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Really Devs, One against 20 in the story mode

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


I haven’t played GW2 for 2 years by this point. I was trying the Revenant for the first time ever and I had no idea what the skills did nor how the Revenant is supposed to be played. Yet I finished the instance in a couple of minutes, granted I did die two or three times in the process.

I find it bizarre that a veteran player -according to your statement- wouldn’t be able to finish the instance despite trying out different professions. Furthermore, while the instance may have been a little bit hard, isn’t it more fun to play a game that challenges you a little bit instead of the entire game being a spam 1 faceroll?

One of the things that disappointed me the most while playing GW2 at release was the the game became too easy once you get full exotic gear. You could faceroll most of the content -world bosses aside- and exploration didn’t feel as rewarding because the mobs felt more like a bother than a challenge.

(edited by nGumball.1283)

Another xpac sales model flop...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


You can look at it from a different perspective. ArenaNet is selling their game for 50 dollars . That includes the base game, HoT and PoF. As a buy to play game, the price is very reasonable.

Now if you already have HoT – as the base game became free to play, granted with restrictions – you get a discount and you can buy the game for 30 dollars instead.

This is what people asked for with the previous expansion to get a discount if they already own the base game.

My Honest Feedback: GW2 could be epic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Say what you want but GW2 is only got off to such a good start due to gw1 and yes even I prefer GW1 to this game as nothing like GW1 is currently on the market. It was a unique game with a unique flavor.

A GW3 would have to rely on gw2 as gw2 relied on gw3. You really don’t see many MMOs going into a third iteration they typically die at the second.

So many abandoned systems in this game and a real imbalance in the reward structure. They start something new and let the old rot and currently I see no difference now. We are still on a raid kick and the game has grown more toxic. More gated and elite the toxic nature of esports couple with the toxic nature of raids and decayed modes and classes means the gw brand probably ends here so I wouldn’t get my hopes up at all for a

I agree this game had all the ground work to be epic up there with the other top MMO with millions of players and no need for LFG and Guilds to get anything done. The turning point that I and many people have noticed and still holds this game back is esports.

I think you got some of your facts wrong. ‘’Top MMO with millions of players’‘, aside from WoW no MMORPG has millions of players. In fact GW2 currently is one of the top 3-4 MMO’s popularity-wise in the west and has been since release.

One thing that people simply refuse to believe is that the MMORPG market is dying. It is back to where it was before WoW, a niche genre with no bigger playerbases. WoW and FFXIV, these are by far the two most popular MMORPG’s currently. Alongside GW2 and ESO maybe, they make the MMO’s with decently active playerbases.

There is no MMORPG with millions of players. People are way more interested in MOBA’s nowadays or simply playing MMO-grinding-simulators like Destiny or the division. I highly doubt AAA developers will be interested in creating expensive MMO’s inthe near future, at least not themepark MMO’s. We will probably see more sandbox MMO’s in the future but I doubt traditional MMORPG’s will ever rise again.

(edited by nGumball.1283)

Guild Wars 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


I really wish for a Guild Wars 3 as soon as possible.
I bought GW2 at release and play mostly WvW now after the PvE content, but WvW gets a bit boring after 2 years or so.
Soon I guess, I will be playing Crowfall for open PvP.
But what I really loved was EverQuest Next!
I hope so much that GW3 will be exactly like EverQuest Next!
I would support that so much.
You could even do crowdfunding for that.

So you want GW3 to get cancelled.

Mad King JP achievement?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


To make a long story short, ArenaNet got rid of the achievment due to people complaining about this all the time.

People have a tendency to complain about ‘’mini-games’’ and ‘’jumping puzzles’’ and how impossible it is to finish them. I still remember people complaining about that christmas bell mini game.

Guild Wars 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Very unlikely. The game has been out for 4 years and for an MMORPG, that isn’t long enough period to warrant a sequel.

Otherwise, the MMORPG market isn’t doing well nowadays. Most people are moving to esports centric games like MOBA’S.

Why the door nerf in LAB

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


The nerf to the amount of doors spawning directly affects the amount of loot that players obtain, which in turn affects the value of items in the economy, because, as they said, they aren’t touching that for a while.

I don’t think he is talking about the re-spawn rates but rather the difficulty of the bosses.

A returning players, how is Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


It has been a long while since I have posted on these forums. I have been largly inactive since the release of Heart of Thorns and I have a couple of questions (I am apologize if they seem stupid).

How is Guild Wars 2 nowadays? Does it feel like the game is going places and is there a new direction as far as how the game is developed? (I heard Colin left, did that lead to any difference?)

How is the population? Is WvW still active? Are the servers still populated?

I am a returning player and I would love to know more about the state of the game. If the game is stagnating or if it feels like the game is still alive and well.

Many people left because of HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


The MMO-genre in general is having a rough phase currently. I know there are people who love to point out how other games are flourishing and GW2 is the dead-weight of MMO’s but that is not correct.

League of Legends possibly have more active-players nowadays than all MMO’s combined.

Add few dungeons in HoT ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


ANet already mentioned that they are abandoning dungeons. If I am not mistaken, the dungeon dev team is already disbanded.

Future group content is going to be fractals and raids.

Adventures? annoying mini games more like

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Some of the comments don’t make too much sense here. Apparently ‘’all content that is tied to rewards is forced content that is ’’garbage’’. That’s why people are forced to do them.’’

Going by that logic, I wish people would stop complaining about rewards. Because apparently it is enough to enjoy the content that is fun. Rewards are only given when the content is bad to motivate people to do it.

There is nothing wrong with adventures. Aside from being bugged sometimes (which is an issue), they are fun minigames and I am confident that alot of people enjoy doing them. They are simply different, and just because they are different doesn’t mean they are bad.

The complaints here remind me of those who were strongly against jumping puzzles and Super Adventure Box. And that no rewards should be exclusive to these ’’garbage’’ gaming types.

I find the argument ‘’I don’t enjoy this part of the game, I don’t want exclusive rewards tied to it’’ to be really biased. Because I am sure there are people who don’t enjoy the content in HoT but want the masteries regardless. It means that those people also have the right to get full masteries without playing much of the content in HoT. There are those who only play WvW for the most part. Why do they need to grind PvE content to get masteries?

(edited by nGumball.1283)

HoT is very lackluster

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Well if you enjoy empty maps and endless grinds for little reward, then more power to you.

However, you may be right about the six months thing. ANET has been good about fixing things before. And they did make some of the best games ever (imo) with GW1 and GW2 (before HoT). So I hold out hope they they can fix this ugly mess. But it’s going to take a lot of soul searching on their part to recognize how horribly off track they are with HoT.

GW2 may have been fun for you but not for many others before the expansion. The forums were full of complaints for months about being tired of the original game. Tons of threads asking for an expansion with the purpose to create a new foundation.

I understand that many people are fraustrated. However, stating that GW2 was all nice and dandy before the expansion is nothing but a subjective opinion. A huge part of the playerbase was upset with the state of GW2 and wanted ANet to add new systems different than what we are used to.

The people who are enjoying the expansion now aren’t bothering to comment on the forum just like how the people who enjoyed the original GW2, didn’t bother to comment before the expansion was released.

Since release these forums have been full of complaints. The only times it is peaceful, is when there is an update hiatus and there is nothing to complain about.

Regarding the empty HoT, it is over exaggerated. TD is empty however other maps still have people playing. There are issues for sure and ANet need to do QoL changes to improve the experience, however, in the long run I expect the HoT maps to be populated again. People have been harcore-grinding the maps for the past month and many are burned out. It is pretty normal for an MMORPG expansion. Give it a week or two and things will be stable again including activity.

(edited by nGumball.1283)

HoT is very lackluster

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


‘’ I am guessing it is because the expansion itself lacks content compared to other MMO’s.’’

This sentence implies two things. For one that other MMO’s don’t gate content and actually let their players play the game the way they want. On the other hand, it also implies, that GW2 is obviously lacking compared to other MMORPG’s.

Personally, I don’t think raiding has any compareble gating compared to most MMORPG’s out there. Gear treadmill MMO’s enforce way more gating mechanics to prevent you from progressing further without getting the newest gear, which actually changes whenever a new big patch comes out.

On the other hand, the fact that GW2 is lacking is true to some extent. However, considering the terrible state of the MMORPG industry, there is barely any other options. The MMO industry has been on a decline for a while now and it is slowly dying compared to the growing eSports-industry.

(edited by nGumball.1283)

Forums Filled With Complaining

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


I have been using the forums for the past three years, and GW2 forums were never a friendly platform for people to exchange advice, not in the general discussion at least.

Whenever GW2 has any kind of activity or update, there is always complaints. Alot of people are implying that HoT ruined everything and that’s why people are complaining. However, people were complaining as much before HoT, saying that ANet always releases easy content and they should be releasing an expansion with a harder approach.

Sure, there is alot of flaws in HoT. However, these forums have always been a place of complaints. And the only times they are friendly is when the forums are dead and there is nothing to complain about.

Wrong. I did not complain at all between the abysmal magic find torture they “gave” us and HoT. Not one word of complaint.

I’m complaining now because they’re destroying the game. They’re trying to make it WoW. News flash: I play GW over WoW for a reason. Or, at least I used to. Those reasons have faded considerably lately.

This game was NEVER boring before HoT. It was NEVER grindy (despite some opinions to the contrary). They openly stated many times that GW would never be grindy. But, masteries have made it incredibly boring and grindy.

Well, while you weren’t complaining, alot of people were. Point is that different ’’aduiences’’ complain when the game-state doesn’t fit their perfect picture, leading to a forum that is quite negative. One of the reasons for that is that ANet constantly change their values while trying to satisfy all the different audiences. The result is a community where most people tend to be fraustrated at one point or another.

If masteries is the only thing you aren’t enjoying in HoT, I may have a tip for you that may improve your experience. Try to consider masteries as some kind of a long-time progression method. Don’t try to rush them, take your time collecting them as long-time goals while trying different kind of things in the expansion. I know it may sound bad since you maybe interested to play one part of the expansion and the masteries create a wall that prevents you from doing that. However, trying to look at the mastery system with a different mindset, may actually improve your gameplay. This may not help you to be fair, and you may still dislike how GW2 have developed… however, giving it a try may make some kind of a change.

People unwilling to adapt

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


To be fair, my main post was badly constructed with alot of flawed grammar. This may have lead to some misunderstanding regarding the subject I wanted to discuss.. or rather the point I wanted to make.

Alot of people seem to introduce their own desires and values as if they were common knowledge that every single player in the game should be agreeing with. That ANet is a company filled with uneducated kids who have no knowledge whatsover as to how a game should be run. Throughout my time playing GW2, I have always seen people complaining. However, the complaints don’t always come from the same audience. Sometimes we have the ’’bored’’ audience asking for additional challenging content. At other times we have the ’’casual’’ audience complaining about ANet’s changes, calling them fraustrating and that everything should be re-created to fit the picture that ANet drew for the game at its’ release. However, there is also alot of people who complain about how the game was at release, saying that they awaited progression but all they got was the same old ’’garbage’’.

The point here is that different parts of the community constantly ask for completely different things, that in many cases are impossible to have in the game together. Some ask for changes while others complain about those same changes, calling them out for being bad decisions by ANet. Alot of those people, however, seem to ignore the fact that MANY of these changes were in fact asked for by the player-base. No, not the audience that YOU are standing for, but that other one that you pretend it doesn’t exist.

I am in no way telling people that they should be playing the game in a certain way. I am not either telling them that they should be liking things they don’t enjoy. My point was that since the game will never be perfect, having the right mentality could actually improve the experience a ton. Sometimes we, as players, need to be more flexible. Maybe this specific content doesn’t match my taste, but let’s give it a try before writing it off the table. Let’s perhaps try this ’’HARD’’ content. Maybe playing it for a day or two and actually trying to figure out the mechanics could help improve my experience.

My point is that since the game will never be perfect, maybe we could try to look at the good things and try to enjoy the game a bit more. This could not work and you may still hate the game. However, there is also the chance, that you may enjoy some of the content that you ,originally, didn’t like the concept behind. That was in reference to my own experience playing fractals, seeing that people complained about how frustrating the experience was. My opinion was that alot of these people didn’t really try to adapt to the difficulty in the instance. It may have been frustrating for them but I think part of it was because they never tried to learn the mechanics and rather wanted everything to be a faceroll. Yes, that may have been their prefered playstyle and they have the right to be inclined to that. However, I also do believe that being flexible in those situations may make your gaming experience alot more enjoyable. Games will never be perfect and I doubt you can find a game that can fully match your playstyle. Sometimes, being openminded about trying new stuff could mean alot. While clinching to your original ideas in a conservative way may actually limit your own enjoyment, not only in gaming but in life as a whole.

ANet is by no means a perfect company. GW2 is also flawed and so is the expansion. However, my point was that ‘’IF GW2 is to stay like this’’ there surely are some ways to enjoy the game more. One way is to be a bit more openminded about trying new things and experiencing new stuff that perhaps doesn’t fit your perfect picture. Maybe being openminded as a player could also help ANet decide on what their priorities should be.

One of the things that I think ANet did completely wrong isis not deciding on an identity for their game. They keep trying to make everyone satisfied. And by this point, none seems to be satisfied anylonger due to the company changing their values all the time.

(edited by nGumball.1283)

Forums Filled With Complaining

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


I have been using the forums for the past three years, and GW2 forums were never a friendly platform for people to exchange advice, not in the general discussion at least.

Whenever GW2 has any kind of activity or update, there is always complaints. Alot of people are implying that HoT ruined everything and that’s why people are complaining. However, people were complaining as much before HoT, saying that ANet always releases easy content and they should be releasing an expansion with a harder approach.

Sure, there is alot of flaws in HoT. However, these forums have always been a place of complaints. And the only times they are friendly is when the forums are dead and there is nothing to complain about.

New to GW2 Reward vrs Time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


This is how the game should be played, it shouldn’t be about gear, most of the game’s content is about fluff and skins. That’s how GW2 is, and this will probably never change. Changing this will just turn it into another gear treadmill MMORPG.

1. This will make it into a gear treadmill. ANet promised that they will never add a stat upgrade to ascended.
2 and 3. These are things that are good. I think many people want more stuff to work for ingame. Maybe not mounts, but any skins or fancy stuff that could be worked for as goals.
4. This will never happen.
6. You are supposed to work for your masteries for longer periods of times. I think alot of people are misunderstanding the system and want all masteries unlocked directly and therefore they hardcore farm it.
7. A sub option would just ruin the game. If this becomes a reality, it could be what breaks the game entirely. The majority of the community is heavily against a sub option that would grant special treatment.

People unwilling to adapt

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


However, have you ever considered that you maybe the reason you aren’t enjoying GW2?

This is, with distance, the saddest thing I ever read on this forum.

Think about a hundred things you don’t enjoy, and repeat this sentiment about each thing. Start with the things you least enjoy. And blame yourself. It’ll make you a better person.

People these days.

You haven’t gotten the point behind the sentence whatsover.
Your post doesn’t make sense in relation to what I posted.

People unwilling to adapt

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Consider this as a banter, as I am by no means an experienced GW2 player and I do consider myself casual as I play the game on and off all the time.

I always hear complaints about how hard the game, how hard that boss is, how fraustrating it is to kill this or to achieve that. And to be fair, GW2 has alot of flaws and Anet is by no means perfect. There is alot of things that could be done better, that is a fact. However, have you ever considered that you maybe the reason you aren’t enjoying GW2?

I happened to be playing fractals lately. I am a complete newbie to them as I never fancied the concept and as I said, I am a really casual player. Ironically enough I have started playing fractals when the rewards got nerfed. Anyhow, just playing them the last couple of days I have experienced alot of ’’negativity’’. Alot of people just refuse to adapt. I have been trying fractal 17 for around 2 hours today. I am pretty sure it is just ’’luck’’ that I ended up with groups where people didn’t know how to play the instance and it is no problem by any means. I couldn’t play it properly just yesterday. However, seeing that people just totally refuse learning the mechanics is just depressing. on top of that, alot of people type stuff like ‘’why does g2 need to be so fraustrating?’’ on chat after failing the encounter. I do understand that some content could be hard, however, tehre is way too many people who are totally against the concept of being flexible.

‘’I will play how I want, I paid for the game’‘. This is a sentence that gets repeated over and over again and it feels like people really expect the game to play exactly the way they wants to be. I know there is alot of casuals and I am alot of them. However, I do honestly believe that alot of people are not enjoying the game because they simply don’t want to. There is a difference between being a casual and simply having no interest trying to learn the different mechanics.

And to be fair, i could totally understand the fraustration happening currently with HoT. I mean, if fractals 17 could take 2 hours ( I am sure that if I was good enough, we could have been done faster. but the fact that I am just average doesn’t help either ), I totally understand that some see HoT content as hardcore to the point of being unplayable.

PS. This isn’t a post related to other HoT issues like maps being empty etc. It is simply to point out that some people want to play the game the way they want. And while it is not wrong by any means, it maybe one of the main reasons that alot of people don’t enjoy MMOs nowadays. Because they don’t seem to realize that adapting to the game may not be as bad as they think. because the game adapting to their needs may not always happen.

PS. Sorry, due to some issues with the construction/grammar of the post, some people seem to have misunderstood my point. I posted a second comment below that explains my point a bit more clearly

(edited by nGumball.1283)

Why should you craft a precursor...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


It is unsure how the economy is going to develope so I can’t say that much regarding how the prices going to be in the future.

However, as of now, precursor crafting is more about having a list of things to do over a long period of time for those who find it hard to just farm gold, save it and then use it. It is basically a method to make you feel like it is a process. You can take pauses from this process and do something else and then comeback to it and finish your ‘’to do list’’.

Do i rly must buy GW2 again?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Ok. If i want to buy GW2 HoT i need to pay at least xx euros for HoT + Core game.
But i already have core game. My question is what now?
1) Can i just buy em, upgrade my acc and give another core game to my friend?
2) Or maybe just because i already have core game i will receive some extra bonusses like gems or some other stuff?
3) Or i Get HoT for the same prize that new players must pay even if i paid already.
I guess its option number 3. I dunno. But if im right dont u think the another options will be fair choice for the ppl that already own this game?

I dont rly know how it looks but if im wrong i will be happy if someone explain me how this rly look.

You can look at it with a new light: what you are buying is HoT, no more no less.
Newcomers buying HoT, on the otehr hand, get the core-game for free.

While it may seem unfair, you can think of it as you have played the game for so long and gotten so much out of it. I personally don’t get bothered by it but I know there are people who feel like it is unfair for them to pay and only get HoT while others pay and get HoT and then core-game for free.

This is why I love the community in this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Guild Wars 2 community ingame is without a doubt one of the best. Friendly, helpful and welcoming. For the most part at least.

Let me tell you my epic story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Try the 64 bit client sir. It will help alot.

HOT story accessibility

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Guild Wars 2 core game had a story that was available for everyone who purchased the game. The story was unlocked for everyone and people could play it at anytime.

However, ArenaNet started to introduced Living Story episodes afterwards. These LS episodes take the story forward and expand on it. LS episodes are available for everyone who purchased the core game. However, when en episode is released, you have a 2-week period to login. You DON’T need to play the episode during these 2 weeks, you just need to login once and the episode will be unlocked for you and you can play it at any given time.

HoT also has a story simliar to the core game. HoT story is open and can be played at anytime by people who own the game.

However, ArenaNet is also going to release Living Story season 3 to take the story forward. To access Living Story episodes, you gotta own HoT. While it is not confirmed, one could assume that Anet is going to use the same system here and people who own HoT need to login during the 2-weeks-timeperiod to obtain the episode.

It is just like a TV series. You are supposed to catch up the Live episodes by loggin in (you don’t need to play them during the 2-weeks-span, only login). If you are already inactive and don’t login regularly, Anet assumes you are not an active costumer adn tehrefore you have to pay for the episodes yourself later on.

Please Gods Anything But SAB.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


I don’t know if it is only me, but mini-games make MMORPGs more engaging to me. While epic story-lines are great, taking some time off to run around exploring or having a jumping puzzle or two to succeed at always make things more intersting.

Jumping puzzles is one of the features that I enjoy the most in GW2 and I wouldn’t mind SAB coming back eventhough it is really unlikely. In the coming month we are having updates to HoT and then comes Christmas. After Christmas, we are gonna probably start with LS season 3.

Is this game grindier than WoW?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Alot of people don’t realize what ’’grinding’’ actually means. And please, try to not give me the definition of ’’grind’’. There is a difference between what grind is considered in theory and how it goes to experience it practically.

When you grind a couple of weeks or even months for a single gear set so that one month later, they tell you there is a newer gear stronger than yours and you should get it if you want to advance, you will then realize what the grind means. Alot of people are getting angry over grinding a day or two. Try grinding for weeks to reach a level cap or months to get gear that is REQUIRED to advance further and then tell me about grind.

I quit GW2 a year ago. Is Beserkers still OP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Raids are ng to force people to change their gear and I am awaiting the complaints on the forums, how Anet is forcing them to play the game a certain way.

Why so much negativity in the forums ?,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


WoW was and still is the most popular MMORPG ever and it has one of the most depressing forums. Alot of complaints, alot of ‘’grass is greener elsewhere’’ and alot of ‘’WoW is dead’’ since pretty much release.

It is just normal. Gaming forums are usually negative unless the game has a small niche community.

Guild hall costs are insane for small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


I’ve been looking forward to HoT for a very long time, especially due to Guild Halls. My 7-person guild was looking forward to having a place to call home, so we were a bit excited. However, the extreme costs of upgrades was just insane. The initial expedition cost was reasonable enough, but just the first upgrade would either force us to grind dry top, or wipe out all our funds. These costs may be fair for massive guilds with plenty of donors, but many small guilds are rendered helpless by these costs. It may be one thing to offer the big guilds a better guild hall, but we can’t even afford the first upgrade. Some could argue that we should either merge with a big guild or try to grow, but we, and many others people prefer small groups, where everyone knows each other. It seems a bit unfair to punish players for a preferred play style. Of course balancing it would be difficult to implement, but the current system is unusable. Even if we gave up all our personal costs, such as new armor and equipment, we still could never afford the upgrades. At this rate, most people are going to swarm nothing but the big guilds, purely so they can have a decent guild hall….

To be fair, there should be some kind of progression. I know that Anet talked about alot of fancy things in their manifesto however it is quite clear that alot of those concept turned out to be impossible to accomplish.

Progression is needed even if it is an illusionary kind of progression and to be fair, it is not logical to say ‘’I personally dislike playing the game alot, that is how I play the game and enjoy it, so why FORCE me to play so I could get legendaries? I want an easier way to get them as a casual since I want the way to accuire rewards in the game to fit my own playstyle’’.

Now, that is an extreme example and am pretty sure all you meant to say with your post is that you want to enjoy the game with your small guild. However, as it stands, that is impossible. Guild halls are made for bigger guilds. In fact, one could argue that Guild halls are one of the more ’’hardcore’’ endgame content because thee costs are insane and need grinding for a long time.

How many characters do you have? (2.0)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


While I do have 4 chars, I tend to only play with one as I am that kind of player. I really enjoy playing my guardian and it is pretty much the only active char that I am using.

Returning to GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


There is alot of things to do in GW2, from farming to exploration to story to achievment hunting. It really depens on what you were doing before you left and how much of the base game you have finished.

I personally enjoy playing different parts of the game because it makes the experience more rewarding. Being with a nice guild is really helpful to get friends that you can play the game with. You can run dungeons or fractals for fun with your guldies. You can explore Tyria if you already haven’t done that. Try giving WvW a try from now to then, it can be really fun. There is also alot of different systems that you can play around with like the wardrobe etc.

Another option is to try to keep up with the story. In your story journal you can see what you have missed in season 1 living story as a recap (you can also read Wiki or watch youtube videos of a summary of living story season 1). Then you can always try to play season 2, it has really improved story compared to the original game imo and you will be able to explore new areas and do new events. There is also gear that you collect if you like shinies.

Try to have some kind of a ‘’short-term goal’‘. It really helps you to enjoy the game. I personally play the game casually and usually enter to do different kind of stuff, enjoy time with my guildies and have goals like getting a fancy skin I want or an achievment or something. It could really help you go forward if you have a goal alongside your casual playing. With the wardrobe system you can also work on ’’goals’’ to obtain specific collections of skins that could actually give you special rewards or a title or something like that.

Generally speaking, GW2 is a big game and there is alot of things to do.
It is crucial though to try and enjoy the game yourself because the game won’t really direct you that much, it is your job to run around and explore.

Oh also, Heart of thorns is also out and there is ton of things to do there.

What did you guys want guild wars 2 to be?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


GW2 at release was a game that facinated me. It wasn’t perfect however it was a great foundation for amazing things to come and I had faith in Anet to be delivering in the future.

The development of GW2 was on the other hand something that did disappoint me. Sure, the game did change quite alot since releaes and alot of things were added, however, overall, I do believe that Anet could have done much better. When I looked at the bease game, I believed that Anet was capable of creating much better content on top of their base game. However, we kinda ended up in a cycle of constant system-changes in which GW2 starting to lose its’ identity and it seemed like Anet didn’t really know which direction they should take to.

Three years afterwards, Anet releases HoT with the promise, that enough is enough and they won’t be changing systems anymore. Now it was time for Anet to build on the world of Tyria and focus on content. It is great to hear that, however, when I think about it, I feel a bit dsiappointed that 3 years went by (we did get alot of content during these years but I feel like the game could have developed more if it wasn’t for Anet feeling lost at times and changing systems constantly to satisfy complaining players) and it is only now that Anet have laid the foundation that that they are going to build on. I just think that alot of times was wasted in which GW2 didn’t know its’ own identity. It is 100% great that it seems Anet have more clear plans now, however, all MMORPGs have a lifespan and 3 years is a long time that we could have used in a better way.

Specialization on 3rd line only[WHY?]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Anet intends to add more specs for every class in the future. Which explains why they have their own third line.

Is GW2 worth playing without expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


There are still things to do, world boss events, dungeons, pvp- the regular gw2 content HoT is an expansion but more of a farm fest for events youll get more personal story, new armors, explorable map and new weapons if you dont care for that stuff then don’t purchase it.

More of a farm fest? I thought we were getting some kind of new raiding thing or something?? I’m confused.

People just zerg the events and therefore it feels more like a farmfest. Each new map has its’ own story and great design if you pay attention to it and then events are intersting and different compared to the base game. HoT zone-design is centered around being part of a big-scale war in which you are supposed to beat Mordy. There is alot of events, monsters and fighting. There is exploration and the new zones are beatuiful. However, you don’t play the new maps like the old ‘’lets just run around and explore’’.

Regarding the raids, it is true. We don’t know how hard they are going to be via release, but according to the beta, the first part of the first wing was so hard that people spent +10 hours on it and couldn’t finish it.

How do I make gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Best way to farm gold is probably Silverwastes, if we are to ignore the Lab. Even after the nerfs, you can still get alot of gold income. Another way is to do HoT maps, while I haven’t tried to farm that myself, I know some people who said that you get as much if not more than Silverwastes.

Orr is another way to farm, however, it is, in its’ current state, worse than Silverwastes.

Worries about the future of Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


You should be more worried about the future of MMORPGs. Because eventhough alot of people seem to think that the grass is greener elsewhere, the MMO-market in genereal is on the decline and eSports-oriented games are totally dominating the gaming market currently.

HoT is not perfect and there is alot of flaws, however, I think that Anet is doing a great job compared to most companies out there.

Feeling Rorted - Anet wasting my time?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


If the, " two large walls ," had been something particularly challenging rather than just time consuming I might agree with you.

While I don’t agree with the thread itself, this statement caught my attention because it tends to be false in most cases. Alot of people complain about grinding saying that it is not challenging and they rather want challenging content. However, I don’t know if you realize that people complain about ‘’challenging content’’ just as much because it is ’’impossible’’ to complete if you aren’t good enough at the game.

In the GW2 community, statements like ‘’we want challenging content, why don’t you understand Anet?’’ are so hypocritical, because GW2, used to be once upon a time more challenging from dungeons to other open world cotnent, however, due to constant complaints by the community, the game has gotten nerfed multiple times.

It is not that Anet can’t create challenging content, it is that a huge part of the community doesn’t want the game to be challenging. So since the game can’t be challenging for the most part, it has to be grindy. It is one of two more or less, the game is either grindy or hard, if neither of these excist then there won’t be content, and if there is, it will be run through quickly and nothing will be leftover in 2 weeks.

One of the main reasons that MMORPGs have been on the decline the past couple of years is because the community can’t decide what they want. They don’t want games to be hard but they don’t want them grindy either. This has lead to other genres suprassing MMORPGs by a mile, and now a single MOBA have more players than a dozen MMOs collectivly.

How big is the new area?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283



I am a person moreso invested in pve and exploration so I am wondering: how big the playable area is in Heart of Thorns?

I have yet to buy the expansion and wether or not there is much exploration may affect my decision as to how soon I will get it.

Here's EXACTLY what happens everytime.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Some adjustments may happen but if people are really awaiting the price to drop, they are literally dreaming because it is almost unheard of in the MMO industry. And if it ever happens, which apparently will someday, it will happen a while after the release.

Anet learn from your neighbours

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


The day has come where people tell others to learn from Ncsoft because they are an angelic company treating their players the best.

If any veteran MMO player reads this they will probably laugh because anyone with a longer knowledge of this industry for longer than 3 years know that Ncsoft has been a major figure in some of the msot facinating drama in the industry.

The actual problem of the current situation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


I see no reason to give Anet anymore money and am frankly | | this close to reporting Anet for dubious business practices.

Your threat is going apparently to scare a gaming company..
Good luck I guess.

GW2 shooting itself in the foot !

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


$50 is a standard price for exapnasions for well-known MMO-titles. I think what is annoyign the most is the fact that Anet is giving the base game for free for new players, making the offer seem like: ‘’Buy the game and the expansion for $50’’. Something that is totally useless for veterans since they already have the base game, so why pa $50 when I only need the expansion?

Anet’s thought-process was basically (I assume): we sell the expansion for $50. Since new players may get hyped by the new publicity around GW2 but get put off sicne they don’t have the base game, we just igve it to them for free.

The result is non-fair tretment to the old playerbase that doesn’t even know, until this point, what the expansion is gonna include.

A player coming back, what's new?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


I have been inactive since the announcement of HoT pretty much due to university.
I wonder if there is any changes worth mentioning! I hear that there is an update coming soon, any summary about it? any more changes coming (or have already accured)?

Thanks in advance.

Megaserver by language, make it happen!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Actually people won’t go to waypoint even if they understood english. Why go to waypoint when you can rez me ;_;

The Battles Are Annoying.

in Living World

Posted by: nGumball.1283


I must add to this.
the battles are in no way hard, but they are boring, tedious and take too much time.
the boss battle especially.
u should base those battles off of Zelda when u repeat the cycle 3 times and that what gives the satisfaction. 3 times is not too much and not too little.

the last battle in the living story took me an hour, after 4 times repeating the cycle I started watching tv, when he got to half health I went for a launch break.
seriously if it gets to the point when I do a battle only to finish it and do other stuff meanwhile it means the battle is bad designed.

this is not hard, this is not challenging, this is just tedious.

It is apparently hard for you since you seem to be playing the encounters wrong and therefore it takes a longer time.

Comparrison between GW1 and GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


To make a long story short, GW2 would probably never have been as successful if it was designed the same way as GW1. Both of the games are too different and the target audience is different too . GW1 isn’t really an MMORPG and you play it differently too. And despite how ’’different’’ GW2 should have been compared to other MMOs (and it is to some instance), the game is still traditional compared to GW1.

GW1 is more unique but has a much smaller target audience. Alot of GW1 players play GW2 for the nostalgia of the world they have loved in the original game. They complain because GW2 wasn’t really created to statisfy the same audience. These same people who complain about GW2 still play the game because they still like Tyria I assume.

Bosses reworks

in Living World

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Well, people think that LS2 is hard enough. So I doubt Anet would make alot of its’ already old content harder, as the game’s target audience is the more casual crowd.

Revenant origins?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nGumball.1283


There is also a chance that Anet will only mention the story connection outside of the game while the calss will function like any other inside of the game. While it would be fancy, I doubt we will see a seperate personal story or even any story connection in-game. I personally await the Revenant to just be another class story-wise. Different mechanics, yeah, but story-wise, you will just go through what all the other classes went through.

People angry over area map completition...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


If you are doing map completion in wvw while the maps have queues, you will rightfully be told to GTFO.

No. This is anet’s own fault for making WvW part of world completion. As a PvE player, do you think I liked going to that toxic cesspit?

Indeed. I still need to wait for Devona’s Rest to go blue so I can get some POIs and Vistas in keeps / towers.

It is also Anet’s fault for making PvE part of world completion. Why would I need to explore an ENTIRE PVE WORLD that I am NOT interested of to get 100%. Anet should get rid of world completion in PvE and just leave it in WvW. I would be happy, and so will EVERYONE. I can ASSURE you.

I knew this argument was going to come up at some point so I prepared for that:

It’s not the same. And here is why: When a WvW player goes to the pve world for map completion, he doesn’t become a liability for the entire server and there are no qeue’s for pve maps either. So it’s comparing sticks with stones.

Then remove WvW areas from map completion requirements. Problem solved.

That’s what I’ve been asking for since release! But everytime I ask that, we get that stupid “WvW players have to go to pve, so remove pve from map completion plox” argument.

It is not stupid. In the first place, you have no right to insult my opinion just because it doesn’t fit yours.

I dislike PvE. I only play WvW. I want 100% completion. Either you give me that for free or you get traited the same way as I do. Which is, playing a game-mode that you don’t enjoy, putting the effort eitherway, to get that 100% map completion.

There is ALOT of negative things that I have to live with to finish my map completion in PvE.

Sadistic Renown Hearts

in Living World

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Don’t worry. With the new expansion, we are all becoming vegetarians. Too much hunger. Too much sallad.