Showing Posts For Sekai.2987:

I want to raid, but I can´t find a group

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sekai.2987


just give it a month or two until most ppl have read guides and know what builds to use and you will be able to pug the first boss, maybe even the whole raid wing

it takes time until the informations are spread through the playerbase and then you will se the same lfg you saw in the past for dungeons/fractals

everyone will know the mechanics and what builds to use and you as an engi have it very easy , reroll to condi and you will find a squad in a few minutes

Going through Story 2nd time is [ANNOYING]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sekai.2987


i agree that its annoying and i also liked the old version better , and the fact that its not one dialog you can press skip is terrible , i know that on some missions in HoT you can simply ignore the talking npc and run ahead and they will stop talking and follow you, but most mission have “walls” that only the npc can take down so you have to wait for the npc to finish his talking before you can go on and that is annoying as hell

anet pls, let us skip the talking and remove the walls that only npc can take down , listening once to them is more then enough

GW2 Efficiency to screen raiders has begun.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sekai.2987


I dont see any problem here, i guess thats a guild application ? if a guild is looking for meta zerk players its a great way to check if that person really has the eq he needs

if you dont play meta and dont care about speedclear and optimal builds , why do you want to join the guild?

if you are a causual then look for causual guilds that dont care about dps and meta builds

WvW "optimal" gear for roam/zerg

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sekai.2987


staff ele for zerg is still great, some play the new stuff like tempest/fire/air, for overloading air and such but for roaming…

i had a lot of duels as d/d and d/f with “normal” build and with tempest , i lost most of them vs the new elite specs, i think only a daredevil thief would lose now vs an ele

i honestly think that ele is now in a bad spot for roaming , any decent or dedicated roamer should win vs an ele on the same skill lvl in a 1v1, only the zerglings that you catch while they run to the zerg would lose vs an ele

the only role for roaming as an ele i see in a group as a support aura mancer, just like the builds we saw yesterday in the ESL monthly

and one last thing, the moment i saw that phantaram changed from ele to revnant , i knew ele is in a bad spot :/

Devon Comments on WvW Reward Balance Issues

in WvW

Posted by: Sekai.2987


For those out there posting ideas for a better reward system and don’t read Reddit, here’s something Devon Carver mentioned on a thread in the GW2 Reddit a few hours ago;

“That is a large part of the issue. Essentially any change to WvW rewards has to be balanced against the idea that players, servers, etc. might collude with one another to just farm rewards. That said, there is one thing that is true of WvW, which is the actual rewards are higher than the perceived ones. Mostly because rewards come in a very small, but steady drip drip drip from kills, etc. That said, the mastery stuff is a different problem.”

still waiting to spend my 30k badges on something usefull and no, upgrading siege in mf is not usefull its a waste of time

either introduce a reward track for wvw or put there an npc to trad badges vs actual items /materials and not siege bullkitten

Elites vs non elites? Duel it.

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


calling now for all gw1 veterans, i started gw with nightfall so i dont know for sure BUT in gw1 each expansion also introduced new skills and new proffesions, you could not use these skills/profs without buy the expansions….am i wrong? isnt this with every game that gets expansions?

HoT Map Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sekai.2987


The thing is this patch was to stop the issue of peoples map progress being wiped out, not the broken rewards.

This post was right after the patch and confirms what the patch was for.

well my bad then , i misiterpreted the patch notes , i do hope though they will fix the map reward some time..

HoT Map Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sekai.2987


-Fixed a bug that affected map completion.

^ that was just the patch, which is great but whats not so great is that you dont get the reward retrospective, i already have VB and AB at 100%, i just loged in in VB and didnt get anything

the fun part is, there is an achivment where i have to complete one of the new maps to get a chest what i need for that achivment, well sure i still have the other two maps which i can do and hope to get the chest..

but for arguments sake, lets say i already would have all 4 new maps at 100% (and i belive there are ppl out there who has them all at 100%), what should i do ? i dont get the map reward, i cant complete the achivment…..does anet expect me to make another ele (i need to complete the map with ele for achivment) push it to 80 and complete a map again ?

am i the only one mad about this ? cant be right ?

Scout Acan bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sekai.2987


im also stuck at it , so the chioce we all have are : wait for bug fix or replay previous story mission and choose the second option, where you dont defend the village…

Increased ping on new borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Sekai.2987


So today is the second day that i have a ping of 100-150 on the new borderlands , and only there. In pve or on EB i have alway 30-50 outside of zerg fights, am i the only one ?

i suspect its because the map its so huge and there are always some kind of effects around me like this sand storms that make you invisble but its simply annoiyng , just now i was running around with 15~ ppl and we caped a tower and i had lagspikes up to 300ping there is no way i will play on the BL if the ping is double of EB..

Gems rewards are here!

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


yay! got my gems, to bad the sales were a month ago with great things in the gemstore because of the birthday..

they should hire an intern to send the gem rewards on a weekly basis, come on anet, you can do it , i belive in you !

Updates to Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


was this in todays patch ? because i dont see it mentioned

AFK reporting

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


must be ryo right ? i bet he is bff with prince vingador , anet devs still unabel to turn dishonor system on and if they dont fix their kitten until leagues , it will get even worse

these guys should creat a guild with AFK tag and join ESL, so maybe they will get a bit of attention from the devs

By the far worst class in pvp warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


someone should tell lypion,alkore and rom that war isnt good in pvp and ranger is op because for reason no top team seems to know that..

Prize for tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


alright good to know, maybe anet should hire an intern for such trival things to get it done..

Prize for tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


so i just want to ask , how long does it usualy take until you get the prize from a tournament ? i am still waiting for lama and gems from Pugquest EU #3, which was about 4 weeks ago

is this normal ? or did the devs just made an error and forgot about me ? because waiting a month for reciving the prize is imo not a very motivating thing for players that think about joining such amateur tournaments

When is it right to interrupt a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: Sekai.2987


well there are two things i do when someone interrupts my duels,

first: i disengange the moment i see someone coming near, hoping that my enemi will kill the zergling that try to gank , which happens most of the time

second: if the zergling was lucky enough to caugh him while he was at 10% life and kill him , i will invite the enemi player into my party, and run with the zergling that killed him , so he always know the position of him and can come to us and kill the zergling

i like the second thing the most, seeing how the zergling gets caught on the way to the zerg and then complains i dont ress or help him….like realy bro? you think i will help after you interuped my duel and ignoerd me spamming “stop its a duel!”?

WvW getting some love ~ Thanks!

in WvW

Posted by: Sekai.2987


rewards , i have 30k badges which i have no intention of using on the trash i can get for that, the time i would spend on upgrading the siege to get at least some gold is better spend on running dungeons and get more gold in the same time

Meta ele d/d nerf confirmed

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


if they nerf the cele dd , i hope they at least make a bersek build good enough to play it in torunaments

Harassment after a Match

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


let them talk to themselves, idk what nerds these days have to rage about when its just a videogame

you dont have a competitive spirit do you ? like , its enough if you take part , no need to win ? there is nothing more that i hate then losing , doesnt matter if real life or a game , i rage if i loose a match because i have someone in my team dieing at svanir just like i rage when i loose a football match because someone made stupid plays

everyone(friends, family) says that i should just enjoy and have fun …. well i have fun when im winning

ps: most harcore raging is going on when i play mario kart, like… im in first place and then get kittened by the blue turtle….

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


Metrics show clearly that majority enjoy merged soloq and teamq, because they’re playing it daily.

So, why would we change a system that majority likes?
Especially when a peasant asks for it? :v

what metrics are you talking about ? source pls?

and of course we play daily because we like pvp, but that doesnt mean we dont hate it that we have matches vs premades as soloqer

i see on daily basis that either my team or my enemy team writes things like “gg premade, afk premade waste of time” and i honestly doubt that any soloqer enjoy it when they lose another match with 500-200~ because they face a 3-5 premade party

ps: and in worst case , some players dont even start a match because they see they are playing vs full premade , its not so often like the rage quits mid-match but i seen it serval times

I have play over a 3000 games in pvp and really never i see anyone goes afk or left because they see a premade team.

good for you because in over 3000 games i have seen this quite a lot , i will take screens from now on , maybe grouch will belive me then too

Incresed level cap by the back door

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sekai.2987


GW1 never raised the level cap during expansions, your older lvl 20 chars never became “underpowered” because the “maximum” stayed at lvl 20. Sure extra char classes and content was added but what you had was not de-valued.

I think ANet are being sneeky and de-valuing existing chars/accounts in order to force people to buy HoT, masteries are being sold as new-content when infact they are the new level 80.

Thoughts? (keep comments on-topic or take your worthless troll-opinion elsewhere :p)

You had the title tracks in GW1 and without them some builds were rather hard to maintain. This was a huge grind, especially the Luxon/Kurzick title.

And as if progression in an expansion is bad? What is bad about this? Why sneaky? You see demons where there no are. Don’t put the devs into a shady light, it’s just unfair.

and dont forget the ebon,asura rank farming that was done for the skills to be better , which were required in some situations, i remember farming ebon for that ebon assasin skill , but i dont even know why or for what use it was lol….but it had to be done

What is going on? Why is GW2 so boring?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sekai.2987


dont know if someone said it yet but…if you are bored because its to easy, go into higher lvl zones , i remember my first time i created a norn, and near the beginner zone is the lvl 80 with the world event , so as i was exploring and stuff i sudenly stood before a lvl 80 mob as a lvl 20 war and got one shoted…

so yeah , if the starting zone is to easy , simplay go into others , you dont have to finish all the hearts in a zone if its boring , move on , or go to wvw or pvp and get killed alot ;P

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


Metrics show clearly that majority enjoy merged soloq and teamq, because they’re playing it daily.

So, why would we change a system that majority likes?
Especially when a peasant asks for it? :v

what metrics are you talking about ? source pls?

and of course we play daily because we like pvp, but that doesnt mean we dont hate it that we have matches vs premades as soloqer

i see on daily basis that either my team or my enemy team writes things like “gg premade, afk premade waste of time” and i honestly doubt that any soloqer enjoy it when they lose another match with 500-200~ because they face a 3-5 premade party

ps: and in worst case , some players dont even start a match because they see they are playing vs full premade , its not so often like the rage quits mid-match but i seen it serval times

Ranks per Class, NOT Account

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


i like the idea , and i think even if you swap mid-match it doesnt matter because as far as i know the rank is only a small piece of the formula used for mmr

and i think this would be great for causuals, so they have a goal once they reach rank80, and maybe (big dream) even make for each class a specific finisher if reached r80 on that class, that would really encourage players to play each class a few hundrets games if they want all finishers

and maybe even minimize the useless QQ about how OP other classes are because we all know , most of the time the reason is because the player doesnt really know the class he is QQ´ing about

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


Did anyone say there was no solo q in the league system? Or are you guys just assuming things because Helseth decided to talk about it?

we assume there is no soloq because it was asked before the leauges were announced and we didnt get it , and imo it would have been just logical to announce soloq in the same blogpost as leagues, because its a big and long awaited /wanted change and since there was no word about it , alot of ppl assume that anet still think we dont need seperate soloq / teamq

thats why we must show/remind anet every day that the majority want it or we may not get it

Were is our Legendary Reward ?

in WvW

Posted by: Sekai.2987


i dont mind not having legendary stuff , but it would be great if they would give us rewards that are worth spending on the thousand of badges i have, like really , you dont have to make the rewards as good as in pve but make them good enough to spend the badges on , to many ppl have ten-thousands of bages rotting in their inventory waiting to be spend on something good

Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


i know not everybody likes him , but i think he is right about the soloq and league systems

spread the word to all streamers and players, we need to make this happen

leagues without soloq would be terrible

grouch pls

new stats on scoreboard?

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


The rest of this feature is now being turned on.

It’s good but there is no really much time at the end of the game to see every stats and analyze it.

So i hope you can in future add a match history and maybe some general comparison between teams (damage team red, decap team red, healing team red, ress team red, downed, stomp ecc.)

true dat , the 10sec ? you have after a match before you get ported to the mists isnt enough time to check out your stats , extend that to 30-60sec or the new feature is preaty useless

Did Tempest Overloads convince you?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sekai.2987


i guess the only skill that i would use would be the overloading water one , and only if im about to die, because better be alive with 20sec cd then dead and no cd…., it heals for 4k? , still kitten but maybe it could save your kitten

overall i will not use the elite spec as it is now, neither the warhorn, and cantrips are still better in pvp then the shouts , gg anet

Are we killing WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Sekai.2987


2. it doesnt happen in all pvp games, it only happen in recent years. mmorpg community used to be much more friendlier and filled with much less dota/lol-like players.

no, not really , there was always kittens in online games , i remember my days in ragnarok online , 10 years ago, the amount of trash talking and perma killing and insultig was insane , gw2 is like child play compared to that

BETA weekend achievements [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sekai.2987


i dont mind,i think.. but the thing is , what if they start doing that in every beta weekend from now , so from 3-4 weekends you get maybe 20-30 AP, for achivment hunters that have done every possible achivment that amount could mean a few ranks up or down on the list

idk i just dont like it, until now i could get every achivment if i wanted (not like i did every one, im lazy), now i have to spend money for it ?…meh

16 Unseen PvP Maps.

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


kind of sad to see how many things dont make it into the game, i would love to see new maps for conquest , even without special feature like lord or creature , just a regular map for the sake of letting me see something new

PvP: Is Thief still viable?

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


i dont know what you are doing wrong , but thief is still good in pvp , maybe it will help if you watch toker, if you dont know him , he is the thief of the team that won the last WTS in germany

Why I don't GW2 any more... random jerks

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


….But I don’t wanna have to deal with idiots, when I am back home entertaining myself with a game….

man tbh i dont know what kind of pvp games you played before, but in any game i played there were idiots trash talking and insultig the opponents or their teammates

from my first mmo 15years ago, beeing called a noob and idiot to my first shooter on PS3 where i got an angry message with full of insults and other things, it will always be that way, just get used to it, there will be always kittens, like in real life too

best thing you can do is get a party to queue, so you dont need the chat and then hide chat and ignore what the opponent says in say chat

What do you plan to do in GW2 today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sekai.2987


wvw until i get a dc again

Stuck at Log-In

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sekai.2987


i just watched some streamers on twitch having lags/getting dc andnot being abel to login

i also got dc and i cant login back ,

error code : 7:1000:7006:462

Anet the condi meta in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Sekai.2987


  • 40% condition duration foods (increase and decrease)

imo thats the true problem, 40% is simply to much, they should remove both foods or tune it down to 10-20%

if you have -40% and the condi player doesnt have +40% its way to easy to win

if you dont have -40% and the condy player has +40% its way to hard to win

i really wonder that there are not alot more theards about how OP that buffod is, everyone that plays condi and use the food can confirm that it has a huge impact on the fight, maybe everyone just blames condi without thinking that condi would not be that good without the bufffood

ps: for for zergfights it doesnt even matter, the aoe condi clean is immense

Should I be playing ranked?

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


Ranked, because there are achievements for it.

all achivments are doabel in unranked, the description is wrong , you dont need wins in a ranked arena for champion titels , you can get them in unranked too

and tbh that is a serious problem , i have met alot of newbies that are in ranked only because they want that cool champion titel and it took me like 10min to explain them that they can do that in unranked too

if grouch reads that , pls pls pls change the description of the achivments to make i clear that they are doabel in unranked too

Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sekai.2987


No invulnerability. No blocks. No evades. No movement skills. No teleports…. but they think adding 7% more to protection is going to make dagger/warhorn a frontliner….


Also seriously, did no one else think (esp earth skill 4 i think) warhorn animations looked like farting…..

i dont see focus or dagger getting replaced by that, most skills are at best “meh”

Tempest elite skill very underwhelming.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sekai.2987


kind of tired of another support skill (guard 2.0), hoped for a good elite that is usefull in 1v1, and that one is absolutly not , i will still keep FGS because it will be the best for wvw roaming and spvp puging, unless they change the tempest elite drasticly

Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sekai.2987


well , gj at kittening it up anet , cant belive we get such a useless piece of kitten , majority of ppl i talked to wanted the sword so bad and new we get that junk

and not to mention that fantasy wise it would make more sense that an ele can create a sword from fire or lighting to fight and a kittening warhorn belongs to the warriors , who the kitten thinks of a warhorn when you talk about elementalists

i was looking so much forward to the new weapon and new we get that junk , im incredible dissapointed and i think you have made a huge mistake anet

i simply lost any to motivation to play ele at all, guess i will spend my time on thief/mes from now on

Oh, you already know what weapon skills and utility skills the Tempest Specialisation will get? Please share us your inside knowledge!

its a kittening warhorn , useless piece of kitten , no matter the skills the sowrd would always be better

Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sekai.2987


anet kittened it up, now i know how the guards felt when they got the lb, i dont know anyone who wanted warhorn , that kitten can stay with the warriors

Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sekai.2987


well , gj at kittening it up anet , cant belive we get such a useless piece of kitten , majority of ppl i talked to wanted the sword so bad and new we get that junk

and not to mention that fantasy wise it would make more sense that an ele can create a sword from fire or lighting to fight and a kittening warhorn belongs to the warriors , who the kitten thinks of a warhorn when you talk about elementalists

i was looking so much forward to the new weapon and new we get that junk , im incredible dissapointed and i think you have made a huge mistake anet

i simply lost any to motivation to play ele at all, guess i will spend my time on thief/mes from now on

Nerf Thief? This vid is for the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


1. you use a useless build, dont you ever complain if you yerself play some trollbuild

2. you KNOW there is a thief around and you simply just walk in circels , rly ? you are screaming “pls kill me” dude

3. when you KNOW ther is a thief around , go in kittening stealth yourself , dont stand around like an idiot, go in stealth , wait for him to get outside stealth, and burst him down first

4. and the last thing….you played in why do i even bother explaining things to someone with a troll build getting killed by another trollbuild in hotjoin..

edit: because i am a nice guy, i recommend you to go to , get the meta d/p buils , read the description and watch the videos so you can learn how to play thief

Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sekai.2987


i already made bolt, they better get me kittening sword skils…

The current meta in two screenshots

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


wait…. you are a war and complain about rampage…wut?

Why is Anet so protective?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sekai.2987


maybe you should try playing some wvw, i getting 3-5 angry whispers daily while roaming with my thief, the hate is real there

oh and you can ks, well sorta, if someone taking a camp and you get there intime to kill him and take the camp yourself you are sure to get an angry whisper, most of the time

Unstompable bug?

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


it is a known bug , not a cheat, and you can still stomp him if you are playing thief, just go to him ,press F and them use steal to teleport to his real location

Pay to win?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sekai.2987


as far as i remember it was the same in gw1 , if you didnt buy the expansions you didnt had all skills, seems normal, i dont know any mmo that had an expansion and you had all new skills without buying the expansion