Showing Posts For bob.8632:

Issues granting Season reward chests

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


at this point, even if every remaining person who was still affected by this quit the game, it would probably cost them less money in terms of lost gem sales and lost reputation than it would cost them to actually fix it (including the opportunity cost of time spent fixing this means time not spent on something else).

this is simply something you have to accept in online gaming. sometimes, your problem simply won’t get fixed, not because you don’t deserve it but simply because time taken to work on this is time not spent on more important issues.


Yes ken, the path to continuous improvement lies in the practice of shrugging ones shoulders and just chalking it up as a loss….Every job/company has bean counters, the problem here is: they acknowledge there is a problem, they claim they will fix it. They have fixed some of it, this is probably one of those areas where instead of trying to wax philosophical, you should probably just move on to another thread that concerns you friend.


when does season 2 end?

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


5 weeks too long.

A new problem. Player tag clutter.

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


No!!! Quit digging up old posts and go play the game in all its Glory…

This kid gets so mad….God forbid people bring up old post, as opposed to the normal: reposting the same thing with new threads each week….

Can the devs please give us an update?

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


IMO this game has ran its course. Sure there will always be a player-base, hell people still play Gw1….But TBH, differing opinions amongst the players coupled with a fundamental lack of understanding of “what to do” with WvW from the devs, has left this game on life support with little brain function.

Tournament: Anyone else burned out?

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


It just goes to show you that we the players are at fault for many of the problems with this game…..Burnt out from what??? Chasing PPT?
I mean hell, there is nothing different about the tournament than there is any other week of wvw, no point in “burning out”. I play the same in the tournament that I do the other 30-something weeks of the year (accounting for 2 seasons), it is all the stackers/ppt-tryhards/etc that usually get burnt out.

Until people realize that playing to “win on the scoreboard” is not really “winning” anything, than this type of issue will continue.

The EOTM K-Train: A Commanders Point Of View

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


TBH EoTM is the best place to level an alt for those of us that don’t like “doing hearts”/PVE, without penalizing a group/guild/server in “real wvw”…The fights there are few and far between, and the rewards are good.

Also the blobs are typically bigger than that of some of the servers would normally field, so have some uplevels isn’t the worst thing in the world.

I do kind of chuckle to myself, when I think of what everyone (ANET especially) thought EoTM was gonna be during its design, compared to what the players made it.
For me EoTM is “acceptable” PVE while leveling toons, also not a bad karma farming spot for when I am low on karma.

Issues granting Season reward chests

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


How about a Mini Jena?

Why don’t you go post in a thread that concerns you??? If this thread does not concern you why do you continue to (fail) at trolling it?

And if you knew what you were talking about from a hole in the ground, you would know they fixed 50% of it, they just need to fix the rest.

Issues granting Season reward chests

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


TL;DR: If you are now in a different territory (NA versus EU) from when you first played during Season 1, your Season rewards won’t be granted until we can solve a technical issue. There’s also a different small chance you won’t get the Season reward later in a WvW match. That chance is near-zero shortly after a new match starts up. You will eventually get the Season rewards.

In-depth details follow.

Season reward chests are granted via a hidden achievement, which differs for each place within a League. Whether your world placed first in Gold or Bronze League, you’ll be given the same achievement. The Dolyak finishers are delivered by the in-game mail system if your world placed first in its League. The mail differs for each League.

The game use two pieces of information to know which achievement/mail you should receive. One is historical WvW data so it knows how your world placed in the Season. The other is which world you’re associated with for the Season. This association was made the first time you entered the world during Season 1.

Issue 1: Worlds in the NA and EU territories don’t know about each other’s historical WvW data. So if you’re in a different territory from the one you were associated with for Season 1, the game doesn’t know how your world placed and can’t reward you. Yet. Once this issue is fixed, the Season reward will be granted. We know who should get the rewards, and who has not yet received them.

Issue 2: There’s a bug that sometimes prevents certain games from knowing any historical WvW data—even for their own territory. This can prevent the game from giving Season rewards. This also affected the Dawn of the Seasons achievement’s behavior. Until this is tracked down and fixed, there seems to be a smaller chance to be given the Season rewards later in the week of a WvW match. Chances are extremely good shortly after a new match has started that you’ll be given the rewards.

Thank you for your patience while we solve these issues. While there are quicker ways to get rewards out to people who are missing them, it’s best we take the time to fix the underlying issues and allow the corrected code to issue the rewards in due time. Neither player nor developer wants the same issue to potentially happen a second time. Or for rushed work to cause different issues in the future.

5 Months ago…..

Here’s our current status on granting the missing Season reward chests. If you’re still in the same region (NA or EU) as you were when the Season began, you’re in situation A. Otherwise, you’re in situation B.

Situation A (still in the same region):
When the Edge of the Mists map is released, it will come with a code fix to grant you the appropriate Season reward when you next load into any map on any character.

Situation B (now in a different region):
We’re still finalizing the solution for this issue. It will be in soon after the Edge of the Mists map. Current setups we’re looking at are along the lines of talking to an NPC or loading into a particular map; either would be with any character.

Thanks for any patience extended while we work the kinks out of a new system.

3 Months ago….

Will all due respect, how is this acceptable to a company or a customer???

EotM is amazing. Thanks WvW team.

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


Except for the last point of the “Players X? Anet Y.” list, they all came from demands of the general forums playerbase. Not the testers.
Testers comments were aimed at making the map tools more convenient. They did asked for more central WP, a third way to leave the spawn that would go direclty to the lower map. Testers asked for desert bonus to be more passive, to be balanced with the others, and for the kodan’s part to also give some travel boon.
A map with no objectives would be a dead map. Just leaving everything open, no ppt, no other action than players being there would not make for an attractive map for most players. Plus, it’s a WvW map, even if different. System of WvW is PPT and take structure.
Fight is my thing, and nice fights, even more strategical than regular WvW can take place there.
Once again, general comments are not constructive. Do share vision of what this map should be. Empty, with no PNJ or structures to be taken? Well, the problem is that it just wouldn’t be WvW, but a new game mode…

Hail zergling,

Since when would open world player vs player not be considered “WvW”…Since when would multiple server clusters lumped together be considered traditional WvW???

But to speak to your dull point….
Lots of players have asked repeatedly for:
-Turn the scoreboard off of WvW
-A map with a deathmatch style of play
-Less PPT oriented modes of WvW

So there is a market for the type of play you so failingly tried to make look “dull”.

Many of us have now came to the (correct) conclusion that EoTM is essentially a place for higher tiered people in queue, lower/mid tier people in “blowout” matches, to go and zerg up and carry on the karma train that eludes them in WvW 1.0.

My personal hope is that much of this will change as the shiny wears off…However, it may be that in the long run this map becomes “WvW” and the traditional maps become the place that roamers have been begging for.

[Video] Dev Bodied in EOTM

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


Needs moar emotes, and less stealthed corpse jumping. (Moar visible corpse jumping ofc)

9/10 would watch again.

WvW Queue bugged

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


This is the way the queue always worked…It was never FIFO, the problem is now that they claimed to have fixed that and (while apparently they haven’t) now you can see just how broken it is by the timer.

EotM is amazing. Thanks WvW team.

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


“A lot of crying”

Did you beta test friend?


That’s where you should have stopped then.

I should have stopped asking you to provide some example of what you’re talking about?

Yes if you were not there.

EotM is amazing. Thanks WvW team.

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


“A lot of crying”

Did you beta test friend?


That’s where you should have stopped then.

EoTM: Future Karma train map

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


People that know how to use karma still farm it.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


Zerglings, siegemonkeys, and PVE’ers.

EotM is amazing. Thanks WvW team.

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


“A lot of crying”

Did you beta test friend? A lot of people did not give “overtly negative” feedback for fear of being kicked from the beta….Whether those fears were founded or not is another issue. But saying “this map was created based on player suggestion” is about as accurate as my statement.

(edited by bob.8632)

EotM is amazing. Thanks WvW team.

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


total waste of resources that could’ve been used to improve the WvW. Now you get a pointless map where you spend most of your time running to where you wanna go.

Agreed, The place is awful and the time and resources spent on that could have been used to improve WvW.

After the initial interest wears off that map will end up just another dead zone.


I spent about 30-45 mins in the map and 85-90% of that was just spent running to the places I wanted to get.

Colossal waste of time, resources and manpower that, like others have said, could have been used to ACTUALLY improve WvW…not make a map that detracts players from it. Glaring class balance issues could have been addressed as well, they could have used the time to actually talk to the community and get a feel for what THE COMMUNITY wants. After a week this zone will most likely have a close 24/7 outnumbered buff.

I hate to say it because even with all the faults of WvW and Anets lack of cooperation with the community I still enjoyed playing it immensely, however, any competitive aspect of this game is on its last legs or dead already. It seems like Anet has geared 100% toward improving PvE in this game. PvP died a while ago and the influx of WvW players that occurred during and after Season 1 has gone.

Shame because this post will probably get deleted too. Instead of actually taken to heart by Anet.

Anet actually listened to players when doing this map.
Players asked for no WP in order to break the blob? Anet gave no WP.
Players asked for more meaningful objectives? Anet gave a sense to objectives (through buffs)
Players asked for harder to beat NPC’s? Anet designed harder to beat NPC’s
Players complained about Dolly escort? Anet deletes the need to have dollies.
Players asked better incetitive for defense? Anet rewards defense on this map.
Players asked for NPC to man siege? Anet made them able to do so.
Players asked for a place that would demand strategy? Anet designed a map where strategy – not numbers – can win the day.
Players asked for a place where they can fight ennemies in a balanced MU? Anets allows the maps to be filled by colors, so that there is always people around.

Pretty much all concerns that keep coming back about WvW design have been addressed in that map. The team responsible for class balance didn’t work on EoTM. The teams responsible of any concerns expressed by WvWers that were not taken in consideration have likely not worked on this map.

I would love complainers to point out exactly which player’s concerns linked with design of WvW maps and mechanics were not taken in consideration on this map.

They changed the few design concerns mentioned in alpha – eg, they changed the length of bridges to make it harder to be pushed out right at the exit of a bridge, and overall, unless a player is putting himself in a bad position, it’s pretty hard to make one fall, especially compared to the beginning of alpha.

General comments like the ones cited are not constructive and bring nothing to a thread named EoTM is amazing. If there are genuire tangible concerns with the new map or it’s design, pointing them out shall be great. But as far as I’m concerned, devs putted in it what many players have been asking for a long time regarding WvW design.

Do I agree with all? Nope. But I’m not going to get on devs. back pretending they are not listening when they basically just putted players feedback in a map…

They put some players feedback in a map…Hand picked guilds, ones that were afraid to even give “certain types” of feedback lest they be kicked from the Beta.

The Final Nail in the Coffin

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


I hate myself for even playing this game at times.

Same way I feel and felt after college parties after too many drinks and seeing a hefty lass….

GW2 is the quintessential: “2 at 10, 10 at 2”.

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


It was made for roamers, small group WvWers and large scale battlers all at once.

You would find there is an overwhelming number of players loving this new map, should you dare venture outside the forums for more than a brief moment.

The choke points specifically promote spartan defense far more than zerg tactics…

People who say its for roamers, have no idea what it means to be a roamer….

Roamers hate: zergs, siege, blobbing, zergballs, PPT, scoring, PVE on PvP, etc

This map has all of that to this point…

EotM promoting stacking a server.

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


Which effectively removes the only reason people had left to transfer down.

the reason to transfer down is for better roaming.

Transfer down from what is the question???

Tier 1 – Tier 4, sure. T4-T7? Nope, unless you like seeing 1 map blob and 2-3 people every hr. (assuming you don’t “roam” on EBG)

(edited by bob.8632)

EotM promoting stacking a server.

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


IDT Anet really cares about population disparity as much as people think they do….They have an agenda of what they think is “important” and you see it with every patch/release.

If anything moving forward, what you will see to balance matches (IMO) is some sort of PPT adjustment to acknowledge coverage disparity.

There will be no great penalty to punish: Stacking servers, zerging, recruiting, transferring, etc.

The Final Nail in the Coffin

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


T FA was ticking +30 at one point (I even heard it was as low as +10). HoD was ticking +520. A wierd night indead.

Not too weird, FA likes fights more than HoD likes PPTing.

The Final Nail in the Coffin

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


Gaaaaaaarbage….Absolute garbage is what I saw last night….Plenty of the blame goes to our mighty Dev overlords, but there is considerable amount of player-based blame to go around too..

Siegemonkeys, gloryhounds tagged up trying to form zergs, people playing for PPT yet again….I try not to infringe upon anyone’s style of play, but this is the final kitteng straw…Roamers, small mans, skirmishers, have long been kitten on in this game, and some of us obviously made the mistake of thinking we would finally be rewarded for suffering through Coverage Wars 2, only to realize it was just another superior troll.

I hold out a 0.02% chance of hope the “new” will wear off and it will die down and let people do some real pvp with a WvW character, but some how I doubt it.

EotM is amazing. Thanks WvW team.

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


No sarcasm intended.

The new battlefield is full of wonders. The battles are truly fun and refreshing. The UI itself has improved significantly.

Updates on this (terrific) quality is too good to be true, to be given out as free content. Yet, it is indeed free.

Thanks WvW team!

Hail Zergling,

We are pleased that you enjoyed the map.



Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


It was absolutely awful….Boots you out after a match is over…Zergs everywhere, just a minefield of noobishness…I am beyond disappointed, (but also expected the first day to be garbage, but was ashamed of the amount of garbage I saw) the only hope I hold out at this point is that it will get “old” to the zerglings and people will go back to EBG.

Oh btw if you are tagged up in EoTM you are part of the problem…

Dec 20 - HoD/SF/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: bob.8632



Yo mama so fat, HoD was Very Small server size before she bandwagoned there.

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: bob.8632


infraction warning for pointing out the thief profession is carrying players. my apologies to all the thief players out there who are sensitive about the subject of poor game balance. I will now take my leave

100% crit chance in stealth
Clear conditions in stealth
Heal in stealth
PLENTY of access to stealth
Bonus damage/effects from attacking in stealth
No CD’s or Casttimes (to speak of) on weapon skills
(AND: Highest DPS in the game in most cases)

Yeah seems legit, good players need to be more than “Thief Mains” to be considered “good”….Plain and simple being good at Thief does not make you a good player, it just makes you part of a small majority (as there are a lot of bad thieves just playing it for the EZMODE)

I loved thief too when I was new at this game, very low risk high reward class….But once you become a decent player, you usually realize that playing thief is not making you any better. The difference between a good and great thief is a tiny gap.

Population and Transfer Costs

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


Yup we been over this a few times now but anet doesn’t seem to care. Devona’s Rest is now the lowest wvw population server on NA. Yet we are still very high population and 1800 gems to transfer here. I also have to guest to somewhere else to get anything pve wise like champ trains or temples done cus we don’t have any pve population either. I am now convinced anet is manipulating the populations for gems or they are counting all the inactive accounts. Don’t believe me come guest to DR check out our lions arch champ trains temples tiq etc….

They are almost certainly counting inactive accounts (I know they used to not count them or it didn’t seem like it), I only say that because I have seen the same type of thing on other servers….“Very High” and 20 people in WvW and nothing going on in PVE to speak of.

WvW matchup forum being wiped

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


It is so ironic that Birdsong (on a new account) started this thread…

The obvious solution has been ignored by all the people campaigning for the freedom to troll. Ban trolls from the match-up subforum. Stop messing around with warnings and removing signatures and crap. If you don’t want the forum to be toxic, don’t tolerate trolling.

First Troll: Banned from match-up subforum for 1 day
Second Troll: Banned from match-up subforum for 3 days
Third Troll: Banned from match-up subforum for 1 week
Fourth Troll: Banned from match-up subforum for 4 weeks
Fifth Troll: Banned from match-up subforum permanently

This way, the match-up threads don’t become a toxic cesspool. The bans are not forum wide, but merely removing people from the match-up threads who cannot speak respectfully to their opponents. Why should we let the minority ruin it for the rest of us?

Now the match-up threads will move to another site, and probably an unmoderated site, because that is what all the troll champions want. The match-up threads will be infinitely more toxic than they are now, and that toxicity might start to seep over into WvW itself, infecting the community and not just some threads.

I think it would be far better for Anet to retain control of the match-up threads, and use that control to remove trolls from the conversation. Instead they are letting the trolls win…

Passive-aggressive trolls are the worst trolls….Everything is “trolling” now because people have no idea what it really is anymore.

Matchup threads (no matter what site) will always have a minimum 2 components:

1. Chest Thumpers. (Be regarding: PPT, Duels, Wipes, GvG, objective captures, Golem rushes, etc…)
2. People responding to them, which in a competitive atmosphere is usually not done in a nice way.

Just because Person A says: “Nice wipe at Hills” and Person B responds with: “Wow OMG your guild is horribad at this game, we wiped you so many times, look at our PPT”….

That does not make Person B a troll, if anything Person A is closer to being one…

The End

in Match-ups

Posted by: bob.8632


1. Make (somewhat) competitive game mode.
2. Make Matchup Subforum.
3. Act shocked and appalled when people speak angrily and competitively to each other.

2/3 Make sense.

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: bob.8632


I look forward to more post from HoDorians thinking they know what goes on in other servers :X

12/14/13 KN/AR/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: bob.8632


Really glad that MUFN guild is deciding to finally come over from Tarnished Coast to help out the Anvil cause! You guys made the right choice picking our server. It will be fun having another guild to wvw with, and your extra 50 or so night time numbers will really be a help.
We look forward to seeing you guys in wvw today/tonight. It will give our other guilds a chance to have some much earned rest while we observe your prowess.

MUFN – Welcome! Be sure to join the server Teamspeak (ask in chat) and visit the web page at

Looking forward to working with you.

I call shenanigans because SF ppt is the highest its been all week this morning…

Despite what people think the “oceanic talk” only worries about 20 people on SF….Eventually those people will band together and buy an Oceanic guild (of that I have little doubt), but me personally I think some well placed Europeans could make all the difference.

WvW matchup forum being wiped

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


Since the ANET banner waver is reporting in this thread like crazy, I figured I will give some real insight (that is along those lines as well):

First off, it was a known thing that reporting a post enough times could get users an infraction.

YOU LITERALLY could report people for anything 99% of the time (Several people I know got reported/infracted for simply quoting text and saying nothing more for example). It had become a joke….And everyone knew it.

12/14/13 KN/AR/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: bob.8632


ITT: people who don’t understand that telling people on the internet what irritates you is literally asking for it to happen with far more frequency than before.

Yeah that is my favorite part, when the “enemy” basically says: GOD I HATE WHEN YOU ______.

Because then we all know ______ is the thing to do until Friday reset.

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: bob.8632


The most entertaining thing so far about this match is reading the HoD website and them obsess over PPT and how much they seem to be gunning for NSP (I guess that is understandable since CD is sitting this one out).

Looks like wvw losing population.

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


Hardly anybody cares about defending, and most players don’t even care about PPT anymore.

Aww man you had me until that line…Most of the people that do not care about PPT anymore is because there is a point in the player-evolution of WvW that you realize that PPT is a failed metric….

Just like the winning team in PVP, the winning team in WvW is not necessarily the best (skill, strategy, player wise). PPT = Who held the most points during the week for the longest, 90%+ of the time that goes to the server with the biggest population in WvW that particular week.

At least in PvP the matches are somewhat balanced, just think of what people would say about the “scoreboard” in PvP if you had 15v5 or 3v10s…..All you need is enough people to stand in those circles bro, with that in mind that is why many people could care less about PPT.

I never said that PPT wasn’t a failed metric. PPT clearly IS a failed metric … precisely, as you say, because population and coverage trumps EVERYTHING else. However, WvW was designed around PPT under the erroneous assumption that matches WOULD be more or less balanced (how ANet assumed that would remain the case is beyond me) and the fact that nobody gives a rat’s kitten about PPT anymore is pretty stark evidence of the game’s failure. That’s what I was trying to point out.

Agreed, in that context your quote makes much more sense. I have yet to understand why this sense of “we understood WvW would not be balanced” seems to insinuate that they are OK with these lopsided blowout matches…Or moreover, why they thought this would be “fun” for the playerbase.

12/14/13 KN/AR/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: bob.8632


Well i got finished off with 6 people then tried to save someone then went down after killing a mesmer.

That is probably jumpable.

12/14/13 KN/AR/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: bob.8632


hmm sf i think its come to my attention.

That you have the most terrible players on your server. The 1v1 people who just kill you and leave are fine but soon as its 1v3 or 1v2 the other useless person that probably did nothing has the urge to jump on people.

I could care less of you sf people crying on here about getting tbagged because you guys do it more then anyone ive seen. So please do not come here to qq about getting tbagged when your players do it non stop.

Thank you

I encourage it, I teach my guildies to do it, and I have just about wore out my spacebar….Because if corpse jumping (something that is technically not even poor sportsmanship, just something people made up) bothers people enough to come here and post about it (SF or Others) then they are easily manipulated.

Being hot tempered and easily manipulated makes a player easy pickings on the battlefield, and that is what we want and are shooting for with every emote and jump.

its not that. I just feel bad when a player jumps on someone dead. They probably have low self esteem issues.

It is possible, but if you see it a lot it means something different.

The SF translation to corpse jumping usually means 1 of 2 things:

1. You did something wrong, IE: you allowed us to pull/bait/squirrel you into getting ganked.

2. You are playing your class poorly and/or you are playing a bad/cheese build and should not have lost.

Then of course some people just do it everytime they kill people, but that is mainly because they are surprised they actually killed someone.

12/14/13 KN/AR/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: bob.8632


hmm sf i think its come to my attention.

That you have the most terrible players on your server. The 1v1 people who just kill you and leave are fine but soon as its 1v3 or 1v2 the other useless person that probably did nothing has the urge to jump on people.

I could care less of you sf people crying on here about getting tbagged because you guys do it more then anyone ive seen. So please do not come here to qq about getting tbagged when your players do it non stop.

Thank you

I encourage it, I teach my guildies to do it, and I have just about wore out my spacebar….Because if corpse jumping (something that is technically not even poor sportsmanship, just something people made up) bothers people enough to come here and post about it (SF or Others) then they are easily manipulated.

Being hot tempered and easily manipulated makes a player easy pickings on the battlefield, and that is what we want and are shooting for with every emote and jump.

Looks like wvw losing population.

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


Hardly anybody cares about defending, and most players don’t even care about PPT anymore.

Aww man you had me until that line…Most of the people that do not care about PPT anymore is because there is a point in the player-evolution of WvW that you realize that PPT is a failed metric….

Just like the winning team in PVP, the winning team in WvW is not necessarily the best (skill, strategy, player wise). PPT = Who held the most points during the week for the longest, 90%+ of the time that goes to the server with the biggest population in WvW that particular week.

At least in PvP the matches are somewhat balanced, just think of what people would say about the “scoreboard” in PvP if you had 15v5 or 3v10s…..All you need is enough people to stand in those circles bro, with that in mind that is why many people could care less about PPT.

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: bob.8632


this is a really interesting matchup. Looks like we got 2 new powers coming in to the higher tiers. I can’t believe crystal desert is losing here.

or they are wagging their bells in front of the wintersday snowmen instead of playing.

Yeah I wouldn’t put too much faith in ANY matches during the month of December. (Season 1 hangover, PVE farms, holidays, school finals, etc)

12/14/13 KN/AR/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: bob.8632


Fixing page bug.

12/14/13 KN/AR/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: bob.8632


AR golem kill count this week…

Feel like im fighting GoM all over again

It has been a lot, but mainly because SF runs around like ants once the walls open up…And the only thing they focus on is the lord room, ignoring 5 ACs and Balis along the walls (cause that is “someone else’s problem”) while they get mowed down time and time again.

WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


I would much appreciate some kind of unique skins or finishers for WvW progression, indeed.

At the end of the day though I think WvW’s best reward is that it’s fun and you get to make friends on your server and other servers and if you’re good, you might even win someone’s respect.

This argument is invalid. There is no reason that we cant have everything that you listed AS WELL AS worthwhile/unique rewards.

YOUR argument is invalid as what may be “worthwhile” to you may not be to the next person.

With all due respect (guess how much), this whole thread stinks of PVDoor/grinders that fretted/worried/obsessed over Achievements and/or PPT for 7 weeks and are now “sore” about the reward, and instead of out and out foot stomping tantrums you are trying to mask it by saying things like “unique” and “worthwhile”….

At the end of the day, “the overwhelming majority” will OFC agree with your sentiment, because they are full of kids that want everything the easy way. In people’s mind they think they argue for a “unique” item, then ANET will come in and go overboard with S2 rewards….

It is an absolute joke, the worst kind of joke…..Who plays WvW for loot/skins anyway????

Most of the serious players have less than 10% map completion (most of that being in Orr for karma temples), couldn’t tell ya where a world boss spawns, and have crappy looking WvW skins….Do you know why? Because none of this kind of QQ matters to us.

Any Fix for our Very high "server size"

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


Every time I see one of these threads pop up I am hoping for someone to actually post a solution, but I have yet to see a single solution to the problem.

What would be considered a WvW-player?
Someone standing around in spawn for hours?
Someone not doing anything useful for the server (such as trading keeps/farming WXP)?
Someone who logs in for 5 minutes and then leaves?

How often should they update it and so on?

Krall ANET (Devon specifically) feels as though they have an accurate enough metric in place to claim numbers on WvW population(s).

As evidenced in a few postings he made some months back during the “WvW is dying” threads, he basically said and ANET even released some data that WvW was actually growing in popularity.

My point is that if they could measure this metric then, they could do it again….We all know you love ANET and defend to a fault, but my friend this time even ANET couldn’t side with you.

The fact is that many servers are full or people that do not WvW (regularly) and these populations are affecting the transfer system, and in that vein encouraging the “stacking” issue (by essentially discouraging de-stacking)that much more.

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: bob.8632


I’m more trilled about fighting in open field with everything that come with it than going into a enclosed gvg. I like GvG. I participated to it and I love to watch the fights video but personnally it mean nothing to me. A guild is much more than a 15v15. A great guild could lose a 15v15 GvG but still being a big part of carrying the server every weeks in WvW since the game launched.

TBH I saw [Mu] for the first time yesterday. I remembered your guild tag because of your pseudo bragging on forums. I was eager to find what you guys were able to and TBH it was a big let down. All I saw a 25-35 peoples trying to siege a tower/hill’s lord room with ac/balista and fail at it.

Next time jump into open field and be more respectful.

The problem with these type of folks that transfer from higher tiers is that they believe everything is “settled” with a gvg. I am sorry but balling up in a bunker/premade set with set rotations does not = skill to me, well other than the choreography involved.

Anytime you kill (while roaming) any of the higher tier transfer folks in these big kind of guilds it is always: “you are killing people with support builds”.

So when you realize these things you come to understand what a “great defense” mechanism the bunker/30-man/“gvg us bro”/zergball mentality comes from….

One day people may come to realize that running bunker-support is really just not necessary (even though it is effective as you win by attrition and hammertrains eventually when facing pug groups and even some fairly organized smaller guilds). Many of these same groups could run much more DPS (MUCH MUCH MORE), and have even better results, but more DPS mean having better skilled players in large scale fights. (Since you lose defense and support usually to get the DPS)

12/13/13 - HoD/CD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: bob.8632


I’ll leave you with some words from Agg #GetGud

And I will leave you with some words from MU (since we are quoting):

10/0/30/30/0 or 0/0/30/30/10

(edited by bob.8632)

How can I show casuals the importance of TS?

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


Plain and simple this game should be ran in guilds (big or small, good or bad, etc) and the TS/Vent/Mumble/Raidcall should be ran within those guilds.

Everything is much more successful with guild groups doing things, rather than massive pug forces throwing 50 rams at every gate and never having supply.

Guilds are the answer.

Server rivalries

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


After fighting just about every server it seems in Bronze tier, everyone goes after SF. I think they just want to test our mettle and I’m not entirely sure why.

SF just generates the most hate of all the bronze tiers, everybody likes to beat the “bad guy”.

The reason is that most servers accept defeat. As a whole when a server looses they tend to say internally, “Welp, we really need to improve X, Y, and Z.” Servers will begin to promote teamwork between guilds, community leaders will encourage PvE players to participate in WvW, and equally importantly the leaders will work to keep those players actively in WvW even when the going gets tough.

SF on the other hand always blames something that is outside of their control, and worse yet SF does it on the forums. “It’s Black Friday”, “It’s Thanksgiving”, “We don’t play for PPT”, etc. All of those are word for word direct quotes from ONE matchup. Other servers don’t dislike SF because you’re the “bad guy” they dislike SF because the vocal majority of SF players post on the forums giving excuses and being sore losers. This is not indicative of every player on your server, but it does reflect the overall image that your server creates for others to see.

Finally, before you get bent out of shape and post how I am just saying these things and attacking your character, I just want to let you know that I am looking at this as objectively as possible. Go look at your matchup threads and then look at other servers matchup threads. See how the tone that SF projects differs from the norm. Soon you will see it too. Even now, if you check the current SF matchup you claim that it is because you are getting double teamed… and even if that happens to be the case from time to time SF complains about it on the forums. The other popular excuse with SF right now is “We are burnt out from leagues”… as if every other server didn’t just play 7 weeks of league play.

Yes so SF should be judged by 2 people that said something on a random matchup thread…

BTW no one on SF cares why you “dislike” them…The point stands on its own, no matter the reason, people like to beat the bad guys.

Also if you knew your kitten from a hole in the ground you could read the AR posts and Kaineng posts saying stuff like:

“SF is obviously taking a break”
“SF seems burntout”

The thing people like you never seem to understand about SF, is that it is not this big Warmachine full of mindless zerglings, it is really about 70-80 die-hard WvW’ers that keep fairweathers (what ET/FC used to call our “MZ”) interested enough in WvW to keep us afloat.

Transfer over for a week and then you would see, its the same few names every day at the same times that keep the ball rolling, the weeks where we do well it is because we have some help from our fairweathers, the weeks we do poorly (like this week) is because those core group of players are taking more time off WvW than normal.

Also, would anyone care to actually admit they do play this game for PPT? I mean I would love for someone to just bend over and ready themselves for that forum war….

(edited by bob.8632)

Dear WvW community. I bet you want us now.

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632

