Nobody wants to lose a game, because of your crappy build.
For all other classes/builds there is unranked arena waiting for you.
People, who aren’t playing:
1) Druid ranger (support/damage)
2) Herald revenant (sword/staff)
3) Scrapper (any)
4) Daredevil thief (damage)
5) Tempest elementalist (support)
6) Dragonhunter guardian (support)
please, don’t play in ranked arena. Thanks.
:D L2P problems right here.
Necro with no life force is worse than berserker. If whole team is full of necros, then only very very bad team could lose.
Yea, call me when reapers will be at least as strong as: druids, scrappers, thieves or heralds.
Until then, DH it is.
Author gained +30 troll points.
Author gained +30 trolling points.
Thief can 100-0 anyone 1v1 less than over 2 seconds.
Yes, destroying anyone in a blink of the eyes is not viable in pro league.
What else would you want? More damage, more mobility, more sustain?
my tier list
ss-tier: (undeniably overpowered)
- Reaper – strongest condition pressure bar none, chill access needs to be reduced. too harsh of a counter against professions dependent on boons (ele/engineer/herald). right now it has no negative matchups; the only 50:50 matchup it seemingly has is Daredevil.
:DD troll spotted.
I heard they can 100-0 scrappers.
regarding the next balance patch which is hopefully coming soon.. here are the most OP things listed:
reaper: deathly chill trait, nerf by 50% and ppl would still take it.. think that says it
Troll post spotted.
Yet another troll post about troll video where trolls make reaper look op.
Well, reaper kinda is pretty op atm.
Do you even scrapper, druid, daredevil, herald or dragon hunter?
Well, another “person” complains about average class/spec. Nobody cares if you leave.
You know why feminists tries to put quota of female workers? Because they play professional victims and say that men have it better than women.
Here we see the same thing with OP. He wants to get Dragon Hunters nerfed, because he plays victim and says that Dragon Hunters are too strong.
Welp, Dragon Hunters are fine. Deal with it. If you don’t know how to play against someone and they destroyed you, then you are the problem, not the class.
I am pretty experienced all around.
Explain why you think they are not optimized.
I already reached maximum character limit and i don’t have warrior. Could someone test these build for me?
Yet another troll post about troll video where trolls make reaper look op.
Scrapper > Druid
Druid loses to scrapper at equal skill level? Are we playing the same game?
Reaper < Herald
This is such a ridiculous statement, reaper melts both power and condi rev at equal skill level.
Well, i have entirely different experience. Your opinion might be valid to you, but that is way different from what i experienced and seen.
I dont have trouble with Scrappers when I play my
You forgot to mention Tempest though.
Well, i don’t play tempest, so i don’t know how hard it is to play it. All tempest i encounter with my Dragon Hunter, are usually pretty average and look like it doesn’t take much to be average with tempest. However, because i don’t play tempest that much (i tried it, didn’t like it) i can’t say if it is hard or not to play tempest.
Well, maybe this tier list is justified, because from my personal experience skill required to master a class list from the most skills required to most easy to master is:
1) Scrapper
2) Daredevil
3) Herald
4) Berserker
5) Chronomancer
6) Druid
7) Dragon hunter
8) Reaper
Druid can build up celestial nonsense, Dragon Hunter can set traps before hand and have them out of cooldown.
This is not nerf that or buff other post. This is just my personal experience (p.s. i am still searching for my main, i am tempted with Scrapper, but it might get nerfed in the next update) when two classes meet with 0 adrenaline, 0 life force, 0 celestial force and no preparations before hand (none of abilities used or/and on cooldown).
Game after game this list is proven to be right. It don’t just happen for first 1 minute of the fight, because when you get resurrected, you still don’t start with full life force, full adrenaline, full celestial force.
If i had to make a list of who beats who at top of their power (prepared, with full resources, traps are set and not on cooldown), then i would have to make something like this:
1. Scrapper and Druid
2. Reaper and Dragon Hunter
3. Herald, Daredevil and Tempest
4. Chronomancer and Berserker
(And this is without core specs, and about most popular builds)
If you start to count core spects, different underground builds, advantages in certain maps (like to push enemy out of a map or easily hide somewhere), then anyone could be top spec or bottom spec.
Reaper should not be in spot 5 for 1v1s
Well, because you start pvp games with 0 life force, so this is as accurate as it goes.
Who hold more advantages over who in pvp battles. This is just about advantages, anyone can beat anyone if played very well.
Scrapper > Reaper
Scrapper > Herald
Scrapper > Daredevil
Scrapper > Chronomanser
Scrapper > Dragon Hunter
Scrapper > Berserker
Scrapper > Druid
Scrapper > Tempest
Reaper < Herald
Reaper < Daredevil
Reaper > Chronomancer
Reaper < Dragon Hunter
Reaper > Berserker
Reaper = Druid
Reaper = Tempest
Herald = Daredevil
Herald > Chronomancer
Herald = Dragon Hunter
Herald > Berserker
Herald > Druid
Herald > Tempest
Daredevil > Chronomancer
Daredevil > Dragon Hunter
Daredevil > Berserker
Daredevil = Druid
Daredevil > Tempest
Chronomancer < Dragon Hunter
Chronomancer = Berserker
Chronomancer < Druid
Chornomancer < Tempest
Dragon Hunter > Berserker
Dragon Hunter < Druid
Dragon Hunter = Tempest
Berserker < Druid
Berserker < Tempest
Druid > Tempest
If someone is stronger than something else is +1, then each elite specialization would have this score:
Scrapper: 8
Reaper: 2
Herald: 5
Daredevil: 5
Chronomancer: 0
Dragon Hunter: 3
Berserker: 0
Druid: 4
Tempest: 2
Simple math and math never lie.
So, elite specialization tier liest is:
1) Scrapper
2) Herald and Daredevil
3) Druid
4) Dragon Hunter
5) Reaper and Tempest
6) Chronomancer and Berserker
3. Nerf Scrappers, revenants, daredevils, elementalists (certain things about them are too overpowered, but any smart players already know that)
I’m not a smart player. Enlighten me please?
Extreme AOE burst. No other class can do that. Problem is not in AOE or in burst, but in the fact that they are together. AOE should be low to single target, but high damage to whole group. However, elementalist does high AOE damage to single target and devastating damage to whole group.
1. Update/strengthen core specs
2. Completely rework some/most of traits (especially those with falling damage)
3. Nerf Scrappers, revenants, daredevils, elementalists (certain things about them are too overpowered, but any smart players already know that)
4. Update some weapon abilities for some classes (for example make pistol build for thief actually good; make reaper greatsword useful in pvp; etc)
5. Rework some conditions (bleeds, torment, confusion)
6. Reduce number of condition cleansing, blocks and invulnerabilities.
7. Make necro’s minions actually useful.
8. Reduce number of hard CC.
9. Reduce healing and damage overall. Make fights longer and more strategic, not just a button mash.
10. If a lot of people complain that something is very weak – investigate it thoroughly (berserker, core spects, etc).on point 3. can you add Druid/Pets, Reaper and DH?
In general they need to bring down elites..
Druids might be annoying, but they are not as op as Scrappers or revenents. Reapers are well balanced, but core necro (especially pets) is bad. DH is as well pretty balanced, but maybe traps are too good for group fights. However, traps can be easily activated by pets and avoided by dodges.
It is not that all elites need to be toned down, but core specializations needs to be upgraded.
I made a post about why this is not p2w, but moderators deleted it, so frick it. THIS GAME IS P2W, BECAUSE MODERATORS SAID SO.
1. Update/strengthen core specs
2. Completely rework some/most of traits (especially those with falling damage)
3. Nerf Scrappers, revenants, daredevils, elementalists (certain things about them are too overpowered, but any smart players already know that)
4. Update some weapon abilities for some classes (for example make pistol build for thief actually good; make reaper greatsword useful in pvp; etc)
5. Rework some conditions (bleeds, torment, confusion)
6. Reduce number of condition cleansing, blocks and invulnerabilities.
7. Make necro’s minions actually useful.
8. Reduce number of hard CC.
9. Reduce healing and damage overall. Make fights longer and more strategic, not just a button mash.
10. If a lot of people complain that something is very weak – investigate it thoroughly (berserker, core spects, etc).
Had some valid points but then I noticed you are very hateful towards Revs. " The strongest class currently in the game" Nice joke
Same thing with OP, after reading all his “p2w” complaints I can see that it is pretty much mindless hating since it’s the new class from a paid expansion.
No hate there. Revs is the only class which can easily survive 1v5 fight long enough for help to arrive: crazy healing via legend dance, infinite blocks, CC and much more. Usually scrappers are way worse, but very skillful revenant can do much more than any other class. I tried revenant, i din’t like it. Revs very too unfocused and random for me, but nevertheless they are strongest class right now (if played by skillful person).
Where have you found hate in that?
s-tier: (overpowered; pls nerf)
- reaper; only one possible “bad” matchup (daredevil w/Unhindered Combatant). dunno where to start with this one really since i play daredevil but it’s clear reaper’s chill uptime + boon corrupt speed are both in needs of nerfs though
Just proves that every person crying over necros never played one or/and are stupid.
s-tier: (overpowered; pls nerf)
- druid; Bristleback remains untouched. it’s both bugged and overpowered by design. something has to be done about this pet. otherwise druid without celestial is well balanced if not lacking a bit.
Close, but no cigar.
s-tier: (overpowered; pls nerf)
- scrapper; hammer has largely gone untouched. the damage coeffecients on scrapper hammer are the most ridiculous thing in the game i can point to as a clear and obvious imbalance aside from bristleback. either drastically tone down the sustain mechanics on hammer (blocks/reflects/evades) or tone down the damage output (or at the very least make it skillful; most scrappers are just spamming hammer CDs and get rewarded with unaimed AoE kills far too easily).
Wow, you said some truth. Wow.
a-tier: (balanced and strong)
- daredevil; niche matchup against reaper thanks to unhindered combatant, overall good in 1v1s due to improved matchups (only outright bad matchup is scrapper, slightly bad matchups vs dragon hunter and druid) very strong team utility due to incredible single target focus ability + map mobility.
That smelly smell of that smell. Daredevils are the third strongest class right now, just after scrappers and heralds.
a-tier: (balanced and strong)
- herald; similar to thief except more versatile. lacks the matchup daredevil has with reaper but otherwise brings both a strong condition dps and power dps option. great 1v1 ability, great teamplay ability.
The smelly smell. The strongest class currently in the game, but you rank it bellow druids, scrappers, daredevils and reapers? You just trolled yourself.
i really don’t care if some random nobody disagrees with me, especially if you’re just stating your opinion as fact without any attempt at articulating your justification(s).
Cha, i don’t search for validation from random nobodies who, by the way, seems to know nothing about the game.
I just corrected you.
s-tier: (overpowered; pls nerf)
- reaper; only one possible “bad” matchup (daredevil w/Unhindered Combatant). dunno where to start with this one really since i play daredevil but it’s clear reaper’s chill uptime + boon corrupt speed are both in needs of nerfs though
Just proves that every person crying over necros never played one or/and are stupid.
s-tier: (overpowered; pls nerf)
- druid; Bristleback remains untouched. it’s both bugged and overpowered by design. something has to be done about this pet. otherwise druid without celestial is well balanced if not lacking a bit.
Close, but no cigar.
s-tier: (overpowered; pls nerf)
- scrapper; hammer has largely gone untouched. the damage coeffecients on scrapper hammer are the most ridiculous thing in the game i can point to as a clear and obvious imbalance aside from bristleback. either drastically tone down the sustain mechanics on hammer (blocks/reflects/evades) or tone down the damage output (or at the very least make it skillful; most scrappers are just spamming hammer CDs and get rewarded with unaimed AoE kills far too easily).
Wow, you said some truth. Wow.
a-tier: (balanced and strong)
- daredevil; niche matchup against reaper thanks to unhindered combatant, overall good in 1v1s due to improved matchups (only outright bad matchup is scrapper, slightly bad matchups vs dragon hunter and druid) very strong team utility due to incredible single target focus ability + map mobility.
That smelly smell of that smell. Daredevils are the third strongest class right now, just after scrappers and heralds.
a-tier: (balanced and strong)
- herald; similar to thief except more versatile. lacks the matchup daredevil has with reaper but otherwise brings both a strong condition dps and power dps option. great 1v1 ability, great teamplay ability.
The smelly smell. The strongest class currently in the game, but you rank it bellow druids, scrappers, daredevils and reapers? You just trolled yourself.
Loled hard ignorance is a bliss, at least for you. How can necro go into death/reaper shroud instantly (when as you said, you blew out all you skills and nearly instantly done +20K damage), when necros starts game with no life force?
That is bullkitten and you know it. Elementalists are way too op, and you just confirmed it.
You know what changed? Amulets. People aren’t able to be as tanky anymore while Necros are inherantly tanky.
Loled so hard yea, necro have so many tanky abilities for sustain, so many dodges and blocks
Super OP : Rev, Reaper
Middle OP : Scrapper, Druid, Dragon Hunter, Daredevil (Daredevil highly depends on player’s personal instinct skill, meaning that this class can be super OP or normal. So I put this class in middle between Super OP and Normal)
Normal :Tempest, Chrono, Berserker
Weakest : All Core Jobs
Reapers gets destroyed be tempests, heralds, daredevils, dragon hunters, but they are super OP
Scrappers immortal and can easily win 1v2, but they are middle OP
Tempets still have strong survival+offence, but they are normal
Cronomancers are as strong as they were, but they are normal
Berserker stronger than ever, but they are normal
Dear community,
Necro: Not going to lie, pretty kitten broken if condi built. Literally smash my face on the keyboard and press 1,2,3,4 and 5 and everyone drops like flies. I don’t believe this class honestly required the buffs it did get.
Made me lol.
Necro have no chance. Tried it, at least condition build.
Infinite survival skills, healing, blocks, condition cleanse, even more healing, stuns.
gw2 pvp is team game if your profession cant give anything to teammates then never gonna be meta
I checked up on google for GW2 past metas. It seems that necromancer have never been meta pick.
Why other classes starts pvp games at 100% of their power, but necromancer starts with 0 life force?
Now, minions are completely useless in pvp. They die to AOE in seconds. With this much AOE in game and other classes getting major damage buffs, minions should get their life increased.
400% sounds balanced and good.
Noskill, broken op, impossible to kill elementalist gets destroyed?
Good. Very good.
Good. Good for necro’s.
What i personally learned at low rank pvp (unranked arena):
1) Warriors vary from trash to super strong. If warrior can sneak up on you, then you die. If you sneak up to warrior, then he is dead. Simple: warriors takes too much to build adrenaline and have no sustain, but have good damage and can stick hard.
2) Elementalist is just broken, and devs thinking about making it even more broken. Massive damage, endless sustain and crazy mobility. I seen elementalist survive 1v2, 1v3 and 1v4 fights. If you kill an elementalist, then he screwed up. There is no other possible explanation.
3) Ranger is just boring. I like summoners and pets are just fun for me, but… Ranger just don’t have anything interesting. Druids have pretty good sustain, but not even close to elementalists.
4) Necromancers are pretty fun. Core and elite specializations are decent and useful. I would say that this class is the most dependent on your skills out of all other classes. I seen very good necromancers, i seen very bad necromancers.
Only two complains i have: greatsword sucks hard for pvp and every build requires souls reaping to be effective.
5) Guardians are pretty fun and decent. Maybe traps do too much damage (and that is AOE damage) when they nearly kills a person who got tosses right into them. Also, i tested multiple builds and it seems that only 2 or 3 builds actually works for guardian. Most other classes have at least 5 at least average builds.
6) Thief have decent damage, decent sustain, super high mobility, annoying skills (like stealth and countless teleports). I Don’t get why a lot of people are so against theif. Yes, theif can’t even be compared to elementalists, revenats or engineers, but they are pretty decent. Higher skills cap.
7) Engineers are just one big fail. Countless stuns, high damage, somehow they negate all damage and keep easily fighting off 1v3 all day long. I just don’t get why they are strong. For example i get why elementalists are broken (auras and stuff), but what makes engineers broken?
8) Mesmers is somewhere near guardian. They are decent, are fun, maybe have some thing which are too strong. Also, mesmers too have only 2 or 3 builds who actually works in pvp. I would say that mesmers are one of most balanced class around 2v2 fights. But, i have one single problem with them: limited weapon options. Greatsword is good, one-handed sword is good, staff is meh and scepter is junk. So, i eaither have to use greatsword for power build or staff for condition build.
9) Revenants are extremely boring (for me). They have locked skill slots for certain legend. That is just weird and unfun for me. Also, they do extremely high damage, can sustain all day long and build whatever. I seen bad revenent players, never seen bad revenant build.
That is my experience. It is perfectly natural to have different experience than mine.
I would like to play warrior like this:
1) Warriors have no sustain, because other classes can outlast you;
2) Burst skill is very good, but adrenaline takes too much to built;
3) Lack of mobility, because either take mobility, CC, stun breaks or endure pain. Only 3 utility skills with only single use;
4) Only hard CC is immobilize.
Buff Deadly Chills damage. It is only thing making GS necro worth it.
Unranked Arena. I seen 4 people unable to kill 1 bruiser tempest. Once i played against team with 3 of those. They all ran together and didn’t die even once. Why they can heal themselves so much and still do more damage than most other classes?
Looks very good. This would be awesome update, but then it would need several more tweeks:
- damage
- cooldown
- interaction with slows
I would suggest it like this:
1) Reduce damage a little bit
2) Increase cooldown by like 2 sec
3) Cleanse slow/cripple/chill on use, but can’t be used while immobilised
Title. Will chill on hit sigil work while necromancer is in shroud?
This seems apropriate.