Practice = hotjoin
ranked = unranked with the only difference of not counting for leaderboards but otherwise both are exactly the same.
You’re either playing on a new prof, the MMR still needs some tweaking or you got (un)lucky due to the new influx of alot of new players trying the new matchmaking.
And I kinda like we now have hotjoin, an unranked and a ranked MATCHMAKING. Something we really need from release.
Yes I most definitely would.
Just pointing to this, maybe that helps some players to understand why Anet is struggling and why it is not really the developer’s fault. Pretty hard criticism towards the management and vision of the company. I just hope some of their managers actually read their company reviews.
I was pretty shocked to see they only have ~50 people… I thought Anet had like 300 people and had expectations for new features based on a 300 man strong team. Makes me appreciate the things that they do manage to pull off much more though, but also makes me a bit worried about the future.
You were correct about your ~300, unless they downsized alot.
The news of an upcoming expansion.
More realistically, the same as last year. Although the scrolls can be used in the MF into higher level scrolls.
Commander tags are also used outside of WvW.
It’s not I just did it. You’re probly doing something wrong, you need to save the npcs before you get to Goldenlight Hallow and after you’ve rescued the magister.
1 It’s not an exploit.
2 It’s Hot-join.
3 This does NOT happen in solo queue as there’s no autobalance so why mention?
4 Go in another server if ppl are ‘farming’ you, at most it’ll be a 1v2/2v3/3v4/4v5 so not sure what the ‘farm’ is.
5 It’s Hot-join
6 Yes it’s not fun that ppl in hot-join go into spectate mode to join the winning/one person more team.
He says he unlocked all human cultural except for T3 light and T3 medium headgear so I’m taking that’s 18 of T1/ 18 of T2/11 of T3. So he should be getting the achi..
I’m currently on a 11/34 streak just because of 4v5’s, getting teamed up with first timers (yes I sometimes look ppl up when I got a hunch), ppl afking the whole game, ppl dying on purpose (eg. keep running of the map→ respawning on skyhammer), nude people trolling. Only played like 250 games in total but still, went from a stable top 100 to prolly never getting into the not working as it should ladder again.
It’s alot easier now then last year.
1 You got a timer
2 No stupid ceiling
3 Better AoE circles
4 She seem to have less health
I only needed 15 tries on my full zerker guardian to get 8 orbs…
First of all thank you for a response.
- Hasselt, Belgium
- The problem some of the people in this thread and me are having is the following:
It happens on random moments of the day (I’ve had it happen at 9pm -…., 1pm -5pm,….).
It also doesnt happen every day, it was happening daily the week before the feature patch till the day after and this week’s Monday till Wednesday.
If it happens while I’m playing I’d get a code and afterwards I’ll keep getting a 42:xxxx:xxxx (unable to reach login servers).
This could be for a couple of hours or just for half an hour untill I’m able to log in again. While this is happening every other game, website,…. works fine except for the site and reaching the Guild Wars 2 log in servers.
I can’t remember the specific error codes as it has been 2 days since it last happened but I’ll try to note the specific codes next time it occurs.
People like you crack me up
Oblivious that it was even an issue, huh? Yeah, it’s often those with the least information who think themselves most qualified to answer.
There was already another long thread about the problem. Apparently many people didn’t get laurels in April. That thread disappeared. Has the issue been resolved… with or without a solution? If there’s no programmable solution then please answer the tickets. Simply ignoring them is sort of disrespectful.
This has happened before and every single time it has been ignored. Hence my answer. You can still try resubmitting your ticket/ submitting a new one but don’t get your hopes up.
Because welcome to the internet where the problem might actually not be on Anet’s end but on some connection side that is outside of Anet’s troubleshooting control. It’s very possible that since it’s a certain location issue, there is a node out that needs to be fixed and it’s not something Anet can fix as it’s not theirs in the first place.
Even though the only things not working are the log-in servers and ?
We are unable to remove the Dishonorable Debuff. I’m sorry if you’re having issues, but it’s best to not risk playing matches if your connection is in question, for your benefit (to avoid the dishonorable gameplay flags) and for that of your team.
Incidentally, we’re not aware of any general connectivity issues from Belgium, so that sort of points to it being local on your end.
Been happening to me again for the last few days, my internet is fine but from time to time I’m completely unable to visit and the log-in servers for couple of minutes to hours. Kind of annoying that this is still happening.
It has happened before. Not sure if problem on Anet’s or our side.
From Belgium by any chances?
Why can’t you communicate with the German community, you know there’s an option to not exclude non english language from the chat (on the top left of the chat channel in options).
For spvp locker skin unlocks and pvp rank transmutation charges try going to the mists through the portal in gend fields instead of using the menu. You’l get both in several tries.
For spvp locker skin unlocks and pvp rank transmutation charges try going to the mists through the portal in gend fields instead of using the menu. You’l get both in several tries.
It was fixed yesterday for 5 hours or so. Don’t get your hopes up.
I’m from Belgium and I’ve read on another topic that players -from Belgium- have disonnections from the game with one specefic Internet provider here in Belgium. So far I’ve read people who are with “Telenet” have currently the most issues in game.
And I have the same issues aswell. I can’t login, and whenever I get the chance to be in game, I get kicked out 5 minutes later when I travel through different waypoints/maps.
It’s not just one providor also heard from ppl who have Belgacom.
Managed to get back in but like yesterday the server lag is crazy.
Black screen during pvp and it’s back
The strange thing is that the guild wars 2 main site is also unaccessable when the log in servers are but the forums are still accessable.
Got back in but the server lag is crazy :/
Yup, and its back. It’s either really laggy gaming or nothing at all…
Having the same problem too. Kinda strange though because 2 hours ago I had zero problems. Now I either can’t acces the login servers or I can log in but get a code: 5:11:3:159:101.
Crafting boosters do help, they increase the chance of getting a critical craft, which gives you bonus crafting xp.
What would happen if you did all monthlies before 15th off April?
Skyhammer. Just throwing this out here.
Lol, Guardians being unkillable. They have nearly 0 health and the knights hit for 1/3rd each hit. You can’t constantly melee them but if you do make sure you’ve got stability.
Something is wrong with scaling. We had 45+ at blue…most had vigil buff+scarlet buff and we still managed to kill it at around min 5-6. We had melee/ranged groups also.
This was on BG Main. Someone who did it earlier on BG told me they melted blue with just 35 ppl. How does that work?
Same happens on Green sometimes, it melts in under a minute if ppl would keep dpsing. I think its just scaling bugging. Which has been happening since release.
YOu’re guesting the main server you’re trying to get into?
But do you have 727 poi’s found? I also had this happen to me with a patch that added a poi. It is possible that you’ve got 725/727 :p
Be patient and they’ll respond to your support ticket. There were alrdy threads on this subject (in which you posted) so this thread is kinda pointless.
And make sure to check if you have 727/727 poi, cuz with the add of 2 new poi’s might have given you the title but not the real 100%
This has happened before and is not due to the last patch. You alrdy contacted support, there’s no need to post it again…
You probably double clicked the recipe inside your inventory menu instead of inside the bank inventory menu. It happens :p
JQ also had a 5/5 win yesterday… no chain failures at all. Just the tiniest hint of powering up on the bar… next goal, the empty bar!
Yea empty bar would be cool to achieve, we failed in the last 2 defense phases to keep it empty
The question should be: what servers haven’t completed Marinette? :p
This has already been mentioned, I think the person who found this said it was the charr fractal that’s doing it. Btw daily fractal runner shouldn’t be there every day so that’s a bug too :p
Since the last fractals update (more than a month ago?) the rewards scale:
1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50
This happened before, I think it would be usefull to mention a server name.
Story wise it does need to include time travel. For example, refugees needs to get back in wayfarer and this is only explainable with some time travel mechanised instance of wayfarer’s :p
Yeah I know glory booster should only boost glory and not rank points but it’s really strange that I’m furter in the achievement than you while being 2 ranks below you.
I do know that the first months of the game some of the achievements were not correctly registering (eg amount of kills/amount of wins,…) so maybe you played a lot of pvp those months?
Or did you do any glory farming?
That’s not even the strange thing. How are you rank 43 and only in the 6th tier of ransacker. I’m almost 41 and I’m in the first tier of Marauder.
But like you title and loginscreen points dont match 276k and 350k. Maybe it’s due to glory boosters?
If you say you had to wait for 2 days and 19 hours which is 67 hours. This means that in the 5 hours before your ’dc’d’ you left or ‘dcd’ in 2 other games. Or you’re misunderstanding everything and actually only have 1 stack of dishonour and are still able to play tpvp.