(edited by Obly.9243)
For clarification, I do now how to counter them, this is not the reason, its not a QQ post, I am simply saying that because of these builds we are losing a lot of intial players / casual players that wish to participate in s and tPvP.
And honestly, I welcome a larger PvP playerbase, with potentially better players when they get more expirience like the r30+.
Problem is they get put off from this because of the early stages of expirience in this PvP. L2P is NOT a valid point, I am sorry, all games you have too L2P, them coming into games to L2P should be met by for instance, as some1 in another post suggested, a rank matching system, or que list, through which people can try builds and get the basic expiriences down, before proceding more into depth. Learning how to counter glass cannon builds is of course one of these learning curves, but if new players that generally start off in hot join matches, not many start in tournament style, are immediately bombarded by HB warriors and loltrops thieves, which in overall gives them a negative expirience and thus puts them off from exploring the PvP aspect of this game further.
or so it seems to me.
And little off topic but related to events: Karma banner’s and Boosters DO NOT boost Karma rewards…euhm…isnt that also a bug? thought that was what they where supposed to do…..
You are wrong about karma, the upper right icon does not change, but the actual karma pop in the center of the screen and the actual increase both are adjusted.
If this is true, it’s very misleading. I suggest devs to change the display so that the true amount of karma is always shown, not that notification A shows X karma gained (gains shown in the upper right corner) but notification B shows Y karma gained (text in the middle of the screen).
Finally have a reply on the ticket, they “THINK” it is indeed a bug where the numbers in the event reward upper right corner do NOT change, however the actual received amount is correct….so basically the text just doesnt change, but your reward does.
Change the rendering from native to subsample or supersample (mind this will be a big drop in FPS for some)
I have the issue as well, subsample completely removes this issue.
Charged Lodestones, apart from the Pre-cursor the last thing i need for my legendary, have yet to aquire 1 Charged Lodestone as a drop, even after DAYS of farming sparks.
Not even a Charged core! if this item is needed in so many things, why the hell does it seem to be one of the most rarest of drops in the darn game…just makes absolutely no sense, prices went through the roof, most legendaries are now around the 750 – 1000g mark…yah lol, wait another 4 months
A: for monthly B: tired of pug games with no stratagy
I want to play tournaments! I got headsets etc, played all classes to understand their mechanics, build my warrior spec so I can even alternate between medium damage shout heal build and all out CC support build DURING the match.
But for weeks on end I have been trying to find a team to play in tournament with, free or paid, I have 119 tickets in my bank…..
Please PLEASE make this more accessable
Edit: As a suggestion; a list you can submit in that you a LFG for a tourney group at the tournament NPC, this way pug team compositions, although not as effective as other teams that came in beforehand, can find eachother and at least expirience tPvP, for free for instance, gives a window for people to go and try tourney’s.
ps: any team looking for a support/shout warrior whisper me ingame (Obly)
(edited by Obly.9243)
Unkillable tank ele +1 support / semi-tank ele, go in 5 v 2 if you want, you’re just going to lose, sounds balanced enough.
Edit: I do give credit where credit is due though, as ele’s require more skill to do this properly, still the point remains.
A: They are not OP for any expirienced players, they will counter them always.
Here is where ANet went wrong, it scrares off casual players that want to give sPvP a try. So many I heard that went in sPvP, checked out a couple builds on Youtube, found one they want to try, just to get faceplanted into the floor by a more expirienced Burst / Glass cannon build or loltrops thief.
It is simply discouraging for the NEW players and will mean over time a dead PvP aspect in this game, my main is a warrior, sometimes i spec for glass cannon, most times i play shout support, also from time to time i play faceroll the keyboard as a thief to rack up some fast Glory points.
So in short, I USED THEM, remove these builds, I don;t care, even if I use them, i;ll make another build, just get NEW PLAYERS and CASUAL players back into PvP!!
Here is where I, as Ex-HB warrior, see the main difference between Burst Thieves and Burst Warriors:
Burst Warrior: 1 Shot Pony Trick: Miss and Die, no escape options, no defense, severe lack of condition removal, high cooldowns.
Reason I abandoned this build a long long time ago, works fine for wvw, but sPvP its only good for random quick kill’s in a pug game really.
Burst Thieves: bad defenses toughness wise, but, enough utility skills to be utilised for escape purposes, like refuge, a heal that cloaks, and cloak and dagger, no way of knocking them out of stealth, honestly, they need to fix this. And yes, I did play a thief as main before, abandoned that, bacause it was simply BORING and EASY, facerolling my keyboard racking up kills against anything other then mass bunker ele or gaurdian.
Don;t get me wrong, in tPvP you don;t see the loltrops thieves much, because they contribute 0 to the whole teamfights and team effort.
I bare in mind the following: NEW PLAYERS!
I want new players to come to PvP, casual or serious I don;t care, I want diversity to play against, Team spirit, players helping other players, more community in PvP, less QQ in PvP.
Of Course there will always be those trolling kitten that laugh and mock people with faceroll builds, big kittening deal, they are the true losers, If i defend a point succesfully, or stall 3 loltrops thieves for 1-2 minutes before falling face down. that buys my team 1-2 minutes of unchallenged point captures.
Also, I don;t care IF they nerve warriors, but seems to me, for warrior, they build glass cannon and get a kill or die, thief try and kill, or stealth and walk away, it shoud be like the warrior more, if you go full offense, no defenses or escapes will save you, you die if you fail it, period.
I now play shout healing warrior as main, and actually play against thieves as practice because they have the only chance of burst killing me fast, mesmers win in due time, problem is warriors even with a defensive spec, don;t have decent defenses, they need to be upped a little in my opinion, but I generally last regardless, just takesa bit more timing and CD management.
In reply to the OP, yes main thing I find the problem with current thieves, not their ability to burst down single targets, hell, like said, any teamfight they die of most AOE"s going off in there instantly anyways, I see them more as a trolling class honestly, with their downed skills being both a tele-stealth and stealth, which gives them a lot of time to avoind being stomped, and also time to DPS throughout this state, and in a big teamfight, 90% of the time get back up due to a kill on the other team. During a 1v1 the constant into stealth bs has GOT TO STOP. Either make the CD’s a lot longer so they can do it less frequently or make it so that you can knock them out of stealth.
I play warrior as a main, also played all other classes, both PvE and PvP, here;s the thing, I could not care LESS if they nerfed 100b damage if this will encourage more unexpirienced players to casually play PvP matches, I would welcome their involvement, hell i’d even join the losing team and help them learn.
So about the HB, BC, Frenzy combo;
OP? Not really, As mention alot, any necro can fear 1x and there you go, I sacrificed ALL MY toughness and defensive capabilities, just to get a maxed out damage spec, hp is around 22k…but feels more like 10K, 1 Backstab thief that needs to run by at the right moment, wait for me to activate frenzy…backstab…dead….
Really main downside to HB is that YOU MUST STAND STILL, and the biggest hit is the FINAL hit, which almost NEVER lands. even with HB, BC Frenzy, or bolas.
1 hit pony…hat;s it, miss it…and your dead, also in teamfights where alot of AOE’s are going on…be my guest to pop frenzy, i welcome it, you’re gonna be dead before you started. apart from that, you have nothing to contribute to a teamfight. Timing is everything and even then, if the target has any kind of stunbreak or dodge this combo will utterly fail, unless their build is also Glass Cannon 0 Defense Faceroll spec.
Right now i run healing shout with Hammer for CC and greatsword for DPS to stand my ground against a Glass Cannon better.
So lets put to of the most QQ-d about things together shall we;
HB is op…because it hits hard..ok…also realise that the warrior has 0 defenses, and needs to use 2 utility skills to pull it off, if not 3, has no healing power what so friggin ever, no condition removal skills what so ever and the CD on frenzy is more then 45 seconds…how many fights last more then 1 minute? honestly?
ow yah, and this warrior spec has 0 escape options…its land and kill, or fail and die…alot…
Caltrop thieves / Backstab / heartseeker spam: Backstab comes from a stealth situation where its extremely hard to anticipate, especially in a teamfight, let alone you cannot see the move coming, a theif can wait in stealth for utilities to be used, or HP pools to be low and jump in for the finish, go stealth and walk away….
Caltrops can’t be interrupted, my personal favorite, only usefull theif skill in a teamfight, refuge heals and cloaks the thief for a clear escape 9/10 times.
However, these thief builds are useless in teamfights, as they die from AOE’s just coming into the area, are only good for trolling imho, sPvP hot matches is the only place i really see these guys jerk about…yay free kills…well its hot join match…no team composition, most zerg around like moron’s.
Hell was called a “Camper” today, because i defended 1 point throughout the match, succesfully I might add.
Seriously, there are little tweaks needed yes, for the casual player who mainly joins Hot fix matches some of these builds are extremely aggrevating to play against, and therefor they roll one themselves, increasing this build, I stick with my shout build, yes as a warrior a glass cannon backstab thief can take me down with a little kiting, ok fair enough, but if I catch him, he’s dead as well, fairly ok by me, hot join match I do not expect much teamplay due to severe lack of communication, and secondly, I do it only to TRAIN MYSELF, on possible counter play and understanding their routine’s and try to see general paterns which may improve can help me improve predicting attacks.
HB warriors are more then welcome to use there full combo on me while i stand still, i;ll just heal up after / during and faceplant them into oblivion.
sorry i talk a lot, just tired of this endless QQ bs.
In conclusion:
Nerf thieves + Warriors, or buff others, or whatever, I don;t care, I;ll find a way to counter things,
But if it will increase the expirience the fun of playing PvP and invite more casual players into PvP, I welcome any change they make, as long as it is 99% balance.
Honestly I doubt 100% balance can ever be achieved.
Just my 2 cents
about the repair costs:
they shouldn’t remove those, instead they should reward you with more money in Events, BUT that money is divided through all the people around. This would mean, the more people are participating, the less money you get for the event (retaking a supply-camp for example).
This would also encourage people to run around in smaller groups instead of zerging all day long.
so give out 1g for a successful conquest of a supply camp. If someone takes it alone, he gets the full 1g. If 5 people take it, each of them gets 1g/5people = 20silver
Sorry, but this completely contradicts the game’s mechanics, it is supposed to encourage teamplay, not discourage!
What you are suggesting will result single players running away from fights to farm gold on ends running between maps overtaking small camps, contributing nothing to the effort of the server as a whole, as well as people afk-ing in the spawnpoint, waiting for the zerg to leave, camps flip and farm run them….like perma-stealth thieves.
Edit: Zerg / Large guild group running around overtaking a nice keep, reward for example 5g (your idea), size of group 40 people 5/40 = ? (Not gonna cover any repair costs or worth my while) that’s what your suggestion will result in, people backing off huge fights all together because at full / highly populated servers in WvWvW this means the reward for taking a keep will give you about….1 Copper?
(edited by Obly.9243)
Honestly, lvl 80 is not that much of a deal, even in WvWvW, a group of 3 lvl 30-40 can take down most lvl 80’s even 2 at the same time, just requires skill.
The WvW is simply PvE mixed with PvP. kinda like oldskool, where gear does make a slight difference, but not facerollwinhaha difference.
The sPvP is simply brilliant, all the kittening and moaning people had with the above stated problem is completely negated here, nobody has any advantages, it comes down to skills, tactical play and building your class the right way for your playstyle.
And if you believe branching storylines, dynamic mass events are boring, then sorry, you should go play a couple old MMO;s and go grind for 48 hours straight in 1 area on 1 mob….that’s SOOO much more fun. Sorry, slightly sacrastic here.
But honestly, getting from lvl 1 —> 80 in this game can be achieved within a week for highly active players, and within 2 months for people that only play 2-3 hours a day..easy.
In the process of leveling you will pretty much aquire all the karma you need to get almost a full Exotic armor set, which means in WvWvW you’re going to be up to par with most.
Beyond metrics, I’m looking for customizable skins. I’d pay $$$ to have guild exclusive items. Emblems are cute but, just not enough…. If Guilds are to have meaning, we need more…
I was thinking about this as well, not the most pressing concern as this is merely estetics, but I believe it would be very easy for GW2 / ANet development teams to implement a way where you can submit, via ticket or whatever, a .PNG fil of 32×32 or whatever the size and filetype is of your self created Emblem / favicon
The suggestions I posted, including the join leave in chat part, should be for Leader and 2nd in charge ONLY, under a management TAB you can see most active players in hours online, last log in time etc, this is not spying, its called Monitoring, something all managers do….or maybe that is just me.
Welcome!! spam is very motivating for new members, so the Joined the faction chat should be in Faction chat, in full bright red, or green or whatever.
Havent read all the posts, so in case it was mentioned before, sorry.
I understand the OPs point of view, however I must disagree with the implementation of names into WvWvW for the simple reason: Trolling / Bashing / Namecalling.
PvP is much more competative then PvE, in this game there is no such thing as PvE competativeness (Thankfully), meaning no more KS / Boss Camping etc. But there are players that focus soley on PvP, sometimes there are players here that take things WAY to serious and believe they are the BEST OF THE BEST, giving them names to whisper opponent teams will only give them a doorway to herrassing that person, Some have a thick skin like me and don;t really care, block em and let them rant, half the time i start crying of laughter, but there are also younger (and older) players that have a very bad expirience with bullies and can hurt them emotionally if this happens to them, of course this is pretty much worse case scenario, but the way the system is now it nicely prevents this from happening.
But this is just my opinion
Problem is that this game is intertwined into both PvE and PvP and a mix of that (WvW).
However if you remove the Unidentified Dyes from the PvP reward chests you will have PvP players only stuck with just the basic dyes. So this system is working as intended.
Just use your glory points to obtain the golden chests of your rank and get Unidentified Dyes, ones you already have, simply sell them.
In 10 Chests you usually end up with 2-3 Unidentified Dyes.
We’ve been suggesting this since BETA stress tests, still hasn’t been implemented.
It should not be so hard to create an auto-pick code for WvWvW so that Badges of Honor in particular are going to be given to the players automatically upon lootdrop.
And an increase in Badges of Honor is also needed at that. Currently simply doing YOUR borderlands JP and the EB JP will give you more Badges of Honor then a whole day of zerging around…this seems to be a bit off balance, seeing you need high amounts, cutting down the BoH rewards on JP seems the wrong way to go, increasing the drop rate on BoH should be increased on player kills.
I’ve met a few thieves doing it, its an exploit somehow, they start DS and then go invis, but the skill continues…endlessly. I think its using the exploit of endless skill use like some people do in LA, for show, but thieves can cloak in the process making it an exploit they can use in WvW or s/tPvP (yet to see one do it here though). However it is indeed an exploit of a bug, reporting an invisable character is a little hard, but usually once I, as a warrior, stun then with hammer CC’s, while another does AOE’s for DD once they are dead, we report them.
Karma ….yah about that, why do Karma Banner’s and Karma Boosters not boost Karma rewards…..AT ALL? they work on jugs…ok nice, but on events? nothing increases neither does the EXP btw.
Test run I did in Cursed Shore:
Round 1 of ALL EVENTS with full MF gear + Booster and BANNERS
2 Yellow…rest green’s, blue’s and junk
Round 2 ALL EVENTS without any MF gear, not even foods
4 Yellow, green’s and blue’s
So 1: No MF doesn;t work at all, never has for me.
2: Vets and champs hardly drop anything other then maybe a rare blue, normally porous bones or whatever.
And little off topic but related to events: Karma banner’s and Boosters DO NOT boost Karma rewards…euhm…isnt that also a bug? thought that was what they where supposed to do…..
Dear AranaNet,
Although you made it possible for players to play PvP from lvl 1 with all the same options as PvE players, I found 1 problem, the sPvP you have becomes REALLY boring after a while, apart from all the QQ about viable builds as Glass cannons and Bunkers really balance is never going to be 100% however, as it comes for the PvP right now, you only have 1 Game mode on very few maps. “Domination” or “Capture the Point”. The whole aim of your s/tPvP is controlling nodes on the map.
Suggestions I would love to see implemented are:
TDM (Team Death Match): All players on a certain team vs the other team for a kill limit, eg first to 50 kills wins or 100 or 150, whichever.
CTF (Capture the Flag) 1 Base gaurded by NPCs as well (That do respawn over time, interval of 2-5 minutes) catch a flag and bring it to a pedistal in your team’s base and obtain a point, first to reach 3 points wins.
Last man standing: Although with the current unavailable varieties of builds i see, people go either glass cannon or bunker, as balanced builds simply do not pay off in straight up combat, this mode would enable people to use those builds, as now it becomes a free for all, and the whole point of winning is being the last man standing, each player gets 5 Respawns.
Any other players out there also feel that s/tPvP lacks different game modes?
Obly out
On Piken Square Penitent is also bugged, but it started, the camp build is stuck at 75%…mob waves keep coming…infinate farming gone legit?
Seems Penitent / packheart link is always broken wich effects the whole chain that is the farming route…
I feel the pain, as a guild leader in multiple games, with one that lasted over 7 years and had the size of 2000 members (max for that game).
It is the above mentioned that put me in a state of sleep atm, I created my guild, but before i launch it, working on website, ventrilo etc, I want to make sure I am not going to be spending my whole weekends filtering things and creating double work excel sheets to keep track of leveling and activty, not to mention the problem of not being able to see if someone is representing the Guild.
But the most important tool I need is not active in this game, the Last Log-in Column, keeping membership cycles active and ensuring a fully active and efficient guild and management of this guild requires such a tool. This is by far the number one priority I have before I launch my guild in this game / build my guild.
Just me and the wife already have upgraded the guild to the 3rd level of everything just by doing dailies and events etc getting influence for such, ranks made etc.
Just waiting for a “Management Tab” if you will for dedicated / serious Guild leaders to utilize to get the information they require.
To all major guilds out there, Keep up the good work peeps
Obly out
Edit: Notification in CHAT of any member that Joins the guild or LEAVES the guild is also a must for me. Each time a member would leave I always ask them why they left. Personal, Different guild, Drama, etc etc etc, for any serious leader very valuable information to know if you strive for making a better guild as a whole. Notifications could look as follows: [ Name ] has just joined/left [ name of guild ] in guildchat.
(edited by Obly.9243)
Hello everyone,
Although most minor patches are just bug fixes and event tweaks, still I would like to see ArenaNet to create a Locked forum section where it states what they patched.
Right now I have no clue what the “New Build” is, or what changed, except that all events reset. This is more to stay in the loop of things.
If there is already such a forum section, I cant find it.
Anyone else feel the same as I do about this?
Obly Out
Gaurdian is Defensive Tank, Warrior is the Offensive tank however, let me explain that. Gaurdian is supposed to be purely DEFENSE and the Warrior is the OFFENSIVE counterpart but as things stand now the Gaurdian currently nearly matches the warrior’s damage output but has much higher survivability the warrior falls into a shadow zone, fully offense it does not nearly have the damage it should have, bull’s charge + frenzy + 100b is currently the only really DPS build we have, for PvE the warrior works fine, but in PvP however, I often feel more like gap filler then anything else, Using “Fear Me” as CC / Team Support and BC+F+100b taking down squishies fast. Yet still….warriors need;
A) Trait line overhaul. (Seriously, some nodes are absolutely useless!)
B) More viable weapon builds for DPS
C) Make us more competative in PvP situations.
Warrior mechanics work fine, I am enjoying my warrior, however he just “feels” really weak for an Offensive class… but as I stated “Feels”, it could be just me
(edited by Obly.9243)
Hi all,
Main points that I would like to suggest for improvement:
1: Trading option
2: Party finding tool (Great for letting people find groups for dungeons and events)
PvP related:
1: More sPvP maps around 15 (Just 5 maps gets really boring after a while)
2: Regular bank NPC in Heart of the Mist
3: Dueling option (This will give new players the opportunity to practice before jumping into a full scale battle.)
Black lion trading post / economy related:
1: Have gem sales manual priced, let the players decide what price they wish to buy gems at and sell at. (This will create a more solid market movement.)
2: Give us an option to “Gift” other players gem store items. It will also give additional sales routes for merchants, this will on the negative side give some the advantage on gold, however this will come from purchases of gems or charging for gems, thus contributing to the overall economy and funding the game’s owner (ANet).
3: More extensive filter system, like search for Heavy Armor types only.
on WvWvW matters:
1: Outmanned buff needs to have something beneficial for the players, currently it does absolutely nothing to motivate people to try and defend anyways. Perhaps just a 5% Outgoing Damage increase and 5% Incoming Damage decrease.
2: Loot bags in WvWvW, honestly I can’t understand why you choose this mechanic in the first place, during the large scale battles people miss out on a lot of their loot because of A) not seeing a lootbag, having no time C) Dieing and not being able to collect it. For C being the main reason, let the loot be automatically put into the players inventory.
Hope some of these ideas will be able to be implemented by the GW2/ArenaNet development team.
Kind regards,
(edited by Obly.9243)
Same problem here, I recently switched to a borrowed laptop just so i could finish lvl 1 fractals. On my main PC, which plays the game at 150+ FPS on max settings, it disconnects or randomly crashes inside fractals. Once DC-ed or whatever, you cannot return to your party!! This is absurd and has completely put me OFF doing this new instance as I simply do not wish to waste anyone’s time. This system needs to be changed asap.
Just doing dailies this bug severly slows the things down. apart from not even being able to complete my monthly because of this bug, I constantly get stuck in this loading screen, at least 1x every 2-3 matches, depending on the amount of times i die.
I completed the map 100% about 4 weeks ago now, I have the title “Been there, Done that” yet, no star besides my name, till so far not really that worries about it. Heres the thing, I started farming for my Legendary weapon 2 weeks ago, and I got about 40% of the mats I need to get everything, however, it seems that the “Gift of Exploration” comes from a reward for completing the map…euhm WHERE IS IT?
I Did NOT get a reward for completing the map 100%! so it is impossible to get my legendary weapon, and that is a severe problem as it is the only thing left for me to work towards!
Edit: It seems that once you complete the map 100% you have to go BACK into Chantry of Secrets and it will give you the POI again 0_o…makes no sense i know, but that worked for me…..ignore the rant above :P
At least, the above worked for me, hope it does the same for all you out there as well.
(edited by Obly.9243)
Reading* all that DC, Event stuff, I got youtube to see what sorta happend, after 25 minutes of trying to even log in, I gave up.
I couldn’t even get into the game for 25 minutes, then once it did, game crashed after 3 minutes.
Honestly if ANet would simply send all the rewards that had to miss out cause of technical difficulties, the 20 slot bag would be much appreciated, other then that, I don;t see what the fuss is about with the drops with everyone.
Just sad I couldn;t participate in the event at all.
Game crashing after the latest patch [Merged Threads]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Obly.9243
I’ve been getting that since about 3 patches ago on map transfers and other rare occasions.
Its not since this latest patch my game just crashes almost every 20-30 minutes, making it unplayable.
Game crashing after the latest patch [Merged Threads]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Obly.9243
Here’s the thing, I managed to teleport out of Lion’s Arch to Far Shiverpeaks, no crashing for a while, but then it randomly just closed the game after about 20 mins without a bug report.
Went back in, now headed towards Cursed Shores, again, after about 20-30 minutes, the game closed and just crashed, no bug report. I did the repair, I even re-installed the game totally 4x by now.
Nothing works. It seems to me the game has a memory leak, wich stacks till it overflows and simply closes the game, or disconnects you.
I have yet to receive any feedback regarding this matter from ANet.
Game crashing after the latest patch [Merged Threads]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Obly.9243
Hi all,
Since todays patch 16/11 when I jump into the game it runs as always, but where it used to crash for me during map transitions since 3 patches ago, a bug i could live with, although very annoying. Now the problem is alot worse, the game simply crashes without any bug report like every 3-5 minutes, the game became unplayable!
anyone else expiriencing this problem?
Hey Raistloki, glad to see i’m not the only one, from seeing people with that yellow star I thought cool, 1 more POI and i’ll join the club…but no, i have completed the map 100% on my Warrior, yet, no yellow star besides my name I did however get the title, Been There, Done That.
I completed the map about 1 week ago,.
Dear ANet,
Since 2 patches ago my game has started to crash frequently when I use a waypoint to another map area, in some occasions also when I zoom out on the main map it will start getting blue and yellow block, then shortly after crash.
I have seen no changes with changes to settings, max performance, still the same occurs. All my VGA card drivers are updated and using MSI Kombustor on stock settings for 1 hour it is stable.
I have spoken with a few other players and they are expiriencing the same problems. I also tried it on a different pc and 2 other laptops that i own, same problem, so it’s definately not a hardware problem.
Multiple bug reports have been send in, but so far no reply or improvements.
Would an ANet employee please be so kind as to let the community know if this is being dealt with.
Kind regards,
The monthly 4th Achievement states ? with me as well, after I completed the storymode without dieing i got over 300k exp, the bar doesn;t show, nor the achievement in itself, as my girlfriend has it as well, I think everyone has the ? stated instead of the achievement, thing is its not even going up at all, monthly stuck at 80%. Is this going to be fixed soon?