Showing Posts For Raven.1524:

Story missions too unfair for solo players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I also saw some people streaming using the mouse to click on their skills…. Honestly… I won’t even talk about that…

That again.. really?

I can handle 3 buttons with my left hand and the rest i have to click. Before my stroke i could do 5 buttons and the rest i had to click.

Should i be ashamed or something?

Just be glad you can do everything blindfolded and on keybinds and stop making fun of those that can’t.

You definitely shouldn’t be ashamed and I understand physical issues from personal experience. There are things I’ll never be able to do in this game. I just don’t feel the game should be programmed around such issues, no matter how unfair that might sound.

It sucks when you can’t do stuff due to injury or disability. But game companies have a responsibility to the playerbase as a whole, rather than individuals. It’s a sad fact of life.

What i was talking about is the neverending witch hunt against people that aren’t adept at playing with a full set of keybinds and have to use a mouse to click.

Like it’s a crime to Humanity or something.

As for the ending instance of HoT… i done it as i stated earlier in this thread.

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again. It’s how all MMORPG’s instanced content used to be done, by trial and error. Not by not using a mouse.

Just so you know, not everyone views it as a “crime”. To me it’s just a simple fact that some interfaces are faster than others.

Consider FPS games, for instance. It’s well-established that keyboard/mouse control is faster than controller thumb-stick control. Some games don’t even allow cross-platform play between PC and console players for this reason. Others add assisted-aiming features to compensate.

Unfortunately, in the case of clicking vs. keybinds, I don’t see that there’s anything they can do to compensate for the disparity without slowing down keybinds. I’ve heard they did this in FFXIV to some extent by introducing a significantly longer global cooldown to many of their abilities so that console players who obviously have only so many buttons on their controllers can use their skills without being at an extreme disadvantage.

In my opinion, that’s a terrible strategy that would destroy one of GW2’s greatest strengths: a fast and fluid combat system. Obviously, you didn’t suggest it. And I doubt anybody would given that we aren’t cross-platform in this game and I have to imagine that the vast majority of players use keybinds rather than clicking as it’s built into the interface from the start. But it illustrates the point that games ideally shouldn’t be designed to slow players down for the benefit of those who can’t keep up due to their interface.

Also, I realize you have disabilities, so I hope none of this comes off as insensitive. I’m just explaining my outlook. As far as having different difficulty modes to allow for players who use a slower interface (whether by choice or disability), I’m all for it as long as ANet considers it feasible in terms of development time/resources. Obviously, they always have to weigh how many players would benefit vs. how much time/resources it would cost.

A disability is something that people have to go around to find an answer for it, you can’t launch a product for the minority, it’s not profitable.
That aside, I was referring to people who take like 3 seconds every time they gotta click a 1-2-3 skill…
By the way I play FFXIV but with a controller, I tried it on GW2 with an Xpadder and action camera ON, but I don’t like the fact that I can’t control the inventory without moving my mouse or the big quantity of AoE ground targets

Story missions too unfair for solo players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I don’t get why so many people have this issue. I’m a really bad player, but got the game for the story and played alone through all the living world stories and the HoT expansion without a party. Had no problem with any instances… There are some option implementations like action camera and other stuff that helped but still, the game is by no means hard at all (unless you are soloing a raid boss or a dungeon for some reason).
I also saw some people streaming using the mouse to click on their skills…. Honestly… I won’t even talk about that…

Can't take it anymore!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I wanted to buy the expansion… but ended up buying t-shirts and plushies instead o-o
Now I got some money back…. And I’m trying to get the kitten quaggan mug instead -.-
Smart move Anet…. Smart move…. [Cries in the corner waiting for a quaggan mug]


yeah… poor sap i’m sure his impatience is killing him.. slowly… i wish i could help him. But he is beyond my help.


Skimpy armor for male characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


They could do the same thing they did with the hairstyles. You want more? you get the ones from the other races!
You want more clothes on your male character? You get the female skins!

I wouldn’t use it, but that might qualify as “skimpy male outfits” :O
That’s how you get an [Eatman] >>> PSO2 players might understand

Can't take it anymore!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Not sure if it’s the hype or the current generation… [Insert a thinking Fry]

Give me the PATH OF FIRE NOW!!!!! Can’t wait …really…I can’t! I want it!! My precious!!!

Whenever I play GW2 with my cousin,one of us has to say after a few minutes “Can’t wait for PoF to be realeased!”

Still better than HoT release since we had to wait a lot but the waiting is killing me…

bro… please relax or you’ll pop an artery! =/ PoF is coming okay? :> just be patient!

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


Good or bad, at least they are testing stuff and trying now things. Stop complaining and give a positive or negative feedback like civilized people capable of communicating and stop ranting as babies

Can't Choose!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Honestly i can’t choose for the life of me to pick a class. I hear Necromancer is good, but then as I play I see an awesome lvl 80 warrior above and feel did I make the right choice.
I like to go in as a warrior and tear stuff up but the necromancer has awesome looks and is in way good as a warrior.
Appearance wise what looks cooler a warrior or necro and also why is one either or better to have or at least in situation wise.

use one character slot to test everything on pvp and check what’s your play style and what you are having fun with?
Everything’s good as long as you know how your traits and skills work.

Oh god... no.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I just remembered….
SAB themed pixelated versions of mount skins :O
It should be awesome and terrifying if that happens

Who is Livia? [LW3 Questionable Spoilers]

in Living World

Posted by: Raven.1524


I was expecting someone with an account name with Livia on it, I’m so disappointed! :<

The spider mount.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Any chance we can get this in game even in a less creppy version (;-;) as a new mount type?

Also i thougj of a movement skill as well instead of jumping the spider weaves a bridges to pass above areas it would otherwise be harder. This skill will take longer to minfest compaired to the raptort but the bridge remains for a minute for everyone to pass.

Also when you jump off cliffs the spider will attacks some web the cliff and slowly fall down preventing the character from taking fatal falling dmg.

Less creepy? Like having a red skin with black stripes? We can also call it Peter! Wait….. I sense copyright issues :O

Gliding Vs. Mounts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Honestly they could have just given us the ability of true flight and that would have given players all the mobility they need. Mounts is OK and lacking true flight does add a travel dynamic to the game. It’s the least of my concerns as the new elites look to complicate the game enough.

That would make jumping puzzle and exploration pointless. The map would be just a place to fly by as if you were playing with a free camera.
Aerial enemies and air combat could be implemented, but if it’s true flying then it would resemble water combat and we all know where that leads.

Anets true plan for mounts????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Also the original skins might not look as cool as the gem store ones, but they are consistent with the world and the lore

Art and background

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Sometimes I feel like Arenanet would have also been an amazing company if the developers made games like Bastion, Transistor, Child of Light and so on.

Art and background

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I honestly love the oil painted style of art guild wars has. Unfortunately most of those appear only on loading screens, sometimes I wonder if there was a way to integrate those type of backgrounds with in-game ones, it should help alleviate some of the pixelated feeling.
Maybe there is no way to integrate it without changing the engine or the way the game feels and I’m talking none sense, but I feel it’s a waste of potential :<

No WvW updates in expac 2, good meme ANet

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


How many still run vanilla builds? Yeah, thought so. You’ll line up to pay just like every other WvW player.

Still vanilla here.

If I buy HoT then I am rewarding Anet for Desert BL. Not gonna happen.

WvW issues aside… The map is pwety~ $_$

No WvW updates in expac 2, good meme ANet

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


How many still run vanilla builds? Yeah, thought so. You’ll line up to pay just like every other WvW player.

Or the countless masses that just got up and left with HoT lol.

Based on what I’ve seen… the future of WvW looks very, very grim given the design and balancing nature of the next elites. And we thought it was bad already, lol.

I believe the future of WvW looks pretty bright…. Literally…..
Haven you seen the new expac skills? they glow and shine and make your screen go friggin white! You won’t see anything anymore xD

For the upcoming expac, my predictions are...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


At least 40 hours of Woodenpotatoes speculation, per 5 minutes of videos released by Anet

He has to remake some videos because some anet videos made the ones he had pointless…. I feel bad for WP and hit time editing videos :<

No WvW updates in expac 2, good meme ANet

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


Mmm time for another $50 trait line

Well, if you are spending gems anyways for the fashion wars and what not, the 80$ ultimate pack makes the expac free.
- Character slot (10$)
- Identity repair kit (10$+)
- Permanent Pass (10$ no use for WvW players though)
- 4000 gems (50$)
Total = 80$

No WvW updates in expac 2, good meme ANet

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


didnt buy HoT for months also if not after a year, but at some point it just made me mad that i get wrecked by lesser skilled players just cus certain core chars where barely on par with new elites.

Doesn’t that depend on the role you are playing too?
I mean, if it’s a guardian or a healing ele, a pew pew ranger, there are a few core builds for other roles that are viable, maybe it just doesn’t fit your playstyle

If I pre-order the Deluxe?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Just bought the ultimate. Registered it. Got all the pre order stuff but no gems.
When do they get deposited in my account

er….. Deluxe doesn’t have gems, that’s Ultimate

If I pre-order the Deluxe?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


The only difference between Deluxe and Ultimate is 4000 gems.

I believe the difference is actually:

Deluxe: identity repair + character slot + perma pass = around 35$ so you would be paying 20$ for the game

Ultimate: (deluxepack = 35$) + (4000 gems = around 55$) = 90$

So buying the ultimate pack is like buying gems without paying for the expansion.

Anet and their minion masters

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


The only thing i see when there’s a minion necro, is 1 loot bag necro

Rangers and Thieves everywhere

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


“Oh you can be independent and competent by yourself? Might as well send the server blob after you till you log. I actually just had that happen to me yesterday morning at around 0500 to 0700hrs edt. I did just what they wanted. I logged played some Smite and logged on later, to farm Pips with the rest of the zerglings.

Wouldn’t any competent commander know which group should go where having a lieutenant who can sort the groups so you can have specific roles?
They could always have an “oh sht!” call like: “Ca-CAW! Ca-CAW!” Like some people on my server do to group up for a big fight.

Rangers and Thieves everywhere

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


So… I’m just wondering about this: Is there a reason for so many people to be playing this classes in WvW so much?
I go out roaming and I usually have no issue fighting against 3 or 4 people at the time, but lately I’ve been fighting against groups of 3 or 4 rangers with perma immobilize and thieves that hit you and run 238509845 units away.

I really don’t mind if they like playing like that, but I’ve also been noticing that they stay on those professions when they raid in blobs….
I mean….
Yeah sure, stay in that role if you want but you will keep dying…. :/
Seriously, I’ve been getting around 150+ bags every time my guild starts a raid and started also noticing that most of those blobs are pretty squishy….
You hit them once, and you see 8 downed rangers/thieves o-o

Did WvW suddenly become Edge of the Mist or something? :O

Superior Sigil of Fire

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


It says it triggers a Flame Bast, and that skill is supposed to cause a burn proc too, also according to the wiki it does.
So my question is, should the description be changed or should it be added a burn proc? Or maybe it’s a bug?
Honestly, I have no idea….

In Game Marriage system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I’m having Ragnarok Online flashbacks

commanders kicking Rangers and Thief

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


I love these "I’m a great wvw player so why oh why do I get kicked for playing a roaming class (ranger, thief, engi, mesmer). You are playing a roaming class. Go ROAM! If you really wanted to zerg, you would play a zerg class. Good commanders will allow crappy guardians into squad and kick amazing rangers, WHICH SHOULD TELL YOU SOMETHING!!!

so much for play the game your way. I will rebut this by saying that I think its funny that anyone would take wvw seriously in 2017 when there are no rewards or anything gained really by getting rank 1 server at the end of the week.

There seems to be a lot of commanders who know each other on cross servers, so big guilds are pretty competitive. The rewards were never the main reason (at least before the pip system)

Skirmish Chest: Consume all for Badges

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


plz choose the tactics and blueprints, they are so expensive… your guild needs them

Additions to Material Storage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I loled:
“No Piles of Silky Sand. Just consume them, geez.”



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


What game mode were we talking about?
Because cleansing or dealing with condis is really easy with any profession on every game mode with the exception of WvW

M. Triumphant Hero should be legendary armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


maybe just a precursor, but not legendary

For all of you pve player in WvW:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


“I made dis”

When SMC is ashes, then you have my permission to die.

Unless you are in Yaks Bend, then you gotta sink with the siege

Welcome to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


This are the veteran WvW players right now:


For all of you pve player in WvW:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


“I made dis”


Top WvW Roamer Builds

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


Looking for any types of Wvw roamer builds prefer to play condi tho

To be honest, most of the WvW builds are secret and are published on the respective guild forums and stuff so other servers don’t counter it.
It also depends on their comp so… You’ll only find roaming builds mostly around open buildcrafter sites.

Welcome to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


Welcome to all the new players to WvW
Our guilds on SBI seem to have new members and wait…. They are no spies? They are not from other WvW guilds? WTH?! What kind of sorcery is this?! New blood to be molded?!


Anti-AFK farming changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I run a minion necro, and I never EVER AFK farm. But, now I can’t even survive there, because my minions get taken out almost immediately. Even when I’m running full tilt, they’re blasted because they don’t know how to dodge or move out of the blast radius.

Please have the artillery take out minions that haven’t moved recently, and turrets, but not active players meat (and bone) shield.

I have no issues going alone with my necro, I don’t even have blood magic nor death magic, but it’s probably cuz i go with my WvW gear (full trailblazers)
I have no idea why so many ppl on pve complain about the content, it’s never been hard anyways…

Do you even have minions out since that what the person your responding to is complaning is getting rekt

Nope. not at all. He’s rekt with the minions o and probably death magic which means more sustain. So it’s his build what makes him squishy.
If it’s about the squishyness of the minion, they are suppossed to be that way otherwise it causes a really big unbalance since minions are far more useful on other situations and game modes compared to the useless turrets.

Anti-AFK farming changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


I run a minion necro, and I never EVER AFK farm. But, now I can’t even survive there, because my minions get taken out almost immediately. Even when I’m running full tilt, they’re blasted because they don’t know how to dodge or move out of the blast radius.

Please have the artillery take out minions that haven’t moved recently, and turrets, but not active players meat (and bone) shield.

I have no issues going alone with my necro, I don’t even have blood magic nor death magic, but it’s probably cuz i go with my WvW gear (full trailblazers)
I have no idea why so many ppl on pve complain about the content, it’s never been hard anyways…

Upset with the WvW update

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


We still gotta wait 1 or 2 weeks for everything to stabilize

MMO Introverts Unite (individually)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


it’s a multiplayer game ermehgerd op

I fit the definition of “introvert” too. A little anti-social, prefer to play alone, but will play in a group only when there’s a group event in the open-world. Otherwise, if I can solo it, I’ll go alone \o/

Though weirdly enough, I like to talk in map chat sometimes, but as long as I’m not obligated to join someone’s group or something. So yeah, please don’t try to find me. Don’t send me group invites. DON’T INVADE MY PERSONAL SPACE!

1) Personal space 2) Personal space 3) Stay out of my personal space 4) Keep away from my personal space 5) Get outta dat personal space 6) Stay away from my personal space 7) Keep away from dat personal space Personal space 9) Personal space


Pip Afk Farming

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


get ready to see the Turret Engies AFk farming mobs for pips.

The engi turret GvG? xD
Turrets and wrenches only~

Pip Afk Farming

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


er…. I actually log out after the raid and when I log back in the next day I got the rewards for my participation anyways. So there really isn’t any need for afking on the first place.
Ruin humpers are the real issue…..
Stop making lfg squads for ruin camping….. ruins shouldn’t give participation if this keeps going on, those are wasted queue spots for people who really want to play the game instead of standing on a spot to get a crappy reward and then leave the game mode because it takes forever and it’s boring to do it.

Rank lvl 50 to enter WvW? Suggestion for WvW!

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


Don’t worry; it’ll down out in the next few days once people realize what kind of jrpg grind ANet introduced.

Perhaps the claim ticket cap per week is to stop people from keeping the worlds full all the time. People might be driven to cap out and do something else.

Trust me, it’ll die out for other reasons beyond that.

Sure the carrots are nice, but when the carrots feel like they are unreasonably out of reach people will stop caring.

So, all the rage in map/team chat and here about “PvE players” are all meaningless. You’ll have the dead game mode back shortly.

That’s really sad… I love PVE but I also love WvW and I don’t want it to die down. I don’t know if the rewards are unreasonably out of reach though. It’s literally just a waiting game. The biggest hurdle is the time gating but the rewards are something that any player can get if they put in the time. No need to get a group or want to get a guild so it should be relatively EASY, just also very time-consuming.

People in smaller servers or under-performing servers will have the worst time and the longest wait. It’s simply a bad implementation. Comparing this to raids for example, raids have a strict time gate that is set in stone and only affected by your personal skills. WvW time gate is, for one, extremely unreasonable, highly volatile, unbalanced, and heavily influenced by external factors beyond your own control.

Also, those people trying to validate the unreasonable restriction are simply being tunnel visioned attempting to justify it by claims of them playing WvW since day one. They haven’t even bothered to consider the impact on potentially new or recent players – this is extremely important especially because an expansion is on the horizon.

I’ve stated this in other threads already, but I’m sure I’ll get someone questioning me here; so, I’ll say it here. I am personally unaffected by the unreasonable restriction of 2k rank (I have over 3k). However, I am not going to pretend that this implementation was good. It is bad…and excessively unreasonable – I can’t stress this enough. I actually feel bad for people who have to grind through to 2k, especially if they are new.

It does not motivate me at all to recommend the game to an external party. Especially when I am well aware of their disgust toward jrpg grinds. In fact, it is disappointing to me to see anything like this or excessive AP grind rewards. There’s nothing attractive about them when the requirement are so unreasonable. One does not validate the other. They’re both bad!!

I believe the 2k rank reward shouldn’t even be a goal, but just be thought as a reward for your efforts in WvW.
The game mode was never actually about the rewards but for the fun of playing on it… The issue with the new reward system, is that yes, it attracts a lot of new blood but it hurts a lot of guilds who try their best and also are trying to teach new people how te game mode works.
You can’t play on a queued map when there’s only 1 squad with 30 people and the entire queue is running around on the ruins doing nothing…. Specially if you are on a T3 server that got a kitten up match up with 2 T1 servers, but that’s an entirely different problem.

Rank lvl 50 to enter WvW? Suggestion for WvW!

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


Let them play, they won’t know what map to go to without being on teamspeak/discord anyways. PvE pugs will follow PvE commanders and WvW commanders will farm them, happy farmdays!

It will settle down soon.

Yah… but the problem is when there’s an idiot with a tag posting “pip farming” on lfg and running on the ruins for 10 hours on prime time…..

Still can't understand WvW matchmaking

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


Er…. I believe you are using the wrong formulas.

The math is pretty well detailed on that wiki, and it is relatively pretty simple.

By the way, I never said it was a good system or that it works correctly but information it’s still information :P

Still can't understand WvW matchmaking

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


Er…. I believe you are using the wrong formulas.

The math is pretty well detailed on that wiki, and it is relatively pretty simple.

World record: punting

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.1524


What’s the longest repetitive punt distance that was ever done on a character in WvW?

Condition retaliation guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Raven.1524


Thanks! you guys saved me a lot of grief testing :P

Would personalized stats break the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


As other people have said I think it’d be fantastic for players who want to theorycraft builds, but potentially horrible for balance. The current system is designed to restrict us to maintain balance, just like restricting players to just 2 weapons or the various iterations or the trait system while all involved trade-offs of some sort.

Maybe the possibility to change stats on the training golem? I think I spent like 500g over time on stat changes for testing already…

Condition retaliation guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Raven.1524


I’ve been testing some stuff with the condi retaliation guardian.
Specifically in WvW, and it seems like the damage doesn’t pop up when they hit me with arrow carts…
Do you guys know if there’s a range for the retaliation damage to pop up? Also, sometimes I get hit like 10 times and only 2 retal tics pop….

Then there’s the issue with the sharing… Am I not supposed to see the shared retaliation damage from the people I put the boons on?