I tell you what SoS doesn’t control… That patch of ground I stand on. That’s all I care about.
Um, you may want to look down….
Just kidding xD. I am on BG btw, but that was just too easy man
I loled!
You win because you have numbers and coverage and never run in groups smaller than 20.
This is how JQ and SOS stays in T1.
This is also how BG just got to T1 from T2, by having vastly better coverage than their opponents.
What is the issue or complaint?
I think his issue is with this is that Coron claims tactics are why he wins. And that everything is a part of a bigger plan and strategy.
Ding ding ding!
I have never claimed JQ has better tactic or strategy on a public forum. Even if we did, I wouldn’t post about it.
This isn’t ‘Marvelous Me’. We aren’t in 2nd grade. Give JQ their population and we win 9 straight. Give BG their population and BG wins 7 straight.
This is WvW. The fun is about fighting other players, not about how meta your mind is. Especially when your server rolls 20+ hitting 1-9 and 0 when it goes bad and calls it ‘strategy’.
Just shut up and play the game, talk about the good fights and things you’ve seen, not about yourself and how you control everything.
I tell you what SoS doesn’t control… That patch of ground I stand on. That’s all I care about.
Ahh, the old 2v1. Yes, we 2v1d you, but what the hell did you expect, you gave no one any choice! You came out of the shoot, aggressive as hell, and rapidly ran from SOS to JQ as fast as your little red is dead legs could carry you hitting them as hard as you can. Half the time we had to keep constant eyes on you to avoid losing a tower to you.
Most of your commanders wrack da disaprin, and act like you should be able to obliterate both of your competitors simultaneously to be #1. If that were the case, we would be in the HoD days of TA. The new facts are this, NO SERVER can attain first place by simultaneously owning second and third severs. Not anymore.
We don’t win week after week because we own the other two servers, we win week after week (well not the week before last, GG again JQ
)because we play smarter, we play more coordinated, and we have a plan. If were hitting you, its part of a bigger strategy.
When you hit an enemy, its like some rabid dog biting anything that gets close to it. That’s not strategy, that’s a disease. Anytime you feel like bringing that to the table, well put you down.
Simple as that.
You win because you have numbers and coverage and never run in groups smaller than 20.
I want them to add Rock. We could use Rock to stand on, or throw, or block a door, or as a pet.
I think Rock would make a great addition to WvW…vW. If you don’t agree, you’re stupid.
A few observations. BG has some classy players. Had a drawn out fight with them on the garrison steps last afternoon. We eventually pushed them off. They gave a /bow. Nice touch! They beckoned and waved and such too. Was so cool. Unfortunately. most had their tags off.
Which brings me to my second observation. BG has a brickton of players with their tags off. It’s funny because I’m not used to it and my eyes ignore stuff unless it has a long red name. Blackgate Invader is short enough for me to pass over, thinking it’s an NPC. lol
Lastly, not sure how this will pan out this week. SoS just seems to get more and more players every week. Used to be my EU primetime I could hop on and make some noise. Now? SoS fielding 40 man zerg at the very least during all time slots. We get creative and do what we can, but that pesky PPT never swings in our favor these days. You guys got your coverage back and then some. Isn’t there some sort of holiday you could have your players sign up for leave so we can have a chance?
Dang it. We’ve lost another valuable WvW resource in Player X. I quit too.
GW2 is the least ‘fantasy’ centric of the popular MMOs. You have an Engineer class, for crying out loud.
That being said, NO. No tanks. There’s too much reliance on siege as it is. Open field battle is turning into who can drop the most siege the fastest these days.
No. Jump Puzzle gives free blue prints and badges. NO WAY I’m letting an enemy get free stuff that can be used to kill me later.
I see a lot of poster who do very little in WvW making a LOT of noise. Maybe some of you SoS folks should go thump the chest of Tsym for making your server better. MERC is a crumble n run. Agg likes to 30 v 1. The only time we get worried when an offensive is going on is when we see Tsym.
How to beat MERC. Hold them up in the front. Send 5 people at them on the side and AoE their back line. MELT! Saw this 12 times yesterday on ED. How’d yer broken trebs taste?
How to beat Agg. Run a scout just within sight of their zerg. Pull them close as you can to your hidden force. Let them get the scout in a downed state. They don’t have one person killing the scout, they have 10 fools doing a finisher. Then Tada!. Our group comes out and wipes them.
Tsym on the other hand… they’re doing something. You have to stop and think because you know they have. They’re not just singing lalalalalala and zerging along taking soft targets and dropping siege and stacking on their Immortals (lol @them). No, Tsym is going to bring the pain. And the other guilds do what Tsym says to do or they die.
Pay attention BG and you will find it. Tsym rules SoS. The other groups, just make sure you have close to equal and you’ll win easy.
So the forum is going up and down for you too Hex? :P
Even buggier than Enjin.
This week: SoS is mad and come out in force to recapture first place.
Next week: SoS and BG team up to drive JQ down into third and ‘fight’ for 1st, with BG have zero chance of actually taking 1st.
The Week AFTER: SoS’s number cool off again as the novelty of the new competitor, and the fun of avenging a loss wear thin. SoS takes first, JQ 2nd, BG third and back to T2 within two weeks of this score.
JQ will hang around T1 until the number finally even out. With the February update, there’ll be a false surge as players return to servers long abandoned, but one week after the update when nothing really special has changed, it’s back to business.
So the question is… is SoS in this for the long haul? Would SoS play as hard after 3 straight weeks of 3rd place, instead of victory after victory?
Winning T1 is hard. Staying in T1 when you’re not on top is harder. The first thing to go is the bandwagon. Then, a guild or two leaves the game. Then, a major guild moves to another server. Then casuals stop going to WvW at all. Will you be there SoS when the end comes? When the shine and the glory of all those WvW trophies fade? When hot WvW chicks stop chanting your name? When the bills for repair and siege become just a drain? Will you be there or go insane? Who among you will remain?
Good luck to all next week. JQ might be able to make a push and close the gap, but I think it’s safe to say SoS takes this round. Congratulations on your non holiday win!
Brudda, all I’m sayin’ iz when SOS win, we didn’t diss you.
But when JQ win, dey be dissin’ SOS?
I didn’t dis anyone. None of our guild leaders or commanders dissed anyone.
Contrary to popular belief, JQ was largely silent when SoS was on their winning streak. We said GJ and congrats here and on Guru. Our guilds and commanders have the utmost respect for SoS and we knew this week we were going to get hit hard by you guys.
People always remember the trolls and never the good posts.
Like I said, I saw many many SoS posters here and on guru give legitimate congratulations to JQ on our win. They were very gracious and classy. I can name them by name, and many of them belonged to the same guild. I have a ton of respect for them.
But this week rolled around and out of the woodwork, all of the strangely silent smack talkers show up with their same old lame taunts and excuses.
I’m not expecting a laurel wreath or anything. Just calling a spade a spade. Saying it’s a FACT that JQ won due to a vacation for some guilds or one guild and slapping ‘congratulations’ on it is below the level your server should aspire to as the number 1 server.
As my father always said, “Act like you’ve been there before”.
I am not saying anyone specifically, even you Jedah, initially did this, but you all certainly seem to be backing that line or reasoning now.
I’ll end by saying SoS has dominated T1 for all but 1 week of the last 2 months. That’s huge. A big accomplishment in WvW. You’d think that would lend enough self confidence and pride to not throw New Years holiday out there as a primary reason we won last week.
That’s all. No need to add anything about 8 wins to it. We all know you guys have won 8 times. Of course we know that. Trust me, you remember the losses.
Let us have the win without ANY qualifiers. You already have 8.
If not, then we’re going to discuss why JQ one from a population standpoint. No one wants that.
I am a mesmer. I only portal when there’s no other option to get past a hard held choke point. It doesn’t matter if it’s 20, 30, 40 for a limit.
It’s straight up cheese tactic. Teleporting 20 people at once over a long distance avoiding legitimate obstacles is weak. If you can’t rush it, your portal isn’t going to save you. 20 players or more keen on avoiding combat is a weak squad.
If its one of those choke points we all know and love where someone drops 6 balistas, sure fine, because 6 balistas at a choke point is cheese tactics too. Turns your six worst players into snipers instantly. Hooray. GJ on that one button win. Yeah, that I can honestly say deserves a portal.
But really, anything else you can do with a portal you can do without one, and have more fun doing it and learn more doing it and become a batter player and a team doing it. Standing around for a minute, hitting F and then mashing buttons is lame.
Hey, if that’s fun for you, whatever, but no need to raise the cap higher than 20. At least make portal bombing take some teamwork.
All I see is a bunch of JQ forum warriors trashing Jedahs and my server for saying “Congrats, you beat us over New Years, looking forward to this week” I must’ve missed the memo for when it was deemed socially acceptable and respectful to rip on another server for congratulating you. Let me just run some numbers by all these smack-talkers real quick:
SoS, SBI, and JQ have been in 9 (if you include this week) matches together, only 3 of which were what you could consider holiday-esque (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s). SoS has won 7 (more likely going to be 8 judging by this week’s progression) of 9 with the only loss being during the week of New Years. So, excluding the other holiday weeks, you are left with 6 weeks of SoS being victorious without the excuse of holidays (hell I’ll give it benefit of the doubt and say 5, we’ll count the terrible Wintersday event as one).
All I’m saying is for using that “we’re on holiday/break excuse” as often as it was thrown out there, nobody stepped up their game the following week to prove that it really was because nobody was online. SoS did step it up this week after our loss to prove just that.
So to me, Jedahs (and probably most of SoS’) statements regarding any “Congrats on the win, we were doing Christmas stuff,” should be interpreted as “Congrats on the win, we slacked off and you stuck it to us. Hope to see what you can do this week against our real force.” At least that’s what I thought JQ and SBI were saying every time that holiday excuse surfaced; I assumed everyone would be bringing the hurt once the population came back, guess I was wrong.
P.S. – GTFO Pangloss SBI, that is [VI]’s supply camp, rather it was for almost 4 hours last night.
I read the first few lines of your post and agreed with you. I saw a lot of SoS who stuck with “Congrats on the win.” Those were some classy folks.
Then you went on some sort of tangent about respect and excuses and numbers. Anytime you a a “congrats, BUT…” that’s not as classy. I’m not saying YOU specifically. For all I know all you said was “Good job, JQ. Nice win. See you next week.”
It’s just a shame that you had to ruin a great start to a post by adding the rest of that junk…
Looks like Jade Quarry and SBI have the blues this week.
love this kids chest thumping. love it.
Sorry i didn’t intend to brag, it’s just that i saw a good opportunity to make a pun and i took it. Truth be told in a couple of hours all that is blue will soon be green it’s just he nature WvW, a constant sea-saw (pun intended).
Just as you say, it is because of the see saw nature of WvW that (generally speaking) posting screenies of blowouts, unicolor maps, or any sort of score update implying total domination is considered being a gloat.
Not that you were, but you can certainly see how posting that screen shot as an unbiased ‘score update’ might turn a few stomachs sour.
Oh and to the other people discussing holidays: JQ won during New Years holidays. SoS won during Christmas holidays. No frigging way New Years caused a greater population drop than Christmas, even in Australia (wow, when I heard that excuse I nearly choked! lol).
A win is a win. SoS won legit during Christmas week. JQ won legit during New Years. Can’t say one is legit and one is not. The end.
2 v 1 is a lame argument.
I am from JQ and have been there the whole time.
I see people in /team and /map saying that server A and server B are teaming up. I have yet to see any evidence of this, but I see a lot of people supporting this idiotic notion, even when presented with the facts.
The time over in EB mentioned, SBI was NOT helping SoS. That’s just plain stupid. I saw people saying it in chat. I asked those folks to think clearly for a moment. What player ever, EVER looks at a score and says “You know, I want to help the OTHER server take 1st!” let alone an entire organized server folding under to help another server reach number 1.
No one on JQ has ever suggested we tank to make SoS number 1. Why the hell would SBI? They’re even more bloodthirsty than we are! I doubt any server shoots for number 2. Sure, you have to pass number 2 to get to number 1, but don’t we all HATE second place? Don’t we all want number 1?
What I’m saying is players from every server claim some other server is the ‘lapdog’ of the winner, while they themselves are the hard knocks win at all costs and never team up server. isn’t it time we all admit that NO ONE PLAYS WORLD VERSUS WORLD TO HELP THE OTHER GUY EVER. Hell, most times we can barely team up and agree WITHIN OUR OWN SERVERS! No way two servers could ever control their own random pugs well enough to team up.
That and red is red. When SoS sees SBI and JQ in the same area, the targeting system in the game will NEVER let one side off the hook. If AoEs go down, all enemies get hit. When you cycle next target, it could be either side, so to stop and say “Oh wait, don’t hit that SBI guy, right!” in the middle of a heated battle is impossible.
Alligators don’t team up. Neither do servers. What the closed minded people who shout 2 v1 are seeing is called serendipity. Situations arise in which all three side end up trying to achieve something, and usually only ONE side gets pounded. Looks like teamwork, but it’s just bad luck.
“We won’t attack you if you don’t attack us!” Never happens.
“Don’t attack SBI, focus on JQ.” happens. When both teams decide we’re weak and decide to focus on us, that OUR FAULT for being weak or showing weakness. We would do the EXACT SAME to either of them and we will again and again.
The only way to eliminate the illusion of 2 v 1 is to make it a 1 v 1 match up.
There is no 2 v1. There is only an angry point of view seeing the world as against them.
So, to my fellow JQ posters claiming a 2 v1:
I don’t care about your screen shots, your stories, your videos, none of it. 2 v 1 is you perceptual bias, NOT an actual occurrence. Falling back on this old tired excuse makes you (and by associating all of JQ) look like crybaby spoiled brats who can’t handle their own. Just, just, just stop. STOP. For the love of GOD. STOP.
Get off your butt, get out there and fight back. The first step to defeat is an excuse to be defeated. Get your head up and fight back.
Sorry good people of forum land, I’m just tired of reading lame excuses. I’ll be going back now. Bye.
Not sure why SoS gave up so early. Even at our worst moments JQ still fought hard to keep above the 150 PPT line.
And yes we had to start from scratch many many many times in previous weeks. Not so much this week, but it has more to do with our increase in coverage than WM leaving. Bring WM back and we’ll try it out and see.
This poster tells the truth. Group or get shafted on the loot.
Great week everyone.
SoS – Good show. Undefeated in T1 for 6 weeks. SoS is for real, dudes.
SBI – Tough times ahead, but keep fighting. T1 without SBI ruing our plans would be boring. Hope you guys stick around. Honestly, the most fun I have is versus SBI.
JQ – Bretheren (and Ladies, HELLOOO LADIES!), great job this week. Finally, I’ll have access to green POI’s and Vistas for world completion without having to muster an army to get them!
Great week of fighting and no one can say it wasn’t, Holiday or no, probably one of the craziest weeks for large scale Cluster Trucks, three way pier sixers and soiled broken armor.
How to kill a thief:
1. Knockdown, Stun, daze, root, bleed, confuse, freeze, fire, poison, slow, reflect.
If said thief goes all stealthy drop AoEs and wait.
Keep your camera zoomed out.
You can move too.
Oh my it is so easy to kill a thief or at least ruin their day.
EDIT: Wait did I just read someone posted "i kill bads in 1.5 s’???? Wow. Bet that line gets the ladies!
(edited by hex.3218)
More please.
This is NOT enough.
Hey Jed,
Why post this on the official forums? Isn’t that a home server forum message?
Is this what’s called ‘covering your bases’?
Why does the WvW community need to know this?
Are you worried that if you lose and you don’t tell all of us ahead of time that you’re ‘allowing’ people to take a break, that we will all think your server died?
We won’t. We don’t care if you win 6 or 7 weeks in a row or 5 weeks in a row. You guys did great. Even if you lost full force, no shame in that. Why even put this out there?
I know that personally, if SoS were to fall from 1st place, I’d still think they were the best WvW server of this past month. Now, after reading what you wrote, I’m not so sure.
Sounds like you’re saying that you won’t have superior numbers next week and without that advantage you think you might drop from first. That sure doesn’t sound like a great ‘legacy’ to me. Sounds like you can’t win without your full force to overpower everyone…
Now, I can’t wait for next week. We’ll see how good you guys really are, player for player, without the 3 rolling zergs and 2 portal teams and 10 stationary defenders per tower.
In other words, we’ll see how well you do when your numbers are equal to ours. In many ways, this victory will be twice as satisfying because finally we’ll see how you guys stack up with OUR level of participation. Get ready for 2 weeks of 150 PPT, SoS. You’ll be lucky to have any pug players left come new years.
(yes I am intentionally goading you guys so you don’t pack up for the holidays. that would be boring)
Classic workaround added in beta. Anet will neither punish players for doing it, NOR say it’s acceptable. It’s just there. And we all know why. BPs are not to be mailed, so soulbound. BUT there is always going to be a time when you need to give someone BPs. The fact that they drop at all means they were meant to be dropped to allow transfer without making them a mail item.
SBI – Kudos. 2nd week you’ve made a comeback.
BG – See you next week.
JQ – Rest up and get some gold. We have work to do.
You have suggestions on HOW they should do that?
Verbal abuse isn’t acceptable from anyone; right click > report then ignore them if you would prefer not to listen to it.
a rep system would be pretty dumb IMO, though. Too easy to abuse.
Dumb? No it’s not. Easy to abuse? Why? It’s voluntary! Don’t want bad rep, don’t wear the badge, or better yet, be a good egg ALL THE TIME.
A good leader would get enough +rep to far outway any griefing, if it’s limited to one vote per account. A bad commander? Yeah, see that’s not abuse, that’s feedback.
Who’s going to abuse this system? Transfers? People who upvote their friends? Guilds forced to upvote their leader? Who? Rival guilds?
Okay, how’s this. Let me tag them with 1 to 5 stars that only I can see. How’s that? That way no one else is influenced by my opinion, but I still have a quick way to see who’s on map that I want to follow without a mouse over. How about that? Or is that a ‘dumb’ idea too?
I don’t have any problem with your blue pin. I have a problem when blue pins start bossing people around and ridiculing them in Team, then making some lame arguement that if everyone doesn’t do exactly as the commander says, we will lose.
Just change the title to Guild Rep.
Commander implies the right to command, and most players are buying into it or being bullied into it.
I actually saw a commander tell someone to get out of WvW and let a ‘real player’ in. Yeah, some people may be a waste of space, but this was just a new player trying to help and didn’t do anything wrong besides ask a valid question.
Or, start a rep system for commanders. Afraid people will grief you? Then don’t buy the tag or learn better people skills. If enough people downvote you, you lose your tag (and to leave rep, you must spend 30 striaght days on a server).
Easiest just to change the title. Buying command is dumb. Keep the pin, lose the title.
You care too much what people on here say.
I haven’t seen a darn thing wrong with anything this week. And the week isn’t over.
You know what my guild would do against them turtles.We send 3 warriors in hit endure pain 100 blades and them turtles would be goin back to spawn to think things over
Have you actually tried this?
Do you have a video of it?
The problem is that a blue pin doesn’t give anyone the right or power or knowledge to command, but it misleads a LOT of players into thinking these are the people they need to listen to and follow and do what they say.
Some commanders are guild sponsored, and recognized and very good. I look for them on map first because the blue pin is easier to find than running around looking for them. And I’m glad they have it on.
But many are just players with blue pins, nothing more. And once I learn who they are, I ignore them unless they’re saying something that might work.
The problem is not the blue pin so much as it is the title ‘Commander’. It’s misleading. "Guild Rep’ would be better, or “Accomplished Player” (even that one is a stretch). Commander implies that we have to follow these people blindly because as one of them put it “If everyone doesn’t listen to me and follow directions, we’re going to lose.”
Some of them are so arrogant too. I had one allcaps me because I provided intel instead of ‘doing what you were told’ to do. “We don’t need intel, we need players on x!!!”
Well, I died running supply at this person’s request, and was hit at camp by 40 + invaders. I thought he’d like to know that there was a group of 40+ at camp, I even said just an FYI.
He and several other allcapsed me to stop defending camps. One even mocked me saying I had bad math skills, 5 points is not worth 30 etc etc etc. “Was providing information, not defending. If you don’t want eyes on the ground, just say so.”
I explained one more time that I was ambushed running supply, as I was asked to do. I died and took a quick head count. teleported to spawn point and was providing it as information as I was making my way to ‘X’ and that I would not be providing any more information on numbers or locations of enemies unless specifically asked from then on.
You know how this ended…
TLDR: The name Commander is misleading. People think they have to follow the blue boy. Change the name to “Guild Rep” and we’re good.
You know what’s real sad?
Last week’s T1 Matchup was awesome. This week, not at all.
What’s the difference? From an Outsiders perspective:
IoJ came into T1 expecting to be crushed. We were gonna fight tooth and nail, but ultimately come up short. No problem. When the weekend went by with some great fighting, we knew we were still in the race, so we kept fighting. I don’t recall any hacks or exploits being used on either side (couple small things, but no biggie) and cheesy tactics were non-existent. We all wanted a good fight.
This week, BG came in knowing they could compete with SBI and JQ. All the transfers from HoD had already been in T1, so they knew what to expect. They didn’t spread out to various servers, they all chose 1 (for the most part). This is unfortunate, because BG got their nickname because of their tenacity and desire to put on a good fight, which is why HoD went there. Now, this should have been a good fight from Day 1! But it wasn’t, because from the sounds of it, a couple hacks and some cheesy tactics have ruined the fun.
Does everybody remember that’s what it’s supposed to be about? I’m really glad that BG is happy steamrolling through the competition. Cheesy tactics have caused the fun to die in the game. Doesn’t matter that the tactics are effective, and they help you win… They’re cheesy, abusing the mechanics of the game (which i think is the actual definition of exploit, but i digress) and they suck the fun out. Couple that up with a couple of ill-timed Hacks, and the morale plummets on the opposing servers.
What’s the point in getting your Orb back if it’s just gonna get hacked again? What’s the point of going into WvW if you’re gonna be fighting a stack of players, instead of an army of players? Seriously, where’s the fun? Oh yeah, it’s in last week’s matchup.
IoJ didn’t even show up for our matchups this week. The Halloween event has basically killed the matchup, which i’d like to apologize to SoS for. I still think there’s more fun to be had in our matchup, because at least everybody seems to want to have some fun. Blackgate, enjoy your victory! I hope we never get to T1 again, because WvW is supposed to be fun.
Thank you. I am so glad someone from IoJ spoke up. If I had said this, it would be construed as sour grapes. EVEN THOUGH the trash talk from last week was deplorable, and EVEN THOUGH I was totally demoralized when IoJ helped SBI gain number one, and EVEN THOUGH we on JQ are ‘hated’ and both SBI and IoJ would rather see JQ lose than actually win themselves…
Last week was FUN!!! It was fair. It was brutal. For me it was heart breaking. But I didn’t end up thinking to myself “Should I bother to check WvW and jump in?” like I have a few times this week.
Make no mistake. Blackgate is good. Very good. Good enough to win without turtles. But it’s (I guess) just easier to ball up, call out portals and roll. Oddly enough, it’s still a close match and there’s always that snowball’s chance SBI or JQ will pull it out.
Let me say this. They caught us off guard with that one. It won’t happen again now that we know…
Turtle is a fad. A gimmick. Give it two weeks and it will become VERY situation at best. There are half a dozen ways to counter it.
That being said, I hate the turtle. I don’t even hate the zergs as much as I hate the turtle. And when I am part of breaking one up, I dance on the dead. Cowards.
Grab resource nodes while running. Yams sell of like 1 silver on auction. I make about 10 silver per hour after repairs in WvW. I’m telling you, resource nodes will at the very least pay your way to play.
Nothing like trying to be poetic and compare yourself to ancient warriors…
The Spartans would have lost because a mesmer would just port the Persians over them.
The whole idea is just silly.
Stand still, spam 1 skill, port with f1. Such derring-do! You’re winning. You’re winning with a legitimate tactic. Let’s not glorify hedgehogs and armadillos of curring up in a ball to save their hides from predators…
Smart? Yes. Works? Yes. Legit? Yes. Brave???? Hardly.
People come on. Every single server involved in this fight has one or two (maybe more like 10) players that make excuses and point fingers. IF there is hacking, report it in game and it will get dealt with.
Personally, I have yet to see anything close to hacking.
Turtles are here to stay. Learn to cope.
And as far as Blackgate being double teamed, you can’t be serious? The reason you’re getting ‘double teamed’ is because both servers had to take SOMETHING back from BG. The whole of all 4 maps was RED for crying out loud. Trust me, we had scouts watching SBI and were ready to go if they attacked. But we were pushing north (because, uh, there’s nothing south of our spawn site).
Could we have pushed east against SBI? NO! You (BG) would crush us in short order if we didn’t push you. SBI didn’t tangle with us for the same reason. When they attacked us, you’d sweep in behind and grab everything from them.
You made serious enemies on both fronts and now some of you cry 2 v 1? SBI and JQ have taken a serious beating from YOU BG and we want revenge on YOU. Nothing else will satisfy. You brought this on with your superior tactics and numbers and coverage etc etc etc. You want to be top dog? That’s what it’s all about.
JQ had the same happen last week.
So, what was it like a 40,000 point swing in a day? Wow. I noticed the tempo pick up Wednesday night.
Hey, I’ll take second to SBI. No shame in that. And Blackgate is going to stomp us both next week.
IoJ, great job first time out of the gate. I won’t mention specific other servers that just give up when in third, but you guys really hung in there. If there was an award for ‘Best T1 Performance for Third Place’, you guys would get it. And you’re STILL fighting today! Awesome. You guys can come back anytime you want. Best T1 match so far.
Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?
in WvW
Posted by: hex.3218
It is best for team build. I propose to fellow SBI thugs that you must /point and /laugh at all times to dead people. Jump on head too. Makes enemey hate you and your server. This is best for not allow to see them next to you when next big bandwagon server disolve.
Like JQ think they are really good. always 3rd place in tier 1 until HoD (dominate server) disolve and make JQ. Now JQ bandwagon.
/laughZibzab [sOLo]
HoD disolves and SBI still can’t take 1st! It’s precious to see the little ones try tho.
As far as dancing goes, I have yet to be danced upon. I’ve died many many times, but no one danced??? People are too classy these days…
That’s because all the bandwagoners who went to HoD transferred over to JQ after TA left. Haven’t you noticed any difference in you WvW pop? Because everyone else does.
Meant no disrespect. Put the winky emote there to show I was being silly. I love SBI.
Naw, I have instant queue times any time of day. Pop can’t have gone up. I never could get in in the first three week long match ups. What I do notice is now we have commanders, and a dedicated server Team Speak, and we don’t run around playing capture the flag anymore.
We were not always in 3rd place either. We had a few second place finishes. I know a lot of folks on SBI and have a ton of respect for them. I’d never try to cheapen a win for them by tossing out unsubstantiated ‘bandwagon’ comments.
HoD on the other hand… If they were still Tier 1, I’d have some issues with.
I’m still mad that none of them corpse dance me when they kill me. And I die a lot!
JQ truly showed this week what type of server they are…
-Zerging and camping throughout the day, bringing 50+ ppl when 10 enemies take a supply camp
-Getting pushed back during prime-time, despite the 3 orb bonus and all structures upgradedand now, up by 260k prior to the reset the next day, players from your server exploiting/glitching to take Sharadan Hills on the JQ Borderland.
I’m quite certain that you guys probably have some honorable guilds and players, as most in this thread have been respectable. It is a shame that those in the game are trash.
Sour. Just sour.
Should we just bring 10 people to fight 10 people to make it fair? Yeah. Okay. Then get jumped by 20 others when we do right? You know that accusations of exploiting are not honorable either, right? In fact, I believe it’s a violation of the ToS here.
Waiting down the road from your spawn is NOT camping. A ton of you still got out and did some damage here and there when played smartly. And oh shoudl we just let 10 folks raid supply camps? Yeah, great idea!
And let’s stop with the zerg blame game. Every server has a zerg when they have numbers. JQ uses tactics. The zergs just happen and they happen on every server.
NONE of what you said says ANYTHING about JQ specifically. That’s WvW. If you can’t take a loss, don’t play. We took our beatings and learned from them. Some of us whined like you about it and we were labelled JQQ for it. And I agreed. So much so that I made JQQ my guild tag.
Less blame, more fighting would do you good. If you can’t even beat so called ‘trash’, what does that make you? Pffft. Please…
It get much much better.
1. Make sure Map and Team are turned on in your chat window.
2. Read. Follow orders.
3. Get Team Speak if you really want to play.
4. Instant fun.
Hang way back at first and watch. The battle moves. Literally moves and you have to move with it. Make sure you know where the edges are. You will get flanked if you don’t. Watch out for easy routes to your back, or obstacles people can sneak behind (or under).
Learn about supply, blueprints and how to build stuff.
Ask questions.
Wow. The level of hurt in this thread is blinding. Came to get a score while at work. Found instead where all the wounded soldiers go when they x out of WvW enraged.
All I’ve seen when on WvW was good fights and lots of courage. This must be where the other people go…
This is a total generalization. I’ve seen any number of the possible team ups and just pure bloodbaths all in the same match. It shifts depending on players, times, scores, blood feuds etc etc…
3 world matchups evolve and will get even stranger when WvW rivalries get ingrained.
I’d slow clap this. I’d slow clap this so hard…
But one thing. I like the server rotation. And trust me, there’s some fear and bad blood out there already.
WvW is not about ‘everybody enjoying’ the game. Losing hurts and people will always say it’s unfair no matter what. Unless we just want to not have winners and hand out trophies for everyone who shows up, and not have ‘defeats’ but ‘time outs’ and force everyone to sing campfire songs in WvW, let’s just leave it as is and wait for it to sort itself out.
The interest will fade over time and reliable WvW numbers will eventually allow for balanced match ups.
It’s not about everyone having fun. Winners get to have fun, and good sport losers get to have fun. Whiners get nothing and like it.
you have no idea what your talking about
this has nothing to do with win if you win or not its about if you have a chance or not
This is why you lose. You don’t even think you have a chance. Pffft. Why should the game be altered to favor YOU?
Yes. What were you expecting?
you go JQ you keep proveing that point… yea… keep doing that.
The OP does not represent JQ. Read my post above yours.
The OP does NOT represent JQ. This is a troll post, probably by a player from another server.
We have and continue to aknowledge that CD and DB are not intentionally teaming up, and the SBI and HoD did not either.
We lost last week, plain and simple. By the same token, we are winning this week.
Please for the love of the game ignore the OP and know that the majority of WvW people on JQ just want to do battle and don’t believe in this nonsense.
Open calls for double team go largely ignored. BLOOD is the only answer.
Never say someone ‘has no idea’ what their talking about. You sound oafish and ignorant when you do. Obviously, people with differing opinions know what they are talking about.
And I believe he/she meant that a certain PLAYER doesn’t need to be the leader all the time, not that WvW doesn’t need leaders at all.
WvW is not about ‘everybody enjoying’ the game. Losing hurts and people will always say it’s unfair no matter what. Unless we just want to not have winners and hand out trophies for everyone who shows up, and not have ‘defeats’ but ‘time outs’ and force everyone to sing campfire songs in WvW, let’s just leave it as is and wait for it to sort itself out.
The interest will fade over time and reliable WvW numbers will eventually allow for balanced match ups.
It’s not about everyone having fun. Winners get to have fun, and good sport losers get to have fun. Whiners get nothing and like it.