Holy Smokes and Sharp Razors! It’s a barn burner! Lock the door and slap your mammie cuz it’s about to get fizzycall in heyyyyerrrrrrr…
Good luck eyeryone.
It will definitely be interesting to see what happens here but win or lose, JQ is still going to be top dog next week. I’m hoping that our guys don’t burn themselves too hard, this match-up looks like it will persist for the foreseeable future. I’m taking a little breather myself.
That’s for sure. No need to burn out in week 1. Good idea taking a breather. me? I’ve not been able to play enough this week and I think I might do a little marathon session now that my new gaming rig is fully operational.
This next 28 hours will be very entertaining to say the least. We’ve seen close match ups before, but not with both servers at full strength toe to toe with this short of a lead on a Thursday. Closest thing I can remember is the JQ ‘almost comeback’ from 30k down against SoS.
Good luck and Godspeed little doodles.
Dang it!
TBH, I should have known. Like I said, someone else showed it to me. Of course it had to have been posted here. Well, now it’s up again in case one gets deleted.
Not mine. Didn’t even find it. Has it already been posted? If not, enjoy.
Moderator’s Note: There is a guild on SoR named Choo, and they use a train as an analogy for their activities in game. They will find this funny and not offensive or trolling. It’s just them rolling.
Ignore the idiots. We heard the same thing a couple of weeks back about us.
When folks can’t win on the map, they will look for any reason, real or imagined, to cry foul.
The real WvW players and guilds know what’s up. Rest assured, no one (at least no one important) on JQ thinks you bought guilds.
Keep bringing it.
JQ needs to start up that recruitment train again! Primetime US it’s coming down to three guilds having to play firemen.
Are you from JQ?
Score update brought to you by Feisty:
Hey! I know where that is!
Can a Golem stop an invasion? Can a Golem defeat a zerg?
Who would win… 8 Golems vs 8 Balistas… even odds, no interference, Golems start 2 seconds away.
Golems are very powerful in VERY specific circumstances when used efficiently. I’ve seen a 10 Golem charge get burned because of 1 bad port. I’ve seen 20 and 30 Golem rushes fail due to bad timing/ overwhelming enemy siege.
They are fine. If they were the end all, be all of WvW, we’d see more use of them.
It’s in a PvP zone, right? Tom and Jerry were the original PvP toons. Makes sense to me.
Goodluck to SoS with their future in WvW! It’s sad to see you guys go, I feel like it’s been JQ and SoS in T1 forever…
Thanks for all the good fights!
JQ and SoS:
EDIT: Dibs on being Johnny. SoS can be Baby.
Nobody puts Baby in a corner!
Had to… had to.. I hurt.
SoR deserves a ton of credit for continually showing up. It will pay off when BG gets up to full steam. SoR will be so used to fighting alone that having a neighbor that can distract JQ will seem easy.
It’s going to be fun.
Mmhm no Hex, I really think WvW is designed for end-game. People should be able to amuse themselves in WvW for weeks on end… not get bored after zerging for 2 hours.
I think it requires following things:
- A customizable world: build houses, build walls anywhere.
- A living world: there aren’t any citizens in any of the places, there are no farms, there are no children, no supply sellers (food, drinks…), no feasts when you claim a location…
- Different maps: right now we have 2 maps… (3 times the same one and EB)
Uhhh, thanks for telling me what to enjoy and how. Thanks. Would have spent my time having fun instead of complaining without your advice!
I’ve played through wins, second places, third places, dropping a Tier, and still had fun. Folks who say it’s no fun when there no chance of winning are playing for the wrong reasons…
Now, don’t get upset, this is not your fault. Anet never really got the message home that WvW was NEVER inteded to be fair, balanced or competative. In fact, the whole idea of having a score was just a way of ranking the servers to get them at least close to equal population. Placing 1st wasn’t about ‘winning’, it was about determining how much population your server has.
Take the week in portions. How did you do when you were on? Did you capture an objective? Did you get some badges or some loot or a lot of karma? Did you win a 1 on 1?
Score = Population. Higher population = higher score = rankings which match us up against servers of close to equal sides. 1st place doesn’t matter. T1 or T8 doesn’t matter. Nothing you do as a player will change the outcome of a week long match.
If it’s close, maybe the things your server does as a team will matter, but how much?
There is NO REWARD for higher point totals when the match ends. The rewards happen while you’re playing.
/end moment of sanity
When I heard about WvW, here’s what I expected.
100 or so players on each side mashing buttons and laughing at the consequences.
I expected a mini-game, not real PvP as in “I just beat you, here’s a video.” I expected it to be like FPS multiplayer team games. Just run around killing the enemy.
I didn’t even figure on any reward. I thought it was going to be like “Hey, get all your goodies from PvE then come here and fight”.
Turns out I can level up pretty fast and make decent gold in WvW. Sure, the drops are horrible and the badges are useless, but I didn’t think we’d get anything besides maybe a title for kills and a title for deaths and a score for each server at the end.
That’s what it’s about, right? Getting in there and having a little fun seeing what your class can do, right? Everything else to me is gravy. And as much as I love gravy, it’s not the reason I eat the turkey.
BG is not stacked. The idea is laughable. BG is now ‘competative’. BG has some highly motivated guilds as well, which will make up for the small coverage gap they have. JQ and SoR are going to have a nice challenge coming up.!
With all their rationalizations and justifications in favour of the sorry state of WVW Tier 1, JQ reminds me of nothing so much as one of those people who claim that when they break wind there is no offensive odour.
Someone here has an obsession with passing gas….
The one and only time I ever considered leaving JQ was when a certain fella started this elitist second ‘inner circle’ society call The Emerald Council.
The idea what that only a few people were smart enough to run an ENTIRE server, because, you know, it’s SOOOOO complicated! And it was going to be invite only and folks who voiced dissent were removed, etc etc.. weird stuff.
Like, droping a Tier, or even landing way down the ladder… as long as the same folks I run with stayed, I’d stay.
So, seeing Agg and FoE leave, it’s not a shock that Merc would move.
And VoTF moves every month or so, not shocking.
So, now Tysm will have what it wants. A server to build in its own image.
You can’t hug each other with nuclear arms!
“I want good fights!”
I’m tired of getting my backside handed to me by better players.
I want to win on the scoreboard, but can’t admit that and maintain dignity
I want to be in the BIGGEST zerg.
I want to take my five man team and murder roamers unhindered.
I don’t want to have to work to win a tower.
You get the idea. What is a ‘good fight’? Such a subjective and over used term.
I don’t care if the fight is good. I’m here to kill enemies. You can Dr. Pepper your good fights. I want kills and I get them. Sometimes from chumps, sometimes from doods hard as nails. Sometimes I get killed. That’s the game.
Get busy killin or get busy whining.
I only kill enemies at the JP is a can guarantee they will FALL in the process. It’s so much more fun if they fall, not just die on the ground. Let’s the kiddies on the ground know that mr kitten is waiting up top like Donkey Kong with the fire barrel! YEAH! Me! Me! Me!
“People that ask for no attack info ever I don’t think know what they are asking for. The end result won’t be less zergs, and it will definitely not be more fighting.”
I SAID a marker whereever 30 or more players are gathered, no matter what. How is that ‘NO INFO’? READ READ! REEAAADD!!
I advocate no swords, ever, white or orange… and a death’s head marker anywhere 30 or more players from the same server gather.
I’m going to butt in here and say that if you’ve managed to keep the peace in ANY WvW JP for longer than a few minutes, KUDOS to you! That would never happen in our matches. I can’t imagine anyone being able to tone down their dislike for each other long enough. lol
I tell you what, I don’t like the idea of Peace very much, but if a group of mesmers from both side were porting and told me ‘only if you don’t kill anyone’, I’d behave myself…
until I got the port and then BAM!!! EVERYONE OFF MY LEDGE!!! HAHAHAHA.
Just kidding. Great job with the peace thing. If ever we meet in game, I’ll respect the peace,
This is funny.
Full disclosure: I am a JQ player.
If you had a time machine and went back to november and showed everyone on these forums this thread, but hid the server names, everyone who read it would guess those folks whining about JQ were talking about SoS.
If you went back to September, they’d think those folks whining about JQ were whining about HoD.
The only time T1 was ever a close to even match was back in the BG, JQ, SBI days just after HoD imploded and just before SoS got to T1. I remember thinking “Hey, this SoS team looks like the might give us a run for our money. This should shake things up!”
And ever since, we’ve had one server dominating the other 2. I have long come to accept that. When SoS was on top, I used to say score doesn’t matter. Population wins matches. I’m just here for good fights.
Now that JQ is winning, I say score doesn’t matter. Population wins matches, and I’m just here for good fights.
And you can still find good fights, even during the chaotic end of week blowouts like this one. If you can’t find a good fight, you aren’t trying.
I mean, I just read that wall o text complaint above and can honestly say that anyone who is that upset over it maybe shouldn’t be playing video games, period. I’m serious. That’s a pretty disturbed post right there. It’s not that big of a deal.
I rarely run with more than 5 people when I’m on. I get to fight smaller groups from other servers all the time. I just say away from blue pins and large groups. It’s easy.
Having survived 8 weeks without a chance in hell of winning, I can empathise with folks who get a little discouraged, but the outright rage and self inflicted torture on here are what’s making T1 less fun.
Just like I said back when SoS was king… not for long. Something always comes along and changes WvW. JQ will not win every match. You’ll see. People thought HoD would still be dominating right now back in Sept. No one listened to me when I said SoS would be out of first by February back when I posted it in November. Well, hear me now:
JQ will not be in first place in T1 come April. And the server that hangs around and keeps nutting up and getting stronger will reap the rewards.
What did we used to say back in the day, my fellow JQers? “We’ll be here long after they’re gone.” And we are. If you, as a server, ever want to take first, you have to start believing the same thing.
That was before free transfers were closed. As it stands, the end of that era has sealed in a vastly superior population to JQ. My bet is that this imbalance is more indefinite than something as soon as April.
Transfers don’t kill servers, attrition kills servers. Before long, some server will want it more and JQ will lose its fair weather flock. And even tho free thransfers have ended, big guilds are still on the move. And when the next big PvP game hits, watch the huge swing as folks say goodbye to this game.
By April. I’ll be back to post the ‘I told you so.’ Granted, I won’t be happy about losing, but hey. It is what it is.
I can’t believe people that play to attain the points to get to T1 and when they get there they say, “points don’t mean anything we’re here for the fights!”
It’s obvious you’re not a real pvper then. How many kills do you have on your character? I wager under 15k
I’m too lazy to look back… have you told us what guild you’re from?
FOO carries JQ, your wall of text only proves that you’re overly sensitive to the matter since your guild makes no difference in WvW atm.
And getting rolled by SoS and SoR constantly is now known as “kamikaze” and “for science”, noted.
Oh man… wrong guy to call out, my friend… you must be new to this…???
What? Is he going to give me less bags now?
Did you just claim to farm one of the best open field guilds in the game for bags?
Lemme guess, you also took on RG solo and won, right?
FOO carries JQ, your wall of text only proves that you’re overly sensitive to the matter since your guild makes no difference in WvW atm.
And getting rolled by SoS and SoR constantly is now known as “kamikaze” and “for science”, noted.
Oh man… wrong guy to call out, my friend… you must be new to this…???
This is funny.
Full disclosure: I am a JQ player.
If you had a time machine and went back to november and showed everyone on these forums this thread, but hid the server names, everyone who read it would guess those folks whining about JQ were talking about SoS.
If you went back to September, they’d think those folks whining about JQ were whining about HoD.
The only time T1 was ever a close to even match was back in the BG, JQ, SBI days just after HoD imploded and just before SoS got to T1. I remember thinking “Hey, this SoS team looks like the might give us a run for our money. This should shake things up!”
And ever since, we’ve had one server dominating the other 2. I have long come to accept that. When SoS was on top, I used to say score doesn’t matter. Population wins matches. I’m just here for good fights.
Now that JQ is winning, I say score doesn’t matter. Population wins matches, and I’m just here for good fights.
And you can still find good fights, even during the chaotic end of week blowouts like this one. If you can’t find a good fight, you aren’t trying.
I mean, I just read that wall o text complaint above and can honestly say that anyone who is that upset over it maybe shouldn’t be playing video games, period. I’m serious. That’s a pretty disturbed post right there. It’s not that big of a deal.
I rarely run with more than 5 people when I’m on. I get to fight smaller groups from other servers all the time. I just say away from blue pins and large groups. It’s easy.
Having survived 8 weeks without a chance in hell of winning, I can empathise with folks who get a little discouraged, but the outright rage and self inflicted torture on here are what’s making T1 less fun.
Just like I said back when SoS was king… not for long. Something always comes along and changes WvW. JQ will not win every match. You’ll see. People thought HoD would still be dominating right now back in Sept. No one listened to me when I said SoS would be out of first by February back when I posted it in November. Well, hear me now:
JQ will not be in first place in T1 come April. And the server that hangs around and keeps nutting up and getting stronger will reap the rewards.
What did we used to say back in the day, my fellow JQers? “We’ll be here long after they’re gone.” And we are. If you, as a server, ever want to take first, you have to start believing the same thing.
I think Aegis is a good guild from Elona….but like Yaro said while your incombat you dont look at tags that often just…..see red=kill them asap
but i try next matchup.
Not me. I watch tags. If I don’t know who I’m fighting, I’m at a disadvantage. Certain guilds have blindspots or weaknesses that other guilds don’t. Have to know who’s who before you fight!
A more entertaining thread would be who’s the weakest guild, you know the ones, can lose an entire homeland BL in less than an hour while others wait in Q
Can lose Bay or Cliffs by a failed defending/taking of a spawn tower with 50+ with 2:00 left on ppt timer.
That’d be a long list. Most guilds are just two or three loudmouth players telling everyone else what to do. I mean, think about it. Leading a guild doesn’t require any sort of qualifications… they don’t give guilds out as rewards for being the best.
I’m surprised at how many good guilds there are considering how easy it is to start one…
I’d start naming bad guilds, but somehow I think it might get me a slap on the wrist.
I’m not bored by WvW. I came here way back when to fight. I still come here to fight. The only way I’ll ever get bored is if they outlaw fighting.
I mean, seriously? It’s WvW! What needs updating?
I’d rather they kept the updates low key, otherwise we’re going to get a flood of non WvW players and have to explain all the stuff over again about how numbers win and score don’t matter and just enjoy the fights… what a nightmare!
But in all seriousness…
What’s with these huge zergs running away from smaller groups lately and giving up objectives? I keep seeing huge zergs that run at the first sign of combat. I don’t get it.
VOTF get my vote. Tsym would be right up there as well.
Red Guard demolished VOTF when they came over for a week to have some fun on NA servers. I have yet to see any guild nearly as coordinated as them with the same numbers..
Because winning gvg is all that matters right? Red guard are the best at what they do, but what they do is only small aspect of wvw. It’s the total package that counts. Don’t get me wrong I have nothing but respect for RG and I do consider them to be a great guild. Just not the greatest.
I agree with this. If we will talk about “best WvW guild” we need to evaluate so many aspects like how they fight, roam, attack, defend, siege placement, personal skills, etc.
In that case, it’s Strike Force. Having played against them and hating them when they were on SBI, to playing with them and loving them on JQ, I have to say SF wins hands down. I can tell you this, when they were on SBI, folks said “Crud, it’s SF. We’re screwed”. Now that they are on JQ it’s “Relax, SF inc. Problem solved”.
RG would be my vote if we were just evaluating combat prowess.
I’ve never faced HB in the clear, so I can’t evaluate them, but I’ve heard good things.
I’ve player Tsym for so long, I probably tend to overlook how good they are. Tsym is just an annoying fact of life on JQ. I bet if they went to another server, that server would get instantly much better, and you can’t say anything better than that.
VotF, when they are not sandbagging to farm badges, can do some really great things.
I guess the bottom line is there are A LOT of great guilds across all the servers. You could name about 20 and make a good case for them being most powerful.
You can take my fuzz box, but don’t you dare touch my Wah Wah Pedal.
Can a dev please respond or point me in the right direction? I’ve bug reported it, I’ve logged in and out, I’ve tried everything.
My daily achievements are not correct for the day. They always show the day before and I cannot make any progress on them. I have not been able to earn laurels in 2 days, now 3 for today!
I never would have expected SoR to take the place of SoS as the main competition for JQ in WvW.
Don’t get offended, SoR. I don’t mean it like that. I knew you guys were this good. I just didn’t know that with SoS’s resources, they would have this hard of a time.
Now, with the loss of FoE and Agg, a trip to T2 seems to be on tap for them. And hey, that’s what a lot of SoS said they wanted.
Kudos SoR for showing that fighting spirit. When BG comes up, you’ll see that having a second server fully commited to WvW will make your lives easier.
Sad to see you go, SoS. Hope to see you again some day.
Hi. Anyone know where that big keep in the middle of EB is? I can’t find it.
Lets all put big people pants on
Two things.
1. I am Asuran. Big people pants would look stupid on me.
2. I don’t wear pants anyways.
Good day.
Someone give this man an internet!
Okay, here goes… for the third time… let’s see if thos post gets deleted as well…
To those of you out there evryday fighting in T1, we love you. Actual fights in game are awesome. If you feel it is absolutely necessary to come here and provide reasons why you lose a fight, fine. But it’s more fun to actually go and play the game, win lose or draw.
Lets all put big people pants on and remember that score and Tier rank doesn’t mean anything. Taking on 5 enemies by yourself and killing them all is what’s important. Sniping dolyaks is important. Shooting a Balista up someone’s natural exit is important.
If you play WvW for the score, you will always be disappointed (unless you’re on JQ, or have a time machine and are on SoS). Score ain’t no thang.
I can remember one of the best times I had was running 10 straight breakout events while JQ had a 50 PPT the first week the breakouts came. 13 players took the tower after 3 tries with both SoS and BG trying to stop us. It took SoS 30 minutes to get the tower back by trebbing from Bay.
We lost that week pretty handily, but we all had fun doing it. Maybe is SoS had server wide TS, they could find more joy in losing than they have so far. JQ was the eternal loser for 2 months and I think that’s the time we all got to be friends and bond.
Fun is the people you play with and against, bot a meaningless score that everyone will forget in the next month. The end.
We ‘disliked’ you guys too and some of us (not me) claimedf SBI never hit SoS ever, not one single time during their stay in T1. Doesn’t make it true.
Some of the hardest, meanest and most disrespectful players from SBI came over to join us. And we love them. I know about 50 of them through actual conversation. Some of these folks I know didn’t even come to JQ but they don’t hold to your view of things.
I have friends on almost every server. No one I know takes it all that serious, like you do.
As for hitting SoS… come on! We took their keep over 10 different times in the course of 6 weeks on EB! You’re totally tunnel visioned on this. I always hit green in those days. Always. I can think of at least 6 commanders that were so anti-SoS that they chewed folks out for attacking SBI.
We had a healthy respect for SBI. You guys didn’t just zerg herd everything. And those folks on SBI I knew even back then and the only reason they came to JQ was because all of the commanders actaully knew each other and were on decent terms.
There were and are and always will be some from SBI that thought WvW was real life and will never believe anything except that the Russians eat babies, so therefore JQ never hit SoS hard.
Then, there are those (and before long some may actually speak up here) that knew what the game is about, and know for a fact how we operate. Do you honestly think half of your server would transfer to JQ if they held your beliefs?
You can spin it whatever way you want, but fact is there was always respect between the two servers where it counted. Anything else is revisionist history.
Calm Little Buddy
Even last night while we were holding most of the JQ BL. If we had been 2v1ing, we wouldn’t have been forced to regularly and repeatedly leave the garrison we were defending from you, to stop SoS from taking hills/bay/southern towers from us. In fact, we had to sacrifice objectives due to this several times because we were getting hit by both of you simultaneously.
Can I complain that your two servers have some conspiracy together to make it hard on SoR? Not really, it is the way the game is played and the very nature of three way fights.
Just let it go.
Last night wasn’t Friday night last I checked. I’m talking about out-of-the-gate Friday night and our subsequent recovery, how we weren’t broken or demoralized and came back quite well from the punch in the nose, which appears to have broken the other servers will heading into the remainder of the weekend and on into the week.
Let’s not get silly here… it doesn’t take much these days to recover when you have superior coverage.
You guys based your entire existence in tier one by fighting for 2nd place and riding the coattails of the strongest server rather than seriously attacking them. You guys now have all the numbers that you could possibly need so it’s no longer necessary. But the sheer audacity of anyone from JQ mentioning a 2v1 against them is lulzy.
Glad you know our history. We fought for 2nd all those times against Henge and SBI got it! Thanks for giving me that insight into how JQ plays to a JQ player whose been on JQ since beta
As a former SBI player since beta (prior to the week before free server transfers ended), I know exactly how you guys played. It was the running joke in tier 1. You guys never went after SoS and were content to constantly push SBI to try and secure a 2nd place position. This happened week after week. It got to the point that we could never go after SoS because as soon as we pushed against them or SoS pushed against us there was good old JQ running in for scraps.
I love how JQ constantly brags about how long they stayed in tier 1 when they only managed to hit first place a few times prior to the mass influx of players.
Anyway, ranting done. It’s just funny that anyone from JQ would ever complain about a 2v1 situation.
What server did you transfer to? Just curious.
Not sure about that whole ‘running joke’ thing. JQ had a ton of respect for SBI and the fights with SBI were more fun than having SoS 50 man zerg us to death. All the former SBI members I know understood the game back then, and tried to knock JQ to third whenever they could. I’d have thought you guys were weak if you didn’t attack us too.
I mean, you sound like you don’t like being attacked and take it kinda personal. It’s WvW bro. We’re supposed to attack you! You are like the only SBI player I know who is mad that we fought SBI harder than SoS. We had to fight you guys harder because you were harder to fight.
You can put that grudge down now. Your back must be killing you carrying around all that weight…
All jq borderland is now blue on weekend prime time, thats how you know who is the best at world vs world.
Jq is the best at world vs empty castles congrats to jq, that’s what the band do when they are at the wagon.
Let me try this again… and not be too ‘inflamatory’ or ‘rude’.
We held the PPT and the points lead the whole time you ‘capped’ our BL. If you were even on at that time, and in JQ BL, then you were proving your skill against a half empty map.
But it doesn’t even matter, because true skill is meaured in the open field, and we all know and openly admit who is the best in the open field.
It went:
everyone else.
Then SBI broke up. Half went to SoR, half to JQ (this has been confirmed by most former SBI players from BOTH JQ and SoR).
So, now the top 3 are the same, except SBI is gone and SoR is somewhere in the mix.
I’d put it as:
Your mileage will vary.
If you care to test this notion, name the BL and give us one day’s notice and pick a neutral time (NA Prime works), and we’ll be there.
To anyone who wants to know, a canard is a synonym for a lie.
It’s generally used by people to mask their lack of an argument behind the pages of a thesaurus.
A canard is a belief in something that is not true — my intended meaning. If I had wanted to use the word lie or liar, I would have used it. Get a better thesaurus.
So when you say ‘canard’, you are implying that those with this particular belief are gullible or lying to themselves? Or intetionally supporting a lie to convince others it’s true?
I saw a post by Anet that they’re not showing favoritism towards PVE. Posting negative opinions in the way Anet handles things only puts you at great risk to get an infraction.
Out of the 70+ members we had, there are 3 left that log semi-daily. There are 3-4 people on my friends list that still log on. For the most part, all the people I started playing this game with have since quit. I quit wvw a week ago when they added the new patch. Way too much lag, culling, ect. Impossible to play. I posted opinions and facts on a topic and both got an infraction. I see a lot of fishing and time spent outdoors in my immediate future.
Might as well complain because I get infracted for joking with people I know. I get infracted for telling folks I enjoyed fighting them. I get infracted for breathing heavy and called a ‘mouthbreather’ by a mod! (okay, that’s a lie).
It’s not possible. You cannot run in large groups with another server. You’d end up targeting them and AoEing them by accident.
Even if you did go with the “You don’t attack us at all, we don’t attack you”, that only lasts until one of the 2 servers feels slighted.
Only one server can be in first place. 2 servers would have to disregard points entirely, in which case, why bother? Just to push 1 server to 3rd? So, who agrees to take second for the extra hollow ’didn’t even win when we totally and intetionally gamed the system’ trophy? HA! Yeah, sign me up!
That AND we all know we don’t control the majority of our players on map. You may pretend otherwise, but more than half the population wouldn’t get the memo, and even if they did most of those would say screw that, I kill who I want.
I’d welcome SoS trying this. I’d laugh my skull open when SoR totally screwed them on it. Har har.
Alliances would most likely be “We will attack here, you attack there” — not running together in groups.
Read the rest of my post for the answer to why even THAT won’t work.
On a serious note, how many folks here respond without reading a whole post? If I don’t read the whole post, I don’t respond.
Wholly MOLEY! Nice job!
The only thing that irks me with Anet’s policy for handling wvwvw issues (and the persitent class bugs) is the massive amount of new PVE released. I wish they would pull their resources and nail down the issues with existing game modes before releasing so much new content.
Back in September Anet said ~30% of the player base was playing wvwvw. Based on the released content, do you think wvwvw has received even close to 30% of Anet’s attention? I don’t.
Game developers have always considered PvP to be a mini-game. Anet is no different.
It’s not possible. You cannot run in large groups with another server. You’d end up targeting them and AoEing them by accident.
Even if you did go with the “You don’t attack us at all, we don’t attack you”, that only lasts until one of the 2 servers feels slighted.
Only one server can be in first place. 2 servers would have to disregard points entirely, in which case, why bother? Just to push 1 server to 3rd? So, who agrees to take second for the extra hollow ’didn’t even win when we totally and intetionally gamed the system’ trophy? HA! Yeah, sign me up!
That AND we all know we don’t control the majority of our players on map. You may pretend otherwise, but more than half the population wouldn’t get the memo, and even if they did most of those would say screw that, I kill who I want.
I’d welcome SoS trying this. I’d laugh my skull open when SoR totally screwed them on it. Har har.