kittens about to get real on SoS tomorrow, you heard it here first t1
Welcome Never Die to SoS, finally we have asians!
Loved playing Never Die on IoJ. Numbers, skill and tactics always kept us on our toes. Welcome guys!
Such great news! I was starting to worry about your coverage… -_-
I know right! Wow, you guys are so cool, worrying about our coverage like that! <3
<3 We’re a caring bunch here at NOC
kittens about to get real on SoS tomorrow, you heard it here first t1
Welcome Never Die to SoS, finally we have asians!
Loved playing Never Die on IoJ. Numbers, skill and tactics always kept us on our toes. Welcome guys!
Such great news! I was starting to worry about your coverage… -_-
It all sounds really good. The only thing that is a tiny bit frustrating is the TONS of achievements I’ve already completed and gotten nothing for. I wish I could do them over again once they are worth tokens. =\
Indeed. There better be a way to get rewards on previous achievements, because we can’t reset achievements and veteran players will really be at a pretty big disadvantage.
Either retroactive rewards, or a reset of completed achievements, with the current AP totals not being effected would be fine. I don’t mind having to revisit achievements I’ve already finished, but retroactive token rewards would be nice to have. (I’ve been focusing on achievements recently, now I have to wonder if I should stop that until there is some clarification on this).
They have explained in another post that once the initial system is implemented (Daily/Monthly for crowns), they will retroactively reward players with crowns for their already completed achievements. It WONT be part of the initial release though.
The Blackgate that showed up on Friday was amazing, it was one the strongest openings to a match up that I have ever seen. Not only that, SoS are ALWAYS first on the opening day, Blackgate are the first server in nearly 4 months to break this rhythm.
If the same Blackgate that showed up in the first 24 hours, showed up on the second day of the match up, the scores would be a lot closer. I do not understand, why the same people that logged in on Friday, didn’t login on the day after, and the one after?
It looks as though Blackgate have given up, it’s a shame because your server is far more capable than this.
Hardly given up. Our guild was out there last night (Oceanic) to defend the very last tower we owned and it was some of the best back and forth we’ve had for a while People have lives though so I’m not shocked that numbers dropped off after the weekend. Also, since we were last in T1, we have had alot of new guilds and players join our server who may not have experienced T1 gameplay before. Hopefully we stay in T1 long enough for these people to get some playtime because it’s all a great learning experience. It’s unfortunate that the servers couldn’t be more balanced right across the board and a different scoring system be used to freshen up the matches.
Plays a Necromancer
Forever alone
I think we’re doing quite well considering the obvious lack of coverage compared to the other two servers I’ve thoroughly enjoyed seeing 40+ people flipping camps. Pro strats are pro ^.^
Sea of Sorrows – Changing WvW forever
I don’t know if it’s changed but the system was also flawed in that it’s heavily favoring full parties with aoe damage when farming. I think the way it was working was the party only needed to do about 10% of the damage on a mob for each player in the party to get loot from it but an individual player also needed to do 10% of the damage to get loot at all if they weren’t in a party.
This was why there was so much spam in Cursed Shore for Peni / Shelter farming groups because it was just 5 people aoe spamming the mobs for loot. Single players regularly got skrewed over.
Shrik, your idea needs to be seen by the devs RIGHT NOW
I was letting this mull over in my mind for a while and came up with a couple of ideas
- The maps become overflow style servers which have a player cap but any player from any server can join. This allows the zone to be relatively populated around the clock. If the server becomes full, a new one is started so on and so forth. Obviously balancing issues would need to be worked out.
- As Ascended gear is here to stay, why not give some of the harder mobs (even the keep champions) agony? You could then add in the ascended gear / components as part of the karma vendor purchases. Make it a high price to balance with the effort involved running fractals to get the same items.
- Have a chest or treasure pit in each main objective as well as the reward you suggest. Otherwise it would just feel like a karma farm.
(edited by Pinkus.2860)
I susspect 80 to remain the cap and for the numerous ways of avoiding agony / wiping to be tidied up before new gear is introduced. Use those revive orbs while you can guys lol.
I got The Legend from a random mob in dredge fractal today. So there is a chance.
I can confirm this as well. Got Leaf of Kudzu from one of the vets in the Ascalonian City while doing my Level 10 Daily. Sold outright for 175g.
This is exactly Anet’s Loot table: A random lvl 10 unexp fractal guys get s a precurser
where I as a exp vet in all aspects have never seen one dropping: 11k + wvw kills in t1 , dungeonmaster , explored everything , every jp done but most important , done every difficulties fractals to the cap of 80 … and there is this guy at lvl 10 maybe barly playing the game … getting a drop that is worth as mutch money as you earned in doing challanging things …I miss some rewards for good players…
why not let fractal weapons drop lvl 60 + or get new rewards from 80 + with the updates … why are there no high end rewards for skilled players …
The things you have mentioned don’t make you superior to any other person. Alot of them simply show TIME invested into the game but to blatantly insult another player because he got a precurser from doing a lvl 10 daily is just childish. Notice he didn’t mention his fractal level, only that it was his level 10 daily.
While I agree that something needs to change regarding reward for time / effort invested, it doesn’t make any other player less deserving.
(edited by Pinkus.2860)
We comment on what we know. And what we know is the Oceanic time zone and the people we face in it. While it may not be the full Choo guild, we still face 20+ on good nights and considering that’s roughly the same numbers we field (semi-casual guild) I do believe that is what Trikki is refferring to (even though it was a bit banterish)
Best of luck to SoR and TC next week I hope SBI still has decent numbers and that not too many have abandoned ship like the old alliance servers.
I think people are just a little over the same old DD Ele play. You showed alot of control though so I give you props on that.
I would be more worried about opposing people whispering saying hey give you a gold to keep us updated on where your people are going. Offers like that to new players or poor players would be to hard to pass up. Imagine the amount of paid spying would be going on. 1g to just say hey they going bay or hills north would be an easy pay day. Especially if your bl hopped to inform them.
Did this not happen in real wars? I think it would be a really interesting situation to be in. Would add some flavour to WvW as opposed to the mindless zerg that it is currently.
Blackgate needs to be bullied, they’ve been nightcap bullying T-2 for the last month.
Nice. We have Caelib in here with his regular night capping whine. All we need now is covenn to cry about the scoreboard posturing and Indo to say we suck and will only make T1 if another server flops and we’ll have the SoR trifecta up in here.
It makes me sleepy just reading it all and it’s only 3PM
I find it really amusing that during primetime, when the numbers are even in most Borderlands … Blackgate is usually in last place. Then, when America is sleeping and Blackgate doesn’t actually have to face any players, they gain all of their points. Doesn’t that make everyone on the Blackgate server feel dirty? That all of your points are gained by non-competition? If you ever move up to Tier 1 … it’s going to be a very sobering experience for you.
Dear Friend,
We at Blackgate appreciate your concern for us as we move into Tier 1.
Something you may not have known is that a good portion of our server and more specifically, our Oceanics, are well aware of what Tier 1 is like so please take your bullkitten elsewhere.
Many thanks
A dirty, Oceanic, Blackgate zergling
Hey OP will you please reupload the video?
I will pay you money
Video removed by user LOL. Poor bloke
Until WvW is fixed on so very many levels, the winners and losers mean absolutely nothing. While I look forward to moving back into T1 next week, I couldn’t give two kittens about who wins or loses.
I’m in the weird part of GW2 Forums again >.>
To the TC players involved in the Garrison – Cragtop (Or whatever that tower is called on your map) battle about 8-9 hours ago… GOOD GOD you guys are persistant. One mesmer tried portal bombing into the keep atleast 6 times without succeeding
Felt kind of bad for him because he was going in hard as hell. Great fights had by all!
There was no real co-ordination between him, the commander and the pugs. So a random purple circle would appear, 5 or so people would take it, and the other 15 standing around would keep sitting in the killbox, giving BG more badges.
Props to you guys trebbing Cliffside like that, never seen that done before.
Still, we shouldn’t have lost the tower in the first place.
Ah ok that makes a little more sense then. I did appreciate the badges though ^.^ I sadly had to leave before we lost Cliffside because it was 1AM but was super fun.
Regarding the trebs… I’d like to take claim to that completely unintentional discovery. We actually only set up the treb to take down the seige you had on the top cliff on the way to the keep lord but i figured i’d aim it over the bridge and see what happens
All you guys really needed was one map wide rally and to rush the trebs and we would have been screwed but everyone kept running in as soon as they revived at citidel which made it WAY easier to defend.
(edited by Pinkus.2860)
Blackgate looks set to move into Tier 1 very soon! If any Oceanic players are wanting to join in on the fun, feel free to head to our site and submit an application
To the TC players involved in the Garrison – Cragtop (Or whatever that tower is called on your map) battle about 8-9 hours ago… GOOD GOD you guys are persistant. One mesmer tried portal bombing into the keep atleast 6 times without succeeding Felt kind of bad for him because he was going in hard as hell. Great fights had by all!
I’m worried if I play on high level Fractals like 60+ I will be banned if I use a revive orb to resurrect at Jade Maw.
Is this an exploit too?
Banned for using an item that’s use has been allowed in Fractals? Highly unlikely. If they didn’t wan’t people to be able to use them, they would have fixed it long ago. It’s not a new use of the item… People have been using them this way for some time now.
Colin colin colin. Should have let this one slide under the radar mate.
My word… That’s a half decent effort!
Players attacking gates really don’t do very much damage.
Mostly what you accomplish is to discourage guys on the other side from repairing it.
A 50+ man zerg can most certainly do alot of damage to a gate
Gates can now only be damaged by seige equipment. First problem solved.
Time for some serious Pinkimus Hammer Time action Blackgate oceanics will be out in force tonight!
Interesting. IOJ enter Tier 1 and are flying, they are keeping up with the big boys. The Candycorn patch happens, and they disappear from WvW and get demoted to tier 2.
Then IOJ are in Tier 2 for many weeks, but then the Candy Cane patch happens, they disappear from WvW and get demoted to tier 3.
:P, we’ve found IOJ’s weakness!
Dat candy =/
Valentine’s day is coming up too. And then Easter…
INB4 IoJ T6!!
Best of luck IoJ Bring it on TC
One change they could make, is let you still use your utilities in Death Shroud. It would offer it some of the versatility that it desperately lacks with the 4 built in abilities.
I’d never thought about it before but that could really spice up the class a little bit.
Can we PLEASE keep this thread civil? I think we hold the record for most threads closed in consecutive weeks haha
Shameless bump
On a different note… How kittened is the culling right now!!! Was running around with the guild last night and BAM 30+ enemies around me Not even my bunkerness could save me from that one haha
Quartermasters and workers have a VERY HIGH chance to drop blueprints in my experience. Focus on these enemies when you break into a tower/keep if you want them.
The more you know, right?
I have noticed this but that goes back probably over a month. The regular loot change seems more recent.
Oh wow! Lucky you
I would really appreciate a simple response to the following question:
Has the WvW loot table been updated in a positive way in the last week or so?
My guild has been seeing A LOT more rares and even named exotics dropping from both players and NPC’s recently. I would love a confirmation on this because if it was, people need to know! Almost all servers are seeing situations of being Outmanned and if the loot table has been changed, it may draw numbers back to WvW!
Have other people been experiencing increased rare / exotic loot in WvW?
Such a great week so far
On a bit of a side note… Has anyone else noticed an increased loot table in WvW? Last night we had a lot of members getting rares and a couple even got named exotics from killing players and keep lords / supervisors.
I got 2 named exotic armor pieces in the past week. In 650 hours on that character, I had never gotten an exotic drop before, anywhere. I also got 3 rares within 30 minutes yesterday so I’d say they ninja fixed drops a bit more. These drops were off of players and random guards.
Interesting that nothing was posted regarding this. If people knew about it (providing it was actually ninja patched) we would see waaayyy more numbers in WvW
Such a great week so far On a bit of a side note… Has anyone else noticed an increased loot table in WvW? Last night we had a lot of members getting rares and a couple even got named exotics from killing players and keep lords / supervisors.
There is a lot of insult directed towards them for several reasons, most are completely justified, some are not.
I don’t know squat about that guild, but I beg you all to put any negative comments about them into a separate thread, so that thread will get shut down instead of this one.
They’ll never let it go
We got some current scores?
I am happy to chat ingame as well so if you are interested in joining us, please send me an ingame mail or PM if i’m online
I like the initiative and the idea in general but the thing is, we shouldn’t have to do this. Anet have spent the last 4 months updating PvE through events and zones yet they STILL ignore the public outcry for extremely important features like a LFG tool.
How many people have you had join the guild so far because I personally have had enough success using and considering 95% of the time i’ll have guildies on who are keen to run a dungeon, i’m just not sure if this is worth while.
Sea of Sorrows was not built overnight with an amazing hardcore WvW alliance like other top tier servers of old
This is true. Seemed more like a week of heavy NA influx that did the trick
Flies away
In this world, a lot of people like to undermine other people’s efforts and their ability without looking at the facts, just so they can give themselves an excuse for losing. Let’s look at the facts:
1. After the mass transfer, Sea of Sorrows has just as many NA guilds as any other server. During US prime time, our scores are relatively even. It is only after US prime that SOS seems to pull ahead. Why? Because our NA players put in extra time and effort to hold their ground well after other servers’ NA teams have gone to sleep.
2. Sea of Sorrows has just as many WvW focused oceanic guilds as any other server in Tier 1, 2 and possibly 3. Infact, our oceanic core WvW groups only consists of 2 major WvW guilds and several small-medium size guilds. We are in no better position than other top tier servers. We don’t night cap all maps when other sleep, no one can do that after reaching tier 2. Again, we pull ahead infront of other servers after Oceanic prime time when our Oceanic, European and Asian players pull extra hours everyday, sleeping at around 3am – 5am every day after a long day of work, to hold our ground.
So you can keep trying to attribute our success to windfalls or acts of God. But no, we did it through hard work and persistence and our eye bags and beaten bodies is testament to it.
Sea of Sorrows was not built overnight with an amazing hardcore WvW alliance like other top tier servers of old
This is true. Seemed more like a week of heavy NA influx that did the trick Flies away
We do. It’s just a matter of finding out which servers have strong Oceanic coverage.
I’m an Aussie playing on Blackgate and I must say, the only lag I ever get is server side which has nothing to do with your location or your ISP.
That’s just me though
the people of Tyria must be heard…
Because i’m sure this is the first time these concerns are being raised… >.>
Giving my Necro’s new bunker spec a run tonight (Oceanic). Watch out for me :p i’ll be the guy going head first into packs (even though i already do that in berserker gear :p)
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