Showing Posts For inazuma.7021:

Rock the Vote

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Without actually seeing the results as they happen, they can make them whatever they want.

There is no way Kiel has more support.

Here. You dropped your tin foil hat.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Rock the Vote

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Just ask yourselves if you really want to elect a fancy cat with a lead designer in his pocket. We’ll just have double up our support for Kiel on SATURDAY.

Brought to you by the people against smelly animals in office.

This man speaks the truth.

Remind me which Edge of Destiny member screwed over the others…oh right…the human -_-

Oh please, all Logan did was restore party balance. Six is too many for a dungeon run.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Why I support Kiel over Evon.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Evon beats Kiel

Not according to today’s exit poll. ;P

If the voting ended today, sure. Just like how Romney’s supporters thought the last election was their’s to take with the early polling.

Romney’s supporters just assumed a landslide victory before the election day even arrived. Just like Evon’s supporters have been.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Exit Polls (updated 8/2)

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


why do I have a feeling 80% of the ppl voting for kiel only votes for her for the cheaper waypoints?

As if 80% of those voting for Evon are not voting for him only for the Abaddon thing?

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Consider voting for Kiel

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


And if you can’t vote for a little girl in pigtails who lost her mommy and daddy in a tragic sailing accident, you have NO SOUL!

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Why I support Kiel over Evon.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Evon beats Kiel

Not according to today’s exit poll. ;P

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Exit Polls (updated 8/2)

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Close race, so far. I’m glad it’s not a landslide either way. That’d be boring.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Has anyone seen Evon's birth certificate?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


I heard he was born in Ascalon! He’s not even native to Lion’s Arch!

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Evon Wants to Kill Your Gods!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


It’s true! Think about it!

Why else would a Charr want to research a Human god? The Charr -killed- all their gods, and now they want to do the same to the super-powered aliens the Humans worship. By studying how Abaddon fell, he could learn how to do the same to the remaining six.

Beware, Humans! Do not support Evon Gnashblade, for he seeks ways to destroy your faith! Do not let him have the secrets to killing your gods!*

*Except for Kormir. ’Natch.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

IMO: ArenaNet favors Evon (Unfair!)

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


So, basically because your choice seems to be losing (how you can know that before the actual vote and event is started) you think that ArenaNet is “intending for the other guy to win”

Would we have seen the same thread had it been the other way around I wonder?

This is the case essentially.

Remember when people were thinking Kiel would win easily? The cries “OMG ANET WHY SO ONE SIDED, WHY HATE CHARR!?” were all over the place.

No, I don’t remember that happening. It’s always been forumites going “Gnashblade is an easy win!” right from the start.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

IMO: ArenaNet favors Evon (Unfair!)

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


I hate Charrs, and I dont care about lower TP or WP costs, I’m voting for Evon becauase I want to see Gods again in GW.

What gods? They’re just superpowered aliens from another planet.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

IMO: ArenaNet favors Evon (Unfair!)

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Kiel gets the shortsighted smartperson votes so everything seems in order here.

So you’re saying Evon is getting all the farsighted dumbperson votes?

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

IMO: ArenaNet favors Evon (Unfair!)

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


It does feel as if Anet is baiting the playerbase to favor Evon. It’s part of the reason I’m going with Kiel. The favoritism is irritating.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Has it started yet?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


This is even better:

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Has it started yet?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


I hafta go to the bafrooooooom.

Ewwww! Stay on your side of the seat! Stop poking me! MOOOOOOOMMM!!!

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Thaumanova Reactor Explosion

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Why does everyone keep comparing the Thaumanova Reactor to Black Mesa? I loved Half-Life, but I wont call it being like it, until I see that the Arcane Council decided to send in some Marines and Black-Ops as clean-up crew. Also you would be only allowed to play as engineer, you know, they have the crowbar. :P

I believe that the Inquest that attack during the lead up to the Flame Elemental event would be the “black ops” trying to cover things up.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Has it started yet?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Are we there yet?

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Remember Kids...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Stand against the smelly Charr and vote for someone that has your back as well as your best interests and Tyrias at heart ! Vote for Kiel!!!

Interesting that you chose a THIEF to represent one of the candidates … Hmmmnnnn ….

As opposed to a useless Ranger?

That’s right. I went there.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Who is Evon Gnashblade

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


I remember Ellen Kiel from Southsun Cove and the Dragonbash Event but I never heard or seen Gnashblade until this event.

He’s known for shady business dealings and co-owning the Black Lion Trading Company. That’s it. He’s basically came out of the woodwork at the start of BotFW to be the “nasty candidate” to Ellen Kiel’s more trustworthy one.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

A Future with Skritt King

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


How does Skritt King propose to deal with the record-breaking Shinies deficit? The Skrittsburg economy is in shambles!

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Thanks ANET (Tradeable wep skins)

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021



Nope. RNG still stinks. I’ll be getting my weapon skins from the Candidate Trials, thank you.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Thaumanova Reactor Explosion

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Yes, but Asura are awfully ugly and pretty horrible to look at.

If we get to see Dwayna… Oh Mama!

Dwayna’s the ugly one! Asura are beautiful!

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Thaumanova "Chaos Mists Discussion"

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


I always enjoyed the “shout-out” parallels between Thaumanova and Black Mesa of Half-Life fame. Scientists working in a remote location in a secured research facility, suffer a devastating accident which leads to various creatures teleporting into the facility and killing any hapless workers they come across, followed by an attempted cover-up (the Inquest trying to kill you during the Flame Elemental event).

I’d find it highly amusing, if there was a semi-parody of Half-Life 2 to follow suit.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Zerg? I'll do it solo!

in Engineer

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Hoozah for Asura Engineers! I run mine on a Flamethrower/Elixir Gun build and I love it. Great job!

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Throw your cap over the wall

in Living World

Posted by: inazuma.7021


I rather like not knowing all the specifics of what’s to come too far out. Makes for more enjoyable surprises.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant


in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Vote Gnashblade, you know you want to.

Not with that “I will violate your body” face of his.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

What if it's a tie?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Then the Quaggan wins by default.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Possible new class weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: inazuma.7021


The idea of my asura engie running around with a warhammer makes me want to giggle.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

New Blog Post Up for 2nd Half! Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: inazuma.7021


I don’t think that the new Legendary gear is going to be armor or back related.

Legendary dyes, come on!


A legendary black would break the trading post, it’d be priced so high. XD

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Quaggan for President!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Vote smart
Vote S-mart

S for Suwash!

Suwash-mart? I think your Army of Darkness reference went a bit off the rails there.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

If assume it's only one FOTM instance

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Does Lion’s Arch actually do any pirating anymore? I thought they had basically turned into a legitimate trading city. All the pirate trappings are just nostalgic leftovers of their more nefarious beginnings.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Quaggan for President!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Coo! Quaggan in 1326!

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Citizen's Campaign for Justice

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Ellen Kiel is an agent of the Lionguard, and thus a fully sanctioned government agent. I don’t believe “terrorist” applies to someone doing the government’s bidding in said government’s own territory, towards the purpose of freeing innocents (who were under the government’s protection) from the control of an extra-national financial organization.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Guaranteed victory for Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


A vote for Kiel is a vote for boring heroines.

Evon clearly knows what he’s doing here.

Yeah, he’s fooling suckers like you. ;P

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Why does ArenaNet Glorify Lion's Arch?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


3. The Support of the Consortium: A criminal organization that Engaged in the Exploitation of Refugees in Southsun Cove

Um, no. The Consortium is at odds with Lion’s Arch. The exploitation of the Southsun refugees happened against Lion’s Arch’s wishes. The Consortium built the refugee facilities without LA’s permission, knowing that public opinion about supporting the refugees would tie the hands of the Captain’s Council. So they couldn’t call out the Consortium on their underhandedness.

Further, I remind you that LA sent a Lionguard agent (Ellen Kiel) to investigate the events on Southsun, who then sabotaged the Consortium’s efforts to further exploit the refugees (by blowing up the contracts binding the refugees into indentured servitude).

In short, the Consortium never had Lion’s Arch’s support. Quite the opposite.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Evon makes the keys, not the boxes.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


The OP is wrong here.

They’re called Black Lion Chests remember? Evon’s company does, in fact, make them. Do you honestly believe he’s not so devious as to seed those chests throughout Tyria for no other reason than to sell the matching keys?

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Thaumanova Reactor Explosion

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Am I the only one that’s curious of the relationship between the Uncategorized Fractal and the Thaumanova Reactor incident? The wiki says that it (Thamumanova Reactor) was the site of a RUINED Asura City.

Is it possible that the Uncategorized Fractal is the sealed off modern day version… of the city on top of Thaumanova Reactor?

It’s already possible to get on top of the reactor, through an event. Though all you do up there is fight a Steam Ogre boss on a small platform.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Vote Both

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


To make a tie would be very difficult. It would probably require careful play by, well, the entire player base, and an up-to-the-minute count of the totals.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

If assume it's only one FOTM instance

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


In all honesty, Anet would be fools to not use both of these ideas. No matter which NPC wins, the other fractal should eventually be made as well. This election should just decide which gets made sooner.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Vote for Evon!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Kiel is promoting BAD lifestyle choices!

Think about it a cheaper way points are going to cause mass laziness due to the fact that players will be teleporting around Tyria. Backsides will be getting bigger by the week. Armour will no longer fit and you will be reduced to wearing tin foil lined moo moo’s, with a selection of hideous coloured dyes, Not to mention the lag due to the increasing weight of the population.

Jumping puzzles ? you can forget those with a butt that big!

Exhibit A.

But I like big butts, and I cannot lie. You other brothers can’t deny.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Vote for Evon!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Gnashblade deals with the Consortiuum! They are unfriendly rivals of Lion’s Arch! He sells their wares in his trading post! That Charr has proved he has no loyalty! He’ll do anything for a quick gold piece! He cannot be trusted!


Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Thaumanova Reactor Explosion

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Evon Gnashblade: Charr. Co-founder and current leader of the Black Lion Trading Company. The BLTC is the leading trading company on our world. A Monopoly if you ask me. Being the leader of a company such as this, you have to be agile, cunning, and very cutthroat. The trading business is not easy! Especially with pirates. There is no doubt that Evon can make a deal with the zephyrs, but at what gain to him? We can not obviously think that a merchant at his status will not make this deal worth his while as well. It’s in a business’ nature to gain more than its customers. But Evon can get the job done and could bring in a very nice train of supply and commerce into Lion’s Arch. Making the city more productive as a whole.

Gnashblade has also demonstrated he’ll sell out Lion’s Arch’s best interests to make a quick gold piece when he started selling Consortiuum goods through the BLTC. The Consortiuum, if anyone needs reminding, is not politically friendly towards Lion’s Arch. They started building their “refugee town” on Southsun without LA’s direct permission (the island technically being in LA’s territory), knowing that public opinion would tie the Captains Council’s hands.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Thaumanova Reactor Explosion

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


I wonder what kinds of things would happen if you mixed the Mists with chaos energy…

Probably the same thing that happens when u mix Dexters Laboratory whit DeeDee.

What does thiiis button dooooo? pushes

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

15 gold for guild kite?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Price for this should be around 50 g imo. 15g you can earn in an hour.

On what planet do you live where you earn 15 gold an hour? You sound like a billionaire who holds poor people in disdain for not being able to afford a new Ferrari every week.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

15 gold for guild kite?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Guild armor and weapons a ridiculously cheap compared to this, and this is for a toy kite. “Greed” has nothing to do with it. Compared to other guild-marked stuff, the kite skin is stupidly overpriced.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Why fractals in the vote?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Is English your second language? I have a hard time following what you’re saying here. I don’t even know what a cimesfroites is.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Guaranteed victory for Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


While I have much love and respect for Kiel, there’s no way she’s going to win. I had planned on giving all my votes to her… up until Evon promised discounted Black Lion Keys.

You do know the discounts are TEMPORARY, right? 4 weeks and then it’s over.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

15 gold for guild kite?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Are you serious, Anet? I thought a guild skin for our kites would be a gold piece or two… but 15? Really?

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Thaumanova Reactor Explosion

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Why no third party! QUAGGAN FOR COUNCIL!!!!


A Quaggan would win the election easily. Anet wants this to be a challenge.

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant

Thaumanova Reactor Explosion

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: inazuma.7021


Evon Gnashbalde is ruthless, yes. But he gets the job done with no bullkitten. And that’s what we need on the council.

You call RNG boxes no bullkitten? Bookah! Gnashblade is a con artist and you fell for his act! Kiel truly cares about the citizens of Lion’s Arch and has put her life on the line for them repeatedly!



It’s not slander when it’s true. ;P

Vhaewyn – Level 80 Sylvari Ranger
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant