That which yields is not always weak.
That which yields is not always weak.
Edit – Emissary is offering another communicator.
That which yields is not always weak.
Edit – Emissary is offering another communicator.
That which yields is not always weak.
(edited by Vanity.2506)
The same thing happened to several members of a former guild and that was several months ago now. You’d have thought this would have received enough attention to be addressed by now.
We need more hoops for transferring than guesting as it’s a more permanent action!
That which yields is not always weak.
I used to only get this message when the game crashed (every time I exited game without going to character screen and then hitting log-out). Now, I am getting the message every time I fire up the game, regardless of whether or not I crashed (I haven’t done so this week).
What is going on? Why are my files having to be verified at each launch of the game?
That which yields is not always weak.
[Tarnished Coast] Transcendent Veneration - TV ... Looking for a few more
in Guilds
Posted by: Vanity.2506
It’s Merit Monday! We’re doing a Bounty, Challenge and Trek every Monday night!
Check out TV if you’re looking for a great bunch of people just having fun, no matter what we’re doing.
That which yields is not always weak.
[Tarnished Coast] Transcendent Veneration - TV ... Looking for a few more
in Guilds
Posted by: Vanity.2506
We completed our first Guild Challenge tonight with about 70 of our members and a couple friends on hand. We Saved those Supplies!
That which yields is not always weak.
Both the previous posts do make sense
But i do see in open field where TC and Kaineng see each other, and completely ignore each other. It is also rumored that TC will breach an objective and leave it for kaineng to take, so at times it seems like double- teaming. Just stating what I see :P
I see this … a lot …
Does not look like double teaming to me!
Look at the zerg attacking us and then note the team chat at the bottom of the screen.
Seriously, enough crying about double teaming … there are 3 servers in this match … get. over. it.
That which yields is not always weak.
Hey guys! Guess what I did for reset? I logged in, I killed some KN and some FA … I even died a time or two. I placed siege and defended some towers and camps. And then, for good measure, I logged off.
Great times!
That which yields is not always weak.
We’re role-players, we don’t farm!
That which yields is not always weak.
Dear god, great fights in EB for the last 4+ hours against the TV-led TC and FA!
Beautiful, beautiful seeing all of the 60, 70+ zergs colliding
Had an absolute blast vs you guys tonight!
SS is us staring in awe at the KN zerg … One of the commanders lagged out so bad, he was on our screen just standing there, so we stood. On his screen, he was already in SM wondering where we were … Then ya’ll rolled down off that bridge and mowed us over, we still just kinda stood there.
“The fire-vurm, it’s coming…”
That which yields is not always weak.
Quickness nerf big nerf.
Is this referring to the Mesmer time warp? Is that quickness?
Yes, that is one form.
That which yields is not always weak.
Man Kain, you guys HATE losing SM dont you lol. I had 58 bag slots open when we went to SM… I now have 4. We held it for 3 ticks under constant pressure. So proud of the TCers there. And a heads up to Kain you guys dont quit man
That was an insane battle!! So proud of TC holding it together in the face of that many KN … dug in and held out as long as we could … kitten good fightin, Toasties!
That which yields is not always weak.
taps mic anyone out there?
That which yields is not always weak.
Excellent fights in EB with CO and RISE. Thanks for the good times! <3 to Kendrick, Nightlight and Pride for great communications across the map.
That which yields is not always weak.
Still no idea what is going on with this. Any help is appreciated.
That which yields is not always weak.
So, I noticed today when I shifted to windowed mode that there was a different language being used in the title bar of my game client. No idea how this has happened. All my in-game options are set to English. I can’t find a language option in the .exe properties. Any help or suggestions?
That which yields is not always weak.
[Tarnished Coast] Transcendent Veneration - TV ... Looking for a few more
in Guilds
Posted by: Vanity.2506
Hey One! Your application is still active on our site. Just go ahead and post in it that you’re back in game and a recruiter or officer will be in touch!
Welcome back!
That which yields is not always weak.
There’s not even effective guild tools, let alone a useful UI system for WvW. Yeah, they need to get to work on BASICS … please.
That which yields is not always weak.
[Tarnished Coast] Transcendent Veneration - TV ... Looking for a few more
in Guilds
Posted by: Vanity.2506
TV does Harlem Shake!
That which yields is not always weak.
[Tarnished Coast] Transcendent Veneration - TV ... Looking for a few more
in Guilds
Posted by: Vanity.2506
Guild missions are going great. We’ve really got the hang of them now. If you’re looking for a guild that is active in WvWvW and PvE and loves to do stuff together, check us out!!
That which yields is not always weak.
Nope. If it is in the process of building you will not get refunded when you cancel the build. If it is in queue and you cancel it, you will get refunded. It has always worked this way.
That which yields is not always weak.
300k influence???? That’s the price point of these things? Yeah, we’ll be playing Guild Wars 5 before my family Guild earns that.
Pfft…. ridiculous too expensive.
That was the cost to speed up the building to Unlock Guild Bounties(30k to start 75k per speed up). The missions themselves are 200 inf to start building 500 per speed up.
That which yields is not always weak.
The player you invited has too many invites, Pim. They’ve got to remedy that before you can invite them.
<3 n miss you!
That which yields is not always weak.
Hi team – we’ve anticipated the release of these missions with major excitement and spent a large chunk of our stocked 600k influence on researching the Guild Bounty. We also spent considerable influence to speed the research, and upon activating the Guild Mission.. the game crashes.
This occurs any time someone clicks on the ‘Missions’ from the left hand navigation panel in the Guild pane. So far I’ve attempted 3 different occasions and have submitted error reports with them. It happens regardless of player, rank, you name it.
Please help. We’ve burned 2/3s of our guild influence only to fail the mission as we cannot read the clues (since it crashes the game) and will be unable to meet the 15 minute timer..
Edit: 362,040 influence spent.
2x Edit: Even keeping missions panel open and someone ELSE activating crashes the game.
Seriously, this is crap.
That which yields is not always weak.
Does the timer begin when the Mission is activated or when the first bounty is engaged?
That which yields is not always weak.
(edited by Vanity.2506)
Is the update effective now? Or will this happen later in the day?
Not live yet.
That which yields is not always weak.
It means you can’t drop a portal on one side of the gate and have people on the other side take it.
That was my initial interpretation as well …
That which yields is not always weak.
this will also change wvw
•Mesmer Portals can no longer be interacted with when there is an obstruction between them and the player.
Would love clarification on this. Is the obstruction only between yourself and the portal entrance you click F on or is it at the opposite end?
That which yields is not always weak.
Yes, it did, Judge.
That which yields is not always weak.
TV and TC militia in EB enjoyed the fights this afternoon/early evening vs RISE and HB. Dang HB coming back at us with an even bigger zerg after we wiped your bigger numbers a couple times :p
That which yields is not always weak.
Just want to say thanks to the patient BG and FA folks in the EB JP today as I spent nearly 2 hours failing my way through it and no one killed me. Even if I did accidentally throw my torch at them (sorry! Have I said I fail yet?). And to the FA that killed me while I was drowning at the TCBL JP … that was not very nice! I was already swallowing water …
I love Ellie’s updates! Who needs soap operas when there’s star-cross-faction love on the line?
That which yields is not always weak.
Now we know where Anet gets all those backpack “skins” …
That which yields is not always weak.
Getting our feng shui on at QL … Is the ram facing the correct direction? I so confused … I’m used to role-playing a belly dancer, not placing siege …
That which yields is not always weak.
[Tarnished Coast] Transcendent Veneration - TV ... Looking for a few more
in Guilds
Posted by: Vanity.2506
When the end of free transfers was announced on January, 16, 2013, Transcendent Veneration opened it’s doors to those wanting to become a part of our great community, both within the guild and on Tarnished Coast. During the 12 days between that announcement and the end of free transfers on January 28, 2013, Transcendent Veneration gained 94 new recruits.
While we get to know all our new friends, we will be closing recruitment for a period of at least two weeks, with exception to friends and family of current members. If you choose to submit an application during this time period, please know that we will likely not get back to you before February 12, 2013.
That which yields is not always weak.
Why all the complaining? This was never billed as the WvW patch, next month was.
Complaining trumps reading.
That which yields is not always weak.
[Tarnished Coast] Transcendent Veneration - TV ... Looking for a few more
in Guilds
Posted by: Vanity.2506
Just wondering, how strong is the RP aspect of your guild? I started on this server with the intent to later going a WvW/RP guild though even though I I’ve been level 80 for a few weeks now, I’ve still not found a home.
As always, thanks for answering my questions.
Hi there! Transcendent Veneration is not a role-playing guild. However, we are gathering our courage to try it soon (at least among ourselves). That is to say, we are very supportive of the role-play community that is on Tarnished Coast and we do have role-players that choose to represent us when we are out in WvWvW.
If you would like to discuss our guild further, I’d be happy to chat with you either in-game or through PMs here.
Good luck!
That which yields is not always weak.
[Tarnished Coast] Transcendent Veneration - TV ... Looking for a few more
in Guilds
Posted by: Vanity.2506
Today is the day! Get here and join TV while you still can (for free)!
That which yields is not always weak.
Hey to the TC in EBG on Reset.
SoR was running to Pang from Umber, did yall have the Culling issue too? We didn’t notice your group till ours was like half way through, then rendering started.
Was a nice fight.
Tell Miasmic he needs to sleep more. Seriously:) If he thinks getting to T1 is exhausting, wait until you guys are actually there, it’s crazy.
He used to Command in T1 fights. :P
No, we didn’t see any of you until over half our group was dead. >.<
That which yields is not always weak.
[Tarnished Coast] Transcendent Veneration - TV ... Looking for a few more
in Guilds
Posted by: Vanity.2506
Welcome to all our new recruits! We still have room and you still have time before transfers end.
That which yields is not always weak.
I prefer the cookies, Usagi!
That which yields is not always weak.
We had a mesmer inside all night. Same as last week. He follows SoR in when you guys take it at the start. Hides. Patiently. For hours.
Is that the same short haired brunette human female mesmer that I chased away twice last night trying to glitch through the south eastern gate?
No. I’m not familiar with a mesmer with this appearance.
That which yields is not always weak.
[Tarnished Coast] Transcendent Veneration - TV ... Looking for a few more
in Guilds
Posted by: Vanity.2506
We had a great turn-out for our battles in EB last night (We had up to 92 online last night and our force out in WvW was about half that number). We’ve also garnered a good amount of new recruits in recent days.
If you’re looking for a place to relax and have fun while playing Guild Wars 2, please give us a look-see!
That which yields is not always weak.
(edited by Vanity.2506)
Ascii, I’ve explained to you what happened and how. You’re welcome to believe it or not. He was able to port more than 20 people in, because I was there with my Mesmer, as was Kranky. We drop portals before taking his, and then drop ours when we come through. I would have thought this to be a fairly simple tactic.
Thank you for your criticism and concern, however, this will be my last response to the topic.
This has been a great match so far. I look forward to the rest of the week!
That which yields is not always weak.
Oh cool! heres a quick video of TC’s TV guild and some others “Legitimately” entering SM and trying to cap, if you would like to check there progress.
We had a mesmer inside all night. Same as last week. He follows SoR in when you guys take it at the start. Hides. Patiently. For hours.
That which yields is not always weak.
[Tarnished Coast] Transcendent Veneration - TV ... Looking for a few more
in Guilds
Posted by: Vanity.2506
Join us tonight and take part in Drunken Karaoke @ 11PM EST!
Enter our very own Snurff, singing Call Me Maybe:
That which yields is not always weak.
[Tarnished Coast] Transcendent Veneration - TV ... Looking for a few more
in Guilds
Posted by: Vanity.2506
Welcome to TV, Andy!
We are still recruiting mature, friendly folks just out to HAVE FUN in Guild Wars 2.
That which yields is not always weak.
Love me some TC! Join in the fun that never ends …
That which yields is not always weak.
It’s terrible how permeated WoW is in our subconscious when anytime some one tries to simply say Wow! it’s automatically presented as WoW.
Sorry for the tangent, the tickling may resume.
That which yields is not always weak.
Welcome to Tarnished Coast [CYN]! I know [TV] is looking forward to getting to know you guys and seeing you on the Battlefields!
That which yields is not always weak.