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Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Anet was able to remove the golem event & supercharged golem buffs without a patch. Looks like we got trolled pretty hardcore, knowing they could’ve removed all the bugs & exploits a week ago.

Spinal shivers - not unblockable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


It’s like Soul Marks is supposed to make marks unblockable, but they still get blocked. Us necros get these bugs that really affect our skills usage.

Is this still the case?

My soul marks were going through Aegis all last night

I saw blocked messages less than 2 weeks ago. I’ll have to test it some more, I took Soul Marks off because of it.

Spinal shivers - not unblockable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


It’s like Soul Marks is supposed to make marks unblockable, but they still get blocked. Us necros get these bugs that really affect our skills usage.

Will wvw recover after the clown week?

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Had some great open field fights yesterday without golems and supercharged golem buffs between all 3 NA T1 servers in EBG. I’d say yes WvW will recover, because people across the board eventually get tired of this bs.

This doesn’t mean I don’t think Anet owes us an apology. One whole week of no acknowledgement of golem exploits & bugs is just unacceptable.

World Population Changes Are Coming

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


This will be very interesting because some servers have been “Full” merely due to their PvE activities (they were even Full during this golem week when maps were often empty). It’ll be interesting to see how many other servers will get up there once they start to only count WvW activities.

Thanks for this, but please start to work on better server matchups to prevent/fix stale matchups. Particularly NA T1 & T2 issues.

Please disable Weapon swapping while feared

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


+1, I also didn’t know this was a thing. Surprised this got passed through the QA & balance team (ok so I’m not really surprised). I support the OP.

[Vid] Testing Curses Power Nec - 3k special

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Good video, and good tips against Mesmers. Curses definitely excel in 1v1. I’ve tried it and found Curses to be good in 1v1 but really lacking in large scale combat. Since I’m mostly in GvG or ZvZ situations, I find Blood Magic the better choice. But I may have to load up Curses sometime for some Mesmer hunting.

WvW maps are empty

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


This week is ending up as it is from lack of player participation. I’m actually really surprised how poorly a lot of WvW players responded to this week. Players already raged quit before reset even began. Other players rage quit after an hour or two after reset. The effects of having less and less players to fight just snow balled the rage quitting from there. The simply solution is to man up and get back on map! So what, we have a lot of Golems, that doesn’t prevent open field fighting. We have the Golem buff issue, which again, is a so what? Just everyone pop it and we’re all on an even playing field again.

Not everybody wants to exploit, sorry. I should not have to exploit a bug in order to be on even playing field. I’ll simply not play and wait until the developers fix this crap.

Also not everybody wants to ktrain, it’s boring as heck, if I wanted to ktrain I would’ve been playing in EOTM. The people you’ve seen out in WvW this week are for the most part people from EOTM. It’s kind of hard to get an open field combat when they avoid you like a plague, and map hop to empty maps just to ktrain (the same things they do in EOTM). You could chase them for an hour and maybe one push them once, then it’s back to cat & mouse. Sorry, that’s just not fun at all.

Lastly, I think it was Monday when we had 3 guilds out ready to fight in EBG (I’m from JQ also btw). Three guilds + pugs ready to fight and have some fun. There were good fights against BG that day, it was kind of fun until we ran into a specific guild blob from TC that had 90% of their guild players with supercharged golem buffs on them. I won’t mention who but I think you know. You can’t compete with a map blob full of people with supercharged golem buffs, not to mention they outnumbered us by at least 15-20 players. Since nobody wanted to exploit the golem buffs, people logged in disgust. What would’ve been a decent day in GW2 ended up crappy, Anet should be shamed for not fixing exploits and not even acknowledging the problem.

I myself have tried to play on multiple occasions, I thought maybe I’ll roam a bit more this week since it was either roam or golem ktrain. Well you guessed it, roaming is fun until you get jumped by a thief/mesmer with supercharged golem buffs and get hit for 23k+ in 1 shot. How do you “man up” from that kind of crap?

it's all part of the plan

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Sad to say but Rev is going to outperform Reaper.

Having both DS and RS for Reapers?

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Having it as F2 would be awesome, but then that would go against their design plans for necros. Apparently we have to sacrifice and take a negative for every positive we receive. While other classes never have to make those kind of choices.

Mighty Wells spvp- Feedback/Testers

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Power is too low in my opinion, for a power build. I would recommend at least 2400-2500 power base. You also have a high vitality/hp pool, while sacrificing crit damage. In my opinion power builds should reach near 200% crit damage so when you crit, you have a bigger pop.

Also if you are going for a Wells build, you should really take Blood Magic for reduced cd on wells. Otherwise the cd on wells are just too long for a build with Curses. You’ll find that the siphons you get from Blood Magic will be worth taking, allowing you to sacrifice your vitality for more power/crit damage.

Just some suggestions.

Lich OP - Part 2

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Wall of reflection is the best way to troll a Lich. Especially so in larger scale ZvZ or GvG, it can be hard to tell a friendly wall vs opponent’s wall due to the amount of aoe going around. So many Liches die to their own Lich 1 spam. 1v1 is the same deal.

Heck any class that can weaken or cripple/immob/chill can troll Lich pretty well. Something’s just wrong when people can side strafe back & forth to avoid getting hit by necro’s elite ability. I think Lich can benefit from a Dark Path ability to draw them close, because Lich, like any other necro abilities, work best while in the face of enemies.

Anyways, good video again. It lacks humor so you’ll get some flak for it. But there’s just too many things wrong with Lich. I mean be honest with yourselves necros, don’t you find it hard to press that Lich button sometimes knowing you might actually die faster and do less damage than if you were to stay in your normal or deathshroud form? Elites shouldn’t have such negatives, but then that seems to be what devs like to do to us necros.

Tuesday passes and not a word from ANet?

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Lack okittennowledgement is equally as troubling as Anet allowing the exploits and bugs to run rampant, ruining the gameplay of thousands of players.

Reducing the glicko on T1 NA servers

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Unless you break coverage, you won’t break T1. Tier 1 servers are not in T1 because they can blob NA every day. Most WvW active servers can blob during NA just fine, it’s OCX, SEA, and EU timezone coverage that are issues for them. I’m on JQ, we get outblobbed during EST NA time slot, our ppt tick low during those few hours. But we have good coverage PST NA, OCX, SEA, and EU.

To fix stale match ups, they need to fix this coverage wars. I’d love to get more server rotation just for the sake of fighting some new opponents. Really, I think most people want to see new opponents every once in awhile. But until Anet change this coverage wars, not much will change.

WvW Lag March 2015

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Looking forward to this, the 3-way skill lag issues are a major problem in WvW.

The Necromancer Initiative

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


They theorycraft too much on paper, they need to be put in the heat of real battles in WvW, PvP, and PvE to really understand necros. As for threads like these, I’ll only contribute if I know they’ll be put to good use. It’s not as if necros didn’t compile a list of what they want or think should improve before.. If the devs aren’t willing to dance, then we’re just wasting our time.

WvW niche community, negativity (imo)

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


PvP in MMORPG’s are not niche anymore, they represent a large chunk of the overall MMO playerbase. WoW is a good clear indication of that, just look at the amount of PvP servers they have, popularity of battlegrounds, and arenas. Most popular top 5 MMORPG’s these days in the U.S. have PvP servers or optional PvP game modes.

So if GW2’s WvW is niche (and there’s no proof anywhere as everybody is speculating), then it’s an issue with GW2’s WvW. There’s no reason WvW should be niche. It’s only niche because the company fails to expand on it, fails to reward players properly, and fails to bring the competitive edge to this particular game mode.

There are a lot of things Anet can still learn from DAOC, the grandfather of RvR. DAOC had monthly player/guild stats, these things bring the competitive edge and drives PvP players to login and play. That competitive edge is missing in GW2’s WvW. DAOC also had relic raids, which is equivalent to having a large scale capture the flag game built-in. It’s like combining the largest PvE raids with PvP capture the flag gameplay. You can imagine why that would be fun. WvW simply needs more carrot in order for the game mode to not become stale. It needs something that drives that competitive edge in people, so people want to login and play.

The good news is GW2 has a lot of good things going for it. It has smooth animation and active combat controls that feel good. This is something that was always a key aspect of WoW’s combat, as most other MMO’s still struggle with bad character animations and awkward combat controls. It’s very hard to enjoy PvP when controls feel awkward and clunky (one of the issues I have with ESO). GW2’s engine is also fairly solid, you can have a lot more players clashing in WvW before skill lag becomes bad enough, where as games like WoW still struggle with lag issues when there are over 60 players on screeen. Lastly unlike WoW’s PvP, there aren’t a million of bots running around and auto following, and that’s a huge positive to GW2’s WvW.

This game is great for competitive players. Now it’s really just up to the company to realize WvW could be so much more, and it could draw so many more players to not just the game mode itself, but to the GW2 game as a whole. Ignoring this part of the game, this segment of the playerbase, is only hurting the game in the long run.

Josh, PPK trial this week is fail too...

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


I see Josh at the end discuss how he basically implemented this whole event on his own time as part of the marketing team just to try and add something new into WvW, and this is the reaction he gets.

I’m just really disappointed in the playerbase.

I’m ok with people making mistakes, I’m ok with programmers breaking things by accident. I’m ok with balance team making the wrong decisions on balance tweaking. What I’m not ok with, is people not owning up to their mistakes, and not doing something about it.

The golem buff exploit and duping issues should’ve been fixed. And if they didn’t have the manpower or capability to fix these issues, then someone should’ve turned the event off, and apologized to the playerbase. People would’ve been more than fine with them apologizing and turning the event off early. Heck they would’ve gotten a round of applause.

Instead? We have 4 days of silence, no fixes in sight, no patches, no turning event off, nobody’s owning up to this terrible mistake of an event, and nobody apologized to the playerbase (paying customers) for messing up a whole gamemode. That I’m not ok with.

Players are not who you should be disappointed at, you’ve got it all wrong.

Who plays WvW only?

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


WvW is as casual and hardcore as you want to make it, there is so much more of a diverse structure needed to upkeep a WvW community in WvW. You have the more hardcoore side of WvW Raiding or GvG; fighting other guilds and coordinating with your own Guild to win fights., then there are the roamers, pugs and Commanders, that keep everyday WvW from getting stale – compared to every other content in the game.

There’s something others can’t really understand. There’s no raiding in GW2, but ironically, WvW is where a guild can raid together as a group. People work together, play their roles, and fight against other groups in competitive play. You win some, you lose some, you get better, etc.. Your actions matter. It’s as close to raiding as you’ll find in this game. It’s a draw that keep people playing this game.

Just too bad Anet doesn’t quite grasp the concept. This is why the full potential of WvW may never be realized in this game.

Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Just got crit for 23k walking out of the spawn by someone with Supercharged golem buff. Logged off for the night, not going to bother with this bs.

Who plays WvW only?

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Because it’s only for a week and people are overreacting a whole lot. I don’t get why people get this angry over a minor event that only lasts a couple of days.
If the queue numbers are any indication, there are plenty of people who enjoy it, apparently.
It’ll be gone soon enough, so chill. The bugs & exploits could need fixing though.

What queues? It’s NA primetime, on a T1 server currently no queues other than a small queue for EBG. No waypoints anywhere on any maps, just ktraining on all maps and people avoiding fights. There are people exploiting Supercharged golem buffs everywhere now. I’ve never been this bored, this just doesn’t happen in T1 during NA but thanks to Anet, we have to do this dance for a whole week.

Who plays WvW only?

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Well some are hoping for something while others are still playing the same game mode for well over 2 years and still enjoy it. From this event it is obvious to me that people want changes but will never accept them. All you here is this isn’t what we asked for and I can tell you if anet listened to every idea from players I would be long gone.

If wvw stayed the same for 3 more years yet I can still login and find people to fight I will still play it for all those years. Till I have no more fun playing this game mode I will be here if it doesn’t change or if it changes and I have to adapt to those changes. If I can’t adapt (which I doubt will happen) and it is no longer fun I will give it up.

That’s rubbish. People want changes and improvements to WvW, but nobody asked for golems that run faster than players and do 100% extra damage to players. Nobody asked for these buffs to be exploited onto player characters either. And those that enjoy scouting, upgrading keeps, defending T3 keeps, fighting open field, fighting over a defended waypoint, etc. never asked for their gameplay be completely ruined for one whole week.

There’s nothing to adapt from this golem event. Golem dupes? Supercharged buff exploits? T3 keeps melting like butter? No adapting is necessary, Anet needs to fix these bugs/exploits or turn the event off completely. I don’t get why you are still blaming players for feeling down that their only gamemode that they enjoy in this game is ruined by a week long event plagued with bugs and exploits.

How to hit like a Zerker in Knights/Cavalier

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


I love Death Magic, it’s a build that allows you to tank up while actually boosting power higher than non-DM builds. The only issue with this build is the lack of siphon heals that Blood Magic offers. I ran the Death Magic build initially when the patch came, loved it. But found myself in hairy situations where lack of siphon heals were wearing me down slowly. This is speaking of large scale WvW as well as GvG.

I’ve since switched to Blood Magic for the siphon heals and improved dagger/warhorn traits. Sacrifices yes, I miss my over 4000 power with full stacks. But I gain sustain that’s almost required in the current meta.

Anyways, I do think Death Magic offers a very unique rugged build. The toughness to power synergy is great in that spec. I love on demand cleanse, and the extra protection you get when leaving shroud. Worth trying as it’s a high risk, high reward build. Just know the downside to this build. The lack of siphon heals make it more difficult to play in the current meta. We can be upset at Anet all we want about how they’re treating necros, but Blood Magic’s siphon heals do make a big difference in the current meta. It offers sustain, where as Death Magic’s build offers spike damage protection.

Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


I tried to make this point several times but people would rather give up it looks. It is not much fun but take a break from the normal WvW for the rest of the week and try to make the best out of it. If the best you can make out of it is to give up well then so be it. Those that just throw in the towel are making it harder for people that are just trying to still have fun and make it through the week.

We tried, 3 guilds went out during NA prime tried to have some fun yesterday. We were met with an opposing guild blob. Not only did they outnumber us, majority of their players exploited the Supercharged golem buffs. How exactly do you fight that?

It’s bad enough to watch golem zergs melt T3 doors rendering everything we know about WvW useless. Now we can’t even fight player vs player without people exploiting Supercharged golem buffs. And worse when a whole guild of 40+ does it.

Stop trying to blame people for giving up or throwing in the towels. This event was messed up and ruined a gamemode completely for a lot of people. There’s no way to make the best of it, and I sure as heck not going to become someone else’s bags just because they’re exploiting Supercharged golem buffs. Just kill the golems you say? Yeah, initially we thought killing golems would make opponents waste gold. That would’ve been a good reason to continue playing. That’s until we realized people were duping golems, so they have virtually unlimited supply of omegas and killing them meant nothing. What a complete waste of time.

People like you need to stop trying to put a positive spin on this messed up situation. And face reality. Anet is at fault for this whole thing, it’s their fault for not testing this in EOTM first, it’s their fault for not stopping this event after discovering exploits, duping, and such. It’s their fault now that on a business working Monday, that they still are avoiding this, no fixes or patches are in place, and not even a single word from Anet regarding this issue. Shame on them.

Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


It’s now Monday, still no fix, no patch, and not a single word?

I mean come on.

Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


it doesn’t make up for the last 2 days(I have the last 2 days recorded if you need proof)

Sure, please do show which guild exploited it. I’m not talking about random havoc group or random person_01 in a zerg. I’m talking about a guild running a guild zerg where majority of their players had the supercharged buffs on them. While at the same time, none of the other blobs did, not even a blob from TC’s side.

That said guild ruined the fun we were trying to have tonight. Again, this failed event should’ve been turned off 2 days ago.

Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


There seems to be multiple different methods of getting this buff, including getting the killing hit on an Omega (really hope that wasn’t intended), whether people are using it on purpose or by accident, you really shouldn’t be pointing fingers at specific guilds. I have seen plenty of JQ and BG players with the buff and it seems pretty scummy to single out one guild and ignore all the other players possibly abusing or accidentally using the buff.

[Solution] ANet should just implement this buff for everyone and give all players 100% more life for the 4 and a half days.

If ANet can’t fix that sucks, but its only another few days.

I wouldn’t have pointed them out if it wasn’t 90% of their players during a full on guild raid in EBG. I would post pics & videos but it would just get deleted by mods.

At the same time, I looked at the BG blob there, nobody had the Supercharged buff. I looked at the 3 guilds we had there, nobody had the Supercharged buffs. We hopped map because of the bs and bumped into another TC blob, a different one, again nobody had the Supercharged buff.

Rather than make excuses, you may want to just accept that certain guilds may have decided to exploit the buff for whatever reasons. For us, 2 commanders logged in disgust and one guild called the whole week off because of it. You can’t fight a full guild blob that uses the Supercharged buffs.

Anyways, it’s not just a few more days of this, it’s 5. This event needed to end like 2 days ago. Shame on Anet for ignoring this problem, along with the golem dupe issues.

Lich OP - Pls Nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


why not use lich form in proper situation?

The only “proper situation” I’ve found for lich is popping it on players who are single downed and unable to move. Otherwise people can dodge lich 1 by strafing side to side, it’s the dumbest thing ever.

Lich OP - Pls Nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Watch this video that perfectly shows how Lich can be abused and why it needs to be nerfed into the ground.


Edit: Part 2 of this will be out soon o/
Thanks to everyone for watching


I hate lich and this video shows just how bad this elite special is. I’ve experienced almost everything you showed in the video. Minus the plague on plague, LOL.

Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


As a Server Leader in Tarnished Coast, I have ordered my Wvw community:

1) Do not defend anything, because it’s pointless.

2) Do not upgrade anything, because it’s pointless.

This week will be very boring for us who are competitive. Like some of the comments already mentioned here, this is EOTM forced down the throats of everyone who enjoys WvW. I hope whoever thought this was a good idea would take a serious step back and look at what’s happening and the general reaction of your WvW player base.

So far this has been the mother of all bad ideas. I have spoken to several WvW fighting guilds and their guild leaders in TC and no one is happy about this. Many of them are taking the week off to do others things. This week, nobody cares who wins or who loses, except for JQ (god forbid they lose 1 week lol, they might implode, wouldn’t want that).

If i may suggest, because I am criticizing I feel I need to put up a viable solution. Perhaps in the future, ANET, when doing a “Golem Week,” consider not going all out on the buffs. Perhaps a slight increase in speed, power, etc. That way golems will still have a clear advantage but not an undisputed, ultimate, 100% in everything advantage, so you don’t wreck the whole week for a good amount of your Wvw players.

Thank you.

You might want to talk to your server’s SE guild, they’re full on exploiting Supercharged golem buffs. In EBG most of their players have that buff on them.

Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


I’m on a T1 server, this has been the slowest, most boring weekend in a very long time. The only “action” out in WvW right now are karma training PvE players, who are map hopping, avoiding any and all combat, just golem rushing any empty maps.

If you don’t want to turn the event off because it has been a failure, then do it because people are duping omega golems and exploiting the golem buffs. Swallow your pride and do the right thing, please don’t make us suffer 5 more days of this for the love of god.

Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


It was amusing for the first hour, but quickly went downhill from there. Nobody would fight during reset last night, everybody just spammed golems at choke points for easy bags. 3-way golem blobbing over garrison and watching it flip every 10-15mins made me realize how sad this ktran event was.

Who plays WvW only?

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


I did PvE level 1 character to 80, a long time ago. Since then, I’ve done strictly WvW and only WvW. If you find me doing anything else, it wasn’t by choice. Take golem event for an example, this event is forcing me out of WvW that I enjoy to doing something else, often out of the game.

It would seem Anet does not realize the true potentials of WvW. DAOC started the whole RvR thing and we saw how popular it was. And when DAOC died down, people begged for other games that would provide that RvR fix. In came WAR, then GW2, then ESO, all provide a gameplay mode that many have been missing since DAOC’s downfall. Looking at how popular WvW/RvR is in these games, I’d say there’s a good chunk of MMO population that prefers it over anything else.

There’s so much potential to WvW game mode, it’s just too bad Anet doesn’t realize it. Currently I do think GW2 offers the best WvW/RvR, but it’s too bad the developers are out of touch.

Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


I’m in a WvW guild who raid nearly every evening and scout during the day.
Just logged on and not one single person is in WvW, never seen that before.

Amazing right? An event they thought would bring out the crowds, quickly died off after 1 day and killed a game mode completely. On my server scouts are nowhere to be seen, because they’re useless. Commanders are staying away because unless you’re rolling a golem zerg, you’ll be farmed. Keeps/towers not upgraded, no siege are being placed, because they’re a waste. There are less random pugs around because they’ve been killed and farmed by super charged golems by those golem try-hards.

GG Anet.

Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Is that what killed me? I couldn’t figure out why I dropped to almost 0 hp within a second, when there was no siege and I wasn’t standing in any aoe. I’m with those calling for this event to be cut short and end it Saturday.

Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Haven’t had a single decent open field fight so far 2 hours into reset. It has been a golem blobbing 3-way garrison lag fest, with garrison flipping every 10 minutes. 3-way skill lag is bad enough that we have to endure every week. 3-way skill lag + golem blobbing is just rubbish, not fun at all.

Ideas for other WvW "special events?"

in WvW

Posted by: gavyne.6847


-Perma swiftness week (bring back nostalgia from DAOC’s days with bards/minstrels, it’s swiftness for all in WvW so no balance issues)
-No Arrow Carts week (this one will actually bring back real WvW players, imagine that)
-Bounty hunter week (add achievements for killing 1000 asuras, 3000 guardians, 500 charrs, etc)

PvE shiro

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


They pretty much took all necro suggestions & ideas and packaged them into one class. Then tossed in some abilities from thieves, guardians, and eles just for kittens & giggles.

What is happening?

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


I’m not even hyped with Reaper anymore, Revs look much better right now as-is.

What is happening?

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


What’s happening is they’re creating this super duper overpowered Rev class, and they actually have many good skills and ideas that necros have been asking for. Things from group support, to utilities, buffs, stab, dps, pulls, leap, mobility, sustain, pulsing quickness, etc.. you get it all with the Rev. They have to sell the expansion and make people want to play the Rev, so the Revs are getting all the goodies right now. This includes stepping over the necros.

Just go watch Point of Interest right now, and cry.

New Necro looking for tips

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Axe has its uses in WvW zerg gameplay, it’s kind of a niche. But for PvE, solo roaming, and such, dagger is a better choice.

Transfusion Trait and WvW Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


I would recommend vampiric presense for team support, and vampiric rituals for shortened wells recharge and prot proc for allies standing in the wells (including yourself). The extra siphoning also helps with sustain, especially during those 3-way garrison fights where you’re pretty much going to get aoe’ed on every second.

Unyielding Blast likely do better for large scale WvW, Soul Marks would be good if they fix the bug where even though it’s supposed to make your marks unblockable, people still block them.

I would take Chill of Death especially since you’ve taken Spiteful Talisman. That Chill of Death proc is a large single target proc, traited it’ll happen every 16 seconds. AOE vuln sounds good on paper, but in practice, condis get cleansed pretty quickly in large scale WvW. Not to mention the radius is small for Rending Shroud (smaller than your DS 4 range).

Healthy Necro Discussion

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


I play WvW only so my perspective is for WvW group/zerg gameplay. I love my necro because they can lay aoe bombs like no tomorrow. Due to our lack of mobility and escapes, I have to constantly watch my positioning. I have to cycle through my weapon skills, deathshroud, lich/plague, etc.. accordingly. I have to judge how much lifeforce I have and whether to go into shroud, or execute plan B. One mistake usually means I’ll not recover and likely die. I like this high risk, high reward gameplay style.

We have no one button invis, one button leap out of range, one button invuln abilities. So everything you do matters, and being out of position will kill you almost every time. It’s a high concentration, active gameplay style. Kind of like elementalists (my 2nd fav) except we have no mobility but we’re tankier in exchange.

So I really do like my necro, it’s not a class for everybody. I’m happy to see that we’ve gained sustain (via Blood Magic) and tankiness (via Death Magic) due to the traits revamp. It has really helped us out in WvW, and made us even more valuable to the GWEN meta than ever before.

With all that said, there are things that are out of sync, and some synergy isn’t quite there. The class can use improvements, even in WvW, and especially so for other gameplay modes.

Is anyone still seriously playing Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


I like my necro, but then I play strictly WvW in group/zerg fights so it’s easy to understand why I’m happy with them. Necros fit in the GWEN meta and has been a part of WvW meta for quite some time now. This isn’t to say some things could be tweaked and improved upon, as certain synergy still isn’t quite there yet.

I do wish they would help necros out in other game modes though.

Cheer up necros...

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Revs actually play support like a pro. I would argue necros that have been waiting for that support utility patch to switch to rev and you’ll likely be happier with it. Dodge roll cleansing allies of conditions? Easy stab application with a very short cooldown? Lots of traits to increase healing done to allies? That’s pretty much combining support eles with Guardian’s bread & butter into one class. Not to mention resistance application to allies. Or an Elite ability that actually helps allies reduce damage taken. If you like playing support, you’ll like playing a rev.

Currently revs lack raw power to make things pop, but I suspect they’ll rectify that because this is the new class afterall. I have no doubt they’ll boost them by release date, and make them good across the board. They have to sell the class to entice players to come back to the game.

As a necro, I love their yellow brick road (Inspiring Reinforcement). I’ve never had that much stab on me during combat. With all the revs running around today, it’s quite nice.

(edited by gavyne.6847)

Constructive balance thread.

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Necros are strong in GWEN meta for WvW large scale fights, yes. But that hasn’t changed. It’s everywhere else that necros are lacking at, notably PvE and sPvP. Oh yeah necro solo WvW roaming is mostly just a free loot bag due to the increased number of mesmers due to their new godly patch.

Constructive balance thread.

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


You are also playing support revenant right now, so you’d hope they’d have support.

Same can’t be said about necros, which was the point of my post. While we got some token group support options since the trait revamp, revs come in and pretty much jumped to the front of the line with support.

Constructive balance thread.

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


Having played Rev today I get it now. Reason why we can’t get support utilities is because they gave it all to revs. The amount of support revs are offering to groups/zergs is amazing.

However I did switch back to my power necro for WvW because revs have no raw power. Sucks for necros that have been asking for better & more group support utilities, I don’t see it coming due to Revs. And so far it appears Revs can do condi better than necros can. I do believe Revs screwed us over. I’m expecting and hoping for more power creep for Power builds Anet, because you’ve short changed us elsewhere.

(edited by gavyne.6847)

Unless You Go Reaper Specialization...

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


We have to sacrifice too much to gain reliable LF regen in my opinion, and that’s part of the theme to necros… we can’t seem to have nice things without negatives that greatly hinder this class to shine properly.

I’m forced to have to take Soul Marks in WvW because I can’t generate LF reliably any other way other than when zergs clash and we’re in melee combat. Taking Soul Marks means I can’t take Unyielding Blast…and by not having Unyielding Blast, my life blast simply don’t function as well as it should, it becomes lackluster. To fix this problem, make either Soul Marks or Unyielding Blast baseline. And what’s funny is doing either will not make necros overpowered.

Axe 2 is a good form of LF regen, but it’s only 600 range. Dagger 1 is a great form of LF regen, but it requires you to be in melee range where necros could suffer and get caught. With lack of escapes and mobility, getting caught out of position usually means death in WvW. To fix this, simply increase Axe 2 range will help (as Axe as a whole can use an upgrade across the board).

Warhorn 5 is a good source of LF, but again, melee range, small radius. It’s ok however as blowing the horn then going into DS to execute DS 5 + 4 offers great synergy. BUT, here we go again, DS skills hit for less unless you’re wielding a staff. This makes the synergy a bit harder to accomplish as you’ll have to wait for the weapon swap cooldown which effectively ruins the combo of warhorn 5 > DS 5 + 4. This is an easy fix and a boost to necros if they stop making DS 4 scale with offhand weapon damage. But nooo, necros can’t have nice things without being hurt somewhere.

Focus 4 offers ok LF regen, it’s now 1200 range, good boost. However cast time on both focus skills are ridiculous. Anybody half awake can see this coming and dodge it. I think we’ve been asking for focus skills to have shortened cast time for awhile, I really don’t get why we aren’t getting it. These skills are niche and not overpowered.

It’s just a lot of these things can be tweaked and fixed to make the class work better. But it’s as if the people designing necros don’t play necros enough to really feel what we feel. Things don’t have good synergy and that’s why we complain about them. These little small fixes and tweaks could easily fix a lot of the problems, yet we can’t have nice things without getting hurt elsewhere. None of what I suggested above would make necros overpowered in any shape or form, that’s just the stupid thing.

(edited by gavyne.6847)

Well of darkness discussion

in Necromancer

Posted by: gavyne.6847


1. No, only if commanders ask me to, but they haven’t in a long time.
2. Blind is nice, but lack of damage and long recharge kills it.
3. Make it do some damage, and reduce recharge. If you make it do good damage, I’m ok with longer recharge. If you make it do so-so damage, then please shorten the recharge.