Showing Posts For Overkillengine.6084:

I was really excited for this patch...

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Or they just like loot more than they hate Scarlet.

Bloody Prince's armor

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


It’s hard to tell what the functionality of the item is from just a screen shot, so I’m here to clarify. This screen shot actually shows the Bloody Prince Thorn costume and not an armor skin, so it is not usable in combat.

That is nice to hear that his appearance will be available as a Towns Clothes costume, but would you pass word along to the armor designers that this style of armor is highly desired by players (especially for necromancer players), and it would be very, very nice to see future armor designs made available that are similar in appearance to this, please?

This. I will never buy town clothes. Think of how many other potential sales you are losing by making something so nice be town clothes only skins.

necro and mobility

in Necromancer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; what is needed is not necessarily more personal mobility, but rather better ability to mitigate the mobility of others if they get within and stay in range too long. DS 5 was a step in the right direction but it shares the same flaw most Necro abilities have is that they are too slow and have too little up-time versus builds optimized for resetting fights on demand.

We didn’t need Dhuumfire or more burst damage; we needed more Chill, Cripple, and Immobilize, as well as lower cool downs on our abilities in order to better control the tempo of the fight once engaged.

Replace Dhuumfire with Torment Trait?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Replace Dhuumfire with Chill. Call it Creeping Death or Foreboding Chill or something thematic like that.

Do a rebalance pass on the cool downs of Necro weapon skills and utilities to favor up-time more than burst.

More Chill would satisfy multiple needs of the role assigned to Necros in that it would enable a well played Necro to better dictate the flow of the battle once the enemy comes within engagement range; as well as keep them there if they stay too long.

It would allow a Necro to stay outside of the range of an assist train better if there was more on demand uptime available on Chill and Immobilize, which also increases their value in team composition without adding yet another burst class.

should terror be a grandmaster trait?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Only if the nerf to it was undone. It’s not currently strong enough to warrant a GM slot.

Blood is power bug

in Necromancer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


You also don’t hit anyone with the offensive bleed if you have no target.

Considering you can just transfer, consume, or transform the self bleed, you are losing out overall by not hitting someone unless your intent was to keep out of combat speed up to catch someone while also pre-buffing.

(edited by Overkillengine.6084)

What EXISTING weapon would you like on Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


I would like to see a Hammer that focus more on the Cold/Frost magic side of being a Necro and is actually a melee weapon as opposed to up close ranged. I would also like to see an off-hand axe.

Give it blind on hit abilities and then use Chilling darkness trait.

Need Vigor More Than Ever

in Necromancer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


A “gain endurance whenever you leech life” trait would be a wonderful addition and help make life leech builds more viable.

I’d love a reason to spec back into blood magic. I miss my GW1 blood necromancer.

New Hairstyles - Less Hair Accessories please

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


As much as I dislike some of their sales decisions, I do have to defend Anet by stating that unless they start putting pay to win items behind a pay-wall, they have to have some cosmetics at least behind a pay-wall or they do not make enough money to stay in business.

Or they get their plug yanked by NCsoft because that are not the leading cash cow. Etc.

So I've used 2 aether keys.

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Ironically the “difficulty” is part of why content like dungeons become repetitive. Once you ratchet the lethality potential up to a certain level, you have to make it learn-able, and thus static and predictable.

Inaccessible Content Makes Me Sad.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Part what did not work out other than the waiting for timer BS is how unable even the best zone full of people are able to compensate for just a couple of bad/afk/bugged turret operators.

The event supposedly scales but those sure as hell do not. If we had a more on demand version of the turret mechanics, there would have been a lot less failures.

Then instead of putting an event like this on a timer that just encourages AFK’ing in the zone and adding to overflow frustrations, make it triggered by player activity so that it is on demand and only when enough are there to feasibly do it.

Can we get new skills/traits...

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


I would love to see the skill selection from gw1, make it’s way to gw2….and for the love of Grenth, a saveable template for traits!

Hell no. That was one of the bad parts of GW1. You had to basically play certain specs even if you had no interest in them for a large chunk of the game because they did not give you enough stuff to make a viable build out of the box. Like trying to play any type of Elementalist other than fire in Prophecies.

However, being able to save build templates for quick swaps and reference in game? Hells yes. That was one of the good parts.


in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


The Frizz fight was horribad if you didn’t have either a bunch of stability spammers or dps high enough to trivialize it for the final phase.

Trying to fight your way through that encounter with even a competent pug was an exercise in frustration because you were too kitten busy just trying not to get pull ganked to actually kill the stupid golems if you did not have the magic class combos.

Yay de facto trinity replacement.

Best way to give necro Vigor.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


No thanks. No more boons unless they are very well done (read: not this way).

If they decide to give us endurance, I want either endurance stealing, or “siphoning” (in the sense that their expended endurance is given to us in some portion). Not vigor.

I like this and it could probably find its way onto necromancers in the form of replacing that useless blood to power trait.

Giving any class the ability to siphon endurance, while neat, would be stupidly broken. Why? Because there is no counter play.

You either get your endurance sapped, or you dodge the ability that saps your endurance, and lose a dodge anyway.

If on a projectile, Reflection.
Stealth (avoiding being targeted)

Basically anything that would work against damage since it would be attached to an attack.

What is condition burst?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Also, aggressing on them before they can do anything (with lots of CC) can stop them from effectively bursting you, as they can’t fully burst without some cast times.

This is almost always the best option; cc them and call the wrath of your team down onto them. Necro’s have a hard time escaping focus fire to begin with; add onto it the fact that a lot of their goodies have long cast times (relatively) and any sort of CC/interrupt will ruin their day.


in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Yes TA really needs fixes! A lot of bugs and boring bosses. Hope this will be fixed in this patch.

Doesn’t sound like it

They still haven’t given you people a straight answer on the For-Up path spawning issue.
Seems like a pretty simple thing to me though…. either “It’s intentional that THAT MANY spiders keep spawning and don’t De-spawn” … or it’s a simple “no that wasn’t intentional”.

Yeah but w/o one-shot mechanics, the encounter becomes a tank-spank

How do you balance around a non-trinty dungeon?

I for one, WELCOME mobs /w high DPS/frequency attacks that are more difficult to chain-dodge. It really incentivizes teams to bring a mix of gear or atleast a mix of builds instead of 5 berserkers (and thereby excluding anyone who doesn’t find that playstyle compelling)

This. Give more mobs attack chains that two dodges alone won’t let you avoid all the damage from, but neither do they insta-gib you. It is possible in this game design to leverage attrition fights that make defensive stats relevant instead of subpar, it just hasn’t been really done much.

Creating challenge is far more than just dropping in some one shots for a player that is a millisecond too slow at reacting.

Can we have dark "Red" Plant weapons?

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Or stuff more bramble and thorns oriented? We already have a lot of purty flower plant gear.


Can we get new skills/traits...

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Having them be bound only to specific achievements only available in temporary content would be the definition of uncool.

Need bundles on top of/instead of turrets

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


As already pointed out, packs would be self balancing in that every person on a pack is not dealing peak dps to the dragon. At that point you could leave them as powerful as the turrets, but with a shorter range; and the turrets would still be useful to have operational but not as trollable since alternatives exist.

Need bundles on top of/instead of turrets

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Also, the fight might be less frustrating if when the timer was run out, Teq just reset to full health and the fight continued from there instead of failure followed by hours of blamestorming.

Screw you Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Give me hydrogen attunement! Fusion is so OP.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Your best bet is to ask for some way to leech endurance from an enemy.

Need bundles on top of/instead of turrets

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Yeah having something the superflous ’zerker and condi specs can do outside of turret guarding would be nice too.

Edit: Another reason has been found why we should not be hamstrung by reliance on turrets alone:

(edited by Overkillengine.6084)

Need bundles on top of/instead of turrets

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Yeah the event wouldn’t even be all that bad except for how it all hinges on the turrets; in concept I do not mind them one bit either, it is just the execution needs some extra iterations at the meeting room as to how to make this incredibly high profile and public relations affecting event more troll resistant.

Need bundles on top of/instead of turrets

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Yeah I read that thread and it was part of the inspiration for me making this suggestion. The base difficulty of this event does not particularly bother me, it’s the addition of troll-able mechanics with no real way to enforce accountability barring doing things that grossly violate the spirit and rules of the game.

Need bundles on top of/instead of turrets

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


…if you’ve been paying attention at all it has been repeatedly pointed out how badly a few people or even an individual can troll an entire event by either using a turret poorly or just not doing anything at all while in it; with the only real recourse being to either accept incipient event failure or to do something that violates the spirit of the game like pulling mobs to the trolled turret to kill them. Neither are good for the long term health of this game.

We need mobile bundle pickups that perform the same type of functions as the turrets; in the same manner that charrzookas are handled at Jormag’s lieutenant. This would side step the issue entirely of a few people being able to block event completion. They wouldn’t even have to be as good as the turrets as long as we could get enough people using them as a safety valve.

Bloodstone dust

in Crafting

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


The issue is not the ease of acquisition; but rather the limited means to consume/manage the dust/bricks in a manner that is not incredibly wasteful past as certain initial threshold.

There either needs to be alternate uses patched in asap; or the rate of acquisition and recipe usage both need reduced by at least a factor of 10 to account for limited storage and them being account bound.

What do mesmers contribute with to a zerg...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Null field can be great for all Mesmer specs in all types of fights since what it primarily does is not reliant on any sort of stat scaling or specific build to be useful. (the glamour recharge trait however is nice especially if you are portal duty a lot anyways)

You’d be surprised at the number of people that do not seem to clue in that fighting in the purple swirly place = bad, even if they do see it.

The Chaos armor procs off of the ethereal field are just a bonus at that point. A delicious one soaked in zergling tears.

How would you fix Bloodlust?

in WvW

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


@MagnusLL.8473 @Overkillengine.6084

I feel like Anet is pretty set on a stat bonus, of some kind, at this time.


I really like point B.

Then we need to bludgeon them with what should be horrendously obvious logic over and over again until they get it; there is a reason sports leagues have systems like draft rounds and the such, they are meant to help keep competitors from gaining an absolutely silly level of advantage which causes competition to eventually collapse as opponents cease to bother showing up. They can data-mine pretty much all of recorded human history for that one.

(edited by Overkillengine.6084)

You like the new content for WvWvW? Yes-No

in WvW

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


I like the terrain additions; adds a lot of valuable cover and concealment that small groups can use to avoid engagements where before the only real defense against a zerg was speed and stealth thanks to the open fields/water.

Not so crazy about the Bloodlust stat buff; has the same intrinsic flaw as the orbs, it makes the server with superior numbers even more powerful after they were already winning.

Granted, we should not expect perfect balance out of WvW, but there are better ways to encourage playing to win without being downright mean spirited about it.

How would you fix Bloodlust?

in WvW

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Drop the +50 to +150 stat bonus, have it apply magic find instead. That way a side that has the numbers advantage doesn’t get even stronger, thus causing a cascade failure.

It would still be a bonus you’d want to possess though.

Suggestion: Diversity with Commander Tags

in WvW

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Bump for great justice. Even adding an internal only tag that guilds could purchase with their influence for designated officer ranks would be a huge improvement. More granularity in our organization tools would help encourage non-zerging a great deal.

What do mesmers contribute with to a zerg...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Anything a Guardian pulls off for boon spam support a Mesmer can replicate. We don’t have to compete against them; they feed us more boons to make everyone better.

Add in:

And then your fellow Mesmers and Thieves just became another source of synergy.

Mesmers excel in solo and small engagements; but do have a good use in larger fights too as a tide turner and destructive chaff generator. It’s just not as simple and direct as playing a brute Warrior, which is fine, because you’ll often do better than they do in small engagements.

One Hit Kills on players

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Then why have vit/toughness/healing on gear at all?

So, this whole don't ress-mentality...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Rezzing the dead tends to cause a cascade of deaths; not good given the timer window of the event.

Wish we could vote to strip commander tags

in WvW

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


The wasteful and destructive diverting of manpower happens even if I personally do not follow them.

It happens even if you call them out on it, and just starts a pointless kitten war that accomplishes nothing.

And people who don’t know better yet will still gravitate to the tag instead of evaluating the map on their own like they should be.

The ad hominem remark was my response to the people who couldn’t be bothered to come up with anything better than “ur just jealous”.

And as I have repeatedly clarified, there is a vast ocean of difference between being outplayed and what I was observing. Being outplayed meant you were still contributing, and taking reasonable steps towards accomplishing a goal.

Right now our only option is to hope that eventually a bad commander gets shunned enough to no longer have a meaningful effect on a zone. Until then they are still doing damage and serving as a bad example. How is this good?

So I proposed something. Granted, I do not think the average zergling should just be handed the power to ruin a decent commander out of the box, so I also attached some limits and a hopefully non trivial cost to keep abuse to a minimum.

Wish we could vote to strip commander tags

in WvW

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


And rule by anyone willing to cough up 100 gold is somehow morally superior?

And yes, I could afford a tag. So it’s not just sour grapes. I can already tell you I’d make a bad commander; but that does not mean I want another bad commander to be inflicted on an entire zone either. And that’s what happens when they are the only tag in the zone; in the time it takes the zerg to figure out that following them = bad, an unrecoverable amount of crap can happen.

So ignoring them at an individual or squad level does not help make something happen within a tenable timetable.

Argue the point instead of resorting to ad hominems or non-solution solutions. I am glad to see at least some were mature enough to disagree and at least offer an alternative system to enforcing some sort of accountability for commanding.

And the particular situation that hacked me off was a commander that thought directing our forces to wander aimlessly north of SMC in enemy territory was a good strategy; without ever really trying to effectively take and hold anything; much less defend or reinforce what we did have; and retreating the second the enemy zerg showed up; even though we had at several points prior wiped them off the field with less forces that that commander had at their beck and call.

And I wouldn’t have been bothered had they been attempting potentially viable strategy and just failed. Sometimes kitten happens. But what I witnessed was not that. Nor was it isolated behavior from them.

If they didn’t want to accomplish anything, they should have just dropped their tag. But hey, they paid 100g, so they get to derail an entire zone.


(edited by Overkillengine.6084)

Wish we could vote to strip commander tags

in WvW

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


I think it’s funny that people are allowed to pay gold to misuse an organizational tool that does affect everyone else in the zone (even if they try to ignore it) but the affected people are not allowed to pay gold to have the tool nullified.

Runes of the Traveller...any Good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Staff/Scepter/Torch PU+clone death+boon share build here. Night and day quality of life when running with havoc squads. Was running all boon duration water/monk/water before.

Being able to reliably get in and out of engagement range is nigh immeasurable mitigation and damage boosting.

[Build] The Blackwater Mesmer (Condition/WvW)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


I find the Traveler runes are worth giving up a little top end performance just for the quality of life you gain. Plus, if you are running a boon share variant (Decoy/Signet of Insp/Null Field/Mass Invis) the boon duration isn’t totally wasted.

Runes of the Traveller...any Good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


kittening wonderful on a Mesmer or any class with neither perma swiftness or a runspeed signet. Heck, they are great on classes that have access to a runspeed signet since it frees up a utility slot.

You don’t feel utterly useless in WvW for not having a focus in your offhand anymore.

Condition Removal Tweaks

in Mesmer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


I find getting crippled or immobilized gets me killed far more often than bleed/burn/poison. (not being able to get out of range)

Outside of that and focus fire, using Null Field, stealth, and clone “chaff” handles most of my condition issues.

You have to make choices. And even then, running condition removal should not be a panacea, because you get no panacea against regular damage either.

Reanimator trait

in Necromancer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Maybe a trait that give +toughness for every condition on you.

Edit: Or one that gives you a stack of might whenever you have a condition applied to you.

(edited by Overkillengine.6084)

Wish we could vote to strip commander tags

in WvW

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


That’s wasting a lot of money on the hopes that the large guild outnumbers the pre existing community.

Edit: in fact, they’d almost have to outnumber the entire existing server to have that work out; since the existing community would have to pay a comparative pittance to oust their commanders in return.

(edited by Overkillengine.6084)

Wish we could vote to strip commander tags

in WvW

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Ideally, you’d have to pay (enough) to vote and have a one month cool-down on voting to act as incentive to not waste it for the lulz.

The funny part about this thread is people have no problem with an informal mutiny that costs nothing and basically renders the offending commander ineffective….for an indeterminate period of time.

But they have an issue with an official mutiny that you have to pay to partake in that would only would last a month.

(edited by Overkillengine.6084)

Wish we could vote to strip commander tags

in WvW

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


They can get it back in a month even if they actually managed to simultaneously tick off an overwhelming amount of people under they system I proposed. Their ability to command is hardly destroyed, and possibly enhanced by giving people enough time to forget their name while they were on time out.

A far more ethical solution than having an kitten contest with a bad commander to try to wean the zerg off of them long enough to accomplish something.

Wish we could vote to strip commander tags

in WvW

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Commanding pugs in not an easy task and that must be appreciated, for this reason I’m against this idea.
The only thing that kitten me off is when they actually don’t command, in other word when they move around without giving any order in chat (I don’t even talk about using TS, thing that would be mandatory on our server).
As soon as a commander is doing his best it’s OK for me, every commander was once inexperienced and even the best ones sometimes make the wrong choices and loose battles.

Pretty much the situation I was venting about. Only tag on map, no useful directives issued, and tactics that seemed to have no point whatsoever. Would have been better off with no tag, as people were following it instead of defending what we had. Calling them out on it would have been pointless too (people playing that bad typically don’t listen even if you sugar coat it); and not following them just meant my team and I were stuck flipping camps in enemy territory with 2 enemy zergs looking for easy meat.

Edit: and it was someone that has been on the server for quite a while, so they should know better. I cut newbies a large amount of slack. This person was not as such. Nor was it aberrant performance on their part.

A better solution would be to simply tag up yourself and make people follow you.
They have paid as much as you for their tag, they have the same right as you to use it when and how they want.

Not paying 100 gold to zerg herd. I know kitten well I do not have the patience for that; but I also can recognize bad orders/tactics when I see it.

(edited by Overkillengine.6084)

For the love of Tequatl: please fix WvW lag!

in WvW

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Simple. Either the player population spreads out enough that they are not causing intolerable zerg lag; or every server is WvW lagging and complaining thus prompting Anet to either prioritize adding more servers or making alterations to the engine.

Hotdog injustice.

in Crafting

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


We can make hamburger but not add some spices to make sausages; makes little sense since you’d think that would be a common preservation technique for meat even in societies with a magitech based renaissance analog.

Wish I could craft Dire exotic armor.

in Crafting

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


I have a build idea I’d like to try but no way do I want to pay the inflated prices on the AH for Jataro’s with the Scavenging runes on it.