If you cant find an Arenanet complaint address, perhaps try NCSoft.
I Guess I am in the minority here but I hated her with a passion
I could not understand why my Charr Engineer would willingly tag along with this ditzy idiot……. but I also dont like contrived deaths of characters and would trade her in a heartbeat for the “wooden” acting and demeanor of Trahearne. At least she had a personality – albeit an irritating one at times
She was over the top and had a strong personality. I also thought she was too ditzy and was quite annoying, but she grew on me. However because she had such a strong personality, there is more chance there are people that also do not like her.
But I would prefer to hate the personality of a character every now and then, than play with entirely bland and forgettable characters.
Bland side characters are difficult to hate, but also difficult to love.
Cant open pictures on this laptop, but better feedback forms are needed and even if this is a satirical thread, it at least shows some up something that should be addressed (like a lot of political humour for example!)
I agree that the forum system is not the best place to voice complaints, it is open to trolls, derailing, moderators, personal attacks and morons (hehe see what I did thar? :P)
But putting complaints neatly on a peice of paper that that can be easily filed away and ignored without any form of discussion or feedback is much worse in my opinion.
I think maybe a petition type system, where one person makes a complaint, this then is open to comments and votes. The complaint can be modified depending on feedback and once it has enough votes, a full written response from areanet should be posted. And I don’t mean 2 lines saying “we are working on it”, unless it is a small complaint.
Maybe the amount of votes required could be a set amount, or the top 5% for the week or something.
Basically an online system more catered to feedback rather than idle discussion.
I used to hate bots, then a whole bunch got banned and the prices on TP rose very high and realised that the comfortable prices of materials etc. was down to them. Now I miss them lol
I enjoy things not costing much as it gives me more freedom in what I want to do. I know others disagree and really it’s difficult to get a price right when people want to spend different amounts of time on the game.
I used to be like you Lutharrr, I had patience (I have a lot of patience in general). I thought I knew where the game was heading and was happy to let it get there in it’s own sweet time. I never complained in the first few weeks that the black lion trader was down, I could deal with the guild interface problems, even the odd DE freeze.
But then everything changed, when the vertical progression got implemented. The whole premise of the game in which I defended for being buggy was destroyed. The way it was communicated, the way we were left to try and peice together our own interpretation of a vague blog post, then get another blog post that said nothing apart from “its not a gear treadmill honest” then get an AMA saying “we never SPECIFICALLY said there wouldnt be vertical progression”.
Arenanet were gods, a true example to the gaming industry, until the lost shores patch. They lost so much respect from me, so now they don’t get my “benefit of the doubt”, they lost my confidence and I feel betrayed.
I play the game as a shadow of its former self, just playing a couple nights a week for 2 hours each go, for social reasons. Let me put that straight – guild wars 2 is a convenient way for me to achieve something that has nothing to do with how well the game is designed.
The only thing that still holds any magic from me is the art and some of the nicer maps in the game, that has nothing to do with game mechanics.
The only thing that is certain about GW2 in the future, is more infusion tiers being rolled out INCREMENTALLY over the course of a year. <- a gear treadmill.
For “scheduled maintenence” to happen, Anet would have to be organised, coherant, stick to their plans and actually know what they are doing.
GW2 suggested they have lost this ability
It’s simple, stuff is balanced around Warrior, and all other classes can suffer as a result! Great design, bravo, bravo.
They should, in my opinion, let you gather a group of companions – possible edit their builds slightly or choose their general fighting style. They could have done this with your childhood friend. As an elementalist could have his friend be very tanky offering a much better experience of the game.
It would hve the double benefit of keeping your childhood friend with you all story, therefore making that character more developed and interesting – and personal to your race/background choices.
/sigh just another American thinking the world revolves around him I bet. Everyone should have got the reward whether they did the event or not imo, because the event was implemented in such a way (one-time only) that meant people all over the world could not get involved.
One time events are bad, and designers should feel bad about using them in their games. Designers should hang themselves for putting very grand rewards for participation in events not all players can POSSIBLY attend.
One-time events should be lasting at least a week, so people with jobs and other committments outside Tyria can get in on the fun THEY PAID FOR.
This whole thing is a big mess because of the bad choices they made with the event. I have no sympathy, they didn’t think out this lost shores shizzle, and I hope they learn from it.
dont forget windersday is coming so more free content. Then there are MASSIVE content updates coming jan and feb. There is loads to look forward to..
Building a house on sand will be easier to build but will fall over, building a house on rock will last much much longer.
Seriously more content where:
1) The game is a buggy mess, key gameplay features just plain don’t work, old AND new content alike
2) Content is built on the principles of vertical progression, and extra numbers being used as an incentive to play said content – rather than the content itself being enjoyable enough without extra numbers to play in.
Mean there is nothing for a lot of us to look foward to when “new content” is announced.
How do you quit something you’re not obligated to play?
No contract, no sub. Play, don’t play, it’s not a big deal. Drama Queens.Soo true.
How can you quit cycling after you have bought the bike? You are not obligated, there is no subscription cost for the bike, therefore you cannot possible quit cycling, even if you never put foot to pedal ever again.
Honestly, basic logic guys, BASIC logic.
If a person stops playing, they are quitting the game. This effects how much money that person then spends on A-net, gem store/expansions/merchandise. If you think quitting it impossible with a product that doesn’t directly cost anything per time spent, try actually using your brain.
(edited by Quaz.4931)
Give em time to put these plans to work and these “panic threads” will die.
I guarantee it.
Panic threads will die, bcause people who hate it will stop playing. You wont have “won” your arguement, you will just have a smaller community.
A-net always uses vague terms when asked a question like “Will ascended be the last tier?”, and they say something like "we “intend” it to be the last tier". Also there is no telling how many infusion tiers there will be. There could be 5, there could be 50.
From my view,
- if they want to put in a gear treadmill, why would they stop after 5 tiers?
- if they dont want to put in a gear treadmill, why are infusion tiers being released OVER THE COURSE OF A YEAR?
I think the lesson learned is actually, don’t get the current top tier armour no matter what. Just get the level or two below it. Sure you will have imperfect stats, but it will be a helluva lot cheaper – and since exotics are now officially going to be imperfect, all effort spent to get exotics in terms of gold (ectos+mats) was wasted effort. Everyone should have stuck with masterwork or rares, as it is much more cost efficient.
Eventually ascended stuff will be much easier/actually realistic to aquire, so get it then. Stay an infusion tier behind the current max infusion tier, cus we know it will be obselete in terms of “max stats” soon enough.
Do the gear treadmill, but do it a cycle behind everyone else. Essentially don’t play the game the designer’s want you to play, cus the way they have set it up screws over a lot of people (a lot of people may actually argue it is BAD design).
Only problem is WvW, but tbh until culling has been fixed, and people stop circling he map in zergs, I dont think armour will affect it much.
Every person that has played War/Guard and at least one other proffessions has said it is much much easier to PvE with war/guard. I get the impression most pve is balanced around war/guards – I have yet to play my guard so I can’t give a personal opinion.
He was in charge of balancing in GW1 and as such communicated quite a bit with the community. I understand he moved to a more broad role for GW2, but I personally haven’t seen anything said by him apart from a few blog posts a few years ago.
I don’t follow dev diaries and announcements 100%, so does anyone know if this guy is still around?
ps. Sorry Izzy for blaming you for bad balancing back in my adolescence, I was young and thought I knew it all!
I’m pretty sure you dont get much in the way of an award, even if you DO get the chest lol.
It’s to stop people “abusing” mob placement and kill upwards of 5 or 6 mobs at once!! Specially while underwater.
Just make the mob lose interest after a certain point, don’t make them invulnerable – it makes no sense ~.~
I used to play quite a lot, stopped with implementation of new gear and AMA confirming new tiers of upgrades will be implemented slowly to give people progression. Also as people have brought to light, level caps will be raised with expansions – “anyone can increase the length of the experience bar and call it content” – Isiah Cartwright
Vertical progression is not progression at all, as you are staying in the same place skill wise, it encourages time played > skill, and so makes casuals who dont play much weaker with every new stat increase implemented.
All this new tier/level cap says to me, is that Arenanet can’t sell their game on their content anymore, they don’t think it will be fun enough to play by itself and thus need to actively “force” encourage people to go to new content with increased numbers → the easiest way to encourage people to go to new content.
I only play now with my girlfriend as we are in a long distance relationship and virtual interaction helps us feel closer.
Is there a SINGLE mmo that has less of a grind then this game?
Is there a SINGLE Western superpower that has more poverty than Africa, guess we should stop fighting povety in advanced countries cus really – its not THAT bad compared to others.
I see the argument that “its not as bad as other MMOs” to be a terrible point to try and make.
The difference I think people want to see, is that “grind” is not synomous with “farm”. People enjoyed farming plinx until the nerf, for example. The question really becomes, what makes something a farm rather than a grind?
- Well a sense of reward equal to the effort put in for one (how about getting at least 1 T6 mat when finishing a jumping puzzle? Especially for the first time)
– Varied challenge, in this game’s context I would say more farmable DE’s that have EQUAL efficiency (essentially we need more copies of Plinx around Tyria, that way people can move around the world keeping things fresh)
- Achievements/goals that give appropriate rewards when completed, (how about daily dungeon challenges that change.. well every day. A random 200% dungeon token bonus from the first run of a randoly chosen dungeon each day – to get people to do different dungeons)
It doesn’t take much to encourage varied farm, monthly achievement goes a small way to encouraging this.. but this month it is encouraging people in Fractals.. which is the ONE place people want a reason to NOT run. What gets me is that they had a really good system in GW1 that encourages people to do random missions around the whole world, and they havent put it in gw2. GW1 did a lot of things right that GW2 just hasn’t implemented, I’d hope they learn from their success not just their mistakes.
Why is it acceptable for an MMO to be in development for a long time, and still be released with a loads of bugs and outright unplayable content? (looking at dynamic events, dungeon steps and personal story missions that block progress due to bugs)
If this happened in a non MMO game, people would demand money back and the game would be thrown into the bin.
Do we accept it, because MMOs get a lot of updates, so there is hope everything will EVENTUALLY be fixed, but why so many release bugs that people accept? – Specially with all the betas and stress tests!
Balance takes time and will always change, that I can accept
Graphic bugs, vary depending on computer spec, must be a nightmare to fix, that I can accept
Dynamic events and skill bugs -> these are the CORE of the game, and they dont work as intended.
The laugh of it is, and others have raised it, is that Arenanet is releasing new content before they have fixed their core issues. They are releasing content at a faster rate than they are fixing bugs, suggesting they may NEVER catch up and the game will always be broken and buggy in a significant way.
PS. This is more of a thinking question than an attack, I also am more likely to accept a broken skill or event in this game, whereas if the equivilant were to happen in a single player game I would demand money back (or at least stop playing).
Q: Why?
A: Because A-net spent a lot of effort making FEW characters have any real personality that comes through in the story, and then kills them off in a hope that you will feel emotions for a brief minute. Therefore we are left with the second thought characters to make up the gap… and Trahearne.
Instead, how about killing off characters we don’t care about, giving us a sense of mortality and danger in the world, but keeping the charismatic and well thought out characters alive in order to flesh out the story and surrounding universe.
ps. I am not opposed to killing lovable characters, I am opposed to killing the ONLY lovable characters.
The hate comes from the fact you clutter up the minimap and give no benefit to anyone in return.
One or two is fine, I just ignore them, but as more people get the gold to buy these things, I am assuming there will be a more sophisticated way to stop commanders showing up on the map!
Something that came to mind when all the controversy over this vertical levelling shizzle. I always assumed that players majoritively wanted horizontal progression due to the fact this is a sequel of a game that strongly advocated it. However there does seem to be several different responses to the vertical progression, in sum
1) Vertical progression is part of what makes an MMO an MMO
2) Dont mind either way
3) I bought gw2 purposely because it was presumed to have only horizontal progression
This has been refered to as a “split” in the community, causing friction and a lot of people in favour of horizontal progression to complain, leave, play less, boycott gem store etc.
Well if this split in the community has been realised, why not just split the game? Gw2 already has a way to split up the players, particularly in a way that gets people that speak the same language or are from the same country to play together. I am of course talking about the seperate worlds!
Why not have horizontal progression only worlds? I would have thought it would not be too difficult to keep armour stats peaked, the same content would be played on both world types, but some would grind for skins, others would grind for stats.
The only immediate problem I came across when thinking about this would be WvW and guesting. A couple solutions come to mind:
1) Scale up or scale down armour stats to a universal level, either horizontal or vertical level
2) Completely split the two world types apart, never allowing them to interact with one another (except for spvp)
spvp can be whatever stats they want, because the armour is free and always top tier (from what I understand!), so wouldn’t be affected by this.
This way you can stop trying to please everyone while satisfying no one!
Thoughts/feedback on this idea?
Let’s all the nice to the people who sold us a game that they are not delivering, as consumers let our favourite lying company walk all over us, let’s not let it get personal guys – the manifesto only sold the game to us on an emotional level using developers instead of actors to sell the game. Sounds good!
I do agree that attacking the middle-men and programmers is pointless, you dont blame the cashier if the supermarket has ran out of your favourite soft drink do you? But as someone mentioned, SOMEONE has made these decisions, so lets be angry about it!
Please for the love of Grenth, stop trying to turn this game into GW1. I understand that you all loved the game, I get it, but guess what? It still exists. If you want to play GW1, go play it. GW2 is its own game, it will have differences. You may not like or appreciate those differences and you are free to make that known, but please stop saying “because GW1 was this way, GW2 needs to be too.” They are two different games, and GW2 does not have the same design philosophy as GW1. This is a GOOD thing, it makes the game unique and worth playing for what it is.
WoW still exists, it is that way →
Please for the love of Grenth, stop trying to turn this game into a WoW clone. I understand that you all love WoW clones, I get it, but guess what? They still exist. If you want to play a WoW clone, go play one. GW2 is its own game, it will have differences. You may not like or appreciate those differences and you are free to make that known, but please stop saying “because a WoW clone was this way, GW2 needs to be too.” They are two different games, and GW2 does not have the same design philosophy as as a WoW clone. This is a GOOD thing, it makes the game unique and worth playing for what it is.
I have not played diablo, but does diablo have explorable lobbies? With interactive events?
Maybe in some ways diablo is an mmo, from what I vaguely understand it has it’s own economy and you play with other people, it’s all online based. That checks a lot of boxes.
What I would agree with that gw1 does not fit @neatly" into the typical conception of an MMO, but really it is still an MMO.
But since I have written MMO for the hundredth time in 2 posts, I have become disiullusioned. Call it what bloody want, call diablo a point and click MMO, call GW1 a cooprpg, I mean it was basically the same as fable or some modded oblivion or something right?
MMO is a broad genre that encompasses many things, GW was built in the image of an MMO. Debating the tag seems pointless, GW had many MMO aspects, more than any other genre I know about.
Genres are not templates, they are ideas, concepts. You are correct when you say gw1 was not a typical/normal MMO, or even that it did not have a lot of things MMOs usually would be expected to have, but it was still an MMO.
This is a problem with persistant worlds that everyone loves so much. Some people have ideas how to solve it, but it makes me chuckle when I think back to how gw1 never had this problem.
The problem is only evident when running around solo, if there was a better party search system maybe people would explore/node run with pugs in a more casual sense.
No I wouldn’t, because I wasn’t there, one time events yay! Everyone has fun! (apart from those who dont!)
I love how people STILL try and convince themselves guild wars 1 was not an MMO LMAO.
Guys, seriously.. it was an online based game, with a massive amount of players interacting with each other constantly.
Does a game not count as an FPS if it isn’t based around corridors and shooting middle easterners/Russians?
Does a game not count as RPG unless you get to choose different story arcs based on player choices?
Genres are VERY BROAD, many overlap with each other. The only purpose of them is to give customers and designers a GENERAL idea about the format of the game.
I have no idea what people are trying to prove by trying to say that massive online game, guild wars 1, was not an MMO.
Yes gw1 was different, it’s world was MOSTLY (not entirely) instanced, which I think led to a much better game (but thats my opinion and different topic). Just because it had a different set up to what you may assume from an MMO, by no means invalidates it as an MMO.
(Is guild wars 2 even a fantasy game? I mean there are no elves anywhere!)
WoW set up a successful format of MMOs, it did NOT define what an MMO should be.
this kinda thought pattern is WHY game developers for mainstream games have such a hard time pushing anything new/innovative, because YOU GUYS can’t seem to contemplate something being different, GW1 did not create a new genre, maybe it created a sub genre, but was still an MMO.
havent A-net said somewhere that they don’t want to communicate too much so they wont be held to their quotes? I am not sure whether that was an official statement or not, but the lack of red posts answering questions on this new patch shows it a bit.
In order to communicate clearly, they themselves must have a clear plan that THEY understand. Does not give me much confidence that they have anything planned out properly long term.
Diablo 3? That really popular game that lost l it’s players a few months after launch because it was a big dissapointment?
Hopefully guild wars 2 does not mirror this, hopefully it will not be as disapointing as D3. Let’s see what happens.
I don’t understand why people defend the game as “it’s the best thing going so you can’t complain”. A-net made a new tier of armour, which goes against their design philo, which is what people bought the game for.
A-net aren’t untouchable, we may like them (although a lot of people like them less right now lol), but they are still open to critique about such a key issue.
Aside from the mechanical problem of scaling, I think adding stuff like catpults etc. on a tonne of events might be a waste of resource.
More level 80 explorables with their own dynamic events that work like plinx would spread out the number of players. The game isn’t really fully released yet, lost shores isnt an expansion – its something that is part of the game you have already bought, Anet is just introducing it incrementally to avoid too many bugs and to ensure they don’t stretch their resources too far (I would assume).
I think a focus on more DEs, rather than better scaling for current DEs is a better way to attack the problem. More advanced scaling would probably also mean more potential bugs.
I absolutely disagree. I also resent the notion that the game is not fully released. The full release was well over a month ago. That Anet keeps adding to the game in order to gain a continous revenue stream doesnt mean this is a beta.
On the Topic of DEs though: Improving the scaling of DEs is a very important issue that has to be adressed. Both to equalize the playing field for professions with different game mechanics that have an uphill battle competing for tags (mesmer is a good example) and, more importantly, to keep the game fun. Right now DE scaling too easily slips into a total yawn, with several waves but each obliterated within a second of appearing. That’s simply not fun. There are workarounds that usually involve leaving the area and doing something else. Not exactly a solution that should become standard.
To fix the described problems I suggest they add slight hp scaling based on amount of players participating, add some veterans at certain player number thresholds and if it makes sense for the event include different monster types (ranged and melee) so not all of them are caught in the same AoE spam.
Your suggestions of more DEs all over the world are still good too, of course, but you cant just slap more paint on a rusty spot and expect the underlying problem to go away. Fix the DE scaling first, then work on more events and variety.
I still disagree (although I sense we will have to agree to disagree on this one! :P) Adding more veterans is all well and good, it will slow down DE’s and give people a chance to hit the mob before it dies – but it wont increase the challenge very much. This is a game designed around parties of 5, with so many people buffing allies and debuffing enemies, a group of 20 can steamroll almost anything. Aside from group events with champions that one shot everything.. but even still with 5 guardians buffing you it’s going to be hard to die o.o
More complicated scaling such as catapults would be complex to implement on already existing events, and I am convinced would lead to more bugs. DEs don’t have to be very complicated yet they still bug out constantly.
New DE’s in current areas, why not protect a trading caravan that goes through several explorables? Make a stream of caravans go from lion’s arch to arah, a new one starts every hour or so.
I am all for outward scaling, if it doesn’t bug, doesn’t prevent new content from being developed, and encourages better play style. (hitting enemies that take longer to kill is not a better play style, it just makes the event last longer)
Maybe it is better to encourage brand new DE;s that are designed from the ground up to be farmed constantly, therefore attract big crowds, and scale in a complex and challenging way. Rather than amend current DEs.
casual friendly and catered sololy for are 2 very different things.
Sorry I should have rephrased that,
This game was built from the ground up to be a casual MMO, particularly if Guild Wars 1 was anything to go by. Being hardcore friendly is fine, as long as it doesn’t impede the relative stat based power of casuals.
Content, no experience bars or rare drops, were what was marketed to me and that is what I expect. Skill > Grind is the manifesto in a nutshell, I should be able to PvE for 2 hours a day, while you PvE for 8 hours a day and the only thing that should impact our ability to run a dungeon is our skills (reaction times, team coordination, problem solving etc.) sure you may get prettier items than me, but I still get to play the dungeon as well as you can.
I always wonder why people cry about having no time yet decide to play a bloody MMO. Stick to your xbox then.
I think you are on the wrong forum, this is the “Guild Wars 2” forum, not the Eve, WoW, Lortro, Runescape … forum o.o
No im in the correct forum. Or would my views only be worth something if they acknowledge your a special snowflake who is so important you cant possibly play to much on a game.
Funny your time is such a rare comodity yet your wasting it on a forum about a game.
I use the forum to have momentary breaks at work, to allow me to refocus on what I was doing (atm I am doing something quite monotonous).
The game was sold as something casual friendly, casuals don’t have much time to play. Therefore adhereing to the hardcore crowd makes the casuals (or rather those with committments outside of gaming) annoyed, can you now see the problem?
I always wonder why people cry about having no time yet decide to play a bloody MMO. Stick to your xbox then.
I think you are on the wrong forum, this is the “Guild Wars 2” forum, not the Eve, WoW, Lortro, Runescape … forum o.o
You want quick-fast, casual, cheap, nuggets of video game to snack on in between your busy life? Go play Super Mario. MMOs are supposed to be time-consuming.
This one wasn’t meant to be time consuming like other MMOs, it’s the whole reason a lot of people bought it
I have a not-so-stressful or time consuming job, typically 9-5. I get home around 6, have dinner and tidy up, so its about 7 before I have any “free” time. Now put into that time for commitments such as family/friends/girlfriends (those take the most time hehe), and other hobbies or responsibilities.
I go to bed 10:30-11, that gives me 3/4 hours a day of free time in which I have to fit a whole bunch of stuff. I really dont see why I should be penalised because some unemployed guy plays 12 hours a day, I used to be able to do that sometimes as a student, but not any more. Gives those guys something to work for, a vanity item, legendaries titles, thats fine – that has no impact on me or the relative effectiveness of my gear.
I mean obviously having 7k posts in one thread is a really good idea and all, but how about a sub forum to let people bleed out their miserable guts with this betrayal of design philosophy.
Mods you cannot keep up with the amount of Armour threads, and having that many posts in one thread is counter productive for people to be able to take part in discussions.
Also would mean the Guild Wars 2 general discussion isn’t flooded with the same topics, people asking about Lost Shores event time and such are being drowned out.
Just an idea, what do ya think?
People aren’t over reacting, they are just making it perfectly clear to A-net what they think about this “addition”.
Maybe it wont stop this ‘ascended’ tier, but the outcry may hopefully stop any further tiers being introduced
There’s nothing to stop. They have already said:
“Our goal is not to create a gear treadmill. Our goal is to ensure we have a proper progression for players from exotic up to legendary without a massive jump in reward between the two. We will slowly add the remaining ascended gear items and legendary items in future updates to allow people time to acquire them as we add exciting new content that deserves exciting rewards. We will not be adding a new tier of gear every 3 months that we expect everyone to chase after and then get the next set and so on.”
There are no future tiers.
That response came a day after these complaint threads started, so maybe they listened to us then? Anyway I just hope it is the last tier, I am willing to forgive them this mess once. Honestly even if I was just aware of this tier first I would have been fine, I wouldnt have bothered with exotics and focused on making ults instead.
People aren’t over reacting, they are just making it perfectly clear to A-net what they think about this “addition”.
Maybe it wont stop this ‘ascended’ tier, but the outcry may hopefully stop any further tiers being introduced
I want the content to give me reason to play, not the number on a rare drop. That is what was advertised and that is was OP is saying we want. I think he is making a fair assumption.
I bet some guys worked really hard on this new content, but somebody at A-net (or maybe nc soft) was like “nah this is rubbish, nobody will play the game just for this – make them HAVE to play it, change that number on that ring a bit”
When new and exciting content is seen as a compulsory set backwards, it’s hard to thank people for it. Specially when it will ultimately mean exotics, that people have worked hard for (specially casuals) mean less and less with each new armour peice put into tyria.
Developer’s hard work has gone to shame, and I feel sorry for them.
The acquisition of full exotic gear was simply too fast. Some people claim it’s a massive grind, but if you actually played the game, it took just a few days of playing a few hours a day to get an entire set through crafting. The only point of doing the dungeons was for the skins. Personally, I had enough karma to buy a full set of karma gear once I reached Orr around a week after launch.
They could have made ascended items have the same stat distribution as exotics, but then there would be no incentive to actually aquire them. The whole point is to extend the game. Without a carrot, most people will simply quit.
It was even quicker in guild wars 1, and you are quite simply wrong about people quitting without a stat incentive. Guild Wars 1 is still being played, it is a living example of the fact vanity items are the only carrots needed to keep this playerbase happy.
Sure some people would quit, those are not the kind of players I or any other guild wars 1 player would expect to play this game for a long time, the problem is A-net wants to cash in on them I guess.
Content should be the driving force behind the game, not stats on armour. Even call of duty has expansions (DLC) that show this better, and that is just a cash cow low innovation game that gets spewed out every year. I have never played a game of CoD without a DLC and thought to myself (god kitten he has that new gun that you have to grind for with the expansion, I cant beat him). In fact why not give hardcore people the option to “prestige” since it suits their play style better without penalising casuals.
“Our goal is to ensure we have a proper progression for players from exotic up to legendary without a massive jump in reward between the two”
So you are saying you want to give a midway point for people trying to make legendary weapons, so they don’t feel compelled to farm plinx all the time? That is fair enough and a good idea.
Why do we need armour with better stats to do it?
Guild Wars 1 – The most expensive armour (obsidean) had no better stats than 1.5k armour. 15k armour was the “mid-point” you talk about, which also had the same stats as 1.5k armour.
You had Underworld and Fissue of Woe – 2 high level dungeons required to craft Obsidean armour, that required no special armour to farm in. As far as I know, that worked fine? Or did it not and my perception is skewed?
By all means give people a midway point with vanity items, but why give a midway point with better stat items?
Also why is this all being implemented slowly? To stop people actually having max gear for as long as possible? (???) Why can’t we get ascended gear in all dungeons after this update? (for example).
When I heard about racial skills and how they would not give an advantage to particular races, I was quite pleased – however now racials feel either underpowered or outright useless, usually with very long cooldowns.
Why not make racial skills useful (appropriate power/cooldown) but give all races the same skills but reskin the animations. Hounds of bathazar (human), Wolves of the pale Tree (Sylvari), Combat golems (Asura), Wolf spirit ..Wolves (Norn), and I dunno a pair of mini tanks or something for the charr :P
This would make using the racial skills feel useful and also highlight and complement the race you are playing.
The only problem I would see is balancing these skills with different proffessions, so maybe different proffessions get one racial skill each instead?
It would be some work I’d imagine, making new animations etc. so maybe this is an idea for future skill expansions.
“8% isnt that much” so I assume you dont have any exotics? Rares are fine for you right?
Reading forum threads is optional as well, I honestly don’t know what these optional-bandits are trying to achieve. I mean why get worked up about what people say in the forum? The forum is optional.
400 crafting is already pretty much redundant at this point since too many people already have one or more at 400. only purpose 400 crafting have at this point is to make legendary weapons.
Yes those armour and weapon crafting proffessiona are really pointless, apart from being able to craft the current highest level armour and weapons.
Buying on the TP will be more expensive (but less time consuming potentially) than doing it yourself. I do not believe the economy was ever meant to be run on players crafting abilities, at the moment crafting certainly isnt useless.
People are already threatening to leave just on the IDEA of a treadmill, I will leave if a single other tier is added. I hope they put the breaks on or go full grind, either way they have made a mistake.
This is meant to be a casual mmo, for people that only have a couple hours a day (daily achievements? 30 minutes dungeon paths opposed to several hours for a single dungeon run?)
It will be interesting to see how players react to the game in the next year.
I am just glad I havent paid for any gems yet, and I wont for a long time – until I am rest assured that the money I put into the game will be well invested.