I joined Riverside, which is from my experience consisted of veteran elderly players.
(edited by Mortifer.2946)
If you call this simple you have to have really complicated life.
HOW is right clicking someone thats in a overflow to join them is not simple? o-o
When 100 people needs to do it, it’s complicated.
If you call this simple you have to have really complicated life.
First they make casual game so there is no need for raiding UI and systems. Then they release stuff like clockwork invasions and Tequatl Rising…… well, thank you arena net. Y ou thought it through!
I managed to get into german server and do it at least for one time. And I think that is big stop for me. Never going to waste time with it anymore until they make it possible to do it with organised raids. AND YES – MAKE RAID UI, WE DONT CARE ABOUT MINIMALISTIC UI APPEARANCE.
Big problem to your game. You cannot release this hard content and expect people to enjoy it with your stupid overflow system. Make it instanced for guild members or create better overflow system. THIS IS WRONG and you know it…
I guested to Riverside…. finally inteligent people and really fun event… even though it ended like this still great fun. Guys you are great! Next time we will kill that little mouse!
Gandara is horde of noobs which is lazy/afraid to respawn on waipoint and run back. They cannot understand they need to have #2,3 skills on turret always on cooldown and how to use them. They cannot kite mobs away from turrets and many of the don’t understand what stacking on one spot is. I regret I chose this server as my main :/
I begin to suspect they only ‘test’ this stuff with ‘testers’ who already know exactly what to do.
they tested this fight with people who wanted to succeed
Happened to me on overflow. Bad move Anet
Reason why he is unkillable
it’s not the mechanic… it’s the players
btw. arena net: why do you think that open world noob zerks which do not even speak english can organize some meaningful tactics when they don’t even know they need to revive at waypoint? You should have done this instanced fight for big guilds.
Definitely bugged, posting this on bug forum
We’re currently looking at a few things regarding individual fractal difficulty and length. A couple of options are reducing the length of unnecessarily long fractals (dredge) and modifying the possible sequence of randomly selected fractals so you don’t get the longest and most difficult ones all on the same run.
Please, change or scrap first room of dredge fractal. Those mobs 2shot you on lvl 48 difficulty. Last time I ran it I was insulted that I (guardian) am scared to tank. But how? I use my focus barrier, 2 aegises, heal skill and dodges. It let me live about 30-60 seconds and meanwhile they wanted from me to agro dredge who was constatnly running towards the guy who was opening the gate. It is just not possible to let one guardian do the whole job and agro 10 or so mobs which kill you with 2 shockwaves. Lower the number of dredge here or change it somehow for it to be more fun to play.
Everytime we get dredge fractal it’s like “aaaaaaw, again?!
In 48’s my group that Ive done it with we went a specially way to "fall into the room with 2 buttons’ (Not saying how) had 2 ppl get there thieves and the other 2 ppl ran down died on buttons, the 3rd person suicide too while the thieves stack Shadow Refused on each other (the 1 cast it 1st then press the gears after 10 sec the 2nd one cast his).
It is not at all how you are suppose to do it, if you HAVE TO exploit just to HAVE A CHANCE to win, then it is a poor design on Anets side.
I used to do a full tank build P/T/H and some P/T/V mix with over 3k Toughness and 1k healing power and to still be killed in seconds I just went full zerk now and we do better than when I have a tank, Tank gets 1 shot then what is the point?
Agree, full P/V/T set doesn’t do what it should. There are very few instances when those extra HP and armor helps.
And I know about that exploit way. As long as I know it doesn’t work for few months now. There was also another exploit way but it doesn’t work anymore either.