Showing Posts For SkyShroud.2865:

Are servers just a name now?

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Guest server’s sense of community depends on totally on the guest server’s community itself. If the guest server from the beginning does not has much commanders or commanders do not uses community ts3 or recognize the use of the community ts3, the community doesn’t have much existence to begin with.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Military Orders and Punishments

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Sounds like war thunder.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Impose transfers penalty!

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


However, this isn’t a food stall or retail shop, it is called as what it is, a penalty. Also, it isn’t a matter of people (who transfers a lot) liking the idea, it is a matter of controlling the transfers to maintain the balance, balance that got broken by the players themselves every time we relink.

People transfer to either find fun elsewhere or to flock to a easy win. Neither of these will be playing the game if they are penalized for transfering… Your “balance” will be achieved by making these people just quit? I don’t think that people quitting a game when it’s already 4 years old is a good deal to it’s heath.

A game grows when people say ‘this is fun and others should play it.’ A game doesn’t grow when people say ‘i play in hopes that this game will one day be better than it is.’ Getting on the right side of that dichotomy has a much larger impact than a few disgruntled folks leaving.

That said, I’m not a huge fan of this idea. Unless Anet has some ace-in-the-hole to repair the damage that’s been done, locking people in place will be more disruptive than just a few disgruntled people. Perhaps, in a variant, they could just close transfers after linking is done for a week or so. It would, perhaps, let them link more accurately and reduce the urge to transfer.

Both of you mentioned it, game doesn’t grow if it isn’t fun. Population imbalance isn’t fun at all, do not forget about that. Siding with the group that transfers frequently and disrupt the balancing, is the same as forsaking the people who didn’t transfer and suffer the consequences of the disrupted balance. There are more people that don’t transfer frequently compare to those who transfer like having vacation, base on that and along with that logic, more people quits currently.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Impose transfers penalty!

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


However, this isn’t a food stall or retail shop, it is called as what it is, a penalty. Also, it isn’t a matter of people (who transfers a lot) liking the idea, it is a matter of controlling the transfers to maintain the balance, balance that got broken by the players themselves every time we relink.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Impose transfers penalty!

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


There have been rich individuals transferring very often every now and then due to guest server being only 500 gems. However, this frequent transfers will upset the population balance and most importantly, the status calculation. I suggest doubling the cost of recent transferees’ (within two months) to deter them from transferring that often.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

Unable to log in

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Gw2 partially down.

Those ingame, will not be able to switch maps. Those not logon, will not able to enter the game.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Guild Bounty: Prisoner

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Again, this bounty is bugged. The bounty was found endlessly repeating its dying moment, with the cage falling on itself indefinitely. Seriously, how many times must I report this buggy target, do I have to get my entire guild to spam support ticket?

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Not everyone wants a 2014 tier 1 sized pop..

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


OP obviously forgotten that low populated server are dead exactly because of population. OP, if you want to fight 1 v 1 or 2 then go PvP. If you can’t handle the situation where you get zerged down left and right, then don’t roam. I thought the whole point of roaming is feel proud about being able to kill random people while not getting killed by zergs.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Ranger/Druid Not part of Current Meta

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Hi OP.

Let’s put things in technical perspective. If you are running a zerg of let say, 40 and that zerg of 40 has 15 druids, you think any sane commanders will not tell them to swap? While druid has their own uses, too many of it will just simply make the zerg worthless. As for why technically it will make the zerg worthless, try looking at every single class and their skill sets. Also, you mentioned you are a team player but the way you complaining about commanders wanting to have the best compositions and also refusal to use any other classes don’t make you anything close to a team player.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

[Suggestion] WvW Schematic Rewards Track

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


It did be nice to have a reward tracks that provide the mats (especially the low and mid tiers) for the wvw schematic, better still, a few random schematics as the final reward.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

Population calculation

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Here is the NA server activity since the linking.

I’m not sure if Northern Shiverpeaks could actually compete in Tier 1 but its activity is comparable.

Dragonbrand’s activity is taking a dive.

What do the numbers on the Y-axis represent? Is this something that is more appropriately used to compare only a server’s activity against itself over time rather than an indicator of who might win a matchup and what tier they should be in?

I assume those data are simply base on captures and kdr, retrieved from API. However, it lacks actual population so these activity level is questionable as the most important factor, active population, is not present.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Population calculation

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


your english….i don’t understand…….

It takes some time for the status to be updated, however, do take note mag has better quality than most servers.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

What do you all do after the dailies?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


i doing wvw most of the day, nothing much to do, done a lot of acheivements, feel bored to go after acheivements now, im already at 28k ap =,=

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

[WvW] Tempest - Staff - "Powerful Aura"

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865



So someone was telling me that “powerful aura” is not suitable for staff ele

The traits and skills are as followed

It is meant for wvw zerging, a support oriented tempest.

What is your opinion?

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

How do skirmish change the nightcap issue?

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Clearly OP does not understand the difference between equalizing the weight of the score across board and discriminating specific timezones. If you are so insisted on winning, why not play 24/7 or actually spend some golds and buy some night guilds instead of complaining?

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

SEA lag?

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


where r u from?

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Why can zerg commanders kick for lack of TS?

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


All the so-called bots are made by people, is just the matter if people willing to share it. Also, to answer your question, it doesn’t and discord does not has nested channel yet either. The only good things are you don’t have to deal with ddos, free and convenient. The last time I see JQ’s discord, it doesn’t has their usual 100+ people like they had on their ts3, perhaps all their guilds use their own discord and no longer centralised like ts3. JQ is fragmented in that case.

I also wonder, what other servers actually use discord other than JQ.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Why can zerg commanders kick for lack of TS?

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


I asked this in chat last nite – players said to play at other times with friendlier commanders. I can’t play other times. I can understand kicking cuz you don’t have a certain game requirement, but to kick cuz you don’t have access to a 3rd party app seems ridiculous and prejudicial, especially against poor or disabled people (like the deaf). I could understand if there are other options available, or other commanders/zergs, but there was only one choice – so it was get TS and get to play or get lost – go do something else, play some other time, get killed running, to try to solo cap supply camps and ogres all night.

This seems harsh, unnecessary and discriminatory. I was surprised at how nasty and rude players were. I asked why I’d been kicked, explained I can’t access TS, and asked if I was doing something wrong. I was told I was fine and done nothing wrong but commander required TS to join (after running with team for hours). People got really ugly defending commander’s decision. One said I was getting free bags. I resent this – I worked hard to win, played hard and contributed a lot. I offered to give my bags to commander or other players cuz I just wanted to help BG win.

Someone please explain how this is supposed to work. I’m confused. I want to play. I want to run with commanders/zergs as the site advertises is the exciting thing to do in WvW. I want to help win. I can figure out what they’re doing. No one accused me of leeching/afk.

Please explain why the game says you can play all these modes, but the reality is different. I’m not trying to be a troll. I’m trying to understand. Please keep rude responses to yourself – I’m looking for helpful explanations. Thanks.

It is not surprising. Some commanders do demand people to be in ts3 before able to become part of the squad. There are a number of such commanders in t1, it isn’t rare at all. It isn’t wrong for them to have such demand either. You are not banned from following the tag either. However, to explain why, the commander simply want to have a better picture of the squad of who are with him and not with him, who should he assign in the compositions to so that they get the boons to stay live and help to kill. Obviously, those on ts3 will more likely to stay alive (and kill) with tricky maneuver than those who are not on ts3. Obviously, you are not on ts3 so you more likely to die (or less helpful in focused push) and if you do die, the boons composition will go to waste, especially if there is another reaper that might need those boons but just simply out of luck due to limited classes.

People still use Teamspeak? I thought everybody already moved to the superior Discord.

Yeah, it’s unfortunate. The “hardcore no-life” type of players still think TS is the kitten because they’ve been using it for years and refuse to acknowledge when something better comes along. Stubbornness and arrogance, I guess.

I, for one, refuse to join any comms unless it’s on Discord. I won’t install a garbage VoIP program when there’s a much better one available that I use daily.

Sorry fanboy, it isn’t about your personal preference/convenience, it is about the community centralized usage and the community decide what is best for them. There is nothing to argue about, community > personal preference/convenience.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

Guild Bounty: Prisoner

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


This is my 3rd time reporting this, the 2nd time I reporting this, I requested prisoner to be removed from bounty list until it is fixed but still, it isn’t.

Again, this bounty is always bugged, not responding to interaction, whenever we does our 5 bounties. 5 bounties is tough enough, please don’t make life any more painful by putting a bugged npc in it.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Flax Fibres Still Too Rare

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


yea, flax is expensive, wvw uses them up a lot. the supply don’t seems to keep up with the demand.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Victory points should be 2,3,4 not 1,2,3

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


We do not have much details how they gonna calculate the ranking with the new skirmish system.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Stats for commanding

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Just mix and match stats that is tanky enough to hold and damaging enough to kill. If you want to go for fancy things like healing stats or boon duration stats or whatever, make sure it actually work along well with the group you are running with.

I think all highly skilled commanders use guardians, not because of whatever reasons we have guardians in the squad. The main reason is because the squad has a biggest percentage made up of guardians, is easier for you to grasp the timing or cooldowns of that class’s skills instead of relying on calls in voice which have some small delay in between.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

Make PPT proportional to tick population

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


I don’t support any suggestions that give the illusion that population is balanced. Don’t cheat yourself.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Best server for fights?

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


You should be searching for guilds and not server. Guilds determine the fight, server only determine activeness.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Victory points should be 2,3,4 not 1,2,3

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


What is the difference between 2 3 4 and 1 2 3, can you explain OP?

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Thought on T1 and Linking

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Variety is no good?

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Skirmishes and ppk not working together

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Blaming skirmish for causing people to run away from fights is lame.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Give Huge PPT/PPK For Outnumbered Buff

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


I will not support suggestions that include giving a illusion that population is balanced.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

DBL exploit?

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


SkyShroud.2865, DBL is bugged it was not a hacker for sure… theres alot of broken walls/place to get in every keep.

Mabye those players were making a video for Anet, have u tough that?

Honestly speaking, I doubt. I have made exploit reports before and I didn’t exploit to the point that I actually tried to cap something.

There is a fine line between exploit to report and abusing exploits.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

DBL exploit?

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


I think we got it, we identified a hacker in the opponent team, a mesmer that climbs up the wall. He repeatedly climbed up to places which you normally shouldn’t able to reach as a enemy. We already reported him, a few record as well, hope anet do something fast about it. Frustrating enough to fight outnumber match, now even have to deal with hackers.

To hide in inner is one thing but provided that they actually breach into inner before, but that didn’t happen for hours unless that mesmer hide for hours? At the same time, to actually be in lord room, bypassing inner and outer completely is a whole different level. There isn’t much place to hide in earth lord room, is there? It wasn’t breached multiple hours for the lord room case either.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Reminder: Skirmish beta beginning soon

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


This system is good in a way that it reduce the impact of ktrain, still, it is coverage war which means population still a big issue. I hope anet don’t use this design as a mean to play down the importance of population balancing.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

DBL exploit?

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


There have been reports in my matchup of enemies appearing in inner or even the lord room without actually damaging the outer walls or gates. This happen for fire and earth keeps.

Are there like spots where you can actually leap into the keep? Can dev investigate that?

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

WvW server tied to guild rep?

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


There are a lot of factor why guilds become so but it is mainly a problem for PvX guilds. For PvX guilds, it is obvious since they are PvX which means they do recruit PvE players and PvE is a megaserver, but not all are literally PvX guilds. Most PvX guilds are just PvX in name, most just do PvE. The number of true PvX guilds that does WvW to the point that some ignorance people actually see them as WvW guilds are very few in numbers, even then, those true PvX guilds do advertise their server as well.

Still, it is a problem, a long term problem because new players are forced to choose a server right a start without a chance to actually find a guild to do wvw with. Their options are limited right from the start and indirectly forced to pay for transfer if they found guilds in other servers. The only solution for all new players is to make server non-mandatory from the start, free transfer token is not a good option since it can be unfair to those who are unlucky in finding guilds and thus forced to use their token which they can store for future use. It must be a fair solution.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

Thought on T1 and Linking

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


They are linking base on the activities but the problem with that is that activities can change very easily, depending on the guilds on the server and their previous link like availability of commanders. Also, if guilds decided to switch server on the very last week , whatever records anet had will immediately become outdated. Anet does not has anyone reliable on the ground to provide such information to them when they decide the linking.

Anet is not omnipotent and they should not think they are. They need to be realistic and not rely on unrealiable data, they should instead validate the data by actually checking the servers. However, this is a lot of work and therefore not consider practical.

I would suggest to make a new poll about linking frequency, I believe one month is a good deterrence and short enough time to fix any bad linking. At the same time, I also suggest to implement a transfer cost plenty for people who transfer too frequently. For example, if a person transfer to another server, that person’s personal transfer cost to future server will be doubled for 2 months.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

WvW overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


sorry, it isn’t the most effective in ppt but it is indeed the most simple way of playing wvw

to split up group will means that you will need a lot of people with that knowledge, passion, motivation and experience to lead on those smaller groups. also the communications between the different groups and likewise the cost that come along with it. pugs follow commander simply because they do not have to think too much and bother about siege costs.

in reality, people like simply things and if you make it even more complicated, be aware that you might lose even more people from wvw.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

World Linking 8/26/2016

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


One month re linking won the original vote. It was the choice of the developers to go to two month server pairings.

the reason given was because it isn’t a great majority. so now the question is again back to the people who didn’t vote for one month, will they vote one month or will they not

i do remember 3 months was quite close to 1 month

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

World Linking 8/26/2016

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


so do u guys want to re-vote and go for one month linking or still sticking to your old votes?

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Looking for WvW TC guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


still is AM and you are looking for a south east asia guild that run in dead early morning…….
guilds dont run in that kind of dead timing, they run in their prime time and prime time means 7pm or 8pm to midnight 12am or 1am

a guild that run in that timing is actually EU, so you should be looking for EU and not SEA. you need to understand how timezones and guilds work, otherwise, you will never find a guild because there is not a single SEA guild that runs in EU time.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

WvW skirmishes Sept 9th!

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


The artificial balancing is finally here, anet will now successful get people to shut up about night capping and get people to forget about population balancing. However, people will now complain purely on coverage war and thus population balancing reborn again.

Seriously, I hope anet just focus on population balancing, is the root of all problems.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Add a 5th Tier - Split the smaller links

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


there have been transfers
guilds moving server
guilds buying/poaching players

it is not easy to balance but what anet can really do is look into the details instead of simply graph and chart made from their database

Its extremely easy to balance if you are willing to commit to balancing. Anet does not want to commit.

easy, really? when u have large amount of players stacking on specific servers on specific timezones while leaving specific servers empty on specific timezones, at the same time NA prime always have people

how are u gonna balance that for every servers without queuing NA prime? u can’t balance that, u have to delete all the servers to forcefully resettle the population.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

Looking for WvW TC guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


5am (sea time) is eu, not sea

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Add a 5th Tier - Split the smaller links

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


there have been transfers
guilds moving server
guilds buying/poaching players

it is not easy to balance but what anet can really do is look into the details instead of simply graph and chart made from their database

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Force rotation weekly

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


The dev already admitted that server linkings are not made so that populations are comparable to each other. In other words, there will be no such thing as variety, there is only one thing and that is devs decide which tier your server should be.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Let us Guest to other servers OS

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Guesting will cause more problem as a whole even if it fix your problem. The only sensible solution is to delete all servers and forcefully redistribute the population. Anet can make a poll about it but ultimately, getting people to choose a new servers will give birth to a new era of wvw, breaking free from the old one, re-balancing all the new servers, setting a new tiers variety experience.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

WvWvW Fix

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Indeed, deleting all servers is the only sure way to distribute populations equally and ensure competitive environment. However, anet continue to be reluctant to do that, not even start a poll about it, continue their way of linking which they think it works when in reality they don’t work as good. Unless dev have played not few but couple thousands of hours in wvw, otherwise, they should listen to players who have played that much.

Still, doing it in eotm style may not have that much motivation from people.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

What I'd do to fix WvW

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


LoL. Kinda defeat the purpose of massive pvp, gw2 will break the lowest maximum player record.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

State of WvW 2016

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Deleting and recreating servers were considered, but anet decided majority will not support it, without any polling as supporting evidence. Well, anet decided to engineer tiers through linking already anyway, confirmation bias is strong.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

World Linking 8/26/2016

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Hello everyone,

I know a lot of EU players are asking why Far Shiverpeaks is linked with Whiteside Ridge and Fissure of Woe so I figured I would clear up why this link was made.

Our goal with World Linking is good matches. This doesn’t necessarily mean that worlds in tier 4 are intended to be competitive with worlds in tier 1, but ideally every world in tier 4 should be competitive with the other worlds in tier 4 and likewise every world in tier 1 should be competitive with the other worlds in tier 1. It would be nice if worlds in tier 4 were competitive with tier 1, but it’s not realistic since the distribution of players across worlds is not consistent. The issue is compounded in EU, due to the fact that we are avoiding linking worlds with different languages. For example, there is only one Spanish world, so they’ll never be linked and thus might never be competitive in tier 1 worlds. Similarly making each set of German worlds have equivalent populations has proved equally impossible because if we were to link them they would have a much higher population than other worlds, making match-ups against them not competitive.

Far Shiverpeaks was linked with two worlds because we needed a third world that would have similar population to the French worlds, specifically Jade Sea and Vizunah Square so that the matchup could be competitive. Far Shiverpeaks, Whiteside, Ridge, and Fissure of Woe linked together gave us the best population to create competitive match-ups for that tier.

It is also important to keep in mind that this is the very first week of match-ups and it will take time before glicko adjusts worlds into their correct tiers.

Why don’t you step back abit and consider excluding T1 out from the equation. You can make T4 competitive with T2 (or least T3) while simply ignoring T1 (and T2) and leave them to their own device.

EU worlds don’t have severe glicko locks like NA tho… Just look at their current matchups. They have a T4 server (Vizunah & Friends) competing in T2 against a T1 server (Jade Sea + Arborstone). It’s like if Crystal Desert had rolled T2 and was fighting Jade Quarry.

Also as stated, EU world have the national servers, who only will get linked with national servers. So they need to make sure every national server have somewhat fair matches (principally for Baruch Bay who will never be linked to anyone).

Trying to balance EU world is much more of a mess than the NA world imo… NA just need a glicko reset and let the worlds flow.

Well, their issue is because they tried to only put same native language server together. Let take a step back, why not just focus one thing, either language or balance, you can’t have both.

In NA, in off hours, there are servers filled with people that typed chinese, koreans, japanese, malay, thai, brazil and etc. It is a big problem? Do they have huge problem playing together with the western despite having language barrier?

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

No more DBL please

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Actually, there is no such thing as 75% voted for DBL. The vote actually is to keep DBL or throw it away permanently and it is not even 75%.. Also, no one ever voted DBL to be part of the rotation, we were never given that choice. DBL is literally forced into the rotation without our consent. Our only option is to keep or not keep DBL but anet devs go beyond that and interpreted it as we want to keep it means we want it to be in rotation.

What? You’ve clearly misinterpreted the poll which is not anets fault. It was quite clear that voting to keep the DBL supported meant that it was coming back into WvW in some form, either as the home BL for 3 months or as part of a mixed BL make up. This was crystal clear. They had the poll previous to that one about how to bring back the DBL which was worded badly, so they decided to do the poll about supporting the DBL. This was done with the clear understanding that if it passed that they would rerun the poll about how to bring it back into rotation.

For the record, I voted not to keep the bl. However, since you mentioned crystal clear, can you provide the source where they clarify that?

As far as I remembered, there is no clarification. They “re-run” the poll purely because people mention of the ambiguous wordings for the previous. However, at the same time, I didn’t see majority of the comments asking for poll on deleting the BL, it is anet interpreting it that way and polling it that way. There is a big difference between deleting and KIVing it. The polling itself is already guilt tripping people.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

No more DBL please

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


The popularity will is engineered, nothing is real, wvw continue to bleed.

It was bleeding well before that map. But y’all like to blame the map for people leaving, the map wasn’t the only thing wrong with the expansion, many other things dealt a blow to wvw players especially the small groups, offered nothing to gvg groups except the “too small” arena which no one uses.

Not even bringing back the savior alpine map could save wvw from the bleeding, which now obviously points to other problems with wvw other than the maps.

Keep blaming the map tho.

Indeed it is already bleeding from before, however, the engineered popular will doesn’t change anything but to give a illusion that things are working in the right direction. The fact is, wvw continue to bleed despite the engineered popular will, that is what I mean.

PS: Quoting out of context doesn’t help with your argument.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server