Showing Posts For Sekai.2987:

I defeated 5 condi chrono in a row

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sekai.2987


No joke…
Killed 4 and one ran off back to his keep.

You know those buggers that keep summoning and auto resummoning phantasms to load you with wave after wave of confusion and torment and some burn?

They used to give me nightmares. But with this build, I’m actually able to force a fight and won 5 different condi phantasm chronos in a row.

They were still very close fights though. Right down to the wire. Could have gone either way.

I’m accepting any condi chrono challenge to fight this build. I’m on TC though. So T2 for this week.

alright so two questions:

1. did any of them use scepter ? if yes , count them as pve guys that still play a build from 2015

2. did any of them use moa ? if no , count them as pve guys , every pvp mesmer knows that moa is the best skill ingame , even more vs necros and their shroud, only exception is if they play power , then gravity well is an option

i didnt take a look at your build but if you can try to make it in pvp and play vs some mesmers with meta build, you know the one with sword/shield,staff and moa in a 1v1 server

Video Request: Ghost thief, dead.

in WvW

Posted by: Sekai.2987


both great vids, always nice to see them die

my way to handle ghost thiefs : get rev/druid/engi friend, let the friend reveal thief , moa thief….atack thief…moa again…kill thief and dance on his corpse, double moa is op

Denial Esports moving on from GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


the amount of people that are missing the point and blame the lack of 5-man queue for no competitive scene is ridiculous…

so let me write that out for you guys —→it doesnt kittening matter if there is no 5-man queue because no esports team gives a kitten about ranked<-—

THE PROBLEM is there are no toruneys, for almost half a year anet hasnt said a word about toruneys, and without a torunament there cant be a competitve esports scene

and thats why it doesnt kittening matter if we have duo,solo or 5-man queue, for esports players ranked is just usefull to entertain people on stream, NOT to make money like they want as pro players

Thank you for the Tournament of Groucharoo.

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


something like that should be organized by arenanet every month, with a prize of 2k gems and a few hundred gold per player for the winning team and some small prizes for the top8 should be enough to get people to play

and if the devs dont have enough time for it , let an intern do it , cant be that hard

ps: and of course every person that played at the last lan should not be allowed to participate , that torunament should be used to create new teams and let them grow without getting roflstomped by the pro players

How each division should be read?

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


had some good laughs while reading this, keep it going

This is why divisions need to be scrapped altogether, the only way some people can make themselves feel good is by trashing others. PvP is toxic enough without this garbage.
Also being proud of being good in a video game is kind of sad to be honest, most of us have real world commitments.

are you telling me to not be proud of being good in footbal or chess ? just because you have to pay your bills?
it doesnt matter what you love to do, if your are good at it, you can be proud about it

and i dont know what kind of mmo you played before gw2 but the toxic you see here , is nothing compared to others mmo, i remember the times in ragnarok when i got spam wshipered to kill myself and my whole family daily in pvp , good old times , the toxicity in gw2 is nothing compared to that

Dead or Alive is better than Rebound

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


eles never had any decent elite skils, if i look at all the elite skils other classes have like moa,invul,long stuns, stealth etc i get really jealous as an ele

i also wish they would give me an elite skil that i could use in a duel offensively, because you know , right know the best we have is a useless elemental glyph where the summond elemental dies in 2 secs vs any autoatacks

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sekai.2987


Don’t tell me the players set-up the prices – it is false. The prices are driven by supply and demand. We know that in this moment the demand is high. And the supply is controlled by ANet. Conclusion? Who set-up the prices?
Alooo! Mr. Smith? What you said about the wrong ANet behavior to set-up the values of the materials on TP?

The buy out of MCs last week was a prime example of how the player base is setting the prices. Without Anet tinkering on the faucets and sinks, 2 players decided to buy 30k MCs off the market for elevated prices. Unfortunately, they were the only ones wanting to pay those high prices.

Supply and prices were back to pre-buyout values within 12-24 hours.

oh kitten, i missed a good chance to sell all the coins i hoarded, guess i will let them rot in my bank until the price spikes again and hopefully i wont miss it :/

Trolled By Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


you need a “turn reward tracks off” option

Teleport hack live on Drazeh stream

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


well first time i see it in pvp, saw a few of teleporters in wvw but never saw one in pvp personaly, really nice how he ports from spawn direktly into mid lol

Ohoh spvp lost anet rep :-(

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


this is terrible news for the spvp community, he was one of the few devs that actualy spoke with us on the forums, now i dont see any hope for pvp to get better any time soon

rip spvp

Reasons to vote yes at the poll by Helseth

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


all the reasons why you should vote for solo/duo, go and put your mark on yes and make pvp great again!

Extended Off-Season and Other Updates

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


A message from the PvP Team:

Second, in the next few weeks we’ll be running a poll that asks if you’d like to see PvP Leagues switch to a solo/duo queue only system, rather than allowing rosters of any size (1 through 5 players). This is potentially a very big change for PvP, so we wanted to get it on your radar ahead of time so you can ruminate, discuss it together now, and then share your opinion on the poll when it is available.

The PvP Team

not sure if i understand it correct…..if i vote for yes on that poll then only solo/duo queues are possible ? what about 3 people or more partys ? what about guild teams ?

i am a solo player and have played all 4 seasons as solo and i would love a solo queue, but if for some reason i sudenly want to go esports and somehow i found a team, how would we fight other teams? is there anything for teams to practice other then AG tournaments?

queue time or matchmaking whats more imprtant

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


I go with queue times. But i don’t think they have to be mutually exclusive. I know if i could sit around for 10 minutes each time before a pvp match.

i know what you mean , waiting for 10min while doing nothing is really terrible , most of the time when i queue i watch either twitch or some show on my second screen

but even then i prefer the waiting times over bad matches like vingador discribed

queue time or matchmaking whats more imprtant

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


i played a few matches this weekend and noticed a decent drop in the skill of players but also a drop of queue times.
normaly i have queue times in between 5-8min , and now its only 2-3min, im guess thats because of all the people that plays just on the weekend, so the queue time drops , but also the skil lvl because of the people that play just once a week

so my question for you guys is , whats more important for you? fast queues or better matches ? because i honestly would rather have queues 5-10min long over bad matches

i saw alot of posts from the devs where they always talk about the queue times, which is fine, no one wants a 20min queue, but isnt a 10min queue with a good match better then a 3min queue with a bad match ?

collecting coalesence bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sekai.2987


same , did 2 events, both time no credits for achivment

Vanilla Tournament Afterwords and Thanks

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


Hi, to those of you who hosted, watched, donated, the ANet Devs at the beginning of stream and the guys who helped me recovered during my 1v1 Vanilla Tournament. I am sincerely sorry for the mess at beginning and very thankful for those that stay and help me pull through with the whole tournament. Special thanks to these amazing people who normally BM me a lot but actually help me when it count: Aerodynamique, Jeff, Vallun, Throwny, Infantry, Tormey, Rar, Caspian, Marvin as well as my lurker mods who helped me moderate the cancer viewers during the hate storm.

I would also like to thanks these donors for making the tournament happened:
JoinJess and her viewers – The tournament biggest benefactors
Frosti Bubbles my teammate, Garth who do not even know me but send me gold anyway, Lord Helseth even though I dissapointed him, and many more donors that send small donations in the stream.

I would also like to thanks the viewers who did not add the the hate storms at beginning and stick out till we sorted things out. A huge thanks to Miaz, Jeff’s EU friend for helping me, a guy he met in twitch chat for one day by sorting out the whole bracket mess and whisper everyone to get the whole tournament going smoothly near the end. I am very grateful to you dude.

Again, sorry for the mess at beginning and I hope those who tune in during that time and got turn off please reconsider and rewatch the VoD. I am very sorry for the disorganization, I planned to Finish everything on Friday But since I got work related issues I have to pulled a long shift so the next day I was just scramble to get things together. This is the only time I will host this kind of tournament again. To those of you who stay positive and said you wished me to host a 5v5 Vanilla Tournament in the future and even sent me donations already. I am sorry to say atm I will not touch anything related to GW2 Events. This experience made me realize I prefer my meme 20 viewers stream where I just have fun with my boys and do meme stuffs than organizing an event for the community who keep complaining about no events but when there actually one, most of the community just eagerly wait for the chance to burn a person down.

That all for my apologies and thanks. Again, Sorry that I kitten kitten up, if one of you who read this thinking about making a tournament. Only words of advice I can give you is: Just leave it to ANet to make their own Events, it their game. Spend your precious time irl or go to work even instead of organizing one. I know I will get lot of hate for saying these lines but idgaf anymore kthnx.

P.S: Sorry for my bad English I’m just too tired to care.


you are so kitten right, the majority of the spvp"community" is extremly kittened up an dont deserve anything

i didnt watch the whole stream , just checked in a few times when i was bored , i think the stream was 5-6h long? i really liked the duels between the fresh air eles and power mesmers, made me so sad that i as an ele cant play anything else then bunker ele without dragging my team down but that is another story..

anyway, nice the see some oldschool builds in action again

Revenenge on Capricon - tactics, thoughts? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


played a few matches on rev, it feels like half the map is port bugged, like 50% of the time i do sword 3, i stay in place, not following the target and phase traversal also sometimes didnt port anywhere

didnt try it on thief yet , maybe later but if the thief ports are as kitteny as the rev ones anet needs to fix that yesterday…

Raid Community in EU?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sekai.2987


so now that we have the next raidwing out with more information on legendary armor i would ask again, hoping that something changed

ps: i realy want that legendary armor :/

Chances of reaching Legendary?

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


I have a 50% winrate and I just made Ruby. With just 20 days left in the season however it may look doubtful but then again I won against teams with Primo and Exalted Legends (and Illustrious but for our purposes unranked doesn’t count) and even had some on my team (suggesting the MM deems them in my MMR range?) so there’s hope.

Edit: I don’t run staff in PvP I was just taking some pictures with it.

play ele, easy games , easy life , easy carries


True MMR Hell

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


there is literally nothing she can play that would offset her being unable to use her left hand.

if for some reason, Anet did buff a class/spec that it can literally be played on 1 hand and still roll over everything, she’ll still be getting stomped because the people with 2 hands will be playing that class/spec miles better than her.

If i’m playing basketball against Lebron James, I’m not going to ask for the basket to be lowered to 7 foot, because he’ll still stomp me regardless of how high the basket is simply because there is no way my physical and basketball abilities can match up to him in any setting, and I sure as heck won’t complain to the NBA that basketball is too hard because according to them, “anyone can score a basket”.

are you telling me she plays the game with just one hand ? i dont know what to say…kind of sad for her but…also sad for all the ppl she won against, i mean she seriously won one handed vs other ppl?…now i have seen it all

and i didnt look up the vid she posted , but if its as bad as the other guys said, maybe she just dont belong into ruby

True MMR Hell

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


OK, I now have consecutive loss streaks of 23, 12, 11 and now working on 6.

On the advice of forum members I switched to Warrior. I am consistently getting stomped by 300+ points.

It’s very obvious that the matches are being predestined by the matchmaker and that is really a kitten poor way to make a game.

This is not competition. It is pure favoritism of a small group of players. I’ve taken to thanking ANET for my punishment after each match and asking for another.

video pls, lets see if you are unlucky or just bad at the game

Let's stop with Leagues...

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


Why do we even bother? Leagues brings toxicity to the game and people are just farming the backpack anyway. Why not trash the league and just have the achievements to earn the backpack? Grindy but achieavable avhievements no matter how good you are.

PvP is starting to be horrible and I am on the brink of quitting.

I bother because in legendary div ppl at least try to win, ofc there are still bad players but not as bad as in lower divisons, its incredible what kind of stupid and useless kitten the people in lower divisions play, these people play for fun , not for the win. Since leagues started i have spend more time then ever in pvp. And even though i got that legendary backpack and done all achivments last season, i will still play and see how many times i can repeat legendary div this season.

The amount of toxic players is the same as before, i guess you didnt play that much pvp before the leagues, the funny thing is that before it didnt even matter if you win or lose because the leaderboard was crap anyway and you would get nothing from winning and STILL people behaved like kittens if they lost, or even if they won “gg ez noobs” was a thing i saw a few times.

And no it should be not achivable for everyone thorugh grind, its okay if not everyone can get the backpack, i will never get the legendary fractal backpack and that is fine.

I really hope that next season we dont get another legendary item, an exklusive pvp skin would be much better and i guess much less pve players will then even bother with pvp.

List of Upcoming WvW Polls

in WvW

Posted by: Sekai.2987


  • Mixed Borderlands – yes, the overhauled dbl was okay
  • World Linking Schedule – once a month
  • Deployable Mortars – no, less siege more fights
  • Deployable Cannons – ^
  • Repair Hammer – ^

Doesn't this flat out prove favoritism?

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


guys , why stop at two profesions ? lets compare all traps ! come one where are the thief and ranger players that play with traps ?! im sure you guys are not happy with your traps !

How on earth some scrubs make it to ruby?

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


It’s actually 30 pips Cynz since it can take +-15 if that makes any sense.

See below: 21 pips diff at least

he is right, i cant find the post , but in some theard anet said that the system starts with 15 pip range and the longer you wait in queue, the more the range expands. i dont know why people think that 15pips is the max range and not the start range, anyone got a link to an anet post about this? because i cant remember which season i saw the post with 15 pips as a start point…

Bugs affecting pvp - wtb fix

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


pet/rev/war taunt causes immob bug (especially if target uses teleport spell at the same time) that prevents target from using any skills until player types /sit or /dance to fix it

^this kitten is game breaking, you get taunted, cant move until you either use a traveling skil or type /sit / dance, and the sad part is , that this bug is here since season one , gg anet

LUL Matchmaking - Can this be explained?

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


what i think is really strange is that they put lord asura,rom and danshe in one team , instead of letting them play against each other, pro leagues players should get some kind of extra rating that they never play together if they are not in a group, always let them play against each other

Raid Community in EU?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sekai.2987


Hey guys, does anyone knows if there is a raid community in EU that takes beginners with them? i saw a few posts about raid training on NA but havent found anything about EU.

I have a full ascended bersek gear ele and would like to try raiding without beeing tied to a guild, i like to play all game modes, thats why i cant be with just one guild that focuses only on pve and wants full time rep.

2nd day rant

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


the troll is real, wow a legendary ele , lmao.
move on

the ruby scrub is real, move on….wait you cant, so just stay where you belong

2nd day rant

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


GJ on 90% win with that garbage build TallBarr . Either its a total joke or the MMR is set to let garbage players win while others like myself have to suffer, GJ anet !
30 games played so far this season 7 pips, lmao , total joke
- soloQer

thats obviously a pve build , you know that the builds are split between pvp/pve/wvw right ? if i would make a screen on my ele while im in LA to show my winstreak, you would also see my pve build with fire signet and frostbow , which is obviously not my pvp build

Oh wow, another smart person..or I mean, another ‘know it all’ who doesn’t call people out and tell them their winstreak is from bad matchmaking, but still understands the difference between game mode build templates (or even the idea of being on an alt when taking a screenshot). Total joke…durrr

i dont give a kitten about matchmaking because i never had any problems with it, i just pointed out that the build displayed in the screen is obviously a pve build and says nothing about how good or bad the player is

2nd day rant

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


GJ on 90% win with that garbage build TallBarr . Either its a total joke or the MMR is set to let garbage players win while others like myself have to suffer, GJ anet !
30 games played so far this season 7 pips, lmao , total joke
- soloQer

thats obviously a pve build , you know that the builds are split between pvp/pve/wvw right ? if i would make a screen on my ele while im in LA to show my winstreak, you would also see my pve build with fire signet and frostbow , which is obviously not my pvp build

1) obviously a pve build? well you are apparently the type that gets carried in pvp.
2) … pvp/pve/wvw.. , wake up. this isn’t rocket science
3) address the issues and stop trolling

1. its obviously a pve build which you could see in a split second as long as you are not a kitten
2. pve/pvp/wvw has still different build savings,you can have on build in one mode and when you switch to another mode you dont need to change builds, bet you didnt even know that, you are welcome
3. i bet i carried your kitten to legend, if you even got to legend


Balance Officially toxic

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


anet should do it like gw1, sell Hot skils for cash/gems (pvp only) , that way you can buy only the skils for 10€ and dont have to pay for the whole expansion

just did a quick search if something like this happend in the past, and guess what , it did — >

so either you cripple yourself and your team by not wanting to pay for the expansion or you move on and pay the 40-50€ for the game you spend hundrets of hours on or of course you just quit the game, nothing is holding you back

ps: if in a year or two the next expansion comes , what will you do then ? still complain about balance?

2nd day rant

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


GJ on 90% win with that garbage build TallBarr . Either its a total joke or the MMR is set to let garbage players win while others like myself have to suffer, GJ anet !
30 games played so far this season 7 pips, lmao , total joke
- soloQer

thats obviously a pve build , you know that the builds are split between pvp/pve/wvw right ? if i would make a screen on my ele while im in LA to show my winstreak, you would also see my pve build with fire signet and frostbow , which is obviously not my pvp build

Let’s Talk Scoring…

in WvW

Posted by: Sekai.2987


Just to throw fuel on the flames – some old dev quotes. How times have changed.

We feel that everyone should have the ability to contribute no matter what time of the day it is. How we’ve came to this conclusion is that no player’s time is more valuable than another. Everyone has different off peak hours for whatever reason. Players should not be punished or unable to experience and view the same content as everyone else because they play at a different time. They too are paying customers.

you are right times have changed, because anet finaly realized this:

“It’s not okay that the time periods with the smallest number of active players have the largest impact on the score”

and this is absolutly kittening right, a small number of players should not be the deciding factor if you server wins a matchup or not, you can STILL contribute to the score at night, but you wont be able to generate 20k-30k points over the night because the other servers are sleeping (looking at you baruch,sfr,deso)

Soooooo Where is Season 3?

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


anet pls, give us some info about this

Let’s Talk Scoring…

in WvW

Posted by: Sekai.2987


i like the changes, after 3 years finaly something new and i always hated it that 20-30 ppl would generate more points over the night with a tick of 400-500 while on primetime there are 200 players online and the tick is only 220~ for just a few hours

hopefully with the changes these 30 ppl would finaly only generate the same amout of points at night with their 400-500 tick as the 200ppl at day with just 220 tick

On Interrupt Sigils

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


Watch the video and laugh, the sigil + pulmonary impact takes zero skill, does ridiculous damage, and is super laughable.

as someone who also plays an interupt build (lightning rod ele) i noticed that you have only one duel vs an rev, the poor noob rev at the end doesnt count

rev are for me one of the hardest matchups if they play with the trait stab on dodge, 2 stacks of stability almost permanently up, i really would like to see how you are doing in a best of 10 or best of 5 vs an decent rev with the stability traitline

I feel left behind as a player

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


If I could log on, and have an even match where I felt my opponents and teammates were at a similar level of experience, I could slowly get into this. Did anybody else really love GW1 PvP, but hasn’t found any enjoyment from 2’s?

what kind of pvp did you play in gw1 ? i cant imagine that you played gvg or ha if you dont spend a few hours every day in the game, i mean it was so hard just to find a group because no one took you if you weren´t at least r3 for ha or r1 for gvg

from what i saw in your message i think it would be best for you to play wvw, the player skill lvl is alot lower there if you dont count the people that are specialized at roaming, you could run around in a zerg and kill things or even in small partys and have a feeling of success, until you meet a paty of roamers and get rekt

EU + US Pairings?

in WvW

Posted by: Sekai.2987


This won’t happen for technical reasons (our NA and EU datacenters are entirely separate.) Though even if it was technically possible, there’d still be design reasons to avoid doing so, like that EU national worlds wouldn’t have NA partners that spoke the same language.

Virtual Worlds inside a game should be promoted as and designed to be melting pots. This is a 24/7 game mode and any location based division, language division, or nationalism, should not exist. Dividing the players ultimately hurts each world and the subsequent game mode overall. The technical barrier between EU and NA should not exist either. WvW should have been run on one data center only. It’s the logical choice for again, a 24/7 game mode.

no thanks i like my servers in frankfurt, i dont need a 100-200ping

PVP ragers be like

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


note that he was on the enemy team, and we won by a pretty large margine. He started that novel after i killed him.

preatty much my experience in every pvp game i have ever played, but at least he said nothing about your mom, so i guess thats a plus point for the great gw2 community

Helseth - no more GW2 streams

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


well no matter if you like him or not , i think thats a bad thing for the community.
he is one of the best mesmer players and now new players wont be able to join the stream to watch, learn and ask questions about mesmer in pvp..
i dont know if there is any mesmer player from any pro leagues teams that streams now, and i dont think thats healthy for the game overall

World Linking Beta

in WvW

Posted by: Sekai.2987


The World Linking Beta has now begun!

Here are the worlds for EU:

Now: 18 Worlds – 6 Tiers
Previously: 27 Worlds – 9 Tiers

  • Baruch Bay (SP)
  • Kodash (DE)
  • Riverside (DE)
  • Elona Reach (DE)
  • Dzagonur (DE)
  • Abbadon’s Mouth (DE)
  • Drakkar Lake & Miller’s Sound (DE)
  • Jade Sea (FR)
  • Augury Rock & Fort Ranik (FR)
  • Vizunah Square & Arborstone (FR)
  • Piken Square (EN)
  • Seafarer’s Rest (EN)
  • Gandara & Ruins of Surmia (EN)
  • Desolation & Vabbi (EN)
  • Aurora Glade & Blacktide (EN)
  • Far Shiverpeaks & Underworld (EN)
  • Gunnar’s Hold & Fissure of Woe (EN)
  • Ring of Fire & Whiteside Ridge (EN)

so as expected almost no gold league server got linked with other servers, just deso…which i dont know why they got linked they even won their last matchup vs the 5th rank jade sea but whatever

so as long as i play in one of the top 9 servers its highly unlikely that my server gets linked with another server, good to know

WTB Ranked Qs

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


What about Ranked do you enjoy more than Unranked during off-season?

Is it that you prefer climbing a ladder all the time? Or are there other particular reasons.

-default models
-better matches, in unranked i meet ppl that play horrible builds or they only play pvp once in a blue moon
-in ranked people want to win, in unranked no one gives a kitten about winning

Season almost over - final opinions?

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


Definitly better then last season, for me matchmaking wasnt that bad , i had a 6 game losestreak in the last tier of diamond but after i reached legendary i never lost more then 2games in a row.

The one thing i really think is broken is that alot of times i get the same 2-3ppl on my team and the same 2-3 ppl on the enemy team for 3-4 games in a row. And that is really strange , instaead of mixing up these 6 ppl you always get to play with and against the same people

And as an ele player i dislike beeing the healbot so i would love to see some changes to ele so i can play another build next season without draggin my team down

Time Gate... Why?

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


What’s wrong with someone getting the legendary backpack so fast?

What I should say is, what’s wrong with completing all 4 of the achievements so fast? You still need to get three other gifts to complete the backpack.

imo nothing wrong with that, i hate every timegate content in gw2 but anet doesnt want you to rush through content in a few days and be done with it, they want you to login on a daily basis so the playerbase stays stable

and as far as i know you can buy everything for the other 3 gifts, so as long as you got a few hundred gold you could really make the backpack in just a few days , if there would be no timegate

Time Gate... Why?

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


I think it’s stupid how there’s a daily achievement that you need to complete 15 times in each Year of the Ascension.

Does anyone else agree, or am I just crazy? :|

obv so you cant get the legendary backpack in a few days ? im sure someone would have no life that in one or two days, if there would be no timegate

I Was 3 points from Legendary...

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


well you have to decide whats more important for you , getting to legendary or sticking to your warrior because im sure you will meet other players who simply hates having a war on their team and will go afk after the first fight

Toxic, good player or bad, nice player?

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


There is no such thing as a toxic good player. .

well thats bs, i think one of the most known toxic players on EU is leeto and even though i think he is an kitten i would prefer him on my team over 90% of other necros because he is good at his class

there are alot of ppl i have on my block list just because they are kittens, but i know they are good players so i dont mind when im in the same team with them

Then you would prefer a toxic bad player with more skill than a kind bad player with less skill. There is nothing wrong with that.

you really cant accept that you are wrong can you ? no matter what people say you twist their words in your white knight way

leeto is an kitten but he is a good player, if you call him bad ,then what kind of kittened up definition of good do you have ? and for gods sake dont you say that only carebares can be good players

just accept the fact that toxic players can be good players and that people would rather have a good toxic player then a friendly bad player in their team and there is nothing wrong with that

Toxic, good player or bad, nice player?

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


There is no such thing as a toxic good player. .

well thats bs, i think one of the most known toxic players on EU is leeto and even though i think he is an kitten i would prefer him on my team over 90% of other necros because he is good at his class

there are alot of ppl i have on my block list just because they are kittens, but i know they are good players so i dont mind when im in the same team with them

Profession achievements - Anet Please

in PvP

Posted by: Sekai.2987


you can get the achivments done by reloging before you win, i main ele and many matches arent close so i can aford to reroll, the moment my team hits 450 points i relog to the profesion i need wins at….how in the world would you else get 10 wins with war ? :P

ps: depending on how fast you load maps you can reroll eariler or later