Showing Posts For Terra Dactyl.2047:

Thank you ArenaNet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

(From a wvw perspective) I too resent being a “static” + “water field” kitten and being herded around the battlefield like a sheep waiting to be back stabbed -_-
Defiant d/d forever.

I’m with this guy^

I’m tempted to chuck my staff entirely just so I can say I don’t have one. d/d or bust. Halloween this year?

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

There is absolutely going to be Halloween this year. The Mad King wouldn’t miss out on an opportunity to come back and share his latest batch of terrible jokes. And open a spot for you in his lovely tower.

With the first update for October hitting on the 1st, the next update afterward would hit with plenty of time to spare before Mad King’s day.

October 22 through November 1 was too short last year.

I also hope you expanded some of the theme into other cities.

As I remember there was alot of overflows last year… yea ANet 2 weeks wasn’t enough time for puzzles, games, maze, and trick-or-treats, plus Mad King.

I was panicking over time issues.

Meh, I finished all of the achievements and had no power for the entire second week (only play ~2 hours a day on weekdays before you try to pull that one). 2 weeks was plenty.

New title: Overflow Masochist

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

title “I Beat Tequatl And All I Got Was This Lousy Mighty Warhorn”

Best suggestion in the entire forums.

[Video Guide] Stop Guesting!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

i dont think you need all that many people

around 100


Today I learned: 100 people isn’t a lot of people.

WvW fix no one has thought of!

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

On behalf of all of those who avoid and despise EB because we don’t like beating our faces against heavily fortified keeps, or being part of a giant clusterkitten with skill lag and arrow carts everywhere for hours and hours on end..


….and yet the Queue is usually for EB and not the other BLs on a regular basis with exception of reset night of course….

1. Someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing is going to go wherever the biggest, laggiest clusterkitten is so they can blame their deaths on that instead of learning to play. (i.e. 3 way SMC fights). By extension, most pugs go to EB, so there are more people trying to get in.

2. There’s 3 identical borderlands. The guilds that choose to play on maps where they can do things besides autoattack (most of the time) are spread out across 3 maps. Pugs that want to try something besides pressing 1 while aimed at the center of SMC for 5 hours are also spread across 3 maps. If you had 1 borderland (condensed the population from all 3 BLs into one) the queues for that would probably be much worse than the queues for EB.

tl;dr: Still no.

WvW fix no one has thought of!

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

On behalf of all of those who avoid and despise EB because we don’t like beating our faces against heavily fortified keeps, or being part of a giant clusterkitten with skill lag and arrow carts everywhere for hours and hours on end..


1 patch to kill it all

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Lordkrall, on the other hand, is like the mother of the two Boston bombers who is convinced they were set up.

LOL there are people like that on the Disney forums….. if Disney does something that is epicly wrong some of those folks would argue that it is really great and that we just plain do not “get it”…. their disconnect with reality can be challenging, entertaining, and something both at once

Disney has forums? My childhood memories are in the corner in the fetal position begging me not to go there.

AOE healing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

You all also seem to be forgetting that we have 2 viable heal skills on each weapon set, max (not to mention one of our better heals triggers when we switch back to water attunement). Switch to another attunement and get some tags while your heals are on cooldown . Ever since they changed the amount of damage required to get kill credit, even a single 200 damage autoattack is going to get you a bag and wxp.

Not trying to be rude, but if you’re dropping your 2 heals and then standing around with your thumb up your butt waiting for them to come off cooldown, or using the water autoattack (or frankly any autoattack), you’re not really helping your team. And if you’re not, you’re already getting the same loot as everyone else (if not more since most of our attacks are aoes) and this thread doesn’t make any sense.

Positive thoughts about the Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

-claps- Someone else who doesn’t try to play their ele like a warrior and expect similar results! I wasn’t sure any others existed after looking through the ele forums.

I personally have a glass cannon warrior alt to get through some pve content faster/easier (I don’t like pve, so the less I have to pay attention to it the better), but my semi-bunker ele is (and always will be) my only character who ever sets foot in WvW. I’ll put down my ele daggers when they pry them from my cold, dead hands.

(edited by Terra Dactyl.2047)

US Leagues - 4 instead of 2! Please!

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Season 1 is going forward as we described, however nothing about future seasons is set in stone. We’ll take a look at the data we get from the first season and will absolutely make adjustments so that future seasons are even better than the first one.

My concern with four leagues is simply that there isn’t enough variety at that point. I could very well be wrong, but we are going to try season 1 this way and then we’ll take a look at how it played out.

well it is the same thing u see here
sor is gonna win. they have queues 24/7 60 man zergs everywhere any time! fa faced 2 t1 servers and i gotta say as much as we all put effort and sleepless nights into it there is like no way to compete.
unless anet rewards smaller groups to make a difference(and this is also a classbalance issue), there is no fun in leagues.

60? There is no way no how sor only has 60 in those blobs. It’s likely up for grabs for any of the top 3 though (BG is actually rank 1 atm, not SoR). Really just depends on how many times they match the top 3 against each other (and in what combinations), since your league ranking is based on match wins/losses rather than rating gains/losses. So if 2 of the top 3 get matched against each other repeatedly and trade off wins because the matches are close, and the other gets fed, the one being fed low rank servers is going to win

Woohoo, SBI will face top 12 servers now

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

No one said it was logical, but it’s also not hacks.

D/D Elementalist WvW roaming (video)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Y-you click… I don’t know if I should be impressed with how fast you click or depressed that you click.

I haven’t even watched yet, but I’m pretty sure I got carpal tunnel syndrome just from reading that a d/d ele clicks in WvW.

Woohoo, SBI will face top 12 servers now

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

hi guys, I am sure all wvwvw server have cheats/hacks…but this week sbi not only have the numbers …also a lot of cheats and hacks….I have pics from back in june and now sbi is up to its old dirty cheats and hacks. I am not sure if anet will allow me to keep the pics on this post…but here it is……this is in wild creek ..eternal map…sbi is still outside and the gate still up…yet they were able to zoomhack and target inside


so whats the point of wvwvw if a server can only win by cheating?

I do have an idea…have anet employees sign on the complaining server with a super user account during peak time and observe all the cheats and hacks

and may be anet will do some thing about it

Calm down. That is just dragon tooth ele skill, it does not need line of sight to hit.


They likely targetted it through the door (you know, like you were doing with the arrow carts on the ground instead of on the wall) and then ran around to the wall to dragon’s tooth it. Which means there was probably an ele standing alone outside the wall away from the zerg and you guys let it stand there spamming dragon’s tooth instead of getting off the arrow carts for a second to run up the wall and kill it.

I know people like to cry “hacks” as soon as they start losing, but dragon’s tooth has worked that way since beta. I find it hard to believe that that’s the first time anyone’s ever done that near you.

An option to disable "orb" buff on myself?

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

At least make the buff stats identical to “an ingame consumable” such a food or we can make it fair manually. The side without buff eats that food and do GvG. is pretty kitten close.

It’s also expensive as hell.

And? You wanted an option, you have an option. Next you’re going to say you want it to be free because having a food buff option that was just specifically requested isn’t good enough.

buff food is already used in gvg’s
this would take away the ability of a guild to take their own specific buff food which would end in an even larger disadvantage.
also, it would make conditions even stronger.

Ok, so even better. You specifically ask for a food buff that counters the orb bonus→ one is linked to you → “it’s too expensive” AND you’re unwilling to adjust the rules slightly.

Obviously the other team wouldn’t use any food. It’s not like you’d be countering the orb buff with your food and they’d all have bonus stats on top of the +5 difference between the food and the orb (which is negligible, if +5 to each stat makes it so the other team never wins there’s something seriously wrong with how GvG is set up). Yes, you might have to adjust your builds slightly to take into consideration the lack of food buffs, but really, if you can’t adapt that’s your problem.

Simple Solution to The Bloodlust Controversy.

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

If the majority really opposes this as I believe is the case, there’s only one real solution. Anet is doing this, our protests will be given lip service at best. But we don’t have to accept this unwanted, gvg destroying buff.

The servers in each match can agree that they will hold the orbs on their BLs only. That could be explicitly agreed to in the match thread for that week, announced in map chat from time to time, posted on server and guild forums, etc. Some people won’t agree to this, but if most do I think it could work. Just be vigilant about quickly re-taking orbs in your BL that get flipped, and don’t go after orbs on other BLs.

I suggested this like a week and a half ago. They know they don’t actually have the majority (just the most vocal minority) so they just kind of ignored me.

Future patch 2 permit laurels 4 Asc Weaps?

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Unlikely, and I frankly hope not. Rings were obtainable just from running fractals, earrings were guild missions, necklaces have never been available through anything except laurel vendors.

The other things were (and still are) all obtainable from a single pve activity for no additional cash (except for earrings), and completely unavailable through WvW except through laurels. Ascended weapons are already obtainable through WvW (at least in theory), and require a significant time and cash investment even in PvE.

That being said they should bring some of the mat drops a little closer to being in line with pve. 100 keep lords requires a lot more work than ~17 orr temple bosses (or 100 orr temple bosses for that matter), and almost every champion in WvW requires breaking down a wall or door guarded by other players (whereas they’re just sitting there waiting to be zerged down in pve). Not saying they should make tower/keep lords easier, just that they should drop larger quantities of dragonite ore and bloodstone dust when we manage to take one down.

tl;dr: They’re already available from hardcore wvw (dragonite ore from keep lords, empyreal fragments from camp supervisors, bloodstone dust from tower lords and keep lords), and more people would be annoyed if anet made it available through laurels (saving people who procrastinated easily over 100g) than if they don’t. So don’t hold your breath.

Thank the 6 Gods.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

No one likes kormir.

Pretty much sums up nightfall’s storyline, so spoiler alert I guess.

Anet doesn't see we need a buff because...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

My warrior dies a lot more than my ele in WvW, provides poorer support, significantly less healing, significantly less CC, and gets less bags. No, you didn’t read that backwards. The higher damage output and armor rating doesn’t make up for the lack of everything else outside of PvE.

That being said I’ll gladly take some free buffs.

I dont want to make a case for anything but more toughness + health + 3k shout healing (buffed in patch notes lol) + hammer stun. And this with more dps and easyer play xD

(i dont even own an ele, was searching around if i should make one after maining a guardian for 6+ months. but after some feedback around here and ingame its not gonna happen.)

The forums aren’t the place to look for elementalist advice or reasonable opinions about the profession. It’s been doom and gloom from day 1. The ability to absorb damage that you can’t avoid is only one piece of the puzzle.

Another (more important) piece for WvW is the ability to avoid taking the damage in the first place. d/d eles are arguably the best at dancing around zergs (only one even close is thief), warriors are downright awful at it. I’ll take my lower damage, lower armor, and higher in-combat mobility and healing any day thank you.

Also: shouts still don’t heal for 3k each, even with the maximum possible healing power (including sapphire orbs in your armor instead of runes) it doesn’t matter how many times it’s repeated on the forums, it’s not going to magically become true unless the formulas are changed. And 3k total every ~20 seconds (which is roughly what 3 shouts heal for combined with 0 healing power) is terrible compared to the healing an ele pumps out.

(edited by Terra Dactyl.2047)

Anet doesn't see we need a buff because...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

My warrior dies a lot more than my ele in WvW, provides poorer support, significantly less healing, significantly less CC, and gets less bags. No, you didn’t read that backwards. The higher damage output and armor rating doesn’t make up for the lack of everything else outside of PvE.

That being said I’ll gladly take some free buffs.

(edited by Terra Dactyl.2047)

An Ele with a War damage?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047




Yeah, I totally miss that.


I also miss that. I think I’ll have to reinstall [insert any other MMORPG ever made here] to relive the good ol’ days.

YAY Another Back Skin!...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Buy more storage space. From the “optional” gemstore. Preferably with real money. You see where I’m going with this?

We are all World vs World players...

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

With all due respect, people might be a little more tolerant of GvG if a large portion of GvGers didn’t suffer from the same delusions of grandeur that GvG players suffered from in the first game. If your fellow GvGers stopped trying to say that GvG is the only true test of skill and saying (either by implication or explicitly stating) that anyone who doesn’t GvG is therefore a bad player, bad at their profession, and probably sub-human in some way by default, maybe people would be more accepting.

-I don’t know if he GvGs or not, but serane would eat most GvGers alive in a 1v1 (with an ele, which the forum dwellers constantly say is bad, to boot).
-Plenty of spvp teams would eat GvGers alive in 5v5s.
-Some of the “other” WvW guilds (who don’t GvG) eat them alive in regular WvW encounters where there are no player defined rules, with less people and no siege.

tl;dr: When the elitism stops, maybe the bashing will also stop.

(edited by Terra Dactyl.2047)

An option to disable "orb" buff on myself?

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

At least make the buff stats identical to “an ingame consumable” such a food or we can make it fair manually. The side without buff eats that food and do GvG. is pretty kitten close.

It’s also expensive as hell.

And? You wanted an option, you have an option. Next you’re going to say you want it to be free because having a food buff option that was just specifically requested isn’t good enough.

An option to disable "orb" buff on myself?

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

At least make the buff stats identical to “an ingame consumable” such a food or we can make it fair manually. The side without buff eats that food and do GvG. is pretty kitten close.

An option to disable "orb" buff on myself?

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

It should be an obvious solution. Since you’ve all made it abundantly clear that GvGers form the vast majority of the WvW population -rolls eyes--, just make sure each of the servers has 1 borderland’s buff at a time. It shouldn’t be difficult to coordinate that amongst yourselves since so many more people GvG than don’t.

An option to disable "orb" buff on myself?

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

It would “completely invalidate the whole point”… Can I ask (in a non sarcastic way, I know the tone is a little heated in here) what that point is? What is the point, that necessitates a manditory buff. Why does the buff become worthless If there was the option to temporarily disable it? Surely the point is simply to give an advantage to your server, but if I wouldn’t begrudge someone if they wanted to disable the buff for a quick duel. I fail to see how that would “completely invalidate” the purpose of the buff. Maybe I’m missing something.

Points are king in normal WvW. Duels and GvG may be fun, but the main focus is the scoreboard over the course of the week. The buff gives a decent chunk of bonus stats, and extra points to your server when you stomp people. You take it off, you’re presumably killing less people (from the decreased stats), stomping less people, and getting your server less points.

tl;dr: If you were to manually strip the buff off of yourself you’d essentially be hurting your server’s chances of winning the match.

The day Staff Eles being OP!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

If eruption is OP, what does that make churning earth? ._.

Increase the ascended rewards in wvw.

in Crafting

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Camp flips for empyreal fragments are the only thing that’s even close to pve, except you can just camp 80s at the end of jumping puzzles and not actually need to do ANYTHING for those except log in and press “f”.

At 2-3 empyreals daily from one jp you are going to do it for a looong time. Camps are far better option because not only are they repeatable, but they get flipped very often.

Until you consider they also drop from dungeon runs (20 at a time). Unless you’re doing nothing but running between camps killing the supervisor for fragments and moving on to the next one, pve’s still going to give more. Only used jumping puzzles as an example because you have to do literally nothing except log in, press f, and log out to get the fragments from those. And a camp flip takes longer than some of the easier jumping puzzles even if you actually do the puzzle (the one in Queensdale takes like 30 seconds and has TWO chests in it that both give fragments). Only advantage the camps have is that they’re repeatable.

Why are we arguing about the only material that isn’t completely kittened in WvW though? The thread was about increasing the drops of those that are. Zerging down an orr temple is at least 100x easier than flipping THREE keeps. And you’re likely to get more than one champion out of it too.

(edited by Terra Dactyl.2047)

You Move like a Dwarf!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

My elementalist cries every time I read the elementalist forums.

Increase the ascended rewards in wvw.

in Crafting

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

camp supervisors drop empyreal fragments. If you didn’t hit the supervisor, you’re not going to get squat. I’m not sure why it’s not rewarded with the medal for actually flipping the camp, but it’s not.

Also, it doesn’t encourage zerging, it encourages pve. World bosses vs. keep takes? Gee… which of those can I do more of in an hour? Champion loot? Considering how few champs there are in wvw, same thing. 10x as fast to just go to pve.

Camp flips for empyreal fragments are the only thing that’s even close to pve, except you can just camp 80s at the end of jumping puzzles and not actually need to do ANYTHING for those except log in and press “f”.

(edited by Terra Dactyl.2047)

Why is crafted ascended weapon account bound?

in Crafting

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

I should also mention the Crafting is the LAST STEP. You also need to do champ fights, dungeons/jump puzzles, & WvW along with amassing a heap of tier 2-5 mats, gobs of ectoplasm (literally), skill points, kharma, laurels, and obsidian shards (remember those?).

Crafting is the least of your worries. Seriously.

I’m pretty sure that’s the point. It’s so the powertraders actually have to play the game and can’t just drop some of their multiple thousand gold to buy it from someone else. Honestly makes me want them more than a legendary, no matter what they look like.

Ascended weapon skins are promising!

in Crafting

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

inb4 staff is glowing poo on a stick like every other staff

Final solution for league and transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Oh it’s gets better, so this “league” is actually a glorified achievement. I can’t wait to see what lovely objectives there will be on the checklist. Kill the grub 100 times, kill the centaurs 100 times etc etc.

We’ve actually just recently added the tech to add an achievement for complaining on the forums.

I’d better start then… Um… let’s see. QQ I don’t want to have to complain on the forums for achievement points. I’m an achievement point hunter but ignore spvp dailies and monthlies so I throw away roughly 160 points every month. Anet made it so I can’t get the 5 achievement points for complaining on the forums because uh… I don’t own a keyboard? Anet plz nerf!

How’d I do?

Ascended will not be a free win vs exotic

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

What’s your point? If I want to win vs an equally skilled opponent with Ascended, I’d stll need ascended… how many times have you came out of a fight with 500-1000 HP?

Not many. “Equally skilled” opponents are almost nonexistent. One is almost always at least slightly better than the other. I either die or walk away with 5k+ hp most of the time.

152 total stat points split between at least 3 stats (all exotic vs. all ascended trinkets) aren’t making or breaking your fights now (whether you think they are or not). Why would ascended weapons suddenly change that?

edit: @ the guy above me, 152 points isn’t 10% either. I mean hell you get 700 just from traits.

Ascended will not be a free win vs exotic

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

That’s one thing I like about this game… bad players/groups with best in slot gear still get taken down by good players/groups without best in slot gear. Which is how it should work.

We need pants.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Pants are a crutch. Real elementalists run around in the buff.

Female MUST be bigger in the character select

in Norn

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

I’m talking in the character select. You klnow where you choose which one you’d like to play. The norn female is tiny compared to the male!!

human looking women aren’t allowed to stray too far from the barbie mold.

I don’t recall barbie ever having abs of steel, bulging biceps, or face tattoos… Which barbie was that?

Does ele have any place right now?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

^That’s forum “debate” 101. All facts, math, screenshots, videos, official dictionary definitions, scholarly texts, common sense, etc. are rendered null and void because the internet.

Unless the wiki’s formula for shout heals is way, way off (the source is an anet post so that’s unlikely, even if it is 8 months old) shouts can’t heal for 3k each, because you’d need more healing power than is physically possible to obtain.

Does ele have any place right now?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

And I don’t know where the rumor came from that we had the best burst healing, it is simply not true. That would be warrior. I’ve tested both ele and warrior in full clerics gear and warrior outdoes it by a long shot in burst healing. My shouts can heal for over 3k each and I can put 3 of them on my slot bar. That’s an over 9k heal all of which are on pretty decent cooldowns compared to us swapping to water and then dodgeing and healing for a little over 2k twice.

Using 0 healing power to prove a point because the disparity just gets bigger as the healing power increases.

Warrior shout heals (traited for reduced cd):
2x 20s cd
1x 24s cd

All 3 heal for 1192 hp at 0 healing power, and scale at 8 extra hp restored for every 10 healing power added. To be getting “over 3k heal each” you would need to have a minimum of 2260 healing power, which is physically impossible.

Burst is 3576 at 0 healing power. Averages 169 hp/second (rounding up).

Elementalist (anything/dagger, no cd reduction on water skills trait):

Attuning to water, 9s cd
Dodge roll, 10s cd
Cleansing wave, 40s cd

All 3 heal for 1302 at 0 healing power, and scale at 10 extra hp restored for every 10 healing power.

Burst is 3906 at 0 healing power. Averages 307 hp/second (rounding down).

Considering both main-hand options have an additional heal, one of which has an even higher base heal than the 3 already listed, with the same scaling (water trident), and you can trait to reduce the cooldowns of all 4 heals a */d ele has… they pretty much blow warrior out of the water for both burst AND sustained healing.

The “rumor” that elementalists have the best burst healing came from the fact that it’s true. Math.

tl:dr: I gave the warrior cd reduction. didn’t give the ele cd reduction. ignored regen. ignored soothing mist. ignored the ele’s main hand weapon. and the ele still has 330+0.2*healing power more burst healing than the warrior, and obliterates them on prolonged healing.

(edited by Terra Dactyl.2047)

Option to "Hide" chest armor!!

in Norn

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Counter argument to not allowing toggle on chest armor, as some people have proven in this thread alone, some people just want to stare at cyber ahems. (Guilty as charged, since my ele is in CoE armor, but still)

To be fair, “feathered” is already arguably more revealing than the underwear top is for light armor females, aside from the fact that it has sleeves.


meatless murderer bugged......

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

It worked for me earlier today. Focus on Chomper, get all the food and kill him (you should get the achiev at this point) then finish the norn.

Did exactly this just now. 3 times in a row. Still no credit.

"Gold hoarder" achievement bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

1. The achievement track only updated when you deposit gold in your bank

2. This is no longer possible due to the account wallet update removing the option to deposit gold in the bank

3. The (first) description changed to “Have 2,000,000 gold in your inventory at one time”, but the functionality hasn’t actually changed to match. The (second) description still says “Most coins banked” and lists the most coins you had banked before the update.

Source: I’m sitting on 153g since the cash I had on each of my characters is now part of one lump sum with what was in my bank, but the title still displays roughly 115g


Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

I’ve been wondering about the events, in particular the event of Sanctum Sprint.
As I was participating in these events for the achievement, someone said to us “Plz winner leave no winner x2 leave plz stop winner x2 stupid noob fsxk i need acheivnmtnz” or something along those lines.

Now, seeing someone whine like this just made me want to beat him more, troll him more. But I was wondering what the general consensus was: Should we just people who want to win… win?

And is there some sort of expectation that “winner” should “leave plz no winner x2” nowadays?

As someone who personally abdicates their wins, I say that no, there should be no expectation that you do the same.

If someone chooses to abdicate their victory, that is fine. But you should not have that forced on you. You should not give up your victory unless it is your choice. This is still a race after all.

This is true. People need the choice to be an kitten or not be an kitten .

I would think most people would choose not to be a kitten. As adorable as kittens are, playing gw2 with paws would probably be very difficult.

10/0/0/30/30 VS 0/10/0/30/30

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047


the class is dead

I think I see a connection here.

Windborne Dagger

in Elementalist

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

Am I missing something here? The trait still appears to do nothing (just like it has for the past 10 months) even though they claim they updated it. Does it only apply in combat or something wonky like that, or does it just not work at all?

Ridiculous WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

lol…you’re not going to take a supply camp as a solo WvW roamer.

This is news to me.

Update on Arrow Carts in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

2:35 is what arrow carts (even pre-patch) do to WvW.

Do you want WvW to feel like an epic battle, or like someone is sitting on a cart cranking a handle for 2 hours? The solution is simple. Rebalance the other siege, and take arrow carts out entirely.

Burning oil should be keeping people from autoattacking gates (and should be buffed so it can), not arrow carts. Ballistas should be killing opposing siege/players (and can be dodged, promoting some measure of skill), not arrow carts.

They stack 10-12 arrow carts, and the only counter is to build trebs and pray they run out of supply so they stop mass-repairing the wall before you ragequit out of boredom. It’s not fun, it’s not good game design, and you are going to lose (more) players because of it in the long run.

(edited by Terra Dactyl.2047)

Are you a closet Fort Aspenwooder?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

You might even be lucky enough to get serenaded by Quenta if you come to Fort Aspenwood.

Are you a closet Fort Aspenwooder?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

I’m Bit, and I approve this message.

I’m Aytrix, and I approve this message approving the message.

I’m Terra Dactyl, and I approve this approval of the approval message. Or something like that anyway.

If you want to swim through oceans of loot bags more than you want mediocre pve buffs from “winning” the match based on the scoreboard, this is the server for you. Also we have cookies.

WvW God modes?

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

I dunno, it sounds like he might have run into that ranger’s guardian alt.