Showing Posts For Myst.5783:

7/26 JQ/DB/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Hello Hello

Just a small server boy new to the “big leagues”.

Looking forward to experiencing a higher tier of WvW.

Quick question, why does DB feel the need to jump on bodies after they wipe a couple people with anywhere from 3 to 20 times the numbers? Like every time there is a few that do it. FA doesn’t do that.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

GoM's match-ups have been unsatisfactory

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


The bad match up rolls along with some other issues ran my guild off GoM.

What actually happened was he gave you guys Ronny Raygun.

I think he rage quit like a month or more ago.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


BUWHAHAHAHA! you think i have an ego >.>

yeah i knew i wasnt the reason, that would be pretty silly. You guys also really wanted to fight HoD didnt you?

Yeah, we did, but I don’t think that’s going to happen here either.


Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

(edited by Myst.5783)

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Made [AGG] leave ET and now apparently [WvW] from Gom, kitten im talented.

Sorry to not feed your ego, but you’re not the reason we left. I just thought you’d be happy to hear.

The combination of one too many bad match up rolls, seeing the majority of our supposedly WvW guild in PvE instead of where they should be, and a good offer spurred us to move. We needed to spice things up a little.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Hey, Buns, I got some news you’ll be happy to hear.

Zombie Land has left GoM.

Good bye GoM, its been fun, but its time to try something new.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Good fights in DR BL with the [HARD] and [CORE] groups this past evening. Your coordination made it difficult for our small groups to pick off stragglers.

Good luck in the next matchup, to both IoJ and GoM. ^^

Were you the S/D burst ele I ran into a few times?

If so, nice seeing another DPS ele.

My S/D ele is a human female with short red hair.
Are you the ele with the white wvw cowl? Seen you about a few times


Our meetings were… explosive to say the least. :P

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Even after i saved you last night, tisk tisk tisk.

You did? :O

EDIT: Never mind that, I have been corrected on the situation. Carry on!

Now I’m curious.

No need to get your jimmies rustled, friend. Here is an old video tutorial on thief mobility.


Such trolls.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Soooo…..Anyone in EB hate me yet?

*raises hand


Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Can someone tell me how that thief flew away like that?


Shadow trap. 10,000 range teleport.

I did some looking, I guess it was just the shadow return part of the shadowstep utility. .-.

The range just looked longer than it should have been.


Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Can someone tell me how that thief flew away like that?


Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

Asking help (how) regarding an elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Myst.5783


Burst ele that got a lucky firegrab. :P

He’s going to be quite squishy too pull off numbers like that.

3.2k armor 17HP squishy? OK… the highest backstab ever landed on me was 6-7k before… I feel like rolling an ele.. kitten this is so hot… in just 1 second = 6 skills no channel time? xD wow definitely awesome. I’ll research this later. If any ANET developer wants to help out this happened within 10 minutes of the first post so maybe it’s possible they can look into the person in this guild and with that look and that title to see this. You made ele too strong~!

The build works like a theif, you gank and overwhelm your target with CC and damage before they can react. He ran up, hit earth quake, lightning flashed to you during the animation so it hits you, you’re now knocked down and you eat all of his damage.

You wana see some funny ele numbers? Though, these may have been on upleveled or zerkers so its not exactly impressive but still funny.


Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

(edited by Myst.5783)

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Good fights in DR BL with the [HARD] and [CORE] groups this past evening. Your coordination made it difficult for our small groups to pick off stragglers.

Good luck in the next matchup, to both IoJ and GoM. ^^

Were you the S/D burst ele I ran into a few times?

If so, nice seeing another DPS ele.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Is this the part where we start spamming popcorn gifs at the internal GoM drama?

I wouldn’t be laughing too hard, if I manage to get run off this server DR is destination #1 so you’ll have to deal with me there. ;D

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Sad really, I wanted to like you in the beginning, shame it wasnt possible.

Same could be said about my views on the alliance, it was fine at first but then people got way too serious and i stayed how i was, thus resulting in the clashes i see now. (stating this at parts of the alliance, who know who they are, and not all the guilds as a whole).

Im not the one running around TS ranting and raving at people like the alliance “leaders.” I get drunk and i have fun, alliance members get drunk and kitten out people while im not there and then play nice when i turn up, bunch of cowards. then even now i hear there’s " 40 people ready to report me and Lili" if we every say anything bad so we get banned because everything else were doing is fully within the accordance of the TOS, which you cant ban us for.

But i guess this goes back to the double standard of if Zombieland does it it’s ok but if anyone else does anything in EB it’s wrong. Also for the record i haven’t build anything you guys deem " unnecessary" in EB for a good few days, i see a few ZL doing it though and pinning it on HBGR, nice to get blamed when we’re even asleep.

Keep on Marching to the tune though.

I’m working from one side of the story.

If this really is the case I would not condone or support such behavior, that said, I haven’t witnessed anything like that.

Nothing like some drama to keep you entertained at work.

I have witnessed it. The last time server police commanded and 4 trebs were dropped at doors, star and lilli got the blame even though they were offline, we told him that so he blamed HBGR, I joined the zerg to see if anyone was there and there was not. They get blamed for a lot for things they don’t do and guildies being guildies sticking up for each other it results in 5-10 WvW members abusing them for things they did not do.

I’ll keep my eyes and ears open and have a little chat, I’m not going to rep kitten like that. There are good members in ZL and being such a large group there is bound to be bad.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Sad really, I wanted to like you in the beginning, shame it wasnt possible.

Same could be said about my views on the alliance, it was fine at first but then people got way too serious and i stayed how i was, thus resulting in the clashes i see now. (stating this at parts of the alliance, who know who they are, and not all the guilds as a whole).

Im not the one running around TS ranting and raving at people like the alliance “leaders.” I get drunk and i have fun, alliance members get drunk and kitten out people while im not there and then play nice when i turn up, bunch of cowards. then even now i hear there’s " 40 people ready to report me and Lili" if we every say anything bad so we get banned because everything else were doing is fully within the accordance of the TOS, which you cant ban us for.

But i guess this goes back to the double standard of if Zombieland does it it’s ok but if anyone else does anything in EB it’s wrong. Also for the record i haven’t build anything you guys deem " unnecessary" in EB for a good few days, i see a few ZL doing it though and pinning it on HBGR, nice to get blamed when we’re even asleep.

Keep on Marching to the tune though.

I’m working from one side of the story.

If this really is the case I would not condone or support such behavior, that said, I haven’t witnessed anything like that.

Nothing like some drama to keep you entertained at work.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


I thought Zombieland was suppose to be the premier guild on GoM when it comes to WvW anyways, i cry when i compare you to [HARD][CORE] and [DDLG].

Not sure where you got that, we’re too causal. Attempts are being made to change that, but they are still works in progress.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


So its their fault for getting annoyed with someone whos attitude and actions fit directly into the defintion of a “brat”.

Two of GoMs most prevalent gif spammers take The Gate of Madness server name just a little too serious.

No its their fault for getting worked up over a video game, nothing i’ve done has resulted in the lose of territory, cant say that much when it comes to zombieland can we?

As for the first sentence could say the same of your other half.

As for the rest, if you’re refering to the karma trains, after I noticed how much they were harming, I voiced my opinion against them. Not much more I can do.

Sad really, I wanted to like you in the begining, shame it wasnt possible.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


No ones fault but their own.


So its their fault for getting annoyed with someone whos attitude and actions fit directly into the defintion of a “brat”.

Two of GoMs most prevalent gif spammers take The Gate of Madness server name just a little too serious.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Then we have our kitten drama queens always wasting our supply. ;P

And our morons claiming spies because they fail.

Oh, buttocks-hurt indeed to meet a light hearted jab at our servers current drama with such a reply. I really didnt give a kitten about your antics, but guess what, some people do.

No ones fault but your own.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


GoM has a fair bit to work on, like SF, we got complacent having superior numbers in faceroll matchups for weeks now. During time we’ve managed to attract a fair amount of new blood to WvW further increasing our WvW population. What we’re left with is hoards which consist of members that might not be very experienced. This leads to some issues with zerg disipline and organization. All this culminates to a large population stuck in the lower tiers and lots of people complaining.

Then we have our kitten drama queens always wasting our supply. ;P

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

Fire Grab ever going to be fixed?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Myst.5783


I don’t try and make it hit often, I just use it to stack might.

It is hilarious when it does hit and you get to see the big numbers.

Fire Grab does not stack might.

I wonder why I was thinking it was a blast finisher.

Its a skill i spam and waste pointed in the general direction of the enemy and the end of my fireburst then.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

D/D ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Myst.5783


Just because zerg diving is not as effective as other means doesn’t mean it isn’t entertaining.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

Please convince me that Ele isn't ****

in Elementalist

Posted by: Myst.5783


I HATED and I mean -HATED- leveling my ele, it lead to lots of rants in my guild’s chat. The story quests were a kitten and half to complete. Once I got the class leveled, geared, and traited things got a lot better.

Eles are always going to be a little worse than “meh” in open world PvE. They hold their own in dungeons though.

Where eles are really fun is in WvW, if you want a PvE character you’re probably better off rolling a Warr or a Guard.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

(edited by Myst.5783)

D/D ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Myst.5783


Depending on how competent the zerg is, I can zerg dive on my 1400 toughness & vitality 3k attack 90% crit damage ele with some sucess.

Eles have a lot of get out of jail free cards, once you learn the class you can put them them through quite a bit.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: Myst.5783


I did a comparison of my build to yours, not that much difference TBH.

I like the look of your ele! and that scepter was my favorite prior of me getting Meteorlogicus. I still use that skin for my scepter that I do bloodlust stacks. Wish my asura was taller to have all weps look even more epic. I’m so jelly of the human race.

Thank you.

Thats why I bound my incinerator on a near max height human. ;3

I love the emberglow, it really goes good with my legend. Its too bad that if i want max burst I have to use my secondary dagger as I’m scared to transmute my precious shiny.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

Fire Grab ever going to be fixed?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Myst.5783


I don’t try and make it hit often, I just use it to stack might.

It is hilarious when it does hit and you get to see the big numbers.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: Myst.5783


I did a comparison of my build to yours, not that much difference TBH.


Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

(edited by Myst.5783)

As requested by the 4 eles from last night

in Elementalist

Posted by: Myst.5783


I’ve been running a dps ele with PVT armor, scholar runes, zerker rings, cav acessories & backpeice. I’ve also been using D/D for teh lulz on those that don’t know how to dodge. Even those for those that do know how to dodge LF to close range then RTL + Updraft is still mean. Then you run your fire burst, string you earth CC while stacking might, switch to air static discharge, and finally slap them with 2k+ auto attacks. If that doesnt work RTL away

Anyways, 0/30/0/20/20 build. Your build seems a fair bit better, might have to look at changing my set up.

Please excuse any grammar errors my phone hates these forums.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

Thiefs/Ele's more survivability than guards?

in WvW

Posted by: Myst.5783


Playing a guardian and complaining about eles. .-.

As far as bunker eles doing damage: L2Dodge

Thieves are a terribly designed class carried, and in certain situations over carried, by a very OP class mechanic. Just going to have to deal with them because Anet doesn’t know how to fix them.

Guardians are a group support class, but they do have some scary roaming builds.

I would suggest more practice with the guardian class(which is probably one of the all around best classes in the game) and gaining some understanding of the classes you are having trouble with. How can you expect to counter something you that you have no idea how works?

Thieves though, kitten thieves, a good one is a nightmare.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Great fights tonight all around and that lovely hurt of getting crushed by mountains of loot bags.

To the [DDLG] warr in the little scuffle between SM and OL that baited and CCed me right before the main [DDLG] cluster kitten stormed though. I commend you on your execution and style, but it was not in my destiny to die that moment.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Thank you [DDLG] group for screwing up me retaking dane mere seconds before being complete.


i’m glad my comment made you laugh but i’m serious so come on me. if all of GoM didn’t just run away from a fight i’d be rolling in loot bags.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

Thieves and Warriors have easy kills

in WvW

Posted by: Myst.5783


You’re in the WvW section, talking about sPvP, and trying to compare it to WvW.

Go away.

Theives are low skill to play and a fair bit higher skill to defeat on other classes. That reason mostly being the troll builds and the level of burst they are able to achieve in WvW.

As far as warriors go, I don’t have issues with them often.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


To the DR [SO] thief pair.

I hate you.

That is all.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Someone was having some fun.

Wonder how long its going to be before anet does something to drive up the price of siege. .-.


Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Lets hope the mobs of IoJ players tone down after reset day. Don’t think I had a 1v1 for longer than 30 seconds that didn’t result in either A them dying right away or B 5+ of their friends showing up.

One bright side of this match up is getting to fight you again.

Been doin mah home work on engies. Got a new game plan for next time we meet.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

If you only had 1 character slot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Myst.5783


Human ele for sure.

Don’t care about the order.

The game sure would get boring not being able to mess around with alts though.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Still no HoD? ;_;

Oh well, I won’t be on much for this match up anyways.

It’s also good to see some new faces. Hello IoJ!

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Sorry it took so long to reply, was busy wiping the GoM train off of the map.

Don’t act like you didn’t feed us tons of loot bags too.

Great fun and great challenge fighting you guys!

Looooooot bags~


Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


FC finally got kitten enough to spy, cute.

lol wut?

The main FC zerg knew -exactly- where our main zerg was without orange swords ever popping up.

No scouts where noticed anywhere near.

If someone can explain how that was happening I will eat my words.

Your zerg isn’t really hard to watch. I wasn’t there so I can not tell you exactly what was up but you usually hit the easy targets. When the paper gates are gone you hit keeps. After that you go for towers. If you were following that same plan, the plan you ALWAYS follow, I understand how they could track you.

Na, its more complicated than that.

I won’t call something out unless its blatant. The only reason I cam to the forums was I found it humorous how blatant it appeared.

Anyways, that aside, congratulations to FC for being 200x more organized than GoM.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

(edited by Myst.5783)

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


FC finally got kitten enough to spy, cute.

lol wut?

The main FC zerg knew -exactly- where our main zerg was without orange swords ever popping up.

No scouts where noticed anywhere near.

If someone can explain how that was happening I will eat my words.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


FC finally got kitten enough to spy, cute.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Image of me dueling a FC while roaming GoM BL. ;3

(I cheated to get the crown)



Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


…Are you seriously trying to show off with that Pearl Dagger in your offhand? This reminds me of the girl taking a “classy” bathroom pic with a giant kitten floating around in the toilet.

I’ll have you know I quit being cheap an upgraded it right after that photo.

I normally do S/D, so the dagger skin didn’t bother me.

Uploading new photo just for you~


Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Gotta say I’m pretty disappointed with the roaming this matchup has to offer.

ive had a couple fights but that’s it for this week.. still haven’t ran into you though I don’t think.

Been mostly roaming FC then swapping to GoM once I realize the map is clear.

Yeah, the roaming has been poor.

I’ve run around the BLs some, didn’t find any 1v1s, but I had some great fun running with a necro in FC BL(I think it was) a couple days ago.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Okay, that was bad.

GoM was thwarted in their attempts to take green keep by two Superior ACs.

No mesmers were willing to cooperate in portal bombing(I clicked through green names and found a few in the group, shame on you). I think I was one of the only ones that was actually trying to knock the people off the kitten carts.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


GoM’s always been a high pop server, even after most of our WvW crowd left because of the orb hacking stuff that happened in the early months. It’s just that we’re a heavily PvE-based server and easily distracted by shiny objects with particle effects. The fact that you see giant seas of GoM players running around is just a byproduct of being on a winning streak and having commanders run karma trains.

You’ll probably notice a pretty big population drop next time we take a tough loss. You’ll probably also notice a lot less forum warriors coming out of the woodworks to run their mouths.

Did someone say shiny?!!!!

I love da shiney!~

I shall keep the forum war up as long as it entertains me.


Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Yes, EB has HOURS long queues and a full map running in one group during the karma trains.

Wow….just wow.

As Dov said, we’ve (AR) been together with the likes of Ebay for MONTHS, who are competitive in T3, and they didn’t have numbers like GoM. Maybe they do now, but holy hoopleheads, why why WHY are you guys in T6/7/8 with your population?

To put it into perspective, one month ago, BEFORE we lost a huge portion of our WvW population, AR could AT BEST (ie. everyone getting on the same map) queue ONE map for maybe 10 minutes. Now…..hah! If we put everyone onto one map (NA prime time mind you….I’m not talking off-peak) we might be able to get 40 people on a map. 40. Total. Meanwhile GoM seems to be able to run 40+ zergs on multiple maps at the same time.

IMO we’re headed to T8, and if there was a T9, we’d likely go there. We’ve just lost too many people to be able to match 60-man zergs and unless we get EVERYONE onto a map, we typically have 10-15 (and more are leaving….it’s not over yet). GW2, to a large degree, is a numbers game, and no matter how “good” or “bad” you are, 10 vs. 60 isn’t going to go well for the 10.

Anyway, GoM, I am thoroughly convinced based on playing servers that are 2-3 tiers above you that if you picked up your game you could be competitive with them. Organize, train, work on tactics, and go beat the kitten out of some T3-4 servers. :-)

Trust me, we are not T3-4 material, yet.

Everyone keeps asking why we are not higher ranked. The answer is complex, but here it is.

1) GoM does not have the population you think we have.

Yes we are queuing the map with the karma train, but that is because you simply cannot top that rate of XP/Karma any other way. People are flocking to it because it is so valuable, it is not our normal WvW crew. In fact, we have been recruiting PvE players and new players to join us on the karma trains, as an attempt to get PvE players involved in the WvW community. Trust me, these numbers will disappear when playing WvW is less profitable.

2) GoM has consistently been given a negative random roll.

(Note: If you don’t understand the new random match-up system, there are many good explanations of it on the forum here.) GoM has been getting a negative random roll every week. We are always fighting servers below our rating. The only serious fight we have had in weeks was that one week with DH.

When you get a large positive random roll, you have an opportunity to steal rating from a higher tier server if you can hold your own. When you get a large negative roll, you have to protect yourself from losing rating to servers weaker than you. Since GoM keeps getting negative rolls, we have not had much chance to climb ratings. Our only option to move up in ratings it to completely crush our competition into the ground, which we do not have a lot of motivation to do.

3) GoM Stacks EB

(Note: I’m probably giving away trade secrets here.) GoM is home to some really great EB focused guilds (I’m more of a BL person myself). We will often queue EB, and have less than 10 people in every other map. When GoM BL gets hit hard, we often have to call in the EB crew to help. When we rush a map, it is usually every BL guild and a large chunk of the EB crew. It might look like GoM has hundreds of people because you see 80 GoM on EB, but there are probably only 100 GoM in WvW total. If GoM divided that up and only had 25 people on each map, it would feel very different.


When GoM gets a large positive roll, half our numbers will disappear, the karma trains will end and we will get down to business. We will hold our own (especially in EB) and go up in rating. But in the end, it will be our night crew which saves the day, (Aussies and Insomniacs FTW!)

That really sums it up quite nicely.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


Yes, EB has HOURS long queues and a full map running in one group during the karma trains.

Wow….just wow.

As Dov said, we’ve (AR) been together with the likes of Ebay for MONTHS, who are competitive in T3, and they didn’t have numbers like you guys. Maybe they do now, but holy hoopleheads, why why WHY are you guys in T6/7/8 with your population?

To put it into perspective, one month ago, BEFORE we lost a huge portion of our WvW population, AR could AT BEST (ie. everyone getting on the same map) queue ONE map for maybe 10 minutes. Now…..hah! If we put everyone onto one map (NA prime time mind you….I’m not talking off-peak) we might be able to get 40 people on a map. 40. Total. Meanwhile GoM seems to be able to run 40+ zergs on multiple maps at the same time.

IMO we’re headed to T8, and if there was a T9, we’d likely go there. We’ve just lost too many people to be able to match 60-man zergs and unless we get EVERYONE onto a map, we typically have 10-15 (and more are leaving….it’s not over yet). GW2, to a large degree, is a numbers game, and no matter how “good” or “bad” you are, 10 vs. 60 isn’t going to go well for the 10.

Anyway, GoM, I am thoroughly convinced based on playing servers that are 2-3 tiers above you that if you picked up your game you could be competitive with them. Organize, train, work on tactics, and go beat the kitten out of some T3-4 servers. :-)

You missed the part about most of them being PvErs and fairweathers.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.5783


You know, those words are quite familiar. Sorrow’s Furnace kinda familiar. And we know how long it took for them to get away from dealing with Fergworld. Guess you’re the new high-pop Glicko Ghetto guys? Honestly, I’d like to see you lot versus DH and perhaps IoJ – might be enough numbers between ’em to be the “shock” yer needin?

We have faced DH not too long ago. We placed second, but it was a good match.

I don’t think that’s an option for Gates. You will either get into a matchup where the numbers are close and get destroyed or have an overwhelming population against your opponents. We have faced higher ranked servers, and I’m telling you, your overall WvW presence is much higher than over half of them. I’m not saying everyone on the server is terrible, but a huge percentage are. This is why you are stuck in the lower tiers. A-net is doing your server a favor.

Yes, EB has HOURS long queues and a full map running in one group during the karma trains.

I can assure you there’s not that many hardcore WvWers on the server, a large number of them are fairweathers and PvErs. I don’t disagree that GoM has many issues we need to work on, but its not the level people seem to be suggesting.

lol i’ve tried and im still trying but 90% of the server is happy to run karma trains leaving me 10% to work with…

Yeah, I’m getting sick of these guys. I don’t really have much influence, but I’ll start putting my voice in for holding objectives.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif