Showing Posts For Terra Dactyl.2047:

05/10/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/FA/TC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

most matches are determined within the first 48 hours.

What? o_O

Didn’t we just start off with major deficits (10k behind kaineng the last week they were in t2) in the first 48 hours and pull off second place like… the past 3 weeks in a row now? Or am I imagining things? Or are we only talking about first?

(edited by Terra Dactyl.2047)

Suggestions with 4000+ views vs. responses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Feel free to make any suggestions you want, but don’t expect an answer.

You are obviously right and based on personal experience from my place of work, I find that absolutely appalling.

Our company recieves 4-5 suggestions from clients every day and the company policy is that all employees must act on any suggestion they recieve. We are required to rate and/or forward any suggestions to relevant persons/dept.
At the most basic level all client suggestions will be acknowledged and the client is thanked for showing interest.
We have several product improvements and services that can be directly linked to suggestions from our customers and their involvement is considered a valuable asset to the company.

I guess the computer gaming industry is still very young as client suggestions defaults to being considered a liability.

you do relize that anet has a slightly higher flow of feedback then your company, and that 90% of said feedback isn’t very good, right?

Yeah… that seems like sort of a silly comparison. 4-5 a day it makes sense to acknowledge all of them. That’s maybe a half hour out of someone’s day, tops. Hundreds of suggestions a day… not so much. If they “acknowledged” all of them it would either have to be a bot that posted a generic “thank you for your suggestion” message, or they’d have to hire several people full time to post generic “thank you for your suggestion” messages. Neither of those is a good option.

I think this guy just unintentionally proved the point that many of the suggestions on these forums aren’t very good ideas.

Some of the very good ones, like the camera suggestions, have no response at all. I’m guessing intuitive QoL improvements aren’t good ideas?

“They should respond to every single suggestion because my company that receives 5 or less suggestions a day does” is a bad (and unfair) suggestion/comparison. I don’t know how you took anything more than that from my post.

Suggestions with 4000+ views vs. responses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Feel free to make any suggestions you want, but don’t expect an answer.

You are obviously right and based on personal experience from my place of work, I find that absolutely appalling.

Our company recieves 4-5 suggestions from clients every day and the company policy is that all employees must act on any suggestion they recieve. We are required to rate and/or forward any suggestions to relevant persons/dept.
At the most basic level all client suggestions will be acknowledged and the client is thanked for showing interest.
We have several product improvements and services that can be directly linked to suggestions from our customers and their involvement is considered a valuable asset to the company.

I guess the computer gaming industry is still very young as client suggestions defaults to being considered a liability.

you do relize that anet has a slightly higher flow of feedback then your company, and that 90% of said feedback isn’t very good, right?

Yeah… that seems like sort of a silly comparison. 4-5 a day it makes sense to acknowledge all of them. That’s maybe a half hour out of someone’s day, tops. Hundreds of suggestions a day… not so much. If they “acknowledged” all of them it would either have to be a bot that posted a generic “thank you for your suggestion” message, or they’d have to hire several people full time to post generic “thank you for your suggestion” messages. Neither of those is a good option.

I think this guy just unintentionally proved the point that many of the suggestions on these forums aren’t very good ideas.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

You could say them, if you actually had any sort of proof that my conclusions are incorrect. Until you do, however, yes…best to remain silent.

Okay I’ll bite your lure.

This video prooves that aliens exists just as much as your video prooves that ACs are fine.

So.. in light of this, I do believe that aliens on earth is of a more important matter than arrowcarts, what are we going to do about the aliens? So until you can give me a video prooving that aliens doesn’t exists I think you should remain silent.

Obviously we can deal with the aliens by building 4 arrow carts. Their advanced technology will be of little use against that.

Official T2 Matchup: DB|TC|FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

BT has gone CAREBEAR for this score update!!

Was more fun than WvW has been since the AC patch, lol.

BT=Bear Team

Only thing that would have been better is if it didn’t bug out and actually gave the other 3/4 of our guild their commendation :/

Only a WvW player...

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Only a WvW player would lose 2 v 1, 3 v 1, even 4 v 1 to a up leveled Tpvp player

Only a wvw player would attempt to fight someone built for ganking while using a support build. Only a Tbvb(bunker v bunker) player would think ganking support spec players nowhere near the group they’re built to support meant they were skilled.

After patch current top 3 wvw classes

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

The #1 profession is arrow carts. The #2 profession is irrelevant because arrow carts will kill them in a matter of seconds while taking no damage because they’re out of vision range.

Official T2 Matchup: DB|TC|FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Uhhh..pretty sure I saw sprinkles of FA blue dots on our BL as well as a lot of TC green dots on our BL during late NA timeslot.

One thing I did see was….seas of red. Endless…seas.

The people with red names are my favorite ones to fight.

Too bad it is only with 80 or so behind you! (have you seen their zurg)

I am familiar with the concept of zerg math. We outnumber you by a minimum of 30 people, while you simultaneously outnumber us by at least 30 people. The laws of physics (and logic) do not apply to zerg math.

Essentially, as soon as the number of enemies goes above 20 or so, they must outnumber you because no one’s going to bother to count that many people to prove you wrong. Once one side wins, their number doubles (or triples).

In the world of zerg math, victory is only attained through a vast numerical advantage, regardless of silly things like “reality”. No one can ever win through superior positioning, tactics, siege placement, etc. Only numbers. Ever.

In summary: Even if we really have less (~30, plus militia), we would still only win because we have more (80, assuming also plus militia).

Official T2 Matchup: DB|TC|FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Uhhh..pretty sure I saw sprinkles of FA blue dots on our BL as well as a lot of TC green dots on our BL during late NA timeslot.

One thing I did see was….seas of red. Endless…seas.

The people with red names are my favorite ones to fight.

Discuss:Zerker or PVT gear in WvW guild zergs

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Berserker? Free rally guys!


If you’re not on fort aspenwood, run berserker. If you are, run pvt (or really anything with defensive stats). Simple as that.

How to make devs care about WvW - solution

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

2. The extremely limited testing they do with any new changes or additions to WvW. I bet a common thing heard in the anet offices is “Oh… wow… we didnt think about that happening” when it comes to the WvW changes they add.

“We can’t split NA and EU reset timers” -> After 8 months of that response to EU players requesting a split reset time, they move the timer to an awful time for NA and cause an uproar -> 5 DAYS later, we have split reset timers. I’m in NA and I still think that’s infuriating. What that says to me is that they didn’t even try until after the fact. 8 months they said “no we can’t”, we finally made them try, and 5 days later they say “oh, I guess we can, whoops”.

That says “WvW is an afterthought”. I like wvw, I like most of the rest of the game when there’s time, but WvW definitely gets less attention from the devs than spvp (good luck making bunkerfest an e-sport. Yawn.) and pve.

Less content. Skills and mechanics balanced around spvp (or pve) rather than wvw. Drop rates on rares are easily less than 1% what they are in pve. (2 exotics in 800+ hours in wvw and over 30k player kills, ignoring NPCs, who probably dropped both exotics. That’s ONE high level map completion. Saying I’ve had 40 yellows in that time would be a very generous estimate.) Money in general comes in at maybe 1/4 the rate of pve, probably lower. I average 1g every 2 hours and that’s probably higher than most. That’s 1 or 2 lucky dungeon paths (half hour tops). I’d probably be able to buy 3 or more legendaries outright if I dumped that time into pve instead.

They’re finally balancing something around WvW in the upcoming patch (mesmer confusion), while blowing up several other builds and buffing already incredibly strong classes (unblockable epidemic, reduced CC on warriors WITH free regen) with spvp oriented changes.

I’m not sure if they’re clueless or just don’t care, and I’m not sure which would be worse.

Official T2 Matchup: DB|TC|FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

FA! Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!

At this rate we’re going to get dragged back up here next week! But then again all our transfers haven’t gone through yet.

Go FA!

To be fair we were behind by more last week after reset. Our coverage during NA morning/early afternoon time has always been very, very low. :/

Signet of Restoration buff?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Leo G

“All signets that just augment a single stat will be basically double.”

The exact quote from the sotg video.

Signet of Fire will probably be overlooked because it grants critical chance rather than precision. Almost willing to bet money on that…

Signet of fire grants 90 precision on the character panel, doesn’t really matter what the tooltip on the skill says. +180 precision might even make it somewhat viable.

I highly doubt they’d ever buff signet of restoration’s passive to double its current effectiveness. We’d be healing for more than 500 hp every time we pressed a button <_<

SOTG (needed a longer title)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Trebuchet blocking is also being nerfed, they talk about it in the guardian section and say it will affect swirling winds as well. About an hour in.

Glad I gave up on crafting a pretty one.

Thank god. I’ve been wanting to vendor my focus for months. At least there’s some good news here.

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

These matchup threads are very informative. So far I have learned that BT hides in structures on arrow carts, never does open field fighting (certainly never against pink, there must be more than one pink on tc), always runs with at LEAST 80 people (before counting people not in the guild), and consists almost entirely of guardians and elementalists, all of whom used to be thieves.

I would have never known these things if I didn’t visit the forums. Please keep the information flowing, I always like learning new things. Thanks in advance.

Seperate reset times for NA and EU

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Oh don’t work or get another job, great bit of logic there.

There is a little difference.
Work is needed because you want money to have good life.
Sleep is base human need. Its not your choice to sleep or not to sleep.

Some people dont go to work. They go to school, or are rich and dont work. Some people work at shifts. But each of this human need sleep. Its not choice to have comfort life, its basic need.

But on other had, will be better time than 5pm if reset will be 2am your time? EU and Oceanic players will agree with this change. And finally you wont need to quit job to play.

Actually I think that many EU players will be at reset. i saw it last week. I also was one of EU player sleeping on his keayboard, and left at 2am, few minutes before reset, because I could not hold my eyes open.

Sleeping 2 am to 10 am is more or less the same as sleeping 12 am to 8 am on a saturday (aside from being more tired when you went to bed). You were not giving up sleep entirely, you were staying up late and sleeping in on a weekend, which is entirely normal for humans to do. Sleep hours (easily made up on weekends by sleeping in) are not equivalent to work hours (generally not easy to make up) , stop trying to say they are.

Worst case scenario you slept 2 less hours than you normally did, which is also completely normal for humans to do on an occasional basis (school/work projects, trouble falling asleep, got home later than you normally did because you went to some social event, etc.).

The only people I know whose schedules are so rigid that they NEVER go to bed later than a certain time are my grandparents, who are almost 90 years old.

(side note: Food and shelter are also base human needs, which cost… wait for it…. money. Oh right, that’s why we work. So we have places to live and can feed our families. There goes your “quit your job” argument.)

(edited by Terra Dactyl.2047)

Advise: Commander's blocking vote system

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

And 20 people with secondary accounts on an opposing server (you know they have at least a few), could just leave their guilds (or not be in guilds to begin with, they’re not main accounts) for 10 seconds and strip opposing commanders. Or people who don’t wvw who think it’s funny could strip commanders just to be trolls.

The opportunity for griefing is too high for almost zero benefit. No thank you.

Allow us to recover Superior Runes please?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

A better option would be to simply allow Salvaging of Karma/WvW gear with regular kits, but with the warning “This gear can’t be salvaged for materials, do you wish to continue?” only salvaging the Rune (with the proper %).

This would probably be ideal. You could get your upgrade components out of gear you outgrew (or changed your mind about) without people being able to abuse it to flood the markets with even more ectos than the meta events already flood the market with.

Norn Just Doesn't Look Right

in Norn

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Norn women are beautiful and don’t have kitten anime faces.
I wish I could have one for a wife.

I so agree with you :P

Hear, hear!

Allow us to recover Superior Runes please?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

You could salvage the gear after transmuting if you picked the salvageable item’s stats before. Have they changed that?

And you’ve always been able to transmute invader gear, it’s one of the main reasons we don’t all look exactly the same in WvW. <_<

When do Norns n Humans meet?

in Norn

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Basically, the option exists about 5 minutes into the game. Make whichever race you want. Personal story quests are branching enough early on that for the most part your quests won’t overlap even if you are the same race, but you can join another player’s personal story instance if you join their party. Which means you can help them with theirs, and they can help you with yours.

tl;dr: The only thing you can’t do with someone else of a different race or who made different decisions in the personal story is the initial tutorial quest, don’t let it impact your choices.

Seperate reset times for NA and EU

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

I mean, if reset is at 5 PM CST, people who work until 5 PM won’t be getting in either.

I cannot resist to answer him.

And because every EU player is vampire from Twillight, we dont need to sleep. Never. So we can work at day, then play GW2, they work again and repaet.
Ahh we vampires know how to live.

Anet I think great work. There are people angry that they need to eat dinned while playing. But they probably never tried playing while sleeping. Thats harder.
If you wll split EU and US servers, good option, but too late. You should it done from start. I cant imagine that nobod in your company thought about it.

Shifting your sleep schedule for a night is easier than shifting your work schedule for the vast majority of people. Not saying it’s easy, or recommended, but it’s a hell of a lot easier to take a nap and wake up for a late night reset (or just stay up late) once a week than to skip the last (several) hour(s) of your work day for a video game once a week.

Someone else determines when you’re allowed to come and go at work for most people. That doesn’t apply to sleep. Unless you still have a bedtime.

Seperate reset times for NA and EU

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

7AM PST is 10AM EST, which is 4PM Europe time, which is about 10PM or so Oceanic time. How is this a bad thing again?

So putting it during (or more or less as soon as work is over) for Europe is not a bad thing, but doing the same for the US is? Quite a few people in Europe works until either 4 or 5pm.

On Saturday?…

Most people work Monday-Friday. Obviously not everyone is going to be happy, but Saturday morning (even 2 am, I could just go to sleep and wvw in the morning when the queues were gone, not really an option at 6 pm) would beat the hell out of the middle of the work day on Friday for most people. And “most people” is who they should be trying to make happy.

Basically, NA’s issue with this (aside from the obvious “it kittens us over completely”) is this:

EU’s options before:
1. stay up until ungodly hours of the morning to play during reset
2. go to bed, play in the morning

NA’s options now:
1. Quit our jobs (not a real option for most)
2. Try to go to sleep at 6 pm to wake up in the morning and play then (also not a real option for most, not even a little tired at 6 pm)
3. Sit in queue for 4+ hours on anything but the lowest tiers, give up, and go to bed then.
4. Luck out, make it through the queue, and solo/follow a zerg because no one else you know got in.

Worst case scenario, you “missed” friday because you went to bed. We’re now going to miss Friday while sitting at our desks in the queue lottery banging our heads against the wall for 5 hours. NA might as well officially have a 5 and a half day WvW week now (No Friday at all, Thursday only counts as half a day because the match is usually already decided and there’s no one to fight)

Now, if they would at least fix the queue system so people weren’t getting in in 10 minutes while the rest of us sat in a queue for 5 hours, it might be a little more bearable, but they “can’t” fix that either. Makes you wonder about the coding a little when things can’t be fixed.

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

When Guild Wars 2 becomes Zerg Wars 2 it just becomes boring. I’m personally not interested in running in a huge zergball just so you won´t be insta-gibbed by the other huge zergballs, so when that starts to happen i´m out, and the point where that becomes the only viable strategy has been coming sooner every day. It´s also a large part of the reason i never really play reset nights.

And whats important to you? Capping a sentinal or killing moa birds?

As a commander more = more chance of success. Now I personally dont care if I die 5000 times in a night, but for some reason a lot of people do care about their virtual character dieing…

With that being said, most people will abandon their commander when they wipe one time. So to make it easier on their little feelings for their character in a video game, yes I do roll with as much as I possible can, why? Well to keep people staying in the fight and not running away after we get wiped.

And the rest of people like you can go solo NPC guards or something, while the zerg can do someting useful.

I think u misunderstood him here.HE has no problems to die and keep running in over and over again.
Here is the thing though: I logged in yesterday around 6pm pst and we had 65 ppt. well, of course we tried to ninja towers, get garri back and all that, but every time we would even touch a tower, a 45+ if not more zerg came to destroy us. We were around 15-20 people.Believe me, he was there and we kept trying for 2 hours + before I started getting frustrated.

8 people try to take bay gate down and gets steamrolled by almost 40 players. We finally get woodhaven back, the whole entire zerg runs there and doesn’t even need to keep up the rams, no they pvdoor!

The part that frustrated me is when I get steamrolled over and over by a giant zerg that outnumbers us clearly and then all you read in chat is laugh emotes. If the fights are somewhat more balanced like 20+ vs 30 the fight actually gets fun, but 1 giant blob vs a much much smaller number get frustrating after a few hours believe me!

They’re just trying to get in your head, don’t let the /laugh emotes get to you. Just imagine the least intelligent sounding laugh you can think of, get back out there, and kick some behind!

Maybe scatter into havoc squads to take camps (they can’t send the whole zerg to 3+ places at once), or focus down a different tower while they’re beating their faces against woodhaven’s doors.

Seperate reset times for NA and EU

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

I love how their initial reaction to any game change that causes an uproar is to lock the post to keep people from commenting. They really need a PR person to advise them that doing things like that is not in their best interest.

It was rather smart of them to lock it though, since it was more or less only people flaming, no real discussion.

Step 1, EU servers complain about something that inconvininces them (Rightly so, btw)
Step 2, Anet decides EU has a point, and makes a band aid fix that doesnt actually fix the problem and screws over NA players
Step 3, NA players complain about being screwed over with short notice, and voice much hate for a kitten fix on Anets part, and no forethought planning to seperate reset time due to region
Step 4, Anet throws up their hands in frustration, lock/delete all threads that hint at the topic, and hope the issue magically goes away

Predicting Step 5, People start seeing that Anet isnt taking this stuff seriously, and start to seriously look at other games to play.

You missed a step between 3 and 4, where the EU players (who have been complaining for 8 months) freak out at the NA players for complaining.

Oh the magical land of internet forums where hypocrisy reigns supreme.

Seperate reset times for NA and EU

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Also, on the NA servers, a culture has developed around reset night that goes back 7 months. On my server at least (Tarnished Coast) the reset night push is what really brings all the WvW guilds together and creates intra-guild relationships.

Why Anet would want to destroy that, is beyond me. Study after study shows that it is social ties that keep people playing MMO’s. Destroying reset night on the NA servers will give people just one more reason to jump to another game, if one comes along.

No doubt guilds will continue working with each other, but I can’t see how it can be as good as what we had before.

That’s ok… don’t worry, we will ask Anet to change the NA time to 2am instead… that way you can continue to all play together out of work hours.

Oh wait? you are not happy with that suggestion? duh… we have been like that on EU servers since summer time kicked in… and 1am CET prior to that.

I am sure a little inconvenience of 2 hours earlier is not going to hurt you that much.

I’d prefer 2 am over 3 pm. At least we’d have the option of staying up late . Most people unfortunately do not have the option of leaving work at 2 pm every Friday afternoon.

What if you work on Saturdays? What if you are too old to stay up until 6am? What if you have other responsibilities the day after? Taking your kid to practice, meeting relatives and friends, shopping?

You are assuming that everyone who plays this game is 15 years old. Maybe the NA players should get their head out of their kitten and realize that the EU player base is the largest one.

The EU player base may (or may not) be the largest one, but the “too old to stay up past midnight and/or works on saturdays” player base has to be the minority. 15 year olds in NA won’t care, they’re mostly home by 3-4 in the afternoon (just in time for reset!).

Then what’s the problem?

The problem is that we can’t leave work 2 hours early every Friday. Whereas we could sacrifice 2 hours of sleep if the reset was at 2 am. By the time we get home, the multi-hour long queues that you used to be able to dodge by being on at reset time are already going to be there.

The other problem is that they claim to have found a time that both sides could be happy with, which is pretty obviously not true. EU is happy, NA is not.

And the last problem is that when anyone from NA expresses their dissatisfaction, someone from EU (who have been whining for 8 months to get it changed in the first place) tells them to stop complaining and explains how great we had it before, rushing home from work and just barely squeaking in before the queues formed.

Seperate reset times for NA and EU

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Also, on the NA servers, a culture has developed around reset night that goes back 7 months. On my server at least (Tarnished Coast) the reset night push is what really brings all the WvW guilds together and creates intra-guild relationships.

Why Anet would want to destroy that, is beyond me. Study after study shows that it is social ties that keep people playing MMO’s. Destroying reset night on the NA servers will give people just one more reason to jump to another game, if one comes along.

No doubt guilds will continue working with each other, but I can’t see how it can be as good as what we had before.

That’s ok… don’t worry, we will ask Anet to change the NA time to 2am instead… that way you can continue to all play together out of work hours.

Oh wait? you are not happy with that suggestion? duh… we have been like that on EU servers since summer time kicked in… and 1am CET prior to that.

I am sure a little inconvenience of 2 hours earlier is not going to hurt you that much.

I’d prefer 2 am over 3 pm. At least we’d have the option of staying up late . Most people unfortunately do not have the option of leaving work at 2 pm every Friday afternoon.

What if you work on Saturdays? What if you are too old to stay up until 6am? What if you have other responsibilities the day after? Taking your kid to practice, meeting relatives and friends, shopping?

You are assuming that everyone who plays this game is 15 years old. Maybe the NA players should get their head out of their kitten and realize that the EU player base is the largest one.

The EU player base may (or may not) be the largest one, but the “too old to stay up past midnight and/or works on saturdays” player base has to be the minority. 15 year olds in NA won’t care, they’re mostly home by 3-4 in the afternoon (just in time for reset!).

We’re pretty much going to have a 6 day WvW week in NA now, since the EU players on NA servers (who will probably continue to stay up until dawn anyway) and 15 year olds are going to eat all of our queue spots on Fridays.

(edited by Terra Dactyl.2047)

Seperate reset times for NA and EU

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

I find it amusing that the reset time is set by UTC, which is a European time zone, yet the European players are the ones complaining that it should be changed for them and left on UTC for American players.

As an American player I can tell you that the reset during primetime is terrible; the queues to get in to WvW are often about an hour long right after reset. You’re probably better off now with it at midnight.

And now the opportunity to get in before the queues form (AT reset) is gone because the EU players on NA servers will be filling all the spots before we get home from work. So much for finding a time both sides would be satisfied with.

They should move it to Saturday if anything. Saturday in the middle of the afternoon would at least be better than Friday in the middle of the afternoon. :/

Full Ascended armour for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

I thought this was solved with laurels? Do I gather and kill non players for naught?

How does a pve-(or spvp) based system that forces you to wait ~4 full weeks (counting monthly) for a single ring, and longer (plus 50 ectos) per earring (ignoring the fact that you have to spend 30 of them and delay yourself an extra month if you want an amulet, and ignoring the fact that it’s physically impossible to get an ascended back piece without fractals) solve the fact that we can’t earn the highest tier of gear through WvW?

I’m confused, please explain.

Op class in wvwvw

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

the Guardian can halt an entire zerg.

I’ve never seen a zerg stupid enough to not have one single person that gives stability buffs… but hey.

I’ve seen… And they live at Sorrow’s Furnace…

Infraction inc!

They live everywhere, you just need to drop it right on top of them so they have no advance warning. Even if they pop stability after the fact they’ve already been bounced once, knocked out of position by a few feet, and all clumped up into one tasty ball of aoe bait .

Dunno if I’d call that “OP” though, considering you can just dodge through the wards and they don’t do anything else. They’d be pretty much worthless if the 5 person aoe cap applied.

Eles and Mesmers. No other class excels in every area except these two. DPS check, siege check, zerging check, buffs check, conditions check, range check, speed check, escape check, solo check, skirmish check.

You do realize that eles can’t have all of that at the same time, correct?…

Staff is awful outside of a big group, almost as slow as my guardian, mediocre damage, Dagger/dagger can’t hit anything not standing right in front of you, and you can’t switch unless you’re out of combat.

(edited by Terra Dactyl.2047)

4/5 TC/Kain/FA Week 5

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure you just got boatloads of coverage for the timezone(s) where we still have a pretty big gap. Don’t think “giving up” has anything to do with it. Dat PvDoor.

4/5 TC/Kain/FA Week 5

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

All TC is trying to do is to get stronger as a server. If that ends up with us being in T1, then so be it, but for now we are happy with T2. Don’t get so wound up FA, I thought you guys loved playing for kills and didn’t care about points? More tasty TC hogs for you guys.

I can already taste the bacon!

Continue Coins: What do I do with them?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Bring it on. I’ve yet to be challenged by a JP, and I look forward to the day when I am!

i’d have to agree with Dusk on this one.. bring it anet, make us dream about a JP!
to really earn our title “Distinction in applied jumping”


As a max height (albeit female) norn, I still don’t understand the QQ related to norn and jumping puzzles. SAB is easy. Clock tower was even easier. Any of the JPs out in the world are easy too (only one slightly challenging was the one in EB, but that was more because it was challenging to find a time where it wasn’t being camped by people on arrow carts trolling the top section)

Moving/disappearing platforms can’t stop me, wonky camera angles can’t stop me, I say bring it Anet. ;D

whats up with prices for super skins in bltc?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

I missed the shenanigans last night, have one sitting in my bank, would have gladly sold it for 45g to the mystery price manipulator.


in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Plus the more complex terrain there makes many encounter using knockbacks to throw down and kill people from cliffs.[/quote]

game. set. match. WvW wins.

sanctuary-ing most of a zerg off a cliff > *

3/29 Kain-TC-FA Week 4

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

You guys did a nice job with that huge zerg you had defending Hills keep last night in FABL, more of that please, less of the, you know, excuses.

Rule #76: No excuses, play like a champion.

Client crash and queue

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

1 hour queue on a Wednesday? Jebbus what server do you play on?

Consider that servers like SFR got even 5-6 hours queue , starting 5 pm to 12 pm
And all servers t1 -t3 got queue durring prime time

Why ? Is US wvwvw lower populated?

Apparently. FA (tier 2) only had a half hour queue for EB last night during NA primetime. Other than that, I think only our home borderland had a queue, and I don’t know how long it was because my guild was on EB. <_<

Client crash and queue

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Only problem with this idea is it would make the queue longer to begin with, since it wouldn’t free up a spot for 3-5 minutes after the person left.

3-5 minutes times however many people get a lottery “queue” pop before you could easily add hours to the initial queue. Do not want.

(edited by Terra Dactyl.2047)

3/29 Kain-TC-FA Week 4

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Its all fun and games until Kaineng lags out the server with their population capping zergs.

Irony coming from a server that most times puts out 40+ man zergs as well.

Because 40 is the population cap. Oh wait…

3/29 Kain-TC-FA Week 4

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

LMFAO well, WvW has apparently taken an interesting turn o.O

And THIS made me laugh so hard…


4. Check for WM/BT zerg hiding on the coast!

You do know that our guild roster nightly only shows roughtly about 15-30 online per night, and that not all are in WvW at given times…right?


Nonsense! The forums say we have 80+ per night. Clearly our guild roster is broken because everything on the forums is true.

3/29 Kain-TC-FA Week 4

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Any Guilds for a 20 vs 20 so we can put this Zerg nonsense behind us?

Mostly those saying we magically outnumber them every fight?

Everyone’s home server rolls in groups of 15-20 and all opposing servers’ groups are 50+.

No one admits losing a skirmish to a smaller group, or winning one solely because they outnumbered the opponents (even with video evidence staring them in the face), it would deflate their egos.

I do however find it interesting that BT can apparently pull “80+ just from one guild” when our TS only holds 60, some of those people are from other guilds, and at least some of those are usually afk, not in wvw, scouting, etc. The zerg math works better when you just say “you had 80+ people with you” (possible. god only knows how many people are not in ts and just following the blue triangle) instead of “80+ people just from BT”. (impossible. don’t think we even have 80 members, and we’d never get 100% turnout even if we did. You’d need a couple hundred people in your guild if you wanted 80+ to show up, and we definitely don’t have that.)

World pvp unbalancing

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

You can actually still free transfer to some servers until April 1st. The removal of free transfers was done to stabilize the wildly fluctuating population caused by people leaving their server as soon as it started doing “poorly” and jumping to one that was doing well. So basically you’re asking for the population to remain stable but for you yourself to be able to transfer to a server that’s currently doing well. That’s impossible.

No, it’s not impossible, he just has to pay gems for it. :P

No easter event =(??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Its a religious holiday. Keep that crap out of the game.

Listen, I am all for keeping the religious aspects of any holiday out of MMO’s. However, these days things like Christmas (Yule) and Easter can also be construed as non-religious holidays as well.

I’m anti-religious and still celebrate Yule, personally, and if I had children they would probably get things from the Easter bunny, however, we’d do it scavenger hunt style, haha.

Regardless, the bunny portion of Easter, to my knowledge, has no religious backing and has only been around since the mid 1600’s. Why a rabbit delivers eggs, is really beyond me.

Everyone knows rabbits lay brightly colored eggs filled with sugary treats. Stop trolling.

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

/salute @ RISE for trying to disrupt our training session in south KNBL earlier tonight. Either you guys couldn’t see we outnumbered you, or you’ve got a lot of heart. I assume the latter.

FA keeps telling us we suck at ZvZ, so we were learning how to use flame rams in open field combat to get better at that.

But by the time you guys showed up we had gotten distracted RP’ing a high school dance where all boys and girls just stand around in small groups.

Fun times later in KNBL too. We figured since FA isn’t really into the points game we’d gift them Hills to help keep them in T2. <3 you guys.

You need to be careful of saying anything like, “You gave it to us.” In about 2 hours the video will show we left then we let you push Kaineng, we killed your zerg, farmed RISECO then capped the hills (by accident, we intended to keep farming everyone).

We then let you mesmer portal your entire army in, then we wiped you.

Then we burned the school dance.

I vote they can think whatever they want, as long as they fill my inventory twice every time they “give” us an objective like that. ;D

March 26th patch broke WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Tier 2 has the massive full-server blobs, but we just spent (at least) the last 3 hours smashing our massive blob into the opposing servers’ massive blobs. I hit rank 5 in 3 hours. Filled my bags three times. It’s glorious.

Once people realize they get wxp from playing the way they played before, they’ll go back to doing that. Until then, I’m perfectly fine with gaining 200+ kills over the course of less than 5 minutes. <_<

Best and worst classes for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

It depends on what you’re doing, the question wasn’t really specific enough.
i.e. Thieves are far and away the best scouting, gank squad and dolyak assassination class, but arguably the worst for large scale encounters. Guardian is pretty much the exact opposite, shines in a group, falls flat as a solo roaming class because it’s so slow.

“best” overall would probably be ele because it’s got a little of everything, but there’s a profession that’s better at each individual thing an ele can do (except maybe healing), so… your question is too vague.

WvW Abilities List?

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Anet just doesn’t understand the game they poorly tried to copy (daoc) despite all their hype of “Oh we loved DAOC”

A lot of the DAOC Realm Abilities became some core concepts in GW2 character design.

I agree that they’re not nearly as impactful and defining as DAOC’s were, but long gone are the days when designers could get away with that level of affect in an earned system like WvW Abilities.

Rofl, you realize the amount of abilities DAOC has now without taking into account RA’s….

Vastly more then Guild Wars 2.

The new WvW abilities coming are being done kitten to try and stop the amount of players who are just quitting the game out right….They threw together the system in a very short time…

What does the “amount” of abilities have to do with anything, aside from cluttering your UI and making class balance even more of a nightmare?

Pulling off the impossible.

in Norn

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

I would assume this is some sort of running headbutt (despite the animation looking more like you hit them with your elbow. What kind of bull charges and then elbows people? o_O).

Obviously it would take forever to actually kill one in-game this way (and you’d need some way to not die while running around waiting for the cooldown), but in theory it could be done.

World Ranks...Really? is that it?

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

We’ll find out on Tuesday. The mods aren’t going to spill the beans early, and no one else knows. Take a chill pill, it’s 2 more days.

Impossible WvW Exploration

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Besides, if the setup is changed in the future, why is that unfair to you? You like a challenge, and you got it. How do the future experiences of players you’ll never meet diminish your own past accomplishments?

Value arises from scarcity. I imagine people with legendaries would be upset if ANet made an NPC who gave them away for free in Lion’s Arch too.

Meanwhile in Tyria, the hardest part of most, if not all, legendaries is based on 100% blind luck (unless you’re a masochist and actually grind out the several hundred gold to buy the precursor outright). Not a challenge, not effort, just “I threw 800 exotic hammers in the forge and did not get collossus, the guy next to me threw in 8 rare hammers and did.”
