Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant
I fear the very moment in which we will see them dead on the beach, hand in hand, forever bound in death like they were in life.
And our curses to Anet for our feelings.
Noooo! Don’t put sad images like that in my head! You monster!
He’s probably going to get a buyer soon.
The buyer will be either the player, or Marjory/Kasmeer.
“We’re in dire straits here. I’ll buy your billet, and you’ll fight to defend Lion’s Arch and help get the refugees out.”
Something like that.
Well… your Kiel is apparently not doing her job very well since Lion’s Arch will burn.
“Boo hoo, it’s not my fault the council doesn’t listen to me even though I have all the f-ing evidence in the world.”
Lolwut?They didn’t listen when Cobiah wanted a fortress on Claw island. He got it done anyways and it has proven very useful throughout history.
Kiel doesn’t have what it takes and now Lion’s Arch will fall.
And since Lion’s Arch will burn anyway, Gnashblade would have been (and is) just as powerless.
You have any idea what the Consortium would charge for rent? No thanks.
Scarlet being a Dragon Champion could explain why she’s so darn good at everything. Doing all three Asuran colleges, etc. You know, all the reasons her haters call her a Mary Sue.
It’s cute how Kiel has a similar, albeit smaller, thread. But the truth is already known. The one who was voted onto the vacant Council seat is inefficient, and lacks the necessary skills to be a leader.
I know right! The Evon thread is already has 140 posts, and this has a mere 16… nobody cares about her. I fact I’ve already posted twice in this thread just to say how bad she is, not how good she is.
And if Evon actually was more popular, he’d have been elected.
I urge you all, go to Lion’s Arch.
Talk to the NPCs
Wander the roads.
Swim the depths of the bay.
Explore the sewers.
Run the jumping puzzles (actually do them, don’t just ’port to the end).
Bet on the moa races.
Leap off the diving board.
Chat with the Tengu.
And much more.
In short, enjoy Lion’s Arch while you still have the time. The clock is ticking.
Wow, that’ll be a great way to embarrass Charr players.
Lost Shores was a lagfest. Karka are hard enough to fight when you can see them. Try it when their graphics won’t load in, but they can kill you anyway.
We voted her into office, and now will be her time to shine! We know Ellen was a dedicated and skilled Lionguard agent, and her training hasn’t simply vanished in the few months she’s been sitting in a councilor’s chair. Kiel shall rise, to lead the people of her city to safety! She will help us stop the invasion, as only a hero can!
Plus, she has a giant holographic Ellen Kiel ready to destroy the Marionette! It’ll be like Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla!
Besides, what’s Gnashblade gonna do? Bribe the Krait? Neckstab the Marionette? Those are pretty much his only skills. Fleabag is useless.
Bye bye LA.
Wait, did someone say something about donuts?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: inazuma.7021
The flames of Lion’s Arch falling into ash will be a romantic fire for Scarlet and I to snuggle up by.
I had fun in Season 1. Season 2 should be better, with upgraded rewards. Weapon skins? Yes please!
I’ve always hated Lion’s Arch and I think it’s great news that Scarlet is giving that place the Colony Drop
Wait, so Scarlet is dropping a space station on LA?
I think of her tactics as more like the Adama Maneuver, just with a bunch of airships rather than the Galactica.
I imagine that Tengu chargen would involve picking your tribe, like Charr choose a Legion, or Asura a college. Level 1-10 personal story would involve adventures dealing with the tribal politics, perhaps.
She just puts it all on her Black Lion Express card. What’s in your wallet?
why should old world Tengu do anything but remain xenophobic towards humanity? Particularly since they seem not to be involved in the us vs dragon thing that somehow united Tyria.
These are not Canthan Tengu. There was never an accord, never any softening of the emnity of them. I’m shocked they have any contact with outsiders at all.
And seriously.. never make them a playable race. Not until the Canthan tribes are available.
If I recall correctly, all the Tengu tribes are now in the Dominion. The Canthan tribes fled north after the rise of Zhaitan and built the Dominion of Winds. So they’re already there.
Opening up the Dominion during the destruction of the city and introducing Tengu as playable shortly after would be a wonderful move. This is absolutely the perfect opportunity to bring them into the fold and I think Anet would be making a huge mistake not to.
And what would be the Tengus’ 1-15 starter zone? Why, the “Ruins of Lion’s Arch,” of course!
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: inazuma.7021
This is gonna be epic. I can’t wait!
I do all my “city stuff” in the Grove, anyway. It’s very peaceful.
I totally expect Canach to either escape or be freed so he can make a true heel-face turn and help defend LA (and from there become the Sylvari member of DE 2.0). It’s a plot twist you can see coming a mile away.
Yeah, don’t sweat it. They haven’t done a one-time event thing since Lost Shores, and that turned into a bit of a clusterfreak. They won’t be repeating that mistake.
I have a feeling it wont be destroyed, besides it wont even be the first time the city has been attacked. It has been attacked before in some of our personal stories which I might add was one the most memorable parts of any of the stories I have done on all 8 chars.
I just hope this turns out to be more than what I expect it to be.
It was also attacked by the White Mantle and mursaat, the tormented minions of Abaddon, and the charr . . . in order of recent to oldest. I suspect it was under attack once before that too.
You forgot the Karka.
Here-comes-Hero-Tron-to-save-the-day. Evil-doers-beware.
Yeah, Taimi rhymes with “tiny,” which I’m sure Anet did on purpose.
More accurately, her condition. As we learned today, Taimi doesn’t ride on top of Scruffy the Golem for fun (well, not just for that). She has a degenerative disease that leaves her with very weak legs, and unable to walk far. Scruffy is her wheelchair, in a sense.
And as she gets older, the degeneration will probably spread.
I totally never saw this twist to her character coming. Way to hit me in my feels, Anet. :’(
The reveal, to me, wasn’t so much that Scarlet plans to attack Lion’s Arch. It’s why. There’s something under the city that’s she’s after. Something to do with the ley lines and dragon energy. Something she may very well awaken in the next few weeks.
As a fan of the game, anet owes me quality service, and this is not it. Fortunately I don’t have to wait long for The Elder Scrolls Online now…
That’s a weird concept right there.
I am a fan of Lot’s of things. I don’t expect my favourite band to play at my birthday….
It’s called sense of entitlement.
Wow, so much QQ.
Go outside people.
Yeah, go outside into the snowstorms, Most of America!
Scarlet did it! She broke the servers to keep her secrets from us!
This is clearly all a plot by Scarlet.
Patch day SUCCESSFUL! thumbs up
People have been demanding we get all this story in-game, and ANet has delivered.
not too sure what the vandalised palm tree crayon drawing is supposed to be though. If Scarlet was like a certain real-world human race I’d say it depicts her self-loathing for being a plant. Not very mensch of her nonetheless.
It’s a call back to the short story from last year. It’s an image of the Pale Tree being strangled by a red, thorny vine. Essentially a vision Scarlet had of her attacking the Pale Tree.
BG beat it again this morning (on an overflow), about 10 AM sever time. I know we beat it before that, but I dunno when. This was the one I was present for.
I like the part where he proclaims nobody is as good as he is.
I beat the Marionette today for the first time, it was my…. 4th attempt? Anyway, it was very satisfying. It also got me all the codes I needed to complete Scarlet’s journal as well, so… bonus!
This was a great fight, and felt like we scored a big victory against Scarlet. Excellent work, ANet! I am excited for part 2 next month!
The dragon in the ceiling is red.
She had alot of colors to draw with, but she did it with red.
Now what dragon is associated with the color red?
Thought it is also logical that she used red because she likes the color, and her chosen name IS Scarlet.
The drill just points more towards Primordus than ever, IMHO.
I loved the secret base. I enjoyed putting together her journal and decoding the console. Great work, Anet!
We need a recipe for making gummy wurms.
No, you just need to open the lair once.
Braham and Taimi are the best comedy duo in Tyria since Giorgio and Hobo-Tron!
yeah, screw your barely-reskinned wurm and giant booty stiletto robot
i want kiwi dessert quaggan romance
Kiwi’s are adorable flightless birds. Kiwi fruit is a fruit, and yes it absolutely does need the word fruit on the end.
Kiwi = flightless bird (or as a nickname for New Zealander’s).
The fruit resembles the bird, hence fruit.Wow, all the on topics. Yay.
He may have meant people from New Zealand. OMG CANNIBAL!!
" big fortress on a mountain isn’t much of a secret. You can see the place for miles."
Lol Very true. But in your personal story they make it seem like the HQ for all the orders were a secret. Maybe I misunderstood that.
I recall the location of the Priory base was supposed to be a secret from Zhaitan, but obviously that didn’t work out. So if it was a secret, it’s not anymore.
Scarlet is either: A) Luring the dragons from the far corners of Tyria closer to central Tyria, which would be absolutely DEVASTATING for the world as we know it …
Now, it may be that even the Elder Dragons can be effected by Scarlett’s spores, since the spores are a chaos-magical creation. Could Scarlett be attempting to infect a dragon with spores in order to study the physically manifested hallucinations?
Now THIS is another very plausible theory. What if Scarlet is attempting to lure ALL the Elder Dragons to a central location, infect them all with her Hallucinatory Spores, and then have them fight each other while confused? When only one remains, gravely weakened from the battle, that’s when Scarlet steps in with her army, kills it, and becomes the Savior/New Supreme Overlord of Tyria.
That… is brilliant. A long shot, but brilliant.
Scarlet seems to have dripped some strawberry jam on her design notes.
“Secondly, it is near the Durmand Priory.”
kitten makes total sense now, not sure how I had forgotten that. lol
Isn’t that supposed to be a secret though? Then again she knows everything.
A big fortress on a mountain isn’t much of a secret. You can see the place for miles.
A giant man-made robot? A huge, horrifying monster risen from the depths? This all fits with a certain movie from last summer that I quite enjoyed. Just tell me that Idris Elba and Ron Perlman will show up, and I will love you forever, Anet.
Oh, and I nickname the giant watchwork “Gypsy Briar”
It might be a one stop for daily gatherer though. Lo.
Not quite.
These three nodes, plus the Quartz Crystal Node and Candy Corn Node (if you have them) is five nodes. You mine them three times each. Each mining hit is 5% towards the achievement. At most you get 75%.
I’ve been wondering this, and I don’t see why there wouldn’t be a preview tomorrow, but you never know.
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