Keystone1: allow to equip axe in main hand, unlock Revenge abilities and change upgrade your Virtues.
Axe1: three hit chain. First hit melee range. Second hit and AOE hit around you. Third hit and AOE around you and grant retaliation if you hit at least X number of enemies.
Axe2: jump forward and perform an attacks at first enemy encountered.Deal bonus damage to enemies, who are bellow X% of their maximum health.
Axe3: throw your axe as an unblockable projectile, dealing heavy damage to first enemy hit (no auto target). If that enemy was trying to block or reflect this projectile, then he/she will also be dazed.
Healing: Spirit of the Avenger: heal yourself for X health. For next sec heal yourself for X health every time you are hit.
Utility1: Scavenger: steal X health from your target and heal yourself for X health. Deals X% more damage to downed enemies.
Utility2: Cold Revenge: stunbreak and block the next attack against you. When you block, damage and chill the attacker.
Utility3: Spirit of Rage:: heal yourself for X% of your missing health and gain fury.
Utility4: Fiery Avenger: apply X stacks of burn to nearby enemies and gain resistance. Apply X more stacks to downed enemies.
Elite: Final Breath: can be used only while bellow X% of your maximum health. For next X sec heal yourself for X health every sec and gain might. When this ability ends, you will stun yourself for X sec.
Virtue of Blazing Justice: passive effects remain even if active part is on cooldown. Active cooldown will be X% shorter.
Virtue of Golden Resolve: active part will heal for X% more and will give you swiftness.
Virtue of Iron Courage: you will gain an unique buff for X sec, preventing boons from being removed from you or corrupted on you.
1) When you get CCed, cast Cold Revenge (long CD). Your chills will last longer and your attacks against chilled enemies will bypass X toughness.
2) Deal X% more damage against enemies who are at or bellow X% of their maximum health. Your attacks against downed enemies will always be critical.
3) When you inflict a burn on an enemy, additionally inflict torment and confusion on that enemy. (short CD)
Keystone2: when you gain retaliation or aegis, gain frost aura. (short CD)
1) When you dodge, knock away and chill nearby enemies. Dodging an attack will give you vigor.
2) When your aegis blocks an attacks, it will also transfer a condition from you to the attacker.
3) Gain retaliation when get downed. While downed, you become ale to move slowly.
Keystone3: your retaliation will heal your for X% of damage it deals. Gain retaliation when you drop bellow X% of your maximum health.
1) Attacks with an axe will siphon health from damaged enemies and heal you. Axe2 will remove all movement impairing and slowing effects from you.
2) Using a Revenge ability while you are at or bellow X% of your maximum health will give you regeneration and burn nearby enemies.
3) When you burn an enemy, deal X bonus instant damage (scales with condition damage). When you chill an enemy, deal X bonus instant damage (scales with power).
(edited by Regon Phoenix.8215)
And stealth+super speed from Rune of the Trapper should last for 3-5 sec, so you could spam same trap to be permanently on super speed.
How is all of this different than Signets? I would rather go with the pet thing.
Signet passives are completely passive. They don’t change game-play. Signet’s passive effect is lost when you activate it. Most of signets are somewhere between passive play and one trick pony. Either never use it unless you have not other option (because passive is too good to be lost), or spam them on cooldown and ignore the passive effect.
Second suggestion (signet-like spirit weapons) would act as extra weapon skill and would probably change the game-play of several builds. Certain spirit weapon would work for certain build, augmenting it and making it more viable.
For example, burn guardian is pretty bad right now. Most on-hand melee weapons don’t work together with traits to be effective. Torch off-and is required for burn builds, but all other main hands are equally bad. However, spirit weapon sword will add so needed mobility, to stay close to an enemy and continue to burn your target.
Spirit staff would also greatly benefit for support and power builds, especially melee ones.
Core elite abilities are so bad, core guardian is pretty much garbage. Signet-like spirit weapon would be very good compared to most other elites and it would help guardian to be played as guardian. Because now, guardian is pretty much a mob other players to farm in pvp. Nothing about guardian feels like he truly is a guardian.
Then again, spirit weapon as pets would also be very nice addition, allowing more build diversity and more interesting things to do.
So i view both suggestions as equally good.
looking forward for season 4? NOPE, but will i play during S4? YES till i reach legendary then stop. aslong as ANET doesnt give legendary players a reason why keep playing at that level with lack of reward. dont even start with long Q’s. and i think it will be worst these S4.
Not going to happen. I made a thread suggesting a reward system for playing in legendary, but bunch of people raged and said that there should be no rewards for playing in the top league.
Updated base suggestion with alternative suggestion. Instead of minions, passive+active weapons to aid you.
sounds rediculous mate xd, like who would even use “Play Dead” wtf lol
You will get access to downed skills, enemy will probably attempt to finish you, while you still be able to escape. It is an utility tool.
1) Remove all amulets from pvp and allow people to choose stats for each gear piece individually.
This would suffice. You can go full damage, but you can’t go full tank – and that is my biggest disappointment in spvp.
Toughness+vitality+healing power;
Power+healing power+toughness+vitality;
Expertise+condition damage+vitality;
Condition damage+healing power+vitality;
Condition damage+vitality+toughness;And much more stats combinations would allow certain builds to be played, as those builds are useless in the current meta, because they can’t get stats they need.
Even with the system I proposed full tanks would still probably not exist. There would have to be caps on the amount of defensive stats you could take. Say maximum toughness is x, max vitality is x, and max healing is x. Now they would also have to be high enough to not allow people going for tank to be able to invest into heavy offense as well and break balance again.
Never this. If people can’t go full tanks, they just gonna stay as bruisers, who dish out lots or damage and can’t be killed 1v1. For example Druids can deal damage quite effectively, nearly as any full damage builds, but they also can’t be killed 1v1 unless they suck hard. They go sustain+damage and that is literally cancer in this game. For some reason, going sustain+damage and being invincible 1v1 while still dealing lots of damage is acceptable, but going full tank and dealing nearly no damage is not acceptable?
And thieves stacks incredibly well.
Did you hear that? That was the sound of what little credibility you have dying.
oh look, you never had any credibility to begin with.I didn’t even post in that thread?
Congrats on sapphire tho bby maybe even ruby next season huh?
If nothing changes too much, then diamond will be an average difficulty mission, so see you there. That is, if you have reached diamond yourself.
Actually the last two seasons I’ve reached legendary solo q with a month to spare…
Well good for you. I haven’t had that much time to grind ranks, but i bet you had lots of time to do so.
…There won’t be any season 4 to speak of, never been to write so many nerf threads but this is just too much, it defies logic.
There is one particular set of specs with 0 counterplay and unkillable in most case scenarios
-Condi Chronomancer (if people view this as strong, then can’t dodge shatter at all and pracitcally begs to be hit by everything thrown at them. these kind of people purpesly walk on necro marks, stand still on DH traps and then QQ in forum)
-Condi Warrior (only problem is mace primal burst)
-Scrapper (only BS if you have any kind of projectiles, as you will killing yourself with them)This has been discussed to death, so many times that really there is nothing else to add:
-Insanely easy to play (only scapper is easy mode)
-Absurd level of result with close to zero effort (only if you can’t dodge, don’t have any condistion cleansing or have projectiles in your kit)
-They get 10x worst in WvW (could be, haven’t played WvW in a while, because it feels very boring with nearly no reward for playing it)This is stupid, I can only pray for a swift delivery of heavy nerf bat to these specs
And thieves stacks incredibly well.
Did you hear that? That was the sound of what little credibility you have dying.
oh look, you never had any credibility to begin with.I didn’t even post in that thread?
Congrats on sapphire tho bby maybe even ruby next season huh?
If nothing changes too much, then diamond will be an average difficulty mission, so see you there. That is, if you have reached diamond yourself.
Keystone1: allow you to equip rifle, unlock Corruption abilities and replace your dodge with short range blink (still counts as a dodge, but with greater range and can pass through objects).
Rifle1: shoot your target. Poison your target if he/she is crippled.
Rifle2: shoot a flare above you, blinding all nearby enemies. Also, reveal all nearby stealthed enemies.
Rifle3: shoot repeatedly for X sec. Each hit deals direct damage and bleeds.
Rifle4: consume a condition on yourself and shoot a powerful shot, which will always score a critical hit. Deals less damage if you fail to consume a condition.
Rifle5: shot cluster of bullets. Deals more damage to enemies who are closer. Deals more damage to bleeding enemies. Also knock back damaged enemies.
Healing: Corrupted Healing Potion: drink a potion, healing yourself for X health and poison yourself. After X sec consume all conditions on yourself and replace them with regeneration.
Utility1: Spore Breath: create a poison cloud at nearby location. Enemies in this area are poisoned and crippled. Using this ability you will poison yourself.
Utility2: Death Flowers: target an area and damage all enemies in this area. After X sec, these enemies will be also feared. Downed enemies will take X bonus damage. Using this ability you will inflict vulnerability on yourself.
Utility3: Execution Field: blast targeted area instantly and every X sec for X sec, burning damaged enemies. Also triggers blast finisher. Using this ability you will burn yourself.
Utility4: Take the Pain: steal all condition from nearby allies and gain resistance.
Elite: Plague Revenant: every X sec pulse poison, every X sec pulse torment, every X sec pulse confusion. Lasts for X sec. Using this ability you will torment yourself.
1) Your critical attacks cripple your target. Crippled enemies will be slowed instead.
2) When you get critically hit, evade all attacks for next X sec. (average CD)
3) After not moving for X sec, gain X bonus toughness and X bonus condition damage. Dodging (blink) will not be counter as movement.
Keystone2: when a bleed effects is applied to you, your next attack will bleed your target. Deal X% more damage to bleeding enemies.
1) When you dodge (blink), place a special zone at the end of the dodge (blink). While in this zone, all attacks against you are treated as frontal attacks and you will be considered as not moving even if you move.
2) When a condition from you is removed (or consumed), your next attacks will inflict same condition to your target.
3) All your Corruption abilities (except healing one) will be replaced by traps, triggering same effects, but at current location where they are placed
Keystone3: gain resistance when you drop to X% or bellow of your maximum health.
1) Your dodge (blink) will have much greater range and cause you to gain swiftness. While in combat, daze all nearby enemies at the location where you land after a dodge (blink).
2) Your Rifle1 will be replaced with shorted range cone attacks hitting multiple enemies. Every Xth basic attacks will also knock all damaged enemies away from you with any weapon. Your abilities knock enemies back further while you are wielding a rifle.
3) X% of your power will be converted into condition damage. Other part of power will be lost, leaving you with 0 power. Includes power gained from boons and other effects.
(edited by Regon Phoenix.8215)
How this would work is as follows. Spirit weapons would have two parts to them. The first is a passive effect that manifests under certain conditions, the second is a more powerful active effect that can be activated at will on a cooldown. In this sense, they would be similar to signets, only unlike signets, they manifest themselves as physical apparitions when their effects take place and do not lose their passive effects while their active effects are on cooldown.
This could also work. Might even fit guardian better that pet weapons.
Keystone1: allows you to equip greatsword, unlock Survival abilities and replace your steal with snatch steal.
Greatsword1: 3 hit combo. First hit deals average damage. Second hit cause you to roll behind your target and deals minor damage (doesn’t count as evade). Third hit deals heavy damage.
Greatsword2: spin your greatsword, dealing damage to nearby nearby enemies and cripple them. Destroy projectiles.
Greatsword3: jump on top of an enemy, crippling and bleeding nearby enemies.
Greatsword4: throw your greatsword at targeted location. When it lands, shadowstep to that location, dealing damage to nearby enemies and blind them.
Greatsword5: hold an win up a powerful hit. Consumes initiative per X sec of casting. Releasing this ability will cause and AOE hit around yourself, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
Snatch Steal: instead stealing an item, you will steal your target’s weapon, disarming his/her current main-hand weapon for 3 sec. During this time, you gain certain buffs based on the weapon you have stolen:
Greatsword: gain X bonus power and X bonus toughness.
Hammer: all your attacks will inflict vulnerability.
Staff: gain vigor ever X sec.
Longbow: gain X bonus ferocity.
Shortbow: gain X bonus precision.
Mace: block next melee attack against you.
Axe: your next attack will give you might and fury.
Sword: your next attack will bleed your target.
Dagger: your next attack will poison your target.
Rifle: your next attack will become unblockable.
Pistol: your next attack will blind your target.
Healing: Survival by the Blade: heal yourself and block all attacks for X sec. Heal for X health every time you block while this ability is active.
Utility1: Suspended Runner: kick off from nearby enemy or nearby object, jumping backwards and evade all attacks. If you kick off an enemy, then knock that enemy back.
Utility2: Natural Survivalist: gain regeneration and protection. Your next dodge will also heal you for X health.
Utility3: _ Play Dead_: pretend to be downed for X sec. Any movement command will end this ability. You can be finished while pretending to be downed.
Utility4: Devil Runner: for next X sec, your movement can’t trigger marks, traps and other similar effects.
Elite: Unnatural Selection: jump into targeted area, dealing damage to nearby enemies and jump back at your previous location after X sec. All nearby downed enemies will be teleported to your previous location. You evade all attacks and all conditions are removed from you when you jump.
1) Cast Natural Survivalist and automatically dodge when you get CCed. This effect will not deplete your endurance. (long CD)
2) Gain X bonus ferocity and precision if you haven’t been in stealth for X sec or more.
3) Your Greatsword2 will now bleed all enemies hit. All attacks with a greatsword will have X% chance to bleed damaged enemies.
Keystone2: dodging or blocking an attack will grant you fury. Gaining regeneration will also grant fury.
1) Your next Survival ability will stun break you. (long CD, doesn’t count towards tier1-1)
2) When more that one enemy is attacking you, gain X bonus toughness and healing power.
3) When you bleed an enemy, there is X% chance that you will also poison that enemy.
Keystone: your Snatch Steal will also cause you to steal resistance and/or stability from your target, placing these boons on yourself.
1) Gain X bonus toughness and take X% less damage from conditions while your endurance is full. Gain protection every time you dodge.
2) When you enter combat, reveal all nearby enemies. Your critical strikes also reveal enemies hit.
3) When you poison an enemy, your next dodge withing X sec will also chill and confuse nearby enemies. (short CD)
Keystone1: allow you to equip hammer, replace your current minion summoning abilities with stronger minions and change your Death Shroud into Overlord’s Shroud.
Hammer1: two hit chain. First hit deals damage to multiple enemies and put torment on them. Second hit will deal damage and leave dark field under your target.
Hammer2: knock all enemies away from you and roll a short distance backwards, avoiding all attacks. Combo finisher: blast.
Hammer3: place a ward under your feet. Enemies in this ward gets crippled constantly and minions in this wards gains regeneration.
Hammer4: throw your hammer into targeted location, summoning jagger horror for every enemy struck.
Hammer5: send a wave of shadows, blinding and slowing all enemies in front of you.
Healing: Summon Blood Drakeling: stronger version of blood fiend. It deals more damage, have more health and attacks faster than blood fiend.
Active still remains the same.
Utility1: Summon Suicidal Chickens: stronger version of bone minions. Deal slightly more damage than bone minions.
Active will have much larger radius and act as blast combo finisher.
Utility2: _ Summon Undead Jailer_: stronger version of bone fiend. This is melee minions with will cripple with every attack.
Active becomes ranged pull, pulling targeted enemy to this minion and then immobilizing that enemy.
Utility3: Summon Shadow Dragon Hatchling: stronger version of shadow fiend. Deals more damage, attacks faster and moves faster.
Active becomes instant AOE blind.
Utility 4: Summon Tundra Devourer: stronger version of flesh wurm. It chills with attacks and deals more damage to crippled enemies.
Active remains the same.
Elite: Summon Undead Aatxe: stronger version of flesh golem. It moves faster, take less damage from AOE and corrupts a boon from enemy with his third attack.
Active will cause this minion to slam the ground, knocking all nearby enemies to him and stun them when they land.
Overlord’s Shroud:
1: medium range attack, dealing more damage when attacking enemy from the back or against blinded enemies. Also inflicts torment.
2: leave behind a clone of yourself. You can reactivate this ability up to X times to trade places with this clone.
3: pull all your minions to yourself and inflict fear to all nearby enemies.
4: you and your all minions will pulls poison to nearby enemies. Only one pulls can hit one enemy at one time, so multiple pulses hitting one enemy will have no additional effects over one pulse hitting that same enemy.
5: summon dome of shadows into targeted area. Enemies in this area will become blinded and unable to see what is happening outside of this area. This dome also deals damage every sec.
1) When one of your minions gets killed, your other minions will gain protection, stability and regeneration.
2) Blinding an enemy will also inflict torment on that enemy. Your torment will last longer.
3) Every X sec remove all blind, immobilize, cripple, slow, chill and weakness effects from yourself. Gain might if this effects removes any condition.
Keystone2: when you get downed, summon 3 jagger horros to attack nearby enemies and become immune to all damage and finishers for 2 sec. (long cd)
1) While in combat, your minions will gain retaliation and resistance every X sec. Your minions will X% more damage per boon on them.
2) When you corrupt a boon, heal yourself for X health.
3) Scoring a critical strike will refresh all boons on yourself and grant X% life force.
Keystone3: you can not be executed with finishers while at least one of your minions remains alive. You still can be killed by raw damage, though.
1) Summoning a minion while in combat will grant you stability and super speed. Increase casting speed while summoning a minion by X%.
2) When you kill an enemy, rip all condition from it and store them for X sec. The next condition application done by you will inflict all stored conditions into new target.
3) Gain additional X power while wielding hammer, axe or dagger in your main hand. Hammer skills will recharge X% faster.
Really like your elite ideas, really interesting concepts. Have you ever made/thought of an e-spec that focuses on minons? (sorry for breaking topic)
What I first fell for in necros was the minions and the thought of having this little unstoppable army, and I would absolutely love an e-spec that give the minions some more love – and maybe some new minions like the Aatxe (they look so freaking awesome), and if you have/will make one I would love to read it.
Yeah, i was thinking about better version of minion master for necro as an elite spec. I will let you know if i manage to form anything.
Edit: just done one.
(edited by Regon Phoenix.8215)
1) Remove all amulets from pvp and allow people to choose stats for each gear piece individually.
This would suffice. You can go full damage, but you can’t go full tank – and that is my biggest disappointment in spvp.
Toughness+vitality+healing power;
Power+healing power+toughness+vitality;
Expertise+condition damage+vitality;
Condition damage+healing power+vitality;
Condition damage+vitality+toughness;
And much more stats combinations would allow certain builds to be played, as those builds are useless in the current meta, because they can’t get stats they need.
And i am on my way.
We ravaged enemy team like it was nothing (sapphire 2).
You made my day
Yes, +2 tiers in a day when i changed a class. Too bad season have ended.
That’s not what he meant by that.
Feel free to interpret that in your way.
Because that is the worst gamemode i have ever played in any game ever.
And i am on my way.
We ravaged enemy team like it was nothing (sapphire 2).
You made my day
Yes, +2 tiers in a day when i changed a class. Too bad season have ended.
And thieves stacks incredibly well.
Did you hear that? That was the sound of what little credibility you have dying.
oh look, you never had any credibility to begin with.
I said that doing 1v2 is not easy and need skill.
So, if scrapper knows what he is doing, he should hold against 2 people and that isn’t a problem? Needing 3 people to kill 1 skilled scrapper, because he can hold 2 people, that is not a reason to nerf this class to the ground?
Yes, now i see. Scrapper ins’t broken, you just need to hope that enemy team will 1 scrapper and no more, because if they have 2, you would need 6 people to bring them down.
Thief is the strongest class right now. Is that a shock to anyone?
Sorry, we seen those counter thread too much.
All classes and builds got counter.
Scrapper melt in 1v2 if they don’t juke properly. And Juking is hard versus 2 players that know what they are doing.
Wtf? How is this an valid argument? Someone needs 2 people to be killed and you defend it? Shame on you.
1 Necros stack well when they were OP thieves never stack well unless you outplay the opponent, 2 it’s the off season people tend to play more classes when there is no repercussion for losing, and you are playing in Unranked where skill is not the highest in most cases.
Necros were never OP. Anet stated that chill damage did not stack and non-damage-dealing chills were replacing damage dealing ones. That is why deadly chills were nerfed.
And thieves stacks incredibly well. Before season ended, i played in team with 3 p/p thieves. We ravaged enemy team like it was nothing (sapphire 2). People were dropping like flies. Can’t even compare with any class i have ever played.
Where did you pull that i plaid thief in unranked? Out of you kitten? With guardian i was able to reach sapphire 4, the day i started playing thief i reached sapphire 2. No skills or practice was required. If i had started playing it earlier, i would probably be in diamond 5 or 4.
And yet when I read OP, it occurred to me that English wasn’t his first language, so why I would assume he’d intentionally imply things beneath his poorly formed sentence structure would be it’s own form of poor assumptions and silly conclusions!
English is not my first language either; that has nothing to do with one’s ability to subconsciously or otherwise imply one thing or another in a second language. Implications are not exclusive to the English language. Also, see below:
The OP has multiple threads calling for Thief nerfs, yet he plays DH which Hardcounters Thief, one of his biggest gripes is unloading 3 times can do 18k damage to him on DH and thinks that’s is too powerful but ignores the fact his traps can do over 20k damage without the DH even being near the point.
That said…
Don’t put words into my mouth. Anet have a history of nerfing random things (Dragon hunter anyone?). And it seems you never took any logic based courses (programming, etc) if you don’t know what “if” sentences mean. It does not imply one outcome, it present at least two outcomes:
1) if yes
2) if noI never implied any of these two to be true. Or is englisn not your first language?
Nobody put words in your mouth. However, feel free to see above where you were called out on your passive-aggressive charade. Also, you should actually educate yourself as to the subjects of linguistics and informal logic (as opposed to your mathematical and programming applied logic) before you attempt to argue on such topics. The “if” modifier does not detract from your implication, and your attempted obfuscation by inapplicable basic logic does nothing to salvage any ethos you perceived yourself to have.
Lots of meaningless words. Started playing thief, winning matches never been easier. Anet may neft theives, or may not, but in every game in spvp there is at least 2-3 thieves. When necro was this popular, it got nerfed. That is why i said “if”. But, well, it seems that was too hard for you folks to understand.
Perma-evade thief;
18k+ dmg in 2 sec thief;Yet both of these builds have 0 chance of killing a half-decent scrapper or warrior.
Sorry bro… since a couple of weeks, we see soo much thief… it’s not funny.
Yesterday avg thief per matches was 4.
Usually when a class is OP, people play them.
I myself just started playing thief. Killing people never been easier.
Mainhand Mace.
Get Skin that looks like Hammer
Off Hand Focus, get a Skin that looks like a Stake or Nail
That would be a vampire hunter
I think a lot of us would enjoy a nice relaxing between seasons unranked romp with properly balanced classes. Thanks!
You shouldnt be asking for a balance patch then
The death of logic… It hurts.
I mean, they are balanced now (except for DH), a balance patch would proly unbalance them.
Unkillable ele;
Unkillable and strong duelist druid;
Perma-evade thief;
18k+ dmg in 2 sec thief;
Infinite sustain warrior with 3 required spec or he falls off;
Annoying stealth+clones mesmer (not an issue, but still annoying);
Crazy damage, sustain, CC, evades rev;
Useless off-meta builds (power reaper, burn guardian, condition scrapper, etc)
Unkillable by projectiles scrapper;
Infinite AOE condition reaper;
Yes, balanced indeed.
And which part is asking for a nerf?
Normally I’m against calling out implications because most people don’t have the proper linguistic training to do so, but Ashamir makes a very good call in this particular case:
If Anet aren’t going to nerf thieves,
The above sentence clause begs the question of why which elicits the answer that they should. Quite simply put, it is very implicit in your wording that they should nerf Thieves.
Don’t put words into my mouth. Anet have a history of nerfing random things (Dragon hunter anyone?). And it seems you never took any logic based courses (programming, etc) if you don’t know what “if” sentences mean. It does not imply one outcome, it present at least two outcomes:
1) if yes
2) if no
I never implied any of these two to be true. Or is englisn not your first language?
verb; implied, implying.
to indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated.
Thief is too op, thief needs to be nerfed etc.
If Anet aren’t going to nerf thieves, then i found my new main.
My question, though, how other thieves perma-dodge everything and why other thieves don’t view that as broken?
And which part is asking for a nerf?
Who is bashing what?
And i am on my way.Thief is too op, thief needs to be nerfed etc.
Seriously, the only class worse off than a thief in current high game is a DH.
The thief is at the same time both the most overpowered and the most useless class according to this form. If the thief wins the thief is God, if the thief loses they are trash.
Where in this thread i said they require a nerf?
This constant thief bashing gets boring, you know?
Get to legendary playing thief and we talk again … oh, right, you won’t.
Who is bashing what?
And i am on my way.
Just bought new character slot and made a thief.
After trying it out on my new computer, i can say that AOE is real problem for thieves. That aside, how have i ever killed any of them? I am killing people 1v1, 1v2 and sometimes 1v3, if they lack AOE. Used to be guardian main, but i can’t even compare these two. If Anet aren’t going to nerf thieves, then i found my new main.
My question, though, how other thieves perma-dodge everything and why other thieves don’t view that as broken?
Stopped reading at “several trap guardians…. its not fun to play against and near impossible to beat”.
op obviously trolling.
Nice attempt, though.
Old but bumping.
Hum…i would be against mainhand pistol, instead, i would rework axe for better range option. Pistol would be a great offhand, together with torch for a Witch Hunter concept, warhammer style.
Most “Witch” hunters are actually supernatural hunters, they’re normally dedicated to hunt most of the “dark” creatures, like witches, werewolves, vampires and such. As such, they keep an array of equipment for every situation. A pistol would be a great offhand to trust when in a pinch, and the best mainhand for such spec would be the trusty and always good, Sword.
Axe rework is highly unlikely.
Elite specialization usually unlocks 1 new weapon option, so i went with pistol main-hand. While pistol off-hand might sound more appealing to some, but then main-hand would be left with poor options.
And about the theme. I do know what witch hunter theme is all about and range weapons fits this class more than melee weapons. Explosives, smoke bombs, zip lines, traps and so on. Witch hunters need to be agile and avoid frontal confrontation, so range weapons fits the best.
Lol people are saying p/p is op now?
At this point I’m not even gonna take this seriously. What a bad red herring.
Who said op? It still needs a nerf.
If you THINK it needs a nerf (nerfing p/p, that is just a hilarious thought), you’re implying its OP.
Sure, if you have enough vitality and toughness and you are not losing more then 60% of your hp in the burst, you may survive. How is that good gameplay?
Git gud reaction time?
I have ever seen only 3 types of thieves:
1) Perma-evade, perma-stealth or/and unload bursters, who kills you before you even react;
2) Lying thieves, who comes into forum to lie that thieves aren’t OP as hell;
3) Bad thieves who can be killed, if you are lucky.1. Perma evade doesn’t exist, l2p. Perma stealth doesn’t exist and if it does it costs all of the thief’s resources, l2p. P/P as a whole is garbage, l2p.
2. Thieves aren’t OP ~ former thief main, now mains Revenant
3. Maybe you’d kill more thieves if you were gud.
I smell s second-type thief.
I have ever seen only 3 types of thieves:
1) Perma-evade, perma-stealth or/and unload bursters, who kills you before you even react;
2) Lying thieves, who comes into forum to lie that thieves aren’t OP as hell;
3) Bad thieves who can be killed, if you are lucky.
Wait, what? You want an amulet, which have no healing power or vitality, to be removed, because you think this makes condition build bruisers?
Someone actually thinks that without healing power someone can achieve that? Wow, just wow.
I smell a thief main, who is unhappy he can’t 100-0 some classes in 2 sec or less.
+18k damage to a guardian from unload while stunned by basilisk venom.
And he/she still have all dodges/evades.
Not broken at all, other classes are just too weak.
The #1 reason why i stack toughness and vitality – thieves.
If they get removed from game, i would never build any defense.
Spirit weapons, like necormancer’s pet, should last until killed.
They should be reworked/upgraded to fit more into their new roles:
Hammer of Wisdom: last hit should daze instead of knocking back. (damage from this weapon should scale with your power)
Sword of Justice: should naturally cause burn on hit. (damage from this weapon should scale with your condition damage)
Bow of Truth: should heal allies with its basic attacks and ever 3rd basic attack should remove conditions. (healing from this weapon should scale with your healing power)
Shield of the Avenger: should attacks nearby enemies and every 4th hit should grant aegis to nearby allies. Active should cause it to rush to you and then deploy its dome. (damage from this weapon should scale with your toughness)
Trait Expeditious Spirit should affect each spirit weapon differently:
Hammer: will now knock back and knock down on third hit instead of dazing.
Sword: burn longer and active apply more burn stacks.
Bow: increase all healing caused by it.
Shield: grant stability or/and resistance when it grants aegis.
ALTERNATIVE VERSION (based on suggestion made by Tenrai Senshi)
Healing: Bow of Truth.
Passive: your every Xth basic attack will heal you. If you get downed, this weapon will detach from you and take conditions from you and transfer them to nearby enemies. (passive remains active even if active part is on cooldown)
Active: command your spirit bow to rain down healing arrows in targeted area, healing all allies in that area and cleanse conditions from them.
Utility1: Sword of Justice.
Passive: your every Xth attack will deal moderate bonus damage, inflict vulnerability and reveal your target. When you get downed, your spirit weapon will detach from you and attack nearby enemies. (passive remains active even if active part is on cooldown)
Active: blink to your target, dealing damage to him/her and stack X stack of vulnerability to all nearby enemies.
Utility2: Hammer of Wisdom.
Passive: every X sec, your next basic attack will daze your target. When you get downed, your spirit weapon detach from you and attack nearby enemies, knocking them away from you. (passive remains active even if active part is on cooldown)
Active: slam your spirit weapon into targeted area, dealing damage to enemies, crippling and blinding them.
Utility3: Torch of Hope.
Passive: every X sec remove a condition from yourself and replace it with a random boon.
Active: shine a bright light, revealing invisible enemies and remove a boon from them every X sec. Also, removes weakness from nearby allies.
Utility4: Staff of Might.
Passive: when you get downed, your spirit detaches from you and create a barrier around you, preventing enemies from getting close to you. This barrier doesn’t stop projectiles. (passive remains active even if active part is on cooldown)
Active: release a nova of energy, dealing heavy damage to nearby enemies and giving might to nearby allies. You gain might for every affected ally.
Elite: Shield of the Avenger.
Passive: when nearby ally gets downed or killed, gain fury, swiftness, quickness, might, regeneration and retaliation. When you get downed, your spirit weapon will detach from you and will slowly heal you. (passive remains active even if active part is on cooldown)
Active: gain retaliation and for next X sec you will take X% less damage from all sources. While this ability lasts, reflect all movement impairing effects: cripple, chill, slow, immobilize.
Detached weapons gain their own health bars and can be killed. If detached weapons gets killed, then active and passive effect of that ability will go on 20 sec cooldown.
If you get up from downed state, your spirit weapons will reattached themselves back to you. Attached weapons can’t be attacked or damaged, because they works as signets. Only when they detach they can be attacked.
At the case of damage output, spirit weapons should offer DPS equal to Dragon Hunter’s traps (this include active and passive damage done by spirit weapons). This would form alternative gameplay for Dragon Hunters and would probably make core guardian nearly as good as DH in terms of damage and utility.
(edited by Regon Phoenix.8215)
It amazes me how people ask to nerf the weakest class.
Literally the worst class in the game and want to make DH even worse.
Daredevils: perma-evade, most OP damage currently, can 100-0 you in seconds, most mobile class, the best dueling class.
Tempest: can tank up to 3 people alone.
Warriors: can sustain while still dealing tons of damage and don’t need to trade one for the other.
Druid: high damage+high sustain+hight CC.
Reaper: no life force = dead; full life force = you are dead.
Herald: pretty much the most OP class i have ever seen in the game.
Mesmer: annoying as hell with stealth, clones, stealth, teleports, clones, stealth, kiting you the whole day. And double moa.
Scrapper: tons of sustain, tons of damage.
Dragon hunter: traps can be dodged, nearly no other forms of CC, low sustain, no damage without traps, no mobility, literally the worst in every aspect of the game.
Yasi does have a point. I don’t get rewards, nor do I expect rewards for playing Smash Bros or Mario Kart, but I always play my best to try and win. The satisfaction of playing and winning is good.
This is about motivation to play good. People wouldn’t make posts like “i am legendary i don’t care”, if there weren’t problems with current system. Many people reach legendary, get trophy and them stop playing or play without trying. This is why there is long queue times and people aren’t very satisfied with pvp – low motivation to the the very best.
While extra rewards might not solve it, giving no rewards will certainly not solve it.
Efforts, skills, hard work should always pay off and it does in real life. What are you talking about?
Efforts? Hard work? Ranked pvp? Are you serious?
Ranked pvp is not eSports. Tournaments are eSports. Go play tournaments for your rewards. But dont expect tournament rewards in ranked pvp. This is hilarious.
So, you shouldn’t try as hard as you can to win in ranked? Well, looks like you said the truth about existance of toxic people.
So, you are saying there is two type of people playing:
1) those who play to get a reward
2) those who play to be playingNot really what I wrote, nope. Maybe you should put all that hard work into getting some reading skills, just a friendly suggestion
P.S.: You are already getting something. Think about it.
Yes, you said just that. Some people areplaying for reward, other are playing to play. Mayby you put some hard work into making decent points? Oh wait, you only try hard when you are in tournamets. Sorry.
Unranked arena where one of following extra mode occur:
1) Night Time – lower light, smaller vision range, harder to see enemies.
2) Invasion – strong monsters will be invading the map at certain intervals and attacks players at capture points, trying to decap them.
3) Frostfall – every player at set interval will get chilled.
4) Time rush – both teams will need significantly less points to win.
5) May the best one win – no matter how mach ends, 5 people with highest personal scores will be treated as winners.
6) What is in the box – in order to leave the spawn point, you will have to open a mystery box, gaining random boon or random condition applied to you until you die.
7) One man army – you will play 1v1 math.
8) Last stand – instead of capturing points and winning the game, every player will start win one life and first team to get wiped out will lose the game.
9) Plague – neither player can heal himself or other players.
10) Combination – combine two of previous modes.
and so on as there could be made many more extra modes.
This would be separate game mode and might not be open every day. Also, i am not sure for dailies as some of these modes can be won very fast.
While people are voting the map, they shouldn’t be able to see what extra mode will be added to that map.
Always expecting rewards is a really unhealthy mentality – in rl.
Always expecting rewards for playing a game… thats even worse, tbh.
The problem is NOT missing rewards. There’s enough rewards already in pvp. If you want more rewards, play tournaments.
The problem is, and always has been, that with the introduction of legendary pvp backpiece, there’s two kinds of players queueing for pvp.
Those that only want the title/achievements/backpiece.
And those that enjoy pvp itself.
These two groups got mixed with the season rewards, and thats what is actually destroying pvp. These two groups are absolutely NOT compatible. Its like mixing RPG-fans with egoshooter fans. Two totally different mentalities.
There is ZERO common ground between those two groups. Not even winning. Grinders dont care if they dont win every match. PvPers absolutely DETEST loosing.
So what you get is an absolutely toxic environment, in which BOTH sides loose any interest in playing the gamemode after reaching legendary. And those few that are resistant enough, they quit because playerpool is too small.
No more extra rewards…. they are the SOURCE of the current problems, they are not the solution. You dont give a child thats already sick because of eating too much candy even more candy.
What? Whaaaaaat?
Efforts, skills, hard work should always pay off and it does in real life. What are you talking about?
So, you are saying there is two type of people playing:
1) those who play to get a reward
2) those who play to be playing
Now, you somehow deducted that second group detest losing. What? Losing is part of playing, so how can you say they enjoy playing for playing, if they detest big part of said playing? Mental gymnastics right there.
Both of these people play to win. No one is playing to see if they lose or not. With common goal in mind, there is no significant difference between these people.
“BOTH sides loose any interest in playing the gamemode after reaching legendary” i suggest introducing bonus rewards for playing in legendary to keep people interested and you are appose to that. Don’t see the irony?
And if getting something for being good is bad, then what is good? Please, give suggestions.
Scrapper is no longer most OP class, so tone down a bit. Yes, Scrapper can perma-reflect every projectile for hours and is practically unkillable to DH, Bow/Rifle warriors, Mesmers. Yes, Scrapper have no skill floor and require no skills to be played decently.
But, don’t rush with nerfs. Lets not make Scrapper new DH.
Instead of nerfing, it should be rebalanced and some of hammer’s skills should be reworked.