Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
If you haven’t noted yet.
Who else got scared of Rox’ face? xD
EDIT: Take a look at April’s Release Page as well:
Pretty weird if you ask me…
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
(edited by Riselight.3695)
Here you have all information about NPC location and the item they are looking for.
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
I have just done both Skipping Stones and Under new Management (2 JP’s in Southsun Cove). None of them counter towards the Daily Puzzle Jumper. Firs I tought ANet remove Under New Management from the JP’s that can count towards it, because it takes only 30 secs and is the easiest JP ever. Skipping Stones however is a pretty difficult JP, but neither that counted toward the Daily. Bugged, or am I doing something wrong?
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
I visit it everyday. Easy JP for a chance for some nice items. Already got a rare now and then, even an Exotic once. A friend of mine even got Harpoon Gun precursor from the same chest…. Sometimes I do the skipping stones JP as well, takes max 5 minutes
Then I go to the big open field south of the Karka Hive, it’s full with Mithrill and Cypress Saplings, sometimes even Orichalcum and Ancient saplings. It’s a shame Anet removed the Rich Orichalcum Node, but it’s still the best place in my eyes to get the Daily Gatherer quick.
In the meantime I also kill some young karka. They are excellent for certain dailies such as daily evader, daily conditioner, etc etc…
Southsun Cove really has some use
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
(edited by Riselight.3695)
Mhh, I was wondering already what they have done with the krait at the base near the Tequatl battle area. I useally get slaughtered and see many dead people at WP
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Is there a kind of mob with the name ‘Scale’?
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
/thread. We will know WHEN and only WHEN they tell us. NOT before.
Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
You won’t get a ban, because the Guild Leader can give permissions to withdraw items and gold from the guild bank himself. If you take everything in the Guild Bank, the Guild Leader would be partly responsible because he gave you the rights to do so.
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
If you grind your dailies, you’re stupid. I ignore dailies when I log in the first time of the day. I start playing and when I have like 3/5 I realise, ‘Oh, I forgot the daily’. I check out the day’s daily, and I really don’t care if I have to go to a certain location for 10 minute to do something. Just play the game and the daily will complete itself..
Atm I have done every daily since the January patch. I could buy an Ascended Amulet + Ring already with Laurels, and laurels are the only reason I care about my dailies. The 5s is like nothing. 4,5k Karma is a good extra, but not that many either. The Mystic coin is useful if you are making your legendary and need them to craft Mystic Clovers. 12k exp (I think) is like nothing, I have the Bloodstone Shard already so any more skill points don’t really matter, unless you are making your legendary and you need Mystic Clovers. And a chance for something extra, like a Portable Merchant..
I don’t see any reason to claim that people who complete their dailies have a major advantage over those who don’t.
To me, that’s why dailies are a punishment. They have exclusive access to rewards that you need to log in every day to progress towards at a reasonable pace.
What do you expect? Getting stuff for not logging in? It’s a small task and reward for dedicated players…
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Thieves are not invincible while in stealth. Knockbacks, knockdowns, immobilizes, dazes, stuns, AoEs all work wonderfully against a thief.
No. 1 excuse Thieves are using that stealth is not overpowered. The problem is, you can’t see the Thief, so you don’t know where, when to hit, and when you hit, how do you know you have hitted him?
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
I like the idea of downed. The problem is that people can deal way too high damage when they’re downed, take too less damage, and can be healed too quickly.
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
What I would like to see changed:
-Decreased movement speed when stealthed.
-Longer stealth CD times and/or shorter stealth duration times and/or longer revealed buff.
-A skill that can detect stealthed players, and give revealed buff.So you want Pistol/Dagger and Sword/Dagger to be rendered worthless so all thieves will be forced to run Dagger mainhand heartseeker spamming builds?
I believe there are no P/D or S/D thieves anyway. The only Thieves I see are using dual dagger or Shortbow
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
What I would like to see changed:
-Decreased movement speed when stealthed.
-Longer stealth CD times and/or shorter stealth duration times and/or longer revealed buff.
-A skill that can detect stealthed players, and give revealed buff.
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
It is not the reason indeed.
This afternoon I guested to Ruins of Surmia (a not really active server), dragon timer told me that Claw window was up. So I went to Frostgorge Sound, and there were only like 3~5 people including myself. Why would my homeserver go into overflow 10 minutes before the window is even active, while Ruins of Surmia barely has the people to kill the Claw, if guesting is the issue?
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Sounds like a PC problem. Are you overheating?
No, my PC is fine. No problems anywhere at medium with a solid 60-100 fps. I never experienced those kind of crashes until a few weeks ago…
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
I’m getting really kitten off. It’s the second time today I was doing the Claw of Jormag event, but I got a weird kind of crash. First the sound goes away and is replaced by an annoying beep. Then, after 10 seconds my game just crashes…
When I log back in, I’m in overflow. All my efforts wasted and got no rewards…
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
I have never experienced so many lagg before. The lagg I am having is comparable with the lagg that many people frustrated at the first Lost Shores event (if you missed it, it takes like 5~10s to cast a skill). It happens in WvW, world events (dragons), anywhere!
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
You can’t make Amulets infused (yet) and it’s not announced yet if they will add recipes for this. I’d wait with your infusion untill March update
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
3% Atm, but getting rid of it soon. MF is not really worth it and I don’t want to be a burden for my party
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Not only Black Lion error, also very laggy Guild Chat
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
I don’t know what you do with your SP’s, but I useally have ~100. Now I have 130 + an Eldrich Scroll in my bank…
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
godknows what other Thief Skills are OP
You know, admitting that you don’t know how a Thief works doesn’t really help your argument.
I have a thief myself, so I do know how it works. I don’t have as many hours on it as my Elementalist, so I couldn’t try out all of the builds yet
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Thieves are far from fine.
Its facepalmingly bemusing why ANET haven’t dealt with them yet – a 5 year old could tell you that:
- near permanent untargetable invisibility plus
- insane burst damage (5-6k steal, 5-6k cnd, 6-14k backstab) all in < 2s from invisibility plus
- as many get out jail free cards as you like plus. The mobility also makes up for medium armor and lowest healthpool in the game.
- crazy kitten mobility (bouncy bouncy heartseeker spam for 6k crits)Its too much. Far too much.
1. Near Permastealth = No Damage
2. Only if everything crits and you are too dumb to use a stunbreaker, dodge the steal or you didnt see it coming
3. So… He’s running away = u won
4. The dps on heartseeker is way lower than the dagger #1 chain. It’s only useful for gapclosing since the Animation can be dodged quite easily
1. Infite Stealth build users go unstealth for 2 secs to deal damage, and then go in stealth again. But then you are: But you can damage them in stealth, blablabla…. True. But you can’t select them, or even see them (duh) which makes it IMPOSSIBLE for aiming accurate. Only the most rubbish thieves can’t avoid the AoE attacks.
2. Ok i’ll dodge it. Oh wait he went in stealth again to use other OP skills such a backstab and godknows what other Thief Skills are OP.
3. What makes the thief have the right to escape from battles? Are the persons who run thieves better (not in-game, just as a person) than those who are not and they should be the only one who can run away when they’re losing, let the combat reset for another attempt and then try again, again and again till the person is so tired of thieves that he would just let himself get killed? NO.
4.Ok? Might be lower, but it’s not like it’s so underpowered, it’s still a skill that can deal plenty of damage.
No class, even though the Thief in the video is skilled, should be able to solo a tower. I also often see groups of 2~3 thieves killing our Dolyaks. They can’t die because of the AoE stealth (=100% infinite stealth). Even if they encounter groups of 10 or more, with only very few skill, they remain hidden and won’t die…
If that all is not enough, Thieves have Medium armor = Less damage than Scholar Classes (= Elementalist, Mesmer & Necromancer)
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Srsly, RS… I already disliked you for using dishonorable ways to fight, but this… this is just pathetic. Using tons of Golems and other (superior) siege, as an attempt to gain some points? It doesn’t make you any better, and other worlds just start looking down on you….
I’ll say it again: PatheticSeriously, Riselight, I don’t have the slightest clue which incident you are referring to, but I fail to see how using the tools of WvW in their intended way can be seen as either dishonorable or pathetic. If you are facing defeat in a fight, learn from it, grow stronger, devise a counter-strategy, and you may be the victor next time.
So what’s all the hate good for? Other worlds, I do still like you.
(Here, have a daisy.)
Your amount of potentional points is not thanks to your skills, but to your siege, actually, now I think about it, the most fierce opponents I have met on the Battlefield were from Aurora Glade…
The point is not only your mass amount useage of siege, but the fact your world have used the maintenance to capture SM (with many siege). Sorry, I didn’t mention this clearly, but I supposed you would see that my message is about your SM capture.
Please take your English – German dictionary and look up the word honor (or honour). What are you saying? You can’t find it? Doesn’t surprise me…
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Srsly, RS… I already disliked you for using dishonorable ways to fight, but this… this is just pathetic. Using tons of Golems and other (superior) siege, as an attempt to gain some points? It doesn’t make you any better, and other worlds just start looking down on you….
I’ll say it again: Pathetic
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Hitted 80 mid October, and I’m still playing everyday on the same character. There is enough to do that keeps my attention.
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
There is an annoying bug in Wildcreeck that allows the invader to kill the Lord of the tower without even entering it. It just happened to my server for the second time today and I took a screenshot. It’s not 100% clear, but you can see the lord is dead and there is a zerg knocking the gate. Also in the chat you can see allies updating my world how many % the gate has left, so they could not have entered yet. I could revive him, but I entered downed state twice, after they’ve used the exploit they watched the corpse that no one would res it, or prevent it from being ressed.
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Less than 50 mb
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Knight’s and etc. ascended might come in due time.
Prevent the Ascension becoming an ever greater failure than it already is, DO NOT introduce Ascended Weapons and/or Armor!
Nah, I think they should be released. With that, they just need to give ascended stuff more practical ways to obtain. For example, what I think would be the best solution to the entire ascended fiasco is to simply allow upgrading from exotics to ascended with the same stat combinations (I don’t know, Gift of Ascension + Exotic gear + Elonian Wine + Philosopher’s stone). That way exotics don’t become useless when full ascended comes out, plus it makes everyone happy in the sense that it’s not RNG based.
As I said, this is not my point. I’m not talking about grind/trademill or whatsoever.
The point about this thread: Ascended gear hates personal builds.
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
First at all: This thread it not a complain thread that GW2 has become a grind fest, or a gear trademill, I basicly don’t agree with that, but it’s not the point of this discussion, I want to discuss something else about Ascended gear
So, as you might already know, the Jan update came with several new Ascended amulets, however, yet again, they are completely against a large variation of builds.
This is because:
- Not all kind of prefixes are there, e.g. Knight, Carrion, Apothecary and many more simply do not have any kind of Ascended Ring, Amulet or backitem.
- You could upgrade Exotic (or lower) Accessories = Build variation. Now they come with the item itself. The only thing you can upgrade, is the kind of Infusion you want. The standard +5 Agony Resistance, which is USELESS in anything but Fractals, could come with +5 Vitalty, or +5 Power… Woow!
ANet wanted to (not sure if they still want to) introduce Ascended Weapons & Armor in the future…. Please no! If you would do the same as what we’ve seen now, everyone would run with the same gear, same stats… less or no variation at all…
Prevent the Ascension becoming an ever greater failure than it already is, DO NOT introduce Ascended Weapons and/or Armor!
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Since when is the only way to get a pre-cursor trough the Mystic Forge? It never was. Since day one, you can loot pre cursors from all chests after an Orr Temple event, or after the Claw of Jormag battle. After Mid-November the drop rate got buffed, it is now possible to find it in any JP Chest, Shatterer, Tequatl & Claw chest and still in all Orr Temple chests. It even drops in WvW as regular loot! Srsly, before you go whine about how many gold you have already wasted to try to get your precursor in MF, go outside LA, do events, play WvW, and you might be lucky.
Tho I’m not 100% happy with the current pre-cursor system as well, a (long) Scavenger Hunt would indeed be the best way to improve it.This isn’t true, not even close. The karka chest got an increased drop rate, that’s the only time it happened. I do everything you’ve mentioned multiple times a week and i’m usually lucky to see a few rares in a day, let alone an exotic. You almost make it sound like it drops from the sky if you pray hard enough to dwayna. You can easily tell based on hard data off the auction house. Post karka event i could get the lover for a bit over 90g (or even 128g) it’s now over 600g, that only tells you the drop rate is extremely low based on hard numbers.
My friend got precursor from JP chest, I got precursor from regular WvW loot. What I try to make clear is that the Legendary is a long-term goal, you should not waste hours & gold trying to get it in the MF, just do what you were doing (except sPvP) and you might find a precursor yourself.
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Since when is the only way to get a pre-cursor trough the Mystic Forge? It never was. Since day one, you can loot pre cursors from all chests after an Orr Temple event, or after the Claw of Jormag battle. After Mid-November the drop rate got buffed, it is now possible to find it in any JP Chest, Shatterer, Tequatl & Claw chest and still in all Orr Temple chests. It even drops in WvW as regular loot! Srsly, before you go whine about how many gold you have already wasted to try to get your precursor in MF, go outside LA, do events, play WvW, and you might be lucky.
Tho I’m not 100% happy with the current pre-cursor system as well, a (long) Scavenger Hunt would indeed be the best way to improve it.
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
The idea is simple, upon creating an account and after having chosed their first Home Server, the player is entitled 3 (number can increased or decreased) Server Transfer Tokens. You might have already assumed that with a Server Transfer Token, you can do a server transfer.
Transfer to…
- High servers = 3 Tokens.
- Medium server = 2 Tokens.
- Low server = 1 Token.
After you get your free tokens, you will never get any token for free again, and can only be purchased from the Gem Store.
This will allow (new) players to find a fitting server, but still prevents WvW players to serverhop every week. Choosing your home server is a crucial decision, but players still deserve a 2nd chance in case they have chosen a server that they really don’t like.
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
- Regular PvE players are forced into PvP
- There is a server vs server system already, it’s callen WvW
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
it’s hard to say yet. We don’t know ANet’s plans, and I suppose ANet doesn’t even know thereselves. It’s possible they add new mini’s, but still make the old available, or maybe they make the old mini’s available again in Wintersday in July (if they will bring this to GW2 as well).
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
As a D/D Elementalist I am dissapointed in the skins there are for Daggers. They are boring and don’t have anything special! Unlike other weaponkinds, like Short-and Longbow, Greatsword, Shields, even Focuses have better skins. I’m not talking about Legendaries, but about the other weapons you can create in the Mystic Forge.
Look at this AWESOME Greatsword skins:
Now check these Longbow skins:
And these Shortbow skins:
Some nice shield skins:
Also a few interesting Focus skins (There are a lot of MF Focus recipes):
And now the dagger skins…
I don’t know what’s the case for other kind of weapons, but please ANet, I beg you, give all weapon kinds so not only Greatswords, bows, shields…) an interesting amount of weapon skins, that are unique and proud to have
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Actually, GW2 is pretty much the friendliest MMORPG out there, some people already complained that the community is too friendly
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
I hate thieves for two reasons: Too high single target damage & stealth:
Their DPS is insane and they can kill anyone in 3 seconds. Stealth is a larger issue, when I’m fighting a thief and I’m winning, he/she simply goes into stealth to run away, is this fun? No. I feel thief always have the upperhand in a battle with stealth, they use it to control the battle, something no other class can do, it gives them the opening strike which is very important. If that is not enough, most of their skills can evade any attack, it can be hard sometimes to even hit them as they fastly run/fly around you and kill you. But especially the running away with stealth part is what pisses me off the most. A good fix would be an longer CD for stealth skills in combat, or decrease the stealth duration in combat and decrease the movement speed in stealth.
I’ve played a thiefish class before in another MMORPG, and there, they were pretty balanced. They could go into stealth for 3 minutes (!), but it was not possible during combat, their dps was high, but their HP and defense was very, very low. Or your target was dead, or you were dead.
(Opinion of an active WvW player)
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
No one can deny it: Something went wrong with Flame & Frost which caused a lot of players to crash, lagg or lose a lot of FPS. Is there any official word on this yet? Myself having alot of issues while I’ve been playing fine (more or less) before update, so I’m impatiently waiting for a fix…
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
He’s easy enough to avoid and with only 3 ori to gather you can be in and out no problem, why do you want it removed?
Why would I bother to go to Southsun to mine one normal ori ore and still taking risk because there’s a champ Karka? You also need some luck with your avoid techniques, with luck, he won’t one-hit you.
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
I am very dissapointed with the removal of the Rich Ori Ore in Southsun, I actually visited Southsun every day for this ore, it was one of the very few interesting things in Southsun, actually. Arguing seems pointless: I think the chance is 0,1% to see the Rich Ori Ore return. So please, I see no reason why the champ karka (who was given the task to protect the Rich Ori Ore) won’t be removed (or replaced) as well. Any plans for this?
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Yes, I am having the same issue, and it got worse after F&F update. I was playing at my laptop a long time, no problems at all, and mid december I bought a new one and having it since then… I also have this sometimes on other games, but it’s the worse on GW2. It’s fixable, but you need luck, minimize GW2 and after a few seconds it is, or fixed for a few minutes, or it got worse, your PC might even freeze.
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Same here, after 2 minutes my FPS is lowered by 50%, I useally had like 90-100, but now it’s, with luck 50-70 and sometimes even 30-40…
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Guild Wars 1 & 2 have easy & quick leveling, you can achieve the cap in no-time. When I hitted 80, I felt like I had nothing to do anymore and I was so wrong. Actually, the game only begins when you’re Level 80 and I learnt that leveling in GW2 was really not important.
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Just did Grawl Fractal, and it was IMPOSSIBLE. The lava debuff you get at the final boss won’t go away, not even when you die, so others can’t res you, not even when you ‘retry from checkpoint’, and not even when you return to dessa’s lab! We had to quit the entire fractals because my entire party had the Lava debuff… Also my armor was entirly destroyed…
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
I can’t find it in the gem store, not even under the Style tab, where is it?
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
well yeah, I hope the AS guilds who have moved to higher tier worlds to help them out, know that they have cursed AS forever with the free world transfer going away…
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Pretty much tired of thieves, I’m hoping to see one or multiples nerfs as soon as possible, will the upcoming Jan update contain nerfs to thieves? Oh and to those thieves out there who want to defend there class by claiming it’s balanced or even underpowered: There has to be a reason why half of the community is complaining how OP thieves are right?
Haha, another ignorant who is so much lazy to L2P agains thieves and better go cry on forum and hope for nerf. You should not better play multiplayer games, kid.
First at all, because you called me a kid, I’ll consider you as a kid yourself. Instead of using strong arguments why Thieves are not OP (which are rare), you are telling me to stop crying. I’ve played alot of MP games, from FPSs to RPG’s, and it always had some lack of balance, but not always that there was one absolute OP class, which is certainly the case in Guild Wars 2: Thieves.
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Pretty much tired of thieves, I’m hoping to see one or multiples nerfs as soon as possible, will the upcoming Jan update contain nerfs to thieves? Oh and to those thieves out there who want to defend there class by claiming it’s balanced or even underpowered: There has to be a reason why half of the community is complaining how OP thieves are right?
The only “community” that is “complaining how OP thieves are” is the “community” of BAD and ignorant players (most notably found in these forums). The in-game “community” holds a completely different, and a lot more realistic outlook on the matter. Now, kindly stop with the trolling, and direct yourself out of here.
Umh no, not really. The active ingame community is useally also active on the forum, I also often see complains about thieves in team chat in WvW, so no… And why would this “community of bad and ignorant players” not complain, or complain less about other classes?
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior