Showing Posts For Siobhan.3582:

Returning Player, What's Changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Read the various patch notes on the main site from the last time you played.

you stated you “kinda looked it up” but clearly you did not. Top of this forum will have all the updated notes for you

That one person.

Broken/bad necro traits/skills

in Necromancer

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


hits as hard as dagger.

That is blatantly not true. Also, the game isn’t balanced around wvw it is balanced around pvp where axe is very poor.

The game is not balanced about PvP.. That is the LAST area of the game that they use for balance..

Axe is 100% viable for wvw and pve.. So fine in 2/3 of the game.

no… you’re wrong the game actually is balanced with PvP in mind

Axe is “viable” anywhere in the game

The main problem is the Axe is not OPTIMAL in any part of the game

Ok only one weapon can be optimal. That is why it is optimal. But depending on the situation (pvp wvw, pve) and what you are doing in that situation (group, solo, zerg etc) each weapon has a point where it IS optimal

The weapons are fine. maybe not for the ONE area you want, but oh well

That one person.

Broken/bad necro traits/skills

in Necromancer

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


hits as hard as dagger.

That is blatantly not true. Also, the game isn’t balanced around wvw it is balanced around pvp where axe is very poor.

The game is not balanced about PvP.. That is the LAST area of the game that they use for balance..

Axe is 100% viable for wvw and pve.. So fine in 2/3 of the game.

That one person.

Broken/bad necro traits/skills

in Necromancer

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


from a wvw viewpoint, Axe is fine (traited mind you).. gives you range and hits as hard as dagger.

That one person.

Your best looking character

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


I vote for my human thief..


That one person.

Bring Back Rox's Quiver

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


They did bring it back a 2nd time. You have two chances to buy it.. That is enough..

That one person.

When you have too much time in EOTM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


This happens…


That one person.

Can't Enter Edge of the Mists

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


part of the nerf they are bringing to EOTM with Tues patch.

That one person.

Laurel Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Most likely what this change will do is make progression even slower and earning laurels even harder along with even less daily rewards. Every change ANET has made to gameplay has resulted in slowing progression to date without exception.

Wrong. leveling is now faster after the changes back in Sept..

That one person.

Quick Question

in Thief

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


not theif..

That said, they are fine in both areas. You have to spec them for what you want (ie in WvW zerg, you want to run short bow or p/p with ricochet trait to get the aoe and bags.

Race only really matters for looks. You are not using any racial abilities as a thief. Thief.. thief.. say it with me.. thief.

That one person.

Looking for a Ranged thief Build

in Thief

Posted by: Siobhan.3582



Pistol Pistol with runes of the hoelbreak and sigil of fire – This build easily stacks 25 might and your unload will do devistating ammounts of damage.

Where are you getting the 25 might stacks from?

That one person.

Looking for a Ranged thief Build

in Thief

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


I run full zerker p/p build. Although my swap set is d/p

Run almost all wvw. I run 0/6/4/0/4 build. folks say p/p is not viable, but I really enjoy it. No issues and with ricochet trait, getting bags in zerg fights is really easy.

solo is not that bad either. Not dedicated roamer mind you. But as a thief, I can test the water and if the other roamer is hard core, I just skip out.

I have fun playing it, and that is all that matters, to me.

That one person.

Thief Food and Sharpening tools?

in Thief

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


I run p/p zerker with d/p back up. mostly just wvw.

I run ghost ommi

That one person.

Easiest/hardest professions to level?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


EOTM eliminates any issues with leveling any profession. Really that simple

That one person.

Most obscure name that's been taken?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Tpyo was taken at launch..

I was suprised

That one person.

Thank you for the key sale!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


I can do that later, sure

That one person.

Thank you for the key sale!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


65 keys baby. Great deal on keys today


That one person.

Guardian WvW roaming montage. Walking aegis 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


yeah. horrible.. I mean you jump all the time (again horrible). rest of the video does not show anything special.

you beat some bad players, I think. All while hitting the space bar 10000 times.

Thanks.. or not

That one person.

I have 5 black lion tickets

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


can I buy say one of the skins and then flip it on the BLTC to sell (understanding I would not unlock the skin)

I see some skins going for like 700 gold. So could I use the 5 tickets to flip into gold like that?

Or, once I buy the skin it is account bound and can not list on the trading co.

That one person.

Who came up with the "taxi" term?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Old time MMO term. We used it back in Everquest 1. Might have been around before that, but I first heard about in 1999 playing EQ1

Yeah, I am old

That one person.

Remove Edge of the Mists

in WvW

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


That one person.

For wvw - anyone running

in Engineer

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


healing bombs and reg in a kit with say cleric armor?

My alt engineer is in low 60s now. going to craft him up to 80 and hit WvW. I run mostly smaller stuff and will zerg at times.

I was thinking about the bomb heal spec with regen when in kits. But that would have me commit to cleric armor and not sure I want to blow my medals on that.

Anyone try that out before?

If not, might just go full zerker and run SD build. Total opposite build, I know but I mostly play the high dps stuff. Was willing to go different for this alt though.

guess could always run conditions but that seems to suck in bigger wvw.. good only for roaming

That one person.

Mesmer or Warrior - semi new player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Mesmer can be a rough road to level up now with all the changes Anet made to the game. Having to wait so long for solid traits makes it harder for them vs the warrior.

Now I have been around since beta, so I level my alt via crafting, b-day level books and EOTM.

but as a newer player, you really should enjoy leveling up through the various zones and doing the hearts and events.

Both are fun to me. Mesmer is more involved and by the time you are like 60 level you are rolling fine. Just getting there can be a little rough vs the warrior

That one person.

Mace have a home for us?

in Guardian

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Talking about end game, doing WvW with smaller groups (really only solo to get from point to point)

I am running GS and Staff now. Works. But was trying to just do something different.

Was thinking mace/?? just to mix it up. Never really see guardians outside of some pve using mace.

That one person.

New thief - question about pistol/dagger

in Thief

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Any input? Thanks

That one person.

New thief - question about pistol/dagger

in Thief

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


I am about level 33 now. Been running p/d for last 5 or so levels. I enjoy it. I play pve, eotm and little wvw (too low to help much there).

I like the #3 with torment and shadowstep back. fun style.

What should I use for 2nd weapon set? I tried d/d for the death blossom, but felt ehhh about it. Do I have to have melee for off hand or do I run Shortbow.

for wvw at 80, anyone have a spec for p/d and whatever alt weapon?

That one person.

The most telling thing from Anet...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


You do understand that with an approach like that… You will soon be crying on the boards that there is nobody to play with..

That one person.

The most telling thing from Anet...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Anet isn’t completely silent. They did say there were bugs they were working on, including the fact that some of the new player experience was supposed to not carry over to existing players and did. They don’t know why yet.

Ohh Vayne, your loyalty is cute. ( cute is the best I could come up with , without having the porcelain bus waiting for me)

And your toxicity is obnoxious and annoying. Get it into your head that Anet isn’t making the game the way YOU or anybody else want, they are making the game the way they want. Don’t enjoy it? Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

That one person.

The most telling thing from Anet...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Is their silence… There is not one industry that would have this happen and then turtle up like this and not respond to what their paying customers are talking about..

Not one.. The fact that they can not even have someone from their company say something along the lines of “we hear you, we are taking it all in” is embarrassing.

Mistakes happen… We ALL do them. They need to understand the next few days is critical for them. Get in front of this mess. Fine, you messed up… Your paying customers are telling you what you did wrong.. Listen up.. Be transparent. Tell us what your plans are to fix it.. That will buy you the time you need to get control of this trainwreck..

That one person.

My new Engineer has to wait 12 levels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Levelling the racial cities plus Ebonhawke should get you to/near lvl7 without ever touching combat.

Not saying it isnt a daft change, but there you are.

So run 5 cities and Ebonhawke before you can use a kit, as an Engineer??

Come on man. This is horrible change

That one person.

Too Many Commander Icons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Why would it matter? I mean you are in low level zone. You are not following a tag there.. Just ignore.

Or join the squad for ONE of them and the rest turn off.

That one person.

My new Engineer has to wait 12 levels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Just horrible, this whole thing.. I feel bad for any really new players that will walk into this mess..

EOTM or nothing now for level.

That one person.

My new Engineer has to wait 12 levels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


before she can get a kit..

So for 12 levels I can pew pew my little rifle or pistol (while waiting to unlock and using just #1, 2 etc)..

Kits define this class. But I have to wait to level 12 to get my first one..

Lol this BROKE the game..

There is no incentive for vets like me to roll and alt. IF I do, it is crafting, scrolls and EOTM to powerlevel them. If you really are a new player, you now have long, gated abilities to level up with , while not having anyone to group with..

Horrible job Anet.. horrible job. Plus this got sprung on us late.. you hide behind a smokescreen of class changes and dumped this in our laps..

That one person.

WvW Frontline build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Question from a level 70 necro. Running power build in the lines of Mayama. Although I picked targetable wells.

but ignoring that, why wouldn’t most “in your face” necros like we see here, not run the warhorn? I traited it and have 3 sec aoe daze on pretty short recast time.

I really helps when you are up front plus I “sticks” folks in the wells.

Again I am not max level so might be missing something. I never see focus off hand btw. not sure why, guess offers little?

That one person.

lvl1-80 in 44hrs , no champ train grind.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Without any Tomes of Knowledge, my warrior just hit 80 with 24 hours 30 min play.

Just last night. I took 4 crafting (JC, cooking, leatherworking and artificing) to 400. So that was 28 levels there.

Rest was just moving through maps, doing events, hearts etc. I did not set foot on the champ trains. I leveled to 33 normally, crafted the 28 levels and then finished doing all the lower level maps. Not too 100%, just doing easier hearts and getting all the waypoints.

Oh, did have a nice run of 2 levels when I saw we had very few points in WvW (on TC so normally we own a ton). Went there and we took bay, hills and all the lowlands. That was 2 levels and about 5 wvw ranks (or 7 not sure)..

That one person.

How to speed up a Norn Engineer???

in Engineer

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


yup. speedy kits. .hit 20, put the points into there and you are done. THey just buffed it to 10 sec vs 5 sec, so that is nice..

Couple that with Med kit and the #4 there and you can even be more lazy about keeping the buff up.

That one person.

Best Race for Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


will bump up the sylvaria. they look sexy

That one person.

Best Race for Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


So up to your own tastes.

I really enjoy my sylvari female warrior. Just decked her out in the new valentine skins. Has the rose for the back slot.

Just like this little elf girl that mops the floor with you

That one person.

Better gear choice? Dire or Rabid?

in Warrior

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Rabid is fine. Ignore the troll about running zerk build (if you don’t like that build)

I run a condition warrior for WvW and it is very fun and has no real issues (PU mesmers are so so)..

I run sword/sword and longbow. in WvW those bleeds add up really FAST (along with torment and burns). 1100 bleed ticks is common.

That one person.

I thought the new map was just for overflow?

in WvW

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


It just encourages underdog realms to stay there. At least now, if the scores can be close, folks will fight out there in the bl.

Now if you are 3rd place, shrug and just go there. Then less fights in bl’s so the other two realms move there.

Sorry, but since there are no rewards for WvW (ie seasons and such) and most weekly matchups become a 2 way fight (if that) by the weekend, people have zero reason to stay in the bl’s.

This map is really a bad thing for WvW, as a whole.

That one person.

I thought the new map was just for overflow?

in WvW

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Not a bad idea Celtus. You can still have season 2 rewards that way.

That one person.

I thought the new map was just for overflow?

in WvW

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


My point is that Anet is flat out saying they failed with the current maps then. They are giving up on them if they are adding this map.

I mean we do not have season 2, so there is not need to win the weekly match up. You can just hop into the new map, fight, get WvW xp and have a better experience.

There is zero incentive to return to the current bl’s. Why would you not improve the current ones instead of this?

That one person.

I thought the new map was just for overflow?

in WvW

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Because as of now, everyone just goes there and ignores the battlelands

really sucks to have 3 maps empty and everyone (as in all servers based on color) in the new map.

this ruined WvW. Everyone is now piled into a map smaller then EBL

That one person.

A sword/warhorn build for roaming PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


For PvE anything will work. Honestly you can run any combo and be fine. If your goal is perma swiftness, there are different combos you can run

Simple is just take the trait for reduced timer on signets and warhorn and run horn 4 and signet of rage. Done.

Really don’t need anything special for pve.

That one person.

What is Anet's vision for me?

in WvW

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Well first off, it is up to you, not Anet. That said, I play solo for the most part (there are times I zerg surf if I am being lazy).

I am a defender. Meaning I lurk almost always in my home BL. From there, I retake camps, watch for sentries to be flipped, hunt down those folks and get into fights. The ruins area is also a great area for solo people to pick fights at.

What does ANet want you to do? Assume to have fun

That said, you contribute if you are killing or defending yaks, stopping/taking camp flips and being vocal on anything worth talking about (ie numbers of folks at towers etc).

If none of that appeals to you, as a solo player, /shrug. That really is all you can expect. You want to take towers/keeps etc, then you gotta group up

That one person.

WvW - Condition build viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Thank you very much for the well thought out and informative post!

That one person.

WvW - Condition build viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Ah thanks. Thanks for the feedback.

Does not sound promising

That one person.

WvW - Condition build viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Closing in on 80. Been running just sword/shield and longbow for PvE. Too be fair you can run anything in pve and do fine.

My main focus is always WvW.

Was thinking of running a sword/shield (or sword, sword??) and longbow in full dire build for WvW. But I have not really seen them out in open WvW at all. All I see is hammer/bow builds.

Now I mostly roam, do a little zerging (when there I a bunch of areas to take). Not like I got a big guild to run support for.

So wonder if anyone is running conditional build with their warrior for wvw.


That one person.

cantrip question

in Elementalist

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


It is ok Ash,,, you can stop now.. We understand you are do not actually play this class and are just trolling our forums

That one person.

cantrip question

in Elementalist

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Sorry but if you think conjures are weak, you have never played this class.

Sorry but because YOU dont think they are weak, doesnt mean everyone thinks that way.

So you are saying that hammer and greatsword conjures are bad? They are weak? honestly if you can say that with a straight face, you have not played this class at any real level.

You can slot those two and get amazing results in all 3 aspects of the game.

That one person.