From what we discovered, three people are required to assist on ALL escorts. Need to make sure you look at whether it says Required Players: X or if it just says Recommended Players. Required Players is an absolute and must be followed.
What a absolutely terrible idea. Not only does this remove an entire day of frantic, solid and amazing fighting at the start of the reset week, you’re screwing over the OCX / SEA population who were able to spend two full weekend days out fighting for their server. Now we’ll only have the Sunday and the Saturday will now become a boring end of the week ktrain. I’d love to have a conversation with the person who thought up this idea and hear their reasoning behind it…
Blackgate pushing hard this week! Join us out on the battlefield for some happy fun times
Reading these comments tells me how people only look at the surface of things and ignore the truth.
First of all, there is not a lot of new players in NA and EU who go and purchase the game today. Most people who want to play GW2 already have the game. That means this is directed to another group of people: China market.
Second of all, this direction goes against everything that GW2 has stood by and that is the free contents updates they always advertised. The cost of 200 gems or the gold exchange rate is irrelevant here and a waste of space on the forums.
Last but not least, this strategy by ANet doesn’t sound promising financially. I understand a game studio needs money to survive but this sounds a bit like a cry of depression for cash.
Just my 2 cents….
So what you want a game to be sustained absolutely for free without any kind of monetizing?How many new players would care about the past content anyway… A new player has to first go through:
-personal story
-world events
-dungeon and fractals
-WvW and sPvP
-World completion
-The current Living Story
-High level craftingAnd after all these he might be thinking of checking on the past content. I really doupt that anyone will care that much unless the patch are huge and meanigful (like extra maps or races and amazing dungeons etc). But then they will actaully worth the price.And that he can still take the episodes for FREE with like 2-4 days of very moderate game times.
And that is without the festivals- you can easily make 20-30g in 3 hours in the pavillion.Again it is sad to read another useless comment on how to farm gold to pay 200 gems for living story chapters.
The issue is much deeper than the cost of the contents but nobody sees it. The promise of free contents are now false and this MMO is now moved from a complete buy to play model to pay to play. It doesn’t matter if it is the past contents or whatever….
The point here is that how far will ANet go and will we ever see a gem price on future living story or other contents? Is this a sign that GW2 model of buy to play has failed abd are they just testing the community on how far we will tolerate.
That said, I understated a game studio costs money to run and the devs need to pay thier bills. But has the direction of the game brought this on itself? Did they push us to kitten the bi-weekly gem stories that everyone finally got turned off by it? And now the gem store is nothing more than a show room of stuff with no buyers….
I think you need to retire that tinfoil hat mate. Gem store purchases are booming and ‘buying’ old content you may have missed is perfectly reasonable. I find it hard to believe that most people couldn’t log in for 15 seconds to unlock the story during the 2 week period…
Lucky you. All I’ve been getting lately is rings rings and more rings
Looking at it from a WvW perspective, I think axe is amazing and wouldn’t run anything else for a power build. Essentially perma-retal and mass cripples is enough of a reason to run axe over dagger.
I think rings need to be removed from the loot table of the 41-50 daily chest. This is getting beyond a joke. I have at least 80 rings lying around doing nothing in the hope that one day they allow us to do something with them (500 jewelcrafting anyone?)
Please for the love of god, give us something worthwhile for doing 41+
At the very least they should do this. Remove rings from 40+. Did lvl 50 2 days ago and the whole party got a ring LOL. But to make people actually want to run fractals they should make it less of an rng festival and more rewarding so people will still run it after they get what they want.
Also, put fractal weapon skins in the merchants hands for an insane amount of fractal relics. At least then there is an attainable, concrete goal to strive for. Making them purely RNG in the first place was an absolute joke as it doesn’t show off how dedicated you are! You could have run 1 kittening fractal past 30 or whatever it is and gotten a skin compared to someone who’s run hundreds of fractals to only have received a couple of skins? Please. Making them purchasable with relics shows progression, not RNG.
Haha this is so kitten true. I’m starting to find this mentality is creeping into high level fractals as well. I play Oceanic time zone so my party options are always limited in the 40+ category but the other night I saw a party advertising zerker only. I play a power tank necro but thought i’d give the party a try as they had been advertising for over 15 mins. They said they’d ‘give me a chance’ LOLZ and we started our lvl 50 run.
Throughout the entire run, the zerkers were going down, over and over and over, while i’m still standing trying to res everyone. Party leader ended up raging and leaving, booting us out.
The next night I decided to just start my own party and promoted that I didn’t care what class you were, as long as you had the AR. The party ended up being, Me (Necro), a ranger, an ele, a thief and a warrior.
We completed the entire run in about an hour without a single issue. We had Swamp, Cliffside, Thermanova and Molten. Seamless.
I guess my point is that for the most part, if a player is good, they’ll be good on any type of toon.
But they’ll be better on a toon with a proper build. Why be good when you can be better? Why not strive for excellence rather than mediocrity? I’m not saying a good build makes someone good, but if you are purposely not using a good build then there is a good chance you just don’t care about your effectiveness.
I didn’t say anything about us not running good or proper builds. For the most part, players who have reached level 50 fractals are running a fairly legitimate build… The unfortunate part is that people are starting to discredit classes and builds because they aren’t zerker warriors. Who’s to say what a ‘proper’ fractals build is anyway…?
I think rings need to be removed from the loot table of the 41-50 daily chest. This is getting beyond a joke. I have at least 80 rings lying around doing nothing in the hope that one day they allow us to do something with them (500 jewelcrafting anyone?)
Please for the love of god, give us something worthwhile for doing 41+
Haha this is so kitten true. I’m starting to find this mentality is creeping into high level fractals as well. I play Oceanic time zone so my party options are always limited in the 40+ category but the other night I saw a party advertising zerker only. I play a power tank necro but thought i’d give the party a try as they had been advertising for over 15 mins. They said they’d ‘give me a chance’ LOLZ and we started our lvl 50 run.
Throughout the entire run, the zerkers were going down, over and over and over, while i’m still standing trying to res everyone. Party leader ended up raging and leaving, booting us out.
The next night I decided to just start my own party and promoted that I didn’t care what class you were, as long as you had the AR. The party ended up being, Me (Necro), a ranger, an ele, a thief and a warrior.
We completed the entire run in about an hour without a single issue. We had Swamp, Cliffside, Thermanova and Molten. Seamless.
I guess my point is that for the most part, if a player is good, they’ll be good on any type of toon.
There was a Dev playing on JQ in WvW yesterday. Poor little lamb just wouldn’t turn his / her tag off so kept getting mauled within seconds
I have two wasted traveler runes after crafting some ascended armor. Can’t remove them from my Exotics because they were from WvW. GG another 18 gold down the drain thanks Anet.
Shameless self promotion but this is a video I made of myself on a power tank necro and a mesmer fighting against 4 enemies on a bloodlust node in WvW. Necromancer can absolutely be effective.
Why do people care so much? lol
3. don’t tell us how good your blob is. it’s a joke! i have not seen one BG guild or mini blob this season fight us when we have equal numbers. (look at your own posted video’s.)
You’re right, we had less numbers
Have you ever thought about upgrading your pc? The graphics looks bizarre.
Ever considered that it’s the compression of the video that does that? Thanks for watching though
3. don’t tell us how good your blob is. it’s a joke! i have not seen one BG guild or mini blob this season fight us when we have equal numbers. (look at your own posted video’s.)
You’re right, we had less numbers
LOL dat music is hilarious!
Lol Dokk you kittening troll.
Big week of WvW next week! If you’re an oceanic player looking for a home to experience the game like never before, be sure to visit our website for application information.
The 1v2 is strong here…
Had a blast during this fight! <3
What kind of issue are you specifically having that could be related to lag?
Skill lag and rubber-banding
What server are you on?
Has there ever been a time when you or a friend are experiencing lag, while others in your party are not?
Yes but that could be down to my own possible internet issues?
Has there ever been a time where one party in a map is experiencing lag, while other parties in that same map are not?
Too difficult to say. It’s generally small amounts of individual people or the entire server
Do you experience the lag at very specific times? For example, when 1 zerg is facing another zerg. If so, can you estimate how many players are in each zerg?
Absolutely. We are used to it being in T1 but it’s not unusual to have a 3 way battle in a garrison consisting of 150+ players in one location. That kind of skill lag is almost unplayable
You even said so in your post that you’ve suggested to “many of [your] usual Commanders, and WvW players, [to take] this time to chill out, train other commanders, do some casual spvp, grind a bit of pve, etc” which basically points to manipulating the score so that BG appears to be the underdog.
What does being the ‘underdog’ give a server? Absolutely nothing.
BTW, we PvE because we need that Ascended Armour bro! #fashionguild
Can’t wait Let the bags flowwww!
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Pinkus.2860
Winter is coming…
Had to read again just due to the pure awesomeness
So I thought I’d share this video with you all which showcases some top level tier 1 WvW play. Our fearless WvW commander Vortex Blade can be seen leading this battle. Enjoy
Warning: There is some crude language in this video. We’re Australian / New Zealanders so don’t hold it against us haha.
The OP put the video in PUBLIC forum and not the BG community can be perceived as chest thumping.
Maybe removed this post and add it to the BG community and it will be discussed less.
The video has been up on our forums for a day longer than it has been here. The decision to post it here was pushed by the community as a whole.
Understand that although our site has a good number of players signed up and a good level of traffic, we can still not share it with everyone on our server through only our own site.
Also this posting has caused a good spike of signups to our forums – visibility is a good thing, and this video is quite visible here according to the statistics.
Cheers to getting our community site out there more!
Takes a swig of his glass full of tears… Mmm so very tasty.
Video of the year goes to RIOT – 100%
That wolf got PWND yo!
While I’m incredibly proud as a Blackgate WvW member to have won season 1, I am also incredibly disappointed with almost every aspect of it. Matchups, structure and rewards. All of it.
Thanks for the lvl 76 exotic though Anet. Much appreciated.
Come join us in WvW tonight for some happy fun times #Blackgateswag
And not a single Anet employee to be seen…
And not a single Anet employee to be seen…
Lazy… Nuff said
I thought you are called ‘Buygate’.
All top tier servers have helped with funding guild transfers. This is fact. Buy Quarry even bought some of our own! Simple fact is BG community will prevail over anything the other servers can throw at us which has been proven time and time again.
Drinks are on me fellow victors!
The only way this whole process is going to work without costing us a fortune is if the Thermocatalytic Reagent becomes a common drop in fractals. Which is wont…
Do the gem store item splitters remove the infusions too? If so this seems like another cheeky way of anet pushing more crap from their gem store because people will be forever needing to remove the infusion to upgrade it to the next level… Or am i missing something here?
God help us. Another QQ about tier 1. Getting a bit tired of JQ blaming BG for everything under the sun. Not our fault all the people who jumped on the JQ bandwagon months ago because you were stacked out the kitten have decided to move on to the next best thing. It’s the nature of those players and it’s been the same since the dawn of time.
Incidentally, does anyone know if having an engineer’s turrets out triggers the Rune of the Ranger set bonus?
Don’t believe so. Same with Necro minions.
Can someone tell SoR that the week is over? We’re trying to karma train in peace here… GAWSH!
Fixing The Living Story Direction
Step One: Hire WoodenPotatoes as the lead writer.
The End
Keep in mind that calls by only one server to try and institute a 2v1 on another usually backfires in that it kitten es off the people targeted and also makes the second party to want to spite you. We’ll try and show respect if you do – keep the vitriol to the minimum please.
I don’t even.
(Excuse my pr0 ninja paint skills to block out top secret name)
You stay classy San Diego
I love how Ignorant most people are about how screwed up every thing is in tier 1.
If any of the tier 1 servers fall tier 1 will turn into a massive 2 server fight with only one winner who will run out of targets as tier 1 ones again turn into the same kind of waste zone it was the last time JQ got stacked.
Am i really the only one that remember the how it was some 10 months ago. Only this time there is no tier 2 to take the place.
Oh we all remember. We’d just rather forget
In all seriousness BG, please please recruit more oceanics. This is 500 tick is boring a hell.
Ahahaha good lord that gave me a solid laugh. You must be new here.
1500 hours of my life back?
cries in a corner
It’s really just the same kitten we went through months ago when Fractals was released and our bags were filling with useless rings… Oh no wait… It’s not the same at all because Teq drops will be rare as kitten
Simple solution to the Mesmer Portals. Alter the mechanics of the JP’s so they work like Guild Rush, needing to pass through (potentially invisible for these JP’s) checkpoints to be able to open the chest.
Also a solution for the ‘Alt Parking’. Once you loot the chest, you immediately get teleported back to the entrance.
But make no mistake. If you didn’t make your Gold from the Queen’s Gauntlet, or Champion farming, you’ll be left behind in terms of wealth. That’s why it’ll be interesting to see how Anet responds to this.
This is incredibly hyperbolous. In the last week, the median player earned less than 3 gold in the new content (that’s discounting all players who earned less than 1 gold).
Please define ‘new content’. Is this QG only or all of the updates aka Champ Farming / Pav Farming.
You throw the Torch to a targeted location and teleport to the location, exploding in spectral flames on both ends, fearing enemies in a radius
The mobility we’ve always wanted, but will never receive
I hope it takes place in the world as the form of a OTE. I’m going to be pretty disappointed if some huge revelation or world shaking event takes place in a living story instance with no other players.
One time events were a really cool unique thing Anet had going with this game, one of the huge problems they had was PvE culling made the events unplayable. Hopefully now that PvE culling is getting fixed they can give it another shot.
Unless they can address the problem of people playing in different time zones or having other commitments, the OTE’s can stay away from this game.
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