It’s fine for the most part, just a few encounters should be toned down a little, like Magg in CoF.
I do think it needs to be toned down a bit. In a PuG, it’s nearly impossible. Doing an all guild run all the time just isn’t an option for everyone.
Well that really sucks. Hopefully there is a fix coming for it, or is there a way to change leaders? I haven’t really played around with it.
So I was in AC explore mode, and we got to the last encounter, when someone was like, “Well i gtg bye” and left. The entire group was ported out of the instance. Why did this happen? I’ve had people leave dungeons mid-way before, but it never ported the entire group out.
Any indication if this is going to be fixed soon?
It’s all about how you allocate your skill points, and if you have any toughness/vitality gear. I run as a Necromancer, and I don’t die all that often. I’m usually last to die if it’s a wipe. I have a good amount of toughness, my profession has high health aside from any extra vitality I have, and I bring utility skills. If you “spec” just for DPS, expect to be squishy.
I really need this dungeon for gear, but I guess I will be avoiding it until it’s fixed, because I don’t feel right exploiting it, and that’s basically how everyone is running it. >_<
It’s a pretty well-known exploit that has been reported. I am sure ANet is looking into it. I do try to avoid groups using it, but it seems everyone is. -_-
Dodge is really not working out very well now. I consider myself a pretty good gamer, I take my time and do my research. I was having no problems in dungeons until these changes. I was dodging like crazy today, and still getting destroyed, because the mobs hit WAY too hard now. I understand ANet wanting to up the difficulty, but I think they went overboard.
Maybe CM was a little too easy, but now it seems to have been made too hard. Not to mention the fact it’s bugged-mobs can come THROUGH walls and closed doors, making encounters that much more difficult. I really think you guys need to fix this, ANet. This dungeon isn’t even worth running anymore, because the rewards don’t match the level of difficulty.
The link for the condition/wells build above won’t work. Have another link, or can you explain it here?
So is there any viable build that uses the axe/whatever, and staff? I really like using Wells in dungeons, but I’m having a rough time finding a good build for it to use the axe. I’m level 61 currently, so something that could be used for leveling would be nice, too. Also, at level 80, is conditionmancer pretty much king, or are Wells still viable?
I haven’t really tried axe/focus yet, but I will. I would like some input from people who use dagger/dagger or dagger/focus, too. I haven’t really toyed with those yet, and I want to known if they are viable for dungeons.
So I am trying to make a non-condition build. I’ve tried daggers, but it seems like I just put myself in harm’s way, and die easier in dungeons. So I went axe/dagger, and that seems okay, but a bit lacking (could be because my axe is a bit old). I really love using Wells, and having them targetable. Can someone suggest a good axe/dagger build, and a good dagger/dagger build? My other weapon preference is the staff, although with the right build, I wouldn’t object to scepter/dagger. I’m really looking for a good dungeon build using these weapons. Thanks!
I’m not really building for condition, I want to use an axe/dagger and staff, and use a ton of Wells. Sound like a good build?
Just your allies.
Finally, a dude who actually knows what hes talking about.
Too many necromancer newbs in this thread that haven’t a clue…
Or we have tried different builds to find the one that suites us. I haven’t had any issues in PvP or PvE with my Necromancer.
I’m only level 25 on my necro, and I rarely ever use the pets. I primarily use a scepter/focus and swap to dual daggers. (love dual daggers for melee range.) The only pet I have equip’d is the healing one, and I only pull it out if I need healing. My other 3 traits are the +power, +run speed, and +life force in combat.
Suggestion; dump the healing pet and use Consume Conditions. It’s sooo much better.
I saw that skill, but from what I gathered it only heals you when you have conditions going (I’ll admit I didn’t really look closely at it). Does it give you a base heal as well?
It heals you even if you don’t have conditions, yes, it just heals for more if you do have conditions on you.
I use it all the time. You can really buff it up nicely if you pick the right traits.
Just out of curiousity; why not love for the axe? It seems everyone goes scepter/dagger, which I did for a while, too, but I found it to be “meh” right now. Maybe the scepters I was using were crap, I don’t know. I do know that I love using Wells, so targetable Well is a must, along with the staff as one of my weapon swaps.
I am interested in this as well. I am also running a staff and axe/dagger build. So far I’m 20 in Spite, 20 in Curses, and 7 In Blood Magic, although I may drop that, not sure yet. My focus is on Wells. I run very Well-heavy in dungeons, as I find them to be so viable.
I was scepter/dagger, but I was finding scepter to be a bit underwhelming, honestly. I kill a lot faster with the axe. Well, switching between the axe and staff, I can kill almost anything in no time. Maybe I’ll give scepter another try later, once I get a better one. Right now, my axe is better damage, and I’m too cheap to buy a scepter from the Trading Post…haha.
Necromancer is a great class if you like adding utility as well as a good amount of damage. Using Wells (light and dark) and group heals (via Transfusion) for dungeons is very viable. You can also “tank” for quite a while using Lich Form and Death Shroud. There are also the minions if you would like to be a “minion master”, and a debuffer as a “conditionmancer”. I really like the class. I can’t really speak for the Mesmer, as mine is only level 3 currently.
To me the Wells are key skills to bring to a dungeon.
Therefore 20 points in Blood Magic is a must to reduce the cooldown by 20%
Makes sense. Do you think this would be a good spec, given the use of the axe/dagger or axe/warhorn? I’d also use the staff. I always use the staff, that weapon is non-negotiable to me.
I’m only level 25 on my necro, and I rarely ever use the pets. I primarily use a scepter/focus and swap to dual daggers. (love dual daggers for melee range.) The only pet I have equip’d is the healing one, and I only pull it out if I need healing. My other 3 traits are the +power, +run speed, and +life force in combat.
Suggestion; dump the healing pet and use Consume Conditions. It’s sooo much better.
I don’t use the minions at all, really. I’ve found things are better without them, there are more interesting abilities that are so much more viable. At the lower levels, I did use the shadow fiend to help “tank”, but once I hit about level 40, I dumped him for a Well spell (which one I use depends on the situation). Once you get Lich Form, too, it’s so easy to just use that coupled with Death Shroud and Wells to kill multiple enemies at once.
That one is tricky. I have tried it, too, but it’s so hard because you have to be in melee, so you have a better chance of getting killed. You can dodge in and out, of course, but it’s still tricky to achieve.
Double-click the book, and it will unlock them for you.
Other necromancers, what builds are you using in dungeons? I am specifically looking for something that uses axe/dagger or axe/warhorn, and the staff. I would also like decent survivability and targetable wells. I was thinking of going 30 into Spite for the axe talents, then at least 20 into Curses for targetable wells. Not sure where I want to allocate the rest of my points right now, so I’m looking for suggestions. What are your thoughts?
Twilight Arbor is still bugged today, and has been since yesterday morning. Nobody can get into the instance. It brings up the dialog box to enter the instance, but you click it, and nothing happens. Same thing was going on with Cauticus Manor last night, too. Are these issues being worked on?
Twilight Arbor is still down, nobody can enter together. The box comes up to join the party, but you click it, and nothing happens.