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Season 4 Nerf Wish List

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Don’t bring this down to a personal level by passing me as a childish [insert class] blind fanboy.

Balance in a MMO is not all about “I lose to her but I win against you” aka rock-paper-scissor and also I’m not interested in boosting my ego by winning a 1vs1 in an online game

I play for fun and for me fun means having a fair fight!

A d/f ele is like a slow moving fortress, take the fortress aspect away and you’re left with a slow moving weapon set, so there goes my fair fight..where is the fun?

If you want to reduce the abilities of the fortress to defend itself..then you need to give some sort of disengage option, nobody wants to play the part of the target may be fun for you..certainly not for the receiving end.

I proposed to nerf reflects and buff gap’ve called me biased, who is the real biased person here?

Accordingly to you, people should play a d/f ele while not being able to escape, disengage or effectively stop ranged what?

Balance means to take away from here and give back there…not just take away, that’s just destroying not balance

So basically what you are saying is that you want moving fortress to have disengage options as well right?

Also D/F has swiftness access, Lightning flash, etc. So its not completely slow, compared to let’s say Guardians.

Look dude, Noone is asking TO REMOVE REFLECTS/PROJECTILE HATE, just toning em down. As it stands now, how much reflect/Projectile Hate uptime does the ele meta have?

So with your idea, You want reflects and gap closers at the same time right?

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

(edited by StickerHappy.8052)

Season 4 Nerf Wish List

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Dunno what logic process you’re following but..when you talk about sustain/dmg of a profession, you talk about sustain/dmg of that profession across the board

You’re talking about sustain and no support capabilities?! You’re interested in nerfing ele sustain across the board..not its ability to support others, trying to mix the two it’s rather poor taste

As we’re talking about personal sustain and no support, then Purification is vastly superior to Wash the pain away as far as the number goes, ofc all this still at 0 healing power

Nerfing the sustain/dmg of a profession based on one amulet, will affect the whole profession using any amulet..simple logic

Why do you still talk about meta? A d/f is meta because of its ability to sustain against ranged and mele pressure, if that cease to be true…it won’t be meta anymore, with the weapon set now useless, ele would need buffs on other weapon sets aka…gap closer on d/d ^^

If you want a weapon set with no gap closer, escape or disengage to lose also its ability to protect the user against ranged combat..well you may as well delete it

Why I consider WvW? Well….since when anet split balance between pvp and pve?

Finally…as I’ve said it’s rather laughable that most DH players think reflects from a single ele across whole map is what keeping them out of goes to show how much most people truly understand about the game

I’ve offered to show you why this is the case, proposed for you to use a non cleric/mender/sage ele and face my DH…a challenge promptly refused by you ( as expected) , I assumed you knew how to play that case there should have been no problems with my request

From the moment that you’re complaining about the sustain of a full bunker, I’ve thought I’d show you how nerfs to sustain based on a single amulet can affects the whole profession and how pitiful is the ele base sustain respect to a dh

An invulnerability on short CD..that shut down a DH?…really amusing statement

Really the discussion is over, if you DH main users really think that a tempest or scrapper is what undermining you….there is no hope for you

1.) Either lessen projectile hate or Give projectile based classes (ranger and DH) unblockable options for them (not just 1 attack)

This was my post. Care to review it again? Never did I mention to nerf eles sustain. Just a teeny bit on the reflects.

Lessen OR.

I only mentioned the sustain part because you seem to get your panties down in a bunch whenever ele is mentioned.

Now is my proposal a balanced one or not?

If you nerf projectile hate…then you need to give away ways to close gap to those professions who can’t, as balance dictates reflect is prevalent on professions that lack close gap on short CD….without reflect, people would just pew pew from safety without you being able to do anything

This was your reply. So meaning you can’t LOS, blind, block, dodge Long Range attacks?
Lets admit it, reflects are okay, but some classes get an abundance of it.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

(edited by StickerHappy.8052)

Season 4 Nerf Wish List

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


1.) Either lessen projectile hate or Give projectile based classes (ranger and DH) unblockable options for them (not just 1 attack)

2.) Reduce Scrapper sustain.

If you nerf projectile hate…then you need to give away ways to close gap to those professions who can’t, as balance dictates reflect is prevalent on professions that lack close gap on short CD….without reflect, people would just pew pew from safety without you being able to do anything

You want reflect on ele nerfed? I want 15s CD RTl and 25s CD Lightning flash(base CD before trait), instant magnetic grasp and unblockable status on top, lower CD on gale, earthquake…how that sound?

Dude I would take you seriously if you werent so biased.

So take in example DH, an entire elite spec based on LB is completely useless because there is too much reflects that you can spam them

Overload Earth
Magnetic Aura
Swirling Winds

4 Reflects on 1 build. On top of Protection spam and massive sustain. And you are telling me this is okay?

Again do not tell me we can melee, we all know that ele boon farts prot, regen, massive sustain.

Rangers are supposed to be masters of the bow, do you even see LB or SB rangers? NO

Scrapper is the same issue.

Hammer Reflects
Toolbelt Reflects
on top of that massive sustain

So do not tell me to melee a scrapper.

PS: there are only 2 classes in the game that can use SB.

2 classes that can use LB that can actually burst.

What are you so afraid of?

Am I biased?

First fact is I actually play a lv 80 dragon hunter, scrapper and tempest, fully ascended and from PvP to wvw roaming/zerg fights and I have experience on all of them fighting all other specs

Second fact, I use logic and numbers to formulate rightful opinions, I recognize the strengths and weaknesses of a spec..not just the strengths or weaknesses where is convenient

Third fact , Longbow offers a 1200-1500 range attack and you’re asking fully mele specs to lose any resemblance of defense against ranged pressure and these mele specs have no ways to close gap effectively

Think for a moment what would happen to people in wvw playing a scrapper..they’d be pew pew to death from 1500 range ..with nothing they can do about

Realize that a d/f ele lacks ranged combat option, gap closers on a relatively speaking low CD, the focus lacks mobility, escapes and disengage. You just stand there soaking dmg with no way of running aways and pls spare me the usual “you have fgs or LF”..because I’ll reply :" you can wait out for the reflects to expire before retaking your pew pew practice" how that works out for you?

Understand that are other game mode outside conquest, open field modes that already greatly favour ranged combat

Learn that 2 of the total meta builds use a longbow so get your facts straight.

Visualize the difference in sustain between ele and guardian, the first has 1200 healing power and no dmg, the second has traits with huge base healing skills:'s_Focus
-0 healing power and can have 2x smite conditions used back to back healing for over 4k healing every 16s

Look at the massive healing guardians get without any investment, but hey why don’t we have a scrim, you as ele but no cleric/sage/mender and me on dragon hunter? Show me this sustain of ele…when you have 0 healing power like “meta” DH, it’s a given that a profession with 0 base sustain gains good sustain if it uses a freaking cleric amulet, otherwise the profession would not even be in the game

Envisage the entirety of the game before talking about balance, play all professions and see for yourself what it’s like to play

Uhm, we are talking bout the meta here. ROLES.

Why would you need an ele to have a gap closer on the meta?

No cleric? Dude all the complains here for ele sustain IS CLERIC please do not use arguments outside cleric, who the hell uses maruader or berserk ele in top play?\

Also, where is DH now basing it from your claims? 0 DH in top tier.

Another thing why would you even bring up WvW? This is the PvP forum? LOL.

Another point, the heals that ele gets also is gotten by teammates (auras), So are you arguing the trap heal is better than WtPa? Seriously no comparison.

Invuln on a short sec cd vs DH elite? I have no idea what you are talking about.


Please Provide proof the LB rangers or DH, or hell even SB rangers are viable with all the reflects involved

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Season 4 Nerf Wish List

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


2.) Reduce Scrapper sustain.

NO! Scrapper is already too squishy in wvw since latest balance patch. Stop touching other gamemodes.

No offense but WvW has terrible players, maybe that engie is not utilizing his class very well?

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Season 4 Nerf Wish List

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


1.) Either lessen projectile hate or Give projectile based classes (ranger and DH) unblockable options for them (not just 1 attack)

2.) Reduce Scrapper sustain.

If you nerf projectile hate…then you need to give away ways to close gap to those professions who can’t, as balance dictates reflect is prevalent on professions that lack close gap on short CD….without reflect, people would just pew pew from safety without you being able to do anything

You want reflect on ele nerfed? I want 15s CD RTl and 25s CD Lightning flash(base CD before trait), instant magnetic grasp and unblockable status on top, lower CD on gale, earthquake…how that sound?

Dude I would take you seriously if you werent so biased.

So take in example DH, an entire elite spec based on LB is completely useless because there is too much reflects that you can spam them

Overload Earth
Magnetic Aura
Swirling Winds

4 Reflects on 1 build. On top of Protection spam and massive sustain. And you are telling me this is okay?

Again do not tell me we can melee, we all know that ele boon farts prot, regen, massive sustain.

Rangers are supposed to be masters of the bow, do you even see LB or SB rangers? NO

Scrapper is the same issue.

Hammer Reflects
Toolbelt Reflects
on top of that massive sustain

So do not tell me to melee a scrapper.

PS: there are only 2 classes in the game that can use SB.

2 classes that can use LB that can actually burst.

What are you so afraid of?

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Needed Buffs/Tweaks 2016

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


@Wondr: I love those suggestions, was thinking something similar. The marksmanship line is burdened at the moment with 3 minors that really do not do much unless you take Remorseless.

Exactly. The previous remorseless was better in a sense since it resets with stealth so you can keep up the vuln stacking.


The more I check, the more I see how subpar ranger stuff is (on top of the pet), I think I should just make this as a megathread and not limit the suggestions to only the traits.

i would agree except if the devs dont show any interest in reading the small posts about bugs… What does make you think they will go thru 5 pages long thread?

Uhm this thread already has a dev post on it, meaning they just read it. The bug threads might be getting read but they just don’t reply.

Not trying to defend Anet here but I might as well do something instead of just whining how terrible ranger is.

Also, I kinda thrive on this stuff, theorycrafting. So please if you can post more ideas. Thank you.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Season 4 Nerf Wish List

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


-reduced dmg
-reduced stealth application
-reduced evasion
-Unhindered Combat 30s CD
-Impacting destruction 25s CD, 35% dmg reduction

-gutted clones spamming
-reduced stealth application
-reduced dmg
-reduced block uptime
-Moa Form deleted

-Ancestral Grace kitten CD
-Base healing of skills nerfed by 70%, will now need round 800 healing power to get same numbers as now
-Celestial Shadow 30s CD
-Ancient Seed 20s CD
-Pet dmg nerfed by 25%

-Precision Strike dmg nerf by 60%
-Surge of the Mist 3s cast time

Dragon Hunter
-Monk Focus healing reduced by 70%, will now need 800 healing to get same numbers as now
-Wings of resolve healing reduced by 50%

-Removed trait that makes marks unblockable
-Reduced condi application
-Scepter 1 gutted

-Adrenaline heath gutted
-Healing signet base healing reduced by 45%
-Berserk F2 mace condi application gutted
-Head Butt now has 40s CD

-Hammer dmg reduced by 70%
-Stealth Gyro 120s CD

Overall professions like Ranger and Guardian have too high base healing, they can go full zerker and heal almost like a full cleric ele, a 2k healing with a min CD of 16s ( Guardian) or way shorted ( ranger) is crazy. Both classes must be forced to slot some healing gear to gain sustain..just like ele

Warrior base sustain is too high also, they need to invest heavily in ele

Really 30 sec Cd on celestial shadow? WOW. Might as well delete the trait.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Needed Buffs/Tweaks 2016

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


@Wondr: I love those suggestions, was thinking something similar. The marksmanship line is burdened at the moment with 3 minors that really do not do much unless you take Remorseless.

Exactly. The previous remorseless was better in a sense since it resets with stealth so you can keep up the vuln stacking.


The more I check, the more I see how subpar ranger stuff is (on top of the pet), I think I should just make this as a megathread and not limit the suggestions to only the traits.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Welcome to Bunker Wars

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


What about scrappers who has a lot of sustain and damage to boot? Dont forget the CCs.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Season 4 Nerf Wish List

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Yes, teammates all dying in 2 seconds isn’t quick enough, lets continue to nerf everything that could possibly keep something alive for any amount of time, since I guess last patch’s nerfs to sustain clearly wasn’t enough. We need to be 1 shotted quicker yup totally. And while were at it lets add more daze, stun, and knock backs, 2 whole straight minutes of that isn’t anywhere near enough. Brilliant ideas here, some one make it happen.

Please do not make it sound like “lets nerf everyone’s sustains” no one is saying that. Scrappers have a lot of sustain even on a dmg amulet. This is common knowledge by now.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Needed Buffs/Tweaks 2016

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Just curious folks, there is sooo much projectile hate in the game and Ranger’s are supposed to be masters of the bows.

We need unblockable stuff for our bows IMO, so any ideas on our existing traits so that we could incorporate this idea?

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Season 4 Nerf Wish List

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


1.) Either lessen projectile hate or Give projectile based classes (ranger and DH) unblockable options for them (not just 1 attack)

2.) Reduce Scrapper sustain.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

If there is a League Next season

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Why would anyone not want to know what their MMR is? I’m not really concerned about arrogant players hating on my lesser MMR, and it would be nice to see how the matches affect my MMR and also see what the MMR of my teammates is vs the MMR of who i’m playing against.

Exactly. Only insecure people would not want to see their MMR. Other games do it. If you see your MMR, you will see the matchups you will get, therefore you will have a proof that matchmaking is in fact working.

now if you lose to 1500 vs 1500 MMR by a blowout then you know somethings wrong with your team and not blame it on the Matchmaking.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

If there is a League Next season

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


A couple key things here op,

1. You probably just introduced a whole new level of “MMR Hell” for players who are already struggling.

2. You essentially killed the casual base of the game aka 70% of the pvp population because these players wont reach past Sapphire.

3. The above will cause a domino effect, resulting in poor matchmaking, higher forum complaints from casuals, etc.

1.) why would there be MMR hell is the matches are 50/50?

2.) Agree to some extent but so are you saying that majority population just suck if the players cant reach past sapphire?

3.) The leagues should be a real league, if you are casual why would you expect to win a league? its like saying You wanna play in the NBA but you are just a casual basketball player.

I do not want to sound elitist but as it stands now the leagues is just unranked with rewards and grinding.

Also Baddies will be baddies, no matter what you do the complaining will not stop.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

If there is a League Next season

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Can we have any of these?

1.) Losing pips and tiers starting amber.

2.) MMR reset to 0 (New players should not be given Average MMR)

3.) Entry Level to leagues (Atleast 2500 games in pvp) to avoid terrible/ pve / smurfing oblivious players in pvp “Its called Leagues for a reason”

4.) Pugs Should not Face Preamdes

5.) Appropriate Sanctions should be Given to RQs / AFKERs..

6.) Make the Reward worth it for Hardcore PvP players.

7.) Make Divisions a good representation of Skill


8.) Show our MMR, atleast if get blowout matches we know if we are just out played or plain suck.

9.) 5-5 Matchmaking not 5-6 or 5-7. Thats why we should see MMR. (i.e. Team A 2100 MMR vs Team B 2200 MMR)

10.) We should See MMR so we know if there is an existent matchmaking or atleast a working one.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

(edited by StickerHappy.8052)

Day vs Night

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


I dont want to be that guy, but if you tried everything and u still in saphire after all that, what do u think its the problem?
Do u think u have bad players and the other team esl players?
Try to accept that maybe u are not good enough ,its ok dude not every one should reach legend.
Just keep playing and u will improve, there is no need to make another tread saying u cant pass divs.
MM is bad i give u that much, but after all this time if u still in saphire u need to accept the truth.
Gl anyway.

1.) She doesn’t wanna team up for a 4-5 man.

2.) People will always blame it on the Matchmaking. ALWAYS. Can we blame the matchmaking too if we have winstreaked?

3.) If this was ruby I would understand because you lose tiers, sapphire? this is a different story.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Why I don't have any sympathy

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Holy… This getting out of hand.

AVAILABLE = Everyone has the opportunity to get it, but not everyone WILL get it.

Think of it this way, If a girl/boy is single (available) does that guarantee the fact that he/she will be interested to be in a relationship with you?

If you know for yourself you are not very good at pvp, what makes you think you deserve to get the reward?

If you are bad, then do other options to help you win like teaming up, typing, communicating, etc.

If you do not want to do any of those, and you still think you are entitled to the wings, I just do not know what to say anymore.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Let's talk about the game

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Can you elaborate on some of the ability’s/traits/runes etc. that you see as part of this problem? Would be nice for me to get a clearer picture.


Just a question, why is beastly warden included when its not even a passive?

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Why its hard seeing some of these threads

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


I’ve lost so many games with Marvin on my team either because I sucked or somebody else sucked lol. Pro league don’t get free wins dude, I’ve beaten some PZ guys when they solo and hell they’re far better than me at PvP.

You know how people complain some games are literally unwinnable and teams are literally uncarryable? Well yeah guess what it happens even to pro league guys time to time.

Thank you! See. someone like you understands. ESL players on either team do not guarantee wins. It is so stupid how people think this and say MM is rigged. CMON GW2 Forums!!!

@ Ross Biddle

Man, It’s useless explaining this to people. I had no idea that the forums are this “bad”

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Why its hard seeing some of these threads

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


That’s faulty matchmaking if Zoose is being put into matches where he can win a pure 2v1 fight. I don’t count a fight where the second guy rolls in as the first guy is basically dead a real 2v1.

What??? Zoose does this all the time. What are you even talking bout? So are you saying noone should win a 2v1?

Supcutie on a 3v1.

Seriously the forums are terribad.

PS: This is also a tourney, so please do not refute it with “Maybe he is facing baddies”


In a game where all gear/levels are equalized and you have to stomp to finish someone, winning a 3vs1 means either 1) there is a vast class imbalance, 2) the players on the losing three side suck balls, or 3) a combination of 1 and 2.

This is not WoW/ Rift/ ESO where a player can 1v3 or more due to gear. If you send 3 players to take a point and those three players lose that is an embarrassment. Saying they don’t suck because they are in a tourney or have some “name” is ludicrous.

So saying they suck because they got outplayed is right? lol. This is only 1 play. Saying they suck just because of this 1 play is ludicrous as well.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Needed Buffs/Tweaks 2016

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


How is that a nerf? I took in what you suggested and added an extra effect? It would be a buff tho lol.

SO its “10% damage and gain 2 stacks of might when you swap weapons”

Oh, I’m getting you now. I thought… you just wanted to make it 2 might on weapon swap only. I’m silly. My bad.
That would be lovely. Not sure how much of a difference for non-competitive content it would be but… Yes, it would feel nice to feel buffed when swapping weapons even more.

I think It would be a good buff even for pve, atleast we dont have to trait into NM to get 25 might stacks, you can now do it with Skirm/BM only. Atleast noone is going to be pigeonholed into NM most of the time.


Furious Grip

  • CD reduced to 7 seconds


  • CD reduced to 7 seconds

Hunter’s Tactics

  • Increased Damage while attacking from behind or the side. Gain 2 Might Stacks when swapping weapons. ICD 7 seconds
  • Damage Increase: 10%
    Might 2 stacks (10s): +60 Power, +60 Condition Damage

Reasoning: The 7 second CD traits are reduced to have better synergy with the Warrior Runes. I changed the critical hit chance when flanking because it does not make any sense in skirmishing where you easily get perma fury. 10% damage is more in line. Also I added Gain might on weapon swap to Give Skirmishing a more streamlined approach. 10% damage by itself is not worthy of a GM minor slot especially if it is really situational. Before anyone says this is OP check this for reference:

Funny thing is the skirmishing minor used to be a 10% damage modifier and then they went and nerfed it to 10% crit in their unbelievably stupid belief that this was actually a net buff change in one of their bigger ranger trait revisions.

We also got worthless garbage like Strider’s Defense, an RNG defense against projectiles that requires you be swinging your weapon and a cooldown reduction on a weapon whose cooldown skills are used situationally and not on cooldown (as they are a DPS loss compared to autoattack, and you don’t want to go blowing your evades just because).

Yeap it was 10% before, it was better no doubt, but flanking is such a situational mechanic that you only benefit from the trait IF you successfully flank. So I added another effect to it, only fair right?

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Needed Buffs/Tweaks 2016

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Suggested tweaks are starting to resemble those QoL suggestions on the previous thread I linked at the beginning. Might as well port those over to the OP.

alright, which thread is it again? also is it cool if it merge the ideas of your thread here?

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

S3 Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


It’s their way to shorten queue times for players in less populated divisions, and again division doesn’t mean skill.You can grind to legendary pretty easily and be trash at the game.

Again people acting blindly to this fact. Typical forums

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Why its hard seeing some of these threads

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052



I have no idea what logic you are using. Hardcounters in the game exist. Bunkers exist. 2v1 is a common sight.

1:30 mark 1v1 turned into a 4v2. Do not tell me about the MMR crap here, the opposing team had Radioactive Players and I had Chaith on mine

Agmemnon, I leave the explaining of stuff to you.


Please feel free to address sanctuary, I am running out of approaches. #blametheMMmore

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

(edited by StickerHappy.8052)

Why its hard seeing some of these threads

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


What ive seen is someone who gets stuck on wording and tries to argue about something and being ignorant about what the topic is about. If i say teams gets matched high mmr vs low, thats exactly how it is in this season 3 mm. But what do you do? You get stuck on a word where i used “els player will win 100% in all diamond matches”. I was relating that to having high mmr and what i meant was that theyre most likely to win due to the season 3 mm.

Instead you become a little child, get stuck on wording instead of discussing the problem thats been brought up. Everything you even try to counter with has nothing to do about the issue and you only waste peoples time.

I agree with Drussthelegend. Its faulty mm if one person can kill 2 people. You do want a competitive gameplay right? Thats what many of us are trying to say with our “complaints”. If you are on a scale of 1 mmr out of 10, you should be paired vs other 1’s until you improve and can carry yourself higher into a higher mmr group. In that way they can enjoy pvp and feel every players contribution matters.

I mean, you seem to not grasp the content sometimes what people try to say. The person said the mm is faulty if 1 person can kill 2. Which is true. What do you do? You go and claim that person is saying that no one ever is allowed to kill two people and then you post a stupid video where someone kills 3 passive members that barely use a skill in the whole fight.

What youre doing is finding something in every post that you dont like and turn one word into something the person doesnt mean per se. Im not sure if it is that you dont understand the bigger picture in a text or not…But you do realise we all talk about the mm right, high mmr vs lower mmr? I mean im just making sure we all know what we’re talking about.

Competitive people want competitive matchups. Why do you think so many people moved to overwatch? Because the competitive matchups have been removed from ranked. I remember last year when i watched some streamers and they actually had competitive games. They lost some, won some, and thats how its supposed to be. I never saw anyone in those high level games kill 2 people on their own. Wanna know why? Because it was competitive and closer mmr groups fought vs eachother. We also had better balance.

Anyway you remind me of those people that always must have “right” however far from the topic they go. In the end, this thread is about mmr and if someone can kill 2 people on their own its faulty mm. End of story.

Still using silly arguments i see.

Why is 2v1 not legit? So a Scrapper who is built for sustain should not be able to 2v1? So 1 good player CANNOT defeat 2 lower skilled people on a scrapper?

Passive 3 members? Those are ESL level people, I just do not see why are you still acting blind about it?

You people always bring up MMR problems, which is only partly true. So what you are basically saying is.

A higher MMR team who is mechanically skilled will not be outplayed it a lower MMR team outrotated them?

I mentioned this on my other post. You know why the problem exists? Gw2 PvP population is a cess pool in the leagues, full of oblivious people in pvp, pve players, mixed with average ones where small percentile of the population is actually good.

Also The league system gives you losing streak bonuses too, so people like Itwhilhen are stuck in sapphire should be atleast getting to ruby (since you do not lose tiers) if they are GOOD ENOUGH.

PS: Wording is very important in stating an argument, this helps you differentiate hyperbole from actual facts.

I mean, you seem to not grasp the content sometimes what people try to say. The person said the mm is faulty if 1 person can kill 2. Which is true

^This statement right here is complete evidence of being a scrub. You blame the Matchmaking if someone is good enough to actually 2v1 you? Wow.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Why its hard seeing some of these threads

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Honestly, if you think that the other teams gameplay was good vs that mesmer, i dont know what to think rly. No area control…no nothing. They just let the mesmer go full ham. Since mesmer was quite op back then i wouldnt even had gone for the res. Necro should have pressured more. There was no pressure whatssoever. The revenant in other team was the only one actually trying to follow and achieve something.

Looks like watching ambers vs a legendary. Im sorry but i cant take that clip seriously even if they have players that is supposed to be “good”. The gameplay was too bad from other team.

They had a necro, The rev missed its KB.. So what you are saying Team Never lucky is bad right?

Anyway, you are backpedalling again form the discussion. The discussion was about 2v1, and i proved it can happen even in a 3v1. It’s not about “ohh the other was bad, shouldve done this, and this. etc”

You are basically avoiding all of my arguments. Seriously I have been rekting all your posts mate save yourself from the shame.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Why its hard seeing some of these threads

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


He downed one person and then revenant came and knocked the two that were ressing and thats how they won. Thats not a 1vs3. He stayed alive vs 3 people for so long which is good itself but claiming he downed 3 people solo is just wrong facts. We all see the video. If the revenant hadnt come the other team probably would have gotten the res.

Stop with the nonsense already.

What? Did you see how low the necro was before the revenant came in? He also had double Moa. and he was at 100% health? okay.

Thats not a 1vs3. He stayed alive vs 3 people for so long which is good itself but claiming he downed 3 people solo is just wrong facts. === So surviving against 3 people is not a 1v3? So what is?


Hey sanctuary. Please refute my post first earlier, it seems like you have forgotten.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

(edited by StickerHappy.8052)

Why its hard seeing some of these threads

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


That’s faulty matchmaking if Zoose is being put into matches where he can win a pure 2v1 fight. I don’t count a fight where the second guy rolls in as the first guy is basically dead a real 2v1.

What??? Zoose does this all the time. What are you even talking bout? So are you saying noone should win a 2v1?

Supcutie on a 3v1.

Seriously the forums are terribad.

PS: This is also a tourney, so please do not refute it with “Maybe he is facing baddies”


Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

S3 Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052



The leagues made it so.

Imo, you guys shouldve won because you had a duo on your team while the other team did not.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Why its hard seeing some of these threads

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052



My perception is based on direct observation over the course of nearly 500 games this season.

The match maker picks 10 people. Of those, it makes two teams of 5. One is deliberately made stronger than the other. So, your idea doesn’t wash.

This is just… Stronger is a very broad term.

What if your team is mechanically skilled by a long shot vs other team BUT you got out rotated?

So is that the matchamaker’s fault?

I do agree the Matchmaking needs some tweaks, but sometimes some games are winnable people just make poor decisions. It doesn’t necessarily always mean the odds are against your favor.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Needed Buffs/Tweaks 2016

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


How is that a nerf? I took in what you suggested and added an extra effect? It would be a buff tho lol.

SO its “10% damage and gain 2 stacks of might when you swap weapons”

Oh, I’m getting you now. I thought… you just wanted to make it 2 might on weapon swap only. I’m silly. My bad.
That would be lovely. Not sure how much of a difference for non-competitive content it would be but… Yes, it would feel nice to feel buffed when swapping weapons even more.

I think It would be a good buff even for pve, atleast we dont have to trait into NM to get 25 might stacks, you can now do it with Skirm/BM only. Atleast noone is going to be pigeonholed into NM most of the time.


Furious Grip

  • CD reduced to 7 seconds


  • CD reduced to 7 seconds

Hunter’s Tactics

  • Increased Damage while attacking from behind or the side. Gain 2 Might Stacks when swapping weapons. ICD 7 seconds
  • Damage Increase: 10%
    Might 2 stacks (10s): +60 Power, +60 Condition Damage

Reasoning: The 7 second CD traits are reduced to have better synergy with the Warrior Runes. I changed the critical hit chance when flanking because it does not make any sense in skirmishing where you easily get perma fury. 10% damage is more in line. Also I added Gain might on weapon swap to Give Skirmishing a more streamlined approach. 10% damage by itself is not worthy of a GM minor slot especially if it is really situational. Before anyone says this is OP check this for reference:

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Why its hard seeing some of these threads

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052



The point is that if you are a high MMR player, the matchmaker is likely to put you on the side it has chosen as the probable winner. Hence, you are likely to win and have winning streaks. This is known as “positive feedback.”

Conversely if you lose, or have a low mmr, the matchmaker will assign you to the team it expects to lose. Hence, you are likely to lose. This lead to being placed on more teams selected to lose. In other words, “negative feedback.”

Because the system is set up in such a way as to reinforce streaks, (by assigning players to unbalanced teams ) it can be said to have “negative dynamic stability.” That is.. the further it gets away from the mid point the more it tends to move away from balance.

The system is expressly designed in a manner that resists balanced matches ( a 50/50 win ratio.) I can’t think of a situation in which negative dynamic stability is good. I think the results of this season and the posts in this forum bear me out.

“Likely” is veeeerrrrryyyy different from 100% (sanctuary claimed a 100% win)

I had 50/50 win ratio this season as well while playing with or against top tier players.

We can never really fully define unbalanced until they us our MMR. The only unbalance definition i would understand right now is pug vs premade.

A lot of the time people have a false perception on how good they really are, some times a good player can have bad nights (which everyone would have once in a while) finally, The leagues are grindable (That’s why you get noobs in ruby or diamond or even legend)

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

(edited by StickerHappy.8052)

Why its hard seeing some of these threads

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Maybe you should tell me its a learn to play issue when im actually stuck. I have more wins than losses. Have i complained about being stuck? Go talk to Ithilwen instead.

Not gonna answer your posts anymore because you ignore the whole purpose of every post everytime and answer on something totally different and ignore the core issue.

Dude i just refuted your claim “If you are an ESL player, you are put on the higher MMR team, aka The winning team”

What are you saying that I am ignoring your claims? I just provided you with some evidence and then you act like that?

Tell me how is it different?

You claim “If you are an ESL player, you are put on the higher MMR team, aka The winning team” THEN I SHOWED you Videos Proving otherwise

So who is really out of topic here?


Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Why its hard seeing some of these threads

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Read better next time. If youre a esl player or have high mmr you get automaticly put into the higher mmr team vs the lower. But i guess i have to be extra clear with you. You started in emerald this season? Well almost no high mmr players were in emerald at the start of this season. Everyone were in sapphire.

Watch the videos bro, You will see for yourself. If you are even aware of the proleague scene, every match there you will see familiar names.


There are matches there that we utterly decimated Marvin and Wakkey’s team, multiple times.

Cmon. Prove me wrong.

Being an ESL player puts you on the winning team? LOL. Cmon man, I think this is a l2p issue here.

I can upload like 10 matches more to refute your utter claims.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Why its hard seeing some of these threads

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


If you are a esl player, in diamond you are gonna win 100% vs any other team in diamond. Come back with a good example when that esl player face 5 esl players and have no esl players in his party whatssoever but himself. Lets see how well he carry his team when he face a team of higher mmr + equal skill of his own and he can see how his teammates melt in seconds and a 100% loss.

What people dont seem to understand is, its not about how good you are. Its about fair mm aka season 1 mm we had. Season 3 puts higher mmr team vs a lower mmr team by purpose. A esl player which has reached the highest skill cap, will never have issues when he face people of lower mmr. You even told us that dood killed 2 people on his own…He doesnt even face his own mmr, always lower. He probably have the highest mmr you ever can get, so he will always face lower mmr teams.

This is such utter misconception. If you are an ESL player you win 100% of the time?
LOL. People want to make these absurd claims to justify something.

You want proof? I would guess my MMR is way higher than you guys. Check all the videos in my youtube channel.

I winstreaked emerald to ruby facing ESL/AG/HIGH MMR players SINCE THE BEGINNING OF SEASON 3.

Granted I admit I didnt play well on some of the matches but it happens, I even had the freaking ground targetting max distance off.

So yea.

All I am saying if we are talking about purely matchups with good players here, This puts me on a disadvantage right?

I am also playing a class that I am just decent at, not even my main. seriously I think its time for people to have a reality check

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

(edited by StickerHappy.8052)

Needed Buffs/Tweaks 2016

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Any ideas for Hunter’s Tactics?

Cmon people do not let the thread die!))))

Hitting off with reverting it back to +10% damage instead of crit would be a good thing.

Why not let’s go with that and Add “Gain 2 might stacks when you swap weapons. ICD 7 Seconds”

It is a GM after all. Also The flanking mechanic is very hard to pull off.

It would be a nerf to our PvE environment. Nope, we don’t want neither need that.

How is that a nerf? I took in what you suggested and added an extra effect? It would be a buff tho lol.

SO its “10% damage and gain 2 stacks of might when you swap weapons”

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Match making has been really bad this season

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


What happened to the system last season where you would be matched with people in your league, and why are the players not spread out more.

Why do you guys keep emphasizing divisions?

It does not mean anything at all. Skill is irrelevant. It’s always “We lose, Bad matchmaking”

It was supposed to mean something. But the leagues are grindable, and matchmaking whack (due to low skilled population)

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Needed Buffs/Tweaks 2016

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Any ideas for Hunter’s Tactics?

Cmon people do not let the thread die!))))

Hitting off with reverting it back to +10% damage instead of crit would be a good thing.

Why not let’s go with that and Add “Gain 2 might stacks when you swap weapons. ICD 7 Seconds”

It is a GM after all. Also The flanking mechanic is very hard to pull off.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus


in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052



This is just absurd.

Complains about MMR:

1.) People Suggest to team up = “I am not kind of person, not everyone is like that”

2.) Grind the matches = “MM is rigged, always unfavorable matches etc”

3.) People offered to be in a team = “No reply, declines, etc”

So All I am seeing here is people never run out of excuses, yes MM is bad but there are a lot of things you can do. A LOT.


Yes people can be paired at your level BUT You CANNOT control 4 other people if they unintentionally misrotated, threw a match, etc

You have to team up or BE A TEAM, This is not 1v1 dueling arenas folks. You have to act like a team to win.


I had a 25 game losing streak in season 2 in sapphire if that makes you feel any better, against Higher MMR/ESL people all the time.

But hey somehow I managed to pull it off by duo/trio/5 man queing.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Needed Buffs/Tweaks 2016

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Any ideas for Hunter’s Tactics?

Cmon people do not let the thread die!))))

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

So how bad ranger solo dps?

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Lol do you think traps are worth it? The golem is not even moving. This will not happen a lot of the time in actual fighting. and spike trap is on a 36 second cd. smh..

Also, the meta SB A/T is only clocking at 20 dps and thats with inflated flanking results.

20. Eles, Warriors, Revs, Engineers are all sitting at 30.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

One Million Damage

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Less Damage <No of Kills is more effective.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

So how bad ranger solo dps?

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


I don’t think, ranger’s solo dps is too far from most other classes’ solo dps, because it can easily stack some might and vuln and because there are no buffs that the pets don’t benefit from.

Clearly you haven’t tried other classes in pve then?

Ranger dps do not even come close to revs, eles, warriors in pve.

Not even by HALF.

Ranger solo dps suck so bad.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Condition Druid Guide For PvP

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


I would ditch the spirit, you are basically investing a GM trait for 1 spirit only, and will die 50% of time.

Protective ward will increase your sustain more and then you can get SoS or whatever you wanna slot in.

Daze glyph is better now you have 2 stun breaks.

If you get the daze glyph then you can get Ancient Seeds, more condition output.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus


in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Dude, a full legendary team is clearly better than a full diamond team. You cant argue against it. Same with a full diamond team is better than a full ruby team. If this had been at the end of the season it would have been a different story, but we are roughly halfway. Reason why i say this is, the better players progress faster. If you would have been legendary skill you have been in legendary for some time already.

No dude. A lot of my friends are in sapphire/ruby, they could prolly wreck people in legend.

Seriously, you folks need to not blame the divisions, they do not mean anything at all.

So please do tell me why do we always see noobs in diamond/ruby/legend?

Because everything here is grindable, the leagues are not a representation of skill.

I thought this was common knowledge already.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus


in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


sooooo, i qued up to test something this evening. Why in the world do i keep getting rubys only vs almost full diamond teams? This wasnt the case in season 1 and 2. This is smth new for this season. Its like, it doesnt matter wether im diamond or not, i still get the rubys. When i hit ruby weeks ago i kept getting everything else but rubys. I kept getting ambers, emeralds…you name it vs full rubys. The result is as expected. Anet, i cant play your game when you have season 3 matchmaking. I know theres plenty of diamonds, yet i dont get them but i keep getting ruby trash vs almost full diamond.

Season 3 matchmaking must have been the most unfair system of all 3. Its seriously unbelievable and i can really see how some teams have their mmr in their favor. Worst matchmaking in your whole pvp era. Next time you might as well skip the sapphire boost for diamonds and leges and just send everyone to amber.

I feel my progression doesnt matter in this season 3 mm. In season 1 and 2 i at least got people from my own division. In this season 3 mm thats not the case. I have to say, season 3 mm is the worst pvp experience i ever had in gw2 history. Its worse in every possible way. Getting to a new division doesnt matter, i even had to take a break from pvp for 2 weeks because i never got paired with rubys after i hit ruby vs full ruby. The system favor the higher mmr teams way too much and ignore personal skill COMPLETELY.

Do i really have to take another break of 2 weeks before i get diamond players? So this sweet little system gives all the higher mmr teams the better players until theyre all in legendary? This system is trash. Im sorry anet that i progress faster than my mmr, im sorry that im better than my mmr, and yet you punish me and give me lower division players vs full diamonds. WORST SYSTEM EVER.

Why do you people keep mentioning the divisions?


If you are good, whatever division you are at, you will play the same, so if you suck, you can be in legend and still suck.

it could be amber vs legend for all i care, we shouldve gotten tier loss since amber.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus


in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052



Should I understand from your post that if I don’t have friends or a team I am not worthy? I come to GW2 to escape.. and find it more stressful than rl.

Do I really need to be a social networking ninja to win a few games?

No, PvP should not be about who gets the good teamups.

It SHOULD. it is 5v5, A TEAM GAME.

If you want it not be about good teamups, then play 1v1. I told you numerous times before, me, including a lot of people to PM us, we will be happy to help you, as long noone rages.

You can also use the LFG function in the game, type in map chat in HoTM, or as Ross said get teammates from a match prior if you did good.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Warhorn - does it have a purpose?

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


No, don’t make it AoE. We need a single-target burst or dps skill.

why not AoE that hits hard? like meteor shower, you both get the benefits that you want with 1 stone.

Because we already have too much AoE skills in-game. And then I mean for all professions, not only ranger. Almost all our dps skills are actually done over time or is an AoE in which the enemy has to stand in; traps, glyphs, LB #2 and LB #5, Torch #5, Axe #5, etc. We need a more reliable ranged 1-hit burst skill. With all the blocks, invulns, projectile hate and movementimparing reduction traits we barely get to land all potential damage from skills like LB Rapid fire. With a single hit burst you can do something about this.

SO lets make it like this

Damage Damage (16x): 612 (3.75)?
Range: 1,200
Deals 1 random condition each hit
Blind (1s)
Cripple (2s)
Vuln (2s)

Same coefficient as rapid fire.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Warhorn - does it have a purpose?

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


It sure does- for some builds horn 5 is the only source for out of combat swiftness and regen (if traited).
Look at stuski yomi build for example(wvw):

Horn 4 while not being amazing still have some synergy with shapened edges and Strengh of the pack, for might stacking. Pol already mentioned to the low CD of the skill f traited.

Horn 4 is horrid even with some synergy, Blocks and blinds nullify the entire 16 hits if i am not mistaken. The damage is so pathetic too.

If it was AoE and did something other than damage then we are good. Hell even vuln is good.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus


in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Ithilwen try putting together a 5 man pre made and see if that fixes your problem, it’s simple enough, you haven’t tried every avenue to achieve your goal. Yes the matchmaking is flawed, but not to the extent you believe a lot of people have gone on losing streaks and recovered, I know for a fact a single person can carry a match in some cases, I have had to do it on both my Thief and my Ele so individual skill does come into play more than people give it credit for.

And again just because you play a lot of matches does not mean you do deserve the wings, I have no clue how you playing over twice as many games as me yet you cannot progress, I stop playing pvp once I notice my matches deteriorating and come back a little later since I will get matched with others.

IF you run on atleast a 4 man pre with decent players, you will win 80% of the time. This dude is right.

If you still lose this way I have no idea what to say anymore.

And.. PvP is supposed to be 5v5 anyway, you will never ever carry a team if 4 people are incompetent. NEVER.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus