Showing Posts For Raven.1524:

Yet another, "fastest way to level"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


after lvl 30, you get pretty much 1 lvl or 50% of the lvl from any dungeon on story mode.

[Suggestion] NPC Languages

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


As we all know, we can read some of the languages through masteries on the maguuma jungle.
What if, the NPC’s made strange noises like, I don’t know if anyone played [Ori and the Blind Forest], but they make strange sounds as they talk. And maybe later when you master the language you can listen it on english.
Do you guys think it’s too much trouble for nothing?


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Raven.1524


Wouldn’t it be great if there was a special mastery focused only on the choice you made on the core game? (Durmand Priory, Order of Whispers, Vigil)
Also, about the Guilds, maybe also get missions depending on the order you choose.
Or maybe dungeon tracks where depending on the order of the members you can discover new things, like a new path if your priory mastery is higher, or another path if your whispers mastery is higher so you can persuade an npc, or maybe bash a wall if you are a member of the vigil.
This is simply a crude Idea, but I would like to hear any opinions

To be continued...

in Living World

Posted by: Raven.1524


Hi there! It’s been a lot of fun to be playing gw2 HoT living story, but I was wondering if more episodes will be added or a new chapter will be born.
I personally would prefer to pay for a new chapter with a 2 week delay on release? Not now of course. And why paid? A well funded company usually tends to give better content….
Said that… I like some of Anet decitions but I personally never liked NCSoft, and Im really sorry if i offended someone but it’s my preference.
Anyways, what do you guys think of continuing the HoT story? Please don’t post spoilers for the people who didn’t finish the story :p

Client unable to connect to login server [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Raven.1524


Ok this is ridiculous Arena could at least put a post in the login client letting us know their is an issue! Get your kitten together Arena!

For gods freaking mustache sake!! “THERE IS”,“THERE IS”!!!!!!

Client unable to connect to login server [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Raven.1524


Internet my butt! Just a mistake by Anet.

This type of posts makes me wonder if people actually read the previous posts before posting something.
Also, they didnt purposely writte that message, the system interprets it’s an issue like that. Kinda like when people say someone needs to eat more because they are skinny but in fact thats an issue caused by a massive amount of kitten……. ok, i guess i had too much internet for the day. -.-

Unable to login/Disconnected After Map Change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I guess this is a good time to pop up this little video I found on the internet :P

I’m not even mad actually… I’m just sleepy after playing and working for days… I guess this issues came so I could get some sleep.

Issues with the Gem Store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


So, I was browsing the internet and found this video:

I know it’s reaaaally old, but It made me wonder.. I love the game, also find the expansion really fun, totally worth the money, and I wouldn’t mind spending more on it but..
I guess that video made me kinda suspicious of our money going to Anet or somewhere else…. We pretty much care about supporting Anet, not NCSoft or their games.

I personally hope I’m overreacting, and I don’t really care if most of it, is invested on upgrading the game or not, I just don’t like the idea of the possibility of some crappy middleman taking the things that are meant for someone else.

Chat box

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I wonder if a chatbox feature could be implemented on the forums, and if its possible only when you have to choose a category so it doesnt bother much.
It would also be great if it were to be portable to an api.
Just a simple isea for simple people who wanna chat woth other players when they cant play. :p

Killing Logan is our Slogan

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


So queen
Much leave

So I was watching a show~

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Yeah but it’s still fun to see it :P

So I was watching a show~

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I was happily watching The Big Bang Theory when suddenly… A wild Guild Wars 2 game box pops up :p

No Elite Specialization LORE? [Spoiler]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Raven.1524


One thing I learned from final fantasy xiv while i waited for the hot release, was that a separate lore for a toon skill progression is awesome and could have been far more interesting on the leveling from 1-80 while you level up learning about your class. Zaithan could have come later, after you hit 80.
Now, about the gw2 game as it is… well, its not perfect. But it’s fun, and i have been enjoying the progression without focusing on the grind and eventually unlocked half of mt elite spec and all the new maps (not 100%of course) just playing and exploring. so.. its fun, im not quite sure why people are so eager to rush and get everything.

Exactly. When I played Final Fantasy 14 Online, they had lore for the classes there. They were tied into the game. Arena Net just slapped on the Elite specs, and made us work hard for it, with no LORE attached. The only thing we get with the Revenant, is constant questions to Rytlock, and rytlock just continues to say “Not now, later.” Smh, this is highly upsetting.

Thank god Im a Role Player, so I can just make up my own stories, but its still not good enough. ANET needs to look at how Square enix handles their lore in FFXIV, and try something in the future with the classes and elite specs that we have.

I simply wanted to say this, I never considered FFXIV to be an mmo. Just a FF game with multiplayer features, it’s personally more enjoyable that way.
I believe Anet can learn some things from sqare enix, but I also believe squaresoft can learn a lot of things from anet…. like the bot issues in there and other stuff xD
Anyways, I wanted to clarify that I love both games, and I wont take sides :p

No Elite Specialization LORE? [Spoiler]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Raven.1524


One thing I learned from final fantasy xiv while i waited for the hot release, was that a separate lore for a toon skill progression is awesome and could have been far more interesting on the leveling from 1-80 while you level up learning about your class. Zaithan could have come later, after you hit 80.
Now, about the gw2 game as it is… well, its not perfect. But it’s fun, and i have been enjoying the progression without focusing on the grind and eventually unlocked half of mt elite spec and all the new maps (not 100%of course) just playing and exploring. so.. its fun, im not quite sure why people are so eager to rush and get everything.

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Raven.1524


Has Anet said anything? Is this new difficulty here to stay? I would like to know if I need to start looking for a new MMO to play with friends.

The difficulty was overwhelmingly approved of during beta test play. So much so, that when a bug caused a brief drop in difficulty to the same levels as core map, there was huge outporing of negative feedback. Anet came out and said the diffuclty nef was unintended as it was to be restored to (how it is now) for launch.

Like it or hate it, it is here to stay at least for now. What they do later down the line (ie like Orr) is another matter.

Dang, oh well I’ll grind the Halloween event then play something else in the hopes GW2 is casual game again…

uh… I’m a casual player and didn’t have any issues with the difficulty o-o?? It’s not impossible, it’s just a little hard that’s all

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Raven.1524


Solo players cannot advance in the new content, and any decent publisher would disclose such a fundamental change prior to taking your money.

Er… Why do people keep having issues with the solo run? I didn’t have problems at all, and think I can even manage to clear the personal story without dying on my 2nd run if I do so. o_O

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Sometimes I wonder if people are mad because they didn’t get everything when they started playing HoT or because they don’t really take their times to play it. It’s not a friggin race -.-

We Don't Make Grindy Games

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Lol, you guys…

Possible to use controller?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Sorry but you will have to use a 3rd party. Anet does not seem to have any issues with the use of “xpadder” so, that might be your best shot.

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I want my asura to be able to mount norns lol, that vould be fun xD
Joking aside, mounts with no movespeed increase would be nice.

Valkyrie Ascended Trinkets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I would be happy getting forsaken sets.

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Raven.1524


Um, why not simply play it normally while you eventually unlock stuff as you get used to it?
I personally prefer enjoying the game rather than rushing it to the part I want to experience the most.
Its far more fun if you treat it like an adventure.

Veteran MMO Players: A Few Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I started playing pristontale as my first mmo, went to RO, then a lot of other korean grindfest mmo games. Until I finally played DCUO and discovered the true value of dev support getting the membership and losing my virginity on the cash shop, mostly because I loved the story and started to love comics. Then, I end up getting FFXIV and GW2… now I can’t go back to any korean grindy games nor any F2P. Which is kinda weird since ’Im korean xD
Kitten me, right?

As Kitten...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


How about if the forum puts in a picture of a kitten instead of the word kitten?

lol omg perfect


GW2 Causing Issues with Second Monitor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raven.1524


Just check that tou are not running 93736 programs on the back.

Light Adaptation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


So, I’ve heard a lot of people toggle this on to travel really dark caves and stuff, which is true since it kinda works.
But this morning I toggled the option on and I was really amazed.
It’s a far more useful feature when you play the game in a bright room and you have all of the glory of the sun burning your face down through the window.
So let’s go play gw2 outside in the sun now

Action Camera: Further Information

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Xbox controller testing phase 2 here i come

Chinese version > American? why

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


No. Just No.
Buying precursors in that way would be a terrible thing to have, sorry if you are having bad luck getting one but please dont wish for bad features

Lol, true but still funny

Action Combat coming!/stream notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


It would be like banning every gaming mouse with customizable keys

Chinese version > American? why

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


It actually funny that some adian mmos have such a distorted sense of taste regarding voice, sexuality (talking specially abput the pedobear hidden on the closet), yet no one bats an eye.
If they can sell us that crap with us taking it as normal from them, why do we have to cope with some screwup lawst hey have?
I honestly wouldnt have any type of issue if the publishers of cn gw2 ended the localization in 3 or 4 month… but no they had to delay 1 freaking year of content just so you can bring their “customized” version of the game.
Honestly I have no idea why am I really mad or what I’m mad at, problably the need to localize everything because of a country laws for a friggin game.
Yet another part of me is saying, “at least I truly hope anet profited on that project”.
I would be so happy if the localization of everything on the internet consisted simplys on some translations and nothing more….. yet that’s just a dream.

Action Combat coming!/stream notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Who’s betting they will crack down on those “tools” once this is out.

This tools?

Playing from China

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


translation… stop playing while in China, too much to do and see. If you play, play on EU server cuz ping. night time is better then daytime for population. he takes a 3 month break due to fesivities all the time.

Thank you, that was far more coherent

Lack of official merchandise- Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Bring us the merchandise!!! Rawr!!! For some reason I believe the gw2 toaster might not sell as much as a t-shirt.
But a quaggan backpack…… =)

Playing from China

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


o man … ok I tell u everything

ok here is what happen

u need play EU not NA

u can play EU at night quite well but at day time a lot frustration
ur game stays the language u had before since u are still on ur old server so no change at all .

time difference 7 hours

last tip quit the game man …

u are I china stop wasting it on the game

I make all the times 3 months breaks since china is a tiger and if u don’t focus u miss all the fun

Em…. wut?? Lol sorry but that post is funny as hell xD

Chinese version > American? why

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Do no one is mentioning it? China gw2 is a p2w version of the original. Tou are locked pretty much from anything if you don’t subscribe.
I say p2w instead of subscription because the original idea of the game is for it to be a buy to play.
Plus we don’t get our negative reviews of the game shut down and deleted from Anet like their crappy publisher on CN. It’s totally not Anet fault, but I hate to think that we wasted 1 year of localization for the cn publishers to destroy the experience of cn players, when we could have used that year to add more content on the global, eu, servers.

If Trahearne ends up becoming a Mordrem...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


What if he becomes a mordrem champion?

Do I gotta buy HOT Twice?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Raven.1524


You could always buy 2 games to support the devs though

Best/worst Kick reasons (Fun)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I kicked the computer after crashing on tequatal… Oh it wasn’t that type lf kicks? well at least now I have an excuse to get a new pc.

Guildwars 2 would be AMAZING on Xbox One

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I actually got an xbox controller to work for GW2 when it first came out. There where simply not enough buttons. Also ground targeting while running did not work at all, you were at a massive disadvantage in PVP and WVW.

The ground targeting part is true, you can’use it while running.
But the thing about the controller not having enough buttons.. You can easly get up to 40 different combinations pressing 2 keys and it isn’t complicated to do if it’s used by someone who is used to any controller.

60+ combinatins if you hate yourself. Anyways, I see many people saying the controller does not have enough buttons… Sometimes I wonder if the issue lays in the fact that they don’t know how to configure the Xpadder.

Btw, is the word “lays” written correctly? Lol

Guildwars 2 would be AMAZING on Xbox One

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


As a controller user, Im currently running it with the xpadder + ICM.
There are 2 main issues:
1. It’s hard to manage the inventory with the right analog stick.
2. Same issue as 1, but with the ground targetting skills while running. (Like necro wells)

On the plus side, the ICM mod holds down your right click as long as you don’t open any menus, so it feels more action-like.

I hope it helps.

Ps: we might have a chance if we could track most of the menues and position the mouse to move on the x,y locations of each window grid, ok/cancel, etc tab. But thats a lot of work and might not be worth it, not to mention any potential uses for malign purposes -.-

Forsaken set

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Thanks Sir Alymer, I decided to change my build to full cavalier armor and cleric accesories for primary healing. Don’t quite need crit chance since shroud gives me 50%

Just another returning player story...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


As a DC fan, I approve :P

Forsaken set

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524

Raven.1524 The stats you’re looking for are called Valkyrie. Primary power, secondary vitality and ferocity.

Valkyrie is cool, but lacks the healing for my sustain and I went with thoughness instead of vit because i last longer on heavy hitters.

Forsaken set

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I was wondering why is the firsaken stat set on the wiki if there’s no armor aet with those stats. (Power-thoughness-healing)
I’m a well necro with blood magic and shroud damage, hitting around 4-6k per hit since i stack might and vulne pretty quickly. But im using cleric sets.
Forsaken would be awesome with ferocity-power-vitality focused accessories, since shroud gives me 50% crit chance.

But, well.. I was kinda sad to notice there’s no stat set like that, or maybe I’m kinda ignorant.
Any of you guys have an idea of why are those stats on the wiki?

I'm so happy with the reaper for 1 reason

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Raven.1524


I would like to simply share the fact that I’m honestly really happy with the reaper utility skills and the lack of ground targeted skills.
Why? I love my Xbox controller xD
Now I’ll dedicate myself to dream about managing my inventory with my controller since that seems quite harsh.
Anyways, Anet.. Thanks for making me change my wellomancer necro for HoT. My controller also sends his thanks. Lol.

Good job adding boss timers for raids....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I despise raid timers which is why I don’t play FFXIV but I think with tuning they can allow for non speed run groups to complete the raids while preventing fully safe Soldiers and Nomads geared groups from completing the instance. While I hate them, I recognize that GW2 is a nightmare to balance with the amount of evades and immunity and healing available.

I believe you still gotta admit that it’ll be great if gw2 had the cool controller support from FFXIV. It’s sad but im playing it for that xD

I play GW2 with a controller. Xpadder + a few tweaks and you’re set up. And its a very smooth experience too.

Message me if you’d like to know more

True, but its hard to play with the xpadder when Im a well necro. Maybe I just suck at using the controller.
Also, FFXIV content is tooo easy even on the expansion, maybe that is another reason for controller users to have some difficulties on GW2, which is awesome. I wish we could find a balance between the Xpadder + semi-action oriented combat + a way to use ground skills.
I’ve gotta admid that im truly happy with the reaper and his lack of ground targeted skills, I would have an orgasm if I could better manage my inventory iwth the controller though xD

Good job adding boss timers for raids....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I despise raid timers which is why I don’t play FFXIV but I think with tuning they can allow for non speed run groups to complete the raids while preventing fully safe Soldiers and Nomads geared groups from completing the instance. While I hate them, I recognize that GW2 is a nightmare to balance with the amount of evades and immunity and healing available.

I believe you still gotta admit that it’ll be great if gw2 had the cool controller support from FFXIV. It’s sad but im playing it for that xD

I miss Scarlet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Honestly, I have no idea if I miss Scarlet or just Tara Strong

Question about posting some stuff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I was wondering, If we happen to find some RMT sites, is there a specific part of the forum where you could post them so someone could take measures? or I have to keep reporting them on the support tab? I really wish there were a “report malicious sites” tab to make t easier, and maybe even make a filter for those sites you already got on your system.

Help, grind is so very boring.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Sometimes I start to believe that some people lack the patience to learn about the game mechanics, nor even check how the UI works. I see a lot of persons complaining about the grind and inmediately say to myself “renown hearts”.
I mean, you can basically reach lvl 25 starting as a 1 in like 3 hours just by doing so.
I know a lot of people are used to the korean mmo grindfest which is horrible but sometimes I believe the noob handholding guides in most of the games makes the average mmo player kida braindead.
Sorry pal, not saying you are, I’m just generalizing.