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Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


For the people who are so commited to Living World. This game will eventually die without an expansion. This is how MMOs work and Living World, despite how good it could become, will never be able to replace an expansion.

Old player coming back; what's new?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


  • The leveling experience is horribly tedious now.
  • They’ve added fewer than 10 new skills into the game; none in the past year.
  • Dungeons: the added one dungeon path (and removed one!). Recently they announced “no more dungeons.”
  • WvW has had a few changes: the BLs have a PvP-like region in the middle where the lake used to be. People generally avoid it. A map was created “EotM,” ostensibly for people to play when there are queues and for testing new WvW features except there are no more queues (do to stale game mode) and nothing has been tested in EotM — it’s clear the only reason it was created was to prevent horrid queues for the China launch. EotM is now 100% karma train (what the QD train used to be, they killed that train by the way).

That’s about it. Roughly, the game was pretty much in its completed form when you left the game.

People complain about grind all the time and the fact that Anet is that evil monster, doing everything the wrong way. If taking just a single change aside from your lovely negative list, we can actually name the account bound ascended gear, making it easier for alot of people to avoid tons of grinding.

None mentions it though. Because every good change is something that should have been there since launch, it is just normal to have the good and absurd to experience any thing bad. You are not to blame though because even outside this game, people take all the good for granted. Democracy, freedom, education, food, money… most people have all these things in the west and still complain to no end. It is actually good to complain because there is alot to be improved but when people slowly start to forget all the good things that you have, taking them for granted, you know that those people are still naive and have alot to learn to mature up.

Winterday Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


This community is getting so spoiled that I won’t be surprised if threads are to come in the future where people would ask to get all the dailies/LS completion/event completion etc. just by skipping the content and clicking on ‘’skip to the rewards’’. Because apparently some do believe that the content is so hard and that their perfered way of playing the game is to skip everything and yet get everything in the game.

I have never played an MMO that gives you half the options that GW2 offers and I have played most of the nitch titles out there.

Best Established MMO of 2014 - Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Tentonhammer does still exist?

Well, what is their method of measuring this “best”?

Established MMO #1: Regained 4.000.000 subscribers with a single expansion this year. Looks like success to me.

Established MMO #2: Expanded to China with very limited success (being kind here) while just trying to keep the status quo in the West. Sounds not as successful as MMO #1 to me.

Logic? Tentonhammer is not good at it.

Since when does any MMO ind the industry compete with MMO #1?

Best EU server/pop/friendliness/pvp wise

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


A new system called ’’Megaservers’’ is actually there nowadays and therefore it doesn’t matter anylonger what server you are a part of. On the other hand, the game will usually direct you to an area based on different factors like friends and homeserver so there is a bigger chance of you ending up in maps with more people from you homeserver.

Technically speaking though, your homeserver only matters when it comes to WvW. All the mentioned servers are active in WvW and they are doing quite well. Only Seafarer’s Rest is higher ranked than Desolation. In fact, SR has been the 1st ranked server in EU for ages. Desolation is really active though and is usually in the top 5, therefore I don’t think you have to worry about moving.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


But anyways yes look at Warlords of Draenor. They have had more returns and subscriptions then GW2 has had sales. Let alone current customers. Should probably get a clue yourself before calling others comment “stupid.”

WoD sold 3 million copies and jumped again to 10m subs .
PPl from Asia dont have to buy/pay the x-pack .
So it seems 3m million ppl are from the West (Eu+Russian+Eu)
GW2 didnt launched in Asia at 2012
How may coppies it sold again ?


Honestly thinking about it I don’t know what the sales figures for GW2 were in Asia other then they were less then expected. I don’t know that an actual number has been published has it? Also the WoD sales figure that has been released was for the first 24 hours. Doesn’t include pre order and orders since.

WoW is no form the standard for how MMOs should perform.
We have never had a title as successful as WoW and we probably never will.

Your arguments to support your delusion that GW2 is doing badly, are nothing but made-up points based on no knowledge whatsover regarding how the MMO industry works. I already pointed it out for you, most of the MMOs in the industry are suffering and just a couple of them are doing well. Everything from SWTOR and ESO to Archeage have been nothing more than a disappointing run considering the huge titles behind these games and what people actually awaited to get. Are these games dead? no, SWTOR is much better than release in fact, however none of these became popular to the point of dominating the industry or even having enough commercial success to gain more popularity. Frankly enough, most of the titles out there have had tough commercial runs and just a few got praises in which many are nitch titles like TSW (nitch titles like that are good games however they sadly have no big player-base for a reason or another).

We have FF14 with a pretty successful re-release and a huge popularity, first and foremost in the eastern industry. Aside from that, we really have had lackluster performences in the industry. And since the situation is like this, don’t await a miracle to happen and Anet to go out of their to make your wishes come true. Is GW2 on a decline? yup, it is. Does it need an epxnasion? I personally think it does. Is GW2 dead? it is more active than most MMOs out there so I doubt it.

One of the reasons that GW2 has been successful out there despite the lackluster updates is that there is not much else in the industry. Alot of GW2’s players play the game because there are no better options atm.

PS. I am talking here about commerical success, not quality. Quality-wise there is alot of good MMOs. Lotro is still an amazing experience, same goes for TSW and ESO. All are recent games that I personally have played and enjoyed.

(edited by nGumball.1283)

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


First of all, I do believe they are working on an expansion or at least what is essentially an expansion. Now, whether they choose to release it like a regular expansion pack or they choose to market it as “something different” (which to me makes the most sense looking at their track record of trying to separate themselves from competitors) I am not sure. But I would be willing to bet that sometime in 2015, there will be major additions or they will release teasers about the upcoming additions.

Secondly, It baffles me how many people I read say that expansions won’t work and will just be played in a month and people will be “bored”. Did Factions or Nightfall really only add 1 month of playtime for people? of course not. Thats such a really poor argument that I can’t even fathom the people who are making them. If Anet release an actual expansion in the vein of Factions or Night Fall or even Eye of the North, you can bet it would add months and months of play.

Naturally it won’t make everyone happy, but if there were 10-20 new maps, 50+ new weapon skills, a couple new weapons in general as well as increasing the number of weapons available to a class, more dungeons and possibly upgrading WvW or adding GvG would add another year or two of play since thats completely changing the way players can choose to play the game. And thats not even bringing up new classes or races.

New weapons and skills = much more players getting back into PvP, and if its accompanied by more modes and maps and rewards to PvP, you’ll definitely give pvpers reasons to play.

Just saying that I doubt GW2 will go through most of its prime without actually attempting to add significant things.

Point is though that MMO expansions are almost never as big as the original GW’s. GW in the first place wasn’t an MMORPG and the content created for it was mainly single-player centered. When MMOs release an expansion, it is usually a couple of new zones and other additions. I have never played an MMO where they add a gigantic continent with a playable area almost as big as the original one. Alot of GW2’s players have really little experience when it comes to how other MMOs work and some haven’t ever touched another MMO aside from GW2. Yea, people will gladly complain and ask Anet to release an expansion like most other MMOs however most of them don’t realize that if a traditional expansion is to come, it won’t be nearly as big as the original GW’s. I would love it if that happens but it is not something that I would await. There is simply no point in waiting for a miracle when the chance of it happening is too low.

When people saw GW2’s manifesto, they actually believed that Anet will give them content that is never repeatable. A world where you will never grind and if you so choose to, you will never have to play something twice. Well, it is fancy to think like that but it is totally unrealistic. Alot of people felt cheated and blamed Anet for lying. None though took the time to reconsider their own actions. Was it really reasonable to think like that? today, we don’t have the technology to create a game like that so what was the reason that people actually believed such a dreamy MMO would be publishe dso soon?

Back in time, people didn’t have enough knowledge to see the difference between promotion and reality and once again alot of people will be shocked as to where MMOs actually are in our current age. Most MMOs in the industry are suffering but people are too ignorant to notice that and would rather sit down here and blame Anet, praising other MMOs that hey have never played. Not even realizing that the MMO industry barely have a couple of titles that are doing well.

I would love an expansion and I do think that Anet have messed up alot of things that could have been better. I also think that an expansion would help the game and make its’ popularity explode once again. However, I am not going to have high expectations either. And awaiting a new continent to be fully opened with a new expansion is one of these expectations.

Best Established MMO of 2014 - Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


GW2 could win awards at release and I am confident that it is still a nice game. However, comparing how it was at release and what the company could have done the 2 years that followed.. it is just sad to see that not much has happened. Yes, GW2 is probably doing well, profit-wise and it has a huge population and it is still on the lists of most played online games. However, it is on a decline and without an expansion, proving that Anet is capable of returning the lost glory, GW2 will just end up as a successful MMO-release with no actual follow-up which is kinda rare in the MMO industry.

Since WoW, this has been the most successful commercial release. It is just sad that such a huge accomplishment would eventually fade away because the company wouldn’t take the right direction.

PS. I am not saying it is late. I still believe that GW2’s popularity can explode with a well-done expansion however I am persoanlly against the fact that LS can be enough as an updating-model. Even if it gets improved and we start to get everything from it. Still, it will not have the same promotional impact as an expansion. A game doesn’t only need happy players, it also needs promotional doses to hype it up in a good way. GW is luckily in a good position if something is to come up. The question is though if there is actually stuff to come..

new to guild wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


also, how often do public events spawn? And are there a lot of players in them? :o

Depends on the zone, the event, and perhaps even other events nearby. An example would be the Orr events to take over a temple. If you do that, then soon you get an event to defend that temple. If you fail to take it over, or fail to defend it, then soon the event to take it over will start again.

Apparently you have to remember that this is a 2-years-old MMO so the activity in lower levels isn’ttoo huge. However, you will, generally speaking, never have an issue meeting other players thanks to the game’s huge active player-base and megaservers.

new to guild wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Also, someone new to the game will not notice the difference. Their leveling experience will only be NPE. So to tell a new players it’s boring and tedious isn’t fair. I know lots of new players who do not feel that way!

- I believe the human condition is shared. If killing speed of monsters is acceptable for a character that is fully geared, it will certainly be less than acceptable for character with inferior gear and lack of access to relevant traits. Try taking upleveled character to WvW and start killing neutral monsters there to notice the difference. On the positive side OP will be happier when he can get those traits, if he doesn’t become bored and quit before that.

Compared to other MMOs, lvling up in GW2 is a walk in the park. So as a new player, I don’t think he will notice too much. The experience of exploring GW2 back in time is different than it is nowadays though. Nowadays, GW2 at early levels is more simliar to other MMOs while it was all about exploration and doing your own thing back in time.

waiting on competition to announce Xpac

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


blizzard already released their expansion pack and is announcing the next one in november. FF14 already announced theirs and its coming out around june. EQN will not be any more popular than Wild Star. ESO basically failed. FF14 is actually doing better than GW2 AND its already added 2 classes and announced its expansion. So, if theyre waiting for something, its for someone to play something else.

If we are talking about the western industry then GW2 still has the edge in term of overall commercial success comapred to FF14. In the east though, GW2 will never be as big as FF14 as the Final Fantasy franchise is at lesast 10 times bigger than GW.

FF14 is also a re-release. It is a game that was re-created and improved after a failed first try so I am not really surprised that they have alot of content to introduce and I do agree that the title would do better if Anet will keep refusing to release an expansion. FF14 is one of the best MMO experiences in the market atm and while it didn’t have the same successful release as GW2, they will totally surpass GW2’s populraity in the west if Anet is just going to stand there and do nothing.

(edited by nGumball.1283)

Ok, what is wrong with you anet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Like seriously is it so hard give a 30% speed bonus and call this items mounts and just make everyone happy?

Yes. Especially since introducing mounts (or, even more, mounts granting speed bonus), would make a lot of people really unhappy.

how? explain me how a sane person would be unhappy by having the ability to purchase an item in the gemstore (thats already in the gemstore) but it only has some speed buff bound to it

1. People are against gemstore items to give a direct advantage like a speed-boost to those who own them.
2. People are against speed-boost mounts in general. One of the arguments is that it breaks the immerson in the game and it makes the world of Tyria less meaningful.
3. It goes against the lore where the Asura dominates travel in Tyria.
4. It goes against the purpose of having waypoints game-play wise.

Now, you can apparently arugment against these points too however what I mentioned was just an example of the many arguments people have to prove that mounts aren’t needed in GW2. We simply have alot of people who really despite mounts. Mounts are going to be there as cosmetics however, I doubt we will see any speed-boosting mounts anytime soon.

For those with a sad christmas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Merry christmas to you sir.
Best wishes.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


keeping up on a company’s income…doesnt educate anyone, and on top of that its spelled naive, not nive. if a gaming company didnt make a large sum to begin with, they would just go bankrupt, or they would borrow money. lol you think because something has a good start, and good advertizement means that they have no worries? the one who needs education is you. you dont understand marketing, in fact your understanding of it is so bad that you dont even consider the various basic variables that should always be taken into account.

I am not saying that an expansion isn’t needed, I am pointing out that GW2 isn’t YET desperate to the point that some people are pointing out. The game isn’t dead neither it is having issues generating money. Does it need an expansion? I personally would love to have one and I do think the game requires one for promotional purposes in the first place and apparently to boost the game’s sales. Is Anet depserate to the point of losing their game if they don’t release one? No, I think, if we are talking about desperation, the game can still do well for a bit more without an expansion. However, large-scale content would be needed in the coming 6-12 months or at least an announcement.

Am I crazy, or GoT reference by SW NPC?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


We know that Anet are big fans of GoT so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was.
Otherwise, it is a common line in movies/books etc.

Should i play a guardian or play warrior?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Guardians are more about support and survivability. I would say that guardians are a combination of support/healer/tank in normal MMOs. Difference is that they still do alot of damage, in most cases not as much as a warrior, but do they have their own supportive package with them in addition to the damage.

Warriors are more attack-oriented and can do many different things. They have harder time doing solo-content though and guardians are mostly more wanted in the different formats of the game.

If you are really into going in with a melee class and doing tons of damage, I personally recommend a warrior. Guardians do alot of damage however their playstyle may be considered slow and stale if you don’t like playing your more supportive role.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Lineage a failure?

Wildstar’s Q2 numbers are release-numbers, ofcourse it will beat GW2. The game may not have done well, but you can’t compare release numbers to a game that has been out for 2 years.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


I already find myself logging in, checking the BLTP, and then sort of shuffling my inventory until I log off. If the market hasn’t moved, my guild isn’t hosting an event, or there’s nothing going on in WvW, I’ve got nothing to do.

Another year of that? I’m going to be leaving. I suspect it will be like last year, where they release some piddly crap and a hyped up balance and ‘feature’ patch that I come back to check out. Will next year’s ‘feature pack’ have enough to make me check it out again after this year’s Massive Shrug? That’s the question. The path of least resistance is what’s holding me here for now.

My forum posting has gone up like 500% in the last two weeks because I’m so kitten bored in-game.

Exactly the problem. People are used to a hype-release cycle for casuals and gear grinds for hardcore. GW2 is deliberately a different type of game. We’ve gotten quite a bit – not an expansion’s worth, but close – but since we haven’t had the expansion hype people aren’t feeling as excited about it.

No, that’s not because of their lack of PR or hypemachine, it’s because that is recycled. Silverwastes isn’t new, it is WvW ideas with AI mobs sprinkled around. As a player that actually played the whole game instead of sticking to a niche, I’m not excited about that because it isn’t exciting, not because Neoseeker didn’t write an article about it. A couple of new enemy models, 2 hours worth of talking heads, and a constantly reworked daily system isn’t ‘close to’ an expansion.

You’re right, GW2 IS a different type of game – one that releases content more slowly than some F2P competitors, despite the same focus on microtransactions. I’m bored because I’m bored, not because they didn’t add grind. They are very good at adding grind (ascended, mawdrey, legendaries), but if I finally do grind out that legendary, it will be the same legendary I saw some dude wearing in 2013. And that will be BORING.

Ok, we will assume that GW2 isn’t even good enough to comepte vs other F2P titles. Now ask yourself, why in the world would Anet bother do anything if they get more profit than almost every single western MMO title? the game has a really healthy population compared to most other MMOs. They are gaining millions of dollars every year. And the industry has almost no compitition. All the games that have been released during the last years, have been flops more or less. Final Fantasy is a good title but again it is focused on gear/stat progression and therefore would have quite the different crowd.

It is not only GW2 being not so statisfying. The MMO market in genereal is empty more or less and companies are struggling to keep their titles alive.

you dont know what ur saying.

Yeah he made a paragraph of some whacked out comments. What I heard was a lot of other successful MMOs are doing as well but there’s not really any citations or reference with that. Hell yesterday I was shocked when I had a friend say he was playing Lord of the Rings again. I was like wow didn’t know that game still existed. Yeah he says got a few expansions out even. I know Landmark is doing fairly well as a beta. There’s of course the elephant wow. League and other games out there. Not to mention all the SoE games that are still profitable and played. I’m going to guess that little AN that seems to p off more players each patch has less then most other games. Only reason it’s not seen is because mega servers make it look like a lot more people then it really is.

When you get educated enough to the point of checking what GW2 brings to Ncsoft every quarter and comapre it to what other MMOs make, please comment then.

Until then, you are just a nive player, happy to whine, whithout understanding the basics of how the MMO industry works.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Guild wars 1 (prophesies) Release date April 28, 2005.
Guild wars (factions) Release date April 28, 2006
Guild wars (night fall) Release date October 27, 2006
Guild wars (Eye of the North) Release date August 31, 2007

Guild wars 2 release date August 28, 2012
To days date December 23, 2014

So much time lost they need something and they need it bad, the only thing holding the game up right now is shinny objects in the black lion trading post and the wallet warriors who buy them.

That’s totally false. GW2 isn’t depserate or even close to be in a bad situation. It still generates millions of dollars every year.

Yes, it would be great with an expansion and I would love it however believing that Anet are in a desperate situation is nothing but giving youself a false hope of them forced to release it NOW. Because hey.. they are not forced and the game is running better than almost every single title in the western MMO market despite its’ lackluster performence according to many.

mmmm i can not say the game is running great … there has been a lot of lag recently !
… there is a huge forum in account- teck- support about it

Running great as a business.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Guild wars 1 (prophesies) Release date April 28, 2005.
Guild wars (factions) Release date April 28, 2006
Guild wars (night fall) Release date October 27, 2006
Guild wars (Eye of the North) Release date August 31, 2007

Guild wars 2 release date August 28, 2012
To days date December 23, 2014

So much time lost they need something and they need it bad, the only thing holding the game up right now is shinny objects in the black lion trading post and the wallet warriors who buy them.

That’s totally false. GW2 isn’t depserate or even close to be in a bad situation. It still generates millions of dollars every year.

Yes, it would be great with an expansion and I would love it however believing that Anet are in a desperate situation is nothing but giving youself a false hope of them forced to release it NOW. Because hey.. they are not forced and the game is running better than almost every single title in the western MMO market despite its’ lackluster performence according to many.

New expansion Please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Guild wars 1 (prophesies) Release date April 28, 2005.
Guild wars (factions) Release date April 28, 2006
Guild wars (night fall) Release date October 27, 2006
Guild wars (Eye of the North) Release date August 31, 2007

Guild wars 2 release date August 28, 2012
To days date December 23, 2014

It has been more than two years since the release of the smash hit guild wars 2 or so we say is a smash hit, and Annet has promised new releases of in game content every month. However, with the surprising turn of events the creators, programmers and who ever else runs the show have surprisingly been lacking since the days of old.

I am a hard core guild wars 1 fan, the ability to be what ever skill build you liked with millions of combinations to play. Every year, and even less then a year in some cases, we got two new classes added to the game with hundreds of skills, items, maps, stories, heros….. (need i go on) to play with. Honestly Annet i am a huge fan of your early work in Guild wars 1. Why is it guild wars 2 i feel like we are left hanging. Some of the added work, such as Scarlet’s battles and new boss revamps are fun and amazing, but they have disappeared with out a trace, replaced by solo story ques and shinny new objects in the black lion trader. I feel like the quality stuff leaves and the fashion show stays.

I have nothing but praise for your early work, but considering the original track record of a WHOLE NEW CONTINENTS IN ONE YEAR AND MORE! Is not equal too the only 3 new maps added, and they are not explore maps they are endless event maps equated to mario party and farmvillie style play for fashionable items. So i ask like everyone else: When will we get a new expansion? What is going on that is taking so long? Why should we settle with three maps when before you have given us three continents in the game before? I think i can speak for mostly everyone on this we will pay for the new expansions like we did before, and won’t mind you guys stop adding these little month appeasement tactics to take the time to develop something really amazing. I apologize if this sounds unfair cause some of the monthly gimmicks were well loved (super adventure box) but they are just gimmicks…… I want to play i really do….. but i want to have something to play……There is only so much entertainment that can be gained by standing at a castle door watching 4 people knock it down with a flame ram for five minutes (every ten minutes), before i pull my hair out!!!!

If an expansion is ever going to be release, I highly doubt it will be at the same scale as GW1. I have never played an MMO that introduced an entire new content, almost as big as the original map, with a new expansion. Yeah, it happened in GW1 but GW1 wasn’t really an MMO and the process of creating content for these two games are totally different.

While, I would love to see an entire new contenet get unlocked. I highly doubt it will ever happen with a single expansion, otherwise, Anet isn’t only going to release LS and an expansion, they will basically be releasing one of the biggest expansions to every be added to an actual MMO, which is in the form of a playable area that is as gigantic as an entire new contenent.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


My point is, if there’s an expansion they’ll deny it/remain silent up until the last possible minute like everything else so they don’t upset people or set weird expectations. Just because you have the “proof” they’re not working on an expansion with old interviews, means very little given their closed-lip policy.

Like Vayne said, you have to read between the lines with ANet.

How about I read what they said instead? Again, no plans for an expansion. This idea that keeping quiet, and not promoting a product, flies in the face of everything any MMO company has ever done.

Including this one.

It’s like saying they think promoting their own product is poison and would lead to decreased hype, discussion, and word-of-mouth. Which, as anyone in business knows, is a whole lot of nonsense.

But, hey, if repeatedly citing, from the source, developers coming here and saying, “Nope,” doesn’t convince you or the others, far be it from me to spin my wheels.

You keep looking to that crystal ball, the tea leaves, read ‘between the lines’, and hope no actually means yes or maybe or it’s a secret. Shhh. Ta da! Miracle expansion to be released next month!


I guess a conspiracy theory is always more fun than reality, but let me not point that out either.

Since when do companies promote an expansion a YEAR before releasing it?
While I personally don’t think an expansion would come soon, there is a high chance they will announce it at 2015 and hype it up for 6 months, as in a release at the end of 2015 or 2016.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


You’re kidding yourself if you think you’re waiting for an expansion. If they do release one, which I really hope they don’t, you’re going to buy it immediately, burn through all the content, then come on here and kitten about how the game is stale again.

An expansion would be a waste of Anet’s time, and of our money. We can get all that content via LS for free, but for some reason you people are all hung up on traditions and refuse to admit that the current release model is just as viable. Yeah, maybe it won’t have the hype of an expansion.. so what? Is that a bad thing? People who can be swayed with hype are so fickle that they’ll be tired of the expansion after 2 months, and we’re back to square 1.

I really hope Anet isn’t about to throw their entire Living World idea out the window just to appease a bunch of chronic naysayers. If there is no expansion in 2015, the game will continue as it has: just fine.

Just because they release an expansion doesn’t mean they can’t release Living World. Colin said it himself. An expansion isn’t only about box-prize, it is about promotion. People outside of GW2’s community DON’T care if GW2 is getting Living World or not. They would care though if an expansion wasn to be announced.

Alot of people are ignoring the fact that an expansion announcement would increase GW2’s commercial success, especially if the expansion is good. Good reviews, ratings and hype by the media is far more important than sitting alone and bragging that the company won’t release what other MMOs does.

2015-ArenaNet Newyears Resolution

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Once upon a time there was a company called Blizzard. Frankly enough, the company had a forum, very simliar to the one we have, with people complaining all the time about how bad WoW is and how much it would if the devs listened. At that time, Blizzard staff used to commment alot and in some cases arguments started between devs and players where the devs tried to prove why the players are wrong and why their suggestions can’t improve the game. Now, these cases eventually lead to a bigger issue where people started to complain as to why Blizzard staff ’’insult’’ players by telling them indrectly they are ’’stupid’’ instead of listening to them.

Shortly afterwards, Blizzard stopped commenting on the forums and went on with a simliar style to Anet where they only announce stuff when they are ready and they mostly announce them at events where there is no go-back. Since that day the complaints went on, with players saying that alot of the game’s features weren’t good. Blizzard however seemed to realize that it doesn’t matter how much they do, players will always complain and therefore they should just go on with their plans.

Did Blizzard always make the right decisions? no, they made alot of mistakes and WoW isn’t close to perfect however they did their job, developing an MMO by using their own concepts and getting suggestions from players in an in-direct way as the direct way of communication seemed to never do the company justice.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Because the expansion isn’t close, they might well be saving the announcement for the 10 year anniversary celebration. That’s my guess.

I think you been given people too much false hope.

Like you been hyping how much potential and how good the game will be “last year”.

I’m still enjoying myself at the moment. But you can’t deny there are quite an increasing amount of complaints. (or maybe you’ll just call them vocal minority again).

Look at it this way though. Your way of argumenting seems flawed as it will go like this:
1. Many people complaining: well, the game is suffering.
2. Few people complaining: well, the game is suffering, people have left the game.

Meaning, that as long as YOU are not happy with the game, you will always find a way of statisfying your case with a statement. For the reference though, GW2 forums always see an increase in complaints with every QoL release. This is the nature of how it all works out. New things come, alot of people complain.

Does it mean the game is perfect and we should be blind? ofcourse not, I do actually agree with alot of the complaints and I think GW2 can be improved in multiple ways however, I also believe that basing statements based on forum complaints isn’t the way to go. Why? because people will always complain. WoW forums have been filled with complaints the last 10 years and they still are.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


if Ncsoft says there will be an expansion, Anet will work on one. People seems to forget that the main decision as to how the game will be directed to generate profit are mostly done by production companies, not devs. Anet as a company doesn’t get all these million dollars generated by the game, the profits mostly go to Ncsoft.

The ignorance that the majority of GW2 community have as to how MMOs actually work may seem acceptable as most of them haven’t touched an MMO before or have played GW1 believing it was an MMO. At the end of the day though, try to be understanding of the nature of MMOs, because whatever Anet does, GW2 is still an MMO and it is still owned by a production company that has profits as their first priority.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


It’s like you guys aren’t even trying. This is from March of last year. Another voice, outside their president, confirms:

No Guild Wars II expansions are currently in development, game director Colin Johanson explained to IGN, noting this may not always be the case.

“Expansions are definitely something that we’ll potentially look at in the future,” Johanson said. “We don’t have a timetable on it. We’re open to it, but I think our major focus as a studio is making the living world concept as strong as possibly can for the players that we’ve got.”

This is like watching you guys lose it because someone told you Santa Claus doesn’t exist. Seriously, show us quotes or proof of an expansion in the works and near release for 2015.

Otherwise, you’re kidding yourselves.

I will save the facepalm for the expansion announcement. I quote you at that time. If it doesn’t come, I will make a thread mentioning that I was stupid and you were right.

no presents delivery in winterwonderland JP ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


why not carry a present to the other side, like in 2012, for the kids ? in 2013 the present had a usage for yourself if i recall right (for the checkpoint ? idk). but this year that function has been removed and we are not carrying anything, its just a meaningless JP !

I need a reason to jump !

just kidding, i don’t like how my character is running around with combat animation without carrying a weapon. carrying a present looks better !

I agree!

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


By my calculation they’ve been working on it for almost a year already. That’s how long the big names have been silent for.

This would be a 180-degree turn from Mike O´Briens statement within a few months – so maybe you´re even right?

Naah, I don’t think that’s what Vayne means.
Colin mentioned before that aside from Living Story and Feature patches they are working on huge projects that they are going to introduce in the future. Now assuming he wasn’t lying or exaggerating, they should have something to introduce. He also added, that they weren’t sure as to how they wanted to introduce that content. Meaning, that maybe they never thought about an expansion and may consider new ways to implement the content eventhough, I eprsonally would rather have an expansion IF there is content to be implemented.

"be ready for anything" what if...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Interesting idea but I don’t think it will happen. My reasoning is based upon the gameplay aspect. I just don’t see Anet putting a race in a special case since it will affect this race’s personal story, motives and the way people from that race would live in Tyria. Meaning that if Anet does make your idea a reality, then it could be possible in two scenarios.

1. Asura as a race becomes playable ina unique way, since they would be the ’’traitors’’.
2. Asura as a race doesn’t get affected. Asuras live in Tyria like normal. The story is just told in the living story.

Both of the scenarios are flawed due to different factors which is why I believe it is hard for this idea to happen eventhough I do think it is interesting.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


I already find myself logging in, checking the BLTP, and then sort of shuffling my inventory until I log off. If the market hasn’t moved, my guild isn’t hosting an event, or there’s nothing going on in WvW, I’ve got nothing to do.

Another year of that? I’m going to be leaving. I suspect it will be like last year, where they release some piddly crap and a hyped up balance and ‘feature’ patch that I come back to check out. Will next year’s ‘feature pack’ have enough to make me check it out again after this year’s Massive Shrug? That’s the question. The path of least resistance is what’s holding me here for now.

My forum posting has gone up like 500% in the last two weeks because I’m so kitten bored in-game.

Exactly the problem. People are used to a hype-release cycle for casuals and gear grinds for hardcore. GW2 is deliberately a different type of game. We’ve gotten quite a bit – not an expansion’s worth, but close – but since we haven’t had the expansion hype people aren’t feeling as excited about it.

No, that’s not because of their lack of PR or hypemachine, it’s because that is recycled. Silverwastes isn’t new, it is WvW ideas with AI mobs sprinkled around. As a player that actually played the whole game instead of sticking to a niche, I’m not excited about that because it isn’t exciting, not because Neoseeker didn’t write an article about it. A couple of new enemy models, 2 hours worth of talking heads, and a constantly reworked daily system isn’t ‘close to’ an expansion.

You’re right, GW2 IS a different type of game – one that releases content more slowly than some F2P competitors, despite the same focus on microtransactions. I’m bored because I’m bored, not because they didn’t add grind. They are very good at adding grind (ascended, mawdrey, legendaries), but if I finally do grind out that legendary, it will be the same legendary I saw some dude wearing in 2013. And that will be BORING.

Ok, we will assume that GW2 isn’t even good enough to comepte vs other F2P titles. Now ask yourself, why in the world would Anet bother do anything if they get more profit than almost every single western MMO title? the game has a really healthy population compared to most other MMOs. They are gaining millions of dollars every year. And the industry has almost no compitition. All the games that have been released during the last years, have been flops more or less. Final Fantasy is a good title but again it is focused on gear/stat progression and therefore would have quite the different crowd.

It is not only GW2 being not so statisfying. The MMO market in genereal is empty more or less and companies are struggling to keep their titles alive.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


They never said they won’t do an expansion.

Actually, they have. This statement was somewhat retracted in 2013 by Mike O’Brien. He hinted, in an interview, that expansions were a possibility . . . but not any time in the near future.

“We don’t need an expansion to pay the bills, and we’re not focused on an expansion right now. I won’t try and predict the future, maybe someday we will do one, maybe we won’t. But for now we are focused on the living world. We believe we can update the world and adapt the world in any way we want to through these bi-weekly updates.”

All signs point to no expansion next year. Sorry. Not happening.

Maybe you should read before commenting sir. I will leave it for you to figure out why I said that, perhaps, that would help your mind become more capable of reading a comment and then posting reasonably.

The Case for a PvE Hard Mode

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Do you realize how many threads were opened because the bell choir was hard to play? If the bell choir was hard enough to learn that you needed to open threads to complain about, I don’t think will possibility get anything harder when the easy stuff are already hard for some.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


They never said they wouldn’t do an expansion. They did say they were working on bigger projects in the background of the type you’d expect to find in an expansion but that they didn’t know how they would deliver those updates. And that’s all they said on that matter.

I mean if they didn’t make an expansion but they opened up new zones, give us new weapons and skills and a new profession or race, what’s the difference if it comes as an expansion or not?

Promotional difference. People who left and/or who haven’t started playing won’t be impacted by the news that the game is getting some additions. The announcement of an expansion has a promotional impact that is healthy for the game.

Server Merges in China

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Every single game ever released have a diminishing user base from the moment it is released.

False statement. WoW actually had it’s peak in their 2nd expansion. They are currently experiencing another peak almost as large with their current expansion. I’m sure other games have released and then picked up in popularity as time went on. Look at EQ for example it ramped up in popularity until WoW came out and has still maintained a small following to this day. Good games release and then expand for a few years. They don’t release and then immediately start a decline. Another example League of Legends. Don’t think because GW2 released and then plummeted that is the norm for the industry because it is not at all how successful games work.

I agree with Mcslappy & lots of his points if not all of them. Anet missed out on allot of opportunities to make Gw2 the champion MMO that it should be. & as much as you guys, i hate to say it cuz somewhere i do have love for this game. & like you, i wanted it to over succeed so much that i dint stop believing that it would even surpassed WoW. But it has failed. It failed me, it failed it’s players & no matter what they do as of now, this game will end up with only a small loyal community as player base. You dont believe me, wait 12 month & prove me wrong!

You do realize people said the same thing about WoW?
Not that it can’t happen but you sound too confident.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


It won’t happen. They have sad time and again that they aren’t gonna do expansions and if they suddenly released one out of no where it would shatter what little credibility they have left in the eyes of the community.

There would be almost 0 reason to believe them on anything, one way or the other.

They never said they won’t do an expansion.

Back to Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


OP a few monthes ago:

“I am not satisfied with GW2, let’s play something else.”

OP plays another game and is not satisfied either.

OP comes back and is happy that the unsatisfactory experience in the other game was more unsatisfactory than the unsatisfactory experience in GW2.

Now starts praising GW2.


Whiners who complain on every singel detail, stastisfying themselves with rubbish rather than facts, make even less sense than that. Don’t be surprised.

Back to Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Welcome back to the forum. You are commiting a crime if you mention anything positive here, you have to be engative and whine, otherwise you are not reasonible.

As mentioned here, GW2 is a failure of a game. How dare you comeback when there is a bunch of free to play titles? Silly to play GW2 when there is runescape out there. Don’t forget about the bunch of other flops, that only get praised in GW2 forum.

Character Name Wipes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


This is rather selfish isn’kitten

PVE Dailies- lack of choice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


The new daily is sooooooooooo easily achievable … dont even need much effort… ohmygard

It’s not when crafting is one of the achievements because many of us don’t do crafting! And having to run Fractals as a achievement is BS too.

Hell, the old selection was a helluva lot better. Please stop “improving” things Anet!

Beleive it or not, the majority are happy with the daily changing.

Well, if you want to believe it…

I do indeed, unlike naive players who started to play MMOs yesterday and don’t even know if GW1 was an MMO or not.

(edited by nGumball.1283)

PVE Dailies- lack of choice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


The new daily is sooooooooooo easily achievable … dont even need much effort… ohmygard

It’s not when crafting is one of the achievements because many of us don’t do crafting! And having to run Fractals as a achievement is BS too.

Hell, the old selection was a helluva lot better. Please stop “improving” things Anet!

Beleive it or not, the majority are happy with the daily changing.

gw2 should branch off to a 2.1 or something

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


When SAB was released, there were alot of raging threads how the content introduced was childish and not real. When new content is released, people complain about how Anet should re-work their existing systems before bringing up new ones. When old systems get re-worked, people complain that Anet should forget the old and focus on new stuff. When Anet brings up new stuff, people complain that the old things were better.

Now, the changes that Anet have brought doesn’t need to be good. There is alot of flaws, yes. GW2 needs a huge content update in the form of an expansion, yes. However, the belief that the playerbase will be happy is rather an illusion. It is just a cycle. The day this cycle ends IS NOT when GW2 becomes better. It is rather when the game gets inactive to the point that only the fully dedicated members are left (which is the case for many games).

Complaints are healthy as long as the company does something. And while alot of people do believe that Anet is doing nothing, the game has been running very smoothly for three years, both population and profit-wise. Meaning, that with a single expansion, GW2 will just be good enough to run 1-3 more years without any issues.

Compared to the big mess that we have in the MMORPG industry, there is no need to change the system here as long as it works.

PS. This, assuming an expansion is going to be announced somewhere next year, otherwise, while the game won’t die anytime soon, it would become a tad less active. Anet has alot of options and the game is running smoothly. GW2 is not even close to a bad situation where Anet needs to do something so drastic. GW2 is one of the west’s most profitable MMORPGs today and it is probably the most commercially successful release since WoW in 2014. A twist here and there are enough to keep the game well and running with its’ popularity.

(edited by nGumball.1283)

WvW and Map Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


I am WvW player and I wonder the same. Why is the PvE map part of world exploration when I don’t like to PvE and yet want 100% completion. I hope they would get rid of map completion from the PvE maps and make it only for WvW, so I can finish by just playing the content I want.

ps. I am not mocking you with this post. Just stating that Anet wants to make players, by froce if needed, to check other parts of the game. If you are interested of being fancy and having 100%, you can do it. If you are not, you don’t need to do it. You can’t really await the game to offer you everything for free. Sometimes, you have to work for it, by doing stuff that you don’t specifically love. At the end of the day though, you don’t HAVE to, but if you feelt he must to have 100% then give it a go, it won’t really hurt, even if it takes longer time.

(edited by nGumball.1283)

New player, no outfit change while leveling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


You should get new gear, however, gears look quite simliar in the early levels but I would assume you can see some differences.

I am not quite sure if that’s what you mean. If you are asking for an outfit, then that’s another matter. You can buy one from the gemstore and you can use it while wearing gear, yes. However, there is a difference between outfit and skin in GW2.

armor skin: you use the skin to make-over the original look. Meaning, that you ’’lose’’ the old look. You can apparently change back to it, but you will need make-over material which is called ‘’transmutation charges’‘. These are mostly not good before level 80 as your gear changes alot and you would be wasting äätransmutation charges’’ if you want to modificate the look of a low-lvl gear.

outfits: these are your normal skins in other MMOs. You basically wear them over the gear. It doesn’t matter what gear you wear, you will wear the outfit. Apparently, you can toggle on and off.

Will we ever get something worthwhile added?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Your thread doesn’t make sense. You are new player but you are complaining that there is no content? you just started but you want new professions and races? you are rather new but you want new areas?

While the complaints make sense, the context doesn’t.. including you being a new player and complaining about lack of content. The game has enough for you to explore for hundreds of hours. If you can’t do that when having a game that you haven’t explored yet, then you probably need to forget about the game and move on, cause it is not for you.

Winterday Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


You just can’t request Anet to make the events easier everytime you feel like you can’t finish what is requested. MMOs aren’t created to be so easy that they don’t even require you to try. You request Anet to change the entire event because you don’t want to learn 1 or 2 mini-games? and they are EASY!

Also, it is childish to assume that Anet has to release content playable by everyone. Content has to require a little of practise. You can’t await Anet to make content so people who started the game yesterday can finish everything. They shouldn’t be able to finish everything generally. In other MMOs, they are not even allowed to play holiday-events. I have never seen an MMO, offering content so easy that it can be finished by eveyrone including new players. Why would a new player finish all the daily achievments and wintersday achievments in the first place? it is not really normal for new players in an MMO to finish such stuff, it usually takes time to learn the game, progress and then get into these things.

What is more stupid is the fact that all the events are so easy and all they require is time and grinding if you want to finish the achievments. I don’t even know how they can make them easier! The game is so simple and yet people complain and want to make it even more simple. Later on, they complain about challenging content. It doesn’t even make sense.

Yes, there are bugs. Yes, some grinding is just stupid. However, the game is generally on easy mode and do not require anything easier as it is easy from the start. People seem to get so spoiled that they await everything to be given to them for free. Yes, GW2 is casual, but if all these suggestions become a reality, we may as well get everything for free including legendaries just by clicking login-button and directly clicking logout without playing. Because that’s what the playerbase seem to want by this point.

Fewer Laurels and Gold Coins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


You get 13 more laurels and 17 less coins which is totally more rewarding. Coins are cheap and you have an entire month to put a tiny bit of your income to buy the 17 coins while you get 13 more laurels.

Daily Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


New daily is easy to do and would remind you of some fancy content to enjoy if you actually read the options and you have the time. It is good generally good to explore new stuff or just finish it quickly if you don’t have time. Otherwise, it usually brings back massive activity to the places in the daily which can be considered as a good or a bad thing.

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Once upon a time when SAB was released, there were alot of threads with people complaining about how Anet is releasing childish games instead of real content to the game.

It is just great to see how threads and subjects eveolve over-time in this lovely forum.

Would people complain if...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Even if Anet have released two expansions with each releasing a new continent, people would complain.

The illusion that there is something Anet can do to make people stop complaining has no place in reality. Whatever happens, whatever Anet does, people will always complain about different stuff.