In this thread:
“Your class has X. X is really cool, especially because my class doesn’t have it. Since I am not considering that I have Y and your class doesn’t, X looks OP. I think this is unfair!?
I don’t get the problem – the Thief’s status bar will tell you that he has initiated a Shadowstep maneuver (if you somehow didn’t spot the teleport in your direction). If you wanted to lock him down for good, you should have shifted yourself further towards his origin before setting up shop.
Quite simply, you’re playing a static build against a mobile one. Rock/paper/scissors.
^these two quotes sum it all up quite nicely.
Thieves are entirely incapable of sustaining and providing continuous damage, with the notable exception of P/D, which is hopelessly weak against CC and anything with removal. We are extremely weak in these areas, and therefore weak in 1v1’s, so to compensate for that we have a ton of mobility to move between points/remove ourselves from bad situations. If a thief tries to 1v1 you, he’s most likely bad, and if he runs away, good on him and good on you for holding him off.
Faolain again!
1) Traps are entirely useless at the moment. Make them the same AoE size as a Ranger trap, with the same traits augmenting their use and playability, and we’ll see some progress.
2) Either that, or remove Traps entirely (seriously, I’m sure most Thieves would be totally cool with that). They don’t fit with our aggressive, mobile playstyle that is forced by our inability to survive and deal sustained and reliable damage on-point. Replace them with… anything. Anything but Traps, which force us to stay on a position in order to use them properly.
3) Increase Headshot and Body Shot to a cost of 4 (maybe 5?) initiative, and make them both Daze for 1/4 of a second while inflicting a secondary condition/utility. Maybe boon removal, maybe Confusion (PLEASE CONFUSION ON BODY SHOT), maybe the Vulnerability that’s already there. On second thought, switch Body Shot and Headshot, to make the offhand pistol skill synergize as a damage augmentation and the mainhand pistol skill actually have some USE to the Thief without just sitting there. That would give all Pistol-oriented Thieves an additional role as attrition, while strengthening their ability to make an impact in a fight.
4) Find some way to give Thieves Confusion. A Confusion on Blind trait, a Confusion on Cripple trait, even Confusion on Interrupt (which would synergize well with the changes I mentioned in the last paragraph). But Pistol Attrition is sorely lacking any ability to actually cause attrition. It’s almost there, and Confusion (while remaining a very Thief-like rationale) would push the build over the edge into viability.
That’s all for today tell me what you think, guys!
I have a level 80 thief, and I think my argument is pretty valid. Turn it into a stun? Lol now you’re just making me laugh. Thief is almost at a good spot right now, but needs more diverse builds. Not reverting traits that were changed for a reason
I won’t say that the thief is almost in a good spot, but it does need more diverse builds.
And more mobility to make those diverse (and likely extremely squishy) builds playable.
And Pistol mainhand needs a massive utility buff.
lol, just joking mind u. I am usually against nerfing anything (because… god forbid.. they might nerf my favourite classes next! :O ) i’d rather see buffs
Maplestory used to be buffs only…now look at it…so bad
Pretty soon people are going to be saying they can do LEET damage.
Oh wait…
You’ve just been waiting to use that screenshot, haven’t you. 8D
I want Thieves to be buffed, but I also want Heartseeker to apply 25 stacks of bleed, and 10 seconds of burn to anyone annoying enough to think about using it. Honestly, in this day and age I thought the 2-monkeys were gone. It’s not even good. Just remove it so I don’t have to hear it in my nightmares anymore. The only thing people use it for is spamming Stealth finishers into immediate Backstab.
Not necessarily true. It’s an excellent finisher skill to clean up after a Backstab, or a great way to nail passive damage while focusing a target.
The thing is, though, that it’s more efficient than autoattacking, so it gets spammed ad infinitum. A good remedy to this would be frontloading the Thief with a better autoattack, or increasing the damage and initiative cost of Heartseeker itself so it isn’t spammable. Or maybe reducing its damage while increasing its utility.
But a pure damage skill on initiative cost is just a dumb idea. Pure damage is what the autoattack is for, initiative skills are for utility.
You guys need a nerf , so please refrain from making such redundant posts in the future
/thread ty.
Your signature indicates otherwise.
. _.
I’d say L2P, but then I’d be guilty of the redundancy which you wanted to avoid.
I just want to flag the majority of posts in this thread for Verbal Abuse/General Thief attitude.
It’s because we’re tired of bad players picking at a functionally-useless mechanic that seems overpowered because of the aforementioned bad.
It’s not elitism. I had my days of “omg backstab qq” too, but if half of the complaining parties calling for global nerfs would just spend a few tPvP matches/days in WvW without /ragequitting, then they would quickly learn the vast volume of counters that exist to stealth (and thieves in general).
We’re not a dying breed, but thieves need some love, and love that isn’t FotM/pidgeonholing.
I’m not trolling. WE aren’t trolling (read: most of us). I’m just tired of the lazy, self-entitled attitude in PvP that causes class/metagame stagnation, undue nerfs, and a lot of actual hardship for people who legitimately play the class.
QQ moar, your tears are delicious and increase my stealth duration.
I died. xD
Could I please get a link to the original post? Thanks!
Is this why the warrior has been neglected for going on 9 months because a bunch of PvE tryhards have they’re panties in a bunch because of 100b?
Stomp’s a little OP in this vein, but I do like the concept. I do think the root makes sense though. Maybe just reduce it to 30s, keep the root, and that’s that… after all, if the Engineer can do it.
Otherwise, I love it. Love it all. Especially Bull’s Rush, that’s just brilliant. +1
Okay, I’d like to clear this up for everyone real quick.
AlBundy is a known troll. Ignore him. Seriously just completely ignore him.
Daecollo is an extremely passionate, if short-sighted, Warrior reformist. He’s got a lot of great ideas and a lot of those great ideas are terrible.
As far as THE ACTUAL TOPIC, yes, ArenaNet does understand it. They’re trying to find ways of giving the warrior more tPvP viability without completely and absolutely pushing the class over the edge in PvE, in which the class is already a cakewalk. PvE must be balanced alongside WvW, as well, where Warriors are arguably the single best class to be playing.
We need condition mitigation, we need sustained damage mitigation, we need higher mobility at a lower cost to our synergy.
Heyah Sikari =) it’s Faolain, from [tTG].
I approve these wishes. #necro2013
Weakness is going to be far more powerful soon, and it’s quite undervalued as it is. Just sayin~
I agree, its some buff for maces and hammer. But they both need a different buff tho, mace chain is too slow to begin with and no cripples/pulls/gap closers what so ever on it. I had somewhere a suggestions how to improve maces itself. I can look for it if someone wish.
I honestly think that’s a skill thing. If mace had a true gap closer it’d be overpowered, really and truly overpowered. You can use Shield in the off-hand for a pseudo-gapcloser as well, that synergizes perfectly with Mace main-hand.
And hammer already has the single best gapcloser in the game 8D one that ignores all cripples and chills, and hits in a massive AoE to stun for 2 seconds. If I ever do need to close a gap I just switch to the hammer and smack about with it.
They already have it it’s called Larcenous Strike and it’s unblockable
Bahaha. Yeah, this.
I think a direct thief-counter with the alternate ability to rip Stability is exactly what this class needs to compete. It’s not a “youmustrunthis”, and IMO it really isn’t OP, given other classes’ overpowered boonripping abilities. The only real use of stealth any more is Phantasm Mesmer MassInvis and tPvP coordinated stealth-rushes on points. A good thief can easily reapply stealth, anyways, and it rewards a team for putting a Warrior at their midfight.
Keep in mind, I’ve mained Thief for most of my GW2 experience, and in PvP/WvW/PvE. And I think that this skill would definitely help Warriors compete with what hurts them the most, without pushing them into God-tier.
There were a ton of things discussed and not just those 3 mentioned, should probably go back and re-watch the sotg and write down, because I took a lot more than this away, I think it will be positive.
Oh, I’m perfectly aware but those were the three I personally can’t wait for.
You guys do know that Weakness is a core element of the Warrior repertoire? Our Mace and Hammer weapons have the best Weakness application in the game, save for the Thief and the Necromancer classes.
We’re getting a BUFF with this, not a nerf. It’s opening new class options for us, and everyone who thinks it’s a nerf just because Necros are getting it too needs to look at their own ideas of class balance as a whole.
I’m not an uber-warrior (I think?), but I don’t play glassy and I focus all my efforts on sustain and survive, while still whipping out a brutal amount of blunt trauma damage. Just because you die-when-glassy, doesn’t mean your class is bad. It means that glass gets you killed.
XD I welcome the weakness change. Sure it screws burst over, but Warriors were never meant to be burst.
Mace/Hammer CC builds, on the other hand… >:D
No, these were actually mentioned by the devs. =p
Weakness will affect critical hits as well, and they’re doing this mainly for necros more than anything.
@Daecollo: I would do unspeakable, unspeakable things for those traits. But I think DotE would be a little overpowered. Scale it back to 2% per boon and we’re talking.
Mending Stance: Why do you assume it’s too powerful? I didn’t even note how strong the heal would be or how long the stance would last.
“Snap Out Of It!”: It would, yeah. But I think it plays into that archetype quite nicely, as a support/healer.
“Show Yourselves!”: And why not? XD there’s no stealth-reveal utility in the game right now. It would give Warriors a needed niche: a rush-breaker against tPvP stealth charges, a zerg-breaker in WvW and a group DPS support rolled into one.
I was really interested in a few things in particular:
1) Weakness, as a condition, is getting a global buff. It will allegedly begin affecting critical hits, as well.
2) Warriors are getting more stunbreak and condition mitigation.
3) Warrior adrenaline use will be rewarded, and burst skills will have more “perks” tied to them a la Trait: Building Momentum.
Elementalist was not meant to be a roaming profession. They were meant to be the versatile, glassy damage dealers; i.e., mages. Being able to 900-range gapclose three times and completely shut down any opponent without stability AND having that much spike damage AND survivability makes the Elementalist, in many players’ opinions, the single most powerful class.
Now, that may not be true. But they can deal lots of damage, be practically anywhere as long as there’s a target to powerslide towards, and survive essentially any situation while winning a fair. I’m primarily a tournament PvP player and I suppose this might be biased, but I hear the exact same from everyone I know in PvE and WvW, even the elementalists themselves.
I mained elementalist since Beta, and deleted it after it stopped being fun, but I really want to play a balanced class and help diversity in this game.
“Empowering Domination” – gain fury (4 seconds) and 3 stacks of might (8 seconds) every time you interrupt a foe.
I thought of this, but didn’t post it for some reason. I like the idea
I was actually thinking that Healing would be better than Retaliation..
Axe/Shield is one of the better sets in the game, but in a zerg situation, offhand Axe is actually quite good, if ONLY for that adrenaline boost. Otherwise it’s pretty bad. =(
Ahh, I added one more.
I’m just throwing these out there.
1a) Remove Healing Signet from the game.
1b) New skill: Mending Stance. Healing slot, Stance subtype. Heals for X amount at activation, and heals for a certain amount every second for each condition on the caster. Cures 1 condition/second.
2a) Remove Mending from the game.
2b) New Skill: “Snap Out Of It!”. Healing slot, Shout subtype. Heals for a significant amount, and heals everyone in the area. Breaks stun.
3a) Remove “On My Mark!” from the game.
3b) New Skill: “Show Yourselves!”. Removes stealth, Stability, and Swiftness from all enemies in the AoE. Unblockable. All allies inflict 3 stacks of Vulnerability with their next attack.
4) Change trait “Sure-Footed: Increase Stance Duration by 25%.” to “Increase Stance Duration by 50%.”
5a) Remove “Distracting Strikes: Apply Confusion when you interrupt a foe.” from the game. It’s nice, but it has no functional purpose.
5b) New Trait: “Empowering Domination: Gain 2s of Retaliation whenever you interrupt a foe.”
(edited by SharadSun.3089)
Hi, ArenaNet
Faolain here again. My friend Z O R A and I were discussing possibilities, and a few ideas came up that might merit some consideration.
a) A Skill Queue crawl in Spectator Mode, while watching certain characters. This would help shoutcasters identify certain skills by tooltip and ease the transition of eSport viewers into the complex hot mess that is GW2 tPvP.
b) An aerial view of characters that is much more “zoomed out” than the max zoom at the moment. It would definitely make shoutcasting easier.
c) A mechanical change: the ability to switch specs upon character death in tPvP, to adapt to an opponent’s strategy. Just being able to access gear tabs within a limited amount of time pre-respawn would greatly augment a team’s ability to react to particular strategies. It would also ease the burden on certain classes to be pidgeonholed into certain specs, due to the uncertainty of matchups in tPvP queue.
The problem I have is that right now, anet is saying:
If you liked Guild Wars 1 PvP then gtfo.
The two games really have nothing in common except lore. The element of fun is… gone. It’s like turning an rts into a fps. They took away strategy and team composition and replaced it with spam and clutter.
No intricate deck building, just a couple of decent choices for each class on boringly simple map rotation.
This game has no depth. These Devs should be replaced.
Easy there, buddy. The game is excellent. But it can be better.
The MOBA bit was just a consistent idea that I’ve heard echoed across high-level PvP circles. More of a suggestion than anything.
Oh look! Another we need more game modes thread!
There’s a reason there are so many. If people want it, then it must be a fairly universal desire.
As a patron of this game since launch and a PvP’er at heart, I’m seeing good things happen at ArenaNet. They’ve taken balancing into mind, and they seem to understand the concept of scalpel vs. sledge that is conspicuously absent within other MMO’s and MOBA’s.
But balance isn’t the only thing in this game that needs review.
We need more game modes, plain and simple, or we’ll get tired of this game soon. The standard nodecapture PvP at the exclusion of any other style of gameplay has stagnated build diversity and interest alike. Bunker/Burst specs are the only viable team compositions, and the attitude has infiltrated the PvP community (or lack thereof) itself.
Recruiting for PvP outside of the Heart of the Mists has become impossible, since nobody wants to play the same old thing, over and over.
I’ve heard talk from other players, craving signature MOBA-style strategy in Guild Wars 2 PvP. It would add an unimaginable level of detail, a brand-new way to think about PvP. New builds would become effective, old and “OP” builds would see less (or more balanced) play, and the addition of creeps and lanes would offer an entirely new playstyle to those considering GW2 tPvP.
I know that others want it to happen. I also know that it would be a massive undertaking. But it would help the game, and I think it ought to become a priority.
Thanks for your time, ANet, and for the awesome game you’ve managed to make.
I’ll see you on the battlefield.
Not sure why everyone’s proclaiming Ranger as the new master race, a sentiment that many here seem to share with me. Their pets were buffed… slightly. Sure.
Maybe the simple fact that they got some much-needed love and attention, and the fact that their pets no longer die to cleave as often, have something to do with this.
There’s a really simple solution to this xD just kill the pets. DPS one down to low health, then focus/spike the other. It doesn’t take too long at all, assuming the Ranger isn’t running Signet of Stone, in which case it’d take approximately 6 seconds longer. A fair amount, but not gamebreaking.
After killing the second pet, you have a 60-second window in which the Ranger is fairly useless. With the proper boon removal (any Mesmer) and spike damage (also any Mesmer), you can make short work of a Ranger.
As far as the tiers go:
S: Guardian, Mesmer, Elementalist, Ranger
The most powerful, most-usable classes.
A: Necromancer, Engineer
Seeing a lot of play, but not so widely or effectively as the S-tier classes.
B: Thief
Doesn’t see enough tournament play.
C: Warrior
Still perma-bad. Needs lovin’.
Alright, let’s give Warriors and Thieves ‘Boon Hate’. Then give Engineers and Rangers ‘Stealth Hate’ (the ability to see stealthed opponents).
There, now there’s a hard counter for everything.
As a diehard thief, I support the idea of stealth hate. Makes us try more. But we need alternative mobility and the aforementioned boon hate to compensate for this counterplay.
I played Rampager P/D in both tPvP and PvE/WvW for a very long time. It’s a very solid build, capable of being tanky and still dealing intense single-target damage. However, with the Revealed nerf, it’s much less viable from a competitive standpoint.
Traits: Lots of stuff that gives back initiative on critical and stealth, stealth condition removal, stealth healing, Mug, possibly Caltrops Roll.
Gear: Rampager’s.
Utilities: Caltrops, some sort of stunbreaker, Shadow Refuge/Scorpion Wire, Basilisk Venom.
Combo: Venom > Stealcast Caltrops > Cloak and Dagger > Evade > Sneak Attack. Your target is now the proud owner of approximately 12 stacks of Bleed, with more every second.
I’m using a heavily modified guild-secret version of the build with both D/D and P/D, more focused on evasive survivability and maximum mobility in and out of combat. But it works perfectly in both PvP and PvE, so I have no complaints.
I play both a Ranger and a Thief (and Warrior and Engy for that matter) in PvP, and Ranger burst damage has the potential to far exceed the potency of any other class. Not due to raw damage, but due to the simple ability to cause so many different kinds of damage within seconds. It was very much imbalanced, and for a while, Rangers have dominated PvP. I feel the nerf was in order, and that’s coming from a dedicated Ranger.
Oh, hey ZONE O.o it’s Faolain/Sigurd from TC.
And I fully agree with that sentiment. But at the moment, Thieves are incapable of that sort of close combat situation, either by design or by convenience. I used to play that nasty Rampage P/D bleeder volley thief, and it was very Warrior-esque in its game play… stay at a point and fight until something dies. And that’s why the build wasn’t successful. As a thief, I could be doing something else (namely ganking) so much better, so much so that I was a actually a detriment to my team for playing a different, but less ganky, thief.
That shouldn’t happen… and when it does start happening, a change needs to be made.
This was my attempt at triggering such change. Slash thief direct damage by 15% and allow us to make up for that damage in more creative, less ganky ways, and suddenly nobody will be complaining about OP thieves any more.
no i just read the first 2 spoilers to see there are high duration of bleed, higher duration of poison then other professions has. there is confusion and burning.. on 2 weaponskills btw.
so that 2 spoilers are indication enough that u are just dumb.. so why read the stupid rest of that posts if i just figured out how unbalanced that stuff is u suggest? i can image what bullkitten comes after that so i stopped reading.. any problems with that?
Remember what I said about you failing to read the entire post?
Yeah… you didn’t even finish one post properly. Come on. If you’re going to offer constructive criticism or theory craft the set’s effectiveness, fine by me. But please, at least read the content. I’d imagine this is what the devs have to deal with. X_x
@hooma: No. In fact, you didn’t even bother to check the possible weapon combinations.
I mean, it’s great to unload that Backstab… but then what? XD making stealth a valuable resource, rather than an exploitable commodity, changes the game and the entire Thief play style.
As I mentioned before: extend the “revealed” debuff to 7 seconds, making it impossible to chain stealth effects. If it suddenly becomes a significant tactical decision to break stealth, then from-stealth spike damage builds will see significantly less (or more-skilled) play.
This belongs in the thief-section. But since you put it here: Thieves DO need changes. I simply can’t follow your logic, but that is perhaps because I play both sides of this. I can’t in any way find it ok, that I fight 1vs1 over a node and I am winning … sitting at 75% HP and then I get instagibbed out of the blue. Thieves mobility and burst ensures, that this will happen. I don’t play a tank nor GC and yet I get hit for 10-12k on 2.5-2.7k armor. How can you in any way say that that isn’t too strong … it requires little to no setup. It isn’t intelligent design, and I think you should try being in the receiving end for a while to try it out.
Your suggestions … you want more access to vulnerability (-stacking) … aka more burst. You want access to all the strongest debuffs/conditions/fields without cooldown. The shotrbow-suggestions with fire/poison/smoke-fields with low ini-cost and being spamable alone .. not to mention spamable almost perma-knockdowns. Yeah .. right. Time for reality-check … compare to other classes perhaps? There is nothing humble about your suggestions btw.
I fully agree that thieves are OP. But they are OP in one way and one way only. So in my schematic, I spread our effectiveness out to multiple roles, making specialization necessary if we’re to continue our role as a burst class.
With my schematic, our burst is 90% as effective as it used to be (maybe 80% if you greatly decrease the power of Backstab), but we have access to a conditions-propagation to make up for it.
It’s tough to explain this all when I clearly outlined most of this in my posts. I do suppose I forgot to mention that the “revealed” antistealth debuff ought to be extended to seven seconds, and that stealth duration should be extended to four. But the rest of you accusations are sort of baseless… vulnerability for burst? The only build that combines the two would be pistol/dagger, which would then be affected heavily by the new stealth restrictions. Backstabbing builds would have little to no access to vulnerability, instead supplementing their backstabs with Weakness or Confusion
Yes, our burst is broken, but that’s because there’s no other reason to play thief. And by changing what we can do as a thief, we’re more capable of accepting a nerf to our clearly ridiculous dagger burst.
Also, you didn’t read my OP apparently. I have played every single class in tPvP, and I’m currently maining Engineer, currently considered the LEAST overpowered class. So I know how it is. And there’s a reason thief burst is OP, but without tournament experience the developers’ decisions are lost in a frenzy of “Omg theef warz 2”. Just saying.
(edited by SharadSun.3089)
You know, the whole point of these potential changes would be to decrease the ridiculous amount of spike output we have, and shift our rationale to one of flexibility, not being pigeonholed into a role. The changes would require a massive nerf to the current thief output, the force-rebalanced the weapon set with a new series of traits and utility skills.
@sorrow: the thief is by no means skill-free, unless you count dagger/dagger, which is pretty monotonous at the time. Once direct damage is scaled down, we’ll have to work for our food.
(edited by SharadSun.3089)
Bad thieves give good thieves a bad name. Just saying.
The professions themselves need reworking and balancing, but that’s about it.
See, that part I’m fine with. If I think a particular profession is better, I can roll one for sPvP in 5 minutes. ArenaNet did this so right. I do like the idea of balance, but it doesn’t hurt me if it’s not.
I know you weren’t calling out for nerfs, but I’ve seen a lot of that, and I just don’t understand it.
Oh don’t get me wrong =p some things definitely do need the generous nerfbat. Cough, omnipotent elementalist builds. Other things, like thieves, need a total rework because they just aren’t fun to play.
I stated in another thread, some things need nerfing because they’re simply too omnicapable. Thieves gank, they just do. And gank tends to win in spvp, so you’ll see thieves dominating hotjoin maps. But classes that can destroy face when they’ve got two equally-skilled opponents on them, in broad daylight? That’s silly.
It’d be interesting to see new game modes (and by association, new maps) in GW2. But for now, I’m happy with how it is. The professions themselves need reworking and balancing, but that’s about it.
Well, look at a game like League of Legends (which GW2 borrows rather heavily from).
There’s basically one playstyle. Hell, there’s one map. The variety kick in when you consider tournament PvP, and the different team comps/matchups/skill levels/rivalries you’ll undoubtedly cultivate when playing against the top echelons.
Until then, it’s kind of drudgery, just like any other major sport. The exciting part is the players and the thrill of melting face in combat.
Casuals are okay! Nothing wrong with it. But as a semi hardcore player, I can tell you that you’re missing out on the experience.
Thanks for taking the time to read. This thread is a work in progress. Post your feedback!
Sword Mainhand
Sword/Pistol stays fairly unscathed: a powerful melee AoE striker with the capacity for MASSIVE damage output and the tendency to commit recklessly to a target.
Sword/Dagger focuses on moderately high melee single-target damage, with peerless CC and self-preservation utility to keep the good fight going. The role is that of a street bruiser; not necessarily high burst, but just enough survivability to stay in a fight and make every second hurt.
1 [Autoattack]
Glass Jaw is a nasty uppercut for high direct damage, Iron Crane performs a moderate-damage flying knee while blocking incoming attacks, and Quicksilver Blade is a lightning-fast forward AoE dash that Weakens and Cripples for 2s while closing the distance (if any).
Range: 130 (450)
Combo Finisher: Leap
In stealth, the autoattack becomes…
Tactical Strike: Beat the enemy over the head with a downward strike from the hilt of your sword, then stab at them with a powerful lunge if you were standing behind them. The first strike Dazes the unlucky target for 1/2 second.
Range: 130
2 [Mobility]
Infiltrator’s Strike/Shadow Return: Keep as is.
Range: 600 (1200)
Initiative Cost: 3 (2)
In stealth, Infiltrator’s Strike becomes…
Fell Slash: Instead of immobilizing, Chill target for 2 seconds and gain 4s of Fury.
Range: 600
Initiative Cost: 3
In stealth, Shadow Return becomes…
Silent Retreat: Removes three conditions instead of one, and grants Swiftness for 3s.
Range: 1200
Initiative Cost: 2
3 [Dagger Offhand]
Sandstorm Blades: Evade and lacerate your foe with your dagger, then evade again with a full AoE sword slash. The first strike steals a boon, the second immobilizes all struck foes for 1/4s if a boon was stolen.
No stealth form.
Range: 130
Initiative Cost: 4
Combo Finisher: Whirl
3 [Pistol Offhand]
Pistol Whip: Smack the target in the face with the back end of your pistol for a 1/4s Stun, and strike four times consecutively while blocking (not evading) incoming attacks. Remove a condition on the opponent with the initial strike; if a condition is removed this way, the Stun duration is 1/2s.
No stealth form.
Range: 130
Initiative Cost: 5
Ahhh… the Shortbow really needs some work. As a legitimate standalone ranged weapon and the only 2-hander available to Thieves as of now, the Shortbow has so much potential. Yet, it’s squandered as a disposable tool of AoE bombing, mobility, and dubious combat value.
Rebranded, this little marvel could be an excellent weapon requiring deception and skill: the ambush master, the highway bandit.
1 [Autoattack]
Twisting Bolt: A single, powerful bolt with high projectile speed and very low rate of fire. Pierces, and inflicts 5 stacks of Vulnerability for 2.5s.
Range: 1200
Cycle Time: 2s
Combo Finisher: Small Projectile
In stealth, Twisting Bolt becomes…
Strike from the Shadows: Fire a particularly powerful bolt, dealing heavy damage and Immobilizing the target for 2 seconds if fired from behind the target.
Range: 1200
Cast Time: 1.5s
Combo Finisher: Large Projectile
2 [Mobility]
Infiltrator’s Arrow: Fire an arrow to a target location to Shadowstep there, Weakening nearby opponents for 5s.
Range: 1200
Cast Time: 1/4s
Initiative Cost: 6
Combo Finisher: Leap
3 [Fire]
Saltpeter Gas: Drops a cloud on the targeted area that Burns enemies for 3s every second.
Doesn’t break stealth.
Range: 900
Cast Time: 1/2s
Initiative Cost: 4
Combo Field: Fire
4 [Poison]
Choking Gas: Drops a cloud on the targeted area that Poisons enemies for 4s every second.
Doesn’t break stealth.
Range: 900
Cast Time: 1/2s
Initiative Cost: 4
Combo Field: Poison
5 [Smoke]
Riot Gas: Drops a cloud on the targeted area that Blinds enemies for 1s every second.
Doesn’t break stealth.
Range: 900
Cast Time: 1/2s
Initiative Cost: 4
Combo Field: Smoke
(edited by SharadSun.3089)