Function gyros are default for scrappers, for any who missed where they get it from, they are Elite Spec, not Elite Skill. Also, even if they were to remove the stomp from the gyros, they would still have the assist downed player option, which is kinda similar to the Ranger’s ability, only they can do it every 20s, while Rangers have a longer cooldown. So plainly removing the stomp would still have it’s use, and wouldn’t affect the rest of the game, while removing something that is too OP for it’s cooldown.
The “press F” and walk away is more OP than Thief Elite Skill. AND it’s by default.
no ty.
Ranger pets cannot res others on pet except for the shout. Ranger pets cannot stomp either. No contest here.
What really gets me about the gyro is that an interrupt wont interrupt the gyro stomp, despite landing it, proccing the floater etc. Stomp just keeeeeeeps going.
I thought this was only me, Landed 2 ccs from me and the pet, still kept going.
7.) This one I agree too, we have very limited cleave access so maybe pet revamps or new pets could help with these.
Do we really want new pets as an option to these issues though? With the time and effort they spent nerfing both the Smokescale and Bristleback 3 times, they could have touched on core pets and at least gave them some QoL such as cleaving auto attacks and/or lower cooldowns on F2 skills.
Not downing what you stated on that point, as I do hope there are some pet revamps done in the future. It just urks me knowing we might sooner receive a new pet in the next expansion that will address maybe 1 issue rather than all pets being improved.
I totally agree with what you are saying. But let’s face it, I have no idea why Anet does not want to buff core pets (might be a time schedule/ too much work issue OR what I fear the most is this is an upper division problem that prevents devs from doing anything)
If you ask me, I would change a lot of the core pets’ f2s and make them more utility than damage AS LONG as they fix the hitboxes on the pets. One can only dream though.
And, yes, I care about character animations. Maybe you don’t, but plenty of people do.
I don’t want to imagine 1/4-1/5 sec cast attacks with quickness up, it’s just dumb.
All of our animations… Actually all animations, not just ours – under quickness look unrealistic and dumb already. I still don’t see your point.
Let me guess…
… We never had problems with Maul being the most obvious burst-attack ranger had? And haven’t we ever had problems to hit it since it was so slow that every enemy just dodged it one-handed?Attack Speed is one of the main issues in the game. While every single class has everything instant and bursty, we have delay on every bloody ability in this game (not to mention that our only burst ability hits for less than auto-attack of other classes), forcing us into twice the effort for still less reward.
Less reaction time is a drastic QoL improvement. I can’t blame you for having priorities in cosmetics over game-play, but I and a lot of others would rather play an entertaining game than a game that looks nice.
Having both is a luxury that I don’t remember having in this game.P.S. I’m not saying other ideas are bad. I’m just saying reducing attack animations is a solution that solves a lot.
The problem is not with the animations. It’s the toolkit.
Warrior skills cast slower and have even more tells than ours. So do elementalists. Look at how obvious Burning Speed and Fire grab are, or Dragon’s Tooth.
The problem is:
1- They actually have the built in CC to land their skills. Our CC has huge cd’s compared to theirs, and I don’t understand why Hilt Bash isn’t a guaranteed stun like their shield charge. Warriors have plenty of access to roots, knockdowns, and stuns.
2- When their skills land, they actually hurt. Maul hits like a wet noodle EVEN if it lands. Their greatsword whirlwind hurts a lot besides 100b. So does Arcing Slice and Rush.
Virtually all our weapon skills outside Whirling Defense and Rapid Fire hit for nothing.
3- Warriors have the tools to wait out opponents’ cd’s to land their cc and burst. They have endure pain, another endure pain proc passively at low health, shield stance which is just a better form of Counterattack, a signet that passively heals for a metric ton, and their condi removal/immunity is miles better with zerker stance and cleansing ire.
Rangers have…..Signet of Stone, on a 20 sec longer cd than Endure pain, no stability on activation, and no passive trait proc at lower health. Our condi clear sucks.
4- Our sustained pressure sucks. Because our autoattacks suck and deal small numbers of damage, we can’t burst like a warrior autoing you with greatsword or thief or revenant. If a target survives our “burst”, they heal back up to full and we have no pressure to keep them from recovering.
5- We have no aoe worth a kitten . Warrior, ele have it in spades, allowing them to deal better with the likes of mesmers and necromancers, and being far more useful in group settings.
6- Warriors and eles can self buff without gimmicks like wasting your heal with Heal as One just to gain boons. 12 might stacks is super easy at the minimum to get with a warrior or ele without building gimmick builds that are kitten in other ways.
7- Melee pets outside drakes don’t cleave, unlike all other classes whose entirety of their melee attacks cleave. This makes our already bad AoE even worse.
If the pets could actually hit targets, and we had control over dog knockdowns and F2 skills were instant or 1/4 sec casts at most and usable while moving, we’d have a lot less trouble controlling opponents to hit them with our skills (who still need numbers buffs, especially greatsword).
It’s also a matter of all our pet skills and F2 skills having humongous cooldowns relative to what other classes have.
Snow leopard has a ridiculous 30 sec cd for a leap with a miserable 2 sec chill. All cat leaps should share the same 10 sec cd tiger does, and buff leopard chill to 3 seconds and make it also weaken the target.
1.) Its not that they have a lot of CC (we have a lot more, Cripples, Immobs, etc), the classes you said also have superior condition removal making our CCs null. Another important one is those classes (the meta builds esp) all have -% CCs (mesmer GM minor, dogged march, Geomancer’s freedom) rendering our CCs non existent.
2.) This I agree, Maul is super telegraphed, when you see it coming you can interrupt, blind, (mesmers and thieves can do this instantly) dodge, invuln. Anddd. It doesn’t hurt a lot. Vs GS Burst skill? Lol. Burst skill happens instantly and wider AoE, and higher damage.
3.) This just a warrior issue, Ive dueled countless times and I tell you warriors are a pain now. Too much passive crap.
4.) Conditions are still good. We need buffs to weapon sets like SB and axe if you want sustained damage. I hope we get them soon. SB IMO is the worse weapon in the game at its current state right now. Warhorn and Axe a close second, all belonging to rangers.
5.) AoE, We do, But they are traps so yea…
6.) Technically we can do this too without gimmicks, Zephyr’s speed, Blast a fire field (torch, flame trap) with quickdraw, + WH 5 but again to your defense, too much investment, MDG did not vouch us out of this too.
7.) This one I agree too, we have very limited cleave access so maybe pet revamps or new pets could help with these. To be fair tho, mesmers also do not have cleave access that much yet they do fine.
I’ve noticed that too, every time you post something the same few people comment on it just to talk crap and cause a lot of unnecessary drama .
I’ve noticed too that you have the same people defending this, MMR hell, Premade = Sure win, Unfair matchmaking, etc.
If something’s not fair or right people are gonna speak out against it, you can try as hard as you want to shut them up, goodluck with that. Maybe if certain people weren’t so afraid that matches would actually become fair and even and stop their easy wins & make them actually work for it, things would be much quieter and happier and chillaxed than they are.
Unfair is subjective.
Don’t you guys realize you are the same people who are complaining about anything?
You even said yourself that you dont pvp that much, and you wanna talk about fair?
Seriously I hate to say this but I think it’s time to get good. PvP is competitive, you cant just whine all the time and wait for a miracle to happen. You have to work for it.
Don’t put words in my fingers, I never said anything of the sort so don’t try to speak for me, I said I’ve been pvping since this game came out, pvp is pretty much all I ever did in this game, and ranked used to be all I played until leagues turned me off to it still play ranked on my alt a bit but on my main unranked. That’s what I said. And before leagues came along I always had a really high win rate.
So…whats the problem then? Do not tell me you are still stuck in sapphire? I mean you pvped since launch right?
I’ve noticed that too, every time you post something the same few people comment on it just to talk crap and cause a lot of unnecessary drama .
I’ve noticed too that you have the same people defending this, MMR hell, Premade = Sure win, Unfair matchmaking, etc.
If something’s not fair or right people are gonna speak out against it, you can try as hard as you want to shut them up, goodluck with that. Maybe if certain people weren’t so afraid that matches would actually become fair and even and stop their easy wins & make them actually work for it, things would be much quieter and happier and chillaxed than they are.
Unfair is subjective.
Don’t you guys realize you are the same people who are complaining about anything?
You even said yourself that you dont pvp that much, and you wanna talk about fair?
Seriously I hate to say this but I think it’s time to get good. PvP is competitive, you cant just whine all the time and wait for a miracle to happen. You have to work for it.
But yea separating team and solo queue and giving some type of a super cool reward for the team queue would be alright, I’d even try the team queue thing at least until some one started calling me names and stuff and or kicking me from the team, after that I’d never try it again since I play games for fun and not for to be stressed out and made to feel like crap.
It’s up to you to lose your cool. I am assuming you are an adult. You know you can just ignore/block/move on right?
Seriously, the forums are sounding like a “wah wah wah wah wah, I want some candy” kind of scene
You know what? you are only stressing yourself.
I’ve noticed that too, every time you post something the same few people comment on it just to talk crap and cause a lot of unnecessary drama .
I’ve noticed too that you have the same people defending this, MMR hell, Premade = Sure win, Unfair matchmaking, etc.
Ok, so were going with derailing the thread. Cool. Should be another closed Ithilwen thread by the next business day. Grats.
It’s incredible how all of your threads seem to turn into you talking about how much you deserve this back-piece and how Anet hasn’t fulfilled some promise you seem to think they’ve made, and you don’t have a fair shot at getting the back-piece and “hardcore” or “elite” pvp’rs are stepping all over the poor casuals/pve’rs.
If anyone cares to stay on topic, I’m down to discuss. But if you guys wanna continue a conversation with a brick wall, then it’s time to sit back, enjoy the laughs, and wait for this thread to be closed and the next Ithilwen thread to open.
I’ve been saying that since the first ‘I deserve the backpiece’ thread was closed.
The saddest part is people offered suggestions, tips and even going as far as offering to queue with her and she’s refused help.
How and why she’s allowed to continue making threads like this is beyond me.
You could say “well you don’t have to read and/or respond to the thread”, but all that does it become an enabler and show that this line of posting is acceptable and we’ll be inundated with thread after thread like this one.
The moderators really need to put a stop to it. None of these threads are helping the players or the PvP community.
Its not only her.
I can name a few who keep whining about everything.
The forums are really depressing.
If you did this on FFXIV’s forum, a dev will even tell you to “get good”
You guys are derailing this thread with all your personal insults and conspiracy theories. Take it down a notch.
I think it is pretty well established:
- The current system doesn’t work too well.
- Can’t have Solo Queue only because this is an mmo and the game mode is 5v5.
- Can’t have Team Queue only because this discourages casual players (not saying that in a bad way) from getting into sPvP.
So with those parameters, again I suggest splitting the queues again back to Solo Queue and Team Queue, but this time offering better rewards to Team Queue to give incentive to play Team Queue. This provides Solo Queue players a fair place to have their matches, and encourages more people to try Team Queue thus reducing Team Queue wait times.
If this was really implemented, basing on this layout, the wings should be a Team Que Reward. Solo q reward will tickets or skins or anything in between.
Which should be the case IMO.
Just wanna bump this little gem right here.
I have been mentioning this but as long as those traitlines are superior/required over other ones, kiss diversity good bye.
I don’t see any reason not to. I made a note.
what about these:
*Sigil of Incapacitation *
60% chance to inflict crippled for 2 seconds on critical hit (cooldown: 5s)*Superior Sigil of Draining *
“Steal life when interrupting an enemy”Draining is considered OP in its current forum in places like WvW, as fun as it’d be (wars, thieves, mesmers, yay)
Incap, only if it with something like Leg Specialist would be a problem. It’s ICD is 5s too. Of course nobody’s going to run Tactics. I mean, come on XD
I would use Incapacitation any time. haha Only reason why draining is OP is bec it has no ICD
I suggested that make our traps ground targeted again baseline. Only for us. So atleast we have that uniqueness.
I dont actually like ground targeting when it comes to traps, so if anything, it should be an option (not a trait, but an option under settings).
What would you changes do you propose tho?
I do not know about you but I would like to keep it that way, I do not want our traps to be a clone of DH traps.
Agree, I don’t want clones of DH traps. But we were the original trap using class (together with thieves). In steps this new kid with OUR tools that perform way better than ours.
I don’t care if it’s called an elite spec, that should not matter. Ranger traps needs more damage. If not, the extras they ought to bring should really be worth it. If I set up three traps on point, and someone steps on them, they should punish that guy severely. Heck, I just blew all three of my utlities – make’em count.
Another option of course is to reduce cd, especially on Spike trap. The launch effect is not so powerful to make this trap needing a 45 seconds cd (untraited).
Doesnt pulse either. A random clone or AI can waste that 45 second CD.
I suggested that make our traps ground targeted again baseline. Only for us. So atleast we have that uniqueness.
I have to wonder what you guys that haven’t experienced this get out of constantly trying to explain to everyone how bad these players are. Do you feel compelled to justify your own win streaks.
Just to be clear, are you making the argument that you have a 20% winrate and it’s not your fault? I just want to make sure I know what you’re trying to say.
You’re also making a huge assumption with your math that people with poor winrates can play 100’s of games. I’ve maybe played 130 this season and I’m in legendary right now. And now I’m stuck because the progression gives me 3 wins… then 4 losses, rinse and repeat.
the ‘progress fairy’ doesn’t ‘give’ you 3 wins and 4 loses, you have simply progressed to the point where you are slightly below average. How else could it be, at some point this happens to all apart from the most skilled teams in legendary.
Slightly below average? The player pool is so small in legendary it keeps pitting me against people on the top of the leaderboards. So I don’t play it any more. And now people are complaining of hourlong queues in legendary. Funny how that works.
That’s not below average — that’s below the top players’ average.
But, you are in legendary? what do you expect to face? noobs?
About traps. I want them more potent in damage. I want that more than I want secondary effects to them.
In pvp, if I step on a DH booby trapped point, I may get more or less ‘one-shotted’. Ranger traps are mostly only dangerous to zerker thieves.
The thing it though, DH and Ranger traps have different uses. Yes DH trap are the “one shot boom ultra mega smexy damage” but the ranger traps offer more CC with the changes, especially with the addition of non damaging conditions.
I do not know about you but I would like to keep it that way, I do not want our traps to be a clone of DH traps.
Let us not forget (oh how could we… xD) that we need our damage brought up to par.
With that in mind I would suggest:
- Great Sword auto attack chain damage buffed by 20% ( it is so bad its funny)
- Sword auto attack chain damage buffed by 15%, all parts of the combo now splash to 3 targets
- Serpent strike damage increased significantly (at least 100%) and poison stacks increased from 2 to 4
- Hornets sting cast time decreased to 1/4 or removed
- Axe auto attack damage buffed to be able to bounce off friendlies. The idea is that if a pet is on the target the attack will hit the foe, bounce to a pet and then back to the foe, effectively hitting him two times. The Friendly bounce would do no damage but count towards the might stacks.
- Shortbow auto attack bleed requirement removed. Confusion added to no5, immob added to number 4
These are my SB changes, check it out:
Hope you like it.
My idea was to really make SB a perfect hybrid weapon, both damage and condition damage + that amazing utility.
Also, I wanted to make SB and retain is skillful parts so I decided to keep the flanking mechanic. I do not want SB to become like Engineer Pistol with conditions galore on it just by spamming the buttons. SB rewards you with proper positioning so there’s that.
- Here I’ll revisit the shortbow again. The recent buffs to it were great and all but it still does not make SB a competitive weapon. I love the utility that we have on this weapon and love the flanking mechanic as well so my changes will revolve around flanking and proper positioning.
- Fire an arrow the bleeds your target. Deal 50% more damage if you hit them from behind or from the side.
- Damage Damage: 196 (0.55)?
Damage: 50% when flanking
Bleeding (3s): 66 Damage
Range: 900
Combo Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile (20% chance)Reasoning: There is so much cleanses in the game, putting Bleed on AA will just put it on par with Engie pistol. Since this is a hybrid weapon, dealing 50% damage on flank will still do its purpose rewarding proper positioning.
Poison Volley
- Fire a spread of five poison arrows. Create a poison field.
- Damage Damage (5x): 170 (0.5)?
Pulses: 4
Field Duration: 4s
Radius: 240
Combo Combo Field: Poison
Range: 900
Poison (4s): 670 Damage, -33% Healing Effectiveness
Targets per Arrow: 5
Range: 900
Reasoning: This is already a very good skill, since it pierces by default. just added a poison field so that we can also participate in downed cleaving (Traps are not very reliable since you need a target to actually proc them meaning you have to have someone ressing the target).Quick Shot
- Fire a quick shot in an evasive retreat. Gain swiftness. This can be used while retreating. Gain quickness when flanking
- Damage Damage: 118 (0.4)?
Swiftness (3s): 33% Movement Speed
Quickness (2s): Skills and actions are 50% faster.
Evade Evade: ½s
Combo Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile
Range: 900Reasoning: I feel this skill should give you quickness regardless as this is a very good disengage skill, added quickness for a successful flank so you can use a heal or disengage right away.
Crippling Shot
- Fire an arrow that cripples your target. Your pet’s next three attacks inflict bleeding. Immobilize when flanking. Your pet gains superspeed when flanking
- Damage Damage: 118 (0.4)?
Crippled (3s): -50% Movement Speed
Superspeed (2s): 100% Movement Speed
Bleeding (6s): 132 Damage
Immobilize (2s): Unable to move.
Combo Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile
Range: 900Reasoning: Granting the pet superspeed will make the most out of the cripple so you get the bleeds more reliably. Most people said torment is good on this but I heavily disagree, you are putting too much damaging conditions on a High Rate of Fire weapon. I also feel torment is counterproductive with cripple. Immobilize on the other hand, makes SB a better kiting weapon, and good for chasing down people. Immob + Superspeed on flank will get chasers for sure.
Concussion Shot
- Daze and Confuse your foe with an arrow. Stun them and Deal additional Confusion if you hit from behind or from the side.
- Damage Damage: 118 (0.4)?
Confusion 3 stacks (4s): 50 Damage On Skill Use, 50 Damage
Confusion 5 stacks (4s): 50 Damage On Skill Use, 50 Damage
Daze: 2s
Stun: 2s
Combo Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile
Range: 900Reasoning: Confusion just fits the name perfectly, also we get that needed condition variety for rangers.
FINAL THOUGHTS: With these changes, I am pretty sure shortbow will be more appealing. It will become a true hybrid weapon. I matched the Damage and Damage Coefficient of the AA with the Thieve’s trick shot so Crossfire is getting a little buff.
(edited by StickerHappy.8052)
Since noone wants to give their feedback, Here are the fused ideas of people who suggested. Imo these changes are very much reasonable and not very overpowered (DH traps will still be stronger since its an elite spec)
Flame Trap
- Set a trap that burns and blinds foes
- Damage (4x): 468 (1.76)?
Burning per pulse (3s): 328 Damage
Blind (3s): Next outgoing attack misses. (Only on Cast, Max Targets: 5)
Number of Targets: 5
Duration: 3s
Trap Radius: 180
Damage Radius: 240
Combo Field: Fire
Frost Trap
- Set a trap that chills foes. Applies Slow On cast
- Damage (4x): 468 (1.76)?
Slow (3s): Skills and actions are slower. (Only on Cast, Max Targets: 5)
Chill per Second (3s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed
Number of Targets: 5
Duration: 3s
Trap Radius: 180
Damage Radius: 240
Combo Field: Ice
Stun Breaker
Stability (1s): Cannot be knocked down, pushed back, pulled, launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, feared or taunted.
Viper’s Nest
- Set a trap that pulses poison on foes when triggered. Applies Weakness on Cast.
- Damage (4x): 468 (1.76)?
Weakness (4s): -50% Endurance Regeneration, 50% Fumble (Only On Cast, Max Targets :5)
Poison Per Pulse (4s): 402 Damage, -33% Healing Effectiveness (3 stacks Each)
Number of Targets: 3
Trap Radius: 180
Duration: (3s)
Damage Radius: 240
Combo Field: Poison
Spike Trap
- Set a trap that bleeds and launches foes.
- Damage Damage: 53 (0.2)?
Immobilize (2s): Unable to move.
Bleeding (6) (8s): 825 Damage
Launch: 0
Number of Targets: 5
Trap Radius: 180
Damage Radius: 240
Hidden Barbs
- Bleeding you cause is more dangerous
- Damage Damage Increase: 33%
- Whenever you successfully break a stun, lay down a spike trap (ICD 45 seconds)
General Changes: Normalized trap damage (same as frost trap), Traps deal 1 more non damaging condition on cast (non traited), Flame trap and Frost trap’s conditons are now 3 and 8 seconds base respectively. Frost Trap is now a stun breaker and grants 1 stack of Stability for 1s to streamline it with other stunbreaker traps like Fragments of Faith. The stability on their is to ensure that you don’t get CCed again after the stun break since Trap require an arming time. Hidden barbs has one more functionality.
Any more suggestions? Feedbacks? Thoughts?
(edited by StickerHappy.8052)
What is this matchmaking?? I constantly get bad, then good, then bad, then good team. First match I get a team with 2 very bad players on my team and lose by them dying all the time, then I get a match with 3 ppl that have legendary title of their class. Even tho the enemy team was good, we simply outrotated their team and won with 200 points difference. Why is this happening to me? I rly wanna know what I could do to avoid this?
Play with other ppl?
Play with people. Really, it’s a no brainer. Solo q = You can’t control 4 other people on your team.
Team = More organized, coordinated esp on TS = Higher Chances of winning.
Well, as long as this topic is up, I have a legit question.
Very first league match today on Skyhammer, and as soon as our gates opened the entire enemy team was standing at the bottom (of our spawn) waiting for us, and within less than 3 seconds had capped all 3 points despite all 5 of them being at our spawn. Needless to say, it was a slaughter.
I have encountered, in unranked, a couple times where someone from the enemy team beats us to our home point and simply chalked it up to some insane movement ability I don’t understand yet (only 1 80 so far so I don’t know everyone’s abilities). But this was ridiculous. Not sure if it’s a bug/exploit with portals or what, but my entire team cried hax.
Is this something that can be done legitimately, or did I actually encounter some hackers?
Sometimes its a glitch in the game that leaves you outside the doors when the match starts (just like when you end up on the opposite teams gates on foefire) but if they are all there it’s high unlikely.
Decapping all the points on skyhammer is now possible when you activate the cannon.
Correct me If I am wrong, this couldn’t be leagues because iirc there is no skyhammer in leagues.
quiet kin
, if there ego is low enough that they have boost it by trying to publicly shame people on a forum using the league as a metric of skill let them, they probably need it.
How is this public shaming? Only kitten people would think that. If they believe in MMR hell, then so be it, its their opinion. Same as this people, IF they don’t believe in MMR hell, respect it. it’s their opinion too.
If a #1 Top Team can win 500 Wins in a row it means the system is imbalanced.
Observe any other well designed PvP Game even Grandmaster players occasionally lose.
Log into any SC2 Ladder and look at Grandmaster.
Every single player in Grandmaster will have a few losses.
Anet forgot how to balance a game after Guild Wars 1 ran its course.
Two words: No Competition
The cripple can remain as is. It’s near useless, but will still act as making every trap a viable snare instead of only Frost and, to an extent Spike.
As for the Hidden Barbs update, Spike Trap can remain as is. Just use a stun breaker of any kind and it’s laid on the ground. The ½s arming time remains so opponents can still react.
Boons can remain on Healing Spring, there is no need to spread it around. All that we require is an additional non-damaging condition on the trigger-portion of the offensive traps and we’re solid.
It would address the issue of traps not being as threatening due to opponents moving out of their fields. Catching an opponent can at least be debilitating on the initial trigger, forcing them to use a condition cleanse or engage us for a short period of time debuffed.
Thematically, it fits very well into Skirmishing while not making traps overly strong.
Great. I would still argue making atleast 1 trap a stun breaker, so now you wouldn’t have penalties running 2+ traps on a build. +its more in design with the DH ones.
Fire trap should be atleast last for 4 seconds. and I think the cripple should be affected by the condition duration on the trait.
Any more suggestions? Really curious on other ideas. Cmon ranger subforumm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve just encountered an engineer that could cast Moa on me and then hide in stealth.
Aren’t these different elite skills? I can’t use both on my engi.
Elixir S can grant stealth on toolbelt. Elixir Elite can cast MoA aoe on toolbelt
This is really good if you are stuck in “mmr hell” because it allows you to find buddies at your skill level and have the same issues. Getting to where you want > Not asking for help and staying where you are
ewww,, topher as a coach? hahah. jk
By removing cripple we can now introduce the idea of additional conditions on traps. Because with cripple, 1 trap will be producing 3 conditions. which is ewwww.
I don’t share the same sentiment. When Thieves can trait so their trap applies its said effect, plus vulnerability to foes and might to the player, that’s 3 effects. Dragonhunters can trait to deal direct damage, apply boons, a daze, and in the case of some of their traps, apply a condition on affected opponents; that’s 3-4 effects.
As far as I’m concerned, 3 conditions – 2 being non-damaging – is not an issue. Especially, when one is Cripple, a condition that is easily cleansed thanks to -% condition duration stats, passive movement traits, and movement skills ignoring the effect.
As for ground-target traps, I’d prefer that to be on a separate trait if it were to return. If not, then I would be fine with Hidden Barbs receiving an additional function to form synergy with other utilities in other potential lines.
Something along the lines of: “When you break out of a stun, lay a Spike Trap.” It would give Rangers our own take in relation to traps and a stun breaker, while serving as a 2nd trap trait as Thief and Dragonhunter have.
A more selfish, up-to-date version of “Trapper’s Defense” while being merged into a master trait that could use some extra functionality besides bleed damage.
Yeap, I just took a look and you are right.
If you say cripple is already worthless since it is reduced by those -% traits or foods or runes, why not change it altogether? like Immob?
0.5-1 sec Immob on creation, like muddy terrain, that will ensure a pulse will be counted as a successful hit.
On your trapper’s defense, sounds like a good idea, but you have to make spike trap instant and a stun breaker to reflect the changes.
Also our traps do not have inherent boons either except for HS, would that addition be reasonable or too OP now?
do you have under 4k pvp match overall?
5k at that time.
Every match I had had top tier/ tourney players.
Check out the matches, and see for yourself. As long you recognize top players you will understand where I am coming from
- Chaith on my team, Radioactive on the other
vs Zero Counterplay people / etc
Dolten on my team vs Wakkey on the other
Miley , peaches on my team, Wakkey and Marvin on the other
Temple match with Vain, possum on the other team
I can upload more if needed
PS: I am not even running meta.
I guess, Stickers, if I had had more ESL players in my matches, I’d of won way more of them overall too ;D
Honestly though, matches with people who know how to play on both sides would be WAY better than getting teamed up every other match with people who are totally clueless.
BTW, the difference you experienced vs those you’re arguing against is that you experienced more win streaks (due to teams with players who knew what they were doing). Where’as others experienced less, no, or more loosing streaks by comparison. The effects of those differences are dramatic
but we have to agree its the same as having noobs on your team and having noobs on the other team
having ESL players on your team and having them on the other team
It still does not equate to a 100% Win nor a 100% Loss
I agree on additional conditions tho, as long as they are not damaging. otherwise it will be condi bombing galore.
I’ll agree with this. Normalization of the direct damage inflicted by all our traps would also be a great, yet minor tweak. A small bump in some traps’ current conditions, too.
Applying Frost Trap’s current damage and coefficients to all traps, as it yields the highest, would aid in the overall damage; one that would be beneficial if done across the board.
Flame and Spike Trap could use a minor condition duration boost. At the moment, they are 2½s and 6¼s, respectively. An increase on the burning duration to 3s and bleeding duration to 8s would even things out a bit.
Last, but not least, to touch up on adding non-damaging conditions to traps I suggest those apply to the on-trigger portion only. 3s Blind of Flame Trap, 3s of Slow on Frost Trap, 2s Immobilize on Spike Trap, and 4s of Weakness on Viper’s Nest.
Having those on by default should make them more potent while avoiding any condition-bombing aspects. Again, all very small tweaks, but it would help out traps a bit more.
My other take would be to take away the cripple then replace by making traps throwable again, atleast that we have something unique to only us rangers.
By removing cripple we can now introduce the idea of additional conditions on traps. Because with cripple, 1 trap will be producing 3 conditions. which is ewwww.
Another thing I wanna mention is spike trap. It has an awkward position because it doesnt pulse. Which can be easily evaded, triggered by AIs, etc.
I think this is also needs to be looked at because its also on an insanely high CD.
(edited by StickerHappy.8052)
I’d venture that axe #1 should have a bleed as well, and remove the might.
No thank you. I’d prefer to keep the might.
why? the damage from axe on a power build is abysmal (dmg coeff on #1 is 0.5, the second worst of any autoattack, even Ele air staff which also bounces to 3 targets is 0.66). might as well make axe a full condi weapon.
Some people are attached to their terrible gimmick builds they swear are great in WvW.
One reason I can think of is boon share builds with NM.
By the logic of some of these guys starvation doesn’t exist because they’ve never experienced it.
By basing it on the videos I posted, (I can post more If you want), where are the explanations about MMR hell, ESL players being favored, etc. me vs ESL players, stacking, etc.
Talking bout Amber to Ruby here.
Well I have 2 accounts, 1 in Diamond, 1 in Sapphire. The first one got to Diamond in 3 days, the Sapphire one is stuck. I have never won more than 3 games in a row with my Sapphire char. Guess which has the better MMR.
Of course, new accounts have average MMR, this is common knowledge by now. Anet should not have given new accounts average MMR.
So with what you are saying, even before the leagues your main account who is stuck in sapphire had horrible MMR (either you did not play pvp a lot or just lost a lot)
So by your statement, if you chose the latter, your problem did not start with the leagues?
Yes my MMR is low, around 35%, reasons aren’t relevant but after 3000 games I’ve learned my classes and how to play the game, but heres the thing. Why do I get matched against rubys while I have emeralds on my team. How does this make sense.
Just before writing this I had a match with 2 emeralds and 1 amber in my team vs 4 rubys and 1 sapphire. Now division shouldn’t matter as people keep saying but the results were inevitable, they smashed us. That was my 3rd loss after 2 wins. In this kind of pattern you will never proceed. At this stage I know if Im on a winning team or losing, by the gear and titles people use.
Yes, divisions do not equate to skill. So lets just forget about the divisions and just stick to why and how they smashed you.
I was talking to my friend earlier and I have hunch, that the matchmaking is inherently an MMR (skill too) problem.
Lets look at it this way:
- You never pvped / barely pvped at all so you get lower total matches, you also could’ve lost a lot of those matches for some reason BUT you are definitely skilled. I believe this is a thing because I also know people who only have 1k games but are very good.
- You get lower MMR but again you are skilled for that MMR
- The league comes, having low MMR despite of being skilled, you then get paired with people with similar MMR (so Matchmaking works) BUT unskilled (sorry for the term)
Which Leads to
- Horrible experience for you which will result in losses.
Anyway that’s one of my theories.
By the logic of some of these guys starvation doesn’t exist because they’ve never experienced it.
By basing it on the videos I posted, (I can post more If you want), where are the explanations about MMR hell, ESL players being favored, etc. me vs ESL players, stacking, etc.
Talking bout Amber to Ruby here.
Well I have 2 accounts, 1 in Diamond, 1 in Sapphire. The first one got to Diamond in 3 days, the Sapphire one is stuck. I have never won more than 3 games in a row with my Sapphire char. Guess which has the better MMR.
Of course, new accounts have average MMR, this is common knowledge by now. Anet should not have given new accounts average MMR.
So with what you are saying, even before the leagues your main account who is stuck in sapphire had horrible MMR (either you did not play pvp a lot or just lost a lot)
So by your statement, if you chose the latter, your problem did not start with the leagues?
By the logic of some of these guys starvation doesn’t exist because they’ve never experienced it.
By basing it on the videos I posted, (I can post more If you want), where are the explanations about MMR hell, ESL players being favored, etc. me vs ESL players, stacking, etc.
Talking bout Amber to Ruby here.
I’m going to have to agree with Sticker on this. It’s statistically improbable to have a losing match -every- time you are close to passing a tier. *Eventually you’ll end up winning one, and be locked in a new tier.*
Here’s a tip: whenever you play a match with good people. Ask those people to go in party with you. That way, you’ll be more likely to be the team of “higher MMR” that is so infamously spouted about, and you’ll be more likely to go on winning streaks.
This is what I have been pointing out for lower divisions, you will eventually win enough to get locked into a new tier.
Winning Streaks / Losing streaks pip rewards even bolster this fact.
Imagine if we didn’t have those? Sad world huh?
Also It’s possible to have high MMR even if you have a life, joining/winning a tourney iirc boosts your MMR.
do you have under 4k pvp match overall?
5k at that time.
Every match I had had top tier/ tourney players.
Check out the matches, and see for yourself. As long you recognize top players you will understand where I am coming from
- Chaith on my team, Radioactive on the other
vs Zero Counterplay people / etc
Dolten on my team vs Wakkey on the other
Miley , peaches on my team, Wakkey and Marvin on the other
Temple match with Vain, possum on the other team
I can upload more if needed
PS: I am not even running meta.
(edited by StickerHappy.8052)
now imagine that you have a life and you didn’t start pvp the first day.
Imagine you started 3 weeks after the start of the league. Imagine that you have a high MMR, with who do you think you will be teamed up?You will be teamed with the scrubs and the enemies team will be average.
I do have a life, and reached ruby in 2 days and stopped taking the leagues seriously. Facing ESL/AG/High MMR players. Solo queing. Shouldn’t be the competition harder for me then?
So maybe you’ll say, oh you get AG/ESL/High MMR players on your team, but the enemy team has them too.
So what difference does that make on the other case?
I have noob teammates but the other team will have em as well?
I still can’t find the logic here especially now that everyone who is good has moved up the divisions already.
Just think of it this way:
- If you are good as you say and your teammates suck then
You have 4 noobs on your team but you have yourself you is good
5 noobs on the other team.
Meaning you should win most of the time. You are the difference here.
Nope. Matchmaking does not try to match the teams with equal ability. So, you will be in team with 4 noobs, vs 5 average players. You will win 1v2, 1v3, and in that time your 4 teammates will keep feeding points to the remaining 2-3 enemies.
Again I repeat, If you say that you lose more than you win, how does that happen when virtually every decent player is on ruby-legend already? All those that are left on the lower divisions are scrubs.
That’s not true. There are people that started late. There are players on alt accounts. There are also completely average players (that are still way better than the ones system is trying to put on your team).
How do you still get blowout matches? There is really no reason for the odds to be stacked against you?
There are no reasons for them not to be stacked. After all, stacking odds in one team’s favour is the design goal of this season’s matchmaker.
But cmon! The season is almost over, the competition in those divs are non existent.
It wasn’t true in S2, even if people kept repeating it like mantra till the last day. It’s not true now.
Read what I wrote again.
By now, everyone on the lower divisions should be trash. There is literally no reason who as good as they say they are to be stuck in lower divisions BY NOW.
Everyone moved on to higher divisions. So if all that is left on the lower divisions are lower skilled people, so how can there be stacking BY NOW.
Everyone who are left in the lower divisions should be more or less the same skill floor by now,
Well if you are the only exception from all those people, wouldn’t that benefit you even more?
I still can’t find the logic here especially now that everyone who is good has moved up the divisions already.
Just think of it this way:
- If you are good as you say and your teammates suck then
You have 4 noobs on your team but you have yourself you is good
5 noobs on the other team.
Meaning you should win most of the time. You are the difference here.
Again I repeat, If you say that you lose more than you win, how does that happen when virtually every decent player is on ruby-legend already? All those that are left on the lower divisions are scrubs.
How do you still get blowout matches? There is really no reason for the odds to be stacked against you? Are you saying that a stacked team of baddies on the other team are against your odds?
IF this was the start of the season, yea I understand that you will get farmed by good players who started their divs on emerald and sapphire (ruby-legend last season)
But cmon! The season is almost over, the competition in those divs are non existent.
I disagree with your assessment that making leagues skill-based will reduce PvP pop, and the inverse that putting shinies will increase PvP population.
I’ve been pvping since launch and I saw people come and go, both pro and unskilled players.
I have no idea why you say the population will not decrease, you only get near acceptable que times now in ranked because its accessible to anyone. Remove that and the only ones who will stick is the true pvpers which are sadly a minority now
Not sure what to add for Traps other than the already mentioned Vigor on Healing Spring when traited with Trapper’s Expertise.
Although, Frost Trap requires attention more than ever. Before Heart of Thorns, it was a rare niche to use a Frost Ranger build. However, it has fallen into near-obscurity since then.
I’d propose Frost Trap be replaced all together with the other, unused traps from the previous Guild Wars. Dust Trap, Smoke Trap, Barbed Trap, etc. comes to mind.
I think frost should get a damage boost + pulsing slow.
Really? I know you have tons ideas mate!
ok i’ll drop my ideas here. But i’m telling you, now it’s toolate to implement anything even in the very small chance some dev is actually reading this, thing that i seriously doubt,
trait should remove cripple for it’s effects.
- The trait applies 3 seconds of stealth when trap is placed. Conditions duration are increased. Cd is reduced.
- Remove the physical damage as the traps are condition based, which weaken the ranger builds as the ranger seems to be forced to go hybrid.
- damaging traps when placed gives the ranger a buff to apply different conditions the next few seconds (5 seconds as example). Each attack could apply one second base of said condition.
- healing spring pulse every second instead the actual 2. The next few seconds the ranger attacks will steal some life to make up for the lack of healing from this skill.
- Flame trap will grant the ranger to cause blindness.
- Viper Nest will grant the next few seconds the attacks to be unblockable.
- Spike trap. Cd reduced to 30 seconds. The ranger apply torment or confusion (because of the knockdown if you may) for the next few second.
- Frost trap. The buff will grant slow for the next attacks. The trap should apply chilled and weakness because it will not apply any kind of direct damage.
The idea is for a trapper ranger to be able to reposition himself and still have some time to apply conditions with the attacks without changing much how the traps works or buffing their direct damage.
As to remove the damage from the traps it’s to avoid being revealed if the trap trigger, the same as the thieves which in the ranger should be fine as they have very little access to stealth.. Ranger then have 5 seconds to apply the conditions and lose the stealth or stay in stealth and lose the conditions application. if he use trapper runes could extend the stealth to 5 seconds thus the buff from the traps to be equal to that time.
The new conditions is mostly as support tool, as the damage source should be traps, so the ranger may choose to carry just one trap without trait for the utility.
Blindness for the flame trap should be fine, as most weapons are single target (or in an straight line) or are melee. Otherwise could apply vulnerability.
thanks for the input. I gotta disagree with the stealth though. This is essentially counter productive for pvp. Also we have if you really want that kind of playstyle.
I agree on additional conditions tho, as long as they are not damaging. otherwise it will be condi bombing galore.
I do think Making traps throwable again and make it 900 range would be a very very good start.
DISCLAIMER: I do not want to sound elitist, I apologize If I do so. I am also not defending Anet at any given time.
As an avid PvPer since launch, I hate to admit it but the forums are full complaint threads that its getting to a point that its sickening.
Now if you really think about it, Anet/PvPers are on a lose/lose situation if they ever fix the leagues:
- They make the leagues a true representation of skill and will impose stricter sanctions of division advancement like pip loss from amber, no more shiny rewards, etc.
What’s gonna happen?
- Longer ques for everyone since the pvp population will dwindle
- Insert complaint here
The leagues will become what it should be, like LoL. Take LoL as an example, the only reward you get for the reaching the top division is prestige(aside from loading screens or icons). Nothing else, and as a PvPer, I am okay with that. I PvP because I want to become more skillful and play with skillful players
- They still put the shiny reward for the leagues, make it access friendly for everyone so that anyone can compete
What’s gonna happen?
- Same scenario right now, endless complaints of “I can’t get the wings, so unfair, etc”
- Complaints of “I cannot progress, etc”
- Very borked Matchmaking system since the leagues will be still grindable
- Hence not a true representation of skill
- Bigger PvP populaion
- Faster ques
FINAL THOUGHTS: As a PvPer, I would not care if I lose a lot, because I am here to improve from my mistakes, I do not care If don’t get the shinies. I PvP because I enjoy it. So yeah no matter what anet does its still gonna be kittened up for them, Let’s admit it PvP Population is so small that making changes would be difficult.
Any thoughts?
(edited by StickerHappy.8052)
I would agree this is somewhat true, atleast when you get to ruby.
People in sapphire below I have no idea how you cannot win matches, you will eventually win because you do not lose Tiers.
Even losing 3 times then winning 1 gives you 2 pips, so I just do not get it, A lot of the complains come from lower divisions too.
Winning 3 times gives you 2 additional pips.
All you have to do is Win enough, it should be easy because of the streaks.
Also another point, if you get stuck in lower divisions at this point of time, something is clearly wrong with your playstyle. everyone moved up already so the good players that will farm you are now in higher divs.
I am just so sick of the complains seriously.
Not sure what to add for Traps other than the already mentioned Vigor on Healing Spring when traited with Trapper’s Expertise.
Although, Frost Trap requires attention more than ever. Before Heart of Thorns, it was a rare niche to use a Frost Ranger build. However, it has fallen into near-obscurity since then.
I’d propose Frost Trap be replaced all together with the other, unused traps from the previous Guild Wars. Dust Trap, Smoke Trap, Barbed Trap, etc. comes to mind.
I think frost should get a damage boost + pulsing slow.
Really? I know you have tons ideas mate!
So I came to the conclusions that this season you absolutley have to HAVE TO get an organized group in order to win any matches. I listened to what everyone says if your gonna solo queue play an elementalist, “easy wins”. I tried it for a loooooooong time and my winning chances did not improve. I played warrior as well, same result losing streak. I was 3 pips away from diamond, then caught on a 12 game losing streak then won 2 matches then lost all my pips game after game in Ruby. What is going on this season? What are your thoughts?
Ranked is competitive, therefore it will be on your best interest to get a team. You do not have to, but you know, people complain about everything.
YOU WILL NEVER control the other people on your team unless equally skilled or you are on the same page.
even a 3 man is good, so you only have 2 worry bout 2 kitten players on your team vs 4.
I wanted to touch up on the notion of traps, I know there are some threads there that discuss about this (I am guessing a lot were from me too) but as it stands now,traps will not see any competitive play.
I know DHs are obselete as well but their traps are waaaaaaaayyyyyy “stronger than ours” (Thief traps need rework as well)
- Grant Boons
- Stunbreaker
- Big Damage (This is debateable for us since our traps function differently)
- CC on cast
So what would you guys do to our traps to make them more impactful in team fights (either support or damage)
- One thing that’s so dumb about our traps if you can just walk out of it without having any penalty (maybe 1 stack of conditions) vs Test of Faith, Procession of Blades.
- Our traps lack boons as well by default (DH has em),
- and you cannot run more than 2 traps since you will lose a stun breaker
- The trap trait (discussed on this thread) only gives it secondary effect to offensive traps.
Please! I would Love to hear your ideas!
the start of the finals was fishy. again. they just stopped the match and started all over again. because they had “technical issues” and someone “didnt feel well”. since anet, known for integrity, would never lie, its remarkable that both happened at the same time. and anet kept us informed very professionally, good job as always.
second season that a bunch of silly cheaters win. the same cowards btw. its beyond disgusting, really. they should have been banned in the first place, but they get a restart if needed instead.
i spit on your “game” anet. i spit on your wannabepros and i spit on those who hype a team that even fails to jump the shortcut in kyhlo or boxes in skyhammer. this game, this “pvp”, is a joke. it will never grow. which is good.
Why not just quit and stop posting here? If you really hate pvp just quit man, stop making salty posts, you sound like a distressed teenager.
Ranger HoT pets needs hard nerf. They have insane dps and skills.
They’ve already been nerfed. Repeatedly. They don’t even have good stats to begin with (and let’s just ignore that half the new HoT pets are a dumpster fire on every level), people just can’t handle pets that can actually do their job apparently.
People will place their guilt on some things.
Pets have been nerfed repeatedly, how bout lets buff them? Fire and Electric Wyverns are terrible.
Core Pets are terrible too.
Also, I kinda thrive on this stuff, theorycrafting. So please if you can post more ideas. Thank you.
My idea:
Sword’s Serpent Strike now always puts you behind your target, regardless of your former position.
Dagger skill #4 no longer makes your character move to the side. Now has 600 range.
I do agree on the range increase because Ambidexterity does not compensate for the OH range anymore.
Sword QOL is very good as well, paired up with Wondrous’ Sword 1 (1st chain) cleave idea.
There was a tournament? Why were there no advertisments? Maybe I would have tuned in for a few minutes during the OG OverWatch Invitationals downtime :/
Overwatch! I almost forgot that I paid for that game and is somewhere in my HD… How’s doing? I heard that the random drops do makes generic Korean MMO grinding “reasonable”.
Don’t know where you heard that because you get a loot box every ~5 games/1h but it’s doing insanely well. About two weeks ago there were reportedly over 10 million active players and they have multiple tournaments a each week; all of them averaging around 25-30k viewers, which is insane considering the scene is relatively young and those tourneys are iirc completely community organized.
Plus r/overwtach just overtook r/minecraft and is now the third largest gaming subreddit after pokemon and league. Jeff Kaplan, the lead game designer has been incredibly open and regularly posts on the forums and the subreddit as well as youtube videos where he talks about things to come and design decisions.
I know it’s cool to hate on blizz but ANet definitely could learn a thing or two.
Perhaps the community there is less toxic and more cooperative as well.
GW2 Forums = Full of complaining
Twitch Chat = Still full of complaining
So yea.
Don’t bring this down to a personal level by passing me as a childish [insert class] blind fanboy.
Balance in a MMO is not all about “I lose to her but I win against you” aka rock-paper-scissor and also I’m not interested in boosting my ego by winning a 1vs1 in an online game
I play for fun and for me fun means having a fair fight!
A d/f ele is like a slow moving fortress, take the fortress aspect away and you’re left with a slow moving weapon set, so there goes my fair fight..where is the fun?
If you want to reduce the abilities of the fortress to defend itself..then you need to give some sort of disengage option, nobody wants to play the part of the target may be fun for you..certainly not for the receiving end.
I proposed to nerf reflects and buff gap’ve called me biased, who is the real biased person here?
Accordingly to you, people should play a d/f ele while not being able to escape, disengage or effectively stop ranged what?
Balance means to take away from here and give back there…not just take away, that’s just destroying not balance
So basically what you are saying is that you want moving fortress to have disengage options as well right?
Also D/F has swiftness access, Lightning flash, etc. So its not completely slow, compared to let’s say Guardians.
Look dude, Noone is asking TO REMOVE REFLECTS, just toning em down. As it stands now, how much reflect uptime does the ele meta have?
Look dude on a cleric ele you have 0 dmg so I don’t give a crap about your reflect, I sit on the point and cleave you to death at mele range, what are you gonna do? Your team is without you..leave me the point, ohhh you have a team fight, me being a smart player who knows ele and other classes will just bait all your defenses ( 5s) then call target on you and you die (10s) unless you’re godly on ele…which obviously you’re not
Lighting flash? Look Dude gs leap+wings of resolve and I cover more ground than you, JI and flashing blade..I’ll catch you where the hell will you run?..You can’t…ever!
If you re-read my post I say that removing reflect would remove the fortress’s that simple….
Look duuuude, you certainly can’t play ele and you don’t seem to be that great of a guardian either therefore I end the discussion..cya
I bolded this part right here. I am gonna ask you again, who is saying that reflects/hate should be removed? NO ONE
Really the overdefensive mechanisms should really stop. This making you an obvious defender of a class.