Showing Posts For Zedd.8239:

Bug: Daily Fractal Runner

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


I have this issue as well. Does anyone know if ANET has a QA department? If so why do they still have a job with the amount of easily found bugs from fractals? Thanks

I’m not sure how insulting the QA department at ArenaNet is remotely constructive. Not all bugs are easily reproduced and therefore not as easily found. This particular bug may be a holdover from a previous update that only impacts players that played certain content or did certain things. The list could go on and on for why this wasn’t found and fixed before the release.

Whatever the case, the fact that it isn’t working as intended is an issue and hopefully a fix for this is in the works now.

Fractal portal only showing Story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


@Zedd – appreciate the advise, though even that doesn’t help. I can walk up an touch the portal and still have no other options.

That’s unfortunate. Luckily that seemed to solve the problem for my guildies and I (it did yesterday anyway). But apparently it isn’t as foolproof as I was hoping it would be.

Level 33 Fractal gave warhorn. No weapon box?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


Pretty sure they’re only supposed to be dropping weapon boxes that let you choose the skin you want and not actual weapons anymore.

Mai Tran fractal bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


A friend of mine had a similar issue tonight during that fight. She kept getting teleported back to that location.

There’s also another bug that allows Mai to teleport outside the room past the force field. If that happens and a party member is out there, she’ll just keep attacking that person until they’re dead. Eventually she’ll teleport back inside, go invulnerable, and reset completely.

FotM 30 not giving infused ring

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


I ended up with a regular ascended ring tonight as well. I don’t know if that’s intended or not (it could very well be working as intended) but it’s a pretty disappointing reward at level 30.

Fractal portal only showing Story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


If you walk into the asura gate, you should get a prompt for explorable mode. My friends and I had this same problem tonight and we were able to get around it simply by walking closer to the gate.

Bug: Daily Fractal Runner

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


Same problem here. Not only did I do story mode, I also did a full set of 4 fractals. Daily Fractal Runner didn’t trigger for any of them. Oddly enough, the Monthly Fractal Runner incremented 5 times. This particular achievement was also working before the current living story updates.

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


Race: Human
Sex: Female
Class: Guardian

Armor set: Crafted Knight’s Draconic armor (level 80) transmuted to look like human tier 3 heavy armor in all 6 armor slots (Protector’s)

The new rare Metal Aquabreather of the Afflicted that drops from Tequatl the Sunless doesn’t display on my character. It doesn’t display when previewed or when actually worn. As shown in the attached screenshots, my guardian is clearly wearing the aquabreather and nothing is shown on her face when underwater. I’ve tried various armor combinations on my character (as well as showing/hiding my helm) and nothing gets this aquabreather to appear, which is quite disappointing given its unique look.

This seems to be race and possibly gender specific. It displays perfectly fine on my asuran characters, for example.


Show your tequatl weapon

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Zedd.8239


So far my drops from the Tequatl event have been rather disappointing. I did get a rare aquabreather from my first victory but there’s a bug that prevents it from displaying properly on my character. Other than the minimal stat upgrade, I can’t even show it off.

Other than that, I’ve only ended up with greens. Simply seeing a rare or an exotic would make may day. An ascended weapon would make my month. But I’m not getting my hopes up. They seem to be rather rare.

So, the real problem emerges...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Zedd.8239


I actually think the fight is pretty fun but it could certainly use some refinement and additional balancing.

Cannot take screenshots of Ascended Weapons.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


That is rather weird, yes. I have no idea why that would be the case. And I’m not even sure how you’re taking screenshots of those other items. I’ve never been able to capture the tool tips of anything in the game without a third party program.

Living Story Notification Missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


I don’t even get the sound effect. So I’m completely in the dark about when Tequatl is attacking unless I keep asking people that are there or I’m actually present in Sparkfly Fen myself.

Cannot take screenshots of Ascended Weapons.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


You’ll probably need to use a program such as Fraps to capture tool tips in the game. It’s the only way I’ve ever been able to capture them in GW2.

Living Story Notification Missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


I have the same problem; no more UI. I do, however, still hear the sound notification when Tequatl attacks.

I think it’s turned off when you complete the Boss Week meta achievement. However, I still want a shot at beating Tequatl; the UI warning would be nice!

I’ve never had the living story part of the UI vanish after completing the meta achievement related to it before. The notifications about Scarlet invading stayed right up until the event ended.

Convert Shouts to boons.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


I also use Pure of Voice and it seems to be removing 2 conditions for me as well, and I’m not currently using soldier’s runes.

New Rare Aquabreather Not Displaying

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


Already tried that. No impact on it.

They’re two separate head pieces anyway. So they shouldn’t impact each other.

Edit: And I just realized this should probably be in the “Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?” thread…

(edited by Zedd.8239)

New Rare Aquabreather Not Displaying

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


My apologies if there is already a thread on this. I searched and couldn’t find anything.

Ehmry Bay defeated Tequatl tonight (yay!) and I ended up with one of the new rare Metal Aquabreathers. There’s just one problem. Nothing is actually displayed on my character when I go underwater. I noticed this same problem when I previewed it a few days ago but just thought it was a bug with the preview. Apparently not!

I have a human female guardian wearing tier 3 human armor (if that makes any difference). As per the attached screenshots, she is clearly wearing the new aquabreather but it isn’t being displayed. I’m unsure if the other new aquabreathers have a similar problem. I’ve only tested this with the heavy armor version.


Living Story Notification Missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


legendary Transmutation splitters

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


I have two legendary weapons (The Bifrost and The Flameseeker Prophecies) and I received two transmutation splitters on the same day the ascended weapons patch went live. So not everyone with two legendaries is in your position. I’d open a ticket with support about this.

That said, the way I see it, if you were willing to spend the time and money to create two legendary weapons, it can’t hurt to spend 300 gems on a splitter to bring your second legendary up to par with the rest of them. No, you shouldn’t have to spend gold on the splitter. But it’s the only way to give yourself the flexibility the new legendary weapons have. And that’s more than worth it, in my opinion.

Join us in Ehmry Bay!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Zedd.8239


I’ve only managed to make it into the Ehmry Bay server once or twice. Unless I sit around trying to get in for hours, it doesn’t seem likely to happen anytime soon. I’ve never seen it without an overflow since the update on Tuesday.

Missing Living Story Text

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239



I recently completed the Boss Week meta achievement and the living story text normally found in the top right corner of the screen is now missing. As you can see from the attached screenshot, “Tequatl Rising” is no longer displayed.

This is problematic because I’m no longer informed when Tequatl is attacking in Sparkfly Fen.


(edited by Zedd.8239)

Lagg issues after hotfix!!!!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zedd.8239


Please, please, please post a pathping;

This does 2 things.
1) Determines common nodes people are going through
2) If it is Anet’s issue; it can help them fix it, if the same IP keeps coming up.

Please, please, please do not assume I’m clueless about how to diagnose these issues. I’m well aware of how vital that kind of information is. I’ll post such a thing later when I’m able to.

Lagg issues after hotfix!!!!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zedd.8239


I’m having the exact same problem. The game has become completely unplayable for me. Every single action in-game has at least 2-5 seconds of lag. Sometimes it’s far worse than that. Chat logs are even worse. In addition to issues interacting with objects, I’m frequently rubberbanding all over the map. It actually looks like I’m teleporting around to other players.

Note that this is happening for me everywhere in the game and not just in highly populated areas. It’s certainly worse in highly populated areas but it isn’t exclusive to them.

Most recent example: I just stood in front of a mithril ore node for about 10 seconds before my character even started mining it. Oddly enough, skills triggered almost instantly just a few seconds before that.

(edited by Zedd.8239)

Simple Fix to Turret Problem

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Zedd.8239


The turrets can be a confusing mechanic for certain players, and they are also susceptible to trolls.

I propose a mechanic similar to the Cliffside fractal hammer: players using the turret accrue negative charges that down them at a certain level.

Alternatively, firing the #2 skill and making contact with Tequatl deplete these “bad” charges, meaning a player doing his job can sit on the turret indefinitely.

This would solve idling on the turrets, train new players, and stop trolls.

This is a really good idea.

Tequatl is Elite Content

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Zedd.8239


I shall ask this question 1 last time before I decide you have no real answer. What’s hard about Teq right now?

Obviously that’s only for the elite of the elite to know. Elite information for the elite players only.

Tequatl is Elite Content

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Zedd.8239


The fact here is that people are mad that they can’t beat the new Tequatl. This is Elite level content. Players who understand the game mechanics, and thus USE the mechanics to beat a hard boss, are clearly in the Elite league. Meteor Shower, Ice Bow, Banner Rez, piloting turrets, etc.

You can’t possibly be serious with this, right? Surely there’s hidden sarcasm in there somewhere.

This boss has been beaten using WvW zerg stacking strategy. Please explain to me how that is somehow more elite than a small group of players working together to overcome a high level fractal run (for example).

Tequatl is Elite Content

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Zedd.8239


There is absolutely nothing “elite” about zergs stacking on commander icons to beat a boss. It isn’t elite in WvW when it’s used to death there and it isn’t elite in PvE. It’s a tactic that I wish would simply go away and become unfeasible in every area of the game. It’s counter-intuitive, boring, and goes against the entire combat system in this game, which puts emphasis on movement. “Let’s all stand closely together to avoid massive AoE damage!” Um, ok. But since the entire tactic was designed around a targeting limitation, I highly doubt it will be going away anytime soon (if ever).

I love that this boss has been given a revamp to actually make him challenging. It needs some more work. That doesn’t mean it needs a nerf. It just means it needs more work. Far too much emphasis is placed on the 6 people manning the turrets. Either make the turrets do more damage or include other ways to remove the poison clouds and stacks of Hardened Scales. Make the event harder without the use of the turrets to encourage their use if necessary. Just do something to make it possible to beat if you end up with really poor players on the turrets that don’t know what they’re doing. As it stands, this event is far too easy to grief, either intentionally or unintentionally. Regardless of whether it’s “elite content,” this is a serious design problem in a game that encourages cooperation and teamwork.

Fractals took WAY too long

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zedd.8239


But thats way Im so mad, we should be able to take any class to do this content at any level. If we start forcing a type of class or build then isnt that the same as the “holy trinity” and isnt that the complete opposite of what gw2 stands for? I dont want another WoW were we are stuck having to take a set build type of classes to complete content and leaving some classes in the dirt.

We already have a problem with some classes being “undesirable” and more of that is not what is needed.

If every class could do everything, then what’s the point in even having different classes in the first place? Everyone should be forced to play the same generic class. It’s true that this game doesn’t have the “holy trinity.” It does, however, have a type of trinity (damage, support, control). At least in theory. In practice it could use some more work.

Not once has ArenaNet ever said that every class can perform every single possible task in the game on exactly the same level. Some classes are simply better at certain things than other classes. That problem will always exist as long as ArenaNet intends to differentiate between classes. I personally don’t even think it’s a problem with the game. It’s a problem with random groups. The first game had a similar problem.

All I’m saying is that I don’t think it’s a bad thing to require players to swap classes to get the utility they desire for a particular task when it’s high level content. I’m not saying certain classes should be kicked simply because they’re an “incorrect” class. But if you want to be the best at using stealth, for example, to accomplish something, you need to play a thief.

Fractals took WAY too long

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zedd.8239


Do you know what an exploit even is? Your taking advantage of a mechanic that should not be used, the game wasnt made to use a dead body as a way to help you get pass a section.

Um, yes. I do know what an exploit is. I also know how basic physics works. If you stand on a pressure plate to cause a mechanism to trigger, it shouldn’t matter if you’re dead or alive to trigger it. The weight of the person standing on it is what triggers it. If you could place a rock or some other heavy object on it that would also work.

My point is that this isn’t exploiting a game mechanic to get past the puzzle. It’s how the mechanic works. It wouldn’t make any sense if a dead body didn’t trigger a pressure point in the same way as a living one. Calling this particular physics “trick” an exploit is ignoring the very core of the way the mechanism works in the first place. It would completely defy logic to not have the pressure plates work when downed or defeated. You don’t weigh any less when you’re dead.

These pressure plates should be functional regardless of whether the person standing on them is alive or dead. This seems like a fair and legitimate strategy. It may not be the best strategy since you have to die but it works. At the same time it also takes 2 out of the 5 players completely out of commission and puts the group at a possible disadvantage.

Teleporting through walls, jumping over invisible objects, climbing to locations not intended to be reachable, and stacking in strange locations to take advantage of enemy AI is not fair strategy. That is exploiting because you’re taking advantage of a game bug to progress. Standing on a pressure plate is how this particular mechanic was designed. It’s even in other parts of the game and you often need to place other objects on them to proceed. Alive or dead doesn’t matter. The plate is still pressed and the puzzle is solved.

Im saying no matter what you do lots of members of your party will die or wipe unless you have certain classes, and changed to those classes shouldnt be the only way.

The way I see it is quite simple. If you start doing high level scaling content that’s also intended to be challenging, then having to swap certain classes out to get past certain sections without using exploits may actually be necessary. Not all classes have the necessary tools to achieve certain goals.

(edited by Zedd.8239)

Fractals took WAY too long

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zedd.8239


You cant just walk in the 1st area with 2 panels on the floor and tank, you have to let players die on the buttons, Im never seen a person live long enough to walk out from the panels (3k+ toughness High vit and healing with protection utilities and shield still isnt enough).

We dont have to Jump down, we can do all up to the 2 panels fine, and I dont think having the chance to wipe 3-4 times at the bombs is idea either, again in a 48 Ive never seen a group (with thief and mesmer, multi guards and war) be able to get everyone back and have the door open without dying, its not possible.

Dying over and over again just to win is an exploit, dying and staying dead on a button is an exploit.

Having to make player change to other classes to pass (again without dying or a character dying either on purpose or just so you can get pass) is an exploit. We shouldn’t be allowed to change classes in the middle of a Dungeon IMO.

Staying dead on a button is an exploit? Using terrain and AI glitches to win are exploits. Staying dead on a button isn’t an exploit. You’re using game physics to accomplish a task. You aren’t jumping through walls or using portals to get through objects or using other such tricks to bypass the design of the level. You’re pressing the buttons while the other party members work to get past the other dredge.

I didn’t say you didn’t have to die during that part. You pretty much have to die during that part in high level fractals. What I did say was that it can be beaten legitimately (i.e., not using portal tricks and terrain glitches or other similar bugs to your advantage). You made it sound like exploiting was the only possible way to beat that section. That isn’t true. What you described was indeed a terrain exploit. I said that exploit isn’t needed to beat it. In my experience, it’s often easier to just open the gates the way they’re intended to be opened as it’s usually faster than trying to get people over the walls.

I think you have a fairly large misunderstanding of what constitutes an exploit…

(edited by Zedd.8239)

Fractals took WAY too long

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zedd.8239


You are doing it wrong sir.

Try kick anyone who is not guardian, warrior, and maybe mesmer, anyone who doesn’t have all ascended trinket and exotic armor/weapon, anyone who has achievement points below 3000, anyone who running on the “wrong build”, anyone who is doing fractal for the first time, anyone who never uses utility skills or uses it wrongly, and anyone who has bad attitude.

Try it again and you will see the difference.

There’s absolutely no reason to kick anyone who isn’t a guardian, warrior, or mesmer. I do level 48 fractals on my elementalist without trouble at all in the right groups. My brother always plays as his thief. Some of my friends always go as their necromancer or thief. We still win without much difficulty. The problem is more with the lack of experience of players than anything else.

Fractals took WAY too long

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zedd.8239


In 48’s my group that Ive done it with we went a specially way to "fall into the room with 2 buttons’ (Not saying how) had 2 ppl get there thieves and the other 2 ppl ran down died on buttons, the 3rd person suicide too while the thieves stack Shadow Refused on each other (the 1 cast it 1st then press the gears after 10 sec the 2nd one cast his).

It is not at all how you are suppose to do it, if you HAVE TO exploit just to HAVE A CHANCE to win, then it is a poor design on Anets side.

I used to do a full tank build P/T/H and some P/T/V mix with over 3k Toughness and 1k healing power and to still be killed in seconds I just went full zerk now and we do better than when I have a tank, Tank gets 1 shot then what is the point?

You HAVE to exploit to have a chance to win in that fractal? Not remotely true. At all. I’ve done 48 runs using legitimate strategies to win in the dredge fractal and it’s completely doable. It also doesn’t take that long. You don’t need to use AI exploits or terrain exploits to win. You do, however, need to plan your group out a bit. Having a thief is extremely helpful. A mesmer can do wonders too.

My guardian is generally able to tank quite well in the dredge fractal. You can’t stand in place nonstop and there’s still some risk but you can definitely take some pretty heavy hits if you’re traited and geared right. Tanking in this game is intended to be risky and you really need to pay attention to the enemies you’re tanking to be effective.

My guardian uses Giver’s armor (mainly for the toughness and healing power) with 4 altruism runes and 2 water runes to get extra boon duration. Trait-wise, she’s using 0/0/30/30/10. I have about 3400 armor when using a mace and shield and about 3200 when using a staff. I have about 15K and 16K health, respectively. Shelter is probably your best bet when it comes to a healing skill since it gives you a full 2 seconds of blocking all incoming damage.

Having said that, I absolutely agree with those that have said that the reward system needs a major overhaul in fractals. Doing a level 48 run and getting all blues and greens from the Jade Maw chest and getting yet another infused ring that you can’t do anything with is just ridiculous. I have two full bank tabs full of infused rings. I don’t want to sell them to a vendor because it feels like a massive waste. But so is having them collect virtual dust in my bank. At the very least there should be a system that lets us buy unique skins or other items using pristine relics or even regular relics.

(edited by Zedd.8239)

ascended longbow recipe disabled

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


Except that it actually isn’t fixed despite what the patch notes say. It’s still broken.

Updating Google Authenticator kills accounts

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zedd.8239


Oh, I’m not offended at all. I’d much rather this info come from official channels than some random user (in this case, me). I’m actually curious to know what the recommended procedure is in a situation like this as well.

The account recovery link above did end up working for me but I also panicked when I discovered I was locked out of my own account despite taking steps to prevent exactly that! Thankfully, I wasn’t locked out of my Gmail account as well. That would have been far worse.

(edited by Zedd.8239)

Updating Google Authenticator kills accounts

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zedd.8239


There’s actually an easier way to fix this that doesn’t require support at all:

Choose to unlink your old authenticator after you provide the info required above, log into your account, and setup the new authenticator app.

Google really needed to provide some sort of warning before they decided to destroy all existing account configuration. That was really quite poor on their part.

Ascended armor- cover all prefixes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zedd.8239


I’m really hoping that Magi’s stats are an option for ascended weapons. If they aren’t, I’m going to have to completely rework my build or take large hit in vitality. Neither is really ideal.

Sigil slots for legendary weapons next update

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Zedd.8239


I don’t see any reason why they would remove sigils on ascended weapons. Sigils are unique to weapons and removing them in favor of infusion slots doesn’t make much sense. I suspect weapons will have infusion slots and sigil slots. And once ascended armor is added, it would make sense for it to have infusion slots and rune slots.

Charged Quartz better not be an ingredient

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Zedd.8239


I’m actually hoping it is a component. I have 54 charged quartz sitting in my bank doing nothing at the moment and it’d be nice to be able to put them to use on something other than celestial weapons and armor that I don’t currently have a use for. That doesn’t mean it needs to be a huge component of course. It should be reasonable.

Add SAB to the Activity Rotation Permanently

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Zedd.8239


It seems to make more sense to just periodically offer access to SAB or give a “home console” item that lets us play it when we want.

Add SAB to the Activity Rotation Permanently

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Zedd.8239


The problem is this isn’t actually an activity. It’s a full-blown series of instances that act more like a dungeon than an activity. I’d like to see it eventually become a permanent addition to the game but not as an activity since it isn’t really one.

Slap in the face with the next week LS.

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Zedd.8239


I fail to see how new FREE content could possibly be a “slap in the face.” But to each their own.

this update = economy worst than ever

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Zedd.8239


Maybe we should see what happens before we all go crazy?

Transmuted legendary

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Zedd.8239


I recall reading a developer post about this exact issue and they said (and I’m paraphrasing from memory here so make what you will of it) that we shouldn’t have to worry about transmuted legendaries not having this new ability. They’re still technically legendary.

Transmuted legendaries will effectively be obsolete with the new system since the only reason to transmute them would be for new stats, and legendaries will have this built into them. So if I were to guess, transmuted legendaries will lose their “transmuted” status and become the default legendary after the patch.

Infusion Slots. 1h & 2h

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Zedd.8239


This really isn’t a comparable issue to sigils at all. Sigils are helpful and often give you additional bonuses or utilities but you can play the game without them. I don’t recommend it of course. Yet it can be done.

Fractals of the Mists is an entirely different matter. As others have said, a difference of 5 agony resistance can be the different between life and death. It’s significant in 30+ and it’s absolutely necessary for survival in 40+. An imbalance of 5 AR between a two handed weapon and a main hand/off hand weapon set would be game breaking in fractals. Two handed weapons should absolutely have two infusion slots for this reason.

And honestly, if you’re worried about two handed weapons becoming imbalanced because they have the exact same bonuses from infusions as wielding a main hand/off hand weapon set, then you’re misunderstanding what infusions do. Two infusion slots would actually make the increase in stats balanced. It wouldn’t impact anything else two handed weapons do.

Total bonus from two infusion slots on a two handed weapon: +10. Total bonus from main hand/off hand: +10. How would this make two handed weapons overpowered? I don’t get it.

TL;DR: Infusions are not the ascended equivalent of sigils and in order to keep one handed and two handed weapons balanced, two handed weapons should have two infusion slots so the bonuses given from the infusions are identical.

(edited by Zedd.8239)

Achievements from World 1 Open Again?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Zedd.8239


A home console would be so full of win. I’m not getting my hopes up though.

[Merged] Can't sell my weapon skins

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


The bug is that the account bound flag is still set on the older versions of the skins. So technically, doing the thing I described and won’t mention is taking advantage of a bug. I still find the whole thing rather iffy, though. The items are identical except for this hidden flag that’s set. And saying this is intentional is just ridiculous.

[Merged] Can't sell my weapon skins

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


The whole thing makes no sense, a skin is a skin, this is probably the only time in my history of 10 years of MMO’ing I’d encourage people to do it. And I am strict on following the rules, more than anyone probably.

I agree. I’m generally someone that’s incredibly strict when it comes to following the rules in online games. I refuse to exploit to beat bosses in dungeons/fractals and I intensely dislike other exploits, much to the annoyance of some fellow gamers.

Moreover, I have not seen anyone from Anet stating this is an exploit, and I cannot imagine they will as there is no way to enforce it (benefit < manpower). Never issue a warning you can’t enforce. The lawyers at Anet will know this adagium all too well.

Well, I didn’t actually receive a warning. My posts referencing the “exploit” were simply deleted along with other people’s. That was the reasoning given for the deletion even though it hasn’t been officially stated as being an exploit. On one hand, I can understand why it might be considered an exploit. It’s clearly a game bug. And yet at the same time it’s so stupidly easy to do and can even be done by mistake because it’s a game feature. And to make matters even more muddled, there are literally no differences in the descriptions of the items to suggest that they’re different. The only difference is one still has an account bound flag set and the other does not. The former doesn’t even say “account bound.”

It’s why I’ve stated that I’d like to see a developer supported method for updating existing skins rather than this, “sorry but you’re screwed if you decided to buy a skin before August 20” approach. It makes absolutely no sense.

For the record, I haven’t done this myself, but I may consider doing it in the future.

I admit that I’ve done this but it didn’t even occur to me that it might be an exploit. I simply wanted to sell the skin because it was just sitting in my bank and thought it’d be better in the hands of someone that actually wanted it. I did the same thing with WvW blueprints because it was more efficient than using and repacking over 100 of them.

An unused skin is an unused skin. The artificial distinction being created is beyond absurd.

Completely agreed.

(edited by Zedd.8239)

[Merged] Can't sell my weapon skins

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


Apparently the method I discussed earlier in this thread and in the other thread linked to is an “exploit.” Unbelievable. I had no idea that doing what I described was an “exploit.” Am I allowed to use other existing game features or will that be considered an exploit in the future too? Can I deposit items in my bank? Can I sort my inventory? Ridiculous.

If you don’t want people to use that method or sell certain skins (despite the fact that they’ve also supported ArenaNet) perhaps you should make it so you simply cannot sell any of the skins and stop promoting people getting rich off of a poor design decision and/or technical limitation. Period. Or come up with a legitimate method to allow people to trade skins that they bought before the August 20 update.

I’m normally on your side, ArenaNet, but the way this has been handled is just plain poor. Deleting my posts has just soured me even more on this matter.

Super Adventure Box Return

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zedd.8239


As a huge fan of SAB, I can safely say that I cannot wait to see its return!

Where did you get your precursor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zedd.8239


The Legend
About 200 combines in the Mystic Forge.
I’m not sure how many hours I had played when I finally got it. Maybe 1500?

The Chosen
Same as with the Legend. About 200 attempts in the Mystic Forge.

Hundreds and hundreds of attempts in the Mystic Forge. I’d estimate well over 1000 greatswords crafted.