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Stop doing living story, make an expansion!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


I love how people don’t want to buy anything in the gemstore, pay for an expansion or do any other kind of payment and then state tha Anet have to offer them what they want all the time becuase that’s how it SHOULD be.

Have you ever played other MMOs? MMOs aren’t Xbox games, they need money to keep going and Anet isn’t a church, they are a gaming company with people who have families and need money to LIVE. Thier job is to create content and get paid for it, they aren’t supposed to be angels who listen to every single player’s wishes and YES, I mean it, people are so selfish nowadays and as long as their wishes don’t become true, it means that Anet isn’t listening to anyone and is making the game worse because they are bad guys. Please mature up.

Sorry if my comment is offending but guys, stop complaining all the time. There is no perfect game and there is no company that will listen to every single player where each one of them want a different thing. I really dislike entering gaming forums to see people literally crying ALL THE TIME. Not only gaming btw, even movies ‘’BAD ACTOR’’ ‘’give me my money back’’ and you see that the forums are filled with 90+ pages of threads with people crying about how unfair life is, how people are dying in Africa and how the gaming or the movie company are responible for that.

Yes, Anet have made alot of mistakes, yes, many bad movies gets released, however you gotta learn to enjoy stuff and give them some credit, just some.

Expansions are normal for MMOs, when I see people commenting with ‘’WHAT? DO I HAVE TO PAY AGAIN. GREEDY!’’ etc. I just lose faith in gaming communities. When a game starts to innovate and changes the model to Buy to play, it doesn’t mean they don’t need or want money because they do. Also you gotta accept that as a fact in the MMO industry, at least you have a game that doesn’t require you to pay 15 dollars/month. This is not paradise, changes for the better come, but you won’t see a game offering you the best quality, expanding their game for ur sake while you refuse to pay for an expansion and you want to experience all the content even though the ones who keep the game running are others who pay in the gemstore AKA not you. Why? because 50 dollars FTW, you paid for the game and you want a company with hundreds of people working for years to keep statisfied as those 50 dollars should make a company opened for a lifetime just for your service.

People need to be realstic and read about the game and the gaming models for that genre before buying it.

(edited by nGumball.1283)

How Can ANet Improve Average Player Skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Gaming moved away from the hardcore concept even though what you are talking about sounds casual. Games nowadays are directed towards the casual player-base who play for fun rather than learning anything, it is a game afterall, you can’t start blaming anyone for being bad!

Anet wanted their world to be explorable, they wanted the players to explore the world themselves and while it is good in theory and I am pretty sure many enjoyed it, they didn’t keep in mind that the current player-base of MMOs won’t bother doing alot of that leading to inexperienced players reaching 80 with zergs, ending up without understanding what the game is about.

I disagree with your punishing strategy though, this hardcore concept is gone and shouldn’t be implemented back, we don’t have to be punished for playing games. It is just like going back to the old-day schools where students gets punished physically, building the fear to not do future mistakes. This method leans towards a dictatorship, something that the modern society will never accept even if it is a simple game.

Anet should have implemented a hint/tips system during the personal story, building your experience and mechanics rather than only leading you to the right maps. It maybe still avaiable to implement this system otherwise but it is too late for the personal story at least, as they would need to totally change it to fit the concept.

(edited by nGumball.1283)

''ArenaNet need to inform the players''

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Well, a korean invesment company with reliable sources announced that Guild Wars 2 is gonna have an exapnsion during 2015 which sounds really realistic. If it is actually true we gonna see the hype strating with an Anet announcement.

Titanfall and ESO appear to be really weak in performence and therefore I don’t even think Anet cares that much as the quality of these games doesn’t live up to the hype that they have had.

However, a release in 2015 means compitition with some big titles lead by EverquestN which I think Anet is a company that will literally go and do it like they did via release. Tera, TSW and SWTOR were huge titles afterall.

"Expansion sized" patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


I hope people won’t believe this feature update will be an expansion, because it is NOT. Expansions take months to hype up and market, this is basically an update to focus on the features of the game rather than new content as people have been asking for changes to some of the mechanics.

''ArenaNet need to inform the players''

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


I know they have stated it, but my pure opinion is that they should react to how the player-base want information about it right now and at least put a link to the statements so everyone can be re-informed.

I have been linking the interviews and conferences where Anet stated those things in the threads and everyone gets surprised which means that the majority actually don’t even know about these, supposedly already announced things.

''ArenaNet need to inform the players''

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


ANET has overhyped things and underhyped things. Frankly telling people everything is a recipe for a bland game. Caving in the the whims of the moment also lead to a bland game.

They haven’t even stated in an obvious way that the Living World development is sepertate than the Expansion-like one. Something that have been generating threads for the last months with people believing that Anet have decided to go with the Living World instead of an expansion, which is false.

Such kind of statements are really important for the player-base to clearly see.

''ArenaNet need to inform the players''

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Catchy title huh, well, not only that but a quite realistic statement. ArenaNet have been working on Guild Wars 2 for a while now offering content that have been interesting to a huge degree. Not everyone are happy no, alot of flaws yes and alot of shouting for a new expansion but you know what, no game is perfect HOWEVER we need information.

I am not the only one stating this neither the last, despite the beautiful work from ArenaNet’s side, leading to innovative touches here and there, we the playerbase have a huge lack of information when it comes to what is happening. What are they doing? Are they planning on an expansion? More Living world? Maybe Guild Wars 3?

Well, I don’t know, because there is no information. Now is this supposed to be a James Bond mystery guessing game? Cool but now I have to say that you guys are doing it wrong, we don’t want James Bond, we need information regarding the development of the game and the plans to at least understand what is coming. There is alot of people leaving the game because they don’t know what is coming and simply give up! I mean, do you know how huge of a loss this is in exchange of some information?!

I am not asking for spoilers or information against ArenaNet’s policy or whatever, but a few to make the player-base understanding of the situation. Quite frankly, with just a little search on the internet, I have found alot of interviews where Colin or other ArenaNet officials state really important things like ‘’ the development of the Living story and the expansion-like content is seperate and therefore there is two kinds of content that are ready to be introduced’‘. How many people know about this?! The majority doesn’t quite frankly leading to tons of threads asking ArenaNet to stop with the Living World because they believe it is the reason why we are not getting any other kind of content which is false, because that other kind of content is being worked on atm which we are not being informed of in any decent way.

This is a thread to show the importance of sharing information, we are humans, and we are greedy to know what is next, please think about that!

SUGGESTION: Make a some kind of a ’’wall’’ called ‘’Tyrian Messenger’’ where teasers and litte information from now to then gets introduced in addition to the introduction of links to the interviews/conferences. People really want to know and trust they will be happy just knowing what is possibly coming.

(edited by nGumball.1283)

"Expansion sized" patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Read that, Colin explains major parts of their future plans in the interview including expansion-like content to be released soon [ No, not feature patch, but literally expansion-like content as he compars it to what we await from other MMOs when they release an expansion ].

PS. The interview is quite new, nothing out-dated.

Stop doing living story, make an expansion!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Let’s make stuff clear, Anet announced a while ago two important things:

1. Living Story 2-weeks updates will no longer be there
2. They are working on 2 huge projects with expansion-like content to be released

Regarding the first point, Anet stated that the Living story strategy will resume as they won’t give up on it yet. However, they do know what the people thought about season 1 Living Story and they will use methods to imporve it. The improvment will start with stopping the 2-weeks updates, dilvering bigger updates but with longer periods in between. We are still talking here about Living Story.

Regarding the 2 projects, these two are seperate than the Living Story and as far as they sounded, the content should be ready or nearly ready but they haven’t decided yet how to introduce the content. Stating however the those projects will offer expansion-like content.

In conclusion we can say that Anet have 2 types of content they will offer during season 2, Living Story in a new style and two mysterious projects with content we don’t know anything about, supposedly, being expansion-like.

Personally I would prefer an expansion, becuase it is more healthy to the game. It is more or less a marketting model and it works aside from the fact that a HUGE portion of the Gw2 community have been asking for an expansion. An expansion will literally blow up Gw2’s popularity again and may lead to alot of new blood in the community.

Why I think so? Well, as stated, it is healthy for the game but also for the player to experience something new, Living Story will be there for another season with those frequent updates, there is no point of introducing another type of content the exact same way especially that we know of a fact there are ppl who don’t like the frequent updates.

So yeah, Anet DON’T have the Living Story INSTEAD of an expansion, they have two kinds of content prepeared. Two seperate kinds of content basically. Something that I personally have found really interesting and WRONG is that Anet doesn’t really inform players clearly for those future stuff. In fact, most Gw2 players don’t even know about what I said in my post basically because it is nowhere on their site but announcemnts they made during conferences or interviews. You can find them on internet, yes, but if you don’t search, you won’t find the information players should know about what Anet is doing.

(edited by nGumball.1283)

Semi-expansions via gemstore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


@Inculpatus cedo.9234

What I meant with ‘’Gemstore updates are negative’’ is if they go with Gemstore updates instead of an expansion as a model, something some games already use. The content here gets released in mini-expansions you could say, that you can only get from the Gemstore. What is negative here is that, even if the content is similiar to that of an expansion, the impact won’t be the same as it will sound more as ‘’buy some extra content with gems or gold’’ rather than ‘’an expansion taking Gw2 to a new stage’‘. Also, most people who left Gw2 and people who don’t play it won’t be attracted if they hear of ‘’an update through an in-game gamestore’’ cause even if it sounds good for you as a player, for a person who don’t play the game, it will always sound as something for the people in the game rather than himself ‘’well, they get an update, good for them’’, again, not the same impact as an expansion.

On the other hand, if the model of the update was to be an expansion, being released that way with new art trailers, covers, CD, teasers etc. and the Gemstore is just an option to buy from, it would be great obviously.

My point was that if the updates are to be bought exclusivly from in-game, it won’t reach too many people as people who don’t play will feel left out.

The updates being released as an expansion but also having a Gemstore option, is no issue ofcourse.

Semi-expansions via gemstore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


One more PS, I am sure alot of people will think selfishly that a Gemstore update will be better because THEY have enough gold to not bother paying money not thinking about the casual players that this model will hurt neither the development of the game itself, needing new players to evolve the game.

Sorry for the reference but World of warcraft got most of its players after the 1 year mark pushing the company to do even bigger stuff with a bigger community. With a Gemstore content we are basically saying ‘’we DON’T want new players, me and my guild members will play have fun and then leave because the game gets inactive or just stay and play with eachother in an empty server’’.

It is not an opinion that Gemstore content won’t have impact on people who don’t play Guild Wars 2, it is a fact.

If Anet takes this model, hindering new players from coming, pushing others away, to keep those who have enough gold playing, I at least, hope that people won’t open threads about how it is Anet’s fault, because it is none but ur own, informing the company of selfish opinions.

(edited by nGumball.1283)

Semi-expansions via gemstore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Anet announced that they will keep going with the living story but with updates being bigger and taking longer time. In addition to that, we have the special content which is to be more specific, two unique projects, they are working on, going more towards an expansion content than pure Living world.

The options are basically, either put it in an expansion, add it to Living world content which will make the updates even more huge with permenant changes aside from the ones Living world will offer with its story or, last but not least, content through Gemstore.

I have been playing MMOs for a long time and from personal experience, despite what could accure in this situation cause everything is possible, the Gemstore option is the worst scenario. Guild Wars 2 have been offering this Living story for a while now and people aren’t really impressed, yes it is great, many love it and I do personally BUT people want ‘’expansion content’’ however, the negative reactions towards the Living story aren’t always connected to the content but alot of times more towards the model itself. There is a difference in the impact between 10 living story updates and one huge expansion, both in the media and the player-base. An expansion basically have the potentional to blow the media again, with Guild Wars 2 head-lining every news-title once AGAIN, something that casual updates will never do.

The Gemstore option doesn’t only fail in offering the same impact on the players and the media but it also may lead to huge upset in the Guild Wars 2 community ’’wasn’t this meant to be a b2p games, why are you charging us for content?’’.

Yes, maybe it is the same in your mind, an expansion and gemstore content however IT TOTALLY IS NOT for others, who will accuse Guild Wars 2 for forcing the players into paying more money.

So basically the Gemstore option offers the same content as an expansion with 10 times less impact on the players, less hype to bring back old players or attract new ones and last but NOT least, it will fail to make the Gw2 community happy as many will RAGE and tbh, there is no difference between paying for this or an expansion, choosing this however path just makes you a hipster who wants to be different, sacraficing the whole community. Everyone WANT an expnasion, threads, blogs, sites, everyone are asking for it, going the hipster way, taking a less effective and popular path where you gonna pay anyhow, may become a huge loss for Anet if they actually choose to take that becuase none will care about their ‘’You can pay and play when you want’‘, most people will get it as ’’there is no expansion and now even the updates are pay-to-play’’.

Regarding, adding even armor and such in the Gemstore content, is just a step to statisfy you and maybe 10 others. You are just forcing people into buying the content even more, making the Buy 2 play model useless.

The Gemstore option is something I am hugely against cause even if logically it is the same as an expansion or a mini-expansion, it got too many negative spots more or less and everyone will be more excited to buy an expansion, it is the same afterall, u gonna pay anyhow and if u don’t wanna try new content, you can decide to not buy either.

PS. Aside from that speking practically, a Gemstore update does always feel directed towards current players, they are the people using the Gemstore afterall. Players who left and new-faces will almost be not interested at all. It will always feel as an in-game thing which won’t matter for the world but only for the current players.

To be honest, if Anet goes with that method, I personally think and it is a personal opinion, that they will do a huge mistake during a very important phase for the game.

(edited by nGumball.1283)

I Gave Up On This Game Am I Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


PS. Do you know what’s funny enough, it is the same company who made all three, Gw2 and Gw1 and while the whole team didn’t work on WoW, some of the main directors of WoW vanilla are the ones who created Anet.

They are trying new things, and frankly enough, I don’t see any other options that are better in the industry atm. What they are doing may not be perfect as mentioned, but it is impressing enough they are trying.

I Gave Up On This Game Am I Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


There is no game that is for everyone, some people may like it, some may not and no, just because someone dislikes a game they are not haters neither is the one liking a blind fanboi, it is all about how you see things, your taste and perspective.

On the other hand, I think we should be a bit realistic with bashing on a game. Yes the game got its flaws but the company is trying to listen to the players all the time and yes, the gear additions were because of the PLAYERS, the community spammed the forums and sites about something they wanted to do, ok, now you have gear but obviously not everyone are happy and people start threads again about how the game became grindy.

Gw1 and WoW, the two games that are being compared with Gw2 here got ALOT of flaws and people have been complaining about both for years, yet, when you want to direct your negative view on something, you will totally do it, like how alot of people are trying to dig for mistakes in Gw2 system.

The game isn’t perfect at all, there needs to be huge fixes and balances, new possibilities and updates, but this is how MMOs are, they need time. You just gotta try to have fun instead of thinking the whole day about flaws in the game that doesn’t even impact your gameplay but you just feel impacted mentally, something that you choose yourself.

Games are games, try to enjoy them and appreciate what company is doing, because despite your perspective, Gw2 is a success and the resources available atm, will hopefully lead to a game, closer to prefection than before.